This IMPOSTER Alien Tried to Eat My FAMILY - Eternal Cylinder

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i think i legitimately did it let's go over here for a minute it's looking a little bit like we can see the end of the cylinder whoa whoa oh my god [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going chance for playing the eternal cylinder just how long is this cylinder that's kind of what i want to find out in this video someone suggested that we should try finding out just like really how far we can keep going to see if we can get to the end of this thing in the last video we checked out the desert and the desert was terrifying so if i don't run into the desert in this video i'm probably gonna be happy all right i think i've had enough terrifying situations in this see you later egg get out of here what we're also gonna be doing is using some pretty awesome commands right i'm gonna use some commands to see if i can get a stack load of trebums and also try and find some really cool mutations and stuff this is good i've also got that giant red line flying across the sky there but i know that if the cylinder is on my left i'm going the wrong way i'm totally going the wrong way now let me know in the comments if there's anything you guys want me to try in this game all right the beta i believe is currently closed or it's closing so access to the game is gonna stop pretty soon and then i think we're just waiting for the game to come out oh what's this there's a lake over here okay i've never been over this way before because normally when the cylinder is coming you can't even get to this bit because everything on that side of the line is like actually everything on this side of the line is gone oh yeah there's some of these bros over here i hate these guys i have a funny feeling that these guys sniff where you've been dude don't make me burn you with acid all right it's a good thing i've got the acid burn that's my self-defense look how pink i am i'm looking pretty good the best looking trebum i've ever seen it was that one in the last video could i melt this ice i can't melt it maybe if i had the flame upgrade all right dude get that thing that should give me fire let's get fire mouth come on dude fire mouth fire mouth yeah come on melt that thing melt the ice melt it it's not melting it's not even burning me can i heat up these egg things these meteorites with it uh no the fire does nothing now i've got a special command here that allows me to spawn these eggs and i believe these eggs hatch on their own do i have to sh cool yes that works so well all right i'm going to call this one tim i've got another one i've got another one oh hatch hatch whoa that one looks cool you can be um peter what's this one look like this one's called tio they've all got like swirly patterns on them that one is roger steve yeah look at this family of tribums yeah what a family dude there's so many of them that's really cool all right i'm the one with the acid mouth though so i'm gonna be protecting everybody all right shooting acid on them making sure they're not trying to burn me i want to try and find some big monsters in this one all right i've seen screenshots of like a giant ice monster i've just never actually seen it i don't know if it's in the game yet i'm hoping that i'll run into it it's going to keep flying along along the cylinder just to see if we can get to the end or whether this thing is never ending let me know in the comments if you think it's going to be never ending or whether there is actually an end to the cylinder i don't know man i'm really keen to find out how's it going there my dude do you like being burnt with acid i would say probably not given that you're running away that's right well you're the guys that grow up to be the big acid spitting dudes so i'm just gonna keep burning him let's go is he gonna like fall over or something if i fall over i mean die he did he did he died we got him bros i'm over there spitting acid everyone else is spitting water on him like he's on fire he wasn't on fire he was burning with my ass hey what is that thing oh that thing's creepy it's got like like spiky teeth and stuff super spiky teeth i've got no idea what it is it's not one of those dudes oh maybe it's one of those things up there i hate those things oh look how close to the cylinder i am it's right there can i touch it oh i can touch it i can touch it it's not even moving can i jump over it i don't know no i can't actually climb up on it hey one of them died how did they die maybe he got a little bit too close to the cylinder and just died oh i'm telling you it looks like it goes pretty far oh no no i jumped into the cylinder and actually died stay away from the cylinder it's death oh yeah fish upgrade let's go time to turn from a cube into an awesome fish man done oh this is a bit cheeky all right there's a stack load of water here i could actually die swimming across this sometimes you just die well let's give it a shot anyway all right my dudes i think we're going okay i've got webbed feet i'm doing pretty awesome see you later sucker look at him over there he's like raphael come back close your mouth he's so gross it's like he has no jaw ah the forbidden continent i shall name this place australia day 63 i've been traveling along the cylinder for what feels like forever now and i still haven't found the end of it it's just one super long rod it just goes on forever you serious there's got to be an end right all righty there andrew you're up champ you're about to get some random mutation i don't know what it's going to be it's just a triangle it's a triangle let's go ahead and eat this one i don't know what it's gonna do i think we need to break it against the wall there we go it's cheese it is blue cheese all right let's eat the blue cheese let's find out what happens am i going to turn into a blue cheese i hope so crystalline ski oh dude i'm crystal it makes it possible to blend in with crystal formations yes look how crystally i am i look like a ruby or something oh that's awesome man that is really cool i wonder what other mutations this would go with i bet it would look cool with like i don't know maybe the maybe like the one where you uh transform minerals into things i don't know oh yes i think i did it i think i legitimately did it let's go over here for a minute it's looking a little bit like we can see the end of the cylinder what is that maybe we can even see what's inside of it uh oh oh that's cool that is cool what's gonna happen what's even gonna happen if i go oh you can see inside of it it's nothing you're not supposed to do this i'm so sorry but we're doing it in the name of science wow it's all dark and misty on that side who wants to be the one to test out if you can go in there roger you're my guy let's do it let's see if we can venture over into the scary bit hey i don't think we can i just got wedged under there oh he died oh don't go in there my dude he looks incredibly sad for roger i don't blame him are you okay steve the tribune they get really upset when one of them dies whoa i got crushed i'm just gonna keep going i'm just doing it i feel like forrest gump you know what i mean like i started rolling and then i just couldn't stop so there's some mutation here called a flying whale part what even is that i don't know are they gonna be flying whales in the game maybe there is let's go ahead and eat this what the heck just happened it is allows me to sing some song thus summoning them dude that's incredible i've got a cone head i can't sing anything though i guess that's not implemented yet whoa that thing is huge let's eat this thing it was glowing red what's even gonna happen when i eat it i don't know let's eat it and see what happens maybe i'll turn into a big disgusting red glowy thing what greatly improves the trevor's regenerative capabilities i look absolutely disgusting i do the cool thing about this game is once you're able to like explore around and stuff like that you just see some really amazing scenery hey little champ how's it going what are you doing he's just walking around with these two little legs yeah there's some really cool looking places in this game man because i think the entire game must be randomly generated you know what i mean like there's biomes like in minecraft or something like that when you can actually just let the game go ahead and create like random stuff you get some really cool scenery oh my god i always knew i was gonna end up back here are you serious ah dude dude all right i'm just going in i'm going in right into the middle of the canyon i wonder if there's anything down here i'm not seeing any giant sand worms so that's a good start hey what's this thing oh it's like a kind of mushroom all right i'm gonna eat these because i do need some food let's suck back on these weird star-shaped mushroom things they look delicious as heck let's get them oh and i do need a new bro because i lost one well actually i lost a couple along the way so let's go ahead chuck this guy into the incubator and warm him up there you go champ go ahead and hatch are we going to get like a really cool looking one like last time like do different biomes have different patterns yeah maybe this one is called russell how's it going russell you're looking rather stripey champ he is a very stripy bro can we eat these yeah we can eat these russell likes eating the disgusting looking red one so i'm gonna let him yeah get him so gross looking let's just go ahead and climb the mountain for a minute here it doesn't look like there's any of those scary looking skeleton plants which is nice maybe there's a yeah there it is there it is cool gonna get that one all right give me that thing dude these things are awesome you get loads of nutrition from these things oh here's my dude hey that one looks really cool let's go and get him what he wants six of these weird-looking grape things i'm pretty sure that's uh that's all they are i'm pretty sure they're just grapes let's get the grapes let's bring them back gagari is like got any grapes yeah i do champ there you go let's go this guy what are we gonna call this dude he looks really awesome i'm gonna call him tp tp is my new favorite trebum he looks a thousand times better than you guys he really does he looks like a piece of abstract art all right let's try one more random command and see what happens okay hey cool look at this guy his eyes are different hey dude i can't become him what oh that one's weird guys that one is weird [Music] oh whoa whoa oh my god he transformed oh god that's disgusting that thing is disgusting oh god it was an impostor this whole time he's gonna attack me right uh i'm guessing these things bite but i'm not sure i want to find out oh they do they do bite oh my god it's like it's full-on imposter thing it's it's trying to get me it is trying to get me that thing is creepy how much does it hurt if it bites me okay yeah a bit it definitely hurts a bit can we kill this thing somehow maybe we can maybe i can get one of those spiky fruits and then i'll get him to eat it hey where's he going oh he's still following me is this guy just gonna follow me for life do i have a new friend hang on a second let's get one of these oh yeah oh yeah that's what i'm talking about oh he's eating my bros he's just eating all my bros okay i'm going up here you can't get me up here dude i'm gonna go spiky mode let's do it let's get some spikes and then we'll see if he wants to bite me bang come on champ come take a nibble out of me now he doesn't wanna yeah it hurts no it doesn't splash spray with water just a group what a squirting session they don't like water very much okay that's good i hope he's gone forever that thing is terrifying okay so if you ever find a trebum that doesn't quite look like a tripum it's one of those things in disguise that was the worst thing ever why is the desert so creepy oh i want to find out what those giant guys have having their sex on top of their head we need to find that out sometime but thank you very much for watching this video if you like it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 588,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, The Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder Beta, Eternal Cylinder Epic, new games 2021, epic store games, epic store beta, open world game 2021, survival games 2021, trebhum, trebhum evolution, trebhum mutation, eternal cylinder secret, eternal cylinder resource, eternal cylinder mutations
Id: 8Bxad8C3GFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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