They aren't got nothing on me

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[Music] sign arts ministry Thank You liturgical dancers this is the day the Lord has made we rejoice and we're glad in it instead you'll secure your Bibles make your way to a Gospel of Luke it's an incredible day it is for the body of Christ called church it is actually the birthday of the church 2017 years ago so when the Holy Spirit made his spirit pronounced in prison 2017 years later we still relish a visitation I'm thankful for all of you grateful for your presence and for your expectation Easter was stolen by bunny rabbit Christmas kidnapped by Santa Claus but in a cause you can't play with the Holy Ghost thankful for all of you who are watching and worshiping from around the world allow me a point of personal privilege glad to have amongst us one of our internet viewers sister Dedra bill would you lift up your hand author of it's time to do a new thing she's visiting us from Alabama on today we're so honored is this your husband and your husband who is here grateful for both of you thank you so much for coming from Birmingham did you bring me some collard greens or nothing sweet potatoes nothing fried chicken in a brown paper bag nothing I'm glad to have you nonetheless Luke's Gospel chapter for Luke's Gospel chapter 4 those of you who are celebrating birthdays in the month of June would you lift up that hand happy birthday to all of you I'm grateful for your life and for your legacy amen my father's birthday is Thursday my middle daughter Naomi turned 17 yesterday old man I'm going to have two kids in college I can't take it Luke chapter four somebody's only found ours Thank You Luke chapter four verse number 18 once you found it would you declare I have it the Spirit of the Lord is on me you may be seated I want to preach for a little while this afternoon using as a subject they ain't got nothing on me would you look at a person as I did and tell them they talk a lot but they ain't got none nor me more torches are being lit around the Capitol in hopes of impeachment then could be found during the Blair Witch Project strike then a nerve of irony that the president has labeled the probe into his Russian connection to the interference with the election as a witch-hunt recently outspoken senator Al Franken in the midst of a hearing on the matter lambasted the commander in chief by rattling a list of questionable accomplices from disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn a former Trump campaign manager Cole man afford attorney general Jeff Sessions Secretary of State Rex Tillerson former adviser Carter pay huge and current senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner there's not anymore hangers that will fit in mr. Trump's closet I want you to know that God is currently printing out the list of those who wanted to disrupt your elevation between now and Labor Day they are going to face charges for obstructing your destiny and they will pay a hefty price in the consequence of the loss of their own piece for trying to force hit God's plan there are many chomping at the bit in the face of the hiring of the former FBI director in the leaks of conversation connected to it hoping that the end is drawing nigh much to my chagrin Alan Dershowitz who is a professor emeritus of Harvard Law School recently told the New York Daily News that the obstruction case against 46 is not strong as a matter of law in the New York Times professor Elizabeth only stated that trumps alleged statements to Comey don't constitute an obstruction of justice indeed if they did she furthers virtually every communication between a criminal defense lawyer and investigators would be a crime it should be noted then there are some areas that we have failed miserably but in spite of that the enemy still doesn't have enough on you to make you lose your position with God I want to say this and maybe just seven of you will really shout the others of you it really will not resonate with the seven of you this is the only word you need nothing you've done is going to forfeit the favor let me give it to you again nothing you've done is going to force in the favor of God the rest on your life the enemy has a full portfolio portfolio of your failures your indiscretions your missteps your bad decisions your mistakes your lapses in judgment and even with all of that evidence you still have the favor of God resting on your life the good news for those of us who are broken is he gives his gifts with no repentance is that when he anointed us he already knew we were flawed we were broken that we had struggles that we had issues that we would have crazy that we had areas that were still incomplete but in spite of that he still decided to anoint us anyway and that just gets under the skin of people who think that they got something on us because they know some think about the area that we have failed the enough as is that is going to block God from blessing us but I got a newsflash God does not anoint perfect people didn't hear what I just said God does not anoint perfect people he annoys us in spite of our imperfections of knowing that he looks beyond all of our faults and meets us at I need can I say this for the 20 of you that were shout if you are perfect you are not anointed you're dead because every day that you are alive you sin by thought by word and body it is just noon and you already thought something you shouldn'ta thought you already said something you shouldn't to say it you already text this up your in the text but even while that may be true the wages of sin is death but look at me I'm still breathing I'm still moving I'm still functioning I'm still flowing it don't mean God didn't see it because he knows everything that I've done but in spite of all the evidence stacked up against me he still chooses to anoint me again and I need those of you who are in this room who know I do not deserve the anointing of God on my life but I'm thankful that he decided to lay his hands on me the enemy has nothing on you here it is that will stick you seated and Luke chapter 4 our saviors driven to the desert by the Holy Spirit where he's tempted by Satan three times in order to compromise his authority but in each instance he refuses to break he's in the middle of a fast and the enemy tries to get him to turn stones into bread the enemy I don't know who I'm talking to but I feel like in somebody in the service the enemy tries to make anointed people commit suicide gosh you just missed that he said to Jesus throw your body down and let angels come in catch a break the thoughts of suicide that are on the minds of any person who is in this sanctuary it is a trick of the enemy to try to get you away from your anointing I am here to announce your funeral is canceled it doesn't matter how bad it is hear me I hope you'll scream about it God says today I am freeing you from shame embarrassment regret and thoughts of failure the best of your life is in front of you you don't matter if you hit rock bottom there's a trampoline down there and God is going to help you bounce back if you are gonna die you would've did it last summer but because God got his hand on your life you are getting ready to see the glory of God revealed tries again tells Jesus bow down name me of Lord renounce who you are but Jesus wouldn't break he was able to resist and nobody can understand how it is that you have resisted the temptation let me rephrase it you don't know how you resisted the temptation for easy money say as money for quick fix for temporary company and every time you feel the urge to break the spirit of God will stand up in you and say I know you having a weak moment but I'm letting you go out like that and folk don't even know this temptation did not come from an imp that showed up with a pitchfork in a red suit on earth but I had to fight the temptation in my mind because I don't like being lovely I don't like struggling I don't feel like being frustrated and every time I was getting ready to jump into something that was foolish God pulled me off of the ledge and they don't you dare forget who you are that's still a call of greatness that's on your life the enemy tries to tempt him three times in one week and as soon as the temptation is over Jesus like many of you who are in this room run straight to church and clearly the people who are at the church don't know him that well because they don't know Tonya what kind of week he said that after a week of temptation they asked him to read scripture oh god y'all don't like this here it's an amazing thing that I can go through the temptations of life and God can still use me for his service and here I was thinking with the kind of life that I've lived that God would see no value in me I wish I could talk to somebody in here God says I know where you messed up but you don't even know that's what makes your ministry authentic nobody wants to be a part of a church or ministry with folk who act like they don't have temptations and weaknesses and issue but if you want to show me that God is able show me where your struggle me or show me what you had to fight through for righteousness and they give him the Bible the Jesus you anointed read something when they give him the Holy Writ he um he meanders and Isaiah 61 and 1 and he makes the declaration you may just 9 minutes ago the Spirit of the Lord is on me hallelujah I don't know if you've ever said that out loud would you lay hands on yourself and declare it aloud right where you are the Spirit of the Lord is on me hallelujah it is something about there that hallelujah you better back up there for line and I need somebody to shout that out aloud again the Spirit of the Lord is of y'all still ain't saying nothing cancer runs in your family the Spirit of the Lord is oh I can hear nobody I got alcoholics and addicts they're safe my last name how come you ain't like that the Spirit of the Lord ears on me you refuse to compromise and you ain't never been exposed to nothing the Spirit of the Lord is on me I'm in love with God but I wasn't raised in church the Spirit of the Lord is on me [Applause] that's how he was able to tell Satan know that's how gonna help me he was able to walk away with nothing and not compromise that's how even even when he left the temptation was this Saints weren't there to feed them but he said I'll go hungry a little while longer because if it don't come from God I don't want it god help me that the Spirit of the Lord is on me hear this this get ready to blow your mind is all these years later do you all know he never preached about entertaining what the enemy said that's why you telling me that some of us are anointed and you'll know my testimony you don't know what I had to walk through you don't know what I had to walk away from you don't know what I had to walk out of and you got the nerve to judge me when you don't know I almost jumped but I'm still standing here but the grace of God because the Spirit of the Lord is on me they have three reasons I need you to write this down preachers ministers leaders I need you to write this down sons of the Most High God three reasons why you got to get the anointing on you hallelujah hallelujah jo-ann bring me a bottle of that or your please three reasons why you got to get the anointing on you three reasons the first one hallelujah is restoration hallelujah the first one is restoration somebody shout restoration gives was amazing is that there was a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho he fell amongst thieves robbers they stripped him they beat him and they left him half dead but God sent a Good Samaritan skimmin didn't mention ina here is a man who didn't grow up injured hallelujah but still has virtue he is not a Jew I need you all to get this and people at the church don't know what to do with them because he grew he didn't grow up in the church he grew up as a secularist but he is was profound is the one that didn't grow up in church is traveling with oil all right oh god I can't hear nobody see some of you are going to have to recalibrate your thinking because the carriers of the oil in this hour is not going to be the usual suspects the people who are going to carry the oil I'm not going to necessarily be the people who sit up front hallelujahs they don't know a whole bunch of scriptures they don't know all them songs Eugene is singing but they got all your loan up now the way that you know that they got oil is not because they speak in tongues but they know how to put people back together again God I can't hear nobody so here comes a Samaritan and he sees somebody who is beaten who is broken who was stripped and watch what the tech says he pours oil on him before he gives him to see a doctor before he gets to the hotel before they fill out a police report he puts oil on them to start the healing process I need those of you who are in this room to know that there is a oil on your life that is not for you how do you know it's not for you because you speak wisdom to other people when your own life is going crazy you know that there's oil on your life because you can encourage focus yourself while you depress do you know that there's all along your life because you've given them relationship advice and you ain't got nobody but God will give you all your that's not restoring people I need you to give three people I have her and say you ain't gonna die on my watch but you are about to be here the passion ain't gonna lay hands on you The ministers ain't gotta do it all you gotta do is get in contact with somebody that been hurt before with somebody that been rejected before and I will start to flow hallelujah need you to be seated hallelujah feel deliverance now please be seated I'm begging you to do it God told me to tell just to the crazy praises she said if you open up your mouth the oil is getting ready to flow and here it is not even talking about cancer I'm not talking about lupus I'm not talking about kidney failure she said if you give me glory I am healing you from what people did to you she said if you open up your mouth I know they stripped you I know that they beat you I know that they left you have hair but what they didn't count on you would get to a church where the holiness thrower you are in fact here from every disappointment you're here from every heartbreak you're here from every nightmare we see the please hallelujah hallelujah somebody shout it's on me it's on me hallelujah my note is for other people I need you to just rub the back of somebody around you tell them be healed from it be healed from it hallelujah say be healed from it I'm not gonna leave you on this road by yourself heal from it hallelujah you you need the oil on you so that you can get restoration we see the please I'm trying to tell you something the second reason why you need oil on you hallelujah is because you need resources hallelujah somebody shout I need resources if you got everything don't say it with us but those of you it's the top of the money you still got some stuff you got to pay but you just shout out loud I need resources I'm in first Kings chapter 17 verse 14 we encounter a widow who was about to lose her two sons and the Prophet asked her was it before you lose everything do you have anything and watch what she said all I have is a little bitter or your y'all ain't saying nothing to me she said GABA every empty vessel don't just get a few and start pouring here's the greatest shot you've given this year he said because I'm getting ready to turn your anointing into an economy that whatever you are anointed to do is don't make money for you I need somebody in this room that knows of you keep it I'm doing telogen and I'm too creative to be broke my god I need you to give me resources he said stop marketing your knowledge morning on your life gives yourself they're so heavy your children are gonna live off your knowledge your children are go heat because oh what's on your life [Applause] hallelujah we see the please you are no need to take care of your children you are anointed to take care of your children hallelujah you are sending your children to work here it is not for the money but so that they can get experience [Music] hallelujah my children are not contributing to the income of my house I'm grooming them for the business i'ma leave oh god I can't hear nobody I'm sending my kids to work not because I need them to buy tennis shoes but because I don't believe in lazy negro sitting in my house eating my food while I work all day when I get up everybody getting up I can't hear nobody in here I've got to do something for my children the oil is flowing hallelujah the oil is flowing for your business hallelujah he set this single mother up to be able here's your real shout to be able to work from home she operates as a housewife with no husband I can't hear nobody in other words God says I can so bless you people from the outside will think you are from a two-income family but the oil on you is so heavy you ain't gonna have to sleep with nobody to dress like that you want to know who bought it I did it with my boo who is God God helped me get this done since the oil is flowing y'all feel like getting this the oil is flowing because I am NOT going to let the creditors take another thing from you nothing will be repossessed nothing will be cut off nothing will be terminated y'all ain't sayin love it nothing will be foreclosed God told me to tell this 11:30 service you are anointed for bills what did you just say you are anointed for bills there is not going to be a bill to come to my house that God won't give me the resources for I need those that you better under financial weight but you believe the anointing will break it with your gift artists house that you believe Oh y'all is getting ready to flow third reason you need oil on you for restoration you need it on you for resources here's the third reason you need to oil on you is for reception I need the oil here it is to receive Halladay did y'all hear that I need the oil to receive Psalm 133 it pronounces that the precious oil flows from the beard now goes to the skirts of the room in verse number three the law commands the blessings of life forevermore second Corinthians one in twenty all the promises of God in him is an amen unto the glory of God I need you to lift up that hand but I need you to watch this with your palms up you are anointed to receive I wish I had mature believers read men ago to receive what every promise in the Bible is gonna become manifest in my life how Lillian's out of order for me to always be around takers I need to be around people that can pour into me I can't believe y'all named Sheldon Gossett I need you to lift up your voice because I'm finally sending people who can actually add to you I can't hear nobody in here I need you to cry out loud because you've expended so much energy being a caretaker that nobody looks out for you that is getting ready to ship God says I'm finally bringing somebody they got oil for you that hand is lifted please the Spirit of the Lord is on me I speaking for my neighbor son it's on me and i'ma start using the oil hangout about you this one me professor that is on you what am I supposed to do I'm still in Luke just before I'm in verse number eighteen you with the oil that's on you you gonna show people how to get out of poverty you think him kicking yet and only way I can show people how to get out of poverty God gotta pull me out of it I really thought y'all we're gonna shout over there the oil is on you what is it to do those hands are lifted the oil is on you that you are getting ready to shut a prison door yes sir what do you mean by that I declare by the anointing of the Holy Ghost not another man in my family will spend the night in jail I just shut oh god I can't hear nobody I break the demonic assignment over my son's life my nephew's life over my brother's life over my mayor's life god I shut the door on everything that would keep him in prison that hand is lifted I'm anointed some anointed to give sight to the blind hallelujah that when people see me they don't see that God is still working hallelujah when people see me they got no favor ain't faith don't be a college strange when you see people staring at you you don't even know you are the closest glimpse of God that they've had in a long time you I live moving breathing Tesla motive that's why you can say look at me I'm a testimony I didn't make it on my own somebody chrétien me that hand was lifted high is now brought low because it's now brought low somebody's hand is now clasped into your hand just 80 people shout out loud is on me I am anointed here fine Jalal Agha our future I am anointed to bring people out Angela God mmm to set people free I need you to pull on that neighbor I need you to pull on that neighbor God knows they should have said by somebody else if they like staying in bondage but the anointing on my life if don't sit some people free today you a don't be a marrow and be by bondage so what the enemy thinks about you but when I shall God Emelia the same oil that's on me getting ready to transfer into your life I need you to pull on that neighbor I said pull on that neighbor my oil is getting ready to flow I said call on that neighbor I'm getting ready to pull you out of it I don't care how long you been in it I don't care what the enemy said about you I don't care that your family gave up I need you to trust God in this at the count of three you don't stop pulling that neighbor and they don't even know you pull animality situation and you're pulling them into their destiny you miss what I can say it you pull it no matter their situation and you're pulling them into their destiny one two three Oh their neighbor y'all they pulling good and their neighbor you a don't stay in despair you ain't gonna stay another happiness you a ghost average [Music] [Music] ah Hey [Music] Thank You holy God hallelu hey I need you to just not nay in every area of your body is Amish I'll never need knee replacement I'll never need your replacement I'll never need a hearing aid I'll never have cataracts I'll never be in a coma okay you know buddy I'll never suffer dementia I'll never be stuck in a wheelchair I'll never need an oxygen tank now I or there's on me lift up that hand [Music] just on me she's on me his Amish it is nothing I can do about it IVA the anointing is like stepping what's this on a wad of bubblegum the anointing is like stepping on a wire a bubblegum you didn't even see it he's minding your business I don't even know what I stepped into God loved me but he's changing my steps then you're small but it impacts how I walk and I'm talking to those of you you know is God why cuz you never prayed for this level of anointing you just stepped into it and folk can't do anything to pull it off because they not the ones that put it on you but those of you that know the hand of God is on your life you want to thank God why because he is right now changing your steps you can't talk like you used to talk you you can't live the way you used to live you can go where you used to go Wow cuz it's on you [Music] and is lifted as high as you see yourself going the prayers twofold and I'll let you go I've ever lifted hand I pray that the Spirit of God pull off of you whatever people think they have on you what is this even if it's true [Music] I pray that God pull it off of you then for the remnant of you who are left I pray that God on this pinnacle Sunday will anoint you afresh that he'll not know it you anew for the assignment that you're getting ready to walk into now if anything material not anything tangible do this just to confuse and confound the adversary do this for me please you have done it in a while if ever would you thank God for the anointing that's on you the clip you given it don't sound like you dad anointed come on I came here nobody I said I need you to give God glory y'all really don't think you anointed I need you come on open up your mouth would you give God glory for these anointing that you know rests on your life if a person is standing hallelujah all week long all week long and eating with intentionality remind yourself the anointing is on me would you do that right now please the anointing is on me before your next doctor's visit the anointing is only before your next trip to the bank the anointing is on me for 13 of y'all I hope you'll shout out loud it be me before the next job interview before you go to court I can't hear nobody the anointing is on me I need you right where you are I want to open the doors of the church if you're in this room and you've not given your life over to God if you're in this room and you're not saved I need you to please excuse yourself I need you to come meet me at this altar as best as this all you don't matter I need it on my life I got to get saved I need a church home and as you please please what better Sunday for you to get connected to God then on Pentecost Sunday [Applause] where you are in this room I need you to come I want I want you to come give me your hand but I want you to give God your heart hallelujah come on come on don't worry about what these people think what they got to say they don't have the oil you have because they don't have the experience as you fade I need you to come please I need you to give gone some gone virtue has gone out of me I've given you all that I have in this service I need you to help me because I'm still thirsty for souls on today I need you right where you are would you move around you would you talk to two to three people find out if they're saved or find out if they have a church home find out if they've given their life over to God I need everybody to do it I need everybody to do it please I need everybody to do it hallelujah come on you're not talking anybody I don't know what's wrong with you come on don't act like that how you got the oil in you stuck oh come on come on hallelujah how about you even at the risk of getting on somebody's nerves would you ask somebody are you sure you saved I'm telling you if they're saved they won't be offended if they already have a relationship with God they won't have an issue bliss alone would you stretch your right in the face hallelujah we're thankful for this family should your right hand to face hallelujah repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right if you know I'm right come on give God some praise [Applause] come on if you're happy and you know it clap your hands you may be seated in the presence of our God you ought to have when you came in the sanctuary today you should have received our church bulletin amen help me give God glory for another person we'd be glad to be your Church on come on sister Gail if you'll take her back for me give God a Hank leper praise our family is enlarged amen for that we give God glory listen to me very carefully those of you when you came in the section where you received your church program it is a one-pager if you have that would you lift it up let me see that you have it please we paid a lot of money for it I want to make sure you got it now let's go backwards put your hand down if you didn't receive one would you lift up that hand you didn't receive one some of y'all walk right past uh sure amen not knowing you're gonna need them be careful how you treat people take out what you need thank you so very much I need you right where you are I need you right where you are every person our Book of the Month for the month for the month of June is the money challenge media Minister if you put that book on the screen for me very quickly please the money challenge we're doing a 30 day money challenge whereby we are trusting God that he is going to give us the maturity and the discipline to walk out three things the first is to give generously the second one is to save wisely and the third one hard especially for black people is to live appropriately amen you got no business with Gucci on a coach in come live appropriately on every bottom shoes and your bank account in the red live appropriately amen I need you right where you are I need you right where we where you are on that back page you'll see when we give you a challenge for every day this week every day this week this is not a get-rich-quick scheme this is not multi-level marketing hisle's gonna blow your mind it's not even about tithing it's about coming to the understanding watch this it's about coming to the understanding that my money has a ministry God ain't just giving me money for me to pay bills the only saying that it gotta be more than my life then gas an electric cable I can't hear nobody like I go getting all my blessing huh it's gotta be something more that God wants me to do I with the blessings that he has and entrusted to me and so the book opens up this is how I knew I had to get it to you the book opens up telling the story of a young lady who graduated from college about three to four years ago and got a job in her career that lined up with her degree she had finally bought her first home with leasing a moderate mid-sized foreign car I was dressing appropriately for this new job and was downtown for lunch while she was downtown for lunch once this she's up to her neck in student loans she's out of her mind with credit card bills she accumulated they came free when you were in college your member dose you qualify you have nothing and she was maxed out and the homeless man approached her on the street and said do you have any spare money to give me she said sure 11:30 young I don't believe this she opened up her purse and had absolutely nothing she filled with embarrassment and ashamed and here's ladies and gentlemen were changed her life the homeless man as can I pray for you she's a sure watch this is gonna blow your mind and he the homeless man took her by both hands and here's what he prayed lord please bless her financially just a homeless man praying Russ's because lord you made a promise you would give a seed to the sower I want you to bless her because she had the mind to give she just didn't have the resources to give and he is with blue two young ladies man out he's in close the prayer by saying bless her before you bless me because I'm just a taker but she's a giver I'm praying that God is getting ready to bless you watch this so you'll be able to bless people part of your assignment of day one that you've got to do before the day is over you gotta pray Lord bless me to be a blessing you've got to have a critical discussion today with your family if you're married with your spouse with your children I told the earlier services tell your children why you say no you ain't being mean we ain't got it I can't hear nobody in here because I don't want to raise our children in false entitlement you giving your children one hundred and fifty dollar tennis shoes and ain't even on the team they got tennis shoes to play a video game anything we got to change how it is that we're doing is thirty days which means ladies and gentlemen which means that by the fourth of July we all as a church are going to be online towards financial independence I want by the fourth of July that we have become so focused about our finances that God will be able to trust us you can't ask God for a million dollars and you don't know how to manage seventy five thousand God has got to see it and it's got to be through these three principles the first one is give generously everybody say that the second one is to save wisely say that the third one is to live appropriately everybody say that those are the three things that is a part of our summer expectation that you are going to be giving generously saving wisely and living appropriately it would in fact dumbfound you to know that 80% of those of us who live in Baltimore have no savings account did y'all hear what I just said eighty percent of people who live in Baltimore the city have no savings account we keep pushing for everybody to open an account but we've been talking about the wrong one the bank doesn't even count you until you're saving the checking account you've gone through that in the first fifteen days and then it's gone how many of you need God to help you in the area of your finances y'all ain't saying yo y'all really ballin like that y'all don't need him amen how many of you believe God can do it this summer I'm doing a series this summer beginning next Sunday called fast and furious 12 fast and furious 12 what is that pastor I'm telling you this is going to be a summer of fast miracles only some of y'all gonna be able to shout over this this will be a summer 12 y'all better go crazy this will be a summer what's this that will require no patience because you won't have to wait on God to do it God is gonna do it how many of you all need God to do some stuff fast since well if you need me to do something fast so through a june all the way through august i am preaching through the bible everywhere that it says suddenly everywhere in the Bible where it says immediately is what we're going to talk about on Sundays and the in Bible study starting on next Sunday how many of you all need a fast break through I'm how many of you are here's your real shout how many of y'all want to prayer answered fast you want to pray our and success I need you to move at the speed of your expectation how when it is that there at the Pool of Bethesda the first one that jumped in is the one that got healed you got to be fast to catch up with God ambassadors would you partner with me we gonna do this offering real fast come on right where you are I need every person to get your seed in your hand every person get your offering on Pentecost Sunday it is at fifty days from Easter it is the birthday party it is the birthday party of the church where do we give the church on Pentecost Sunday fifty hallelujah all over the world people are celebrating Pentecost Sunday it is not a denomination it is a conviction and a persuasion I want you to get it in your hand if you're trusting God to do something fast hallelujah all of our titles what does God expect from us it's a whole lot of visitors here today all the time as the members of this church how much does God expect from us hallelujah if you know better you got to do better I want you please I want you to get that seed in your hand I want you to get that seed in your hand if you're writing a check you're writing it out to empowerment temple if you're giving by way of debit card you can do so on either side of the sanctuary when your row begins to move hallelujah everybody would you stay under your feet please while you want God to give you everything and you won't give him ten percent why do you want God to give you his all and you won't even give him your best I'm telling you you can't beat God's giving no matter how hard you try I want us to be able to move in a way of spiritual maturity that we understand that God blesses givers wealthy people who are not even in church understand the principle and while they're not titres they made up a word it's called philanthropy so they give their money away watch this in expectation that their business is going to increase every person who you look up to in terms of wealth check the record and see what kind of give it a are Serena Williams has built 31 schools Uganda Sudan Kenya no way in the newspaper no way on be et I can't you nobody in here Oprah Winfrey just graduated her first class of girls of all of which are going to university because you understand the principle of philanthropy so many of us have been raised watch this and condition to be welfare worshipers that we give just with the expectation what am I going to get but you've got to give with an understanding god bless me to be a blessing to somebody else I need you to lift up that feet above your head please lift up your seat above your head repeat after me Lord use this money to do ministry use nation to restore somebody else give me resources to bless somebody else strengthen me so money isn't always on my mind in Jesus name Amen would you turn to write begin coming from the last row lady Austin you also 7 and a half years old ran up to me ran through security way and pastor armor bearers Ram pastor stewards to trustees and ministerial staff brought me a pack of now leaders and to blow pops because she said she wanted to give me something for my birthday and the principal she didn't know she was going to help me preach the principal is this that they are members of the church who gave me money some gave me check some gave me gift cards some of them say they would take me out to breakfast but it's seven year old day from what she had y'all not saying nothing to me there was no invitation for blow pops there were no invitation for sour apple now laters but when it came time to give she said I want to give from what I have in that an incredible lesson for all of us I said to her I'm gonna tell everybody you seven she said no tell them I'm seven and a half I turned eight in August this is my new favorite member for the day who shows us what's this the principles of the book to give generously nobody asked her to do it nobody extended the invitation we didn't do a special opportunity for children to give but when you are authentic in giving you'll find a way to give when you look at the persons beside to tell them we got to do better we got to do better thank you so much for my noun laters you didn't even know sour apple is my favorite now later my mother sitting beside me she wouldn't let me have sour apple now laters but because you gave them to me I gotta eat oh thank you I appreciate you come on give her a big hand and she goes thirsty again my mother ribbon Cecilia is going to lead us you know y'all keep trying take mine now ladies I'm going people my mother in Rev and Eva branch are going to lead us through the sacred sacrament of our communion prayer of general confession is when I scream to our right in to our left and I'm going to ask that you all will follow along with me Almighty God Father our Lord Jesus Christ maker of all things judge of all men we acknowledge and be well on manifold sins and wickedness from we from which from time to time most grievously has committed by thoughts word envy against your divine majesty provoking most justice your wrath and indignation against us we do earnestly repent in a highly sorry for these I miss doing the remembrance of them is Grievous unto us have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most merciful Father for your son our Lord Jesus Christ C forgive us all that is past and grants that we may hereafter serve and please you and the newness of life to honor is a glory of your name through Jesus Christ our Lord amen and Jesus said this is my body and so as we gather at Calvary knowing that that is the sanctuary of the perfecting work of the kingdom of God that when we express our gratitude that the body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was broken for us as you receive it let your faith hallelujah meet the receiving that every healing need in your life whether it's physical moral financial or spiritual shall be met in Jesus name [Music] and then he said I want you to remember that my blood was shed for you hallelujah and as their pastor preached there's nothing anyone can find out about you that God did not know already and when you ask him to forgive you hallelujah the blood of Jesus covers our sin tell him thank you and receive it I want you right now to pray and ask the Holy Ghost to show you the person or the situation that he wants you to be generous toward this week we who have received the generosity of God his body and his blood let's ask God now to show us just close your eyes and say show me God the person or the situation that I should be generous toward this week now tell him thank you tell him thank you tell him thank you and we prayed together The Lord's Prayer our Father [Music] you the Lord bless you the Lord keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you the Lord give you a week full of Holy Ghost surprisement the Lord manifest his favour in your family the Lord open doors that the enemy tried to close the Lord assure you into a place of favor Grace and the anointing that cannot be stopped by the works of the devil the Lord assure you that the Kingdom potential that he has deposited in your house will come the manifestation in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the people of God said amen amen amen give somebody some long [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 28,600
Rating: 4.8039818 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017
Id: FN4kJVcJh-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 16sec (3916 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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