New SPIDER ZILLA Mech Unit - Animal Battle Revolt Simulator

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there we go he's got a mobile phone this guy is up with the robots and the technology let's go what's the stats on this thing oh he's got default stats okay we're going to take you on fudgy we're going to do this thing man [Music] how's it going champs we're playing animal revolt battle simulator today we're checking out the robotic update this is amazing i've been hoping for something like this for a little while now i'm gonna be putting this guy spider mecca up against some dinosaurs we've got some raptors over here look how tiny they are compared to these giant things i just noticed the raptors don't have any teeth they're like baby ones how are they supposed to bite anything now this update came out a couple of days ago so let me know what your favorite robotic units are from the workshop and i'll go ahead and check them out in the next video this thing just dominated all of those dinosaurs are you serious look at this thing's face that's a face of determination i think i i can't tell okay we need to bulk out our dinosaur team here with everyone's favorite purple dinosaur greg you guys thought i was gonna say a different dinosaur didn't you let me know in the comments if there's any other famous purple dinosaurs you know of what is this one this one looks like he's about ready to hug a dude let's go king of the jungle t-rex all the way back here up against spider mecca let's go spider mecca that dude is crazy strong he's got missiles that fly out of his back i think let's just stop this for a minute i don't even know they're hidden oh maybe it's that thing all right proceed dude this cr he's crazy how strong is this going 15 and 12 attack an hp multiplier that's not very strong after fighting mecca spider he's gotten an idea of his own to become a little bit more mechanical he's whacked a machine gun on his back and he's gotten himself a mobile phone this right here is a mobile phone there we go he's got a mobile phone this guy is up with the robots and the technology let's go oh yeah this is good you know he's gonna win with that mobile phone oh he's got it what he's dead already he just got kicked in the face but he's the disrespect i think the perfect unit for taking on this spider mecca is another mech unit as well we have mecha ghidorah i think their stats are going to be fairly similar all right here we go here we go they're battling over the village this is pretty awesome and he smashed him are your next broken cheap oh my god have you seen the size of this thing it's called the u7 neptune i can't quite read the name you might be asking how big it is look at the size of godzilla compared to this thing it's ginormous can you guys battle let's just make him fight godzilla versus this big spaceship thing oh he's got jets underneath him okay that's a bit weird looking that's fine can godzilla beat this thing how much health does it have hold still for a second oh that thing's got so much health not a lot of attack though it's whacking the camera in the face if you could stop it's doing its spin attack godzilla's just trying to bite that wheel that's some delicious tasty wheel he's just trying to blast it with the laces oh godzilla you're almost dead champ ah crushed him to death let's see how this thing goes up against some actual soldiers just dudes all over the place okay it's still just doing the spin thing and it's blasting them all at once it's just a killing machine that thing is insane he's just blasting everyone these guys are just walking out on the field you might want to fire back dude that thing just shot you right in your noggin okay it's doing the inverted move now what is it doing don't walk where the bullets are there's some cool smoke clouds on the ground i'm gonna walk into those yeah maybe not on second thought let's give give that a try what is this thing doing okay i think it's one i'm gonna go ahead though and start building my first robot dude let's have a look what do we got we've got a sphere a wheeler biped quadruped oh these things look pretty awesome hey look at that it's red animal scaling is not recommended it's not an animal it's a wheel thing just want to make sure this thing can actually roll yeah it can okay so you can double the size of these wheel things and they'll still roll that's good to know yeah let's put this here because it looks cool just adding a few different colors on this thing just to make it look a little bit more interesting you guys are probably like oh man what is finn even making yeah just you wait this is gonna be epic okay let's get a bit of a gorilla body going on oh yeah this looks nice okay gorilla is bolted into this base let's go ahead and give him a head he needs a head looking pretty awesome champ okay he's done i think he's looking pretty good he's got rotating spinning blades on his fists i don't know how effective those things are gonna be but let's put him up against another gorilla this this guy with a cool haircut all right guys go at it oh he just rolled over him this really just keeps rolling over dude there's no chill he's just like yeah okay oh his balls getting punched i mean the ball he died because he could not reach him okay so that's that's his downfall short people let's make this guy a little bit bigger and see how he goes oh yeah yeah i killed him awesome maybe he'd go better against like something bigger like a dinosaur let's just try them with dinosaur get the hp up here yeah that's good that's good i made those spinning blades quite strong okay he's trying to remove his own mechanical pieces for some reason oh no it's working i'm going to name this guy growler 12 versus 12 dinosaurs versus gorilla mech things i mean they're so weird okay that's fine get in there fight this is gonna be really interesting one because the gorillas they've got very low hp right very low but their spiky wheel things they do loads of damage i can't tell who's winning oh i think the gorillas have won i think they've actually beaten the dinosaurs how many's left oh there's one little one in here he's going for it there's one dinosaur left i think oh i think that's it did they get him yeah the gorillas win this unit here is called the fudge make a unit created by fudgy it looks very cool i'm gonna put it up against my go roller and we'll see who's gonna come out on top let's go and he goes he just got a rocket to the face and he's dead instantly if only my gorilla had some kind of weapons other than weird spinning plate things all right you win this round fudge mech i wonder if it makes fudge probably not what about three of these guys i just want to see how well they do no not very well they died very very quickly it's quite sad let's go ahead and build a mechanical unit that can beat the fudge mech i'm just going to get the fudge mech here just so i can kind of compare size what's the stats on this thing oh he's got default stats okay all right we're going to take you on fudgy we're going gonna do this thing man all right i'm gonna go for the quadruped style and let's go for blue i don't know how big i can make these legs and still get away with it okay yeah that still walks okay i just need to make sure that these legs can walk when you make them bigger now we need some torsos now what do we got here in the way of torsos let's go for a dinosaur torso i feel like that's probably the best kind of torso we should go with oh yeah these parts are really good because you can put like stuff on an angle now oh that's nice okay i like that all right let's get another one kind of put it a little bit like that how's that looking oh that's looking meaty looking super meaty just gonna put these pieces in here just to make it look like the robot is kind of supporting the flesh a little bit more you know what i mean and another one on this side got to make sure they're even yeah it's pretty even okay now he needs a head so we'll give him a giant godzilla head oh yeah that is pretty cool it's a shame he's kind of looking to the sky though oh yeah that's not bad that is that's pretty good ah the finishing touches this thing is looking pretty good i feel like these spikes need a little bit more on them though oh yeah there we go that looks pretty good i'm not gonna lie this thing looks mega cheesy it's working though it's definitely working let's go ahead and get a human let's put this guy over here and see how he works maybe we'll get a couple all right and go oh dude yeah he works yes that is awesome oh what am i gonna call you that's so cool look at all the sparklies coming off the back of his head this thing is amazing i'm gonna call him robozilla whoa he could do with some more decorations and stuff but i think for a version one this guy is very cool his health at the moment is just default version two is gonna have loads more health because look i reckon these guys would take him out come on if they can shoot him quick enough yeah there we go yep so he's not good against like you know guys with guns not at all i just decided to increase his hp a little bit let's see how he goes against these guys with guns can he handle them yeah he can he has actually lost a little bit of health so i've only made his hp 20. so we're still reasonable alrighty let's see how robozilla goes up against an army of ancient humans let's go that's a tree let's go oh yeah that's good look at that laser that was awesome so he is definitely losing a fair bit of health that's good to see i don't want to make him crazy overpowered but just bear in mind this thing is like kind of a robo version of godzilla sort of he's a bit bit but that's fine i mean he's a bit small but that's okay the problem is you can't actually make those robotic legs very big before they start just toppling over and going crazy it's a little bit of a shame oh that was awesome though now surely godzilla is gonna be way too strong for this guy right yeah zapped him in one hit godzilla though he's got some crazy strength what about seven of these dudes though oh this is gonna be really cool to see he's already zapped one of them hey they're actually taking his health off they beat him they beat him that was cool i think it was the lightning things that they've got on their legs i think they did loads of damage yeah do the cool party dance victory what are you looking at what's out there okay let's put robozilla up against fudgy's awesome fudge mech this thing looks great i really wish this thing did make fudge you know maybe that's where the fudge is made right there i'm just kidding we all know the fudge is made in the bum alrighty robozilla let's go cheap this is not going to be fair i don't or maybe it is not he beat him he beat him and that's because robozilla has 20 times the health that fudge mech has that's okay though i imagine fudgey's probably gonna make another version so that's fine we'll go ahead and we'll put uh robert ziller up against it and that'll be a fair fight look at those little arms though he's so cute i reckon if we got loads of fudge mechs though we could probably beat robozilla because fudgmeck he's got some really awesome uh ranged weaponry watch this all right yeah robozilla your health is going down no he smashed him definitely smashed him oh look at that it looks like someone dropped all their lego everywhere someone's dad is gonna be so mad when he steps on that and we've come full circle let's go ahead and put robozilla up against spider mecca this thing has so much weaponry i'm a little bit scared for robozilla but uh let's just have a look let's have a look oh no zapped him zapped him to bits robozilla is the victor well done cheap now like i said if you guys have got some stuff you want to see me build in this game let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 123,184
Rating: 4.8806906 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, animal revolt battle simulator, animal revolt battle simulator godzilla, animal revolt battle simulator wyvern, animal revolt battle simulator goro, animal revolt battle simulator gameplay, animal revolt battle simulator t rex, wyvern, animal revolt battle simulator new units, battle simulator, animal battle simulator, arbs, purussaurus, godzilla, kozarog the demon, new unit, update, scourge, dinosaur, goro, kaiju, mothra
Id: onvabvLVJDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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