I BOUGHT SO MANY LOTTERY TICKETS IN CHICAGO! I Bought Every Lottery Ticket In The Machine!

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welcome back a try running with Jesus guys and I'm a little bit quiet right now cuz we were in a random McDonald we are actually in the state of Illinois right outside of Chicago first time ever in the States but I wanted to test the lottery of every state we pass through so instead of getting $100 worth we didn't have James we just got 41 dollar tickets 40 of the same one we're gonna divide them up between me amber mama jebus and baby GB so make sure you put down in the comments who you think is gonna win everyone's gonna be scratching 10 $1.00 tickets who's gonna win the most let us know in the comments don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get into it alright guys so I'm gonna be starting first we have 10 times the cash you believe there's a $10,000 we're on a $1 ticket the most of we ever seen in our areas two grants that's pretty good so reveal three like amounts to win that amount or when we reveal two like a monster in a 10 X symbol nor when 10 times that symbol I can't talk right now we got 10 of these let's see how much money we win one thousand dollars $100 dollars maybe it might be ten thousand dollars that might be part of it a little nerve-wracking doing in publicly look be ready got to 100 let's get to ten times in will win the grand and call it a day there's our that's fifty twenty need the hundred dollars here of ten grand so first one is a loser who accidentally grabbed two let's go on a ticket number chill we're only ten percent done fifty bucks 1,050 there are thirty bucks I'm even though you can get that sorry if you hear background noise we're in public like I said $1 thousand we got two one thousand twenty bucks 50 bucks five bucks and $1,001 two looters in a row so far Illinois is not starting out very well take it number three three bucks four bucks three bucks two bucks look at all the low amounts we're gonna win something on this one thirty two bucks we have two 2s and two threes right now we get a two or three with a thousand fifty and twenty Wow I thought that's gonna be a winner I guess not so another loser all right guys sorry about the little interruption let's finish on to the next ticket so far we have won nothing 50 bucks whoo look two fifties right off the bat in up 30 and then 10k and three two hundred bucks five bucks and ten grand I've gotten to ten grand I'll take two ten grands but unfortunately that's a loser guys I don't think it matters what state you're in the mcdonald's always get your order on always doesn't matter where you're at let's go again one buck $50 crazy $20 $10 $5 and 20 we have to 20s 20 bucks will be half our money back right now I'll take that now I have two fives hey there we go we won 5 bucks on 5 tickets oh don't worry about is it was it worth doesn't work like that I have no idea to be honest with you so we have 5 bucks back and that was our fifth ticket so right now we're even let's say we can get into the profit zone that doesn't happen very often imagine if you get mm Ellen didn't get the tent on surprise symbols like no but enim sometimes $1 be to $10 instead of oh yeah 1,000 they would do that and made a chip you out of it to the three and ten there's two link another $2 at least when 2023 wears a 2 now we have two threes in tutus give us one of it oh that's 550 that's a loser seriously I only got 5 bucks so far we have 3 more tickets to go this one's gonna be a winner we need a big one I want something double digits hundred bucks thousand bucks five bucks let's go down this time 5 bucks and 4 bucks no 10 10 we have two tens right now so that's good that 10 lost 10,000 no a scam ding and 40 another loser Illinois it might be the worst luck so far more so far one in seven one winner in seven tickets see 10 bucks 4 bucks 20 bucks for 25 bucks 10 bucks we have two tens right now 10 grand - 10 grands to look like that $1.00 10,000 right no another loser we're down to just two tickets we only have one winner in each tickets it's not very good at let's go straight down ten bucks two bucks thousand one hundred twenty ten thousand they're all different look at that every single prize is different 2000 we have two 20s now five and 100 another loser it's the last ticket what are the odds of winning on these tickets right now to see anywhere around there 197 no one in nine point six eight look at that that's one dollar it chances in chance of winning one buck is one and nine point six eight terrible it really is let's keep going $3 $4 we got three dollars twice one more three dollars and least we're doing all right 30,000 four we have two fours and two threes we'll take either one up there's $3 we won three bucks yeah that was my last ticket so nine ten bucks I got eight dollars back my lucky number that's not too bad it's only 20% loss is pretty decent for the lottery so on to the next what is up guys it's your boy back again breaking the wall again doing the same thing every past and I bid on a unit a today you go to prison going to crazy twenty forty three thirty four three for you I'll forgive that to forget to be on money right back yeah first ones a loser that's how you do it right off the bat I'm sure this is right here honey let's not scratch in random orders they make so our 40,000 looped in 10 variants let's get that 10 times learning at 10,000 I'll do it I'm down all while the one Oh mm to another loser so I don't have very many winters for this mall right here let's see $10 No I don't we'll take anything at this point I want $10,000 10,000 will be for horrible because she let's keep that $2 hey look get some hot so now at least all right hand knowledge total between the two of us that's all right I'll put them over here on to the next so they have $10 one that totally a cross between the two of us not very good odds really it's not that bad I've only scratched like 15 yes true this hen back on 15 offensive our 30 profit you know what to make one down on of all our wins know what's won a dollar yet you usually wind on our tickets at just one dollar one no it was five and three pretty good five up to the hundred Lisak it's really bad I'm kind of looking at food right now no way all right that meant some toys really yeah they did not other classes no wrong there was 40 I don't have to say any more no matter where you go huge shout out to McDonald's for making everything really funny that cheating are you just cheat a lottery ticket I'm like and I like the reigning victors guys there's something weird want drink out of this let's go back got you tickets it it Donald is an interesting place you never know what not only offers what you think's on the drink because I'd be completely honest I'll I mean I'm afraid to touch it might 10 so let's get back yeah well I want on that and Arlen 4040 breathe there any abscess thing we first want how much I wanted one twelve twelve it I mean you already what main profit on your Tendo matter what no this is how you do it I don't play lottery to lose let's go now on one two three - that's not for now on you're picking the tip side add water another one I don't want 1 3 4 51 all those like tiny little prizes in Cayman that I've got on the one we messed up 50 the 10,000 okay about it and grand every night I'll settle for $10 I'm gonna take this out you know I'm in a good mood you had nothing same area mm yeah let's get the ten times in what yes how's our boy at 10,000 and grant yeah that down the two tickets off let's see I'm good five and one hit up in the same scrap this one or Korean before they got foods that come on again guys let's see if it's right this time time to time hopefully they can get us four with only one last ticket last last one I mean you've already made properly Ernie twelve right so he already doesn't it it's not at this one already come on how much come off it all different prizes no machinist system 100,000 50 all right oh it's a loser but you won 12 a Content exactly I made a profit I did all right guys team Amber's up next let's see what we get hopefully I have some better odds than them 40 10 20 or good odds yeah I say a better odds no 20 to 20 so far happy nice I love it to 40 and 10,000 loser stuck in my eye and 20s d30 snow - already going up 1000 1000 1 3 1 4 1 4 20 I'm in which all right guys 20 30 for work have you been to Chicago one thousand one one thousand two one thousand for the tenant to forty and twenty twenty ten thousand - hey when they're all different up there's two to five forty five - I don't wonder - so you're at - at least we made more than half their money back so far 350 for baby Jesus so far is the best ever internet yeah every out of state when you won so far 3,100 yes I'm yesterday yeah what captures in but you don't have another loser loser there every one thing do you look too young bindi and to go radio on 4021 two to one so far 155 450 I camera 1 $1 1/2 dollars I'm sticking right here for 1020 elders to forage for 10 10 - 4 - 2 tens 50 to 100 I have two more really got two bucks yeah we need a winner 110,000 340 350 53 get one more there it is five dollars got half back mm-hmm that sounds about our normal videos one thousand ten thousand one twenty cause I see $20 $20 $20 for and ten times no 30 that's a loser so I only got $5 to see what mama Dee was can do all righty mom ajeeb is here I'm gonna show you how to win it all especially beating baby Jesus so let's go ahead a weekend I'm making up for right now $5.00 $1 1,000 I'm gonna get 10 times 1,000 for the top prize $30 can I just get at least two of the same doesn't look like it Oh - one dollar I want a dollar first one that's how it's done the first time anyone one dollar you know like I said I'm showing you guys how it's done let me put the next one on let's see said you win you didn't say how much that's hard I'm not a liar at least two dollars twenty dollars three dollars another $3 $4 50 another two so can we get a two or three please no boo okay loser you know what I do this loser so just so more we born in McDonald's I would chuck him all over the place especially since it took me so long to get a very simple simple order right but anyway 10,000 wow I mean yeah just just some meat patties with some cheese you don't even need the bun just oh man he's a plastic place no no we want to add ketchup and onions and all other kinds of crap oh look at that - 10,000th can I get another one come on come to mama come on oh I've seen that one dollar that threw me off darn it darn it darn okay make sure I'm super in focus you ready you all ready guys okay I'm ready two dollars and thousands many normal people already that's right I don't know who's normal it is none of us almost that you subscribers must be the normal people because I can attest that there's no one here at this table that's even close to normal normal is boring by what okay so let's see did you do did you know got two of a kind but nothing for two of a kind you only went for three of a kind loser and I only want a dollar like what's up with that I need some lottery help if you guys can give me some tips on what I'm doing wrong here with my session I guess one thousand way it's a win-win for me because I'm not paying for them and you are so hey it's all good it's all it's all good ok 1015 20 I was going to try to embarrass baby Jesus but I decided not to I'm gonna take the high road we're not letting you scratch 20 20 you don't make that determination does your brother look at it ok fifty fifty twenty twenty two of a kind but no threes boom out let's see next we got let's see what we can get no alright sure do $5 $1 this one will win something cuz they're all low except for that one little oh look at that one two three five there's another two let's go backwards it's a ten there's a ten that is good in those 10,000 please another to do so 200 I'm up three dollars got their copyright strike right there however 20 dollars three hours twenty dollars two dollars come on positive voice I'm still scratching $40 positive $40 keep y'all the losers guys I'm down to three more tickets how do you say come on big money big money I don't know what a game show that's Rob that's right wait is it from three to one look three two one here we go that's all I kept it for oversized boy another dollars another two dollars on eart no and I need something no so look they told me one two three one two can't even win a dollar two dollars on that one got three dollars that's awful $1 $100 $1000 I'm actually you know what winning three dollars out of this ten isn't so bad because I didn't pay the ten so it's a three dollar profit so that's a hundred percent win for me you didn't pay the ten but you're not getting the three actually getting anything we have we have a death we have a destination for this so three three five five and no three of economist and I am down to my last one I get my three bucks three dollars so I'm the big loser let's funnel one wry laugh again we're not letting you scratch no more oh man I see I understand we have been over zone yeah that means it enough so far no - $10,000 - 49 and I absolutely did horrible again don't y'all all feel so super sorry for Mama Jesus $3.00 I did the worst all right thank you guys all right God you know what's weird about this every single person won two tickets just two tickets so look at this that's a big stack that's all the losers 32 out of 40 we're losers but in the end again third time in a row cheater over there win $12 I came in second with $8 she came a hundred five and mama G business is to embarrass Eve and should be show herself right now she wanted to leave Arriba three dollars so totally 112 plus eight 20 plus 5 25 $28 that's my lucky number what is that saying next date is gonna be the big winner anyway guys thank you so much for watching don't mock my what everyone's always welcome luck class if you did enjoy make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up screen I already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure and videos all the time and if you do want a false on our social media links are gonna be on screen click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 31,358
Rating: 4.8213639 out of 5
Keywords: i bought every lottery ticket in the machine, i bought every lottery ticket, bought every lottery ticket, bought every ticket in the machine, every ticket in the machine, buying 1 of every lottery ticket, i bought 1000 lottery tickets, i bought 50000 lottery, bought lottery tickets, bought lottery tickets and won, lottery prank, lottery vending machine, buying all the lottery tickets, texas lottery, ar platinum, scratch off, texas candy, texas scratch off, winning tickets
Id: znTbmzs138c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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