Completely MAX UPGRADING my glass dome!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to dome romantic the Dome dating game where one lucky Dome will find their perfect partner potato Camp Roberto from Jersey no not really no not really romantic is actually German I think it means something like a cute picturesque Village so you're trying to create your perfect Dome I've already played this on the channel but it's so damn addictive I want to play it again so let's start off in a new game and here we are in our lovely lovely Dome with a nipple on top oh my uh this time we're starting off with the tractor beam thing so that basically allows us to take resources over to the Dome and they will automatically go straight up you know I'm actually going to dig this straight down to start I think and we're trying to do this efficiently so we're we're spacing these with two gaps in between Spacey every block we destroy we can see around it there you go we've got some more iron this is the primary resource that we need to upgrade I am going to take these back I think because unfortunately until we get this upgrade here the Hostile proximity meter uh we don't know when they're attacking and can you see we've just gained the bar in the bottom left I think that means they're about to attack now and I'm also going to unlock this the inventory so once you get that you can see how many resources we have now we only have one iron but we've got two little square things and that allows us to repair in this Cobalt repair thing so they are very useful later on all right so we're going to be attacked from the left so over there boost laser in your face oh the Laser's so weak to start I forgot all right and then back down and we'll head over this way to start do a bit of digging oh and we find some iron at the end lovely so we'll grab all these iron you can see the more we grab the slower we move but thankfully because of our tractor beam we can literally just shove those there and go back down and we can leave them traveling up on their way oh and we've just found an upgrade so we'll take you as well as those two bits of iron oh we move so slow come on little man so we'll plunk those in there and we'll go over to the left because there's one more resource the one that we haven't got yet and this one's water three Blobs of water oh no the tractor beam doesn't pull up upgrades well that's annoying uh and we're being attacked quick onto the laser oh no they're smashing our Dome up look at the cracks all right we've killed one over to the left oh you are doing some damage there you absolute architect right anyway you can see we have eight bits of iron so we could do some upgrading I feel like drill strength could be very good I don't need to worry too much about carry strength because we've got the tractor beam thing in the middle although we can actually upgrade that we can make it work faster we can make it carry us up and we can make it faster again I think for now we'll take the drill strength and we'll put the Dome Health meter in just for safety then I know when I need to repair it right back down the hole we're gonna take the upgrade up first because we have to do that ourselves oh and we can pick between a shield and a stun laser I'm gonna go stun laser because can you see we've gained an extra nipple up there all right iron you're getting there thank you and then we'll carry on digging this way we're going to try and find everything on this so we'll bring that over to here let go of those there's a little bit of water down there not too fussed on water oh there's another upgrade though let's take the upgrade and the water up we have to do it manually because the tractor beam won't do that but look is pushing all the other resources up nice and we are going to install I think a shield I would use the prospector meter but I think as we're digging so efficiently we're just going to use the shield we'll see what upgrades do we want we've got 10 iron I think as it's so early in the game I might just do my drill strength I don't think I need to worry too much about the laser yeah let's do that and then look you can see the little nipple he's gone left I'm gonna go right because I'm pretty sure oh no one came from that side damn it okay we've killed those two let's get the bird in the sky he's out of that and then this guy down there that was a bit of a disaster with less than half our health now so I'm actually gonna spend a Cobalt on repairing there you go we got a bit more which means we can head back down and look how fast we can dig even the Deep stuff is no match for us we're gonna go along this our one hit I am loving the drill upgrade and we'll go back this direction we can also go wider as well the lower you dig The Wider you can dig oh look we found some iron it was worth doing I think in here is our Shield as well if we no we can't do anything with that oh God oh God all right let's take out the bird in the sky he's down and these two on the left hopefully the stun laser can deal with the one on the right a little bit all right get back over to the right I might have to upgrade Melisa quite a bit we are taking a pasting right back down at least we got those four going up and we should have a bit more when we get down to here all right so dig those we got five we can't really carry five so I think we'll do three and then two bring those to there I'm gonna go this way I'm gonna smash that water drop those down and then I can grab this iron and then we can come back taking all four very very slowly come on whilst they're going up we'll carry on exploring this direction oh more iron let's take that right three more and then we gotta go to the top we're about to be attacked quick yeah they're here all right before we battle I'm just going to do a quick repair it's our final piece of cobalt but I think we need it I tell you what I might even as we've got seven bits of iron I might increase my health because that will give us more Health as well so yeah let's buy that the bar's looking much healthier so now we'll go in battle we'll take you guys out look at our Dome no more cracks that's the wave dealt with nice back down we go all right this time we're gonna go this way nice easy digging we missed all this earlier so we'll grab these oh that's so so I might have to do three until I upgrade my carry strength shove them in there carry on exploring did we miss anything no we didn't miss anything okay then oh more Cobalt we'll grab that and then we'll head back to the top because we're about to be attacked oh God they're here already oh it's a boss it's a boss so we are going to increase our power of our laser and not only that we're going to make it move faster as well I think nice and then we can go take him down and look at our laser it does Twirls now oh I'm gonna take the thing out in the sky as well stun one can go get the other one I'm gonna focus on the boss I think we should kill the boss fairly quickly let's do the one in the sky first right the boss it's clamped down it's got something out what is that sense of that that's disgusting right he's drilling me I'm drilling him all right so back down we got some more water don't really care for water if I'm honest so we'll grab you a lot shove you in there another bit of iron there oh thank you shove that in and then we're going to carry on digging I think this is the level we should have been digging at and of course we can go wider now oh and we've just found loads of iron look at this deposit all right do I have time to do another trip that is the question I don't think I do I think we're gonna have to go straight up so I may as well just carry this iron up get it up there quicker you've got to watch out though because you can push things out not ideal so take you out we'll leave the stun one doing the bird I'll take out this bird and that guy on the ground and then is that the final Bird yeah nice easy easy round that we got loads of upgrades coming look at the iron count Rising love to see it and Karen digging over here we've just found some more iron yes so we'll plop those in grab this iron plot those in drill these bits out and then we'll carry four I might need to upgrade carry strength it's a bit brutal we'll do a little bit more digging this way but then we really need to go oh we got some Cobalt nice oh God the bar's about to run out though come on game right we're flying up as fast as we can there's so much iron coming all right let's get in shall we do an upgrade I think I'm going to upgrade my stun laser where's the stun laser there it is we can make it do some damage which I think will be useful so we'll do that we'll do a cheeky bit of repair and then we'll go take out these guys nice they are dealt with stun leads going over there I'm gonna deal with the bird and the other bird quick and then these guys nice quite an Easy Wave not too bad that not too bad at all I'm actually gonna upgrade myself as well so we've got 18 I might do a bit of speed not the drug that would be I've been very unsensible and the drill strength just so we can drill deeper as well so there we go that's most of our upgrades so we'll head back down still loads of resources going to the surface very nice to see oh look we can dig so fast even down here oh this is good we are we are cruising uh we've got an upgrade we'll take that over and then we'll start digging the other side it's gonna plunk it there where it's easier to deal with oh there's loads of iron there as well there's loads of iron here it's iron everywhere all right okay we'll plunk this iron in and then we'll take the upgrade up all right so here we go oh no the bar's going down already I think we're being attacked we are being attacked quick quick they're already there uh pick a gadget oh blast mining I've never had that one before let's let's do a bit of blast mining meanwhile into battle it's done laser doing that side I'll take out this guy we'll head back over here oh we've got a boss as well we've got a boss I might have to to deal with the bird as well because that's going to be pestering me otherwise right come on Boss we've really got to deal with him before he drills us come on come on don't let him drill us ow ow our health is going down there's nothing I could do oh that was close that was really close laser back to the middle let's jump back on there and we've got to repair although are these new upgrades we can make our Dome harder oh it costs Cobalt but we can make it harder see what I might do a repair and make it harder and then do another repair just in case so I think we're looking reasonably healthy we've got six bits of iron could make our lift faster we could also get the blast mining involved but to be honest I think we'll just upgrade the stun laser it will make it recharge quicker and we'll make it move faster as well and then I think we're good oh I think this room here that's where the bombs get made I think so we'll keep an eye on that but for now we're heading down we got a lot of mining to do you've got the upgrade there we've got iron here we've got iron up there as well so those three in there put these three in then we'll head over this way grab the iron from here there's so much iron so I've only got three here and I'm moving one hence we're moving a little bit quicker hopefully we can ping it in to the left yes it's in nice uh tell you what as we don't have much time I'm just going to grab the upgrade and we're gonna take it straight up with us although we're gonna we're gonna knock some of those out I can tell can we go around can we go around yes oh that was quite good then what Gadget perspection or Orchard I think we're gonna go Orchard because then we'll add a nice little tree to our dough man that gives us Extra Strength when there's apples to harvest nice okay we're in here with battling destroy those guys destroy these guys as well oh back over this side oh no there's another one appeared on the other side now movement speed might be useful to upgrade again as well but uh for now let's take this bomb we've got the bomb we're taking it down I think I'm just gonna drop it straight down or maybe I'll do a bit of digging straight down first I don't really know how this works our drill so strongly there you go so we'll drop it there uh run away run away is that gonna explode oh it did explode and it revealed a little bit of water that's it great but anyway let's go grab that iron that we were trying to get oh it's just a single piece of iron all right I may as well mine this way to make sure didn't miss anything we didn't we've got some iron there though thank you they go in I'll explore this way a little bit oh Cobalt yes oh three as well now we're talking all right meanwhile back to the surface we've got 16 so we can definitely do some upgrading I tell you what eeny meeny miny moe catch an architect by its toe if it bites Let It Go okay we're doing power the most efficient way of choosing has been completed oh look how quickly it destroys stuff now in your face bird the laser does look awesome now it's got like a blue line down the middle vaporizes everyone all right nice we're gonna head back down we've got another bomb and we'll try not to disturb all of our resources we'll drop this oh we can just drop it straight down nice it is gone still nothing down there terrible I I should probably start mining this way a bit we are very deep I need to go back up really oh there's a bit of cobalt we will take that gladly Cobalt's going up I'm going this way oh we found some iron straight away oh found all the iron found all the iron there's so much iron all right let's I can't I can't take enough I'm taking four I'm hoping I can ping some over that's so much iron all right if we take these three at the back can we push the ones at the front yes that's engineering oh no we're being attacked we're being attacked go up quick Matt quick you idiot oh I'm such an idiot I got cocky okay I'm gonna have to do some upgrades I'm gonna repair my Dome and hopefully that will allow us to last long enough so take out the birds in the sky nice stun Lisa doing that one there's another bird coming over I'm staying on this side that's down that's down it was all birds that sign it was it was all birds all right we got another bomb so we'll grab that head down without disturbing the resources yeah easier said than done there's constant flow of iron coming up and then I'm just gonna drop that go grab this iron got three there nice head back over this way there's so much above us that we've missed I have to go back up I got some more Cobalt oh I've got lots of cobalt so grab the ones at the end we just don't have the time anymore all right these three are in I may as well take them up actually no move I move faster without them let's drop them let's go quick they were being attacked again I'm so bad at this right I'm gonna head into the upgrade as well because I reckon it's worth doing my movement speed or then we've unlocked all of these our three double laser how does a double laser work and even more move speed it could even make our stun laser do actual damage because at the moment it just does small amounts of damage as it says there but this one will do proper damage costs one Cobalt but I think that's worth it we will do a cheeky repair or two as well right we are actually doing pretty well now if we can just get that bird nice I'm doing the left stun leads are doing the right we are working as a team stanleys are actually killing enemies as well now nice I think is our Orchard done yes it is so now we move even faster let's grab another bomb so we'll just drop that and then we'll start mining this way because we sort of missed this earlier anything through here I'm not feeling confident no that was a waste of time we do have some water here vote I guess we may as well grab it because I think they give us the bombs and the orchard so probably worth doing a little bit nothing in there oh nothing in here this whole area no wonder I avoided it initially there's nothing there right it might just be worth going up all right we gotta we got a boss this time I gotta take out everything in the sky first I think so you're doing damage and now it's just the boss I don't think the stun laser does anything against the boss but upgraded laser will definitely do something oh no please don't drill me please don't drill me yes we destroyed him right is the orchard done no it's not we've got another bomb mate all right we get to about that depth and then we'll drop the bomb then oh man it's drilled down so far there's a bit of iron down there so I may as well shove that in we're gonna have to go higher to dig I'll go up to this level oh that's three hits to destroy a block even more to destroy Cobalt so we'll grab those three I might go a little bit higher because I think I need an upgraded drill to be efficient down here oh we've got some more iron oh yes oh yes lots of iron oh yes lots of iron we'll have U2 shove these four in and then I'm gonna go up I'm not gonna be late this time I'm always late in this game and we got seven Cobalt we can repair for days so I'll tell you what it might be worth doing the hardening upgrade so that's done then I may as well repair once we'll deal with this wave now these guys literally didn't make a scratch well except for that one but ignore that one uh we've got more fruit nice that makes us move faster dig faster Etc we've got another bomb so we'll take this down avoiding the resources oh look at all the iron coming up so perhaps we'll drop that over that way this time the fruit is making us move so fast it's awesome all right well that was a disaster nothing down there I'm gonna go down we've got some water not really fast on Water I may as well grab it though oh we got an upgrade I'm not sure there's many upgrades worth getting right loads of iron but I've just got to get back to the surface I'm trapped I literally mined nothing that round although I guess I did do the bomb thankfully laser is very strong rinses these Architects oh what's that what's that it's like the missile one as well outside as well that was close all right is it worth doing some upgrades we've got 17 iron or is it worth just getting super lasers later on we could do our drill strength yeah let's just do our drill strength I'm pretty satisfied with our laser at the moment and we're at the depth where we do need to drill a bit faster so now if we head along here these are taking like three hits before oh it's just one hit now nice we got another upgrade do I take this up I think I might leave that there oh don't fall off no oh it fell off let's try and leave it on the end so I could take it off easily oh we found some iron they we found lots of iron we found all the iron what is going on what is going on what is going on I'm gonna dig a way out for this iron and then just get as much as I can into the tractor beam okay one push it push it boring all right we got a load it didn't fall out the other side oh I'm just gonna have to go up I'm gonna have to go up thankfully you've got loads of cobalt so we can just keep repairing if we take the damage oh we got two bosses so that we'll battle we can cope we can cope it's done laser you deal with the yet no you have to do some air as well uh these bosses are strong come on kill it oh there's so much in the sky I'm gonna have to repair so we can do one two two repairs maybe Harden the Dome as well yeah I think that's worth doing and then we'll go take out the drill I think the stun laser should deal with the sky here it is oh this is drilling me what are you doing all I'm trying to do is pillage your planet for resources is that so much to ask I got another bomb bomb coming straight down so we'll drop it and then we gotta find all the iron there it is there it is oh there's so much iron we're going to be upgrading everything let's try and ping as much of these as we can oh no this has got a boost oh we literally only got three okay all right you guys get in there we go there we go we're getting a loader oh they went over the top how is this taking so long if we can get all the iron in before we head back up I'll be reasonably happy I think I gotta go though I've got to go oh such a long way I might need the speed upgrade next all right what have we got stun laser gun right I'm gonna go left I'm gonna take him out take the one in the sky out the other birds coming over this way and final bird nice oh no bomb ready this time that's because we're out of water so maybe we do want the water to keep the bombs flying now but firstly more importantly we got to get all that iron in to the blooming tractor beam it's taken like three attempts to do this right then we'll dig down here oh there is actually iron straight down oh there's some Cobalt and water we actually like water now shove all of these in I might grab that bit of cobalt and then just take the upgrade up oh but the Zion down the bottom all right come on last bit of iron oh there's more iron oh I'm not doing this I'm not doing this I can't spend all day doing iron I got I gotta take this I'm trying to get the upgrade it's blooming slow though oh that Bar's going down and our health is isn't great either we might have to abandon this yeah I'm going to abandon it over there so drop it off there we'll fly up we'll get that later oh we're taking damage look at the health all right we're in upgrades we're gonna repair twice and then we're gonna battle oh there's a laser one coming oh I hate those ones they're so fast it's one over this side dealt with him before I made it onto screen mode all right one final bird boost your Zapped right grab the orchard stuff now we can move quicker so let's grab that upgrade may as well see what it was oh I've just knocked a Cobalt out damn it so what is the upgrade respect your meter great so that just tells us if we're close to iron anywhere and the thing is I know we're close to iron pretty much everywhere because the game's gonna iron crazy on me so iron down here I think I forgot to grab a bomb as well oh well to remove all of these into that then we'll go and dig over this direction oh yeah there's loads of iron up there I forgot about those and there's an upgrade what does an upgrade do if you don't need any upgrades that is a question right we're going to shove these three in and I think this is about the point we need to head back up so I could actually take these three up with me no I'm going to drop them I can take one with me come on fly quick oh there's so much iron coming up right we're in we are going to upgrade do I do the super laser or the doubly I don't know how the double laser Works do I control two of them are they automatic it does reduce the Firepower of each laser which isn't the best I think I might do the mega laser just to see what it looks like the downside of this one is you can't move while shooting oh look at that though we're getting that boss right in the nuts yep he did not last long oh there's a missile one coming dealt with that in seconds oh the downside of this laser yeah it can't move quite annoying actually I didn't realize how much I actually did that but anyway we're back on our way down we gotta find where that iron deposit was was it down this one no it was down this one okay can I do that with a bounce in no they didn't really bounce in that's an annoying we've got loads of iron over here we've got that upgrade over there as well do I want that I'm not sure I think we'll shove these four in and then we'll just head to the surface because that bar is going down and it literally takes like minutes to get to the top now all right we're in uh we're just gonna battle We're Not Gonna upgrade to start oh this laser is so powerful I love it oh missile one missile one oh I just about got him there's one good for the left ye bastard oh I hate not being able to move with this thing there you go it's still coming no well at least it flew into our laser that is really annoying like right we'll grab that we'll grab the bomb we'll head down when we get deep enough we'll drop the bomb right now oh what is that there's like mega blocks down the bottom interesting we'll go check that in a bit I want to mine everything over here first tell you what sold it I'm going to take this upgrade I want to see what an upgrade does when there's nothing to upgrade although I don't actually have time I don't have time we're gonna have to drop it come on fly fly it's such a long way but we've got 25 bits of iron I'll tell you what I'm going to unlock a second laser oh no you can only unlock one of these no that's annoying I thought I could get a second laser as well as the mega laser well I've just unlocked the stun lasers cool down time so it will fire a lot quicker now and as it does damage hopefully that will help there you go these bosses you just gotta shoot them in the nuts oh there's two on the left I've already killed her on the left there's another one now there's one there as well all right let's get this one right in the nuts didn't stand a chance oh there's more in the sky go away right nice let's do some upgrades so we are going to make me massively faster so now we are flying down the hole we just found some more iron so we'll put a load of this in oh there's so much iron down here and we don't have much time so we're just gonna grab oh I was gonna say grab the upgrade but I've dropped it still we can fly to the set we fly so quick now tell you what as we've got some water let's upgrade the stun laser to move even faster nice and then we are ready to battle once again all right big bosses get them in the nuts that's their weak spots over to this side in the weak spot it really does work oh it really does work boots all right nice back down we go loads of iron on its way up all right let's head this direction see if there's any iron there will be because the bars going up there it is oh lots of light there's so much iron there's too much I can't cope I'm gonna dig this way because it's a bit lumpy there at least this way they got a flat surface to be dragged across nice and then I'm going to take this upgrade to the top hopefully we got time at least we're moving quick although that bar is going down quite rapidly right the upgrade is in I'm not sure it's done anything though I think it just disappeared foreign that was not worth doing right deal with these bosses get this one in the nuts now in the face we'll let the stun laser deal with the one in the sky and I think yeah we're done we're done see a lot of greed literally did nothing great oh God I'm so quick now very quick look how fast I am I've just eaten from the orchard really helped uh what if we drop a bomb on the bottom will that get rid of whatever those are oh a little bit a little bit they're gonna take some dealing with I think we've got water down here got more iron as well great and we might even be able to max out everything if we get all this iron our only trouble is it's so far to the surface right now we've really got to go let's drop both of those because we got to get up there fast I might even have to repair as well well actually as we have so much so much iron I'm going to do the health upgrade and then we'll repair all right and I think it's just same setup every time now we're sort of in the last wave where we just get two bosses either side and then a few little flying things that our stunt laser seems to cope with which is quite nice I will help him out by doing that one but then I just gotta focus on the boss because it's getting closer side oh did I get cocky did I get cocky no I didn't all right back down such a long way all right let's grab this iron let's get it all across still finding so much iron it's it's just never ending and we're gonna have to go to the surface again and after more hitting them in the weak spot we can grab a cheeky apple and then head down even faster because we have some iron to move I only managed to move 12 bits of iron that time but look we've got 32 saved up let's do some upgrading I think we'll make ourselves move a lot quicker for 18 and then we'll increase our carry strength because then we don't have to do so many trips down the bottom I'll tell you what I might just make the lift faster it's so slow still beheaded all right then we're ready for another battle which we win very easily and then oh we can grab another bomb so let that do some damage down there while we head this direction to get some more iron what is that there's like a portal at the bottom is that the end of the game well sadly I am a completionist I must know what's in everything I will mine out this entire game oh there's more iron what a surprise what a surprise right we can fly back to the surface carrying stuff now it is fantastic we're just gonna max out our carry strength complete another battle eat an apple grab a bomb and then we're back down moving iron again but this time with our increased carry strength maybe we can carry all this iron at once I don't know actually that's a lot of iron how much iron how much can we carry apparently that much okay that's quite a lot that's a hell of a lot what the I should have upgraded this years ago so they all go up like that oh this is a fantastic upgrade I got all this iron I may as well just take this up look how fast we're going through the bloody tractor beam look at this all right and at this point I think we're pretty much Unstoppable like we kill enemies in seconds we can move so fast it's just a case of where do we mine it doesn't actually seem to be a lot down at these levels awesome Cobalt like we got Cobalt and water apparently our beam is Max upgraded as well so yeah they are going pretty quick Now Fair Play and our beam also takes us up so look how fast we're going oh it's so cool all right we may as well upgrade our health I've been intrigued by the laser sight as well not something I'd usually spend money on but uh we've got we've got iron to burn say oh look we got a dotted laser a laser sight so now we can really make sure we get in there weak spot all right we're getting to the point where we've mined out most of this map now all right so I'm going to give our Shield some reflection Powers see if we can reflect projectiles to keep an eye on the flying birds when they shoot us and that one on the left is it going to reflect no no no okay not the best upgrade boosh and it revealed there's literally nothing left I think we've fully mined the map I'm not leaving anything to chance though oh look at this look at this I found a bit of cobalt found a little area that we forgot to mine I think that's it like so take these three there's a little bit of water up here that I missed a little bit over there and will our thing deflect it doesn't deflect oh no complete the game I went down the bottom I thought I'd go down the hole but you don't you just touch anywhere at the bottom and you complete it man well that was really fun we fully fully mined out the level completed everything got all the resources maxed out our Dome that was a lot of fun right peace love and 90s dating TV shows I'll catch you guys next time bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,472,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dome romantik gameplay, dome romantik walkthrough, dome romantik playthrough, lets play dome romantik, dome romantik review, dome romantik preview, dome romantik impressions, dome romantik download, dome romantik guide, dome romantik tutorial, dome romantik trailer, dome romantik steam, dome romantik soundtrack, dome romantik music, rce, real civil engineer, digging down game, roguelite, roguelike, under the dome
Id: Sow0R8BcnvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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