Lonely at the bottom

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we are the Impreza's users come on whatever he is recreate a sound worship in it read just follow me beaches in we chanced [Music] come on lift up their voices the atmosphere is ripe for a visit from God come on is reaching up to you come on reach up to him he's reaching for you come on all those hands are lifted come on open up your voice hallelujah come on this is your moment this is your opportunity [Music] your name everybody here we love you Jesus he'll be riding a Claire everybody see here my old man son [Music] and the power say you live me you left me I'm not afraid and if my boy say you leave me let it ring out what say say hey I say we're fully no you Jesus save me [Music] Wow believe me everybody is standing would you get your Bibles thank you so very much would you secure your Bibles would you make your way to Genesis 22 we're continuing our series on getting out of the red ridiculous economic decisions it is our intention our aim our hope that between now and Labor Day we're in the halfway mark now that God is going to restore us financially in every area of our lives would you just lean on a person beside to tell them you getting stronger you're getting stronger hallelujah Genesis 22 I want to illuminate for your understanding verses 12 through 19 if you don't have a Bible would you be kind and Christian enough to share with somebody close by Genesis 22 verse 12 through 19 I want to beckon you to read silently as I read aloud here's what God's Word says don't lay a hand on the boy don't do anything to him now I know you feel God because you have not withheld from me you're a son your only Son Abraham looked up and down a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns he went over and took the RAM and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son Abram called that place the Lord will provide look at the present Messiah to tell him you in that place right now to this day it is said on the mountain of the Lord it will be provided the angel the law called Abraham from heaven a second time and said I swear by myself declares the Lord that because you have done this and have not withheld your son your only Son I'll surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed because you have obeyed me then Abraham returned to his servants and they set off together forebear sheba and abraham stayed in Beersheba you may be seated I want to preach for a little while this afternoon using as a subject its Lumley at the bottom it's lonely at the bottom but you look at the person beside you and tell them pastor told me to tell you in case you don't know he is lonely at the bottom recently the diva Diana Ross was playing out to a sold-out Hollywood Bowl show when unbeknownst to her in the thousands of fans that had gathered there was an uproar in the stands and this time it had nothing to do with Barry Gordy or The Supremes Rockefeller co-founder Dame Dash squared up on oscar-winner director Lee Daniels over a long-standing feud that most of us outside of Hollywood knew nothing about early in the career of the Empire and precious directors journey he had no Hollywood backing and he went to Dane - looking for 2 million in start-up capital with the promise that it would be repaid within a matter of months Dane visibly disturbed on the footage murmurs to him as a black man I gave you the money that you needed so how were you not gonna pay me back Daniels acknowledges to him that he was wrong and promised to call but never pledged to repay in the past Dane - has had several private lawsuits against jay-z and Kanye West coming out victorious in both of them in a subsequent tweet after the altercation he asked how is he not gonna pay me back when he clearly has my money well Lee Daniels has done is downright dirty when people help you they shouldn't have to chase you down in order for you to repay what it also does is make you reticent about helping other people because it becomes too much of a burden trying to be a blessing some people hear me very carefully some people will never rise to the top because they have no integrity at the bottom I can't argue with the fact that indeed it does get lonely at the top one of the most poignant lines in the award-winning film the King speech came from Colin Firth who playing King George the six when his speech therapist innocently stated that's what friends are for to which the King responded I wouldn't know shedding light on the fact that as King everyone is forced to be adoring to be cordial and deferential but not authentically connected beyond the title it's possible to be looked up to and never be seen you become leery of those who want to get close to you for what you can do but never take the time to discover who you authentically are Paul said I've learned how to be a bass and I've learned how to be about do you praise God just for what he can do or do you worship him for who he is might I take license to say that sometimes God will take you through rollercoaster rides of life to see what your pure and earnest intentions are he wants to see will you just come to church when you don't have somebody over you come to worship even when you have somebody he wants to see will you bless him when you have a job and will you give him glory when there is no job will you bless God when sickness is in your body and will you give God praise when health is your best friend he wants to test do you really mean when you declare in church I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be my mouth less tested with no matter what you're going through right now can you praise God in this come on give it to him right where you are come on this is the test don't wait till everything is right come on this is the test don't shout just when you got all the answers this is the test magnify mwen is confusing this is the test when you don't appreciate the outcome this is the test and so while all of us understand that it can be lonely at the top do you not know that the top is a two-way street it's a cross for the adored and a helmet for the fan the role model often wants to reveal the best image in order to stay light and this puts the pressure on the person on top to feign perfection and to not act like they are hurt there can be painful loneliness for those two who happen to believe themselves to be too beautiful becomes overwhelmingly lonely when you think you're too talented I'm telling you is lonely when you've convinced yourself you are too powerful whatever you do stay away from people who really believe they're too famous you can always tell people who actually feel like they're too smart and while I'm here in church run from people who are too spiritual because those people often isolate themselves have poor social skills and do not know how to interface with people they don't deem as their peer you have to be careful because it is in fact a slippery paired on the pedestal and as fast as you went up you'll come down equally fast where people have failed to say is they're quick to say that it's lonely at the top but I dare say to you to this afternoon that nobody ever warned you that is lonely at the bottom let's go to Genesis 22 and I want to show you how lonely the bottom is and Genesis 22 we are met with an encounter the good could be debilitating to say the least at the outset go to verse 1 in Genesis 22 go to verse 1 I'm a meet you there verse 1 Genesis 22 what I'm getting ready to show you I need for you to see God what's this came to test a ram many of us we anticipate the arrival of God comes with the bless what if God is coming just I want to write this down for those of you who are taking notes is gonna serve you well after this day God comes to test Satan comes to tempt can I give that to you again please God comes to test Satan comes to tempt a test write this down a test is designed to see if you learned the lesson to tempt is to take you away from what you learned a test once this is to see if you've learned the lesson to tempt is to take you away from what you've learned whenever God comes is checking and inspecting have you learned what I've been teaching you cuz only after I am sure you've learned it can I graduate you Satan comes to tempt you to drag you away from what you learned so you don't go into graduation you go into devaluation so when in fact somebody is tempting you they're tempting you watch this from something you know better than to do oh I can't eat that cake you tempted me why it's not temptation other than the fact that I know this ain't good for me I know I'm on a diet I know my diabetes is acting up I know I'm supposed to lose 12 pounds I know I got to get in this swimsuit by Wednesday I can't eat this cake this is temptation God ain't showing you cake y'all ain't saying nothin to me God is not showing you butter pecan ice cream so you got to ask yourself when somebody comes into your life that you are attracted to is this a test or is this temptation is this somebody just gonna bring me closer to God or is this somebody that's gonna pull me away from what I already learned I'll share with you two weeks ago sometimes God brings your ex back just to see if you're still stupid [Applause] you don't want you to go back it's a test are you gonna willfully forget the drama they took you through Oh y'all are you saying nothing a man I want whatever you go through in July it is my prayer as your pastor that what you go through in July will bring you closer to God and not pull you away from God what's the test that God gives Abraham take your only son Isaac I need you all to watch this I want you to take Abraham the thing you prayed for I want you to take here this what you thought you wouldn't get I want you to go get the thing you waited the longest to receive after you get that I now want to take you to the top I want to take you to Mount Moriah watch this and there I don't want you to praise me for what I gave you I don't want you to share for what I gave you this ain't testimony service the thing you waited for the thing you weren't gonna get the thing that took the longest here it is now at your highest place sacrifice it do do do you love me more than the thing I ain't nobody shouting right through here what what do you value the most me or the stuff idea a view and early the next morning I'm in Genesis 22 early the next morning without hesitation he gathered the wood and wrote his son and his staff and most times is your tradition from being in church that at this point we see them going up the mountain but I don't want you to go up the mountain too quick God gave him this message the night before gather for me the thing you prayed for then you waited for the thing you didn't think you woke on again and the next morning he gathered all of it and starts heading up that way purchase what I want to underscore for you today because God gave it to Abraham and all that night he had nobody to talk it over with and the next day he got a move on what God told them with no counsel I'm talking to a small handful of you who are in this room that it is lonely for you because you got a call that you can't articulate you got a vision you got a burden you got an assignment and the people around you don't have any idea what you working on anything from saying it's from God but I can't trust you with the idea because for me to even talk about what God has said to me questions my own faith only one deal with it I don't even wanna think about it I don't even want to speak it out loud cuz it's gonna make it more real to me and I'm sitting on it and folk around me in church don't know how lonely I in worship because what I'm thinking about is not a demonic attack yes I have an assignment and I gotta figure out how am I gonna get it done and you see me crying in church I'm thinking about what the choir singing oh god I can't hear nobody in here I missed the first 12 minutes or what pastor preaching about doesn't say get about what God said and I got no idea how I'm gonna be able to get it done when I'm trying to trust them trying to be faithful I'm trying to hold fast or what he said alone and annoying I'm alone and you don't judge me cuz I'm standing up when you standing up ain't lifting up hands when you lifting up hands y'all ain't saying nothin to me God has commissioned me to do something that's gonna change my life and I'm scared out of my man but the crazy part is even though I'm scared I trust him and I'm trying to talk myself off of the ledge to be faithful in this thing because he's told me to do something I don't like but I trust him so the next morning he gathers the wood roll son and his staff and don't talk to nobody about the assignment and part of the reason why I'm talking about it to nobody because I don't want you to talk me out of it god help me and I'm talking to you about what I'm dealing with not because I don't trust you I don't trust me and if I get one person to agree with how I really think I'm not gonna pursue it so sometimes please don't think it ain't that we ain't close it's just I know I'm fragile right now and if I get somebody to co-sign my doubt then I'll walk away from what it is that God told me to do so it's best for me to just be quiet suck it up and act like everything is all right even if in the back of my head I don't believe it so look at verse 4 looking first for in Genesis 22 go to 1st for I got showed you there please I'm gonna meet you at verse 4 go to Genesis 22 meet me at verse 4 I want to show this to you first for Genesis 22 I had to show to you and on the third day what's this he could see the place in a distance but that is my prayer for us pastor there three days from now God will show you where you go in god help me y'all just miss that not only is he gonna show me where I am going he's gonna show me where my family is gonna be I need God in the next 72 hours to take the scales off of my eyes so I can know where I am is not my final place but there is where else he has in store and in man for me am I talking anybody in here I'm telling you that battle father July your Independence Day you are gonna be free of everything you used to think between now and Wednesday god it's taking the shackles of your mind and off your imagination so you can have a glimpse of your coming future how much you to make a declaration of faith hallelujah that you haven't said either ever or in a long time but I want you to make this declaration of faith I need you to just point in any direction please as long as this point in any direction make this declaration of faith along with me every person would you shout it out like I see where I'm going hallelujah if you don't believe you going up don't shout with us but I wanna try that thing one more time everybody point like you go into a higher place lift up your voice I see where I am going y'all don't believe you going anywhere come on let's try it for the last time in here say wow I'm going [Applause] god I feel glory right through here I don't need the whole house cuz everybody don't see it but if anybody got a glimpse of your future and you know it's gonna be better than your past better than your present you ought to be giving God glory I'm in verse 5 I'm still in Genesis 22 he said to his servants stay here while the donkey watch this with the donkey while me and the boy go over there I'm telling you while God is promoting you there's some people you got to cut off you are going no further than here with me because where I am going I don't see you in that picture God y'all ain't saying nothing to me I'm dead you are not built for the altitude God is getting ready to elevate me into I can tell cuz you acting funny right now counting my money yet trying to guess where it is that I'm going stay right here while I go to the next place I'm going to the next place watch this and something peculiar happens in verse 6 they take the wood they take the road they take the knife they take the Sun but apart I never paid attention to y'all that I need y'all to see I'm in verse 7 Genesis 22 they take the would they take tonight they take the road they take the Sun but the part I never paid attention to y'all is they take the fire hallelujah what are you saying pastor they took fire watch this from the bottom hallelujah and Garrett the fire up to the top god I think some of y'all are missing it can I give it to you real quick don't wait till you get on top to get your fire you gotta get so fire when you hit rock bottom you you gotta get your fire when you got no support no back you just woke up like this hello your neighbor tell him I carry the fire how do you ain't nobody around me gonna be dead would I carry the fire that's why the devil knows better than to play with me I catch on fire in target I'll shout in chaos I'll give God glory in the dollar store look at the person besides they don't let these Church clothes fool you I got fire when I didn't have nothing when I was eating ramen noodles head cool a with sugar at the bottom I learned how to dress God when I was at the bottom is where I made my fire the reason why they couldn't have fire what is at the top of Mount Moriah they couldn't make fire on the top of Mount Moriah why pastor because all the wood was damned god help me all the world was that because of the dude that came in the morning hallelujah I'm telling you if you don't get your fire in your low place hallelujah by the time you get elevated it'll be too late that's why you gotta get the people who will stick with you when you ain't got nothing that's why you gotta find the folk that love you even when you got nothing to offer a day to grab that neighbor by the hair and say stick with me hallelujah I carry the fire and today I'm getting ready to burn up every demonic attack and every demonic assignment every curse against me y'all better be seated I feel something coming look at your neighbor tell him if I was in the storefront Church that would sing an old song I wish somebody just feels like fire I pray that you'll meet me [Applause] [Music] we see them please I care to fire with me god help me I feel revival in my throat I said I feel fire every time I turn around he keeps on making away didn't even you sir come to church on 4th of July weekend but we're not think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me my soul and tell them catch on side you ought to feel it in your bosom there ought to be signs and wonders there ought to be evidence about the speaking of terms you ought to be laying hands on the sick you ought to be casting our servants you ought to be declaring and prophesied you ought to be speaking to the wheel you ought to be tearing down witchcraft you ought to be putting demons under your feet it feel like catch on time catch on fire come on I need you to give a big shot white hair give a big shot right there give a big shot be seated please I wanted you to get that out of your system I want you to get that out of your system as I reckon that will probably be the last time in this sermon that you'll be shouting probably be the last time I'm in verse number seven Isaac spoke to his father on the journey says dad I see the wood see if I see the knife where is the sacrifice to which Abraham said to Isaac which is my responsibility to say to you the Lord will provide god I wish I was in church did you I said whatever is missing the Lord will provide I wish I was in a good old Baptist Church whatever you don't have the Lord will provide by the time of our text friends Abraham is well over a hundred and nobody ever talks about the the spirit of Isaac we just celebrate the faith of Abraham he's now in the winter of his life his cadence is slower dexterity is limited and all we talk about is Abraham being a man of faith and we never talk about Isaac being a man of support what do you mean pastor Abraham's a hundred years old and ties up Isaac and I think it's just in his 20s what's this so Isaac lay there and let him talk when he has the power to subdue him nobody talks about the fact they're the lay there and let his father put fire under him and he had to take it it's gonna be uncomfortable for 23 of you there's so many of us out of respect allowed somebody of the influence to hurt us know how they were handling us was not right but you respected and honored them so you allowed them to go through with it even when you saw what they were doing y'all ain't saying nothing a man may be a parent may be a mentor may have been an instructor can I go so far to say it may have been a pastor and you took it no one they was wrong and he lays there says what you're going to do Abraham lifts up a knife and is prepared to kill Isaac we all know that but what we don't deal with is Isaac had enough strength to get up and not just get up snatch the knife from Abraham and he doesn't God gave me this revelation and when I got it I felt encumbered to give it to you on this morning and there's just one parcel of scripture that I wanted you to see would you go for the last time the Genesis 22 and then I'm gonna let you go home you got to pick up some stuff from the market don't forget dice Genesis 22 I want to show you something that I have no idea how all of these years later that had never dawned on you but I felt reven breckenridge I had to say something look at verse number 19 then Abraham returned to his servants and they set off together for Bear Sheba and look at closby verse 19 and Abram staved in Berryville and nobody ever launched an investigation where's Isaac last we see Isaac he's laid out on the sacrifice table what an eyeful for his alien tied up with fire under RAM and the bush shows up God has delivered but Abraham was this comes back down alone y'all missed it Isaac loved him but refused to go down with him preachers I want to give this to you for free I want you to say this from Genesis 22 go read it when you get home from Genesis 22 no more do we ever see Abraham and Isaac together Isaac never speaks to his dad again they're never in fellowship again I wish I had a better sermon something make you shout I already told you you weren't gonna shout no mourning no hollering praise team ain't coming up cuz ain't no lift your hands but God stopped me said Jamal until 11:30 this don't be in such a race to the top this is my only message I wish I had a better son I'm gonna do better next Sunday but God told me to tell you don't be in such a race to the top that you lose your family I wish I had something better some of you are so bent on getting paid and going to the top and be a success did you don't even know you losing your children in the process because you were so focused on getting there that you forgot that they were looking at you I knew y'all was gonna shout about it i'ma go step further don't lose your family I know I'm in trouble don't lose your family trying to be spiritual God I can't hear nobody in here and too many you claim that you love God you devoted to him but your children looking at you sad eyed because you can do all that at the church but won't take care of home you can read the Bible but can't review homework something is out of order don't you dare go to the top and lose your children did you go and find out it's lonely at the bottom come to the end of your days and nobody there with you the most successful parent manager in the history of entertainment Joe Jackson died in a hotel spittle when not one member of the Jackson 5 in neuroma Hollow person in the room with him wasn't even his wife but was Latoya the least gifted of all of y'all don't like me in here huh I'm telling you don't go so far up that you were so busy trying to make a name that you forgot your name god help me in here huh I'm trying to save somebody's family I'm trying to say somebody's marriage that you in such a quest to be Litton to be hot and to be in the circle that your family no longer wants to be with you what does it profit a man in the whole world you ain't got your family yeah I've been talking to last six weeks about wealth and money and finance but I don't want to do that at the neglect of family it's a low boy by the name of Tommy slow boy named Tommy young he went to his dad one day and said dad how much you make an hour after pulling a double shift got offended say it's time you let me as oh you'll need to know how much money I make stay in a child's place when the world you asking me there for say I just want to know how much money do you make in an hour and the father finally relented and said done I make $20 an hour and the father got irate and upset cuz he can't believe a child is asking me about my money out of order disrespectful out of place and Tommy went down in his bed and just laid down and started sobbing the father got convicted says I shouldn't have been that hard on the boy maybe he wants to go on business maybe he wants to follow my footsteps so he went down to the little boy's room and said man I didn't mean to howl at you I didn't mean to scream at you I'm sorry why are you crying and the little boy says I'm trying to figure out how I can move 20 lawns in one day said why you wanna mow 20 lawns in one day cuz I did a dollar a lawn and if I can come up with $20 maybe you'll spend an hour with me I'm telling you that you cannot expend all of your energy trying to get paid that you lose the price of your family whoever you I in this room please I want to challenge and convict those of you who are in this room a major Korea first and your family last that in your pursuit of all of these things God will recalibrate what are your priorities that's who you are you in this room and you need God to help reshuffle the deck I want to pray for you before you lose that son for you lose that daughter I want to help you before your marriage implodes before your children resent you before watch this you'll need know who your children are because you spent so much time working you've chased the dollar and in your pursuit you left your family that's where it is that you are you want God to help all family back into alignment I want you to come meet me at this altar I want to pray for the restoration of your family and I'm praying that while your family is restored nothing will be missing in your finances that's who you are would you meet me at this altar come on come on please come on please up come on come on come on come on I need you to come come on come on trying to save the family I'm trying to save the marriage I don't know whether you notice or not your children will experience and will remember experiences longer than they'll remember gifts don't even know what you got them two Christmases ago but they'll never forget you took em ice skating and none of y'all knew how to skate come on I'm waiting on three more of you that need to come please I don't want you to get to the top and you look around and realize none of your family is there I don't want you to be promoted and you got nobody to share it with I need you to come please it's gonna be lonely at the bottom when you come to the end of your life and you got nobody to take you to the doctors got nobody calling to check on you nobody even aware of whether you ate or not cuz you spend all that time making money that you never made a family I need you to meet me here please talking to those of you that need reconciliation in your family y'all ain't even speaking y'all don't even get along your family can't even get together cuz it's always gonna break out in some drama I need you to come please the two more of you you holding up the whole service I need you at this altar hallelujah you know all that the latest clothes but don't even know your child's favorite color come on you lookin for followers but can't name off your head three of your daughter's friends I need you to come I don't want you to lose it chasing it to the top would you meet me at this altar please hallelujah your television is supposed to be flat natural love life come on quickly please how'd you stretch your right hand into faith learn the name of Jesus I pray you bring families back together I can't believe y'all ain't sayin nothin I pray for divine healing that happen in relationships between parents and children husbands and wives sisters and brothers fathers and sons healed the family I pray that no amount of money will be able to break them up but I pray dear Lord just as you did for that fat family on the mountain do it for this family in the city of Baltimore whatever it is that they're missing whatever they're lacking whatever they are absence of provide it and do it in this place god I pray that your providers so they won't have to work as hard won't have to be away as much I pray their children won't have to feel like they're the mistress that they only get the extra time but God make them feel like they are the priority god we promise to give your name praise give your name Thanksgiving and to give your name honor those of you that will celebrate with me that you are going to the top but you're going to take your family with you come on would you clap that hand right where you are come on I can't come on I can't do it by myself God said the more you clap the more I'm making your family tighter the more you praise me the more I am making you all one strong unit I'm pulling families back together again [Music] believing that God is gonna do it come on every person standing there's a healing spirit in this room I want you to prophesy and karats five people in this room I need you to do me a favor move from where you are I want you to embrace five different people and tell them for me God is gonna make your family stronger come on God's gonna make your family stronger he's pulling your family back together [Music] come on come on come on come on yeah yeah everybody say we fall we fall down for a weekend we bought we bought it up [Music] for us and God if you believe watch this this summer God is gonna provide healing for your family will you join me and giving God Thanksgiving for come on y'all ain't doing good I said would you give God glory if you believe he'll provide healing for your entire family I want every person standing I want to open the doors of the church I want you to be in our family I want you to be with us I don't want you to be lonely at the bottom I want to walk with you until you get to the top wherever it is that you are in this room and you're saying pastor I need this kind of church I need this kind of ministry I need to be under this level of healing I need this caliber of word in my life that's who you are that's where you are would you come meet me come on I want you to come give me your hand and more than anything I want you to give God your heart come on come on don't let this moment pass you by y'all ain't gonna talk to nobody come on help me would you those five people that you hugged would you go back to them and ask them are they saved would you ask them do they have a church home but you ask them have they given their life over to God [Music] you're not talking to him come on ask them and God if they say they're not gonna be scared blesses name I want you to do me a favor I want you to give God glory if you believe your whole family is covered by the blood of Jesus Christ come on you got to do better than that I say give God glory he's pulling families back together again you may be seen it in the presence of our triumphant Savior he said this is the test what are you willing to sacrifice what are you willing to give up what are you willing to offer so that I know that it's about me and not about what it is that I've given you our ambassadors they're coming up amongst you in just one moment they're gonna flank every aisle of this sanctuary I want every person to get a sacrifice that is meaningful something that you had to wait to get something that in fact you didn't think you would ever have I want you to fill out that offering envelope right where it is that you are the month of July is the month of testing not tempting testing to get me closer to God you got experience of God providing what it is that you needed as a consequence on this the seventh month 7th rush this is closure how many of you need God to give you closure on some matters on some things on some issues I want you right wherever it is that you are every person in the room I don't know where you are where you're located but I want to challenge every member of this ministry the seventh month of the year that all of us are tithing that in this month all of us are giving 10% of our income back to God as a consequence here may lift that hand if you need that envelope both of you are technologically savvy and you're giving lifted up high so ambassadors can see you ambassador's help me please I can't do it without you I need your help I need your partnership those of you who are on cash app I want you to be able to give your seed electronically our address is to be empowered to be empowered I want you to be able to have that those of you who have the platform of gives laughs I I want you to be able to utilize that please type in empowerment temple or you might go directly to our website at empowerment temple org I want you to have that seed in your hand I want you to have it in your possession come on every person please I want everybody in the room to tithe I'm asking all about visitors all of our friends online I'm challenge you to give God just with that little boy game to fish five loaves of bread I want every person to get a seed of $25 who is not a tither open up your cash app I want you to give it directly those of you own gift laughs I I want you to please give it that way those of you gonna give on your card on either side of the sanctuary when it is that you're giving at your base at your bottom I want you to aspire towards giving a seed of $25 on this the Lord's Day I want you to get that gift in your hand please you're getting ready to go up but I don't want you to go up alone I want you to be able to take your entire family with you now that you have that seed in your hand would you mind indulging me and standing right where you are and please lift up that gift above your head if you're on cash app is to be empowered you're using the platform of give Allah fire you're gonna search out empowerment temple you're going directly to our website you're doing it at empowerment temple not org I want you to get that seed in your hand lift that gift above your head repeat after me Lord thank you what you did last year what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this month is over amen would you turn to your right I need you to begin company for me everybody is standing servant leaders of you'll make sure the people in both lines have communion receptacles help me with that I don't want anybody missing out on this opportunity to be able to share we're mindful that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us we're amazed that this is our seventh time coming around the communion table the Bible says what says if you confess your sins he's faithful and he's just he'll cleanse you from all unrighteousness I want every person who's in this room we're going to pray together being led by Reverend branch our prayer of general confession be mindful she's not praying for you she's praying with you all of us are praying together this pastor whose voice you hearing these choirs members who have been leading you and worship the leaders of standing before you all of us have sinned we're not standing here cuz we better than you wish Danny because we like you and His grace is sufficient for all of us I want us if you'll give your attention to that closest scream Reverend branch is going to pray with us come on everybody Almighty God Father our Lord Jesus Christ sake make up all things Jefferey buddy hold on now Reading Is Fundamental all of us I don't want us to be jagged edge we singing together in one voice one town rare branch if you'll take us from the top come on everybody let's the clever together Almighty God Father our Lord Jesus Christ maker of all things judge of all men we acknowledge and be well our manifold sins and wickedness which we from time to time most grievously has committed by thoughts word or deed against your divine majesty provoke you most justly your wrath and indignation against us we do earnestly repent and are hardly sorry for these our misdoings the remembrance of them is Grievous unto us have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most merciful father for your son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake forgive us all that is past and grant that we may hereafter serve and please you and the newness of life to the honor and the glory of your name Jesus Christ our Lord amen amen would you ever so carefully pull back the first level of your receptacle jesus said to the disciples watch this he said this loaf of bread it symbolizes my body and I want you to break it right in your hand he said it's broken for you friends can I tell you the last six months all the enemy been trying to do is break you but it's the grace of God that's kept you together hallelujah would you please if you know God's the only thing keeping you together would you please take a knee ever so carefully I want you to pull back the second level of your receptacle he pulled out a flask of wine and said to disciples this is my blood check this out y'all is shared for you ladies and gentlemen in the month of June suicides in America went up by 33% I'm gonna say to somebody watching online somebody who's seeing us on streaming and maybe somebody in this sanctuary wherever you going through it ain't worth dying over I'm telling you can survive it and you'll live through it how much you do please right where you are would you take and drink the disciple said master how what we pray when this moment is over when we not in church but we feel like our back is up against the wall he said in moments like that I want you to pray the Lord's Prayer let's pray that together come on everybody [Music] amen would you hug three people real quick I am tell them better is come on bear - yes comments oh yes that gives me that gives me you maybe say it what your face [Applause] yes Pam would you secure your seats please not the seat in your car the seat right here and since your please secure it I'm gonna show you this real quick I am endeavoring as pastor to really make sure that we are holistic in our approach mind body and soul is our intention that you're gonna be able to operate in function with balance in your life as a consequence I'm giving all of you a challenge for the month of July for the month of July give me you a challenge today is July 1st you got the eat until the end of the month to check all of these off your list but I want you to do it I read a book unless we called selfie how it is that social media is making us anti-social that we spent all of our time online that we spend no time in person so in the month of July I want you to get these things done listen to me one lunch date with a friend 24 hours with no social media one day outdoors one night out with friends one date night even if it's with yourself one breakfast meeting that says breakfast not break up one breakfast meeting with friends one movie night one day serving others and one day completely to yourself I want you please would you screenshot it I want you to please have it I have it presently on my social media page if you did not able to write it down fast enough it's also on the church's social media page but I want you to have a well-rounded balanced July and I believe all the things that we're asking you to do are achievable and doable how many of you believe you can get this done in July media ministry leave it up for just one minute there's somebody who's got who's got to take an extra moment to get it done so please let's just leave it up for just one moment I'm gonna hold you accountable that between now and August the first you gonna check these off your bucket list so the she's able to have a balanced life I don't want you to be so heavenly minded that you know earthly good how God don't mind can I say this I hope y'all won't be offended God does not mind if you got a life outside of church y'all ain't saying nothin to me it's got to be more to your life then Bible study in church amen how many y'all want to live you want to be able to live so I want you to please please please I endeavor to do that I end up the month of July also want to share with you we believe our forthrightly that readers are leaders and as a consequence I'm gonna give you your book of the month for the month of July earn what you are really worth by Brian Tracy the cover of that book is now on the screen how you maximize your income in any market any field how many of you feel as if you are being paid less than you were worth you are being paid less than what you are worth I want you to please get that book earn what you are really are worth I want you to please get that book is going to bless you and it's gonna really stretch you and push you to demand what you know what it is that you require and all the more what it is that you deserve Tuesday night is our Bible study at 7 o'clock and I want you to be here with me I'm gonna be teaching at 7 o'clock on the business principles from the Bible it is amazing to know that God talks about money in the New Testament more than he talks about praise hallelujah some of y'all didn't get that and so God wants us to be intentional about our resources and about our finances and I want to show you what it is that I found in Scripture and exposed to you how I believe it'll be a benefit and a blessing as well as a bonus to your life meet me here Tuesday at 7 o'clock here's the good thing y'all is only 30 minutes 7 to 7:30 I'm teaching hardcore I'm going straight into paint and then we out of here at 7:30 watch this we break up in our three different tracks of learning right here in the sanctuary is financial literacy classes you learn about saving and investing and about insurance and about retirement as well as about setting up legacies and wills and estates for your future and developing and building a financial portfolio for you and your family as well as a budget most of you are functioning without a budget that's why you always broke you don't know where the money had wind Amen what had happened was we want to give you all of the budgetary measures that you'll need to be successful in your finances in that balcony at 7:30 all of our entrepreneurs will meet all of our entrepreneurs will meet we're gonna show you how to get access to capital we're gonna show you how to promote your business we're gonna help you get a demographic study y'all not saying nothing to make and we're gonna give you all the tools that are necessary for minority black owned businesses to be able to get to the next level and we want to equip you to do that right next door in the Charles Robinson fellowship hall I'm so excited about this class we're teaching the members of our church how the trade on the stock market you can do it right on your phone we're gonna help you to know the difference between the bowl and a bay or how you'd be able to make what my father used to call mailbox money you ain't even go on to work but the check is coming amen how many y'all want mailbox money you wanted to just show up in your life so those of you that want to be able to get that skill know degree is required all you need is a phone all you need is the phone how many y'all got a cell phone Oh y'all do have one it is you thank you I want you to please bring that phone to class on Tuesday at 7:30 I'm gonna equip and empower you last but not least we are just two weeks away from our global prayer conference five thousand people are coming from all over the world to pray with us as the Baltimore Convention Center I want you to be a part of it july 19th through the 21st i've got an information table out in the lobby on July the 21st which is our closing day we're taking 1,000 men to walk through the streets of Baltimore in prayer we're claiming this city back Amen from all of the violence and drugs and corruption and death and homicides week lemming it back for Jesus Christ and so I want all of our men ought to be in line with us would you stand to your feet please is the first day of July if nobody told you this month that you're loved please know your pastor loved you I love you for God loves you best would you lift up that hand right where it is that you are don't get tempted on the 4th of July you just had communion you can't wash it down with Michelob come on now lift up that hand as high as you can now you got hallelujah in Hine again lift it up now under him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 5,156
Rating: 4.8926172 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2018, pastor jamal bryant, lonely, bottom, bottom up, bottom line
Id: thoSNf2_8WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 16sec (4456 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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