bedwars is not a toxic game nope

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hello subscribers how are we doing uh if you're not subscribed then i don't care how you're doing so don't answer that question but we're back playing some more bed wars it's great to have you all tuning into my video again as per usual we start off by vibe into some speed bridging as always but if i vibe fast enough then i can actually get to this bed before they place the defense and i can take him out of the game i'm going for it oh they didn't get it i'm sorry oh and they missed all their swings so i was able to get on the inside so i was able to hit them off the edge i suppose that's the power of fall damage every time you take fall damage it gives you that half a second to just run through whoever you want to run through it looks as though green's doing the rush actually no it's yellow yellow's doing the rush the wrong way challenge so that's fun um i i kind of want to go after yellow now but also aqua's here so i'm going to leave and see if he'll leave me alone i don't know i don't actually want to be here okay cool he's actually going to leave me alone i didn't think that was going to happen i thought he was going to chase me down but instead he's going to go to yellow which is great because now i can get his bed thank you thank you aqua team well it looks like blue's coming over to me which isn't so great but i can at least get a defense down um he triggered my minor fatigue i don't know what he's planning on doing okay well his bed's gone so i don't know if he's still planning on coming in on me if he does and i kill him oh he is going to come in on me so if i kill him he's just out of the game so this is kind of risky for him yeah i don't know why i did it but it works for me um it's a matter of oh wait i don't know what happened to yellow i thought he was still in the game but he's not so it's a matter of taking out red and then i win he is at his base right now so i grabbed some m's i'm just getting speed jumping invis if i go in and start critting him out i think i'll win a kb stick would be pretty good too but for now i need to get to him before he gets to my base i don't want him to get to my base because then i lose my bed and if i do end up dying then i lose the game because that's how bed wars works believe it or not no i hit him too far didn't i i did that's ridiculous okay hang on here we got this goodbye oh no i should just start using my sword shouldn't i oh wait he still has a bed i'm so stupid it's fine though it's fine almost well it almost wasn't fine but it is fine he just had some pretty good gear i'm gonna run back on the bridge and see if he comes to me if he does that'll be great he says fun he's gonna fireball um i'm gonna jump at him actually and see if it works no he's gonna run back that works i'm down to 1v1 come here come here he might run all the way to my base which wouldn't be so good for me um i don't know i think i can catch up to him i'm taking a few shorter cuts so if he kills me here it could get bad i don't have to worry about that i was thinking if he kills me and he gets a bunch of m's to get invis it could be bad for me but i was able to one tap him off go f yourself i don't know what he means by that i just what does f stand for so lucky sorry sorry for luck oh let's go my first rush is gone it's supposed to be gray and it's gone okay well i guess i'll go for white seeing as he's i mean i don't have a first rush so i'll take out him and he looks like he's gonna get his first rush so you know it'll be a fair trade he actually might lose um now he's gonna get the first rush cool okay looks like he fell in the void bridging to the diamond gen so that works for me don't have to take him out i'm just gonna leave yellow and green alone green's not even in the game they got disconnected for afk but yellow for some reason is still struggling to take them out so it's fine let me just grab a i'm gonna grab sharp and then void because i'm pretty sure blue's gonna be coming towards me soon it looks like blue just jumped in the void or something along those lines so if i can go over here and take him out then that'll just leave yellow left in the game and i'm feeling pretty confident about winning if i can do that um well he's just gonna leave he's coming back okay just voided um and i want to check quick where yellow is are they around here they're still at their base okay that works perfect for me oh well it was close it was close man you pressed shift a little bit too late after he already ran off of the block but let's go ahead and uh just break his bed i don't think he's planning on defending today which is fine sometimes i don't feel like defending either and then now that i uh am closer to the inside of his base i will kill him i didn't want to fight on the outside because i'd end up getting smacked off okay we're here on zarzul i'm kind of having a stare down with aqua team we both wanted to see who's going to bridge first because oh it looks like he fell which is fine by me but we wanted to see who was bridging first probably to see who was going to bridge higher because the the person with the higher bridge always wins well almost always but looks like i'm gonna have the higher bridge um i can probably get actually he's gonna kill me yeah get away okay i have a stone sword and he doesn't so as long as i can smack him off then we go to bed i guess my stone sword didn't really matter there did it if i needed to kill him then i i could have but hitting him off just makes it so i can break the bed and kill him all in one go i'm gonna cross map blue here um mainly because they've taken out a few bases and i'm concerned for my safety and my well-being so goodbye blue bed it had to happen you uh you did too well in the beginning of the game and i'm going to invis them because why not i have two extra m's so i bought invis if i can get a couple extra crits on him it'll be it'll be worth it i think he's watching for me right now i took fall damage ouchie oh he can't see me yes he can the fireball exposed me we're good we're good i'm up to 23 gold in my chest that's exciting the only team left of any concern to me is pink team here because they have a bed so i guess i'll start heading in on them um this is kind of my final rush yellow is in the game but they don't have a bed so i'm not too concerned for that um they are bridging out to me currently i'm gonna bridge up a whole bunch goodbye and that should be a game for this guy at least hello oh my god i was i didn't realize he was falling for so long i was concerned that he lagged back or something and it was still on the bridge and like i said before the person with the higher bridge always wins okay let's find this last player i think he's at yellow still maybe not but he has a path to the diamond gen so he might be getting sharp and prot which would be really bad for me mainly because on this map i never go to the generator oh there he is get out of here did that get him rip i was really hoping um i just don't want him to go back and spend a bunch of diamonds that'll be bad for me he has fireballs 100 does he not does he not maybe he doesn't um i'm waiting for the fireball i'm expecting it oh no are we going building it sir sir i can't do that i don't have enough blocks i'm going oh my god did that just work where is he it worked see ya i don't know what his plan was at the end there i mean think he was trying to escape but he didn't have enough health to take that much fall damage it looks like red team's in the no keyboard challenge so that's fun maybe we should just leave him in the game i'm on yellow so my first rush is green i don't have to worry about red for a while oh no he's putting down a wood bed defense stop stop stop no it's too late i didn't get here quick enough goodbye um i almost died there but it's fine we got the bed that's what really matters uh we should probably take out gray after seeing as they go to bed pretty quick get off the edge no oh man they're getting angry they're coming in goodbye okay cool oh i was in mid just chilling i didn't realize white was gonna rush me but they did how about i go for them i'm gonna bridge to this diamond gen and then to their base from there because if i if i can get diamonds here then i'll get prot along with my sharp i might not be able to make it to their base but we will find out here okay uh 18 blocks well i think it might be a little bit less but with 18 blocks i made it to their base so that's exciting okay i don't know what happened what good game that was cool i was going to say that i don't know what happened at red base but like it looks like white died to red gray dyed to red red lost their bed and then red fell in the void lighthouse is a great map but it has become very very sweaty luckily i'm going up against someone who probably isn't super sweaty seeing as they were rushing diamond gen and then they fell in the void so bless up to that but lighthouse has become super sweaty it's such a fast map that everyone who wants to win games fast plays it but also people that want to win games fast generally are the same people that are also pretty good at the game let me just grab this bed real quick i was slightly worried that a stone sword was gonna hit me too many times so i felt like breaking his bed before um killing him i have some blocks is he gonna drop on me did i get him i did okay that was close oh yellow's here at the diamond gen oh i don't like that one bit um let me break their bed they don't deserve to be at the diamond gen where did they go they went right through me got him okay we're fine uh is green still in the game oh they are but their final kill how well can i do against this guy they have probably sharpened knives neither i did get them though i can actually get prat from that that's amazing thank you very much um i'm gonna buy iron armor in a gap okay so now we're up against blue here again i'm at the mercy of pink if pink comes for me i lose my bed i'm just hoping that they don't cause like i haven't done anything to them so why are they gonna go come for me but then again at that logic i should probably stop mid-rushing people that i keep doing let me go up here and he's gonna fall which is fine by me good parkour good parkour for gamerboy let's break his bed is he gonna void or is he just gonna leave he's just gonna leave oh wait is he yeah he is okay so i'm in a kind of a rough spot i mean i am the only one at the bed but i'm pretty confident that blue's gonna keep rushing me and i'm fairly confident that pink is gonna rush me soon pink is probably gonna have good gear as well because they i mean they've been stacking up in mid this whole time okay well he's gonna if he can leave that would be amazing for me um sir hang on let me run in by sharp real quick thank you okay perfect um i just didn't know if i was gonna be able to make it in this base without this guy coming after me so let's go adam what's his plan here i don't get it i think he was trying to like block clutch on the side and smack me off but like he jumped off the block pretty much like he just jumped off the bridge so now it's a matter of killing pink who has been getting a lot of m's in mid oh he says fu i don't know what i did to deserve that but thanks for helping me in the game gg i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i'm just kidding he said he said foo i think he's talking about kung fu like he was practicing kung fu he actually smacked himself in the face and died i think my first rush did two layers of wool which is fine by me i will uh just bridge it up and go after it i bought some extra blocks and a tnt for this reason exactly okay well i should be able to get the bed here smack them off smack them off it didn't smack him off that really sucks i did though uh i was hoping my tnt would just knock him right off he stood so close to the edge of the base it's like he wanted to die look guys i only did that because he wanted to die that's all that's the only reason okay aqua team standing there is not a very good idea goodbye okay well their bed's gone and what are they gonna do now stand in their gen that works for me because i have sharp and they don't goodbye okay who am i gonna lose my bed to this time it's it's our fun game red or green um i'm gonna go after green but i'm sure when i do that red's gonna break my bed but we'll find out soon we will find out soon time to get green bed i don't think i have a trap so i'm not gonna void i'm a little concerned actually i see red i see red good that's a start green's in mid though so i'm i want a void but also i feel like my bed's gonna be gone in half a second here oh no they're rushing oh this is perfect they're gonna rush red oh thanks green go for it go for it green uh that's so much fall damage what am i doing god all right so green or red's gonna die doesn't matter to me but i will break the bed oh i can take both final kills too thanks guys that's so nice of you well hope you all enjoyed this episode of bedwars if you did smash like and sub we'll see in the next video goodbye he's just big brain and i'm i'm small p brain okay what do you have you do have a stone sword if you uh land too many hits on me that would be bad what was he saying in chat he was saying he was saying go easy on me please oh oh and now he says okay i think you deserve to choke on a peen
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 489,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, minecraft, gamerboy80, mc, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, toxic, solo
Id: 0-1MhjoIdb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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