FLYING Over The PLANET As FLYING FISH - New I Am Fish Gameplay

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i'm just a strong independent blue fish who don't need no goldfish jump that jar jump that jar oh oh you can double jump and triple jump i'm just gonna go down to earth i'm probably gonna burn up in orbit [Music] how's it going champs we're playing i am fish we're back with this chompy little do today because we're trying out some more mods we've done some levels with mods on before but some people have wanted me to try this one because at the end you're able to bite a seagull normally you have to let go of the seagull before you run out of breath what if i can't run out of breath though all right i'm just gonna jump down here mods are awesome oh we broke okay so we just have to bite the tap there we go i've also got a mod going at the moment that allows me to jump it doesn't work though unless you're actually in a bowl okay so let's just get up here there we go look at this i don't think i can suffocate at the moment i can just just go along the bench it's all good i could probably even get into that pot there and cook myself if i wanted to do you want to get cooked little guy i don't think he wants to get cooked that's gonna hurt okay let's get in the water now i'm actually missing a piece of bread the very first bread i'm guessing that the very first bread is gonna be around here somewhere i need to get all the bread that's the aim of the game is it in the sink there's blood on the sink is it bloody bread i hope not that sounds disgusting oh there's a pipe there okay it's not in there the clue was let it sink in i think it's actually in here i think i just saw it it is yes the fifth and final piece of bread for this level let's grab it nice how did i miss that one in the beginning that looks like the easiest bread to find ever okay get in here bite this yes gotta break the thing okay another pipe broken this guy's mission in life is to literally bite all the things that's it oh sandwich time okay get the sandwich i'm just gonna i'm just gonna take this sandwich with me wait come back get the sandwich okay we got it gotta make it a soggy sandwich this fish does not need any water at all he's all good this is how evolution begins one minute you're a chompy fish next minute you're a monkey and then you're like not reject humanity return to chompy fish okay i'm taking the hammer with me let's go let's build ourself an ark okay open up this one i thought another good level that we could try and do with mods would be the space level all right the very last secret level as a space level what if we were to try and do the level as the flying fish i'm gonna see if that's possible we're gonna go to space level become felix the flying fish that's not his real name that's just the name i gave him and then we'll go from there does that say tonk is that tonk what the heck is tonk oh is this tonic of course well the house is now full of water sorry about that this is a window breaking sandwich because it's high in cholesterol yes you can break the window with the sandwich and we're back in a jar and we can jump i'm gonna enable non-breaking mode look at this okay i just pressed a button on my keyboard now my jar is not gonna break let's go and get hit by a car on purpose never do that whoa yeah yeah it does nothing hit me again hit me again oh you missed run me over what why are you guys running me over when i was trying not to get hit you were smashing me all the time there we go we just got hit okay we're going down this way oh yeah that was super easy so even though the bowl can't break we don't want to get stuck down in the courtyard that'd be bad if we got stuck down there with those crappy humans look at that guy i hate that guy i just don't like it very much he sat there drinking milk in the sun that's how you get sick okay come on come on come on come on oh we just got to go down the ramp come on down the ramp little chompy going ugh okay we're all good man those people aren't real people okay okay okay steer it steer it steer it no ah oh that bad okay can we jump out of here come on jump that jar jump that jar oh oh you can double jump and triple jump okay but that's it's not getting me where i want to go is it whoa okay now where am i oh yeah we can do this we'll just roll down here oh the jar is is it gonna break it almost looks like it's breaking we're in someone's garden and then just keep jumping and then eventually we'll be over this way yes uh-huh victory i'm up in the tree house how's it going did you see that move yeah flying fish time jar's actually looking a little bit broken though it's supposed to be unbreakable what the heck they lied to me i want a refund this pickle jar has a crack in it oh there's some angry seagulls too bad you can't break my jar whoa do you hear that i wonder if i can bite them as they come down or jump them i'll be like hey yeah come on come on i'll jump you come on swoop me bro swoop me oh yeah come on come on bring it in whoa jumped you it just jumped him real good come on sweep me oh jumped him oh no no that jar is looking a little bit broken okay we've officially broken the jar we are now in invisible jar mode whoa whoa he knocked me down it's a rider back up again i'm gravity defying piranha i was about to call him a piranha fish we are so close to biting this seagull and we're not letting go we're not gonna let go normally you get about i don't know like halfway over the river and then you start to run out of breath and you're gonna be like oh dude i gotta let go of the seagull bum it's so delicious but i gotta let go and then you drop in the water and it's like level over oh he got me good oh whoa what's happening oh i think because the jar didn't break i didn't get launched into there uh oh how am i gonna get in there now so the whole jar breaking thing you have to be careful otherwise oh that doesn't happen what the heck i'm under the map oh no oh this is bad okay finally in the bathtub glitches aside okay let's just grab this tent we need to break the taps all right we'll break that one as well and then jump out of this bathtub let's get out of there oh god i'm just rolling around on the ground uh oh scummy mats oh i missed all right pooh paper in the toilet gotta flush it gotta block it up real good oh you wanted a bath hey how about your entire bathroom alrighty there i can see the seagull up there i'm going for it i'm going for the butt let's go i nailed him in one got him that was such a good shot okay i'm not letting go i'm not letting go we're going as far as this goal take me let's go champ take me back to your nest i'm one of your children now go ahead and vomit food into my mouth if you want you can do i disappeared what everything is a lie he was fake ah i'm disappointed but happy at the same time oh it's a nighttime map i just want to find a seagull on this map as well i know there's plenty on this map that you get to bite i want to see what happens if we bite some of those dudes we're literally a couple of days away from halloween so this seems kind of fitting it would be nice if there was a halloween update or something you know what i mean all right rip all this wood crap out of the way gotta go through the tubes man just bust in there yes let's go i'm doing a dance as i go through the tunnel doing some 360s oh yeah smacked right onto the ground yeah we could probably do some giant tarzan's like swings yeah like just king of the jungle type stuff i don't think tarzan was king of the jungle but you know what i mean whoa nut mist oh i missed that one as well oh yeah that's the move oh there's one there okay i'm gonna bite him and see how far we can ride him for got him all right i've got hold of his tail fed this i'm not letting go not letting go dude is he gonna vanish what's gonna happen he's probably gonna vanish and just drop me off in the woods ah you're just smacking me up against rock look at me rolling through the bushes with a broken face just looking for the water again okay yeah rope rope got it oh there's a seagull there too yeah right on the back got hold of his head that's so good where are we going this time seagull man oh to the moon oh god that's really high damn dead okay so we're back in the space level here now normally you have to be like a variety of different fish mostly the goldfish to actually get all these levels done what we're going to try and do though is do most of it with the flying fish see what we can actually do so i'm going to open this one up first obviously the flying fish can't do that let's go back to this dude uh hey there champ how's it going you want to come through here chompy come back through this way dude okay we got to get him through there he's got to bite that okay flying fish time let's go let's go should be a tube up here that we have to go through oh my god i have to bite this as well oh hang on maybe i can turn it without it maybe if i use my my flying ability hey yeah you can you can actually turn these things without biting them oh nice super smart okay now i'm out in a bubble now how much of this can i do as the flying fish okay so let's go over this way oh i'm in this one i'm in this one okay so i need to break that over there we just gotta smash it whoa smack it yeah fly oh he's gasping for air you don't need to do that okay break that oh we didn't hit it hard enough uh oh what's he doing what's this move how are we supposed to move oh he's just gonna bounce around he's got no means of actually moving what if i was to just place him inside here oh now he's the one in here that's cool where's the goldfish oh he's he's where is he oh god all the fish have been like jammed into parts of the spaceship where they're not supposed to be i'm gonna have to no clip them to where they're supposed to be hang on a minute let's put this guy back here oh my god where's the buffer fish what are you doing up in the air champ okay you look super sad okay you can go you can go in this bubble yeah you're in the bubble now you're all good you're uh you could be whoa don't be a bubble in a bubble okay i've worked out something rather important and that is when you know clip you actually move all the fish at the same time watch this so if i go whoop oh i just pushed a few of them out of there i'm this guy now i could probably push these guys back into the bubble right so i've swapped places with the goldfish okay he's in there let's push the goldfish back into this bubble come on goldfish get back in the water bro okay papa fish is looking at mighty sick i'm just pushing him around the place like he's actually dead all right don't worry guys i'm doing everything let's break this hey cool i can do all the stuff as the blue fish i don't even know where the other fish are who cares blue fish to the rescue okay we need to get through there somehow it's all good we'll open this oh nailed it i think you're supposed to do that with a chompy fish who cares though i'm the blue fish i'm just a strong independent blue fish who don't need no goldfish let's go smash all right we're in here now okay i have to abandon the cube cube must be abandoned and we have to go for that tunnel let's go let's go through the tunnel nailed it all right then over here we're doing really well pat yourself on the back there little blue guy oh oh that was close yeah flying fish is the best oh no crap oh this is bad over that way wriggle wriggle oh can we flip this switch this is the question oh yeah you can man there is loads you can do as the blue fish oh yes this is the blue fish's moment finally he can go out into open space this is so good let's push the button nice you got to push all the buttons but first we should go to earth yeah see you later suckers i'm leaving the spaceship here you guys are crap i'm just gonna go down to earth i'm probably gonna burn up in orbit but who cares it's gonna be worth it i'm going back the hard way or the easy way man the earth is actually really far away oh that's it that's it wriggle faster little man whoa then we just got sucked through a black hole whoa it's awfully dark in this black hole oh i'm back here at the spaceship everything's fine again i'm just gonna fly out in space this is so nice alrighty guys i'm gonna leave the video here if there's any levels you want me to try out with mods let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 185,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, I am Fish, I am fish playtest, I am fish demo, I am fish release date, I am fish download, I am fish flying fish, I am fish bossa, bossa games, I am fish gameplay, I am fish full release, I am fish guide, fish simulator, I am fish mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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