Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, DON'T GET BESIDE YOURSELF - September 09th, 2018

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[Music] for Samuel chapter 16 verses 6 & 7 personal 16 verses 6 & 7 once you've found her won't you declare I got it when they arrived Samuel saw Elly AB and thought surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him the Lord you look at the things people look at people look at the outer appearance but the Lord looks at the heart would you lay hands on your heart and just declare outside I'm gonna look as good on the inside as I do on the outside you may be seated when they arrived Samuel saw LEF and thought surely the Lord's anointed one stands before the Lord but the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height for that's the one I rejected it's only man that looks at the outer appearance I look at people's heart I want to preach for a little while today on this our last service of the day I want to use as a subject don't get beside yourself don't get beside yourself would you look at the person beside to tell them whatever you do don't give beside yourself former President Theodore Roosevelt APLA stated that comparison is the thief of joy comparison is the thief of joy noted author Mark Twain took it a step further and argued that comparison is the death of joy so Mark Twain said that comparison is the death of joy research has found that comparing breeds feelings of envy low self-confidence and depression and not only that it compromises our ability to trust other people because we're now comforting in ourselves conversely down would compromise which is contrasting your circumstance against somebody who is less fortunate than you in some strange and demented way it makes some people feel better about themselves even when the price is arrogance the hidden tax a fix is that the individual takes some deep-seated pleasure in somebody else's failure or misfortune and they do that just to feel adequate about themselves you'll be amazed about how many people are happy when they hear bad news about you it does something for them because they're not happy about themselves this unfortunately fuels a man's of spirited arrogance and robs them of the capacity of empathy whatever you do do not confide in somebody who hasn't struggled because if they have not struggled they'll be quick to condemn and tell you what you've done wrong when they've never had to make that level of decision in the book of Acts the Apostles were about to enter the temple when they were interrupted by a beggar who was seeking loose change in that moment they had to admit to themselves that they were just like him the apostles and the beggar both had no money the only thing that was different is that the Apostles had the power of God and a lot of you don't even realize that you are nothing more than a blessed beggar the anointing of God has stopped you from having to ask for loose change but with no money you still eat everyday with no money you didn't wake up in a homeless shelter with no money you had running warm water to bathe your dirty self in you are nothing more than a blessed beggar you forget I don't know how that it was grace that makes the difference and instead of giving the side-eye you ought to be extending your hand the Apostles are as broke as the man who's sitting outside and listen to their testimony silver and gold have I none but such imma give it to you and add that they took him by the hand and helped him give up get up I wonder whether you got enough Holy Ghost to help people when you don't have nothing is there enough God on your life that you can be assistance to somebody even while you're strapped don't get sucked into the seduction of the fairy tale called social media a recent study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin confirm this I want you to take note of it that people are less likely to reveal their negative emotions than their positive ones so most times when you scrolling through Instagram through Facebook through snapchat while you're scrolling people only project and post which is positive if you tune in to what it is that they say online you think everything is going well and what you don't know is that when they're unfulfilled they post pictures of food when they don't like where they are they'll wait for throwback Thursday and put pictures of a vacation from four years ago the article went further to air out the fact that people tend to overestimate the presence of positivity and others all while ignoring the negative experience in others see you following people who you don't know and you really believe what they post is the sum total of their life because they never post a having a rough day that they're under attack that they don't feel like it very rarely have you seen a post I feel suicidal today I don't feel loved today I don't feel appreciated today so what they'll do is not post that day or they'll post about somebody else's life so their reality is really just a fantasy popular preachers see verdict proclaimed the reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with other people's highlighting so we keep comparing with people have polished against what we have that has rusted I'm trying to figure out if you realize that your original why do you keep dying by the disease call comparison brooding over how someone else is better-looking has more friends or is seemingly more successful than you is both time consuming and it's ineffective a dear friend of mine said she shut down her Instagram because she realized that Instagram was making her depressed sing everybody else happy made her unhappy about her own life your value can't be calculated by how you estimate somebody else's worth your value can only be measured by God's intention do you see yourself by what you have now or do you see yourself by what God has promised are you comparing somebody's finished with your process how in the world you judging a cake and yours is half-baked an eagle looks majestic and the Eagle looks majestic as its soars across the sky and if I were to hand out poles to all of you who are in this room those of you that are watching online the remnant that are streaming I would be hard-pressed to find somebody who's watching who's listening who's sharing who's present it would be difficult to find somebody who would say they would rather be a chicken than be an eagle you look down in your own no nobody want to be called a chicken as the insult is offensive it's beneath you everybody wants to be an eagle maybe because nobody told you that they're endangered ingles Aguirre died off that Eagles got to be protected cuz people kill them for sport no you don't wanna be no chicken you won't be a Eagle well we don't consider is that without chickens there will be no eggs for breakfast no food on a whole lot of tables across the world I don't know whether anybody ever told you this or not but Eagles only lay two eggs a year and a chicken lays 260 you just missed it you don't want to be no chicken you won't be a Eagle cause of what the Eagle looks like but the Eagle only produces two eggs a year the chicken produces 260 I want you to know why in large measure you've been underestimated he been underestimated cuz you don't look like much but what people don't realize is I look like this cuz I got so many people depending on me I look like this because you don't know the pressure that's on me to produce and if you had to produce as much as I produce you would look at glossy as you look you look that comfortable there coined and that put together cuz you ain't producing nothing but everything it takes just for me to get through a day with Kido week of people my production level is more important than my pretty quotient cuz a whole lot of people want to look the part but they don't produce anything if the eagle and the chicken were to compare themselves to each other it would in fact produce pride or insecurity the chicken has got to decide if in fact it will live in the shadow of an eagle the eagle's wings are longer they can fly higher but when they on the ground they don't produce anything I'm talking to 700 of you who are in this room don't you dare get messed up trying to fly with people who ain't producing are y'all ain't saying nothing to me you gotta get with people who can build out of the sticks in the mud and understand I can look good later but right now I'm trying to build something that's gonna be a legacy that will endure for generations that are yet unborn I'm sick a flag with Eagles that don't produce [Applause] is a blinding force I want you to write this down please pride is a blinding force you don't have it this is the bells of you on periscope those of you on Facebook write this down type it on the screen for me pride is a blinding force but identity is a breaking force did you hear what I just said pride blinds who you are but when you know who you are it breaks down stronghold and there's somebody in this room that knows the best day of your life was the day you got comfortable in your own skin when you realize I'm in comparison with nobody with me I never got the energy to focus on you I'm just trying to become a better me than who I used to be it breaks the demon of comparison God y'all didn't hear what I just said when I'm comfortable in Who I am I don't care what you have because whenever you have is not what God promised me but because I am secure that God got some stuff in store for me what's this I have enough freedom to be happy for you and it takes nothing from me only seven-year you gonna get in a hope 700 will God said if you praise me I break the spirit of comparison I am no longer pound about what my family thinks what my friends think I either what my past thinks I am now free to be what God has called me to be because the only thing I'd wanna do is I wanna be like him the first volume of Samuel first volume of Samuel records in scripture assault is serving as president and his poll ratings with the father have slumped and a replacement has to be anointed immediately the Lord directs the Prophet by the name of Samuel to a man named Jesse's house and said this is where you will find the replacement hallelujah the replacement is in this house god I really thought y'all we're gonna get it you didn't let me back it up let me give it to you again who God is looking to elevate is in this house the one that is walking with the mantle and the anointing for the next level is in this house the one that's been looked over and ignored and pushed aside and shunned is in this house the one whose family didn't see their value their merit or their worth guess what newsflash say I am yes Samuel walks to the house and when he comes to the door he encounters the oldest son who is described as tall and handsome so without a moment's hesitation he believes that this is the one having a lawsuit gods man who operates in the prophetic who has an assignment to go look for the replacement he walks in the Jesse's house and sees the oldest son who is tall and handsome and he believes this is the one some of y'all Church people are not gonna like it but can I tell you this sometimes anointed people get it wrong God kept me in here you think because you got a little title in position and a low piece of gift and that you got the authority to dictate who I am to God I know you anointed but you ain't got that much power the minimus a call of God that is on my life anointed wonder you are he thought because of what he looked like this is the one that God is going to anoint and the law said that ain't it that ain't who I'm thinking about and he says I know I heard God right now look for the handsome one the charming one the articulate one the educated one and God said that ain't it but I know it's in this house is there another son Jesse said has another son but you don't want him he's not as tall he's not as articulate he's not as attractive he's not as intelligent and the law says send for him David has brought in from the field to be considered and nothing is mentioned about what he looks like the scripture doesn't say how tall David is or whether not he's attractive all this says is he's the laughs bring him in god I can't help anybody in here y'all don't want to be helped and I want you to know what happens here because you have Scott through scripture that you never paid attention to it David is brought in from the field watch this and made to stand next to LEM he's standing watch this next to the first choice god help me he's standing next to the one who thought he was a shoo-in he's he's standing next to the one that think he got it made and God says stand beside your competition my lord [Applause] David is made to sit stand next to LEM y'all not gonna like it but he's made to stand next to Elliot and he's made to sit stand next to Elliot watch this but David's own good be seated please but nobody ever told you in church nobody ever told you in ministry nobody ever even told you at home sometimes God we stand you next to people more qualified y'all didn't come to have church you put you right next to folk who legitimately should get the position and you stand you next to them to check your self-esteem god I can't hear nothing you ain't nothing wrong with God what's broken is in you and do you trust the faith of God on your life that I beginning even though is somebody else more qualified they still don't have my level of favor you cannot come into your calls as long as you're trapped in comparison many of you are being crucified by comparison hallelujah but he that the Sun sets free is free indeed I need you to look at your neighbor Tillamook and stand me next thing anybody I don't care if they with the Harvard Yale or Princeton they can't get next to my face I don't care they got a one-credit never got arrested and never made a mistake they still don't measure up the calm of God that's on please whatever you do don't get beside yourself [Applause] LEM was the first Pig hallelujah LEM was the first Pig but he won God's choice preach them all I'm trying to be stuck here I came to tell 500 of you if you weren't don't trip just because you work it don't mean you weren't chosen and is somebody in this room that knows that was bought with a price God has for me I'm still I want you to know what the prophet got it wrong the prophet got it wrong because when he walked in and saw LEM he was going off of his impulses why because LEM reminded him of salt the Bible says Saul was head and shoulders taller than everybody else and good to look upon so when the prophet went in the house he was looking for replacement that look like the last one god help me I can't hear nobody some of y'all are still by yourself because you're looking for the replacement to be like the last one but God said what I'm bringing to you this time and don't remind you enough that you by half the flower get me home art is not looking for another song he's looking for new you you are not replacing anybody you define your own space they don't like me I don't like everybody nobody and thank you for letting me be myself be seated please tell it'sh thank you I feel chlorine now elbow your neighbor tell him I'm saying but I saved like my grandma I got a different kind of oil on my life I listening to James Cleveland I don't get up 6 o'clock in the morning but some days I pray without kneeling beside the bed I pray while I'm in the bed lord I need you to help me I had some good y'all act antonio i dare to give somebody my love you don't love God what's wrong with you but since I've been saved I smoked some weed since I've been saying I was in the club since I've been saying I picked the wrong person but his hand is still on my life his head still makes away we see that please you are not anybody's replacement you are not anybody's replacement y'all a shot right there you are not anybody's replacement I am NOT gonna be your mama I am not gonna be your heads y'all ain't sayin nothin but if you need a Demon Slayer a player worship somebody that will cover you while you sleep you got the right one baby you see that my time is up said that ain't the one we seated for the last time I gotta go [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] I just leave 50 y'all to shout out loud ain't nobody's replacement how much it lay hands on your heart please I'm getting ready to go lay hands on your heart till you can hear your own heartbeat he said man looks at the outer appearance but God looks at the heart how much you lay hands on your heart why pastor cuz you didn't even realize though the reason why you function different think different love different it's that you got a heart condition you don't mess around and got the heart of God I'm talking to everybody can I tell you your problem you ain't you would never admit it before this moment your problem is you love too hard and you forgive too easy oh god I can't hear nobody you got a heart problem hallelujah yeah you give people a chance that don't deserve it you got a heart like God you you see people's potential even when they don't see it in themselves you got a heart problem can I tell you how crazy your heart is you love folk who you know a jealousy you still entertain them still take their phone calls still respond to their tics y'all ain't seeing nothing to me you got a heart problem there some family members you should have cut off but the garden you keeps loving them hallelujah God says I'm getting ready to bless you cuz of your heart condition cuz you have bunkie when I was diagnosed with when I was 12 years old you got an irregular heartbeat your heart moves at a different rate in the different pace than other people and as a consequence you fall in love with quick you'll need to let your mind process you believe in it even when you can't see it you hope for it even when you don't pray for it and God says I'm getting better to bless those of you who are watching online I'm getting ready to bless you those of you who are in this room why cuz people misjudged you they look at you close your bag your man your shoes your job your degree or the absence of all of them and God says I'm you may bless you because my other people will stop looking at the wrong thing I kept looking at your heart and because your heart is right I'm getting to open up a door for you some of y'all don't know how to shout can I tell you David never asked for the job never interviewed for the job never prayed for the job but God said cause of your heart imma elevate you in the positions you didn't even know we're available those of you who understand my heart has been my greatest liability tell me if he was a little bit more hood a little bit more Street god help me in here a little bit more ruthless a little bit more grind me you could have got over you could have played them but you ain't built like that your problem is you got a heart of God and those of you who are grateful that your heart still works Rus is that as much as I've been bruised I'm not bitter God God I can't hear nobody as much as I've been attacked I'm not angry with anybody Wow cuz my heart would you lift up that hand I want to pray for your heart I want to pray for your heart people keep trying to break your heart manipulate your heart steal your heart [Music] and I'll know how how in the world you don't in do it all the dead and you still got a heart of God that hand is lifted I want to pray for you please how have you dealt with all these wounds and you ain't angry have you been abused at this level and you ain't seeking vengeance my friend you only know you got the heart of God all that stuff you don't hell then you won't even talk about it you don't even deal with it you only know where therapy look like you ain't never processed your pain but your heart still in the right place come on both of you this the only thing that I can boast is and I can I can thank God that he even active grind me life I got a pure heart you got a heart after God you lift up that hand and bless him right where it is that you are come on I can hear you open up your mouth got my heart is connected to you and ain't what I want is what you want for me I don't care who's standing next to me I don't care who else applies for the position if you said I'm a heaven I trust you I don't care that their resume is better than mine I don't care if they got more experience I'll even care if they got better credit it don't matter to me that they never had no real hiccups you called me out of the field cuz my heart is right hallelujah God says because I've seen your heart I'm getting ready to bless you in immeasurable ways not only do you ever clean heart but you've got clean hands I'm telling you could have messed up their whole shot you could have blew it up y'all ain't sayin nothin but something in you said it ain't even worth it if you hold your peace i'ma fight your battle for you so you got clean hands and a pure heart I'm gonna lead you right through here would you just those of you that that understand like David create in me a clean heart renew a right spirit meant no animosity I don't want no regret I want a pure heart but the only way that's don't happen is that God is gonna have to intervene come on lift up that hand take your hand off of it you almost put your hand around their neck lift it up you must send that long paragraph text message lifts up that hand now all you is about to start cussin cut off their dead hands don't you let no demons miss of your heart can I go a step further some of y'all ain't gonna shout don't you let your family mess up your heart I want you to maintain a heart for God that hand is lifted just for 60 seconds open up your mouth and just begin to bless you thank you God for keeping me thank you for restoring me thank you that as of this moment old things have passed away all things are now brand new y'all ain't saying that the thank you that my future gonna be better than my past thank you said as of this moment I will live a life with no regrets thank you that I am NOT my mistake you didn't hear what I just said I am not mad mistake y'all I don't shout about it hardest lift up that hand allow your pastor to pray for you or creativeness clean hearts renew in us right spirits God before I get beside myself don't let me compare myself with anybody but allow me to be completely whole and free in you and those of you I hope this shell tears the roof of this church those of you in this room that know you are your own competition will you give God a shelter Thanksgiving now you are I want you to send to your feet please I don't care what they look like ok what they have I don't care what they've accomplished don't you set yourself up beside somebody else I want you to help me open the doors of the church I don't care where they've come from what they've dealt with where they crawled out of if you're here in this room and you've not given your life over to God I need you to come to me I want you to give me your hand but more than anything I want you to give God your heart I don't know where you are I don't know how you slipped in here on a rainy Sunday but God knew you needed to be here I didn't preach this sermon at 7:30 and 9:30 you want to know why you weren't here yet God needed you here to hear this word and receive this message stop comparing yourself to people who look good but are broken on the inside I need you to do me a favor please move from where you are but you ain't intimidated by anybody move from where you are go talk to somebody find out if they're saved find it if they got a church home come on y'all I ain't talking to nobody [Music] [Music] hey you know if you'd here today you're not saved would you come by you I guess [Music] you come on I need you to find just one more person s come are you sure you say thank you are you sure you giving your life over to God come on where it is that you want hey you [Music] hallelujah if your glared about how God has created you would you give God your best sound effects given bless his name you may be seated in the presence of our conquering King how many of you are grateful for who you are here's the real test come on give God some praise for this young person coming y'all a shout good come on y'all look gotta give God some real glory [Music] shut your right hand to faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving on the god hold up here comes somebody else y'all gonna shout about it you come to Sam thank you come on sit right hand to faith let's try one more gear you were the right place and the right time John in the right church seven only God not no that's right if you know right come on say show you're right let's just say you may be seated in the presence about God [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 31,201
Rating: 4.8318181 out of 5
Id: hw10iickj8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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