Found Abandoned LOCKED SAFES / Trash Picking For Resale

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there's money we're back at the 10 acres under one roof pick it's gonna be incredible treasure hunting extraordinaire now this location secret we're not telling anybody where it is but we are gonna show you all the treasure we find today if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you do and hit that Bell for notification so you know every time we upload every time we go live let's do this [Music] we just found a bag filled with money it's actual money and I think we should give this to your credit money chicken so they can lay their eggs on it they deserve the best their tails chickens lay eggs on money we're getting this [Music] coin pushers are in your blood and now that's what caught my quarter 25 cents you know how much I've sold the handle pull the handle see what happens crank it Oh probably best probably best this is so stinkin cool the key is in there look at this this is an antique pinball machine it's called horoscope but year is it 19 okay Larry says is 1940 what does it take to to take a penny or Oh with a nickel okay so it took a nickel and it's working it lights up but it's a bumper it'll shut it out sort of light off oh just like that so this is before flippers so you didn't have flippers back then in the 40s so there's the actual ball oh nice nice so you then you shake the machine yeah instead of if it tilts then it shuts off I have never seen anything like it before so you put a nickel in how many pommy plays do you get with the ball five balls holy cow you are racking up the points so then you would move the machine alright so you got four and play already oh there's number five right there it got stuck so then you would have to move the machines oh so he just tilted it okay game over now one way or another get out huh who made it got you want how much for it would you accept five hundred oh you have turned down a thousand which is stupid because now you want a thousand a lot of money that right there yeah let me let me keep searching around let me think I don't know that I'm willing to put a thousand into it that's the issue I mean if anything breaks how do you fix it hard it's hard to get parts are all interchangeable do you remember where you got this machine from yes some lady and I love it this place is one of a kind you might think of it as an industrial use parts store maybe share something along those lines yeah okay like a junkyard but for big big businesses look at this you see this they would go in by out businesses this is a safe from a business now usually those businesses they'd be locked out foreclosure bankrupt and the employees the ploys are taking the safes anything could be in the safe now we would need to code to get in or you would need a George okay so token goes in there the Wildcat ne5 Wildcat and a row 20 cents you just you're all over it aren't you hey do you want a snack yeah okay cuz I just found this old vending snack machine come on I put in a dollar and get your light bulb to munch on sounds yummy I'm not that old babe let's try though I need them I'm taking them for me the perfect sign mm-hm for me to hold post on our Sunday Night Live when you're singing not funny not funny at all I literally did find you something look look right there snacks that's just as bad as finding food in the storage in it oh you love it because you're always hangry couldn't be another business so filthy at the end of the day yeah did you just find what I think you found no way they're star fish fish fish those are going in the net look at this ocean life 60 pattern there's a turtle alright we're buying that for sure here's the other ones right down here oh nice are you phoning a friend no somebody's calling you they're saying hey let Jeremy do this thing this there's just led led led just crazy LED strobe lights and we've got nine point nine in and and and and and then and then I more acres to go and sort through [Music] you're safe magnet open pallets and pallets and pallets just a trailer jacks look at this trailer jacks trailer jacks I just spent a couple hundred dollars for a new one for the camper I should have came here and got some big money or I should have went to the ATM and got some money you first found shredded money and now you're finding your gold softness and strength oh good still white with those though put a glove on whether you wipe wipe diggity dig dig you be be set to go outdoor heaters by the cases my goodness look at this brand-new tires there's a there's a Goodyear racing tire George is over there pickin all these tires here just goes on and on there's just cases of everything clothing you name it we're about to find it crikey it could get to we'd be dangerous in here you know anything in here could be extremely venomous don't you don't tell George there's packages with us here nothing nothing nothing at all were you up there digging was i diggity digging I heard you say taking up there don't let George know I'd to turn the flash on it's too dark that's what you see dust no it's not orbs no there's nobody dead in this video are still good on that one let me try try one one one one we got to figure out how to get in here these are the kind of boxes I like to find so we see fisher-price toys toys toys the learning patterns toad now if you ever find toys like this in a case even though there's multiple and it don't open the case it's worth more with the case closed okay so what we'll do is we'll look this up on eBay and then decide if we're actually gonna buy or not you can look it up on eBay yourself as well let's go that way you look for more treasure it goes on and on it's never-ending here's the best part about a place like this you find one thing you buy it at wholesale below wholesale and then you listed on eBay right and then that five minutes that takes you up the list on eBay it sells you go back come on you have to do is press relist you press a button because you can buy in bulk and you can sell piece by piece by piece an amazing opportunity check out some of these pieces here picnic tables look there's picnic tables this is a good sign right there pencil sharpener on a file cabinet usually means shop business school look at this this is something we're always looking for in storage units dusts what the Hales this is how you know the stuffs been untouched and you're on a pick of a lifetime safes first forget safety first safes first this one originally storage file 79 at least to bicycle seat so much dust I am crazy so Roadmaster I'd like to present this trophy to this place as the greatest pick of the year third time here and we keep scoring homerun after a home run and this this is the Golden Glove this is the Golden Glove for being one of the world's best Pickers are you crying during your speed a little bit I have some dust in my eyes but this is for you you're the one of the world's best Pickers you pick my zip you picked my toes my belly button let you pick my nose it's for you world's best picker thank you anybody in their lab hello Nana I don't know here's uncle Mikey knowing their work I just implemented this briefcase I can only only hypothesize that the code to disable the bomb is hidden within the supreme that briefcase that I got that one open what is that on top of air filter filter maybe we can find one here we better start looking George here's the deal if I can't find the sledgehammer in time to get the code to disable the bomb that I initiated at the stop here lab I want you to crawl into these game words now look at does you want me to crawl into what now these are called green ones pillows this won't gross but you'll be safe there's not a single sledgehammer in sight nothing not a single sledgehammer if we can't save the world with these it's an endless supply I was more there's over there nobody can if we can't the biggest crowbar I can find in this entire place don't worry we got the code we disarmed the bomb we have successfully successfully crowbarred our way to saving the world safe magnet my goodness why did we not bring the sledgehammer this is crazy look how huge that safe is the thing I could I could sleep in there it's amazing all this is hey Larry how many bottles did you say you have in your liquor bottle collection 600 bottles and you you acquired this 40 years ago 40 years ago okay so if you see here like this bottle right there some of the liquor has evaporated over time this is a 40 years ago acquired collection those miniature bottles that is I've never seen it and then it goes on you've got holy cow canons books oh there's a cannon back in there look at the cannons this is this is super cool there's the books do you know what the you know what the what it says in the books this is quite the collection this is an amazing collection all right how much are you asking for the whole collection I was asking big money I'm down to grand there's two big bottles $2,000 for the whole collection woody station wagon and the other one is a train where are those bottles look at this solid brass rocking horse here's the size of my hand which is big but even I could get on this the only issue yep part of the leg broke off look at this even got a real saddle right next to it who the Hales knows for someone something like this actually coming from half tempted to even buy it just with it being broken most of this stuff would probably be for gold refraining but check this out in the middle of this Gaylord the Gaylord is four foot by four foot by four foot box that's what we're looking at right now right there you see that old coca-cola sign unfortunately it's pretty much destroyed or I'd pick that up in a heartbeat there are business safes here everywhere look at this major safe company somebody busted the handle United relocking devices it's a giant business safe jeez I don't even know I don't even know all right let's see here's another look at this one it was huge lot 36 it was buried under a bunch of curtains I looked it up on eBay one recently sold for 72 bucks I say we should probably get that not about not a bad pic that's why you got the Golden Glove for picking I guess we decided on the lame horse didn't we when I put the horse in the front of the shopping cart to pull what are you doing I just needed a nap I wanted to get some Sun little vitamin D are you laying in a tanning bed should we put this in the shopping cart - yeah just load me up cocky and Noreen just went into this room I think they're up to some funny business they need chaperones let's find out hide your eyes hide your eyes what great go okay everything's okay everything okay everything's good everything's good all right I know no more chaperones for them more beautiful brass pieces unfortunately what's an elephant without his trunk that one's broke as well look here is a forgive they called this bird I would buy that just for my bedroom decor because it's all saw water-themed Sea Life themed that's broke too you see there these pieces are broke they're beautiful but the broke hey George remember when you said you were gonna take me out for ice cream I I scream you scream because there is no ice cream I tried I tried I really did I'll say she yes sir often businesses lose that behind you I have never seen so many safes in all my life which is say safe from Boardman's 95 that was actually in the Boardman store cow who knows what's in there are lots of Boardman money wow wow wow that's safe is taller than you old school piano player music now that is cool just rolls and rolls and rolls of it now the stickers on it have $14 died out and that is $14 and they sell this stuff by the pound Wow man how cool is that I bet you owe my kind of says that it that might be the player piano over there let's go check through this maze this this could be it let's look is it mmm no I don't think it is this looks like an organ with the bass should I be scared should I be jazz hands yoga moves I'm not sure what's going on [Music] yeah that was better nothing just found another horse oh he's lame - apparently the eyes light up if you plug them in so maybe we can actually use the leg for the other horse huh so this one is a plug-in horse what do you think you want that stallion - where's one enough I found some stamps for your mailing for your auctions you want a son why don't you send everything out fourth-class oh well we're going fourth class it's what the hills what would you expect anything love wouldn't believe it if I didn't just see it Lee and I just found combo tooth respirators brand can you take it out of the bag you have a date on for some reason brand new oh but you have to put in your own I got put in your own cartridge shoulder surgeries ah maybe the filter cartridges are there - look downstairs entire pallet of them entire pallet so these would be good for whatever it's just cartridges you just got to change cartridges Community Trust Bank number 224 that is you lock these Oh big money big money big money George there's actually something in here no way believe you know it is it's the keys it's the actual keys for the money bag are you putting that in the shopping cart [Music] petty cash for these transactions today if you don't mind just woman yeah just write it down she didn't listen Yes No maybe so that's what we've been looking for this entire pic well actually my picking skills since I've been locked out of the warehouse have increased drastically over the past couple weeks work some magic all right let's get in this bad boy I see something I gotta get the old light now it can't get too loud because I guess we're good I guess we could if we wanted we get as loud as we want Oh see what's in there check it out okay so that would have been a metal door right there they broke that off okay oh no there's money here there's money down here in the corner look at that 1843 I just found a penny in there and I can't tell what the date is eighty-seven close enough it's a penny that's money in a safe right there money in a safe [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 40,878
Rating: 4.8258476 out of 5
Keywords: american pickers, resell picking, picking abandoned business, reseller picking in abandoned warehouse, found abandoned safes, abandoned safes, opening abandoned safes, opening safes, safes, safe, going on a pick
Id: 6MX8h1kH1BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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