I STOPPED The Eternal Cylinder FOREVER! - Eternal Cylinder

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all right i'm going over here i'm doing it you guys can't stop me i'm not even scared i think that might be the desert oh dudes i'm gonna roll out there i'm gonna roll into the desert oh this place is so cool i like this one [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing eternal cylinder i've got myself a handful of trevin going on here this one for instance is called t-runk it's a pretty awesome name we're gonna be taking these dudes really far today because i'm gonna be maxing out my stamina and all my other stats completely i may have slightly hacked the game a little bit so that i could do so i've got 999 crystals to spend it on it's gonna be so good the reason i've started a new game to do this though is to see if i can get myself a different map because i think every time you start the game you get a slightly different map that's my theory anyway if you guys know about this let me know in the comments all right if you can if you can prove this i think it's the truth i'm up to the first temple check that out the top corner almost 1 000 crystally bits that is so good it was super easy to do with cheat engine of course but i thought it would be a great thing to do to try and see if we can get to the parts of the game that i've been trying to explore so many people have said that they've gotten the desert in like their main path i've never had that time to get myself a cool haircut have you noticed their mouths right not their noses i'm pretty sure their noses are the trunks and underneath it is the mouth the mouth actually looks like a butt all right let's go ahead and roll along to this first tower i can actually see some other town was in the distance though which is a bit interesting if i had a lot more stamina i could probably go for those towers what would even happen to the cylinder if i skipped some towers and just went for some other ones man i can't wait to do like a max upgrade this is gonna be so good okay i think it's just over here this might be our first spot where we can go ahead and upgrade everything let's just jump inside this tower and see what happens trevon shrine hey yes it is okay i can just go ahead and upgrade everything this is gonna be so good man oh that's the stuff upgrade that stamina all the way chips okay so the maximum is ten what is this health yes all the health all right health is maxed out as well i mean that probably only really helps me if i'm running into some of the other aliens and stuff the ones that want to fight me i suppose leadership now this is the one that increases the amount of tribum that you can have in your group i'm gonna increase my water storage as well because i think if your water is running low that also reduces your maximum stamina same with your food okay everything's a mix i'm gonna grab some food let's just load up our stomach with food oh yeah oh yeah that's the stuff dude and i'm gonna go down here and i'm gonna drink from this water just suck that back yep fill up the water tank there we go dude he's probably gonna need to go for a whiz at some point oh so there is a trip him here his name is hugo what a name i need to help out hugo we need to increase our family this has to happen gotta get lots of dudes okay i think i need the weird mushrooms that kind of look like i don't know mushrooms i suppose they look like regular human mushrooms you know the ones that i mean human mushrooms all right i'm gonna switch over to t-runk and see if we can find some of these mushies they've got to be around here somewhere dude oh yeah that's one it's one of those bad boys oh let's go turn into a fluffy boy let's do it okay we have to eat that everybody's freezing don't worry champs i'll sort you out with a bit of fuzz watch this you eat one fuzz everybody go fuzz pop got him alrighty there he hey where'd hugh go we got everyone now greg roll okay you gotta love a good greg roll we're gonna change his name to peebo there we go hey there's like a bridge thing going on this looks a bit different i'm gonna go for a hardcore roll this way just to see how far we can get oh god oh god i need to jump i need to jump i'm wasting stamina wasting stamina with the jumps okay i can see a stamina regen over there i'm gonna hit that thing we're gonna hit that stamina regen so hard get that stamina back have you noticed that my stamina is now going down slowly as i'm just rolling hey hey there's some guyses what what are the guys is doing out here dude where even am i this is crazy roll champs get your roll on oh man the cylinder is like right behind me everything's rumbling hey what is that thing what is that it looks like a meteorite oh dude you're in my way you're in my way dude no so we did get a good roll going on the cylinder chased me the entire way though i've heard from a couple of people though they've said that they've rolled so hard that the cylinder just stopped and just stopped chasing him i don't know if it's true but it's a pretty awesome rumor and i want to try it out i want that to happen to me if you've got any ideas you know a couple of little cheeky clues on what i could do to make that happen let me know so i notice there is a part up here this is the part where you first run into the dude that's like half human half car i think i can actually avoid him though if i go around him yeah i reckon we could skip that whole section i can see the door there it's that weird shape looking thing and you can even see the red hand on the ground that creepy red hand all right i'm going over here i'm doing it you guys can't stop me i'm not even scared yeah there it is there so there's normally a bridge there that you have to actually kind of battle with the car to make him drop the bridge we've just skipped it dude we are fanging along this is so good oh she's getting close she's getting real close look out of the way worm all right got him [Music] it's breaking again oh god hey hey give me that yes i think that's the swimmy one i think that's the cool one that makes me swim yes i wonder if i could out roll the storm i don't think i could it'd probably zap me dead right oh god that's the wrong way let's go let's gun it let's see if we can beat the electricity ow they zap hard they zap real hard oh dude yeah they kill you big time they just keep zapping they don't stop oh look at me look how gross i am god those guys are disgusting i just want to see one of those dudes get rolled over i've got myself another egg i'm gonna put that there my family grows this is pretty good come on dude hatch uh what are we gonna call this one because he is it's great he's gray like concrete or a brick i just realized because i managed to skip the boss i've still got a cube guy because the the first boss he normally wipes all your mutations not today champ and we've got the balloon dude nice so the next part in the game we have to do is finding the floaty fruit that allows you to float over the cylinder that's the next bit i don't think there's anything else between us and that i wonder if i can roll all the way there maybe i can oh hey what's out that way what is that out there i think that might be the desert oh dudes i'm gonna roll out there i'm gonna roll into the desert this is gonna be amazing why have i never been to the desert before what are these noodly things oh they look cool i don't know what they are there's some strange swirly plants too let's just keep rolling this way maybe there'll be some towers over there what is that is that an egg this place is weird it's so weird it's so weird there's water right there okay i'm just gonna keep rolling oh that's not an egg that's a chomper guy how crazy is this place all right just run for a little while dude run for a little while hey i wonder if you can eat that fruit i don't know how you would though oh god oh god there's no way i'm gonna make this they look like giant blueberries oh hold up can we eat that what is that it's i need to crack it okay i'm gonna i'm gonna try and crack that and then i'm gonna eat it if i get time i don't think i'm gonna get tired quick quick quick camouflage skin i'm pretty sure that actually said camouflage skin hey there's a cave down there uh it looks like it's empty though it's like an empty cave so something that's a bit weird is there's actually a tower out here in the middle of like a lake i'm gonna see if i can get to it let's go around this way oh that's the wrong way oh that's a good jump big jump dude okay swim i don't know if i'm going to make that in time i can see the desert it's all the way over there it's coming dude yes we're just about there jump out of the water okay we made it made it to this town one we're gonna go over this way we're gonna see if we can get to that desert again now that i've hit that tower i might be a little bit closer i'm not sure ah if i can hit stop hitting rocks okay yeah i'm back over here again what it's like rainbow ground the ground is all rainbowy dude this place is so weird what is that there's a thing here i don't know what that is looks like a helicopter oh this desert area is awesome it's time for the most insane roll that we can do let's go this way i'm gonna see if i can actually make it over the serpent that's if i can get up to the serpent oh god there's a tree there geez oh there's actually an entire canyon nope nope i'm gonna attempt to go from here all the way past the trees where you turn into the balloon man and over the serpent i'm gonna give it a shot let's roll let's start with one of these blue things now we need to watch out for like rocks and things like that we can't be hitting any rocks this is gonna be the most epic role this is it this is a record breaking role gotta go as fast as we can i'm not doing any unnecessary jumps oh yeah oh worm hate those worm guys they're the worst oh this is pretty good this is actually pretty good see you do use stamina doing it another worm you do use stamina doing a jump but you don't use stamina while you're flying through the air so the jump could be worth it all right i'm out of stamina i have to run get out of the way worms i hate your faces even though you don't even have a face if you did i would hate it okay max stamina let's go oh yeah we're doing pretty good there's the car man he's not gonna care about us because we're not gonna wake him up all right grab the stamina blue crap whatever that is oh dudes we are rolling we are smashing along this is so good there's the fruit grab the fruit dude grab the fruit okay got myself a fruit gotta smash it gonna eat it turn into balloon man and roll okay i think we're actually making pretty good time all right we just gotta get over the snake that's it dude that's it dude the anchor's right there oh we're doing pretty well god that cylinder's moving oh no they're all dying what ah that sucks is not good it is not good at all oh damn okay interestingly i don't think i've actually got the cylinder coming for me what i did was i activated the tower right before you meet the mathematician but then i sped through that area before the mathematician even showed up and now there's no cylinder well it's definitely not moving this is really cool but what are those things i don't know what they are they're like these strange meteorite things and there's like a stack of them around this area oh those things are cool man okay so there's like there's the hot rocks these guys come along and heat them up again why do they do that oh there's a tower there but there's nothing to stand on it i'm just going as far as i can at this point just to see what i can find i've been going for so long what is this oh it's just a this is just a little trapping house thought it was a fire and we've made it look at this dude what is this like is that like lava that looks like lava is it hot i don't think it's hot that's no no i'm burning i'm burning i'm actually burning okay don't touch that it burns just like you think it would okay let's get this cool camo thing going on let's have a bit of a look oh man how do i break this thing you shoot it at your friend okay let's eat it i think this was the camouflage one right yeah this is an actual desert this is amazing look at this camouflage skin i am now the same color as the scene whoa this place is so cool i like this one whoa whoa whoa what is that what's that it got me what is that thing stay away from me those things are the whole worst oh this is terrifying duh sheesh okay everything in the desert wants to kill you let's just have that policy going forward oh my god oh this there's the thing up there as well it's up there i don't want to go near it i don't want to go near it that's terrifying i thought the camouflage was safe man stay back evil bone plant i don't know what that thing is but that thing is nightmare fuel no no no no okay i don't see that plant up here i think i'm okay oh yeah there's a chest let's open up the chest what have we got just got some weird things all right these things give you health that's nice oh have you seen the size of these guys they're ginormous they look like i don't know man they look like they have human skin and human eyes and it's freaking me out oh look at the size of the feet could you imagine picking your nose with one of those things i'm gonna climb him slow down oh no he's climbing his friends that's okay if you want to do that that's fine what are those trees over there dude there's so many crazy stuff over here it's awesome we need to explore it some more but we'll check out some more mutations in the next video and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 507,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, The Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder Beta, Eternal Cylinder Epic, new games 2021, epic store games, epic store beta, open world game 2021, survival games 2021, trebhum, trebhum evolution, trebhum mutation, eternal cylinder secret, eternal cylinder resource, eternal cylinder mutations
Id: HourPlVZ0is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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