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is he going to look like mario oh my god i think he might i think he might look like mario by the time we're done let's catch him bro yeah let's catch him this is the bug snack behind the door it's got to be this way it's got to be let's go man let's go [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing bug snacks i want to try and get a legendary bug snack today i want to do it i know they exist apparently there's four of them four legendary bug snacks that's insane there's a stack load of new bug snacks over here green crapple why couldn't you be like grapple or something like that why does it have to have the word crap in it la sodo this bug skims along the ocean floor and sprays water at nearby sauce there's so many bug snacks around here and there's like a volcano right there there's an actual cave there's a cave what is that pale toss grande is about to smash me freezes something he freezes me is what he does not a fan of that guy i hate him already what's this fruity group this bug snack seems to appear at night what's inside the cave though what do we got going up in here there's some more cheetos flaming cheap woof much like the cheap olds in the desert except that they are constantly on fire it sucks to be them i'm gonna grab some hot sauce even though i'm at max you should always get more hot sauce noodler baths in pools of lava it can't be put out while in such a hot climate okay so you need to put those out to actually catch them what are these things you can't scan them what what is that i could push these things down what happens what just happened it's like a door a daughter where maybe behind the yeah yeah there's something behind the lava waterfall there's something back there i'm just going to try and jump through i can't get in there i'm on fire i'm on fire now i have all the regret of a person who has jumped into lava okay well i've got some hot sauce let's try and drag him out of there okay so we can get in there maybe if we put some on this guy there we go all right oh you pick him up right put him down he's my friend yeah okay let's get this bowl of noodles just to follow us out this way and try not not to get smashed by that dude as well i'm gonna try and get him in the water although maybe they can cancel each other out oh dude yeah got him got him i'm on fire why am i fired sucks oh oh what's happening to him now my strap is on fire great yes the saudi just put him out oh that's good i'm just gonna launch a coconut at him this is probably the best way here we go launch yes okay that did nothing can i put this on the fire can i just burn the coconut yeah that works cool it's a it's a bug snack oh god it's an angry bug snack i made it man i made it mad yeah i got him a greater cocoa might oh this is the area that had like the map that taught me to go out this way okay what's over here what is that what is that thing it's a mole thing oh no no no it's not it's a sherby it drills underneath the sand waiting to unleash frosty something at me okay all right dude you do you follow me into the water come into the water champ all right he's in the water oh he doesn't like being in the water i got him okay i just bagged me a sherby what's this you picked up liz's notes on a secret code oh okay all right so that's some pressure plate code or something like that i actually haven't seen oh no we did actually find some pressure plates when we found eggerbell in the last video okay nice we'll get to that at some point there might be a legendary bug snack up there oh it's 40. simply transform my arm into a red banana okay i've got to catch a red banopa for this guy can i just sleep in your bed so it's like daytime i prefer to do things in daytime it's less creepy come on come on come on oh you nailed him i've got the red banana man he looks like a chocolate banana which sounds delicious all right here have a banaka that's weird he has a banana hand change my arm from banaba to strabby oh because this guy's eaten a strawberry before i can now change his hand into a strawberry that's weird are you a man that's weird you've seen nothing yet it's like okay turn his missing leg his actual missing leg into a strabby he grew his leg back all right he wants me to transform his limbs into cocoa mites all right there you go floofy floofty is now heading back to snacksburg yes what's up here oh we got one of these icy pole man oi stop ramming into me champ not a fan i don't like it that's unwanted banging oh hang on a sec watch this move we go like this put that there then we shoot him with the fire and now he's we put the flames out that's how you do it i'm guessing that one of the legendary bug snacks are back in that lava cave alright the volcano it's got to be if you guys know which grumpers i need to speak to in order to like trigger that part of the quest let me know in the comments all right we'll give it a crack in the next video awesome where's the bunkers there's a couple of bungas going on down this way all right let's set this thing up this thing makes it like really easy to catch these guys go just fire that over there run into that champ i don't think it's gonna actually it's just gonna go under it anyway no body got it too easy alrighty dude smack into that one done this game reminds me of slime ranger so much which is cool only i'm getting the feeling that this game is gonna take a bit of a dark turn there's something weird going on fluffy seems to think that the grumpuses might actually just be becoming like bug snacks hey chandler let's eat champ i got you some burgers got you some burgers all right there you go got a burger on your head let's go for his ears got curly for our ears gotta love curly fries there we go air nice nice it looks like he's got like pigtails outside of his head oh cool and exercise all right let's go check i set up these hanging weights all around town i'm gonna jog around yep you use your grappler on top of me nice all right let's do let's drop some weights on his head i just gotta shoot these weights there's another one we missed oh we've got him got this is actually pretty easy how are you doing oh we missed chandler wait up champ all right there's another one over here hey we did it you right there chad that's a lot of weight you've got going on in your head at the moment he looks like he's struggling doesn't he it looks like he's about to snap how do you feel there champion okay i've been hearing rumors about this monster oh yeah a legendary let's catch it bro yeah let's catch him this is the bug snack behind the door it's got to be this way got to be let's go man let's go here we go to the door the big secret door what is this what's in there oh it's a watermelon it's a watermelon there it is what are you doing what are you doing no we just got smashed dude are you okay you just got wrecked what the little one's doing they're bopping me hey go bop someone else you hurt my friend so there's a giant watermelon one does it attack me what happens okay it stops me can we catch the little ones we can sort of grab him what about if i try and get one with the net oh yeah i got you dude i got you i caught a wee melon offspring of the mama melon they're a nuisance but pretty easy to catch shandlo they're like a gang of angry dodge balls it's so true okay so there's a stack of these statues around here can we this ancient statue is brittle and easy to smash inconveniently beneath a stalactite oh there's two let's just catch another one for a minute all right i got one what's he doing what's he doing oh whoa he just charged the stack i'm gonna pick them all up i'm gonna collect him i'm going to turn someone into a wee melon oh yeah if i can get like what 14 of them let's get him to smash into there these guys actually go for the traps okay now let's drop that thing on him smacked him yeah dude i wonder what happens if i catch all of the wee merwin's oh i caught them all hey dude how's it going yeah i got all of your wee melons come on mama watermelon come on hit my hit my tram you know you want it oh yeah it gets mad stomps my he's not leaving the pond though oh i just broke one of those statues all right here it comes here he comes what are you doing he's stomping oh he's doing the mega stops just repeatedly stop it oh god he's so mad okay so you definitely need the tiny little watermelon guys in order to knock him out because he doesn't go under these stalactites come on chandler let's try this again man i promise i won't catch all the tiny little wee watermelon guys all right you definitely need them you can't just go catch them all cause they don't come back chandler all right so i'm gonna put a trap right there in front of one of the statues let's catch one oh yeah got him right now he charges that he knocks himself out i'm going to drop that on him yes so many of them are going there okay he's going to charge over ooh bang we'll drop the stalactite on him oh we just cracked his back i'm going to catch some wee melons oh here he goes here he goes i'm going to drop that on him i'm going to catch these other ones [Music] yeah there's a stack load of them that are knocked out well what just happened i think he just hit me i know that snack is on him i got an idea okay you distract him give me this little guy give me all these little guys oh i've caught so many of them uh oh oh yeah there we go there we go yes we just busted him open and we've got one more slot for the dude what is that um yep okay there's like a tiny slice left yeah we got one mama melon hey chan loan bro that bug could have killed me i know man we should turn chad low into 100 melon oh he's got a mustache is he going to look like mario oh my god i think he might i think he might look like mario by the time we're done okay let's change his body right just to see what it looks like he's definitely got some mario vibes going on i'm a little bit disappointed because i thought that some of these statues would have been the puzzle to opening up this big giant secret door but they're not they've got nothing to do with it but there is a puzzle up on the mountain oh yeah cool the wee melons are back but oh not the big one though okay but there is a snack pot up there which is kind of awesome imma get it come here they don't have a mum anymore what are they gonna do i feel kind of bang i destroyed their mum i just ran into floofty and he started telling me about like the bug snacks and stuff i just wanted to see what he would say asking for opinions instead of i'm not going to discuss my feelings with you emotional parasite this guy is not very nice is it true that you eat grumpuses does he eat other grumps eu cannibal don't be ridiculous i've only eaten one grumpy what he ate one grumpus okay let's go check out the sizzling scenes oh dude oh dude this is cool a new area there's a giant bug snack in the sky hey that's the one for the beginning of the game dude that thing is so massive and there's sputties what are they called loaded spotty i could love a loaded spotty i really do in real life they are delicious hey what are these in traps doing man what is that it's a giant pizza bug snack mothra supreme it looks like it could use a good slicing how are you supposed to catch that guy he's all the way in the sky i feel like these inch ramps are actually oh god no no oh they're looking at each other okay hold up hold up it goes it goes this one that one that one and then this one yeah i worked it out i worked it out what is it what does it do there's an egg there's an actual egg i don't know what this egg is i just worked out a puzzle there's somebody over there there's a chest okay and there's a giant pyramid what's up in the pyramid there's a pizza thing i'm gonna throw the egg on there nothing okay i don't know what that did i don't know what they did we're working out the next video though right if you guys have got any tips and stuff without any spoilers let me know in the comments thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 952,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Bugsnax, Slime Rancher, Bug snacks, bugsnax gameplay, bugsnax ps5, bugsnax download, bugsnax epic, bugsnax release date, bugsnax location, 'bugsnax update, legendary bugsnax
Id: RdTp0YbDBv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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