how i (almost) threw a bedwars game

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what's up everybody welcome back to your favorite cops and Crim's channel gamer boy 80 here today as always replying cops and Crim's so let's get right into it oh wait a minute no we just do better is on this channel that's right well we're starting here on Amazon what a wonderful doubles map honestly one of my favorites I'm here with baby nut nut which makes me a little bit uncomfortable but it's a good day it's a good week actually if they say hi hey it's uh it's my first week into summer break well I mean I was kind of already on a break just because at home school is the same thing as no school at all are you good no but either way I I'm done with another semester of college which is very exciting I should be graduating next semester also great team is here and they're trying to cause problems no stop placing wood no no no no no no house so close I was so very close hang on if I can kill this guy quick I might have time I might have time possibly come on thank you okay we good we good can I get a kill no always teammate game to save him that's right I'll take it three kills in a in a bed and then I also got a guy to zero that counts as like half a kill right so I got like three and a half kills in a bed already it's a good way it's a good way to start off this game this guy's placing blocks and swinging his sword that's all the attributes of a sweaty player and then this guy gaps what chance do I have to kill him okay I guess a little bit of a chance we got our boy blue rushing us now um oh never mind they're gonna they're going back to their base that's cool their teammate I think is okay they're teammates here as well I don't really want to fight on a bridge because I do have I have diamonds so you shouldn't try and not hit me off that would be preferred okay we good so we got that uh that second blue guy that I thought he just spams block hits which is a complete nightmare to go up against in bed Wars and sky wars it's okay because like you can at least combo him easily because once you're blocking remember like you can't be sprinting so it's super easy to combo him but block much easy that guy just gave up and he left um I'm gonna dive fall Damodar and I have a heart half a heart that's right I calculated that and I knew I was gonna survive I'm like I'm gonna this is such an easy survive didn't think for even half a second that I was gonna die just splat open on the ground no no I just realized I'm going up against a video game 1 and game name just 64 are they teammates with matching names because if so I also have matching names and I like to team with people that I matched names with there's this guy lagging about I will now kill him is his teammate around no they split up which was a flaw and their plan only they stick together they probably could have killed me but the other guy just stayed at their base is this guy gonna jump off cuz that's what he did before oh no this guy's so Jam yeah yeah like I knew before even lost his bed that he was giving up also he gave me his things thanks man how's my teammate doing they're still alive and I think they're doing ok I think they got white bed actually so actually they're doing real well I'm very proud of my team and I have minor fatigue well I got the bed took way too long but I did get the bed let's go ahead and grab no we already have prot - nevermind time to store my diamonds now I chase aqua down may take forever cuz this mid is massive and also a circle meaning he just run a circle forever and I'll never be able to catch him but eventually I think I can catch him he's not taking the optimal paths you know me I've calculated the path to take yes he realizes he has at a dead end and he has nowhere left to go he tried to turn in fight but couldn't muster the strength to lift his sword how unfortunate then we got a green team hanging out somewhere I don't know where my teammates at her base right I think I saw him there so that means we should be should be good as far as our base goes hey there there diamond armor iron armor is my teammate over there ok well one I should probably just avoid let's do I trust my teammate I don't even know if my teammates there hang on it well I guess since I'm gonna avoid anyway I'm just gonna try and breeze back to my base just cuz I can like show off ok also I can actually just make it back to my base pretty quick ok cool I'd say that was the quickest way to get back I didn't take a bit of damage but also I didn't lose my sword so good times Inc I'll see if my I'll see if my teammate has any interested in coming back and helping me with this fight probably not but maybe alright what do I do here he has a knock-back stick I see 1kb stick with the possum the possum with fall damage I get a second of invincibility so I think I mean my teammate did void which is actually like the best play they could do here so oh my god hey there they are we got him oh this guy's this guy's getting aggressive isn't he cool it good man yeah take a lot of fall damage that's a good call okay let's go ahead and kill this guy no I didn't kill him said he's nearing edge though God had got him and then hey I got him both I wasn't really expecting to win that fight but I could have gotten low enough and then my teammate could have killed him but I won the fighting it all worked out I see baby nutnut is in this game again so am I gonna get teamed with the same person again okay we're back in round 2 who is my teammate now oh my god / plist just we're all aware I'm not in a party okay hey again they're saying oh jeez oh we're back dub how our duo of baby nutnut and gamba eight aqua already left which is that side completely clear which is amazing now I don't have to worry about any rushing through the diamond gen we just can't focus on green this guy can just kill immediately and then did I just hang out I can get it I can get it here oh wait the other guy wait the other guy lived after I hit him did he fall off it he must have walked out on his own whatever and now I can just take a 1v1 please don't spend all of your resources I need them I need them to get to the next base no I'm gonna die anyway so the reason I lost that fight is uh see my sprint Kia's are I don't have Auto sprint so I was trying to strafe to the right and then that made me let go of my sprint key which then made it so I stopped sprinting everything worked out he's dead anyway but then after I stopped sprinting it was just it was game over for me cuz he was able to get a few hits that is why I always strafe to the left because I can sprint and strafe to the left I can't sprint and strafe to the right that's not that doesn't work for me okay Steve wanted a might have reach but all but that could also be me being bad okay I got you and that's how I feel about like every player do not worry it is it is the power of the nut boy 80 that's really bad well we'll come up with a better name we'll come up with a better team name don't worry baby nut nut I'm gonna head to white what never mind I'm not gonna go to white base because they don't have a bed and apparently Steve 188 could be cheating so we must keep an eye out for them and we must give them a mad PvP encounter so no beds left except for ours which is very cool it's just a matter of finding the players because if we don't find them soon my guess is they'll all be at our base all of a sudden just they'll show up there I can't really go to this base because actually yeah I can wait maybe I can't they're both here I'm out I'm out see ya yeah come on out come out big boy yeah they have heel pool like I I don't think I can even kill them in time before they regen back up I don't deal enough damage diamond armor and I don't know what prot that is but way too much I mean if somebody comes out and stands here it would be okay it would be okay if you just stand over here okay they're both up here now I built up and I'm shifting on this side so I must wait for them to come around and then I smack him off I give him up I give him a big big smack yeah did it work not not really wait oh my teammates here teammate this might not actually be a good thing at all because you see way Hale also my teammate is very trapped right now now white team's probably just gonna come to our base so that's unfortunate get out here yes I hit him off this is 1v1 I can take it I can take it and remaining yet his head under a block we needed to get back to our base anyway because because white team they were on their way over it looks like they're gonna run away now it's fine big scary me make him run away I can probably fireball this guy if he's going back to his base yeah he is all fireball and see and I just hit him back onto the middle platform well silly me did I get him I did probably shouldn't have but I did well that was Batman Liam Batman so that just leaves Steve one eight eight eight eight eight eight and he has jump boost I just smacked him off maybe I have reached not Steve 180 why can't you hit me yeah got the last hit I guess that makes up for me getting railed by rondure over here I need to give this guy a second PvP encounter I'm ashamed after that first one of course he did have his head under a block again that like helps a ton when fighting but but still I got so mad Lee railed okay things are fine another big win for baby nut Nutting gamble unfortunately he's not in this game so I get a different teammates nobody near as good as last one although I'm timber the YouTuber how many subs oh oh that amount of subs very cool you are gamer boy maybe so now is your time to shout out your YouTube channel no stop speed bridging dude type your youtube name that way I can take over I'm just like barely quicker than this guy yes good stop I am NOT you - his name's Ally are you kidding you can't have YT nor name and then say that you don't do YouTube what an absolute joke alright that's it I'm ashamed to have this guy's my teammate a liar a thief he he's gonna steal my final kills he's he's already stolen my heart and now he's not even a youtuber and the annoying he stole my bed that's I'm just gonna watch him die teammate what are you doing to that man that poor man this is embarrassing no what wait what just happened there they were fighting and they're like actually break time my teammate goes into the jhen the guy that's fighting my teammate comes out to me well what is that okay well good times good times I'm gonna collect some M's maybe go back to my base I don't have any health so don't feel like I should rush oh my teammate fell in the void I'm gonna say good because I'm Abed he made I decided to get two sets of pots with my 8ms I could have gotten a B or diamond armor and invisi or something better maybe some bridge eggs yeah just get a projects but I thought two sets two sets of pots should dukes I know I'll never die right my team I just got a bit nice job teammate I guess I'll head over to gray it just starts I see that they're rushing pink so we can hope hopefully they get pink that and then I can get gray but in that time and then we'll just team up and and win the game will actually not team up because I'm taking them out but you know what I mean get out of here and then got the bed and let's see are they yes cool and goodbye ice love a bit of speed and jump I lost my interest coz he hit me also I I think I order just ran out of indras by now anyway either way if I can just jump boost up here real quick man thank goodness I avoided to save my bed there guys also in my last video people in the comment section we're talking about me apparently like cutting out me falling in the void right here or something I don't know if I remember that but like I place blocks and then I cut that was to like make my commentary flow together a little bit better I didn't fall in the void now believe me I am one to cut out me falling into voids up nobody sees but that wasn't one of the those situations okay because if you look at like the diamond see how it says diamond to in one minute when I cut sure it I totally admit I skipped the jump so like nobody saw that jump however the the diamond Jen timer skipped forward like 5-10 seconds or something like that there's no way I could have fallen in the void and then gotten back to that spot in like five seconds so like that's proof that I didn't but again I am one day I definitely am one to cut out me falling in the void there's no there's no denying that okay so this red team left pretty much yellow doesn't have a bed although I maybe I should go for yellow because they seemed decent well judging by their names they just have a bunch of it's a three letter in a four letter and they're just spammed there's spam characters making no real sense I should probably be going for them but I'll take out red first I don't know where the teammate is though hey I found their teammate I guess all hey nice job teaming you got a kill on yellow I'm gonna speed in on this guy and he's probably gonna fireball me off that worked totally planned and I can actually get back up I as far as I'm aware before they removed playground couldn't you get stuck down there like you couldn't place blocks so like you were actually stuck I don't remember maybe that's not the case but that's kind of what I remember okay but we're last yellow player is oh wait he's in mid oh that's perfect oh that's so perfect for me because I have speed and also this guy's teleporting around what Hank he's just gonna show better base all of a sudden never he's gonna go with some teammate ghost him that was insane what just happened Gigi's and he friended me deny I've never been so happy to deny a friend request no I'm teamed with him again what is my luck no I said n boo yes he says all right all right I'll stop being mean oh he's probably a very nice person he's probably a very nice person he's probably just pleased planning on starting a YouTube channel soon I think that's why there's YouTube in his name okay I am NOT noob okay okay sorry sorry don't hit me off okay well they hit me off all right T make it do the wood down quick hurry there are people in ink inking there are people inking like a squid okay well they're off the map I can get to their base but is this gonna do anything okay let me run up here and then maybe I can pull some pull some strings and and get a bed I'll smack this person off and start breaking and see if my teammate can come down to stop this person teammate hurry oh wait that actually worked nice distraction teammate you did good work don't take my final don't hopefully I get that one hopefully we'll find out all right Timmy took that one team I got both of them oh my god I'm upset I'm so upset thief no I'm not gonna say that he's free to take whatever finals what do I care oh thanks for the gap teammate are I fine you won me over we can be friends again I'm sorry also great teams incoming stop him teammate I stopped one of them you get the other one ready go okay it's time to go to Aqua they're going mid so they'll build me a nice little path so I can get some M's the other ones buying something from the shop oh wait they have minor fatigue well that actually saved him what kind of sorcery is this why why minor fatigue trap you're not supposed to know how to apply that you were just mere bed wars player and off the map you go thank you and I'm gonna have to hit you off too I guess I guess or not because you're not gonna fall off whatever got the bed whatever works get me out here it's okay I was able to get their bed now we must get final kills I just missed that jump twice I'm embarrassing okay well blue fell into the void I think they probed our base and missed because it says our trap was triggered and then all of a sudden ease in the voids guessing that's what happened we do have a couple aquas here oh they're coming back to fight oh good off mapped off the map as well well that's how a game ends we did it boys we did it oh no he's here again and why do you say whitey pulse what do you mean why people's well let's find out moment of truth we get no teammate at all I'll take it I'll take it oh wait no way my teammates on my will my old teammates on pink now oh my God he's my first rush this is this would be such a shame if I died to him like if I was smack-talking him the whole time he was on my team and now he's not on my team and he just rails me that would be funny he is actually rushing me how dare he goodbye I have a tea and tea is this gonna be enough to get their bed I'm gonna drop it there yeah I yelled enough time see mice not even coming out to me I'm sorry dude I didn't wanna have to do this to you where where are you okay anyway what skills teammate now unfortunately had a really bad teammate but also I had no teammates so no excuses no excuses and that is why rushing is better than bed defense that is why well green and yellow are on the opposite side of the map and they must have just taken each other out I don't know what happened there red just took out blue so I guess I'll go to red and I'll try and go quickly cuz I'm kind of afraid of them actually if they're able to like get gear and then start coming my way I don't think I can take the 1v2 maybe possibly maybe possibly come on out baby come on out baby what you're doing turn around yes good thank you for the hit and goodbye got him alright unfortunately I wasn't able to get a final kill on that guy he's on zero but I got their bed which is like the most important thing now it's just a matter of being able to kill them again if I can do this before aqua and white like they're still fighting if I can do if I can kill these guys before aqua and white are done fighting I should be pretty set and not just pretty in general you know it once you'd kill red team I heard you just like you become much more attractive that's that's how it works also I don't think I can take this one v2 I got him down to a one tap again the one guy and this actually isn't very good because I'm pretty sure they're gonna start yeah hey guys don't don't do that there's many things you guys can do but what you shouldn't do is this ah this is risky because I don't have a minor fatigue trap I'm gonna build up a whole bunch and see because if I can jump down and hit one of them off I can probably take the other guy alright let's see let's see they're gonna shift next to two tall tree well what to do here let's go ahead and Mikey's looking really like he's looking very antsy so I think what I need to do here is drop down and smack ainsi off oh my god he's on zero again I'm so mad I am so mad how is this guy this guy's not even alive at this he's a zombie he survived you he's alive as a zombie and I'm mad I'm talking way too quickly I have a fireball now get off my base goodbye he's gone that's one that's the guy that had health he's he's gone he's gone alright other man looks like they're incoming now this is the guy that continually survives on zero okay thank goodness the void can't leave a person on 0 because otherwise you you already know that he'd be on 0 he'd be chilling down in the void on 0 like oh I barely survived in the void ok good news here is aqua and white are still fighting which is incredible to me like the game's been going on for six minutes and they haven't finished their first rush yet that is that is super cool I'm gonna go ahead and buy sharp maybe I'll just start traveling around every island to collect a bunch of diamonds get like prot 4 sharp maybe molten forge nah just kidding I'm just gonna go mid once I get some invisi can end the game my question is why is there only one M at each of these gens I guess they're now spawning the second but has anyone been mid nobody's been mid this whole game where who took the MS like this is serious guys there's only there was only one M in each of these dens who was here taking the ends there is no bridge to mid except the one I just built there's a ghost there's a ghost that stealin Em's the ghost of Emerald past okay here's the plan is it plan but it's a plan and that's what I'm gonna do I have two pearls so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna purl the white break their bed rolled aqua break their bed and then we're gonna let them fight it out and see who wins because someone needs to speed this up so pearl number one and let's break a bed okay now I'm just gonna like wait over here and then see what happens I want I well what I want is aqua to come over to me but I don't think they're going to so let's just curl the their base as well and well I had a genius plan couldn't execute very said and now I'm in a bad position again like here's the thing if whites are I'm going to aqua that's what I'm I need to take out their bed but if white starts coming over to me then there's bad news luckily they don't have a bridge to me cuz I pearled but at the same time if both aquas start coming to me then I'm in just as much trouble because I don't think I can take them both out they're both here hello aqua boys I'm building oh yes and I shall keep building up no stops all gasp no break all gasp no break okay um I can break this bed super quickly excited shears and they don't have minor fatigue because they have no diamonds what's to do though that's the that's the question what to do you know I can probably just take these guys in 1v2 right right I mean what chance do they stand how good are these guys if they struggled with their first rush for six minutes okay so they're not that good in one V ones but they're half teasing when they're together so so I guess it's just a matter of being able to kill both of them they both gaped but I think we'll be fine okay the boys be ink boys be ink though they really do okay well I killed one the other guy was able to kill me so the good news is they split up let's go ahead and grab this I really screwed myself it's such a mad grasp on this game and then I can't adjust through by breaking why ped and they're not doing anything else please die he's not gonna die is he well that's okay we we were able to get to kill barely let's get going to aqua and just start making some moves again I don't think they have diamonds they might start going diamonds if they're smart so get some TNT and then we can probably go from there let's go ahead and do that te gaps fireballs okay all the works we have again I don't think these guys can one be one but again they're together when they're together they make me hurt they make me hurt and they make me hurt bad also how did that one guy get in biz did I have Emma's on me and let him kill me probably my guess is one guy just ran past me that's my guess let me kill that guy and then I can I can get their bed here it's just a matter of am I about to lose my bed I think I might if they know I I probably don't actually again I can kill this guy yeah one of you ones they don't stand a chance I'm gonna void just to see where this Alaska is though yup last guys coming to my base I don't think he has any M's yet like he hasn't spent him I think he's about to which is kind of dangerous especially if he goes in vis here I'm gonna be frightened he is gonna go in vis let's just watch for footsteps and hope everything works out let's find out here okay it's been thirty seconds I've been staring at the bridge so either he's no longer in vis or he like used it to run somewhere else he probably just ran somewhere else using the N vis that's my guess okay I'm tracking the player they went over here oh they're top of mid is that what I'm seeing yeah they're top of mid okay well I guess we can get a fight here I should win again I don't think this guy's any gear at all although he's probably gonna run and jump and run away yeah he is let's see he is gonna go back to my base which that's fine I suppose come on man let's fight what you doing that's kind of lame no he survived it's not lame he's making moves yeah we good we good again one V ones isn't too much of a problem oh I almost just made myself lose that game that was embarrassing well I think that's gonna be it from today's cap seeing Crim's video if you enjoyed make sure you smash like and sub for more cops and crimes we'll see in the next video goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 687,222
Rating: 4.959661 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, gb, 80, gb80, bw, challenge
Id: IMtBjC1DZls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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