Dr. Jamal Bryant preaches at the Next Steps Conference - Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church

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somebody just say to yourself he's a good good guy he's a good good god [Music] every time we come into the house of the lord [Music] your spirit ought to be postured as if you're sitting before the throne so in your mind right now just begin to put your mind on jesus and how good he has been in your life hallelujah i like this song it just says this listen lord you are good you've been so good lord you are good you've been better than good i can't [Music] even if i try cause you've been so good being so good [Music] you've been so good [Music] [Music] can't praise you enough [Music] [Music] you've been so good so good you are [Applause] [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] me [Music] the lord right now [Music] oh [Music] i come on and think of his goodness and all that he has done and just tell him so many dogs [Music] so many [Music] many ways [Music] [Music] you've been better than good to me [Music] [Music] me on one more time think about it say you've been better than good to me you've been better than good to me [Music] [Music] so good you've been so good [Music] so good [Music] to me [Music] come on i dare you to praise him right there in his goodness come and praise him right there in his goodness if you know he's been good come on and worship come on give him a great praise come on give him a great praise so many doors he's open so many ways he's made so many times he's healed you he kept you when you didn't want to be kept bless you in spite of somebody ought to tell the lord thank you somebody tell them thank you somebody tell me thank you so many times [Music] so many doors [Music] [Music] i said i had covered in november never experienced nothing like that in my life so all the people that say to this thing is fake this thing is real never thought never understood how you could lose taste how you could lose your smell eating food not even hungry but you gotta eat to sustain your strength get up walking from the couch to the kitchen the couch to your bedroom and you wind it like you're running a marathon i said so many times he's healed me next saturday i'm gonna lay a friend of mine to rest who didn't make it he didn't make it left two kids and a wife but when i think about that it could have been me it could have been me it could have been you the seat that you're sitting here should be vacant but god healed you god kept you some of you were walking around and had coping and didn't even know it but he sustained you blessed you but you didn't even know that you were being blessed that's why you owe the praise of a sight so many times of healthy how many times [Music] so good [Music] you've been so good [Music] thank you lord [Music] come on and praise him come on put a praise on your lips come on and worship him right where you are think of the goodness of jesus he's a great great guy he's a faithful guy he's a merciful guy [Music] come on put those hands together like you got the devil's head in between them i believe that ought to be on the lips of every person in this place after 16 months of a pandemic somebody ought to just be able to witness that he's been so good i said he's been so good hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] so [Music] hallelujah [Music] that's all right if you're clapping for me but come on give god [Music] very quickly we give honor tonight too to god for all of his jehovah's provisions thank god that we're standing on the ground and the ground ain't standing on us i'm just blown away by the goodness of our god whenever god gets ready to do anything and an apostle floyd god bless you i have to honor you him and his wife whenever god gets ready to do anything in the human race he always uses a man not arya male anthropos human when he got ready to create a race he used a man named adam when he got ready to salvage a race he used a man named noah when he got ready to be a friend for himself he used a man named abraham when he got ready to build himself a house he used a man named solomon when he got ready to be a king for the race he used a man named david when he got ready to have vision for the race he used a man named isaiah when he got ready to cry for the race he used a man named jeremiah when he got ready to die for the race he used a man named jesus when he got ready to build the new testament church he used a man named paul when he got ready to lead our people through the m bumps of slavery he used a man named that turner when he got rid of the leaders through civil rights he used a man named martin luther king when he got ready to lead us through affirmative action he used jesse lewis jackson and al sharpton and when he got ready to put a black face in the white house he used barack hussein obama but when he got ready to lead my generation of preachers on what to do when we can't sell cds in front of the stove we lie in the street like mike brown we can't carry skittles in arizona or well hoodie like trayvon martin when we can't forget the names of sandra bland eric garner philando castile when he wanted to show us what to do with a nation that turned its back on us and told us we weren't valuable he used a man named dr jamal harrison bryant stand to your feet and give my brother and my friend a hand clapper praise as he comes and preaches the flow is yours [Music] come on give your pastor an amazing applause [Music] you maybe say that that uh that's the best introduction i ever had in my life i got to take him on the road with me yes lord media ministry i need a copy of that i don't even need discernment uh you you want to thank god for amazing and incredible leadership come on help me thank god for your amazing pastor come on you can do better than that [Music] my pleasant i hope you know how uh how spoiled you are you you are not blessed you are spoiled it is not often uh that a body of believers get to see moses and joshua together but for god to be able to bless you to see your predecessor and successor in the same space come on let's give god some praise [Music] come on come on the visitors don't know no better but those of you who are glad to be connected [Applause] allow me a point of personal privilege just to express uh how grateful honored and humbled i am to be a part of such an august gathering i saw the advertisement promoting this conference and i was really overwhelmed i was almost having anxiety attacks because i'm the only one in the lineup that's not a hoopla so i didn't know what to do i went and bought a harmonica to figure out how to get out of this thing but i i am just uh uh overwhelmed and appreciative for all of my life i've been ama my father was a senior presiding bishop at ame church and two years ago i took over the new birth missionary baptist church formerly pastored by bishop eddie long but i i really feel like tonight is my ordinate y'all to make me baptist for real i'm i'm just i'm just uh grateful that you would give me this privilege and appreciative for my godfather being here bishop edgar el van an amazing gift to the body of christ set your alarm early and be here at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning i i want to uh appreciate publicly uh this outstanding music ministry i mean come on come on [Applause] i if you have your bibles i want to issue a warrant for your intelligent arrest and uh summoned you to matthew chapter two matthew chapter two amen you'll indulge me as that you'll stand to your feet matthew chapter two i'm honored by all the preachers who are present on tonight a lot of preachers only come to church when they are preaching um but a preacher that'll come here another preacher is a preacher who knows how to pray so thank you matthew chapter 2 verse number one after jesus was born in bethlehem in judea during the time of king herod maggot came from the east came to jerusalem you may be seated i want to preach for a little while tonight using as a subject you can't cut out the carbs you can cut out the carbs pastor the global olympic games date back to 1896 which was held in athens greece with 14 nations participating in the inaugural events since then it's been held in different countries around the world every two years cities around the world compete for the chance to host the selection is actually made i need you to hear this the selection for the whole city is actually made seven years before the game years before the game the decision is already made the international olympic committee bases its decision to accommodate a large number of terrorists a large number of journalists and a large number of athletes ample accommodations is a requirement that can't be compromised the city must have an efficient transportation infrastructure it's got to be organized in such a way that there will be no delays because the schedule is strict they also brother pastor has to be ample security to make sure that there is no threat on the athletes lives they must have all the necessary venues up to a modern standard and it is against this scale that tokyo beat out istanbul qatar and madrid we're watching the gang this week but the decision was made seven years ago a question i've gotta ask you if it is that rigorous to pick out a city to host the olympic games i can only but imagine what was the determining factor for yahweh to use to determine what city jesus would be born in why wouldn't he have him be birthed in the holy city of jerusalem why was he not brought through the incubator of culture in the headquarter for the olympics athens for all of childhood those of us who grew raised in the church the christmas plays we remember an angel visited mary in luke chapter 2 and announced that the lord was with her and that she will bring forth a son named jesus but not long after that in the choreography of cairo's it kicks in that she now has to travel with her fiance joseph to a place you know bethlehem it's 80 miles i need you to hear this it's 80 miles from where she was called i need you to hear this um uh very rarely do you deliver in the same place you're called where you were called is not necessarily where you will deliver there's somebody i've got to ask you how far are you from where you were called if if you are still in the same place you are not ready yet at the time that uh mary slips into labor bethlehem's size and rank is a mere bleep on the screen bethlehem is six miles south of jerusalem it is a mere truck stop on the way to egypt there is no prominence to bethlehem until herod builds his fortress micah 5 and 2 says but you bethlehem though you are small amongst the clans of judah out of you will come one who will rule over israel god i need you to hear this kansas city was modeling the shift from unimportant to significant don't confuse a size with significance i um i uh i pastor in atlanta georgia a church of 13 000 people and every week young pastors call me from around the country aspiring to pastor a mega church and says how in the world do you do it how can i make a difference being us pastoring a small church when you got a mega church and i remind all of them that dr king never pastored more than 300 people whatever city he was in he never had the biggest church y'all not saying nothing to me but it's out of a small ministry that shifted the world god uses the unlikely to make it significant look at what he does in bethlehem he uses an unlikely girl and connects him to an underwhelming young man to usher in a shift that would turn everything upside down can you imagine god choosing a girl who's 14 years old and connects her to a young man who only got a certificate from job corps he never went to howard never went to morehouse never went to fierce he just found out how to use a hammer and a nail and said that's who i can use some of you are gonna have to stop being arrogant and being puffed up because you got a louis bag and red bottoms god says i'm not looking for pedigree and background i want to know who is available to be used and some of y'all sitting there with your arms folded in your legs crossed god can't trust you cause you think it's about you but i need five of y'all that know if it had not been for the lord on my side i don't know where i would be [Applause] so he uses a place with otherwise seemingly insignificant people are bethlehem hear this is also the home of boaz you remember him don't you he's uh what they know in biblical times as the kinsmen redeemer what that means is that family members in ancient times could redeem or buy back individuals who have been sold into slave frame you don't even realize why the pressure on you is so heavy is because you hold the anointing for your family what god has put on your life is not for you to get cars and bags but god said i gotta anoint you i hope three y'all are shout so your niece and nephew will go to college i gotta bless you so what your mama had to deal with you'll never have to struggle for i need you to elbow somebody around and tell them don't play with me look at them tell them don't play with me i am anointed for my last name the anointing that's on my life is gonna bless every person that's connected to me everybody that's got my blood type that got my dna every person who i was raised with they don't even understand they gonna go to another level because they are connected to me can i shout you real quick you know you annoying it cause you wasn't even the favorite you wasn't even the one they thought was gonna be anything you was the outside child but god said when i choose you there are no apologies connected to it because if god be following me who can be against me and the question we gotta ask tonight is why would jesus be born there and if jesus is born there should we be citizens there bethlehem uh means this hear this bethlehem translates to mean house of bread yeah bethlehem is house of bread beth house lehem bread bethlehem is a house of bread and that's where god chose for his son to be born bread is a staple of nourishment it is connected to global survival bread represents god's provision here it is even while you're in a famine god help me i think i lost you it is god's provision even while you're in a famine that five of y'all that ought to be flipping over these chairs because you can testify that in the middle of covet 19 i still prospered in a pandemic y'all ain't saying nothing to me my job thought i was not essential but god set that bad boy up and said they won't even function without you being there this is for two of y'all you ain't even the supervisor but everybody come to you for direction and instruction even when you late they can't even work until you get there i need three of y'all that know it's been a tight year but i've never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread y'all really gonna sit like that you are broke here's your shout how were you broke and gaining weight how are you struggling and still got cable how in the world you got your back up against the wall but your netflix is still on you ought to be thanking god that god been better to me than i've been to myself [Applause] he he's prospered me in the pandemic when the children of israel were oppressed for 400 years children of israel oppressed for four years 400 years god heard their cry and god sent a liberator in moses to lead them through the promised land but here's what's happened y'all knock on like this is that they are called they are destined but they're in the desert this goes against the grain of the very basis of prosperity theology that suggests that if you are faithful you won't go through drought seasons but they're through your y'all y'all sitting on me tonight that can testify i've been faithful but i still went through some seasons where i wasn't sure whether i was gonna make it whether i was gonna survive and do you know what our god did while they were in the desert y'all gotta forgive me i'm from atlanta i still got little hood in me god said watch me make it rain he said it ain't water coming down it's bread getting ready to come down and i need those of y'all who know those god that i serve he never comes ahead of schedule he always comes at the last minute i need three of y'all that got good credentials you ever had to pray while they were running your debit cards y'all they saying nothing you ever been at the cash register and had to say lord don't embarrass me in here you ain't never had to put five dollars on number three just so that you could get home and get back to work the next day god's been reigning bread on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am uh i pastor in atlanta but um but i'm from baltimore uh yeah i passed in atlanta uh but i'm from baltimore so so people ask me where i'm from i i don't say atlanta i say baltimore and uh so if you ask me uh what i am i am not an atlantean i am a baltimorean you know that that that don't make sense to you i'm i'm a baltimorean because i'm from baltimore yeah look at john 6 verse 35 john 6 35 watch how jesus introduces himself he says i am the bread of life now this don't make sense to you until you remember he's from bethlehem oh god god i can't hear nobody because he's from bethlehem he said that's where i am see it ain't where you're from is where you're at y'all ain't saying nothing and some of y'all don't become too bad and bougie dropped out y'all ain't saying nothing you gotta remember where you came from and sometimes you don't shout over what you got you gotta shout for what he delivered you out of and i need some of y'all that can thank god the people you used to run with look 10 years older than you but god doesn't kept you together that don't mean you wasn't in these streets you drank a little bit you smoked a little bit you clubbed a little bit but you in the best shape of your life because god had to deliver you in spite of what you came out on says i am the bread of life so jesus identifies himself as the bread of life but never identifies himself as the ingredients god did you hear what i just said says i'm the bread of life but never says i'm the ingredients a flower god help me water and i tell y'all the microwave cookers right through here uh salt any any uh any a side chef understands that even when you mix the ingredients up none of them are finished until you put them in fire it takes fire to make the bread rise oh god i think i got the slow class the leather yellow bus is coming it it takes fire to make the bread wide rise so in order for you to say you are a christian you can have all of the ingredients but if you ain't been through no fire god i can't hear nobody you are not equipped can i show y'all real quick come here shadrach meshach and abednego here they are standing tall refusing to bow down to their gold god and god said you ain't really who i need you to be until i throw you in fire if you can shout while you in fire god help me that's when you know you a real one that's when you can keep it 100 y'all sit down if all your bills are paid sit down if ain't nobody ever stabbed you in the back shut up if you ain't never had your heart broken but if you can stay through it all i learned to trust in jesus do it all [Applause] be seated please i'm i'm coming around the mountain here i come um matthew um matthew chapter 14 matthew 14 um jesus has been uh preaching all day he's been teaching all day and uh the sun is going down sun is going down and uh one of the deacons comes up on jesus and said send them away because we got 5 000 out today and that's not even including women and children god help me every sister in the room would you lay hands on yourself and just shout i count god tell me it's 5 000 but they never counted the women i think i lost you every woman who knows you're gifted who knows that there's a caller on your life y'all ain't saying nothing to me that your hair don't define you your shape don't define y'all ain't saying nothing to me i need you to shout out loud i count how do don't act like you didn't see me you you know who i am when i when i walk in the room i can't be ignored it's too much grace that's on my life i count some it's it's 5 000. and they never counted the women not only did they not count the women they didn't count the children and uh and the disciples uh aka deacons told them send them away why because we ain't got the money for this i i i gotta help you all god help me to preach it right i gotta help you with something that i hope you'll be able to understand god will never give your pastor a vision hear me god will never give your pastor a vision that matches the budget god i think i lost you i said god will never give the pastor a vision that matches the budget if you can afford it it ain't from god god help me whenever god gives you the vision he don't check your credit report he don't check your bank account he checks your faith and i'm looking for those of y'all whose faith is connected to mine cause you trusting god tonight for something you ain't got the money for but you believe that god is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can [Applause] say send them away it ain't in the budget but it's in my faith hallelujah i feel glory coming now elbow the person beside you tell them you can afford it thank you holy god i just got cleared for takeoff elbow your neighbor tell them you can't afford it wherever you are tonight this is the brokest you ever gonna be god is getting ready to shift something on your direction elbow the person i said elbow hallelujah elbow that person and ask him how do you feel ask him how do you feel sitting next to a future millionaire god got something on my life that nobody in my family has ever possessed the graces [Applause] says we can't afford it it would take a year to pay for this and you're going to do it in a day i don't know what's wrong with y'all i said ordinarily it would take a year to pay this off but god said i can do it in a dash i'm waiting for y'all to wake up i'm the one with jet lag he said or nelly it'll take a year to pay this off but i can do it in a dash everybody who sees it keep your seats but everybody who's standing lean with me rock with me god said if you shout again whatever is your biggest bill watch me pay that bad boy off pay off your student loans pay off your mortgage pay off your medical bills pay off your insurance jesus will pay it all be seated please i only got three more times to tell you that be seated please you only got three more times for me to tell you that he um says um we can't um we can't uh we can't pay for this [Applause] we can't pay we can't pay for this and um jesus does an audit and and says what do you have he says what do you have and they said uh we we found this little boy he went to vacation bible school we we we found we found this little boy that got two fish and five loaves of bread and pastor he's uh seemingly insignificant because there are 5 000 people there and a boy gives the biggest offering [Music] [Applause] it's grown people there y'all ain't saying nothing this it's people with 401ks and god i can't hear nobody in portfolios but none of them have stepped up to the plate it's a boy watch this who reminds jesus of his dad reminds him of his dad because he has no pedigree has no great background he's just available [Applause] he gives a major offering and some of y'all are not going to like it he gives a major offering as a matter of fact he is the biggest giver of the church and matthew has the nerve not to call his name i didn't expect too many of y'all to shout because some of y'all only do it to be seen so some of you need pastor to call your name over the microphone but i need those of y'all that know when i do it i do it with clean hands and a pure heart i don't need no certificate i don't need no plaque i don't need y'all to call me up to the front i'm just glad to be in the service [Applause] i um i'm thrown off because um i i can't but uh i can't but remember the very first time uh i found bethlehem first time i find bethlehem is in genesis 35 um when um jacob is a fugitive his um his picture's in the post office he's on the 11 o'clock news as um is the most wanted he's stolen his brother esau's birthright and he'd been on the run for 14 years until god sends him a text message god sends him a text message and says your days of running are over i need you to come out from hiding [Music] you you still have value in spite of your flaws and i i don't like this i want to say this uh to the preachers who can hear me lay people you just eavesdrop i'm talking to the preachers for a minute uh how does god call you to a place um where they want to kill you how does god call you to an atmosphere to an arena to an area where um you will not be respected [Music] the devil wasn't making him go to bethlehem god was and he's on the road to bethlehem i'm going to be out your way he's on the road to bethlehem and something crazy happens pastor you got to tell me what happens uh on the way to bethlehem watch this uh jacob's wife dies jacob's wife dies on the road to bethlehem but she uh she she dies while delivery now the reason why you don't know uh that you're supposed to be shouting right now jacob's wife died on the road to bethlehem uh in her last term of pregnancy and couldn't make it brother pastor this is the same road jesus mother was on god help me so she should have died on the way i think i lost you there there's some stuff you went through if god wasn't on you you would have died but but his grace and his mercy is what kept you alive y'all y'all looking at me crazy 675 000 people have died of covet but you still alive you want to be giving him glory you didn't keep your mask going you didn't wash your hands you didn't socially distance but god [Music] [Applause] on the road to bethlehem so we asked them what do we have we got two fish five loaves of bread hallelujah um that's all i got is um two fish five loaves of bread apostle uh watch what jesus does um watch what he does i'm in matthew chapter 14. watch what he does uh he uh he takes the bread god help me he lifts it up he gives thanks he broke it then he gave it away i got to give that to you again you you don't heard all of this but you haven't put it on with critical thinking he took the bread did i tell y'all bethlehem is house of bread he takes the bread he gives thanks after he lifted it up and then he broke it pastor why are you giving me that because y'all ain't got it yet he said he took the bread because he's from the house of bread he lifts it up he says thank you he breaks it and then he gives it away can i shout you real quick he never lifted up the fish he never thanked god for the fish he never broke the fish because the bread was who he was and i need those of y'all in this room who know that while we were yet sent us he died for us he was wounded by our transgression he was bruised by iniquities and by his stripes you're already healed with to give him glory that you're already healed all right okay and uh and this is the last time i'll ask you to be seated it's the last time i mentioned to be city y'all y'all got a spirit of disobedience in kansas b be seated please the five of you ended amazing and amazing that day um and it amazing that day that um uh jesus when they were finished uh gave each of the disciple a basket he made the ones who didn't want to serve clean up oh god help me see there's getting ready to be a shift because some of you don't got too comfortable that you got a spirit of entitlement and think you're supposed to be in charge you you are not that grand you are not that important i'm telling you you are replaceable to the left to the left god will find somebody by sunday to stand in your place if you think this church can't move without you [Applause] he sent them out with 12 baskets sent them out with 12 baskets and uh and they collected all the fragments hallelujah bishop van i never paid attention to this uh in all of my days did y'all notice uh because you're all the better students than me uh did y'all notice uh that when the disciples went with the 12 baskets um it was only bread left oh my god one no fish left something bread left because the bread never runs out god god i can't hear nobody this this is for y'all that ain't all the way to church just for those of y'all that still got some hood in you god i need some bread i i need you to give me some more so i can handle these bills so i can take care of my children give me some bread [Music] and so on i was in the gym last week and uh i said uh said to my trainer i uh uh i gotta do better i'm uh i'm falling off the wagon the wagon then backed up and ran over me yeah and i need you to do need to do something and uh he said uh uh jamal i can get you to where you need to be uh but you gotta cut out the cobs i said god some of y'all just got convicted right there ass [Laughter] [Applause] i said i said i i i hear what you're saying i i know you mean well but i i i just can't do it he he said if you just cut out the carbs you'll you'll look how you want to look i said maybe my first name jamal i'm throwing you off you think i'm a muslim uh no i'm not i'm i'm i'm a christian and i come from the house of bread i i gotta eat bread y'all give us this dash our day or y'all act like y'all ain't talking to me give us our daily give us our daily bread in uh in kansas city in uh kansas city i ain't been here in a couple years i think about six years uh in kansas city do y'all have krispy kreme okay yeah i'm usually good i'm i'm using good i ain't got the best discipline i'm use a good uh passing by krispy kreme i can resist the devil and he'll flee from me when i'm when i'm driving past krispy kreme y'all please pray for me i'm i'm good my discipline is all right uh until the red light come on come on god god lord help me when i see the red light on it it does something to me because i know in that moment and y'all y'all are some boujee believe any in any hood worship us right through here just me and the drummer god said when you see the red light you know it's coming in hot god help me god told me to tell the worshipers that are here tonight the red light just came on whatever blessing you need is coming in hot now if you don't need nothing don't say nothing but if you need god to meet a need i d double dog tell you to just open up your mouth like you need god to do it pray to heaven bread of heaven right of heaven feed me till i want no more y'all still they saying nothing feed my children feed my grandchildren feed this ministry feed the people i'm connected to bread of heaven hey you only got 10 seconds left you only got 10 seconds left your greatest blessing is one shout away your greatest miracle is one halloween your greatest breakthrough is one yellow away let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord say so when the praises go up the bread when the praises go up the bread when the praises go up the bread [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up that hand i want to pray for you lift up that hand i'm going to speak over every lifted hand that your family will never no hunger oh god i can't hear nobody in here i wish i would stop acting stuck up i said your family will never no hunger your children will never be in lack they they will never know what an eviction notice looks like i speak over every lifted hand i speak of every lifted hand that you'll never bounce another check in your life god i'm waiting on the worshipers to show up i speak of every lifted hand that god is going to increase your credit score i need somebody to lift up god said whatever you spent out of your savings will be returned before labor day every dime that is owed to you god will restore the years speak of every lifted hand [Music] that god will bless you to break the spirit of poverty in your family that god as of this moment is making you a bethlehemite there will always be bread connected to your life those of you your faith is connected to my faith would you clap your hands and give god glory for it i want you to clap like finances are coming together i can't hear anybody i said clap like finances are coming together y'all still ain't saying nothing clap your hands like finances are coming together [Music] you may be seated [Music] [Applause] is that all y'all got it's coming together it's coming together it's coming together god said if you clap again all things work together for those that love him and are called according to his purpose clip those hands and he shall supply all of your needs clap your hands when my mother and father forsake me that's when the lord will lift me up you may be seated [Music] [Music] [Music] the bible shows the disciples handing out the fish handing out the bread shows them collecting it but nowhere in the gospels i find any of the disciples eating from it because the lord would not let them enjoy a miracle they didn't believe in did you hear what i just said how you think you gonna partake when you wouldn't participate this man of god um on my way in the sanctuary tonight looked at me and said be at home and uh he said that to me when he ain't never been in my house so i don't know what he meant when he said be at home but i'ma act like i'm at home the man of god said something and he didn't know what i was gonna preach that um that the lord gave him a vision and you didn't meet the budget and it was the confirmation for me that this was the word hear this he didn't meet the budget but didn't cancel the conference [Applause] god i can't hear nobody he trusted god even when he didn't have the provision [Applause] i'm going to do this very quickly i'm going to be a uh i want to be a blessing to this house i want to be a blessing to this man of god's vision i want to be a blessing to enlarge the bandwidth of somebody's faith can you imagine um that jesus had 12 professionals pastor emeritus when nobody ever says to us is all the disciples had more education than jesus but jesus is such a leader that he's not intimidated by competent staff [Music] we gotta let go of the day that pastor knows everything lot of our churches are messed up because we've made people leaders for perfect attendance i want to raise up in this room tonight 12 disciples who will help this pastor's vision 12 of you here it is i want to ask you to give a seed and i want to lead pastor so really just 11. 11 of you i want you to join me in giving a seed of 200 on tonight hear me very carefully if you don't have it i'm not talking to you we got rid of guilt offerings in leviticus we're in a new dispensation listen to me i'm mindful that we are in a technological age and giving platforms and all of those uh but uh you know what i had to um i had to really call god into uh accountability to trust him at a place that um that i didn't know my late uncle was frank lucas biggest drug deal america's ever seen he was doing somewhere in the orbit of a million dollars every three days last year this he's the inspiration behind the movie american gangster um last year i had to preach his funeral and uh feds everywhere i mean everywhere everywhere i was scared in the funeral but i said god you've got to you got to show my family they can prosper without being illegal [Applause] bishop van i am the only i am the only next generation male in my family to go to college [Applause] in this pandemic i need you all to see what happened in this pandemic yesterday rihanna became a billionaire in this pandemic a month ago kanye west became a millionaire in this pandemic six weeks ago lebron james became a billionaire in this pandemic five months ago tyler perry became a billionaire all in a pandemic you mean you can't trust god for millions uh what kind of faith y'all got if god can do it for them what can god do for me
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 7,460
Rating: 4.8214288 out of 5
Id: On_XT8g-ANU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 2sec (3962 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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