Got Free Lottery Tickets and WON $100's! Lottery Tickets Scratch Off

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I'm just gonna win off look at a weight off then done Oh two times times the money one seven what seven Oh another Kevin away then three welcome back to treasure anyway Jesus guys today we have a free ticket lottery video from an awesome subscribers guy this is about to be our biggest lottery video we have ever done we have keep hitting the table I'm sorry we have 300 dollars in a lottery ticket $300 look at this these are the biggest lottery tickets I've ever seen look at this look at next my huge big head that's saying something right here uh so I wanted to read the little note he left so he Leahey been a big folder so what do we have Maryland with West Virginia and way of North Carolina right three states all right so this is from Robert said hello Jesus family I'm not sure if my email to your Gmail account went through I decided to send these to you to scratch upon you to travel frequently live in Maryland so we have three stage you think we should a little differently said or going against each other we should have everybody guess which state is gonna perform the best yeah which debut takes in a point of that North Carolina I say what's for dinner I'm gonna go with North Carolina South Carolina it was beautiful North Carolina know what don't forget to like the video and don't forget to put down the comments before we start which state you thinks that performs the best before we start I'm watching you and also don't really like to be I know all you people's always sit there hearing me like you said like it you just kind of blow it off no let's get into it alright I'm starting this out with North Carolinas all my North Carolina team members put it up let's see get your popcorn guys it's gonna be a long video don't you dare boo me so reveal three like symbols across reveal a win symbol the win instantly real a red seven win double or reveal a black seven reveal all twelve prior win all twelve prizes shown up I never played any of these so let's just go across a pepper a plum and a melon went off look at that just got a win off wait do you have to match all windows no I don't reveal us look reveal a seven win the player went off all prizes shown we just walking out the win all in the first ticket what is it we have to check all these okay I don't have to say I'm gonna keep going one prizes huh why you already won all the prizes chef scratched my right away no guys you have to wait you got away we're putting it aside you're gonna wait till it end in North Carolina we just got hold on just so you see that you know not biessing you look at that seven right there went off that's insane well that could have been a better start let's go the next ticket points to crowns crown chili pepper star Pig wishbone pepper star that that that all right that's a curry easy start all right here they'd like to record him behind my back look at that isn't no I didn't dang it those rabbits look very similar to those piggy banks that's crazy it almost got me it made sense we thought about it afterwards yeah because I always forget about Marilyn like some parts of Maryland are nice but the Maryland by us sucks that is three more cheese I'll give you anything I'll give you another one well scratched up right at the end let's see what you know that went on here this is a friendly competition we're just comparing states here yeah good you guys can put your state guests in the comments and you're just now listening and paying attention put your state guests in the comments I think North Carolina's looking pretty promising wait all in a win already wait that's a loser yeah we got these three horseshoes ready LC we got to grab the Panthers hi bucks honey bad okay let's go Wanda no I got more I've even noticed let's keep going see if we get some more hair pineapple ladybug nothin nothin nothin awesome effing when what does that symbol mean when in the prior show instantly look at that we have another winner literally three or four of these so far been a winner take I'm moving to North Carolina just kidding we're going to Cali we have what's the approximate overall odds including breaking reprises r1 and 4.05 oh we're doing better than that let's see what this one is fifty dollars no way fifty dollars guys fifty bucks what you know what Carolina's killing it where's the win all when you have that Wow North Carolina you're killing it Robert you're pretty lucky man ya know for we have $300 and tickets total you got to beat that 300 and give you more money than put in we bit if we beat just a hundred dollars in each pile then yeah I'm talking about like over all across all only got to beat 300 orange orange diamond wallet hat piggy bank found banana banana strawberry strawberry I thought what I said another winner all right now we have another losers put that in the loser pile so two losers three winners so far on these blazing seven this is insane we don't have these kind of odds around here in Virginia I'm gonna take a trip to North Carolina parapet uh I thought wait she doesn't know so to say no way this is insane let's see nope nothing yet nugget nugget wallet rainbow rainbow ladybug rabbit worried about no imagining somebody doesn't know what we're doing that is listening to me grape melon star rainbow what's wrong what is he on these trippin hard core that's also loser let's go I like these blazing seven so far they've been nice see banana banana ladybug melon ladybug ladybug nothing nothing pepper pepper star dang it and we have nothing there all right let's see ladybug melon melon star that that you know if we lose all these in a row like I really can't say anything because this to start we've had has been amazing let's just hope North Carolina's now one of the states where they can offer prizes that are less than the ticket system you like one two three four five six or something like that cuz those suck well you know what guys this is our last blazing sevens ticket and they have been just absolutely great to us so far all right there's the win all one will get that at the end in the North Carolina tickets let's see it's like a huge winner that's gonna be crazy I'm gonna go to North Carolina just buy a bunch of lottery tickets take their for real it doesn't look like we have another winner that's okay that's okay I mean we're in a rush right now but like if we have a capability and keep doing this and like that we can make it out to be pretty cool yeah now we're going on a $10 ticket 50 times the cash up to a million dollars so let's see if we can hit that all right 23 from Jordan 21 for 2113 and a lucky number 20 39 for 39 number one it's gonna be a winner any time you get number one it's a winner so one of the bonus number is down there they just look like more chances five bonus plays okay let's just start scratching 29 no at 30 on I thought to say no way no no any of your numbers or any of the buttons numbers to any wedding number win that prize show okay you know 2 times 10 times 20 times or 50 times then we'll multiply that brought pies prep they're dead prize by 2 times that be nice respect I've never seen more that's Nina ten times simple once I've never seen anything above that so let's see it 34 no 9 8 the countdown 38 now one off in number seven I thought we're gonna hit let's hit down here 27 no 19 so this is literally just like a normal tent like scratch off just has four rows they put three rows and then they put an extra round called a bonus it's not bonus it's just normal what no you forgot your cell off that one alright that's alright we're gonna win this one 50 times the cash let's hit it yeah pink looks cool when it's a black this is a new this is like a new like threshold and videoing huh those I'm independent movie this is that's a long one could we have like that 20th Century Fox things beginning we should then done of course they give me 18 because they're 17 and 19 done done Oh 2 times 3 times the money already guys 15 30 we should go find mr. beast how did someone did North Carolina to get the America I mean all the states are pretty to cap it depending on where you live you can get to all three pretty close yeah I know like depending on Southern Maryland you get there pretty soon you know some parts of Raylan are like 20 minutes in Russia see they're really close like the nice parts of Maryland 28 all right let's see what's in this two times you ready no two time ten bucks Oh $20 right there not bad so far what 56 sixty-five dollars in a win all ticket in North Carolina that's crazy what three tickets up all right let's see this is a $20 ticket yeah and we don't you know what the windall ticket is that could be a huge winner the jackpot on this one's four million dollars you think Robert liked watching this right now if he doesn't know how much we want no he's thinking he's probably thinking same thing I think you know I want to scratch these it went out it went that way and you're probably right you know a lottery tickets are magical they'll change that's okay three they just want to give you tons of money yeah maybe mr. bass did you bless these tickets I think you did I might I may have seen I think every one of his videos hit twice probably four in a row yeah no winner on this one yeah I'm awesome looks like won the last row and I actually have a losing ticket I don't think we see many of these out here this is insane 49 now 24 nope and 16 this one is actually lose or nothing on the back right no okay so that's gonna lose your file now we got to figure out how we're gonna play this sucker right here let me try to do them out of all I carry so let's see if any of your rolls out up to 7 or 11 one price show that's place let's have my lovin really quick you ready okay can't scratch that let's go all the different hotels this is the MGM cream a 3 and a 3 at the 6 1 & 4 5 5 & 4 9 6 & 2 8 4 & 2 6 I'm just helping you guys on math I write tutoring 6 & 6 12 3 & 1 4 1 & 2 3 I hope you can see these are kind of hard to see five and five ten all right sorry New York New York or Luxor I'm going over here you know Spade cymbal win prize let's just do it sideways so we get it in there diamond heart heart diamond club Diamond Club no wins over there unfortunately where do these bonuses really quick it's all yours rattles a modern day rap song Diamond Club yeah nope that's gonna New York New York not your number two any money number and the same way a win prize shows do you like New York not so much it's some parts of it are nice you need a 16 here 6 and 10 is that count they add up to it 24 nope let's go over here 8 me 3 20 22 23 nope 15 nope I thought we had it there nope nope and last one over here 12 get in the center we need a 14 9 or 1 not happening all right let's look over here can i scratch this no all right so let's see this is just the basic lottery ticket here seventeen twenty one twenty seven up seven is gonna win it you ready nope no 8:30 no we had 12 18 or 17 all over the wall 11 12 also one off 427 that's also one off 24 9 1922 also went off in 23 so it looks like this big boy is a loser unfortunately well we got another one of these big boys right here let's do the dice like this so we can try to get it in the cameras it's hard to do so three and one is four then we have four and four is eight six and threes now I remember we need seven or eleven here ten five six six four and eight so no winner there let's go over to the luck Shores do it sideways I guess we're just looking for speed symbol diamond Park Club Diamondz club Club heart no winner there let's go all right here and get these bonus just got a reveal 25 note 50 note 100 also now let's go down to the wheels here let's see three can we get it here nope nope no no don't know what about twenty three for Jordan let's get it forget LeBron what about Jordan here also now over here 21 you stupid no huh yeah somebody some people out there know where Trump the only way 23 represents some LeBron at the top prize because LeBron is better just dependent all right Jordans everything else that's a big thing then okay let's see 14 amp fan base seven six can we keep counting down ready to go on Jordans fan bases guys lot off in the comments there let everyone know Jordans gonna be fighting baby oh that one's a loser to us both the big boys were losers but now comes the moment of truth guys oh there's a win all ticket right here you ready for this it's a dollar it's gonna be a one two three four that would be $12 I don't think so let's scratch the first prize you ready two dollars well it can be less that's not a good sign two four six eight Oh 28 28 33 16 32 or 44 46 48 dollars so let's see you North Carolina out of $100 and tickets we won $50 plus that 70 Plus that 120 125 dollars back $100 so $25 profit with North Carolina let's see how the other states can stack up all right West Virginia is up next so I'm going to start with these two dollar seven revealed purple seven when double price all right another rainbow so most Virginia is one of the pretty states in the u.s. good you've never been there missing out alright that's a quick loser that's not like about the seven games take me home country roads West Virginia when seven one seven oh another seven oh wait that three oh wait okay so do I win here when here and then I get double here I think yeah yeah alright let's see what these prizes are we have two dollars we have two dollars four dollars and what's our double two dollars so it's six dollars all right no six dollars this one's double how much of that ticket $2 $2 ticket nice six dollars right off the or not right off of that one ticket in yeah all right it's even get any more sevens I've only played West Virginia 777 not lost I'm Seventeen's I know all right last two dollars seven tickets Oh double 7 look at that another win seven all right we got a double and a win7 or a single first all right single seven right here what do we got three dollars I'm assuming this is gonna be one dollar to make it a thought nope - so we have seven dollars so we have seven with 13 dollars back on ten and ten that's crazy all right all right this one I had to read a little bit before I got in here but basically reveal three symbols in each one but each set of games you also win prizes so let's start with these game one salt pepper frying pan wishbone salt and pepper see it the one reveal three the same yeah double check me on that while I'm scratching pretty sure it said three reveal three identical symbols in a single game win that prize shown all right and then you can win within like game one and two or three to five or to eat all three within like it says you see it on the side when 2x if you won both those games you get two times your prize if you win all three in the middle you three times and five times on the top you gotta win every game anyhow I haven't had three magic simple yet no to flames this stock was made for me I don't know about the seven but this half stuff to do it like hot I like hot food and then there's some lucky like clover tickets in there too so I think this one again double check me you have to scratch the bonus pepper Oh bonus pepper says try again well what does that mean okay I'd have to match any one of these on the side if I match it depends on the money mouth okay yes that's a loser it's a complex ticket all right all right let's do this bonus pepper first so bell poblano jalapeno cerana Cayenne Tabasco habanero or ghost pronounce half of this sure I get all right let's zoom into game one and two I have wallet Lightning wallet and fly the fly fries what is that so fireworks maybe she's weird single can't fire let's good at game three through five wishbone oh come on West Virginia it's Pig barbecue grilled pig why the names for these so long I thought I was thought to get salt pepper shakers let's try last three games come on three symbols any of us one wait on here I know I want to wait at least one of these um pepper words all right so I think I have you know has this one and one more scratches up on its upper nope try again alright game you wanted to son lightning cactus Sun eyes are fireworks milk salt and pepper no we need to win on treasure come on that's what we do here spoon spoon spoon three in a row yeah alright let's see hopefully I can get three in a row on this one - chicken chicken chicken Oh campfire frypan campfire campfire there we go now whatever these prizes are I think added up are all three times whatever it is out it up what games are those this is three through five so it says games three through five when all three games when triple the prizes for those games you get triple each each prize okay all right let's let's do a six through eight and then we'll come back to those prizes pretty impressive Oh fly fly Oh winning on this one Jill snap big chicken chicken oh I didn't win on that one so I got this prize that sucks but I'm not gonna get the five times all right so let me scratch the single prize in Game six watch that's it two dollars alright let me scratch each of these and each of these prizes is times three let's add these up here so times three would be six dollars times 3 6 dollars and times 3 six thousand 18 and 20 says another one a dollar winner that's craziest this my Twitter follower yep alright let's scratch this bone crepitus is the last of the brings bring on the heat ticket I'm tired of the heat go ready yeah pretty tart oh wait you're back hot dog milk milk chicken I want winter acts like a link wear hoodies and stuff yeah but yeah guys we're going to California California is not as bad as even puts it out to be but it's not hot but a Danite it's cold very true sorry guys I didn't wipe off the dust like you're just hot in there night is just still hot it's just hot it's always hot that is why are you so hot yeah and the crazy thing is that when we stayed in California the first time we came back home the humidity like shock was horrible I gotta realize how bad our humidity was until we came back yeah from somewhere alright that's a loser next is what I want to have and Robert is what I want to get you we need to get you a fat wallet with these lottery tickets so we have eight thirty two and six all this is is matching numbers on the side so I'm gonna put the eight thirty two and six on the screen cuz I have to go down this ticket hall it's super thin guys super thin that's because everything's on the card it's not really 33 all you would do that 20250 money but I win all of what it yeah alright I figure that's what number six winner you bet the golf rain is gonna make sure you know one six was the last one thank you for tapping music yeah I'm here only for last two thirty twos winner and twenty-seven all right no winners yeah I'm gonna scrap some money buy glass so we have 32 let's see what that prize is what's the money that is one ten bucks all right what's the next one six right yeah six it's $5 15 and then money bag here is five bucks that's another $20 man these out-of-state tickets are cause I'm not used to this I'm like in shock Virginia pick up your game I mean 18 25 and 19 not a lot of people have the ability to subscribe to other state tickets they don't know yeah this is cool I will say out of all the states we travel through New Mexico was the goat we won one hundred some dollars at night I think was $120 so I kept the hundred twenty dollars then you got another ticket one hundred again the next day New Mexico you are awesome oh yeah oh yeah a Pennsylvania was pretty good too okay I'll say that of course it wasn't on video almost no ends all right these are my favorite I don't know they just look all right so this one literally all I have to reveal is just a lucky symbol and win the prize I don't know where to scratch look at this ticket there's nowhere for me to scratch just go ham on it I know so I just have to like I don't know it's over here okay so numbers are right here let me zoom in a little bit just it lucky simple it just oh lucky symbol come on lucky symbol I literally have lucky tattoo come on let me make sure these are all prizes okay this is the box all right that's a loser three more of these imagine you have a tattoo and then you realize like usually that's misspelled no it's up I made sure like ten times what lucky yo one look at the back of the ticket you got it let me find a wire I just saw that again you can cash prizes up to six hundred and one dollars in West Virginia not 600 600 won anything over six anyone breaking point right so we got this one win lucky so let's see what this prizes thousand five bucks not bad still window in yep wins a win two more lucky ones let's get it hi there we need luck we need luck prize for that one seven bucks you're right knowledge I guess West Virginia wonders new count I saw te you know life oh you did oh yeah over here that letters mean something you know Marilyn's letters did not mean anything I'll never forget the time in Ocean City when we were on vacation I scratch a scratch off a one dollar one in the letters we reach you and Virginia that means you 100 I was so happy and took it to the store it was a freaking loser I thought about it this and why so they just have like different you want to lose New York I know they have different loser lighters oh that's you get win trips you count on some Virginia you want a cruise so this one is so cool I have ancient numbers which are like my winning numbers and then I have you to match each one the first one is 41 I won that one right am I reading that right if I match any of these numbers to the ancient numbers I win the prize right scratch to reveal all your numbers and the ancient numbers if your numbers in a game match the ancient numbers win the prize for the game all right so 41 I mean it literally says it's $5 right here yeah I can't I can't scratch the price that's five bucks this one right here I'm going on a second 45 or 31 in there no all right this one I like this game seven 32 or 16 got it seven with 32 right here at the top that's all right that's all $25 right there Virginia that y'all game up all right so 27 win on how much 41 when $40 49:37 and that's any number right in each row any nice if all your numbers in game match the ancient numbers one price for that game okay all right back it up now so we have five dollars that's all we have 45:31 didn't win to that one okay my only not 32 in that one okay so we only have five dollars all right good to be true all right 34 No so that's all loser so I'm gonna have to worry about the rest of that 48 yes 23 no loser yep loser next one last game seven six No all right so this looks like I don't even know why I'm scratching this $5 widow I wonder that's still a good win yep and this is the last one of the ancient riches all right so let's scratch this $5 line 1770 nope okay do we have 24 yes all right we have 13 no cuz I would have noticed that one hmm all right next one game 3 5 and okay game 443 532 yes one yes uh-oh 47 yes Oh 50 no no six no guys I would've been $80 if we matched that six no all right you got 150 yeah it ate no want to notice that my tunes that's a loser oh that that was no bathroom okay 26 and lost that one that's a loser oh that was a trip okay this is a $10 one and it's the exact same one as the Green was just a bigger one all you gotta do is reveal the lucky simple simple enough let's start up here let's say I like West Virginia Lottery I just like West Virginia West Virginia is like probably where you're like after we spend a few years in California and make some money I want to move I think I want to move in West Virginia West Virginia like I want to buy permanently it's so pretty there right that's a loser next lucky this is my last black lucky one to blast $10 off you want to come on all right so I have the $20 maximum black went up to 150,000 all right Robert we gotta get you this one or 50,000 here so let's see what do we gotta do for these guys reveal the prize let's see a star I have to match some kind of symbol Rita watching these I can't there's only one it over Oh number reveal Mack symbol win prize instantly matching your numbers cashbox real money back no we had a wallet pretty sure yeah no moneybags all right the rest of it just normal so 37 34 55 36 38 52 and 24 and guys notice every one of these is the state of West Virginia that's cool all right let's see up in their state 15 no we have nothing below a 24 that's why I like to do 45 nope we look for 11 47 nope when you constantly find patterns and every number and Layton's why every number is lucky you know you have a problem nothing under 24 and no forties either 59 58 29:57 14 no amazing right a little bit so you guys see the winning numbers still 40 nope 8 nope 33 nope well you want a 30 no 40s 30 no just the troll I heard me say 30 50 I want to win on this one 21 no cuz it's the 12440 no 40's 19 below 24 no 40s no 40s low 24 low 24 literally for 49 I don't have any 40 below 24 24 no 40s blows 24 and 28 this big that $20 ticket was a loser all right let's go through these wings here so this was a $5 this was $10 so 15 5 more 2020 this one was a $20 winner so 40 this one was three times each so 18 20 6060 and then we have three dollars plus double that so this is 767 and then this is 2 2 2 so 6 so 73 73 back on a hundred again not bad really really not good all right let's see what MD can do Marilyn what is up guys if you made it this long you're a real trooper it's an hour to the video and stuff a little but let's check out what the best state we got out of 30 day Maryland yeah I can't believe even with that off you tongue yeah no okay well how do you play okay there's no money number we have five ones paying real high one five times cool cool cool talk 12 13 34 no 13 no one no I can Hotel trivago this to one side yeah yeah I never had that happen yeah I've never seen two in the same another one of the prizes 500 say four eight one another one fine boom yeah this is one tiny prize or what yeah that's just a single 3G with it right now I can't do it on fight eyes I'm dollars on hot five that's five back already boom got quiet so long video is looking like Leonardo DiCaprio declare guys no no 38a before even started alright so 40 minute gang in the comments one minute to 40 minutes but I made it to 40 minutes because I love you in the comments and you get to have a superiority complex for the whole day you have to tell everybody else in the comments than them guess what you're gonna make it the full hour and judge everyone you got like your supermarket did you make it forty minutes in the video I don't think so cuz they're not as awesome yeah exactly 13 yes we have one of the best beaches in the world one of the best numero uno 12 inches yet 33 et need to lose II like following to call the subscriber base something when everybody else calls their subscriber be something I don't know I want you guys to feel part of this family I'm gonna call you my children I got a point some bad news out here right now oh well I'm scratching Merlin ticket to knows our home run so you making sure basically banking on the Orioles hitting a home run so you might as well just throw huh yeah there's no shot in that happening really there is not the worlds are gonna one thing now buzzing yeah I don't know how they do it that way it's kind of oppressive they do it a lot though you know like you know Eisen lost the in store a long time you should IQ it there yeah boy lost Orioles one time this year that's crazy I don't I don't even remember asking for your opinion that you gave it anyway yeah I go been happy in the comments I you're gonna leave a long peacock you weekly time then nobody's ever gonna read your long hate comments just here where it not even for like a second it has like a negative tone to it you're going on only positivity here 35:31 26:13 how many losses they get each year to you yeah add them all up the other no you're gonna plan that many times you just lose each game sometimes they lose so bad accounts linked to long I though that say every game every game that was if it counts as more as they was so but I have such a large margin I'm telling you you're not gonna win on any of these the guys Orioles sock it's just that plain and simple some of the Ravens hope there's no twirls fans watching this like okay ragging on my like we know trust us they'd have a big enough punishment they have to sit there though the game's not a loser just like the Orioles baseball can't win anything all the first cute girls guys that I was like yeah the first he's like the AG's put number they put nobody in like the starters they won one game we were like already in the playoff then that drunk guy in front of us turns around either told you told you and I'm like didn't have a single starter out there their high school team on y'all barely won you also be trying to win these games they don't have much to cheer about who like the playoff stretch hey you're making a Baltimore enough said oh yeah it follows the Baltimore I will just write asleep in the stadium the only safe place barely it's all you'd drawn yes there's also fighting over how bad the team sucks - I feel really bad for the Orioles fans out there how many times 13 popped up in my winning numbers I keep to rechecking overuse I feel like you're missing something but no there's just really that bad and so that's people do it through the baseball scorecards like 17 it's a 30 series you should've got a narrower know if it's that bad but isn't that we're gonna love to leave the world alone if I get to be in our division let me expect so they get to bring in our division I'm 32 I lost again well all five baseball thing is losers guys getting the drinker five in a row come on Orioles come on let's see we got next this is a winning streaks on the Orioles don't get so I win that might be a Yankees ticket winning streak oh yeah of course 2120 if they're talking like I watch baseball well I probably been watch the baseball game on TV like 10 years the Yankees are killing right now yeah they're like World Series contenders timid Yankees and Dodgers in the World Series as if you would that's what I think this is good they don't really good to know what I know about baseball Yankees rule I got did from Sun Drop no no was little I used to keep on I used to watch it during like the era when I always to watch other down all the time it was Jeter a-rod Giambi Matsui like that all Claude Posada Mariano Rivera that's how long he's been as I kept up whether those are like the players I think he's had I was like 2007-2008 like I would always turned to the channel like mas ma feeling sucks yeah I agree now I would get my like score book out like after school and I keep score the whole game I've never been that into it I keep up with like what's going on like I know with players I know that Gary Sanchez is going crazy at home like I just I keep Ivan rushman watching whole game highlights and stats are keep up with I'll watch the UFC religiously and I kind of keep what's going on a billet our degree results and I really watch it like that we just didn't like it's not just like chance to sit down watch a get through for our game yeah we just have so much going on lately you ever tried to get a house like from it's been the same way for 20 years clean in 20 days not not just clean yeah that one oh my gosh I win no no of course not do we got by dollars buy books you got ten so far for Marilyn oh let's do a gold rush a little while that's only scratches smoothie like Oh sounds different tickets surprise dinner well Marilyn look you're gonna need a big win to make up for this but you know it's my Marilyn the numbers are not one like where they look like they should be other things right in Maryland the primary emphasize the part of Maryland is by us some parts of Marilyn's beautiful like Cumberland Maryland we met that tile ISM that was my little pretty like Robert where you're from a barrel is good you know where you're from and even if I did I wouldn't say it who we roast where you're from who play like the Orioles that's okay who it is roasted sorry if you live in Maryland you know a lot of it sucks I live in Virginia and I know a lot it sucks for Northern Virginia sorry Bobby and then making people named Robert oh one reason no that's for the logic I don't know what how William is bill i won you won yeah $15 well the best one yet I'll shoot my man this is not going well you know speaking of logic is the Marilyn tickity female yeah he's from where um gauge of Gaithersburg that area is not that bad like it's try to make it sound so horrible give this Briggs not that bad boy over here scratchy tickets have a conversation about the rapper logic that's so random every conversation you got 25 bucks back so [ __ ] always let's talk about for an hour think about ourselves talk about how we're gonna make California [ __ ] and you're gonna see so many storage unit videos you're not gonna know what to do yeah we're trying to put like three or four a day no Charlie hustle I want to have storage in the video almost every day and some lottery mixed in eggs I know some people love these lottery videos can't get rid of watery for good no I love playing water and people love watching it so I wouldn't never get rid of it maybe like twice a week once plus week something like that we don't know yet we just gotta see it depends on the week some week we went up storage units every day some weeks might suck we don't know that's the beauty of this business I don't even know we're gonna do tomorrow until the markets here and then we're gonna scramble you ever have that like problem with somebody's like can you meet on Monday I'm like you know I won't have no idea until Monday until about 30 minutes before that time I all know asking like 20 minutes before the time you're thinking and I might know maybe loser Wasser a different line so all the money something that the Yankees have people whine about all the money I love them that's a winner number if you get it 11 you win every prize who what my winning I was always up here it's not good okay Oh what's the point of that just I don't know man Marilyn yes I'm probably I step our game up now I'm scratching my okay I bad eyes that's right c-130s you way no you said the other one [Applause] 49 San Francisco 49ers um we're not into garbage but we're gonna be there every to land a 49ers pin that doesn't matter I'm gonna everybody see and I'll say the Redskins suck the national suck the Ravens suck don't worry I'll suck capital Phi capital suck even though everyone's a fan of me hey all of a sudden a really capable family my whole life dude sure yeah buddy you know annoying it probably is for the actual capital fan yeah I can imagine did you win yet no don't you know the point of this is I'm familiar I don't know the point of anything don't ever say that these tickets are for Maryland and I'm from here to finish this little water over here guys oh god I'm dying as you watching you're watching the Falls Navy Jesus falling apart oh no one's watching this part this is like a wheel Ozone like you might not even watching anymore if you're still watching this let you like watching secret stuff did I supposed to know super super fan that's not telling off these secrets guys money real name's not Jesus my real name's not baby Jesus yeah only when there's never like an alias oh I'm gonna lose ray I'm gonna name to pay yeah that's all my family calls me stevia kill the lottery game right now you're not yeah I don't get paid yeah I'm a charity worker maryland's pretty much like the equivalent of Virginia right now you got 25 bucks back on like even though $70 so far yeah this isn't very fun you play the lottery thinking that you're rich and like you're supposed to get dreams cut a short not like kicked in your face it's not looking good for you let's start talking weird fact about ourselves I don't know anyway facts that's what we're in fact that you can't needle Melanie that's not a weird fact it is believed most people do LeBron don't you ever win huh Orioles pin mm-hmm we win something no hash ticket you better win big you know this is the biggest ticket $20 ticket better get it I'm scared yeah hear my voice and trembling let's see what my numbers 31 19 18 24 and for those do this then none I'm a tall tall this is what I can't say it to him because then they're gonna copyrighted yeah lem everyone jim mp3 this underscore is underscore warren imputed by melissa Clevenger yeah dan dan them stand and it's not a number for the people watch because there's background I don't like the background music really don't like it no so it's just like a dead silent conversation there huh yeah I don't know why background music makes it more relaxing but everyone tells me they hate it so I leave it out hmm where are the wind there's no way this is just horrible press the disappointed but not surprised button progressive just won this one right there million yeah so I put that into them now the air should put that in the thumbnail didn't win it but it to the hair that is there for the people I want to call it clickbait literally said it's right there it's not a winner so I didn't get that far so you're a click Vader I mean you're stupid very 45 nothing nothing Wow alright guys so we just finished this if you made it this far you you're the real one you're the real you are epic but let's recap this so as we know and except for the beginning Marylyn sucks $25 $75 loss casts a mine for West Virginia I got 73 out of 100 which is not bad we've got that even for Virginia so it's not bad that's good I'll take that North Carolina North Carolina killed it with how much was it $125 or so back 100 so we actually made profit in North Carolina lost a little bit in West Virginia and just sucked in Maryland which if I want took my guest from the beginning that's about how I would have 125 plus 7390 I mean like over $200 so you got close to 70% of the money back that's not too bad right too shabby but anyway guys that's gonna be it for this long long video so if you did enjoy make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunt videos all the time if you do wanna falls in our social video link you're gonna be old screen click link down the description below make sure you Falls on whatever you say Facebook go get your merch boom thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 50,438
Rating: 4.9001231 out of 5
Keywords: lottery tickets scratch off, lottery tickets scratch off mrbeast, lottery tickets scratch off secrets, nc lottery tickets scratch off, playing lottery tickets scratch off, winning lottery tickets scratch off, lottery tickets scratch, scratch off, scratch off tickets, scratch off tickets secrets, how to win the lottery scratch off, scratching off lottery tickets, lottery, lottery ticket, scratch offs 2019, scratch offs big winners, scratch offs tips, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: z7VtNFSNJs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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