can i get a 10 winstreak in bedwars? (insane) (omg)

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well everybody I have a zero win streak because I'm really good at the game but soon I'm gonna get that to a ten win streak because I'm really good at the game but we're gonna have to play ten games of bed Wars which that might take a while so let's get into the first game now I'm gonna try and play a little quicker not very safe which means there's a chance that I will lose the win streak at some point and if that happens I'm just I'm done okay if I get like a five win streak and then I lose hey that's it that's the end of the video I'm gonna try and play quickly though because this is gonna be a longer video anyway if I have to do ten games of bed Wars but I mean come on what do you guys have to do all day other than sit and watch 10 games of gamer boy to YouTube bed Wars content right I can't think of anything breathing is important so you could probably throw a little bit of that and everyone's wrong now I'm gonna be editing this video um if you don't believe me and you think I'm cutting out games well I mean first off I'm gonna show you a 10 win streak at the very end of the video but also if you still don't believe me that's too bad 10 win streak really isn't that impressive though so it's like it's not like saw like I'm doing anything insane that is a totally unbelievable here either way I pretty much almost lost my bed immediately because I missed a stupid jump the very first game the very first jump and I I go ahead and just throw myself right in the void I am gonna be editing this video um it's just easier to watch that way in my opinion however we need to make something very clear I did an uncut video in the past and like every single comment was like lazy content cuz you're not editing now let me make something very clear to all you boys and other boys making it so you have to edit your video is less effort then doing an uncut video if that makes any sense because let me explain when you do like a 15 minute uncut bed Wars that SCIM that means you have to be like commentating that whole time you know no breaks and commentary and if you do a cut up video which aren't normally my videos are all cut up you should just hear it I speak for like 10 seconds and then I'm silent for like 30 seconds thinking of what to say next and also during my intro I have to like cut up my videos a whole bunch because I say my intro like 17 different times and then I'm like what's up guys Kimber - wait a minute no no what's up guys give everybody here and then you know stuff like that am I gonna be able get this bed I am yes this guy seems kind of sweaty I'm gonna die unfortunately well hopefully I can take him out soon he's probably my biggest threat this game obviously seemed that way and during that first fight I need it I need to take this red guy out like this this fight if I don't then this is very bad because he uh he had a gap in effect and I did not yes okay good that was close um cuz if I died again then that would have made it so he was able to get back with MS and he probably would have won the game if that happened but that did not happen so that's very good I only have to take out pink now and he's a simp it looks like judging from his name plasma simp so it's exciting Oh yo either way there shouldn't be too bad this ain't gonna end well for me you can say that again what should I do here I'm gonna buy some gaps probably a diamond sword and a pearl what else do I need really other than a diamond sword and a pearl am i right I also have prot 2 and then I have a sharp as well so things should things should go perfectly this is a 5 minute first game assuming all 10 games are about 5 minutes it'll be about an hour of recording in my opinion just because you also have about a minute of lobby time don't hit me in the void if I get hit in the void this is bad oh we didn't have a bed oh well that's the first game well now we're in the second round hopefully the the streak doesn't end now that can last up a few more games but you never know I'm gonna go with only 48 and I'm gonna bridge high I'm gonna hope that this guy does not catch me in the air because if he also bridges high then this could be a problem he is bridging high okay well as I said this could be a problem here drop on down good hello um okay thank goodness it was like his leg and not mine because if it was mine he probably could have just ran right past me I do need to kill this guy one more time before I get his bed because I do not have enough time so if I can't do that then bad news okay we're fine I'm down to five hearts can I do that again without taking very much damage possibly possibly no oh he's already on my base what how did you do that oh he's gone okay good how did he get over here so quickly that's insane dude he must be insane minecraft speed runner if I put speedrun in the title did I get millions of views I sure hope so okay it looks like this guy's putting and stone around his base which kind of sucks for me because I then needed by either a pick or TNT is he gonna end up bridging I hope he doesn't rush me yet I'd like to get some some diamond gear and things okay I got it sharp I got a trap and also I got iron armor um I guess I'll start going to blue team now they are putting a lot of defense down which makes me feel like they're not that great at the game I feel like anyone who's like super skilled doesn't do more than one layer of defense I'm gonna bridge high again and see if I can be above him I don't really okay he's right there that's good he also slipped off alright this is just a free bed thank goodness I was a little concerned about this guy I don't know why isn't this a Steve but hey I don't judge Steve's by by skin okay we need justice for Steve's okay let's keep moving though I'm just gonna buy some more blocks I'll buy tier three tools and some more blocks this should get me around the rest of the map and I should be fine I guess I'll upgrade my sword as well just cuz why not I I have this stuff for it and it looks like white team might start coming towards me oh you fell in the void recently which is good um meaning he's back at his base hopefully he fights pink then and not me because if he rushes me I don't know why first off I'm not the team next to him but that also makes it so I have to play a little safer and I don't really want to do that okay good they're fighting that is what I like to see because now I can go in and clean the fight I can hope to do that at least I'll probably end up like walking off the edge on my own but I can hope to clean the fight here's my professional amazing strategy that I just developed right now it's called just leave the enemy teams alone just create peace with them for now is he gonna void he is this is this is working out perfectly cuz now he's in the void now I break his bed and then I'm just gonna do this we can't leave and let's kill him wait this isn't gonna work he's gonna hit me out okay good let me in he's gonna try and buy a gap he's gonna riot nope not gonna work l cleaner your bed I didn't clean anything he was on full health when I started that fight what do you mean okay now we're in round three stakes are high dude round three I didn't think I'd make it this far I'm so pumped just one wrong move and everything falls apart for me my my whole three wins however get three wins again if I lose this win streak oh my god I worked so hard for this I didn't bring enough blocks to make to the next base so that kind of sucks I'm gonna hope for the great team to come towards me well that's the wrong way can I get there in 19 blocks let's find out this would be revolutionary if I find out that you can rush with only 48 blocks on rooftop yeah oh my god you can that's insane and Grey's gonna build a bridge to the next base for me I love that I love that let's get some prot can I get a better sword or anything not really I guess don't sword gap all the works as long as blue team doesn't rush me I'm in the clear dude okay great team made it all the way to pink this is good now I just need to go over to gray team and hopefully get a kill on them are they hiding oh he's above me okay I was looking at the shopkeeper shopkeeper says he's up here yeah yeah get out here okay we good we good pink team did have like 5,000 finals which means that they've played the game a decent amount so we should probably take them out as quick as we can before they start causing problems let's see what do you got what do you got you have a cape that's about all is he gonna yeah he's just gonna run he does have diamonds if he gets prot or sharp this could be potentially really bad for me so let's see if we can make sure he doesn't buy that he's gonna end up getting it can i I was able to land a couple crits on him also glitched into a wall that got me the kill not gonna question it Thank You hypixel you do look out for me after all speaking of hi pickle a lot of people want to know where the 100k video is now I will make a video again explaining the storyline between me and Simon underscore hypixel and our conversations and where the 100k final video is but let me say one thing do you guys think I'm an idiot or something a lot of you a lot of the comments are like I think he forgot about the 100 cave it's like no obviously I didn't just it doesn't just slip my mind anyway well that'll be the end of me talking about it for now it'll be out eventually it could be another seven years but it'll be out eventually again there will be a video on it so just just watch that I don't want to say too much right now cuz then SNe won't click on the video now I have nine emeralds on me um oh boy if I die here then Green Team gets like a free victory but I think we're okay he only has a wood sword so we should be fine he slipped off the edge good he says sweat you too mate I'm chilling me too I'll buy some sharp what else should I buy maybe diamond armor jump in Vince dude I bet this guy's Australian he called me mate only Australians say mate I'll just sit here and I'll continue soaking up some diamonds I want to fight this guy one more time here I feel like if I start going towards his base he's just gonna LMAO says the kid with diamond armor I bought this so I don't have to sweat oh my god he's gonna attack me while I'm typing okay well that was close he's so mad yes he's freaking out he's like dude you're sort of sweat yeah yeah okay wait I'm okay for now I didn't fall off he hit me onto his bridge did this guy oh wait that actually worked for him dude props to that guy for doing that I thought he just suicided me just cuz if just out of anger he's like dude I don't care if I'd die I just need to make sure you die but he actually survived so I guess I have to just rail him again speed bridges furiously wall yes you stop laughing at me okay sir its I know I speed bridge furiously but it's but it's not sweaty okay speed bridging is not sweaty actually why am I even defending myself God sweating a video game it's like Oh what you don't want me to try it's like you're are you not playing to win or something are you dumb like God people that say you're sweaty is like a way of insulting someone it's like why are you come why are you complaining that I'm trying at a video game well I'm gonna have to fireball jump because I just don't have enough blocks to make it over it worked let's head over Oh Red Bulls no he's he's like begging he's begging for mercy but I just I can't give you mercy I'm sorry yellow I'm sorry sorry Gaea it has to okay his beds not even there why play this game okay uh prod haste he'll pool that's a bunch of good things [Music] okay well I just bought a bunch of things mainly speed jump in viz all the good things now let's go and clean this fight and then win a game what do you say what do you say then again I don't have blocks though so that guy yellow team might actually be safe up there because I can't get up there without blocks but let's find out oh they're down there fighting oh oh this is free for me to get to and this is so free I've never seen a freer game okay cool GG I'm trying to switch up the maps I'm trying to get like one game on each map even though there's more than ten maps so so I'm just gonna try and like not repeat the same map twice either way we're on kro Gorm now which is a freaking stupid map first off what's up with the iron generation way too quick second off I don't even know if it's 64 blocks to the next base I think it might be more than that which if you're if you're a map okay if you're a map and you take more than 64 blocks to get to the next base I'ma be honest I don't like you if again if your map if you're a person then I guess you're okay if you're a person you take if you're a person you take more than 64 blocks to get to the next base then then you're okay but I regard am I just gonna start off every game by missing a jump and a simple parkour jump I'll have yellow or I don't know what team up but yeah aqua aqua breaks my bed here I'm gonna be kind of sad hey man please don't break my bed thank you I don't he left the game cool well that's exciting let me grab some diamonds here full two of them at least I can get some prot let's break this aqua bed just just cuz I can as long as I don't miss this jump again geez what's wrong with me okay bed gone time for some prot and then I suppose I need to start heading towards a red team red team did take out blue pretty quickly so I'll just head towards green and then from green to blue then blue to red should work out that way solo is all about just like taking out teams in the correct order that's that's really all it is because if you mess up that order like you take out the wrong teams at the wrong times then you have to just start taking to be ones I feel like solo relies more on like understanding bed players and it does understanding how to be really good at the game either way I'm probably gonna die here because I have low health no I'm okay I'm okay your bed is gone I don't have very much health though I don't like that five hearts eek your backs up against wall stop it okay good okay good they now have a shears and more blocks as well I think this is enough to get me to read base again red team is the team I'm trying to target here okay red took out gray meaning red base is totally clear for me to just swoop in steal a bed maybe steal a final kill and then get out and head to the next base I'm kind of worried about white cuz white White's right there meaning that they could get to me pretty quickly either way red just killed gray can I get this fire ball that would be really nice yes I can that is good that is that team out of the game they have disconnected before they had the void just to avoid that fall of shame fall knowing that you're gonna be out of the game it sucks I hate that fall just kidding I've never lost the game are you kidding me I'm the stone question why was that a zero win streak before this video started okay I've never lost a game we ought to take our white team so I'm heading to pink I think white is currently at pink base right I don't know the right there also white team doesn't look very good this is exciting I think this is gonna be a free win I say that and I'm probably ended up losing to them all so you can probably just watch the length of this video and like once I start getting close to the end if I'm not at ten wins yet you can just assume that I lost okay I'm gonna get some gaps a couple fireballs couple blocks everything should be all set and good let's see what their bed defense is fireball and fireball and fireball it's a bunch of wool it's just wool oh how did I just get that chill with the fire yes yes that is what I live for the kills that I don't deserve which is all of them anyway give me this bed I'm gonna step in the fire and then I don't take knock-back because fire damage and that's a win GG's GG's round four done okay we're here in round five round five this is exciting we're halfway that will not quite have we have to win this game to make it halfway there but hey hey we're almost halfway there that's that's pretty cool Green Team just judging by their name they seem like they have an idea of what they're doing so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna wait for them to rush first and then I'm gonna bridge above them but I need them to rush before I start rushing perfect they fell in the void anyway that's fine um I almost did the same thing exciting exciting see what I was afraid of is if I started bridging first then they'd know how high to bridge but if they start bridging first then I'd know how high to bridge hopefully that makes some sense that way I could bridge above them and then I could drop down on them without them knowing but since they fell in the void I kind of have a clear path to their base as long as I don't fall or as long as I don't run out of blocks that is oh they just left the game why am I even trying this things are just going my way things don't normally go like this I can promise you they'll probably unseen and then I'll lose a game but like everybody's just leaving games or not trying very hard or a little bit of both I mean actually grab some diamonds I don't normally do that on waterfall but I feel like I kind of just wanna okay and just just let me do it because I want it this is enough for praten trap sharp Pratt sharp sharp I'll do sharp I don't really care about a trap it is so low after all like the trap really won't do much it'll let me know I'm about to lose my bed but it won't do much more than that it's not like it's gonna save my bed or anything okay how is blue team looking not presents they're over at the diamond Jen this is good that's a blue team bed and I can probably kill them at the diamond Jen as well no they're out there piece and you're gonna drop on me oh you're just like going to mid actually that's not that's not a bad strategy at all here's what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna jump past you hit you off the map and then break your bed yep that is a bed and a final kill that was perfect timing now I'm gonna jump in the void and hope that's blue team isn't coming for me but it looks like they will good good I want them to do that are they gonna bridge towards me they are hurry and got him maybe please don't land on my bridge okay good we're good we're good okay it's just me and white team now they kind of have a bridge to me thanks to stupid blue team stupid blue idiot stupid all right I shouldn't stop being so toxic God what's wrong with me dude once you get on a win streak you just you get this ego that comes over you and you start being very disrespectful to everyone okay just trust me if you ever get a win streak like this like five my insane win streak just know just know that's what's gonna happen to you you change you change as a human being white team is now over there can I just get to their base easily kind of I kind of can well let me let me head down here break their bed and then I think I'm gonna void again because I don't I'm guessing he's gonna come to my base break their bed I'm gonna put these in my ender chest and I'm gonna jump in the void I hope white team comes to me I want them to because then I know where they are if they run to a base with emeralds then that is that is worst-case scenario because that means that they're gonna they're gonna get stacked and we don't want them to get stacked you know what I mean stacked is bed okay either way I got a lot of gear now iron armor iron sword blocks I just need to find this guy before he gets like diamond armor and potions and all all the good works problem is he is missing oh he's right there man shifting behind the tree trying to sneak attack me also he's gonna just rail me in this fight thank goodness I have good armor cuz that was embarrassing okay well that's another win he called me a loser says the guy who tried to hide behind a tree okay cool okay now we're playing sorrel which gives you like 70 million iron as well it's kind of similar to a crow Gorham except sorrel doesn't suck balls like crow Gorham does anyway we need to buy some tools I could just like buy a lot of iron things before I go anywhere just because of how fast it gives it to you um let's see I got it pay attention to what people are doing so they're putting clay down so that means they're bad grey is probably gonna come to me um probably he's kind of just staring at me at the moment but that's okay I'm gonna buy some shears a sword let me just throw throw a couple blocks for my base you know also that's a lot of beds that's that's 7,000 beds white team is gonna go to grey which means I have a little bit of time to not do anything the power of patience right here since white team is now going to gray it's probably gonna take them out I have time to head over to gray and then I kind of need white team to die to gray and if not I need to take out gray just because gray seems like the perfect why am I saying great white team seems like the biggest threat so I need to just kind of target them hard okay goodbye I need let's see do I have enough to get anything good I do I can get iron armor that's something only upgrade tools a bunch of blocks to be really annoying and let's start heading to the next base okay he's gonna bridge up but I'm gonna do the same because I am want to meet him up here if he runs past me that's fine here's thing I have so many blocks I'm just gonna just go around him it worked what's he doing did he fall in the void you don't avoid oh my god I bamboozle them so incredibly hard there let's see if we can get this kill let's see if we can get they kill there we go there we go 7,000 bed guide down I don't know if he's a high fkd are but 7000 beds is quite a bit like that's like a fifth of what I have which that's a lot that is a lot that's a lot of bet had to pull out a little bit of sweat there just a little bit to just moisten my brow you know that's about all and then no more sweat no more sweat I have to do well I guess we'll just go to the next base which is pink nobody's at pink it looks like so that's cool oh wait I'm at aqua don't worry I can take out sweats but see this is why you loves our zoo because people have seven seven fireballs 7 7 D fireballs I should say anyway what I was trying to say is I can take out beds from sweaty players but I can't I'm just gonna avoid I'm gonna I'm gonna go for it this probably isn't gonna work out but I'm gonna try and save my bed and then kill them what I tried to say like four different times now is you know I can take out sweaty players but I still can't remember which base I'm going to okay I hope he doesn't run towards me if he does I'm in trouble and he is gonna stay up there this is good because I can probably just fireball him off nope I have to fight him oh my god this isn't good oh he didn't have a bed and also I got so incredibly lucky half a heart no no no see it's cuz I wasn't trying until I was at half a heart okay yeah okay we're playing soulless now I don't know if you are aware of this because some people like don't know this fact about soulless but I've never lost on this map okay I actually probably have at some point but this is probably my best map as far as window loss ratio I feel like I very rarely lose on solace but let's not jinx anything I feel like I'm about to UM Oh green teams already on their way over oh god this is a bad start I'm gonna lose my Betty media log form okay I have a stone sword which is good I'm just gonna sit here for a while they're gonna like region or something like that and then we got to kill them they have a lot of beds okay I'm just gonna grab some blocks and a gap I'll eat my gap I need to out PvP them one more time unless they don't come over here immediately in which case I'm gonna go to the diamond Jen and then things should work out I just need to get some diamonds before doing anything okay I have I have enough for prot and he'll pool which he'll pools alright when you don't have a bed because you can send your base you have an iron sword what do you have they have an iron sword this could be potentially an issue let's see where do they go oh they fell off okay good I can get to sharp now I think I think that works despite this person having thousands of beds there they're not super talented I I'm just I'm bad at a first rush I'm just not talented with that first rush I don't know what it is but today it's been going badly normally I'm not like that bad I'm kind of bad but not that bad but today today is just no no today's bad today's real bad well I don't really know do I want to go to aqua I feel like that's a that's a good death wish if I went over to aqua if I want to go to green and just like go for it cuz that could work mmm see they're gonna try and do fall damage because fall damage gives you that little bit of invincibility okay nevermind we're good should I just go to them I feel like I should I feel like I'm just wasting time running around doing absolutely nothing with my life I'll go to mid I think that's what I'll do middle at least I'll get some M's and then I can see where to go from there I have plenty of blocks so I should be all fine and good let me just get some M's I'll probably buy a couple pearls that way I can clutch probably I'll probably end up missing a pearl but I have a chance of surviving if I get hit off the edge that's the main thing I'm worried about just getting hit off the edge as long as that doesn't happen we should be all Gucci never saying that again oh my god red is gonna take out green bed which is super cool now we need green to come over to me where are they wait where's green well red broke green Oh green just disconnected they gave up they're like I tried to kill you like six different times and it's just not working this is ridiculous anyway it looks like aqua disconnected too which is the base I was considering going to here's what I'm gonna do this is kind of risky but I'm gonna just start bridging over towards red and then and then as long as I don't get fire bald I should be fine although I'm probably gonna end up getting fire bald because that's what happens every time I try and bridge with out of bed okay nevermind I think we're all good he's not around I do have to punch through a couple layers of defense which sucks but shouldn't be the end of the world okay now what do I do with my with my life and time and things and stuff pearl in his jump speed I just realized I don't have iron armor actually gotten diamond armor probably cuz I would've been a huge upgrade uh yeah something like that would've been pretty cool but I didn't do that so you live and you learn unless I die in which case I won't live but I will learn okay let's just get my pearl in the proper hot key spot okay we could we could be good okay I'm gonna head middle and see I hope Reds not there with like a sharp iron waiting for me because again I have no prot leather armor right now so if I get hit like twice with a sharp iron sword I'm dead I'm super dad it's very risky running around I'm pretty much naked right now pretty much just streaking the sped where's map well okay so pink just found the void so I know where they I need to find where red is I didn't mean to block clutch that but I did so I'm super pumped about that I found red I don't have a fireball but I wish I had a fireball right now that would be super helpful okay I got eight more MS which is exciting I'm gonna head back to red base here and then from here I will go ahead and buy some diamond armor and then I have two more M's after that I don't know what to do with them though so I'll just I'll just exist probably I'll do speed jump and invisi and then see if red is around I think Red's at that base yeah there they are okay again I have a pearl so if I get in trouble I can just like jump off the edge and pearl somewhere but for now I need to take out red because I feel like they're they're my main threats in this game at least okay so they're not at their base meaning that there's no chance of them having heal pool and I didn't die okay good I was kind of worried since I have no prot I just felt like I was gonna get like two tapped by anything even though I do have diamond armor which I only they only built three hearts to me so let's that's not too bad I did use all my potions though which that sucks I'll probably end up going to get more hey there's pink team I don't like that hey pink team could you knock it off okay I'm out of I'm out of potions now okay so I've been practicing for this this guy is gonna have no idea what just hit him yeah I'm out and pearl if I miss this problem gonna be so sad if I miss this problem to be so sad I did miss the pearl think we all good and Pink's right there are they gonna come back to me cuz I'm okay to fight this guy I think I have better gear than him again I don't have prot I just come and just give me some pride okay well it all comes down to this one v1 okay he's just gonna run in place blocks we we all get also I can't seem to hit him talents Gary Boyd a Minecraft YouTube challenge right there did I get top killer I did I tied actually okay well it looks like I'm playing egg hunt not excited about this because I don't know what map this is some Easter thing so who do I go for first and am I gonna lose probably for a couple of reasons first off I'm allergic to eggs just kidding I'm not I'm allergic to Easter Bunny just specifically the Easter Bunny like Easter I'm not allergic to bunnies and not allergic to but Easter Bunny yes allergic to that but I just don't know enough about this map that I I don't feel super comfortable that I'm gonna win but that's okay we have to play egg hunt and hunt for eggs I feel like this should be a find the button map not a bed wars map but what do you know is this guy cool go for it show off dude show off let's head to Aqua team it looks like Pink's gonna rush the other way as well so I'm just gonna leave them alone they can do whatever they want also all the colors are messed up what pink gray aqua yellow what okay do I have enough blocks to make through the next base I really hope so dude I really hope so I do okay it doesn't matter who dies over there looks like aqua got the final kill let me toss my TNT away and then I will go ahead and head over to the guy that just got the bed I'm hoping a stone sword is enough if he has an iron sword I could have a little bit of problems but also I don't know how good this guy is maybe this guy's just really bad also that's a lot of diamonds I'm just gonna go back because it's better to spend the diamonds and waste a little bit of time than to rush that boy and probably die and then give them diamonds you don't want to you want to be given people diamonds I don't care if it's Easter okay well I took out aqua you guys didn't see that it's noxee disconnected or fell in the void okay don't look at Chet I just ten hearted them super easy easy peasy I'm voiding okay pink and yellow pink actually took out yellow meaning that they might be decent I'm gonna head over to and see what happens there okay well this bed's gonna be gone and I think yeah there we go I again another thing about this map and not knowing it very well is I don't really like if somebody put a bed defense right here I would probably just start breaking that one out of habit of it being in the center of the base why is the bed off to the side that makes me irritated man let me find this team they're just sitting in their base do i out gear them probably now it's but we'll go for it anyway okay I have sharpen they don't but they have a stone sword does doesn't matter okay let's keep pushing this side it looks like blue and red are fighting meaning I can just take my time and chill I have four diamonds can I get two more here I can this is so good this is so good this game is going my way egg hunt Easter Easter has brought joy into my heart previously I had a cold dead heart but now that I have six diamonds and I can buy prot two joy has been restored okay let's fight blue team oh he's just gonna leave Tibet II can't to bed he can't you can't escape the wrath of the gam boy 8 there's a hole in the bridge oh my god that was so close oh my god there's another one holes in the bridge they get me every time man okay Reds going back with diamonds what's the likelihood he's going to buy a trap very likely I think let's find out if that's what he's about to buy and if so I'm gonna see some potion effects pop up he didn't buy his rep good okay and can I kill him here so I don't have to fight him again whoa that was lot of Kb GG's boys that's another win I think that's game number let's check game number eight eight win streak so I need two more wins can we do it okay I took a small break I went to the bathroom drank some water so if I lose I'm gonna blame the fact that I took a break I'm no longer warmed up okay now I'm cold so things are going bad okay I waited for a little bit of extra iron that way I'm able to build up more on my first rush I don't want to lose my bet on the first rush again because that is bad that is bad when that happens I don't know if you guys aware of this but you don't want to lose your bed on the first rush so let's not let that happen again and stop to check okay we're still in the clear it looks like they're putting wood on their bed defense which means that I have a free win here I have no no fear at all of losing I just need to make sure that I hit this guy off good and I should have more than an oh my god he disconnected reconnected what an absolute legend just kidding not a legend of sweat and that's we've been able anyway I need to kill this guy one more time so let's go for it no don't Byers don't sort Kok I got a couple of crits so we're good alright he is gone out of the game you can tell you was sweaty I'm surprised he did what is a bad defense but you can tell he's sweaty cuz he disconnected reconnected instead of falling in the void that gave him a chance at saving his bed still didn't work out because what is an awful bed defense but he tried nothing beats a trusty ol wool bed defense you know you know how it is ok so let's go through this real quick we got awkward seam no bed white team no bed pink team no bed great team no bed red team no bed blue this is awesome guys this is so incredibly cool so if I take out blue I think I'm kind of a kind of kind of in the clear here I'm a little I'm a little afraid I was gonna come to my base though if he learns I'm not at my base he might do it so what I need to do is just buy up some sharp or should i do praten trap I guess I don't know I'll do prot and trap probably prawn trap because I feel like a lot of kills on this map are about hitting people off the edge and for that sharp doesn't matter again cuz you're hitting people off the edge so is awkward gonna come to me no they're gonna go mid which that's not good either because if awkward gets a lot of gear then I am in some some troubles let's build up because blue team has blocks as well and they're near me okay we get we good I need to make some moves pink team disconnected that's good good are they TNT jumping or what are they doing TNT jumping backwards it looks like cool dude are they low on health in kinda let me just jump down I'm on half health no I only took a few hearts today their beds gone and I should be able to kill them here as well good ah do I void void do i void should I should i void um I'm not gonna void I'm gonna just bridge mid from blue and see if I can get there in time without me losing my bed again if aqua gets a lot of MS they could end my end by streak here it looks like they're gonna run back to their base I need to hurry um let's just make this jump don't miss thank you okay oh he's gonna head back I wonder what he's gonna buy if he buys the worst-case scenario is he buys like diamond diamond in vis and then wins this fight with me if he buys only pots then that's fine because I can probably win this one v1 and yeah it looks like he bought a pearl and he bought um oh my god he got that reverse combo on me okay he bought a pearl in pots it looks like which if I didn't kill him right there I would have been in trouble but I killed him there so we're all good okay it's ash fire and we're putting our hands in ash fire we're putting all of our cards in ash fire what a god-awful map okay I just need to play carefully and things will be fine um okay here's my plan Green's not in the game so I'm red blue is right there Green is right there so if I can take out blue right away then that like entire side of the map is is clear for me to not worry about so I'm gonna go for blue immediately now if I fail this rush and then grants up coming for me this is it's very bad but also blue found the void so I think I'm okay we can hope at least we are now at their base and they're not paying attention good I can get their bed hopefully I can kill them as well hopefully hopefully hopefully and one - they're legging out or not playing or one of each and through all of our stuff in the ender chest and this void gray is now making it to the diamond Jen so I still have a little bit of time to get gear so the reason I did that again it's blue is gone and green is gone so I don't really need to worry about one of the sides that I'm rushing so now I can just go to grey and not worry about anyone sneaking up behind me let's go ahead and just throw some blocks over our bed just just a nice trusty wool bed defense they're going up I'm gonna head up as well and hopefully beat them faith on the void this is this is working out perfectly that that was my plan actually like as a strategist you know I strategies I plan for that to happen so because I'm just so incredibly talented at not mind gaming this person into falling to the void we just toss it TNT there and that should do enough right don't hit me off okay we good we good okay we got to keep moving pink is our next rush I actually killed them last game so maybe they're a little bit angry now at me hopefully not hopefully we're still friends probably not after I kill them again wait is this the guy that I beat first rush on white house and then he ended up disconnecting cuz he I don't know oh yeah this is the guy that disconnected reconnected so he was kind of sweaty um let's see if I can kill him again good okay well that works out oh my god he has a bow he has a bow be careful be careful okay how am I supposed to do this with a man who has a bow is this how my win streak ends Patrick twenty20 with a bow shooting his arrows at me I sure hope not but he is very frightening okay we got to start making moves hopefully he is not a good with the bow just keep keep goin keep goin keep goin hope he doesn't hit me actually didn't hit me a single time and I hit him away wait a minute I just hit that guy clean off the map I don't have anything to break his bed with also he says kinda in a game right now I'm guessing you sent that to his friend like listen man I wanna play with you but I'm kinda in a game right now but he actually sent to that I'll say okay I'll respond with okay so because this guy doesn't know how to use party chat correctly I'm not too afraid of losing even though it looks like he has better gear than me but either way I'm just gonna build up and then hopefully I can just jump down on him all right it works that one GG he's off the map that should be a clean 10 win streak also he's just not even in the game anymore is this really how this really how it's gonna end well there we go let's head to the lobby and and just take a quick peek we did it guys ten wins Rica this is so cool it's gone my tenant okay there we go it's back I did it ten win streak I'm so I'm so insane guys this is so cool GG's if you enjoyed and maybe want to see me going for a twenty win streak smash like and sub and if you don't wanna see me going for a twenty one street then unsub and dislike okay goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 972,726
Rating: 4.9508085 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, gb80, mc, bw, challenge, leaderboard, winstreak, gb, 80
Id: ZjBglVi-Ef4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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