GIANT ALIEN Has Rare MUTATION Inside It's STOMACH! - The Eternal Cylinder

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what is that thing something is like feeding on it i'm going towards the cylinder oh this is bad we're gonna get crushed my dudes okay okay this is a yolo moment [Music] how's it going for playing the internal cylinder my family is growing i've got so many members here i've got nine ten maybe we're doing pretty well on the last video we beat a boss it was this giant human thing that rolled around on rings it was mega creepy this time we're looking for a monster a huge monster called the grash trump or grant what's his name grash tom that's his actual name where the grash tump is i've got no idea we're gonna go forward and look for him though let's get our roll on we need to get to the next tower so we don't get destroyed and flattened by the cylinder i'll go over this way okay the tower was just over there it's all good there's one of those weird sphere things in the way i'm gonna give him a little bit of a wide berth so that he doesn't chase me we're doing pretty well where is the cylinder it's all the way back there it's not even in fast mode yet so i asked you guys on the last video if you thought if the cylinder was something that is alive like it's a like an alien or a monster or something or if it's like mechanical it was about 50 50. it was like you guys couldn't decide but that's fine i don't think anyone really knows what it is at this stage okay we hit the tower we're all good let's keep going dude i've switched over to this cubie guy because he's got perceptive eyes and i want to be able to like start filling my monster compendium i'm also looking for some weird orange egg things so that i can learn the next permanent like uh upgrade thing i don't know what you call them or is it gonna stop oh it stopped it stopped we're all good i'm just waiting at this point though for like the mathematician to jump over because he does that a lot oh he's one of those guys he's chasing me okay i don't want to get spat on with the acid that stuff is super gross okay let's make it over this way try and get away from them as quick as we can i think there's a shrine over this way which is perfect oh anki for it mail i hadn't scanned one of those guys yet all right go through the blue thing awesome oh where's one of my mixer guys here we go got some bombs i'm gonna explode this dude down here let's get him i'll get him i'll get him i'll get him yes get him again whoa dude's going for me you want to fight oh no he's rolling away he's scared alrighty my dudes let's get some crystals and let's go ahead and upgrade some stuff so if i got another leadership i would be able to get another trevor in my family and that would be amazing hopefully i can do that so here's a bit of a tip for you guys it's a good idea to collect these crystals the first thing you do when you walk into these caves that way you can walk around collecting all like the tiny crystals while this dude processes the big chunks see that see all these little crystals i can pick those up it's all good and i'm just going ahead and munching away on the other ones the big chunky ones okay let's upgrade and oh man i'm almost at max leadership i think oh no no what is that i think it's a dead troala oh that's bad oh there's a dude i'll come back for you when i've got crystals this is definitely one of those dead giant space worms can we climb on him oh what happened to him we might need to go down into there and find out oh snaily dude what are you doing up here oh yeah i'm rolling down him oh the worm's been like crushed under the cylinder let's see if i can find out what's at the other end of this guy um what what oh my god what is that what is that thing something is like feeding on it ah that's weird it's so weird hey stop it stop eating my friend's head why would you do that bro that's not very nice that thing is ginormous hang on it's like the chihuahua has gone through it it's got two mouths it eats through its mouth and eats through its bum as well okay i have an idea we go inside the truala and then we go down its throat and we kill it from the inside no that's not gonna work that's a bad plan finn whoa canyon i hate these guys they're so aggressive yeah got him yeah yeah though he won't get bothered by him anymore little oh he's dead the little ball man is dead he kind of was like a purple baseball with like a mouth or something oh you want some too come on champ oh go for it yeah got him just killing all the hostile aliens over here hate those guys they don't even drop anything okay let's go have another look at this thing this giant monster now apparently there is something inside this monster that i need i think it's like another kind of mutation or something yeah maybe i climb on this thing hey dude you want to stop biting my wormy friend please please all right have them he's not bothered he's not bothered by the bombs i think maybe it's too late to help this one there's no way i'm getting inside that going uh squirt him in the eye everybody squirt his eye yeah you can't handle that it's water torture on the eyeball he doesn't care about that either he's so tough you know what this thing reminds me of train eater it's got a definite trainee to vibe about it oh no dude wants to fight careful dudes he's gonna attack gotta be careful for his special role attack oh is this a cave it is cool hey i found something i could eat what does this do oh hose trunk for long distance water squirting i found a blue cheese cube thing triangle pyramid eat it okay what's this one dude oh crystal skin oh yeah i like the crystal skin i like that one oh this hose trunk is gross hold up what happens if we squirt this with water is that what it wants me to do i don't think that does anything a few people have asked me finn why don't you use the log guy when you want to do fast rolling the log actually doesn't roll faster he rolls slower so if you're wanting to do like fast rolling just use a regular trebum not a log one oh where's the towers [Music] okay i don't know where the towers are there's one all the way over there oh no is there one over there hope there is let's have a quick look is there a tower over that way no it stops there's no towers i've got to go all the way down here oh this is bad i'm ages from a tower is there a tunnel through here no there's not i'm going towards the cylinder oh this is bad we're going to get crushed my dudes big time on the wrong side of things there's the tower over there no way okay i found a cave there's an egg i'm gonna get this egg nice let's take it over to the little incubator over here and hatch ourselves another trevor oh yeah let's go wonder what kind of design this one's gonna be i noticed that each biome tends to have different trevin designs oh look at this guy he's got like blue and orange swirlies hey i'm gonna name this one nugget not with a giant you just a little you oh god there we go nugget oh yeah let's go noggie it's your time to shine chimp you're gonna become a cube nuggie look at that qu swirly cube thing going on and we'll give him super bouncy legs because we need to jump up into that box i issue okay get in there get in the get in the box we did it now what why do we do that oh it makes the platform work okay the tower was right in front of me this time i'm not gonna miss it i'm not gonna start on the other side of the map that was super dumb all good how many trouble do we have now two four six eight ten we have eleven trevin yes man that cylinder is going super slow oh some onions hmm those look good oh oh no this is the mathematician not before i get this thing uh i need this okay i can finally make that trunk what's the mathematician doing he's just sat on the log he's literally just sat up there you know what i noticed though oh dang what's he gonna do he doesn't like the water he's chasing that poor alien he's vomiting on him yeah i don't know what that mathematician's doing he's just sat up there he's like yeah whatevs but if you notice that he's got his arm back that's weird oh no no it's these dudes no they're gonna get rid of my things oh oh this is bad this is bad where am i going where can we even hide though there's nowhere to hide oh they're coming oh it's it's inevitable the car's there too all right what game are you playing stop it oh this gone i think yeah we managed to we hung around for long enough and they just left we were too good next tower let's go it's super far away like really far away and i just noticed the chihuahua's over there as well what's he doing what meteors just almost smacked me oh this is bad i keep hitting heaps of stuff oh no come on come on whoa roll roll roll roll don't slow down yes we can make it awesome oh dude we're alive but this isn't good okay i need bouncy legs hey what's this thing it's a pink cone it's not a cone it's a pink triangle pyramid oh my god oh it's one of these crystal skin let's go crystal skin bang crystal and a shell we are all set for battle planes oh look at that thing it looks horrible i have to steal the blue core on the inside of it have you seen that that thing looks insane no thanks oh no no he's back oh he's actually healed you can see the scar on the side of him what's he doing now what's he doing oh he's pulling one of those monsters out of the ground what the heck is going on up here there's like snails on this board that's weird what are you guys doing get off there i'll just blow it up there we go i just blow it up with a bomb oh there's like a tower over there as well i don't even know what all this stuff is okay so the giant monster is walking around there we need to get inside of his mouth somehow i don't know how i'm guessing we probably just jump right in there when he comes over maybe we can just toss like a grenade into his mouth i don't know i want to be that dude he's got shells okay okay this is a yolo moment come on come a little bit closer i'm gonna jump in your gob all right roll and jump jump no we missed that's really hard get me in your mouth no i can't get in there all right we'll have another crack and jump in this guy's mouth in the next video oh you can see a picture there look at that the platform actually shows a picture of that giant beast and then a trip him on the inside of him oh an explosive trebum oh yeah this is going down so in the next video we're going to try and blow this thing up and then i think on the platform we can get the heck out of here it's gonna be amazing but thank you very much for watching this video i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 268,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, The Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder Beta, Eternal Cylinder Epic, new games 2021, epic store games, epic store beta, open world game 2021, survival games 2021, trebhum, trebhum evolution, trebhum mutation, eternal cylinder secret, eternal cylinder resource, eternal cylinder mutations
Id: anqWypF3KmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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