New ANTLION Insect is Unstoppable! - New Grounded Update

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oh man are you serious it's a sandpit it's a big ol sandpit whoa i'm going dead oh i'm sizzling i am sizzling why [Music] how's it going chance we're playing a grounder this could possibly be the biggest update grounded has ever seen it is massive firstly i noticed something that's quite tragic i'm just gonna go over here for a minute i'm gonna see if you guys can actually spot what has happened my house is underground it is actually embedded inside this giant stone i don't know how i'm gonna live in this thing it's it's just i don't know they stuck a rock here for some reason so in this update they've completely revamped this whole area it's completely different there's new bugs there's new infected bugs it's insane it really is there's something over there you can probably see it it's giant and it's orange i'm gonna go and check that out in a minute there's always been a picnic table up here and just recently they stuck some bugs got some bees flying around ooh nectar i'm gonna pick this stuff up so i can eat it there's also a new system that they've added in called milk molars where it basically allows you to upgrade your character like in any kind of rpg game oh there's a giant apple core over this way okay hey there's a mess there's a new black ant okay uh he's got a lot more health than the red one how's it going champs oh there's another aunt just showed up whole bunch of aunt friends where is this one going why dude where are you going he's actually not going with the rest of them maybe there's a black ant nest oh okay that sounds creepy i'm following him what is it oh is that a ladybug no it's a pill beetle i'm a little bit wary hey champ uh sickly rolly pop why is he sickly can i ride him yeah should i try and fight a pill beetle i guess i should just so we can learn it's attack patterns oh yeah oh dang what is that move he got me with the bowler attack oh gotta block oh no okay what's he doing oh he's curled up he's gone into defense mode whoa whoa whoa whoa he's doing a roll attack over there that is so cool he's like i'm just gonna get out of here man let's mount this hill and see what's it's a big giant pair of eyes what is that what is that oh it's a bee hey b where are you going champ oh there's water down here what an ant hey look at that there's a crack in the pipe it's like someone was digging and they they dug up the pipe i guess okay hang on can we can we go through here is this a tunnel we can explore oh yeah you better believe it is okay this is mildly terrifying uh uh okay okay i'm doing it i'm doing it where are we going bros got 35 seconds to find out where we're going oh hang on chop it dude chop okay switch knife we need more of a cutting knife got it got it grab this thing minotaur maze key what is that almost died we got a minotaur maze key this goes nowhere i haven't found too many hostile bugs so that's nice but i just found my first orb waiver oh there's a couple of them i wonder if they're guarding something i'm gonna shoot him oh you missed me champ tried to spit on me yeah got him give me back my arrows all right club at the ready blocked your champ ow hit that dude yes got him down two spiders dead uh any more spiders down this way oh there's another one i feel like these guys might be guarding something i got my rapid fire crossbow they've actually just run away what a pack of scaredy-cats oh no yeah got it i'm but i'm more gross and webbed so i've got a mod installed at the moment that removes reload time so i can just my crossbow turns into basically a machine gun it's the best get me out of this man i can't believe how big this update is there is so much to explore oh what is that i found a tooth it's an egg it's a tooth oh no it's a calcium chewable it's vitamins okay we're all good can we break it with this it requires a busting tool i'm pretty sure the spider mallet thing is a good busting tool but apparently not oh yeah let's break this giant tooth thing open i found a milk morsel okay hey it's a pill bug um sorry about shooting your friend in the face i won't do the same to you because you seem like a pretty rad guy climb on him yay man it's such a bummer you can't actually tame those things and ride them around like a horse i want to get inside this big giant red crab that's where the excitement's at that's what i feel like i found crushed la vice can okay yeah she's crushed all right hey a field station oh no i'm hoping there's no spiders over here what is that thing it's black there's another pill bug is that a dog is it a tiny dog i don't know what it is okay she's a scaredy-doo dad we're off we're all fine i reckon i try and take out a pill bug whoa rapping boy dude oh he got me oh man ow yeah got him man there's so many arrows i love that rapid fire mod the reason i use it and i know it's very overpowered all right you guys don't need to tell me that but i've just played this game so much it's just fun to have a crazy weapon and it makes me feel like i'm playing a shooter okay let's loot his corpse uh sickly roly-poly part and shells okay okay let's research this stuff okay got some armor that's pretty good and i just got some brain power oh cool brain power oh dude look at this stuff i don't even know what this gear is is that a sombrero oh this is amazing okay yep this is definitely trash awesome oh oh man there's ants here of course there is there's so many food items there's a donut okay i'm going down here is that a chip it's like a corn chip or something hey little ant friends how's it going hey how are you they seem happy so far they're not eating my flesh so that's that's nice it's a donut i'm walking on a donut that's great oh dude that is moldy and gross that is one stinky looking hot dog i'm gonna try and jump over here see if we can get out of this thing it's like a rusty old trash can should be able to walk up the shovel and all the way out to the highest point oh there's trash everywhere and there's like a tunnel down there there's a an empty packet okay up the shovel oh what is that thing oh it's a net carrying trash uh okay so there's a parcel here we'll get some raw science that says parcel upside down i think oh yes another tooth i know it's a vitamin but this feels kind of disgusting milk a morsel apparently we have to go and see burgle and he knows what to do with that stuff oh man are you serious it's a sandpit it's a big old sandpit okay okay we've got to get in there somehow all right i'm going in i'm going in oh this is creepy ass going i'm going down onto a moldy hot dog oh that's gross oh it's toxic i'm dying i died i died for a moldy hot dog at first i thought this was a snake but it's actually just a garden hose so i'm somewhat relieved trust me could you imagine if this thing came alive man i would have a heart attack oh i wonder if we're able to turn that on at some point and maybe flood the entire garden hey hey down there there's a lab door that was lab door not labrador hang on can we get inside this thing it's red it's red i don't know how i'm gonna get in there i guess maybe we have to unlock it somehow i assume if we needed a key it would probably say oi go get a keychain oh this is really hard to do okay okay i noticed that the hose goes down this way i fell off it all right can we walk up that come on dude please tell me you can walk up the hose oh no all right maybe maybe the grass mode yes who no no now oh you could just run up from the thing okay all right that's a bit easier hey there's like there's some succulents up here what is that noise what the heck is that noise there's a noise i can see the bird over there is that the sound of me on fire whoa i'm going down oh i'm sizzling i am sizzling why what does that mean can i go in the shade okay i can go in the shade all right all right that's nice to know that's nice to know um all right i haven't died yet i feel like death death is like imminent though like i am very unequipped to be in the desert is there anything in the water that's going to kill me snakes any snakes any any garden hose snakes i mean i should be fine if i just go from like you know whoa what is that what is that thing i'm gonna whack it [Applause] no what does that move oh he bit me those things are angry oh he's he's knocked out i'm dying i'm dying from sizzle oh oh i died from the heat i'm a little bit wary about going down there again maybe i'll go in the water the water looks safe what's over here oh we got the sizzle going on again okay let's just get in the water whoa ow hey what's this i found it i jumped on a chest it's a treasure chest it requires one chest key invalid one game item this is the story of my life so what's in this sand castle it looks more like a dirt castle it's the saddest looking sand i've ever seen it's so dark brown okay hold up let's just have a quick look down in here okay oh it's that's definitely a dead end it looks like there's supposed to be something there though work in progress i guess oh this sucks okay we're not sizzling we're all good now we're sizzling what no i'm gonna shoot him take my rapid fire machine gun thing yeah let's get his bits got some airline parts i wonder if i can make some clothes that'll let that allow me to traverse the desert without death anything jumping up out of the ground to kill you should be banned that is a not a nice thing to do okay there's a tiny little cocktail umbrella over here let's just stand under it oh neat it's not even covering the ground okay hang on i'll stand on this little patch oh this whole part's in the shade that's pretty good just gonna go down there come on we can make a pete we can make it you can make a little dude ah pete what the heck pete great way to make me terrified of the sand uh okay we're all good we all good run dude sand pits are scary oh juice yes what is this thing i think it's like a little sandcastle tub or something it's just shelter i guess i suppose the sun will move throughout the day oh get up here quick oh what the heck what even just happened i swear i almost jumped out of my chair something threw an ant at me he like used him as a weapon what's down here oh i see i see used it chucking answers like little boulders or something oh dude the guy's crazy guy's insane he's using other animals as weapons oh yeah take that aw crap got me oh dude he's mad at that no no i hate these things i hate him so much i reckon the best way of dealing with those things would be to just throw a bomb in there yeah i'm gonna have to totally come back with bombs and just bomb the ant lines just throw the bombs right down in the hole oh hey there's like a flying fox thing a zipline that's what they call them okay so this is pretty terrifying so far but we've managed to explore a little bit haven't gotten to any of the labs yet need to work out how to do that i think it's gonna be cool but thank you very much for watching this video catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 260,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Grounded, Grounded gameplay, Grounded building, Grounded secrets, grounded guide, download grounded, new grounded update, grounded best weapon, grounded lab, grounded hedge lab, Grounded Bee, Grounded armor, Grounded Crow, Grounded Bird, Grounded Smoothie, Grounded Mods, Insects, Survival, Survival game, Grounded Beta, Survival game 2021, Obsidian games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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