I WON ON EVERY TICKET! MADE PROFIT! Lottery Ticket Scratcher Winners

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oh winner oh another one the winner was winner already boom baby crown crown crap [Music] so a lot of you guys have been recommending these lottery videos again it's been a long time it's been like a month and a half very long time but i've had that gambling itch today so we went out and bought 100 right there in the new california ticket california dreaming i don't know what you're dreaming about here ain't much but let's see if we can win some money we got a hundred dollars worse what a 50 50. who's gonna win i'm gonna win let's do it what's up everybody i'm going first hope you're having a great day by the way let's get into it first five dollar ticket i have two so let's see what our winning numbers are 11 24 38 9 and 32. do you have 9 11. i know yes i have that 40k no 29 no 16 nope are we gonna win a million dollars i hope so 3 28. after we win pay california taxes on it how much do you think you'd get 23 out of a million probably oh i'm like 10k 26 no 8. by the way bonus dream play on the back so i have another game on the back yeah cool thirteen eight and three back back 35 31 nope of course not 34 nope 38 and 32 39 of course not they really do well there's another one off 44 25 oh another one off and 42. loser on that side what is this uncover a california state symbol and the dream play automatically win uncover a star win all five prizes okay so we have a banana miranda a key we have a melon a pot of gold and a bell so that is a loser completely loser all right next five dollar ticket and then on to the ten dollars where you got 26 25 13 44 22. this one's awesome a little bit so there's not a glare there we go it's not going to be a winner 34. no you're just telling your winning number nine no 31 nope 37 nope 14 no come on 136 i'm trying we spent 100 i know 33 32 no that was on the other ticket i think so it's nine 23 30 28 35 18 24 15 39 27 and seven i'm tired of like reading off losing numbers all right hit winning ones california state symbol or a star we have bills another key a bone a diamond and a melon so both my five dollar tickets are losers now on to the ten dollar ones by the way getting these ten dollars ten dollar ones we emptied the machine please watch every single ten dollar ticket in there all right so here's my numbers for the ten dollar ticket 36 26 12 7 22 and 34 and this one also has a dream playback all right all right let's see what we got when you know a little more all right 48 that's not winning it's not winning 37 one off 29. come on 47 25 16. okay whole row loser 35 do you know what the goal this is i yes i i'm well aware eight 42 14 and 41 another whole row a loser come on now 11 38 no 39 40. 49. good job 21 again another real loser 9 30 44 32 no 15 no and 23 no all right dream play come on dream play all right it's kind of awkward it's kind of too long too okay same thing california and store bills bell pot of gold a ring and a banana loser you think there's like a group of like officials to meet together and choose what symbols to put on these tickets like how about a banana i don't know in a ring 11 39 13 25 and 12 29 you have 11 12 13 this one's a winner sequential numbers mean win 15 of course i'm gonna get 14 and 10. oh 100 percent 28 means eight both my lucky numbers back back and 37 no come on 38 where are you winning at 36. i don't know um i say here all right i'm going to scratch this one 26. dang it see wrong 44. you can't go ahead 43 and forty one i can do what i want that's cheating now that ticket's invalid if it went doesn't count it does i can go down here too definitely disqualified completely and seven oh you're bothering the crap out of here right now 24. and 33. and 49. this is just awful 46. 21. i think i like scratching the ticket this oh winner whatever yeah you got one winner oh another one back to that the last two that i scratched after oh sorry i got excited after going out of order with the last two that i scratched more oh there's one more number 42 that's a loser okay so i'm gonna go to the back play that and then i'll on i'll scratch those two at least if there's two of them you know i gotta scratch that but that's the california 500 it could be so the california state symbol right here and another one right here two all right so let's do these first 500. so this is a five this is a five okay so ten bucks and then let's zoom into this 29.39 29 we got five and five so 20 bucks not bad it's double the money on the ticket take it set that in a winning pile he's all by itself don't worry oh four ticks get him a friend this one will be it all right number five ticket number five 22 29 34 23 33 45 all right eight there's no single digits no single digits and no low numbers low as we have 22 look there's nine eleven thirty seven you don't need it yeah forty nine and in order yeah twenty eight twenty eight's been on every ticket you've done so far 14. somebody verify that 15 26 30 39 38 24 37 42 no 41 12 25 oh my gosh seven no single digits 48 32 no 31 nope 44 no and 16. not that low come on can you get the little star california i'm gonna start folding this all right pot of gold ring melon bell and key loser in the loser file come on one more winner last ten dollar ticket i only have 20 to this point that's that it's not good 20 out of 50. well 20 out of 40. so far yeah seven fourteen twenty four thirty forty six and thirty five all right come on hey dede forty five she kind of didn't me i just couldn't hear it she's like forty eight 21 eight now she's watching us 26. she's like win me some cat food 25. we need money to buy your cat streets you gotta win 16 31. 9. just think about that 22. if you lose dede doesn't get cat treats no no i gotta win come on ticket we gotta win for dede 15 28. 38. no again somebody used to verify that i think you had a 28 on every ticket 49. well you could have been looking i tried sometimes i forget 44 and 11. so that is a loser on the front let's try the back come on win a a race oh a win there it is haha california state all right all right california state it's a free ticket dede you don't get tickets give me something good that she doesn't get treats i mean she doesn't get treats yeah oh it's money yeah lucky dd come on oh 10 okay 30 out of 50. not bad 60 percent back i'm gonna say not bad at all so i got three of the same ten dollar tickets but instead of getting the fives you guys know i like the big ones i had no 30 tickets today so i couldn't get a 30 but i got a 20. well we're gonna do that last first let's do the ten dollar tickets and see if i can get lucky because well i mean you want two out of five that's not fair you picked the lower ones i did not what are you talking about so that you could get the black box zero i did not winning numbers 39 33 23 37 and 47 34 lots of 30s in here four number thirties these have a lot of high numbers let's get a win 44 is not one of a visit no what about 21 no 32 nope one off 29 nope we need some wins now come on i knew i was gonna get 27 except 37 and 47 of course 35 nope 41. also now how about like a 20 time symbol that would be nice so the symbol is 25 no you can uncover a 200 symbol no a 20x or a money symbol and you win all 24 prizes oh give me the money symbol no what if you win the money and they're all a dollar you know i would honestly sue because there's 24 spaces no it wouldn't give you 24 22 and 26 no i feel like they would all be a dollar and then like one of them would be two dollars yeah just enough to add up to like 20 bucks or something something like that 25. 13.49 no that's what i don't like about california lottery 15 no 48 no 36 one off their favorite 39 that's a winner we got one on our first ticket that's what's up let's keep going first 31 nope 46 nope 42 also no you know what we're going to the back first let's see if we can win over here i'm going to do this let's do it like this all right give me a california state not a diamond not a key not a banana not a wishbone california star not a bell come on all right so we got one little winner where'd he go 39 right down here you got to zoom in and make it dramatic right let's do it from here if i see a t i'm going to be so i see that stupid t no free ticket that's not lottery that's so bs tony has ten dollars though where'd my other tickets go over here zero's last let's go to this one let's get cash prize this time you know what no free tickets uh oh you see that number 28 on there this one's going home with me big boy winner right here 39-26 and then 21 and 36. all right you ready for this 28 is going to be the big winner we've been looking for i thought it'll be right off the bat but no 22 41 14 11 36 winner already check that out boom i knew this ticket was good 38 no 31 nope 24 also no 25 no no no like a weird australian accent 44 no 37 no 46 no which one was our winner 36 okay we'll come back to that 29 nope 39 dang it i want another winner so i know it's not a free ticket 34 no but also if it's the jackpot you know you can't win twice so that makes sense 45 no 27 now number seven no 43 also no come on 13 23 jordan 16 nope 15 no 32 shaq diesel no 33 also now i know you want to see what's in there but first we gotta go back let's see if we can get another one give me a california give me the star look at california not a pot of gold not a heart not a key not a freaking banana and not a bell all right so we got one winner again if it's another free ticket they just know what tests my patience don't they let's go from the side oh no i see a zero at least it's your money this time how much money though 20 bucks uh-oh i'm already tied up with you yep i already got 30 bucks and i got my free ticket uh-oh uh-oh all right guys if you're a lottery addict like i am you always know those little black boxes and then triple zeros those are the good luck tickets which is why i just i just got lucky to end up in my pile i didn't do it beforehand next time we're shuffling did you cheat i didn't cheat yeah you do no you're just making it up no next time we're shuffling 38 i'm gonna scratch your hand this penny do it 30. what did the freckles game off oh no 38 and 7 13 and 46 37 and 32. this one's gonna be a one or two twenty four i'm gonna get it 20 times in this one let's try it up six different [ __ ] nine 34 35 i'm not counting here 26 nope 31 no okay i gotta get some of this dust off here there we go let's keep going oops scratch too low 27 out of been nice i see all the zeros there 16 nope 44 nope 23 no jordan no number eight my number oh what ordered a bit oh oh my gosh that's just mean that's just mean what's 27 same thing another million the all million dollar prizes 11 no what if it's like when all 39 28 of course not in this one 41. let's go to the other prize just to see if it's a million 14 what would this one have been no 42 nope 33 no 12 no 15 now come on triple zero don't be my only loser out of all these 43 nope 21 nope 25 no and 45 no really my triple zero one's gonna do me bad no it's saving the star for the back that's why you ready oh oh there it is look at that california state right there we gotta win already can we get another one wishbone part bills crown but we got one we got one that means i beat you zero no tickets small zeros though 15 bucks wow not bad i want all three of mine all three you cheat i didn't cheat this is a randomized lottery system all right no you you picked the ones in the lower part of the roll but they're all random let's go to my 20 ticket the 5 million dollar extravaganza doesn't that just sound nice let's go ahead and hit that 5 million i'm ready for it come on give me some good numbers 19 is not good seven that's lucky 26 that sucks 13 that's lucky we get eight two two 38 39 14. all right are you ready for this deep breath everybody this is where we become millionaires right here right now on one ticket 35 nope 36 nope 25 no 4 no 34 no ah one row down one row down 12 also no 18 no where's the winner at come on big ticket don't fail me 11 no 27 also no 21 oh two rows down guys we don't have a winner yet 16 no three nope 39 boom baby i won on every single ticket get at me that's all right that's all right that's all right i'm actually happy that we when we we made some money this time no we didn't well depending on what that is we could have made a lot but right it's all right but i'm saying we made more already than i feel like we usually we lost last let's make it like that but yeah we lost less depending on what that is 31 no because that could be five million dollars right now 42 nope eight nope 43 nope 15 nope one no 41 no and lastly 44. no only one went up there but we got a bonus and we gotta scratch that before we get to the other thing so what do we do here match three like symbols in the same row win corresponding prize uncover 100 symbol in any row win 100 bucks instantly let's let's do that that sounds a little better let's see clover horseshoe clover it's like a slot machine horseshoe diamond clover whoa crown crown crown three in a row 30 bucks whoa get at me and we still have another winner up there all right let's get another one let's get another one bar bar crown seven bar bar diamond diamond horseshoe come on give me another one you money bag bar crown money bag horseshoe money bag seven diamond diamond we got 30 bucks there and at least we know now where was our winner 39 we know that is not a win a free ticket so it's okay at least something you ready and it's probably not a super high price right no i don't say that what is it 10 bucks 40. so 40 and i take it you know what we did all right tonight yeah we did we did all right i have to say something since the first time we've ever done this this is the first time ever this has happened guys guess what this is the loser pile consisting of four tickets only four and the winning pile is one two three four five six the winning pile was bigger than the losing pile and we added it all up if you count the winning ticket as 10 bucks the grand total is what is it 115 you believe you made a profit we actually made a profit on the california lottery this does not happen very often not at all you know what i think we did good if you enjoyed the video guys leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 17,457
Rating: 4.9056807 out of 5
Keywords: lottery ticket scratcher winners, lottery ticket scratcher, lottery ticket scratcher coin, lottery ticket scratcher scanner, lottery ticket scratcher tool, lottery ticket, lottery ticket scratch off, lottery ticket scratch off big win, lottery ticket scratchers, lottery ticket scratchers youtube, lottery ticket scratching, ca lottery, california lottery scratchers, big win, california lotto scratchers, scratch off
Id: gpP1lCOwy7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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