Dead Mans Treasure Chest LOADED With BIG MONEY! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit and Found This

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so we're finally here at the trunk let's see what's in this awesome looking treasure chest you ready three two one were rich guys that says 1 billion dollars 12 American treasure ending with Jesus guys we're back here at the 10 by 10 units again for part 3 part 2 of this storage unit with active defining kind of its treasures in here and I think it's only gonna get better as we get further to the back of this unit remember we paint $320 of the unit we have a lot of orbits ago described we do let's go [Music] what's up everybody hope you're having a wonderful day let's start with this taupe what is that oh this says tacit pattern marker this is like an old box looks really old ten times faster than old-fashioned tale attacks mm-hmm so this is some kind of sewing thing from a long time ago and I wish I could find a date on it but I don't see one so write the rest of this stuff is just all sewing supplies this whole bum yet as more I think these are called spindles attachment deluxe exact attachments sewing machine sewing machine needles for sewing machine needles or needles just more needle that's exciting okay oscillate machine stuff and it is all the way to the bottom no fine all right guys let's get into this post what is that whatever it is oh it smells really good no it actually smells like really good I don't know what it is I have totally found out that our last time I want electricity see how to meditate books I know 1987 green coin flip mm-hmm that might help isn't Jack in 1987 boring give me good stuff yeah I mean this word search word search nothing so we just pulled out this big box in his big toe let's see what we have inside newspaper look at the date on the newspaper again so we can have an idea how long it's been in here February first dozen 17th and I'm very long only two years oh look at that Donald Duck Mickey Mouse although the Seven Dwarfs Minnie Mouse how long do you think that is McDonald it's the 100 years of magic hmm look at this one that's nice-looking this is Avon from 1986 wonder that has any value this one California pantry but it was made in China California at least two more say anything are these the same as that cups nokia Bambi there's a Chippendale ship in Tinker Bell clanking them just too much in you go through the law you know instead of breaking it we're just gonna say that we got some Disney glasses and some other glasses in there looks like a good box first thing you have here is a yard dart something I've never heard of before again not a toy for you so my children may cause serious or fatal head injury okay it looked like actual dart like you thought a dart board but just massive that would be scary imagine that coming out you can be pretty brutal they asked it oh it's the crappy poppy this isn't the real thing the real wants us to just have this this and this everything else is stupid doing it oh oh how long ago we got some type of iron Black & Decker light and easy pocket you want to fight me Black & Decker iron this thingy okay good in here it just looks like a whole bunch of you not going this is probably illegal in California you know head okay anything else interesting in here which is pretty random stuff oh yeah going to prison lots of handcuffs okay this thing it's a water gun camera I see the movie I think somebody approached me the camera looking like that yeah I'd be like good Joey I don't know what you got him that's not a camera and just a bunch of random little things in there US Navy helicopter in there scissors mini etch-a-sketch it's looks like a little grab bag from like the 90s or something like a goody bag from a party all right that bungees not too sure on that one we think maybe yeah probably good look here at all thumbs VHS exercise super value okay Olerud camera is it all like video camera yep dad you know Video camcorder imagine equality on this mmm it's probably great yeah oh that's beautiful - Eminem's from 1991 and 1991 are they both chocolate I know Oh giant poisonous bug nothing else to interested in that one so we're moving a lot of empty box kept away came across this we don't really think much of blank is the last time we found hand midi quilt like we have like 17 people messages trying to buy a hand attic quilt so just wanted to show that one out there - looks pretty nice I just I don't have any interesting quilt but I know a lot of other people do so we're gonna show him when we find him so we just found this box in kind of interesting writing on it keep from Canada I guess Canada I can't have this box for whatever reason but you can how's the book you shared I love Canada yeah there's like one of those peaceful places everyone the perfect egg didn't you buy this already I did that's there it is when the found it up we didn't [ __ ] our candle a Moto e 4 plus not in there unless that was the phone we found they're all new - positive energy candle keeping it yeah money come on come on go in there go in there all right this one is love we don't need that we got it not break more money you know double the money come out in there and lastly happiness you know we got enough of that to share with everybody else all the haters in the comments here this is for all the haters here you need some of it you're lacking a lot of it alright you're probably also lacking some of this too since you're selling that all the time here you go alright hopefully you're better now it looks like we have books books books books books books books and books I don't know why I love candles 2-pack of birthday cards $10 for two cards for these little ones sometimes I could take those nice ones to play music and stuff but look how little they are why would you pay $10 for this this is like it's well-made it's pure beauty there's another one in there too okay be the change inspiration for transformation so we pulled out yet another trunk this unit has so many trunk that I know there's at least one more over here too so that's four trunks already I think I love it well first let's see what's in this bag it might be her sisters could be good money if they're the right brand this one saw the tag on it and it was from Macy's for doesn't have a price though give me a price give me a price $32 not bad Brandi the two that'll sell on Pascha mark probably or maybe eBay what about this one what do we have here style and go what it's odd that what it says style and company sorry that one where's Louie or Gucci or something it's ins liz and company mm linen company I didn't know a little mama stock here to Claire how are you gonna tell us Jones New York genuine leather that one's got some value to it what is that open up you I don't know doesn't say it doesn't say anyway hmm that one we have this one which is a cult of Kol t o V cult hot sounds Russian nothing then we have little bag that Alton here and that is it make sure there's nothing hidden in the side pockets Faris before we just throw it aside nothing oh there's something in here let's see what is it a lovely they kill any purses yeah man make sure your persons are even and then on this side I let's see what's in there nothing no check besides nope what is it nothing no might have some money in purses they're not too sure where comes the purses well if they look I'm up on eBay next box right yeah where's that another food to everything or pasta craptastic grab tastic it sounds like a song illegal contraband in California you can't have these no no straw straws are bad we're rich guys that says 1 million dollars we're totally rich now oh all right so you think us we go out of the bank on the way home to care cash it yeah alright cool that's a good unit well if a 320 and we got a million dollars out of it oh yeah Peter Pan that dang nice plate let's say in the bottom Corral by Corning good stuff bad stuff decent stuff illegal contraband from subway - they're still illegal contraband fence everywhere we're gonna have to contact the authorities we're gonna have to wear straw control you hate yourself like I did like I lost some things about California what's he got out like some of the stupidest law there it's not just the USA right some kitchen stuff and you know a million dollars nothing too crazy in there a sandbox decent bucks guys I gotta say this is a first first orgy to find a freaking tetherball set this is just so out of the ordinary I'm just bringing me back to my elementary school thing have you ever think anything like that's why I love this job I just think what do you think today we'd have a tetherball set in your hand that's been like the last possible good I would have imagined in my head and that were holding a tetherball set it's so random I wonder how old it is the ball is moist and neat all played six to eight pounds Rawlings tetherball again we elevations again but it would didn't quite fit except it might just go I think it just goes in the ground twice up dirty down there properly yeah but that's definitely a first right there no idea ask them much something like that's work all right guys next thing to go through here right off the bat I see a foot spa thing really really dirty so I'm definitely not sticking up yeah you gotta taste it let me know if it's you not take tasty that's how you tell if it's use we're not tasting just taste it um if it's salty good salty it's probably used no oh I didn't get that close on this we chose what and you knows where some Facemash this thing but it's not like an old one or anything yeah normal normal way to match but with no light bulb [Music] house instant six in it oh cool cool maybe huh maybe it comes out like their nose in the top no but actually pretty G yeah that's cool another candle didn't make it and then smell at all liquid adhesive I'm some random tools in here tape measures we always use probably next toe we have a relative at an animal bed it's a lot fur on it I know they have cats oh just a cat bed yeah so that's all it tastes them is you any boats in there no this is just a water filter thingy this is a handicap real cool Pepsi [Music] I don't see anything written on it on the bottom anyway must be sterile cellar I mean it's heavy though like I don't know what that is that's cool you see it no it is it is just like old mugs I'm seeing those yeah can I get this out nutribullet there's a coffee grinder nutribullet smoothies and stuff yeah so like blend it up take it you can even drink straight from here if you just take the top off so you got like donut chips and all that healthy stuff in there yeah of course aside from that I mean random like this something you put like sugar in and you have like a spoon over here supposed to magnetically do I see you just scoop it and that's it alright let's go through this Throwdown sabbatic see marburo which is very collectible surprisingly no guys love this trick sorry there's the only moral that I've ever seen it sells yeah but this is just like a little duffel bag empty hats support crew okay that's nothing Disneyland true vintage characters henchmen Livermore all right what is this is this have a date in it Disneyland Resort and no date so I don't know if this is like vintage vintage Disneyland or not but I think a good rule of thumb is it's probably probably not vintage here we have a few persons down here so let's see what brand new Tsar this looks like more of a laptop case okay top of me you just leave it's fine um more of a laptop case here Liz Claiborne and it is empty but in pretty clean condition so that's good next one is this in it and whatever that is all right this is gues pretty clean not too bad something in here I'm scared yeah do it oh it is ah there's not even you didn't else we finally spawn I was ready for that I had the camera I wasn't I wasn't prepared for like the shape of it I guess I knew it was coming it's the only thing you ever find in Paris is I'm assuming this was used for makeup at one point but you only know it's officially is UVC yep this looks like two stars or some sort and then there's one or two more each year so there are Louie this empty up here well it's fitting to this part this is ya know pretty much no brand couple blocks at the flea market yeah this one is nine in company nine west okay which is pretty clean but they don't go for much so that's tough a flea market and yeah that was yes one so that's it so this told Amy a little bit curious because it's really light but not quite completely empty which means maybe there's one or two things in there that are important Oh Polly hey why are we seeing this before huh have we seen this Hawk fist hmm somewhere that space of clean out-of-this-world fun we got twister yeah I painted a on the donkey game yep yep yeah all of this I don't see a date on it definitely doesn't look new hahaha it's all there I've never actually seen this game that is cool I wonder how old it is though does not specify hmm it's definitely old looking other than that you got twisted literally in a virtual fist pump all those in that hope so we're finally here at the trunk let's see what's in this awesome looking treasure chest you ready do oh that's it open Oh Oh No there we go yeah you ready three two one hmm let's see what we got what is that you ever seen anything like this me neither not sure okay also good clerk yeah whoa sterling silver check that out that's gotta have some value to it oh that is really nice I'm setting that aside you're staying right of it everybody let's see a couple old magazines or books 9091 annual report now we have lucky air power this thing's empty some old newspapers all please no more silver now it's plastic you could tell Lone Ranger you think's in there oh my gosh [ __ ] I know where this went to what what do we have the open I know the smell of this unit I know what's in here oh yeah there we go yep I'm gonna bet you I'm gonna tell you what's in here too that's open yep just that thought now gonna go to detail you see doesn't like detail all right so magazine magazines different records here no just more magazines look at this that looks like an all likes catch-all for like a video game doesn't it yeah see what these posters are - something expensive oops empty your mind of all thoughts and VF peace looks like just a picture of a tree today a date of its 1994 the Year the legends were born myself I think it's - one here no three maybe the legends were being produced in that year they were actually made glass all right let's see under it you ready see what we got going on here let's start with this is that what I think it is what happened there Barbies all right whatever you go check the book don't call me a pervert guys pulling the skirt up it's not coming off pull it down hmm pull it down I don't want to I don't want a ripper I can't get it no it's velcroed sorry I never played with dolls I don't you know how about YouTube is 1966 no way 1966 on these we might have just scored really well very very well we don't know yeah warbling and one thing from that episode they said like um that is a Barbie yeah there was a lot of people used to make handmade clothes but they're also kuvira general clothes so 19 hold on that's that I think it says that's definitely older than the one you just this is 1958 uh God we might be into some big money here just Ken does that can yeah so um can I feel kind of weird looking at your butt not gonna lie 1968 on him oh man this might be all we [Music] fix your head there Barbie let's see what she's from don't lose any of those clothes 1966 I think is what it says okay she's the same as the first Barbie can't see hold on 1966 on her Wow all right so that's how close falling out we're gonna pick this up put it right back in there cuz this could very well from what I've seen on multiple TV shows and things pay for the unit plus some I don't know what they're worth some of these have gone crazy high I don't know if we have a rare one so give me a second guys I want to make sure I put these things back safely and close this box then we'll go through the rest of the chest all right guys I'm gonna get good right now I've been looking precis yeah but I just know those things are good value don't know what this is these are pictures and stuff they don't know if the personal stuff over here what is that a trophy dodge Inc Los Angeles Chicago Newark Miami doesn't specify what it's for but a trophy for something we follow Jesus Christian book but I wonder how old it is and I wonder if this stuff can even have value hmm 1967 I don't know this one can have value or not but more books old high school stuff things like that look in here make sure there's papers in here make sure it's not money no I just see cards so we'll send that stuff back with them same with that in this all right cards same thing we always make sure they get all their cards back these are all cards after we check them all and make sure there's no money or anything like that in them they get all the cards back what is that just a little book see what this is Sam Libby oh this is probably like personal personal stuff like baby stuff yeah this stuff will 100% I'll get it back there's paperwork in there but we're always we're gonna check it of course but it's just personal stuff they get it back look at dad I'll buy a little good news Bible got a lot of writing in it and simply go find a date on this Bible 1976 nothing in it but yeah Lamar twister that like the original no I think the one we put out really original but it's there yeah there's a personal shadow box okay Oh what are these first oh no way I don't know if that little ones there were just two of them to date or me Oh Cabbage Patch it's 1984 so I don't know if they're as old as they're supposed to be but oh this certifies that it is an official one-of-a-kind Cabbage Patch collectible and was created in the Cabbage Patch on February 14th 1984 same thing whoa all right the Barbie yeah for sure these check out where do we start here green one money where does this little keys we just have that's it this it's not opening it the little key we just had I don't know where I put it we're gonna find it come back to it go in this chest this one doesn't look like oh that is so cool that's so awesome look at that that's a Morgan dollar on a belt book I wonder if his belt buckle silver awesome no buckles silver you think so the silver it's in 1883 Morgan dollar that's awesome these one of these random things your stamps oh those are the show literally okay guys so in the first you know we found three stamps or one penny and I was like oh these are nickel ones you know but if one penny stamps and I was looking on ebay with George Washington I don't know if he worked quite a bit of money and I was like lately like there's no stamps have George Washington on them and they didn't in look at these George Washington stamps I don't know if the nickel ones are worth anything now but these are all really old stamps they're all gonna stay in this box that's awesome what is this thing that's kind of creepy though does oh yes I said I needed just died dr. pepper yeah alright we got that one of these marbles are worth anything either some marbles are worth money to cool this is a belt buckle sterling silver would be awesome - we sold the Morgan Dollars like 20 bucks apiece last time just cuz there's silver content so that's all let's close this up and I don't know what should we do now alright let's look for the key the green box and we'll be right back guys guys guess what put the key right in there and guess what popped open you ready lessee of reading what coin in a coin look at that I don't see any markings though I think that's real goal hmm I don't see any markings on it but it's there we have this coin here Estados Unidos mexicanos so - it's from 1954 I'm gonna take a look at that up close yep you want to take a look at this so close to hmm that's pretty cool and then we have look at that a little Barbie hmm this silvery thick have any marking oh yes it says Rogers and son is gonna just be a spoon that pay want to get frontier village amusement park doesn't have a date on it though that's cool some of these little tickets can go for a lot of money too let's see what this is just a little religious card and just a bunch of random stuff nothing else to interesting it out one like the other one so I'm gonna close this one up and then the only thing that's interesting is that coin I don't know what it's worth but other than that in the ring to get the coin out you want to yeah let me get the coin in the ring out set those aside or look at it later and now I will pull out the last box in there see we have last box sounds unique you ready ooh what is that pocket guide crystals and gemstones all right hmm let me try my guess this is that's all gonna set has the only one I know [Music] what is that not sure look at all these stones his flashbacks to the one locker we found in California a few months ago there was this huge loaded with this kind of stuff a lot of interesting that not sure all right this is a truck this is what's supposed to be in Trump this is exactly what's supposed to be in Trump not all dirty clothes not trash not Christmas not Christmas stuff this is what trunks are you know what guys we have at least one more probably hopefully there's another one back there under this stuff but I know for sure there's another trunk right there but for now we're gonna have to load this stuff out we might be overloading the van already because you know the last part in this part is going in there together so oh this has been awesome this is what I'd love to do what time is it right now just wanna show you guys it is 11:30 at night because this is what we love to do no matter what time of day it is this is this is what's up so we're gonna get this loaded back up hopefully fit everything in a van and go and do it awesome awesome recap all right guys finally made it home from the unit and I just have a couple of things for this recap because I need your help on the value of these things because we've looked them up and we're not sure especially on the Barbies but the two things that I have are the two Cabbage Patch Kids poseable figures so here they both are you can see them close-up there's the front of one and here's the back and here's the front of the second one and the back so comment down below with possible value or any background information really on Cabbage Patch I mean we have to keep evolving what we know so any information would be awesome let's pull these Barbies out so here's the face of one I'm pretty sure the face is gonna help the most and the back of this one says 1960 to 1962 is kind of what I see it's really hard to see a date on that one here's the the guy which I'm assuming is Ken I don't know if the clothes matter but here's the outfit he's in 1968 and it says Malaysia blue eye shadow on this one blonde hair she says 1968 as well again I don't know if the outfit matters but this is the outfit and then there's one more which is the same blue eye shadow is the last one and she is 1966 these four right here I really need your guys's help I know there's a big market for Barbies but it's hard to find the value I feel like we would either we need your help if it comes down to we might have to take it to a toy shop and get them appraised because literally the other day kind of freaked us out when we saw these we were watching storage wars and jarrod and Brandi on there found vintage Barbies and I cannot remember the price that they looked them up for so I really want your guys's help on them because I know you guys provide us a lot of good information so please leave those out in the comments and that's all for this recap this is an awesome unit that trunk was absolutely amazing that's the kind of trunk you need in a storage unit and you hope it to be every single time it actually has like little vintage treasures in it so if you did enjoy this one leaving a big fat thumbs up and if you not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure on videos all the time if you're doing a follow us on our social media links there in the description but they're also gonna be on screen right here make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 51,498
Rating: 4.9062281 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, mr beast i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, i bought an abandoned storage unit safiya nygaard, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage locker, storage wars, auction hunters, lost luggage, luggage auction
Id: 25KNoauSxjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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