Defending my beach against invaders shouldn't be this addictive!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to north end this is a game by north end studios you're probably a fan of the football team at preston north end the only football team that has a pp on their badge despite their name only having one p in it but yes these guys have obviously seen i have a roguelite addiction so they've sent me their own one so thanks for the key this one's sort of a tower defense game but look these are the levels ignore the spelling of chews there chaucer a battlefield so we'll play both of these but let's start on this one and i'll just show you how the game works and with it being a roguelike we get upgrades for how long we've played it now i've already earned 2 324 hp so we can unlock a few of these extra towers i quite fancy the most expensive one on mortar let's buy one of those we got 400 left so we can't afford anything but i think after this round we should have enough to buy another tower or two so let's start but first a huge thank you to the sponsor of today's video age of origins age of origins you don't pronounce the zed is a super addictive war strategy game on ios and android that combines some of my favorite genres such as city building and tower defense set in a world where a zombie apocalypse have pushed humanity to the brink of extinction you must build your base while upgrading your technology in order to defend yourselves against waves of oncoming zombie attacks you can trade resources on the black market and heal these women who are definitely dressed for a zombie apocalypse in return for them exploring and bringing you back resources you can recruit and upgrade soldiers unlock huge titans which can also be upgraded if you join an alliance you can help other players and challenge elite zombies like this two-headed zombie bear and gain insane rewards there's a huge map full of other players and if you find another player's city you can invade and steal some of their resources but careful they can do the same to you download age of origins for free using my link below and new players will also get a free gift thanks to age of origins for supporting today's video but let's get back to the video and this is actually one of the enemies we'll be facing an armored unit who has a lot of health regardless he is weak against snipers so good to know unfortunately we don't have any snipers all right so this is the battlefield we can zoom around and essentially we are defending this end we got this trench here so this is our commander we've got to protect him at all costs and then the enemies will be attacking from where the aries are surprisingly so top left this is our commander health this is our coins we can buy units with every kill we get we gain some more coins and this is what waver on down here this really really small thing these are where we can buy our units as i say this game's in very very early access hopefully they'll add some of that i mean it doesn't even have scroll wheel to zoom in and out you've got to use z and x and look how slow it is oh it takes so long to zoom in and out although i've just spotted a british flag yay so we've got soldier vehicles and planes and sadly the vehicles and planes they're not added to the game yet we've only got soldiers for now and then this is where our troop upgrades get stored so bottom rate our commander he doesn't just sit in his car doing nothing we actually gain commander points which we can use for these four little buttons so we can drop mines we can bring in some airborne troops we can bomb the place and we can put some barbed wire down which slows the enemies and then after every wave we get an upgrade and to start i would massively recommend going with the troops in a previous run i decided to take one of the other ones and then i just didn't have any troops so i lost straight away so yeah we'll take them first and literally we can just plop them around you can see their range so we're just gonna spend our coins we've got over a thousand to play with so that's like 10 troops pretty much you can see the enemy are attacking i might just rotate a little bit shove one down there all right and we're on to wave two already and here are the upgrades we get to pick now there's no pause and even when we pick an upgrade the game still carries on very slowly oh i might take the mortar we haven't used the water yet so let's grab him he cost 250 quid but uh hopefully worth it i might shove him behind those guys all right why not they send behind the box at me behind those boxes keep him safe and then we'll shield him with more troops i'm then going to take the scoped rifle which gives our guys better accuracy so i think the better accuracy we have the quicker we'll kill enemies so i'm just going to lay your load troops down we've now spent all of our money but we've got some commander points so i'm going to do the airborne units and that'll give us two new people i just plonk them down there you see this plane down the bottom this is going to drop our troops and you cannot see coming in look at check out the wobbly bicycles they're only wobbly because we pause the game but uh let's give our guys a bigger radius and you'll see as these guys come in they're basically like suicide bombers suicide bikers is that the right term oh let's give our m1 guys double the magazine they can shoot twice as fast or at least for twice as long before reloading sounds good to me and i might once we have the coins put another mortar guy down here right next up i'm gonna get some more troops where do you want these to go maybe there and then i'm going to start putting some mines down so you can literally put these you can literally like put it right in front of that guy and boosh he exploded he went flying the bombers is best to save them and barbed wire they cost a lot 800 commander points haven't really had too much luck with those uh but at the end of the next round i might do 200 coins just so i can put another mortar down and put him back there and then one guy in front of him sort of there and if we watch this mortar it's coming down oh the enemy's already dead there's no one there right next up artillery strikes pretty good but it's better to wait until you've got loads of enemies on screen although there are quite a few coming in still i think i'm better off just doing the parachuting troops and that gives us more guys back here so we're going to keep putting m1 guys down we really want to make sure the mortars don't get hit and then what's the battlefield looking like it's quite full of the bazooka people although i think we're taking them out i'm just going to do coins we're going to put another mortar down and then loads of m1s another one in there there's quite a few enemies coming now oh look at the mortar damage oh look and these are the armored dudes so they will take a bit more of a beating now if we had unlocked a sniper are apparently weak to that as we saw in that lone screen they're probably weak to a mine as well so if i just plunk that in front of him if you're watching slow motion in your face uh now there's a lot of enemies on screen i'm gonna do the artillery this just laces the battlefield in explosions basically and then the next upgrade i'm gonna i could do a medic no i think we'll just parachute more troops we'll just replace we don't want to heal people and yeah our artillery proper cleared the area so pretty good that we will take that indeed right i think another mortar i need to start getting some landmine sound let's blow up those two hench dudes or i didn't do a lot it didn't do a lot i think just keep parachuting troops in is the key if we can overwhelm them we should be good they are making holes in our defense i'll tell you that let's get another landmine down where should we put this one maybe those two boosh that's just so many enemies i'm going to give it another artillery strike and then try and fill up my trench with troops we are a bit short oh my god there's so many people coming right i'm gonna i'm gonna do this one this is a bomb sort of like a bombing run i'm gonna get some mines down as well so this plane here if you keep an eye on him he will drop some mines i'm gonna do another artillery strike so he's gonna drop some bombs ready you can see them dropping all the enemies have gone from there they basically oh that's a little bit of a waste all right we're gonna parachute some troops and you can see how thin our defenses are now i think we need some mortars just to try and thin it out and then we need loads of them ones oh i wish there was a pause button it's so fast let's get some landmines down in there yeah more coins because i want another mortar oh man there's so many people coming we've got another we got another bomber so we'll do that more mines more mortars oh god give me more coins no no right now our commander is taking hits i can't even keep up with this it's gone no it's way too many we lost oh it goes from like zero to hell so quickly but you can see like how the upgrading works so we gained 548 hp we also unlocked some new upgrades so we can unlock as one of our upgrade options a fast reload for our mortar and once we kill 190 more people with our m1s we get another upgrade we're not sure what that one is yet all right so let's try this other map this is like the normandy beach landing but this time you're defending you're not attacking and we've got 900 hp so we could either go for the bicycle guys send our own bicycles out or we can grab a machine gun i think machine gun could be useful it will grab you you can also see on here all the upgrades ah so you can actually see what's next our m1 guys will gain grenades that will be very nice yeah so essentially this game the more you play it the better you'll do anyway let's have a go at this level what is that face that is terrifying that's like the scariest armor i've ever seen right so we're gonna select the m1s and we're gonna just lace a load of them down on this level you'll notice we've got bunkers behind us they actually shoot machine guns there you go look at those guys getting nailed i'm going to spin this way as well and we're going to upgrade our accuracy for our rifles so yeah this level a little bit easier i found just purely because the bunkers are machine guns behind you we're going to gain some parachuting troops they should land in and join the guys you see them in this plane they will jump out there they go so they're sort of in the middle i think and then you can see just the waves of enemies coming from the boats i think we'll we'll upgrade our m1 guys to have a bigger radius oh i just got rocketed two of them did he's rolling about he's in pain oh and that guy where's he off to all right we're gonna have to replace the hole in the wall there oh and up this end lots of trouble that bicycle guy just got nailed by machine gun speaker machine gun let's upgrade our own one so they cost 300 quite a lot you can see how their range sort of works they can only shoot forwards really so i think we'll plonk one up there and then we'll try and protect this area by laying some mines down he will do some paratroopers in the middle i wouldn't mind a machine gun at either end let's get some more parachuting troops we do have a gap in the middle thankfully our bunker's doing the business and there you go we got another machine gun so i'm going to shove this guy about there decent i might should i unlock the mortar this time probably should i think they'll come in useful i'm also going to put another machine gun down the middle because then we've got machine gun all the way along so if we just combine them with these paratroopers hopefully that will be good you really need some more coins if there's an upgrade to take more coins i might take that next but the machine guns are definitely doing the damage enemies aren't getting close at the moment right we could go with some medics i'm sort of tempted to go with maybe the m1s double magazines and they're the ones that are always paratrooping in oh look machine gun fire they just took a big hole out of our defenses we'll replace those guys we'll paratrooper in some over there oh and look the guys with the armor are taking damage you might want to put some mines down we've got a lot of commander points actually perhaps it's worth using some let's parachute some troops in maybe we'll get some mortars now if we put mortars in the middle they can sort of see the entire level i'll shoot more guys in and what upgrades shall we do let's just parrot let's just keep parachuting people in you've really got to cover these up and i'm going to plonk a mine down there blow up those two oh god oh god look at the whole the hole in our defense over here we've got to get another machine gun down i think up there and then i'm gonna keep parachuting troops and we got a load of troops in the middle let's get another machine gun there you know no one's shooting that guy i've just i just mined him for some reason he was doing damage to our base no one could see him so let's get some m1s there oh they're parachuting right on top of us that is not good right more mines we might want to consider using our bomber down here let's keep the troops coming let's do a bomber run along there hopefully take out those bazookas depending on how long they take ready bomber run coming in oh it hit it hit one troop they all move damn it all right 200 coins we've lost all of our machine guns so we're gonna replace those and then we're gonna put some m1s down all right more troops more mines up there is it worth at the battlefield there's not too many enemies but i think there's quite a lot coming so maybe we'll do that in anticipation of what's about to happen oh this is brutal all right more power troopers in the middle are up the top that's not good i'm going to artillery there's a lot of enemies i'm also going to shove some m1s up there come on defend defend i shove a land mine down on them as well boosh and then i think we've lost our mortars so we have to replace them in the middle that's not ideal oh we are getting mulled right bombing run up there more paratroopers let's get 200 coins and then we can buy a machine gun nest to go there because we've just lost that one more mines in the middle boosh more m1 oh it's gone crazy it's gone crazy we've still got a fair amount of health left though 484 we start with 500. boosh i have some of that oh no oh no there's so many enemies in the middle machine gun nest oh look at the health going down the health is going down so much uh artillery strike we need some mines to blow up these people bombing run no more m1s more m1s right landmines i'm going to plunk them on those two yes we blew them both up i think we've just about saved ourselves okay paratroopers down there another machine gun nest there artillery the battlefield we've only got 20 health that's the end of the round that's so hard so we got to wave 13 that time uh we did unlock a load of new upgrades and 500 hp so not enough to upgrade anything yet but as you can see the more you play this the more you unlock super addictive super fun and they're only going to add more stuff so yeah that was north end hope you guys enjoyed peace love and pp football badges bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 495,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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