Jumping OVER THE CYLINDER To Find HUGE MONSTERS - Eternal Cylinder

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oh this thing's going real high hey look at that there's one of those flying alien boys that cylinder is actually creating a flat earth the flat earthers have won they've won yeah we're in the cylinder yes don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing the eternal cylinder all obviously here i've got the full team we've got sparkly boy we've got greg bro over there somewhere as well we look a little bit like a band at the moment i kinda wanna call a sparkly and the glowy bros i'm gonna get all the way over to that tower there it's gonna be a hard one to get to but i think we can do it i think we can do it all right let's go this way we need to roll come on come on glowy bros let's go this way all right there's a little bit of a uh chasm going on there that's fine it's a fart chasm it's full of farts you can see it it's just the green farts we need to outrun the cylinder oh you can see the cylinders coming those dudes are getting crushed they're getting crushed all right we need to run for a little bit we need to run for a little bit we need to run oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god it's coming it's coming let's go let's go okay okay roll roll roll and jump roll roll roll and jump roll roll roll and jump roll wrong oh god no that's another castle oh what we did not survive i just saw a risky ray die champs that is not the right way to go i think we have to go a different way what even is that thing oh do they fight hey they fight that is vomiting on that dude what kind of attack is that who vomits on a guy that's just oh he just stomped him what he stopped him and then he absorbed him into his leg ball oh my god okay okay what is that oh that's one of those things i think it gives me a mouth oh god it just gave me a mouth and now it's talking non-stop i've got five minutes of talking okay that's fine so it looks like on the map here we can go straight ahead and we can make it to the tower that's going to be the best way to go and roll let's go we can't get smashed by the cylinder this time we've got to make it the full way we can do this we can do this hey what's that blue stuff does that blue stuff give me energy what does it even do i don't know i'm gonna roll through it doesn't i get my stamina back if you roll through that you get your stamina and then you don't have to worry about running out of stamina okay oh gotta keep going this way where's the rest of the blue crap nobody knows oh you can see the cylinder coming it's coming thankfully i've got loads of time because i smashed that stamina thing and we're all good all right let's go over this way let's have a bit of a cheeky look around all right everybody gets on the cylinder we're all good cylinder activated or cylinder deactivated i don't know hey what's this what's this thing it's orange oh it better be delicious let's get some vitamin c oh that's good that is good let's eat it let's eat it i think it's going to give me a third eye right in the middle of my cool forehead yep there we go hey hey what are those things what's that what is that dude oh god oh god what is that dude's got glowy hands he's been touching like fire or something he's been pushing it that dude is pushing the cylinder dude he's got no pants someone needs to get that giant guy some pets oh it's called the mathematician hey so what is this thing oh there's one of those car men over there i need to keep an eye on him dude what are these things it's like a half pipe i wish i had a skateboard hold up hold up what's this can i stop talking now can we stop doing that okay all right we have to we have to roll make it past this okay hopefully my pals don't get crushed oh this is pretty cool oh dude this is tough this is cool though this is cool i'm liking the challenge all right i'm gonna switch over to greg bro and i'm gonna suck up all these crystals greg bro is awesome at converting these crystals into other stuff i don't know what it is it's like some kind of cool resource come on greg bro chew him up with your weird brain pipes dude see all the brain pipes he kind of looks like the back of a car all right sparkly boy let's go uh what is that over there it's like some kind of house all right i'm going over there i need to find out what this is i am almost this thing hey there's another dude if i get those mushrooms i can unlock this guy all right we need to find their mushrooms there's one there we need six hey i found another crystal thing yes we can get two sparkly boys all right let's do this i need to uh fire that up there there we go break it and then we need to eat it and then we go cool and rainbow let's go let's go rainbow time oh he looks even better he does he looks so much better okay i can't find the rest of those mushrooms just yet i'm gonna go over and have a look at this thing though work out what it actually is what's going on here okay so there's does it look like there's a lot down there that's all good let's just go check this out though i'm not gonna bother with the half pipe thing unless there's like a secret in there but i don't see any secrets all right let me up here let me up here what is this all right there's one of these things i can't i can't push it i can't move it what what is that hey that's the serpent that's part of the serpent look at him look how long he is he's a big giant snake man okay hold up hold up we need to see what this thing is as well hey there's a weird blue tree there's a blue tree hang on a minute there's so much cool stuff to look at right now alrighty one sec i've got myself an egg i saw an incubator just down here we can do that alrighty dude hatch let's get a new guy i don't know what i'm gonna call this one come on need more leadership what is leadership sorry champs i don't have i don't have enough leadership i don't even know what that is can i buy that do i get at the shops where's the shops i haven't seen a single shop maybe i need to go on like a course or something hey what's this tree all right finally the weeping oh oh that's the tree that makes you fly oh it's in a hard shell i just broke it that was actually way easier to break than i thought it was gonna be all right the dude was making it sound like i wasn't gonna be able to do it okay this balloon-like body allows the trebum to float in the air everybody do that everybody eat one of these cool things they look like pistachios everybody eat a pistachio unless you're allergic to nuts in which case don't okay oh this is good everybody's turning into cool floaty balls jiggy man the guy's a balloon okay i'm gonna leave a couple behind but don't worry we'll get him again later it's all good oh are you serious how do we go up higher than that yes oh that's tough it allows you to glide are you serious that's not enough hey it looks like i can hit this draft yeah yeah yep yep oh this is good this is good this sends us nice and high i wonder if this is high enough to actually go over the cylinder oh i don't know okay so what's on this house what have we got uh it's got some minerals hey there's a weird orange thing all right risky ray the read orange thing is yours little dude all right oh yeah oh yeah what is that what is that one i've never seen that one before it'd look like a weird worm face all right dude what is it gonna be what's it gonna be something cool what meteor feet he can do a ground pound oh that's good it's like a mario stomp i like that one that's pretty awesome all right let's go ahead and climb on the serpent uh we're going over we're going over him should we land on him i don't know i'm gonna land on him i'm gonna do it let's go right here i don't think he cares oh he's been stabbed the giant serpent's been stabbed i think he was stabbed by the mathematician okay so is the cylinder coming the cylinder is not coming i'm all the way at the top here i feel like if the cylinder was to come now and get stuck right here i'd be able to jump over it all right let's get launched by this thing oh this is cool look at me flying over the water there's another geyser down there let's go ahead and land on that one and then get shot over onto that island and then maybe we can work out a way to get over the cylinder with a little bit of luck come on dudes come on come on the cylinder's coming the cylinder is coming we're gonna have to be quick how am i supposed to get all the way at the top there oh god oh god the cylinder's coming is it oh yeah she's rolling it's gonna roll over the serpent alrighty dudes we have to roll keep rolling i'm hoping there's like a geyser up here that i can hit so then i can go high enough to jump over the cylinder it looks like there's steps on it okay there's the actual tower any geysers around i think there might be one behind it all right i'll activate that one all right that's pretty good yeah yes here we go here we go all right we're going up we're going up this is pretty high i don't think we can get higher than this though maybe we can oh this thing's going real high hey look at that there's one of those flying alien boys what is that thing it's got a mouth on its back that's gross what dude are you serious look at that you can see on the other side of it you guys were right that cylinder is actually creating a flat earth the flat earthers have won they've won oh my god all right i'm gonna do it i'm gonna try and jump over the cylinder oh yeah we're gone we're going yes i think i'm actually gonna land on the cylinder i think that might hurt oh no i just yeah we're on the cylinder yes mission accomplished oh yeah oh yeah we're on the cylinder everybody do a happy dance do a happy dance no one's dancing hey dance this is what i pay you for let's stomp the cylinder then yeah mario stomp it yeah show that cylinder who's spice all right i don't think i want to go back here there's nothing over here this is the flat earth realm it sucks whoo oh yeah oh this is pretty good this is what we asked for we asked for flat earth time and we got what we paid for what is that thing oh god oh god it's a mathematician man he's coming oh lord he's coming okay i don't think i should have done that i think i liked being on the other side of the cylinder what's he gonna do is he gonna make me do some mess oh no this sucks now we're going into his face great what what that was the end of the beta how do i go back so what happens if you don't go over the cylinder there what's over here okay let's just have a quick look so it looks like you go over the cylinder the mathematicians like nah bro get in my face and then you do that and then you have mad regret all right let's have a little bit of a look around see what's going on over this place it looks like it's the cold place um are there any fuzzy things where's the fuzzy plants hey what's this thing dude what is that looks like i have to break this one open okay i'm gonna eat that i don't know what that is i'm gonna eat it that's the moral of this game it's i don't know what that is but i'm gonna eat it anyway uh extendable eyes allows the treven to extend its eyes so we can see further oh that's bad it worked my eyes can leave my body awesome i don't i never knew that that's something that i wanted to do more stuff to eat awesome here we go here we go it's a pumpkin thing a trunk specialized at long distance squirting okay i'm gonna make a run for the tower and just see what happens i'm gonna roll through the snow all right it's gonna be super cold dude why aren't you rolling faster than that oh probably because he's cold he can't roll fast through oh that sucks oh that sucks he's gonna die i can't see any fuzzy plants there's one yeah dude all right suck back this thing all right sparkly boy you eat one as well oh they're all resistant cool it gave the fuzz to every single one of them hey hey what's that is that a ghost there's a ghost oh god oh god oh god oh god that big rolly thing's coming oh greg bro has died greg bro died that sucks all right yeah vomit on him hey what's that what is that what is that thing there this game has the weirdest aliens in it okay what's this ghost what is that oh hey dude what are you it's a ghost come back maybe i can stomp it dude i don't know what the heck's going on i can't kill that thing oh here's something to eat what is this it looks like a tongue oh great this harmful mutation causes damage to the trebum's eyes i just gave myself bad eyesight how is that good all right looks like it's sparkly boy oh it's these guys hey dude ow hey hey stop it stop it so we've reached the point where we're able to go over the cylinder that's all there is as far as the levels concerned but i missed a bunch of stuff along the way so if you guys know of anything that i missed let me know in the comments and i'll go back and i'll have a look and i think there's something like 25 odd or something mutations so there's loads of things to turn into and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 482,710
Rating: 4.8903217 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, The Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder Beta, Eternal Cylinder Epic, new games 2021, epic store games, epic store beta, open world game 2021, survival games 2021, trebhum, trebhum evolution, trebhum mutation, eternal cylinder secret, eternal cylinder resource, eternal cylinder mutations
Id: aDtaoLyzEvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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