Rare SHELL ARMOR Mutation Makes ALIENS UNBREAKABLE! - Eternal Cylinder

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i've never seen one of these things before is there anything in there oh god oh god oh god oh god rolled it roll dude it's so orange don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going for playing eternal cylinder i've just stumbled upon kind of a secret little area in the frozen section it's hidden behind this giant mountain thing in kind of this pocket right next to this barrier if i touch that barrier i'm actually going to die so i'm not going to touch the barrier i mean i assume i'm going to die i don't really want to test it though i've touched red barriers before and it's bad so today we're looking for more things that we can eat all right we're gonna try and eat some stuff mutate into things that we've never mutated into before we're really gonna thoroughly check everything out and see what we can find there's a ghost man i've seen these dudes before but i have no idea what they even do do they do something with the rocks okay he's he's he's warming it up what why why are you doing that bro why would i need a hot rock what would i do with this that makes like no sense whatsoever i don't know what to do with it if you guys know or if you've got like any ideas and stuff let me know in the comments i'm gonna climb over the mountain though i'm gonna climb this mountain and see if i can see something cool oh there's something over there there's some like there's some weird totems or something oh god oh god i'm stuck i think i'm stuck no i'm good i'm good hey what have we got going over this way we got some of these awesome watermelon things i like these things these things give you just water okay that's it they look really cool but all they give you is water i'm gonna get a few of those anyway are there like this symbols on those rocks i don't know what they mean i feel like that would mean something and then there's one of these spiky things i think this is one of the things that allows you to attract those bugs all right suck that thing back champ eat them eat them oh yeah i've got a cool haircut now looking pretty good what what where'd my haircut go oh i want to get on that thing how do i get up there if i could just somehow climb that thing but i don't think you can i don't think you can get inside of this no you can't get in there it's like an invisible wall so something makes me think that a lot of the hidden mutations require you to kill some of the other aliens to get them so some of those dudes with like the big green balls between their legs that sounds so bad but that's so accurate hey dude do the stompy thing i'm gonna see if i can attack him somehow i'll let him stomp me right oh yeah roll away right and then we'll come in and then just oh i tried to budge him he's too quick all right roll he comes down and then we'll roll and then we'll whack him what happened all right oh i think a gas cloud killed me oh that sucks look at my nose i don't know what this does but i found it over in the frozen section and now i've got three trunks three trunks has got to be better than one right that means i suck just three times as much okay maybe i can help this guy no he did he's he's just here now alrighty dude we're down in the cave this is the first of the caves and i think this is the one where you get the uh the mutation that lets you process minerals with your head but i'm going to get one of my other trebum where are they oh they're outside oh great face get down here dude you're gonna be the guy to process all the stuff you're getting all the weird tubes in your head all right here we go dude let's learn to walk learn to walk champ inside the chest there we go so i just need to smash this open right yep i don't remember seeing that one before right thick shittiness chit thick chit tenis okay that's really hard to say it's actual armor i didn't even know that was a thing hey okay give me all these give me all these little nuggets of minerals or whatever they are dude i look like something from mario brothers check me out an actual shell on my head i reckon if i became sparkle mode i would look pretty awesome let's do it dude oh yes i look a thousand times better look at that iridescent skin that is one good-looking tribe here comes the cylinder bro can we get all the way up here nah i should probably get down and out of the way before i get crushed by the giant cylinder uh what oh my god my gut i'm super hungry now i need to actually eat food okay oh are you gonna get crushed dudes oh that was close we're back on the lookout for some cool stuff there's an ice area over here i'm gonna go take a cheeky bit of a look but there's also this dude who seems to be guarding some eggs you can't catch me bro i'm gonna steal your eggs i'm gonna do it yeah got one i'm gonna take your egg and i'm gonna feed it to this guy over here you go dude eat this hey oh i just smashed his egg i just smashed it oh another cave hey champ get up i got a friend yes finally i was all on my own for a while there i need to give him a name i'm just going to call this one william i'm just giving it just a regular human name there we go his name is william i'm going to get him some bouncy legs there you go thankfully there's these dead guys right here if they drop all four of their like little green ball things they don't what's inside the chest open up let's get something cool all right what do we got what do we got uh got some health got a bit of water i'm just i'm sucking all this stuff back i realize i shouldn't it's a bit of a waste and then we got sparkly boy all right let's just crack that open we're gonna be two sparkly dudes let's do it i like this guy's camo he's got going on he's like cool camouflage color yes so i think a lot of the stuff that drops in this game is actually random so you can find some cool random stuff inside some of these uh treasure chests this is a trebem shrine i haven't done before oh they feel great power flowing through this cave there's a hot tub yes all right i'm just gonna activate them one at a time it increases their health it's an upgrade bang done what does this one do is this fight power what is this stamina increases the size of their stamina this one gives you the maximum amount of trebum you can actually have in your team food storage and then i'm guessing water storage right yeah i think stamina is pretty important nice that's a really hard one to upgrade there is so much mineral around here on all of the walls and stuff i picked up ten of them if i had the mutation that allowed me to like transfer that stuff into like the the crystal bits i'd have like heaps of the currency to be able to upgrade but i can't should be able to get this guy in here oh yeah there we go who is this this dude's already got sparkles awesome you will be the new sparkly boy oh i wonder if i can get this alien over there to hatch this egg if i sneak it onto his nest when he's not watching let's just put this egg over there i just i've smashed one of his eggs that's fine he'll come back and be like there's two eggs it's all good all right i'm just gonna hide over here and wait is the dude attacking his own eggs dude what are you doing oh he hatched it yes okay we're just gonna have to name him guio because we have to run away before we get crushed let's go guyo guio's got a white trunk he's pretty awesome what are these dude what there's some cool stuff here along the way that's just gonna get completely flattened by the cylinder hey look the cylinder is coming dude big mouth guy get out of here this is the creepy hand dude i feel like this is a boss fight i'm just gonna leave him be and i'm gonna go over here and let down the ramp because i don't want to lose any of my awesome mutations and stuff oh no we have to get him to bang into it hey there's a mutation down there i'm gonna get this one got some spiky hair all right i'm gonna see if i can attract this guy over towards the chain and let it down without dying but something makes me think that i'm gonna lose all my mutations anyway which kind of sucks oh god it's the car man it's literally half man half car oh that sucks can we just get this mutation over here just this one just a swan not that guy there it is maybe i can honk my horn at him i don't know yeah take that perhaps we could steal some of this stuff he's got back here roy's awake he's awake okay let's go over this way oh god oh he's coming he's coming i'm losing my mutations no oh that sucks i had some good ones cylinder man's gone here it comes here it comes yes all right now run away gotta get away from this dude then we can cross the bridge i think you lose your mutations anyway because there's lights on the bridge that you can't avoid all right we're heading over the bridge yeah see what i mean there's lights on the actual bridge you can't do anything about it oh maybe i can bring one of them back to life okay let's have a look okay so who died blue butt died oh man i don't have enough stuff to res them i need to get some more crystals oh those dudes are creepy they're the things that they eventually evolve into oh man run run he's so big i wonder how we could kill one of those things i reckon they'd have a really good mutation if you could whoa oh god he just spawned out of nowhere jeez hey look at this there's one of these things right here what is that doing there i don't even have balloon mode yet i just noticed there's a secret path here i'm gonna go through the barrier i just saved it though so i just want to have like a quick explore before the cylinder crushes me i'm basically going as sideways as i can just to check out this area what's over here is there anything oh god oh god oh god it's coming it's coming the cylinder is crushing everything in its path i'm taking a shortcut taking a shortcut is there anything over here i kind of feel like there is oh god i'm in the water that's bad oh no i'm out of the water now oh the cylinder slowed down awesome let's just keep going sideways as far as we can just to see what happens let's roll bro hey i'm not supposed to be over here cool let's just keep going oh god there's one of those big guys i'm gonna need some stamina to get away from him this way this way don't spit on me bro what the heck is even over here oh god more cylinder run run oh oh oh oh oh oh it's getting close it is getting close i think the cylinders like nah i'm just gonna crush you now you've had enough fun in this cool area roll roll little man here sparkly boy died hey it's slow down again and noticed there's like no stamina things over here oh god oh god oh god oh god roll dude roll dude it's so orange i'm dead oh oh super angry cylinder mode dude this purple lightning stuff is insane you can't run away too far from the cylinder otherwise you get zapped but what is this there's this like crazy structure thing going on here can we can we go inside what is it is there something on top of it i want to know what it is i don't even think i can climb up it all right get me up this thing i've never seen one of these things before is there anything in there oh an eye all right give me another eye uh okay that thing just got crushed hey here comes the serpent so apparently the serpents protect things i don't know like objects and locations and stuff like that so that's probably what he's doing do you think you could hatch my friend that'd be really nice if you could hey dude oh okay just oh no no no no hey what's that thing down there what is this dude hey what are you whoa that thing looks crazy man are you friend or foe he's just he's just pushing me around hey ow he just bit me stay away get away i'm going i'm just going to leave i'm just going to leave this guy stop it ow jeez those things are aggressive man oh maybe they can maybe these two can fight this is it we'll get him to battle don't bite me again yeah that's it that's it crush that dude bring the hammer down on him whoa yeah got him is he dead yeah he's dead did he drop anything oh yeah he did oh yeah he did cool man new mutation let's go what's the mutation we got oh god what i can't see everything's gone blurry i've just got really bad eyesight now i'm gonna have to switch back to a trip and who can see oh my god my eyes i regret everything okay so we did manage to find some very cool mutations today if you guys know of any that are coming up let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video if you like it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 417,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, The Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder Beta, Eternal Cylinder Epic, new games 2021, epic store games, epic store beta, open world game 2021, survival games 2021, trebhum, trebhum evolution, trebhum mutation, eternal cylinder secret, eternal cylinder resource, eternal cylinder mutations
Id: nmXoGxF2klE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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