This BOSS ALIEN Is Actually A HUMAN! - The Eternal Cylinder

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there you go blow up dudes yeah yes god um oh he's about to be born what's his name oh he's a spotty one he kind of looks like a a bad banana yeah i got a few now i blow up that's the trick [Music] that's going chance we're playing the eternal cylinder we're currently inside this elder cave we need to get through here there's a few puzzles and we have to find the elder at the end he's going to tell us what we need to do to proceed and see if we can actually beat the cylinder i'm kind of dressed like a cylinder at the moment this is my trebum he's actually called log i've gotten a few comments on the last video some people were saying that they think that the cylinder is alive what do you guys think do you think it's alive or do you think it's just like this inanimate machine okay so i think i need to eat this thing's eyeballs hang on a second let's just uh how's the easiest way we're gonna do this oh just like that that's pretty easy okay let's just go and smash this smash it on the wall and then we'll mutate so i'm gonna get that one now i've gotta smash this one as well there we go okay here we go we're gonna mutate with this eyeball mutation what does this one do uh allows me to see through the eyes of the ancient trebum statue okay let's go let's look through the statues eyes oh what okay that's pretty weird there's a statue there as well possess that statue okay let's possess that one oh i can see things that i wouldn't normally be able to see okay i'll possess this statue uh there's a trap him that looks like it's vomiting cement that's pretty gross oh hang on no i need to wet that through that hole probably okay and then that probably opens the door man i'm so smart what else we got over here there's another statue okay what's on this side there's a weird glyph thing on the wall oh and there's there's the elder look at his head the guy has a weird spiky head he looks like a cuttlefish man i want that cuttlefish mutation do you see that log we need to get some water champ oh we already have some okay let's go so i've gotten a few tips on some different bombs to make with the mixer mutation so i'm going to try that in this video as soon as we get out of this cave all right let's just squirt some water through there we missed down a little bit up a little bit okay is that it oh we got this okay what do we do with this we got a ball yeah let's play a ball game hang on i'm going to drop the ball i think someone needs to become cube mode big mac you're going to become a cube let's go over here for a minute i think there's a qb thing yes i don't know why we need to be cube but we're gonna be cube i'm gonna grab two of them oh this one's gonna look weird because he's got those perceptive eyes oh oh look at the eyes sticking out the side of his head oh god he looks gross and he's got tornado trunk as well that's the grossest trevor i've ever seen oh there is a weird mechanism here what is this oh cool cool all right so we can go in here nut doesn't work got to get all the crystals there we go [Music] got to get that leadership as soon as i get to a trevin shrine interact okay yeah i'm interacting oh hold up we get to spin the thing okay okay uh does that go up the top okay that can go there okay i know where the ball goes i'm gonna shoot the ball over there then become a ball and roll over this way pick the ball back up and i think it goes right here yes that was so easy oh there's a brain on the wall is that a brain oh no it's someone's head okay oh i just jumped on his head what's over this way i was a chest i love chests oh there's a trebum there i'm sorry i've already got a purple trebum that looks exactly like you except he's a cube and i don't have enough leadership ah there it is there that's what i have to do and this one goes just like that nice got the ball oh yeah awesome and now we need cubey boy where's big mac here he is get in there champ yeah door opened get some crystals kikanka okay is that his name all right let's find out what this guy has to say the guy with the cool pointy head that looks so awesome oh the mathematician might not be dead okay so the trohala which is the big giant space worm thingies they're the only ones who can help us get back into space but something that we need has been stolen from some creepy looking monster thing i'm a little bit scared okay so we've just gotta find that giant beast thing that can apparently eat the troiala um yeah i'm a little bit scared but we'll have a look around see what we can find we've got to keep moving there's a tower over there i'm going to go for that one uh though first i could probably get a permanent mutation where's my mixer buddy i'm gonna need to blow up some animals hang on a second oh someone suggested i try combining one of these dead dudes the little ball guys with let's just try that let's blow them up yes got him we combine it with the crab okay yeah we've got a stack of them okay let's get him get him in my mouth get him in my mouth okay now we gotta find the cramps oh what would this make get in there oh that's pretty cool okay so that's a purple one ah what's the purple one dude it's probably just a really good explosion okay let's gun it for the tower and we'll look for a crab afterwards oh yeah i'm gunning it the tower is right over there this should be the best quickest path to get there look at that epic jump not getting me today champ look at my bounce mode oh yeah oh perfect perfect this is the thing that i need to kill okay i'm just gonna get this guy oh he's not dead that one bomb did nothing okay town was just over here nice alrighty my dudes we made it to the tower party time i reckon those chompy guys the dudes with the big mouths have got to be my favorite like alien in this entire series i just reckon they're so cool oh look out for that dude i hate those things i hate them i kind of wish there was more to do with those things up there you know what i mean like maybe there was a way to kill them or they were kind of worked into the story a little bit more don't really know anything about him ah perfect there's a cramp yes whoa okay this looks like it's one of those cool energy blast type bombs that's what we want i'm just gonna try combining the different things and just see what happens what about a bug get it get the bug get this thing there we go i got one oh it made another energy thing so combining two types of aliens together gets you this cool purple like energy blast bomb okay i'm sorry about this friend right i've got to get him yes okay now i'm gonna go over here we've gotta get his uh what is it called the weird squiggly thing this i don't know what that is give me it okay permanent regenerative body sweet oh there he is give me this yeah got it who do we have in here goo wham dumb name all right let's go get some more leadership already into the shrine okay what permanent mutation are we getting now uh trumpet mouth okay so if you guys don't know the cool thing about this game is that if you play it all over again it's different like all of the lands and stuff that you explore is different every time which is really cool i may even play this game again after i finished it all right get some leadership nice that'll get us another trebem and food storage is always nice yes oh we could hatch a trap him here cool all right i'm gonna hatch this one let's drop him in there oh he's about to be born what's his name oh he's a spotty one he kind of looks like a a bad banana okay here's a name straight from the comments burger that's his name your name is burger cool i like burger he except he does look a little bit more like a banana but anyway hang on if i look on the map down there the face is actually on the map why there it is there there's a big giant face sticking up out of the ground okay why is that why is it on the map oh that dude's trying to attack me nope not on my watch champ i get my mixer friend here i'm gonna blow him up no take that yeah got him i fired two at him what a waste oops okay i don't know what that head's about i'm just gonna keep going and not worry about it oh my god there's a giant lake there what the heck oh there's a bridge kind of a bridge okay this doesn't seem so hard all right we can make this yeah my face oh no it's the sound of one of those doppelganger type ones oh god we got to get out of here we've got to leave him behind hopefully he gets crushed the guy's a giant butt anyway oh who stuck a worm there how we going oh we're fine cylinders ages away that thing is so slow uh oh oh we've got a red border this time that's bad we need some food uh it seems like i'm stuck hang on hang on there's a trevor here gru can't get that guy i don't have enough leadership all right time to make some bombs let's go oh yeah bomb time so i got a comment someone was asking if i could use bombs to make more bombs i don't think you can can i don't think that's a thing all right let's grab them and then i'll grab one of these eggs is that something looks like it is there's some tiny glitch balls down there i'm gonna blow them up i'm gonna get him oh there you go blow up dudes yeah yes got em okay i think i need to use these guys for stuff yeah make some fancy bombs alrighty burger you're going mixer mode as well champ oh yeah he looks good all right got some dead glick bowl here grab those ones there's a few live ones over there oh this is the guy i need oh yeah check out this move this is how you get a stack of these guys okay i'm gonna play my tune alrighty guys come over here that's it follow me come on yeah all you little ball guys yeah that's it over this way yeah i got a few now i blow up that's the trick oh yeah blow them all up and go douche got him i just noticed a children's playground over here something tells me if i go over this way something bad is going to happen so let's go what a strange place yeah this is super weird it's a children's playground but even stranger were the feelings that stirred in their memories like a voice from a lost world yeah there is a voice the voice of scared children i got my bombs at the ready my super bombs you just know something's going to come out of the ground and get us come on get me let's go oh what the heck is that oh it's a mathematician he's back and is he healed no he's not he's just it's like a flesh word he's fine oh what's he doing what's he doing he doesn't even have a hand he's got it he's got another hand though had come true oh god the mathematician was alive oh no and now he had brought forth this one oh no what is that what is that how am i supposed to beat that thing how take that blow him up get his ring thing oh he's getting rid of my uh my mutations how am i supposed to get him here take that whoa i'm under the ground why am i under the ground oh that's bad i am under the map here take that yeah got him under the map life how do we get back oh no okay he can't attack me from up here i'll just give him all those explosive bombs there you go cheap i don't think this is how the battle is supposed to go i'm attacking him pretty well though i can see him oh oh oh take a bomb take some bombs yeah nice we're back with burpee okay who else we got we've got people is still under here switch over to burger there we go burger's got the bombs as well man yeah take the bombs on the face champ this guy packs a punch man he's got loads of health this guy must be super fit yeah have a few of them oh no no we just blow him up take that sucker he's down you hey what is it we got a new thing that just it just disappeared where did that go how did i just get creepy legs all of a sudden oh nobody died okay yeah that was a pretty good boss battle except for being stuck under the map for a little while that was super weird so in the next video we'll continue our quest for the great beast if you guys know what the giant face thing was sticking out of the ground if there's anything you can do with it let me know in the comments and thanks very much for watching this video i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 177,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, The Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder Beta, Eternal Cylinder Epic, new games 2021, epic store games, epic store beta, open world game 2021, survival games 2021, trebhum, trebhum evolution, trebhum mutation, eternal cylinder secret, eternal cylinder resource, eternal cylinder mutations
Id: jxUklQL5Mao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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