these bedwars players have no chill

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what's up everybody welcome back to bed wars it's great to have you here now before this video begins make sure you subscribe because after looking at my youtube statistics exactly one of you are not subscribed to my youtube channel and you know who you are i know who you are so why don't you just do it okay what's holding you back i had to look very closely into the camera to say that okay holding eye contact with gamer voidy is 100 worth a subscribe i'm gonna die to him no i'm not well actually took out my first opponent made it to mid before the second emerald spawned so that's pretty cool that means you're ahead of the game here because getting mid as the second emerald spawns is super helpful because then you can just quickly grab everything and hurry back to your base all right well i got abi uh glacier is a great map to get albion just because you can take out your first rush and then you can feel pretty safe after that uh i guess i can go ahead and throw out my stone sword get an iron sword instead all right well the obby's down with the second layer i like that second layer again just so people don't know i have abi although generally if i see a two layer bed defense and wool on the outside i kind of just assume it's obby no matter what it is i mean it could just be end stone underneath but i feel like most of the time if there's a two layer bed defense with wool on the outside it's probably obvi depending on how late into the game it is but there are a couple bases that have taken out someone it looks like it's blue and gray but at the same time they're about to fight which is awesome i'm gonna go to blue he actually fell in the void so that sucks well who do i take out because now gray's coming over here and blue's gonna come back over i'm to get sandwiched i didn't want to get into this position i thought i was totally chilling but i am not chilling right now oh just get out of here dude look at this what is this get out of here all right we're good we're fine that's what you call tactical cross teaming i love tactical cross teaming i do it myself all the time crosstaling is bad but like if you have the same enemy like if your enemy is the same as an enemy's enemy i'm not saying this right however there are certain times where like there's like a little truce that goes on and that's okay everyone everyone does it uh he's right there by the way he's shifting i'm just waiting for my minor fatigue drawn out in the top left here oh you can't see anymore my face cam's in the way sorry guys i can move i can move my face cam to the top right or something like that uh let's go ahead and grab their bed here and then i have to kill them once more great team chill great team's not gonna chill great team has zero chill i have experienced this already in many fights could you chill oh my god i actually got him both again i should just leave great team for last i'll continually kill them until they disconnect from the game all right let me gap again cause i'm kind of low again i have abby with a trap so if someone ends up making it to my base i'll be able to know uh that they're there and i can just avoid oh god okay i think i can just take them out here oh they have my fatigue as well it's cool it's cool i'll just have to wait an extra 10 seconds or something boring great team is ruining my content oh dude nice jump after you use the ender chest you really got me there oh leg back okay now we just take out yellow and this has actually been have i died this game i don't think i did i think this is a flawless game which is pretty cool although i still could die so like it's not a flawless game yet but hopefully hopefully it can stay without me dying at all and into grey bass do they have minor fatigue they do not let's go finally a team without minor thing i'm totally gonna die to this guy okay we're fine we're fine i wasn't even close oh actually i'm getting really close to uh sapphire prime procedures that's 1500. if you watch my videos frequently you'll know one of my friends chas or chasm i record a bunch of videos with him and on great team there's chessman 69 that's probably assault i'm just kidding it's almost for sure not but that would be really funny if it was so red team is just trying to target someone i don't know oh red team was saying to target yellow uh and it's getting all super angry and stuff but i can actually probably take out red here and now no need to target anyone because you're not in the game anymore so don't worry about it pink took out gray and pink's actually kind of low right now actually not anymore they're on 14. however i will be able to kill them and let's grab pratt and trap ooh and i can get iron armor and more blocks okay so i don't have any tools or tnt but if their bed defense is only wool and it is i can probably still get it i have to go up though oh god no no no no ouch i've been smacked goodbye ah what was that okay they don't have mind fatigue so we're okay i was just freaking out for a second there i will probably still dies and see crit me so many times on the bridge oh yeah that's right i was going to move my face cam we can move it to the right side what if we do that make it a tiny bit smaller now that feels weird because like my face camera right now makes it so i'm looking i i was like looking at my gameplay previously when i was in the top left corner but i'm in the top right so i'm just like looking off screen but if i move it here you can at least see the potion effects in the top left because that's where i keep my potion effects i don't know it doesn't matter i could just move it directly in the center uh i could just move it like right here maybe we could do that that works right and then we just do the gameplay like this okay it's back in the top left or i could just make it really big we could do the gameplay like this as well here i'll speed bridge and lump speed bridging you can watch me vibe to my speed bridge on big screen now this is super cool all right no more messing around back to game play or what do youtubers do don't like some popular youtubers who use facecam like in editing when something exciting happens and they like freak out ah they uh they make it so their face cam increases in size and then once that part ends they like decrease their face cam size so i could like do this and be like oh my god i'm gonna block clutch guys whoa that was insane and then i just move it back to here my stats are trashed as white well i don't want to go for him i want to go for green instead i was going to go for him but i don't want to anymore oh my greens are green green's like how are you 102 star with only 1 000 finals yeah green get them attack white but of course i gotta kill you now dude you're gonna attack someone for their bed war skill and then you're not even gonna pay attention to your bed goodbye but to be fair i also like to attack people for their bed war skill i do it all the time now there is a possibility i lose my bed to white um i could void to protect my bed but it looks like they're over at pink possibly even gray uh oh they're right there yeah we're gonna trade beds here i'm not super happy about it actually no i might have enough time i might have enough time we just gotta hurry i gotta vibe a little harder uh that is done i'm in the void so white team is probably super close to my base and they have sharp so like if they win this game oh frick dude i don't even have anything on my bed uh we're running out we're running out okay he's gonna build up i was waiting for him to run in and then i'd play some blocks and try and combo him get out of here um again he has sharp so i might die that was actually pretty close a couple more christmas and i would have died but we did it all right we're on siege i hate this map everything is super far away and it's fast iron meaning that fireballs are going to be literally everywhere nasa is looking out for asteroids to protect earth you should be looking out for fireballs in bed wars nasa it's a problem it's a bigger problem than asteroids i can guarantee you that oh no get out of here how are you still alive he's not he's not alive anymore okay we must whoa how'd you get there what in the world well this is a real problem isn't it well he's not blatantly cheating so that's cool uh well i don't think i'm in a great spot right now because i think red wants to go for me and same with gray i think both of them want to go for me i'm going to go back to my base and try and gather some more gear i just don't want gray to go for me right now but i feel like no gray might die to red okay i'll be perfect so gray died to red red's actually low on health as well okay things are working out i'm waiting for one gold i just need one gold please hurry hurry hurry give me one okay thank you and then iron armor stone sword and blocks let's move i gotta go take out red red for some reason wants to come to this side uh instead of blue i mean blue's in the game so i just don't know what's going on but uh do i see red okay reds at their base with pratt ah dang it proud iron is gonna be tough to get through with my clean stone sword oh my god that that was a jump scare and a half right there go go go go yes yes good come here come here boy he's not going to come here boy he's definitely going to go somewhere else boy so i will just void because he's definitely coming to my base i don't know if there's crosstalk going on but blue went for green so they both decided to go to opposite sides um i don't want to call across seeming because obviously they haven't like blatantly done anything but they did both rush really weird dude red is gonna be so tough to kill he's stacking up on diamonds he's probably gonna have sharp and proud now um he probably has another fireball so i'm expecting to die to one here as i've already stated it's a problem hmm okay well let's chase him down for a bit and see what is going to happen okay i'm ahead of him now if he wants to fight on a bridge that'll be really cool i love fighting on bridges especially when especially when one of them doesn't have a bed but it looks like he's just gonna play super annoying and like constantly build up and run uh he's gonna go by sharp most likely okay so now looks like get him get him get him dang it blue i'm working with you here we gotta kill red team oh wait those blocks actually got me all i had to do was place like two and a half blocks and we would have been fine but i just couldn't do it i ran right into the blocks and died okay so all that and red falls in the void um he did a good job dodging me for a long time i think the real question here is can i get to aqua base without running out of blocks i'm starting to doubt it but possibly i have 18 blocks and i need to go that far i think it's unlikely if i had a fireball i could fireball jump the rest of the way but yeah i'm not going to have enough blocks here i should i just die wait does he have a fireball because if he could throw a fireball at my feet i could try and use it to boost myself the rest of the way fireball me do it please i'm out of blocks i'm breaking my bridge in hopes that i can pick up a couple of the blocks is he actually gonna flat bridge out to me oh my god he actually is oh we gotta we gotta dance we gotta dance uh-huh i was smacked i was smacked again get off the edge get off the edge we're good we're good we're good i unfortunately don't have a better um set of tools if they were not wood i probably could have been able to break their bed before they fell in the void but i have a gap and a stone sword so we actually got him there there we go i mean i wasn't really in any pressure because if i ended up dying i'd just respawn and probably win anyway but i really wanted to make that work without anything but bad news i just got the notification that my mvp plus plus rank will expire in 23 hours and 53 minutes someone says hi gamers in chat oh my god they're talking to me hi all right let's get a layer of defense down and we should see if we can take out red team um they are ready for me i'm ready because they're on red team get it but are they red ready for me apparently not because they ran back inside they got a layer of defense down but why aren't they defending their bed at all goodbye who else took out a base nobody nobody else took out a base this is great for me it does look like green and blue though they're building some sort of abstract art apparently um i want to go to blue it looks like blue is going in on green so i can take out blue that would be cool let me pick up their diamonds first and i'm gonna head in cool yeah so blue just took out green i'm gonna take out blue it still looks like the only people taken out of the game are the people i've gone for so well other than green because blue went for him but still i'm gonna technically say that something i went for nice dude i guess we'll grab m's no everyone else is fighting so i guess it's time to grab m's and be annoying i don't think i want to get obi since i'm under no pressure at all i might just get i don't know diamond armor and jump and speed how exciting it looks like pink was able to break white bed therefore i shall now go for pink bed i feel like one important part of bed wars more than i mean not more than being good at pvp but like a very important part of bedwars is to know which teams to take out in what order like if you are not very good at pvp as long as you take teams out in the correct order then i think you won't have any problems like that what i just did there requires zero pvp skill at all even that like that was a negative one skill at pvp what i just did as well but again that's why i think bedwars is is super cool just because you can win from not being super amazing at um pvp just being good at you know game sense see yeah i think this guy was planning on trapping right he was probably gonna break what these blocks or something i don't know wait is that actually a thing where you can't run through ladders how interesting okay what should i do should i a take out one of these teams or b just keep collecting resources while they fight i don't know but it's likely that yellow's gonna die here so i'll just go for go for him real quick man they're in a mad fight the entire game is gone and they're still fighting whoa oh aqua left the game wait why so awkward is left so that just leaves yellow on five health uh at aqua base i guess they just capped but still i have better gear by a lot so hopefully i don't die here that would be super embarrassing super super embarrassing he says hi i'll say hi back oh i said ho no i i just disrespected this man i did not i'm sorry guys sorry okay there's a youtuber in this game apexe apexay do i know apexay i don't think i do however let's see let's see how good he's at bed wars that'd be so great if you just started flying around you flew broke every bed killed everyone now that would be cool um i'm just gonna build straight up because this guy's coming no well rip my bed dude i can still win this i get to win this i played like such a fool such a fool i fell first rush but like and the youtuber died poor guy let's grab some prot i wish i could save up for iron armor but i really can't i need to continually buy gaps i'm gonna die of something dive natural causes or not so natural causes um i'm guessing this guy's gonna drop in on me i might be able to poke his feet actually and never mind cool he's dead again i need to buy another gap okay so pink actually tried to come out to me or something like that let me head to gray i think this base is clear i just want to see if they have extra gold uh oh man yes i have iron armor now okay perfect uh tools a bunch of blocks i don't want to run out of blocks that would be the worst thing and i need i'm gonna go mid now we can just get away from this guy you know what i'm just gonna head to blue it looks like blue's heading towards my base right now heading to red let's see if he voided did he he did that's awesome i love that he voided because now i can probably um break his bed and kill him i'll have to kill him twice but i really think i can oh goodness oh goodbye guy awesome as i said uh height advantage is so incredibly good in bed wars uh and that guy just bridged higher than me and that like of course i fell off on my own but like even if i got into that encounter with him i probably would have lost it because again he had a higher bridge than me he could have dropped down and smacked me but of course there's always ways to come back like even though you lose your bed immediately you never should like leave the game or anything just because there's always that chance that uh that you can come back and win let me leave actually we run we run we run i'm gonna run out here actually see if he follows he's gonna follow get his bed we run we run we run we run we run we run we run i'm gone see ya okay we can still win this we can still win this i'm just really low oh man that was tough that was tough gg oh he gave me a heart too what a sweetie that was close that was also super intense i mean i played kind of stupid but it shouldn't have been that close either way i had a pearl i could have done literally anything to win but either way we won the game uh i will be hitting 1500 stars soon so i should make a video on that uh we'll see in the next video goodbye gamers
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 277,329
Rating: 4.9808378 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, targetting, solo
Id: 5lckaN5GQZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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