bedwars but im always missing teammates

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what's up everybody welcome back to bed war is another day another bed Wars looks like I'm only getting three teammates or two teammates sorry because there was 15 out of 16 players and while that person went invisible that's so cool magic man getting the generator come on magic man I might only have one teammate here with this guy the other one he's doing the no brain challenge it's where you are your bed Wars nan so unfortunately I hate what my teammates are always doing the no brain challenge it happens like every time to me the way I'm gonna start pushing I only have wood tools but I should probably rush somebody and try and take out a base I can get a better gear there I don't forget to smash like on this video if I get one like I'm gonna upload tomorrow but if I don't get one like then I'll probably cry and also I'll probably stall plug tomorrow but that doesn't mean you shouldn't like and also sub I'm gonna go to blue since they have a bridge mid I almost fell off right there I see coming back he is I'm gonna block up here all this guy's gonna block up as well I can break a single block here off to kill him this guy's back so I will kill him too luckily this team also only has three players it seems because one of them's afk get out here we good um are they gonna come back oh that yeah they're all in there okay I sometimes I didn't see them I don't want to run in cuz I'm probably gonna end up dying I will fight one of them at a time if they want to come out here though I might start heading back to my base maybe grab some M's and go back to my base just because I see that there's both red and green here in mid there's a blue guy comin mid yeah okay I'll go fight the blue guy I think that's the best call cuz I do want to get inside the generate a whole man I shouldn't have I was thinking he was gonna come at me so I play some blocks I shouldn't have done that okay I think I can kill them both there's a possibility here yep and the other guy got kicked for afk I think there was one afk guy here but he's gone now let me get some tier 3 tools and more blocks shears okay now I'm geared up now I can go take out some basis hopefully red and green are still having that weird build one Frick dude how long's about to buy a trap as well that probably would've helped us but nonetheless let's uh let's go for some some M's that's how we're gonna win this game if there's any possibility of me winning this game is ready gonna break green bed I might want to head towards red base because if there's a lot of Reds pushing green and it looks like there are okay that guys down um I can probably get their bed here cuz there's nobody else here at the moment one guys coming back from the diamond Jen which is a little concerning this guy disconnected that is perfect okay cool let me go ahead and I'm gonna grab the iron sword and a gap I can kill this guy he doesn't have enough gear see ya and is that my teammates no it's not dang it I was hoping my teammate was coming over no you don't you don't have to do this no you don't have a bed you don't have to you don't have to fight me why am I getting so many diamonds I heard some sharp okay with a sharp iron sword I should win I just want a 1v2 but still there shouldn't be too much of a problem I'm gonna speed and jump and go mid and I'll probably find somebody there yeah here's one guy well fireball kill him no that was hit him back I'm gonna chase after him actually no they both there nevermind I was just struggling to find a new one I just need to collect these and get to a base before it's too late luckily my jump ooze is still here for a few more seconds so it's perfect timing it ran out and I'm gonna head over to red they might be chasing after they're chucking a bunch of fireballs so I'm gonna get speed one guy disconnected this should be a win then cool I don't know why one guy disconnected but they did I'll just regain my speed jump but this time I have in vis 2 and also he's coming over oh here's a sharp iron as well he's feeling confident dude he's gone he's gone there's a couple beds 7 finals oh look I only got one teammate this time there nerfing me in my video yesterday I made that like I was made fun of a bed wars guy pretty much it was on some website called like wats pad which apparently there's like a bunch of fanfiction on that website oh man that's disgusting people who make and read fan fics gross but hopefully none of you guys I expose yourself to the disgusting fanfiction that's out there is this just Eastwood I thought this was a new map but it's just Eastwood they just changed the name and the blocks the mid looks different though kind of instead of a tower there's still a massive hole no green don't come don't come to us okay I got to stop this guy because my teammate I only have one and he is not defending see ya cool I wish I could have just gone to their base but unfortunately had to kill that guy okay well I'm still gonna make a move on green since they'd be an angry at the moment um yellow might get it from the other side yeah there we go I didn't have to do anything there I got a final killed oh and that's exciting I think I got two final kills that's very exciting hey I think I got three final kills at a regular kill I got a bang some stuff before I lose all this weight actually I don't have to bank I'm just gonna do that gap up and I'll buy up the tools and I'll go break a bed or something or I'll die and that works okay are you still gonna read next mm-hmm mmm thinking I'll go to yellow mmm I don't that might be a mistake it's probably a mistake I'm gonna go to red I'm trying to look at their names and see which one is look sweaty ER and it red looks wet here so I guess I'll head over there but at the same time it seemed that yellow was like more aggressive towards us which is why I fell like go in there first let me get in here uh-uh it can probably kill this guy still I just needed to dig in got him I can kill one yeah I think I hit that guy off I may have not I did not that's very unfortunate okay that's fine I was able to split if I died a second later that Jen would not have been mine that would have been all my teammates although my yellow oh my teammate flat bridged mid that explains how they got here so quickly Frick teammate it's fine it's fine all VMs are gone maybe it's not as fine as I was a first hoping my teammate is very aggressively collecting the ends putting blocks beneath them trying to mess me up as alright I'll just leave my teammate alone he's super good okay um there's a bunch of yellows defending which that's fine because I'm not planning on rushing them yet so they can just keep defending all they wants if I had some pots I'd go in but I don't um I don't there's two Reds there I'm gonna leave just gonna drop down after me why why is this guy coming after me I'll take it I'll take it both of them were near each other in mid so that's why I didn't want to go after them there but I mean if he wanted to come down after me and sure be my guest just don't fireball me that's what's important oh he has diamond armor nice hacks red says yellow I'm gonna say I know right nah cuz I think they're hacking but that'll make it so yellow targets red instead of me it's all about the strats boys it's all about the strats is that my teammate dead I saw a fireball I I really need Em's to get anywhere there's still a red over here I don't want to fight him because then I'll probably end up taking him out of the game oh man yellow is just getting railed what if this guy is cheating I actually don't know if I fought this guy I'll be with my teammate though teammate okay cool yeah we'll be fine see I didn't want to kill red is there aa teammate look out okay that guy's dead this guy's coming back um this isn't good this really isn't good hang on I'm gonna run teammate get out of there what are you doing he went back into the fight okay this is cool if yellow can keep going after red instead of me let's let's keep chillin I'm gonna run this direction and yeah okay I can get speed and jump now that's a start I don't know if yellows any good so I don't know if I have to worry about them no but someone almost fireballed me that was scary yellow don't come over here go to red they cheat and remember okay I'm gonna do yellow now I hope this works and also I hope red doesn't clean me what they might they're just he's taking no damage I don't think he's cheating I fought him and I was a little worried but I don't know why I'm or leave me alone says that to be fair red is getting absolutely bullied by these yellow players um there's like a 100 percent chance to have a fireball yeah he's holding in everything turn off your hacks then we will there we go okay I don't have much time left before actually this might not be good I'll hit that guy off I'm really gonna have to put in some work here to get in to get anywhere okay this should be fine I can get their bed at least and I'm gonna stay in here I have so many gaps that that I can just stay in here forever I'll poke at them and if I take too much damage I'll just back up and gap okay I'm gonna run in here now and I should be fine killing this person oh wait they're all here whoops okay I guess that works I don't know where red is I have for EM though before red comes here I'm gonna do speed blue you hear oh NP dude NP this is this is no big deal okay well I hope I didn't just give red the wind but I might have I'm gonna say NP where's red at that's what I'm worried about I don't want him to be mid collecting Em's actually if he's collecting yams right now that's a good thing because I want to meet him yes he's here collecting them's perfect let's get over here he knows I'm in DES but that's totally fine see ya I got 19 kills that game what GG oh he says hahaha you hacker okay so yellows cheering that I won even though that guy wasn't hacking at all I don't want to play fair oh I hate freakin Ferro dude alright hope they get a full team absolutely not three players this time this is let's go me and chopper are teaming me and chopper teaming Nightwing you're on your own I'm gonna say you defend and I'll see what he does in order to look like a noob I think I should say that in shout I'm gonna say I'm not defending and then now every team will think that we're we're a newbie team which most of us are it looks like actually we're gonna lose our bed aren't we no I think we have a god to your defender yeah actually no yellow fell in the void somebody bridge to us though and then they fell on the void it looks like so we got we just lucked out I do have six MS so maybe I should go for aa B what do you what do we think I'll be time knots never I'll be time okay I just got speed and jump or not speed and jump I got inves jump cuz I got sick so I can get two sets of pots I said being jumping in biz so I'll go take out yellow right now and then I'll go take out blue once I'm done with the yellow this guy is just collecting diamonds and going back I don't want to expose my invisi he knows I'm in VA's now or maybe he just he's like man I really didn't see anyone can I'll kill that guy to the other no a minute is that's fine he's dead or nobody's dead the beds dead and she'll be able to hit yes just stand near the edge perfect he's gonna stand near the edge too oh they know I'm here they're smacking me ouch and dead cool alright that's a team wipe and then I should still have yeah I still have my three M's here so I'll get some more jump in in vis okay I think I'll start heading to blue it looks like they actually made a little bit of a move on us they must have fallen in the void so yet again we got lucky I still have a bed because somebody fell in the void Thank You void I do have a fourth teammate it's the void let's go I will eventually um let's go take out blue and then we'll have to kill Green it looks like blues been struggling to kill green for a while now so there's a possibility I have minor fatigue dang it I forgot to drink my magic milk that's no fun um but yeah blues been struggling to kill green for a while so I'm worried that greens actually pretty good I guess I'll sit up here I'll drink my magic book now um what should I do okay hang on I have shears I'm gonna drop here they were ready they were ready for that hang on I'm gonna jump boost away okay I haven't died yet but soon probably I get one more jump boost here I mean a fireball this guy down are all four members of the team here if I could hit this guy off let me try again oh wait I got another minor fatigue they bought another one why stop it hang on it's not over yet it's not over yet freak hang on I gotta go uh okay are they gonna buy another minor fatigue okay I'm gonna build up now and I'm gonna start bridging over to them I have so many blocks is this guy just gonna leave he is cool okay let's keep moving I just need a bridge all the way back to them okay here we go try number three of not giving up and potentially being able to break a bed oh he just jumped after me and I almost walked off I ran forward to try and like counteract his hit just didn't work Zach I gonna die he is wait I have no blocks anymore yes teammates here let's go I think I got it wait hang on I don't know where the bed is okay it took like seventeen and a half tries but I actually got a bed and a final kill I'm just gonna die I've been here for far too long and also I'm worried that greens gonna yeah actually got another one I'm gonna die here though green is kind of worrying me cuz I feel like they've been stacking up for a while and I feel like they have the possibility of taking out the team I just spent like six and a half minutes struggling running around blued to break their bed I got to find green now that could be a problem okay one green died - blue - both greens died one - blue one - my teammate nice job teammate Nightwing I'm not really worried about King Arthur I wanna fight the other guy is there a way to do that there is okay cool um he's in mid it looks like so I'll go after him I'm not worried about that King Arthur guy I'm worried about this man's here I almost fell off the edge worse yet he is gonna run I hope my in his last long enough but he's up here for now is he gonna go to which base is he going to is he off the map there we go let's go KB and as I said I wasn't worried about the other guy he fell in the void so I have a reason to not be worried all right Oh looks like didn't get a full team either this time that's okay oh and I lost another one it's just me and hopefully I pronounced that right he might be saying that tryouts should die he might be saying that he dies when he fights try-hards you know when there's a try-hard it means death for him I'm an idiot actually he's gonna chase me back actually this might not work so I have no health at all but he is gonna chase me back which is good if he continued to run to my base I would have had some trouble I'm still gonna have it at home again okay I have only 18 blocks here so this might not work out let's see I could fireball jump over here and then maybe break the bed they have minor fatigue already the game just started no okay hang on I just got to get up here I need to make sure none of these guys are going to my base one of them looks like they're starting to go that way um let me jump back here and there's a chance got him that was close now I kind of messed up breaking like mid break I looked to a different block and it reset but we're fine we got the bed I was worried about winning this game but then I saw my teammate building this defense so I'm no longer worried when we got here I see one layer of wool oh my god is everybody gonna leave no they're coming back dang it now it looked like all of them were about to run in that one direction okay here we go let's head up and bridge over I'll stand above their bed here and then we'll see where to go from here I have minor fatigue but it looks like actually I don't know what that layer is underneath the the wall so this kind of sucks let me just get some more blocks here um let's do that that totally works um actually that would really helps me doesn't it I don't even need to block and I could have gotten it anyway okay cool and I just smacked a bunch of them down did I almost killed one but almost only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades and we're playing bed Wars so almost does not count frankly is calling hax sory okay good news here one yellows incoming so I can probably kill him right now whoa I'm standing in fire uh whoops I fell off okay that's fine I got the final kill and then the other yellow seemed to die as well I think there's a blue over there that killed them so that totally works now it's just a matter of killing the last four blue players I don't think any of them went mid yet so I don't think any of them are going for Em's I am gonna be able to take a 1v1 here goodbye Steve and it looks like there's two blues incoming from the right or they're going to be so we got a head back they're throwing more fireballs I think that's their second one that they threw add to my base how rude of them and I missed the swings I can probably kill this guy though yeah cool I got one I died but I think that works now now there's only two um he is oh he's gonna break our bed teammate what behind you Frick oh my god our bed was completely exposed I didn't even realize uh teammate you did such a wonderful job standing up there he could have just broken our bed because my teammate was completely clueless didn't leave him know that there was a blue guy at her base yet instead of the blue guy breaking our bed he attacked my teammate thank goodness there we go let's find this last blue okay I found him perfect they're over at yellow they're probably in a fireball me whoa nice fireball dude oh they have another one I'm still not dead but close I hope they have another one okay that's fine that one wasn't even directed towards me just the bridge and I'll just have a nice fight here with them maybe not a very nice fight if there is gonna be sitting here throwing fireballs okay cool that's the end of the game alright I got a full team this time no okay there's one yellow player incoming it looks like blues gonna leave us alone though so that's totally fine we can just head over to yellow and probably take him out team jump teammate jump at him Oh God uh you can smack that guy down yeah he's not dead yet but I did get him pretty low I don't really trust my teammates to stop him he's just gonna jump I don't know why he should have just kept distracting but that totally works and also I got the kill yeah I don't know what that guy was going for with jumping off the map uh I think who's the bed degree no but they will lose their bed to me in just a little bit I just need to get over there I can just build over their base I have a TNT I never TNT rush but I did this time and it totally works cuz I'm pretty sure their defenses only wool so spray cab ed perfect yellow team said okay he hit me with the okay how dare he and this guy's feeling angry he's coming back oh he's gonna try and block trap me oh no I don't know what he's doing he jumped off the edge yet again what a player what an absolute player dude okay um holy Frick what was that that was insane uh oh I didn't realize they could hit me okay what if hear me out I got one I was hoping to get more but one is fine fireballs okay we're fine so Green lost their bed too blue I think something along those lines I'm just gonna head up here and see if anyone comes up I don't think I can go in there and kill them both I do want to make a move kind of quick though because blue might start coming towards us what just happened okay so they fireball jumped up I can just create this guy from down here yeah low ground let's go they thought they were safe they did the fireball jump up to there I think that's like a hiding spot I'm sure some youtuber did like hiding at bed Wars thing in there some cord some sort of quirky boy however that hiding spot isn't very good I can probably break their bed even if they have minor fatigue I think they all left I don't even need to block in okay there's one oh well I really want to kill this guy but at the same time I don't want to get hit off okay we're fine um okay so I still have my full team and there's only two blues left if blue might be trying to come back and I want to fight them before they before they get I'm sure they have M's and I want to fight him before they get M's iron sword okay that totally works - bigamy and you know they didn't have any what the heck I shouldn't have done that I shoulda let him live just kidding never I should have gotten a golem as well shoulda woulda coulda I'm so great at looking back on what I should have done better but I just never seem to do anything correct okay and we win the game and my whole team survived nice work boys and yet again I do not have a full team what is going on today looks like someone on yellow left as well so they're missing a player I'm gonna head to yellow with this red player I understand that they have the least amount of players but at the same time they flat bridged mid which is kind of like a free bed here well I guess it's not since they're all here defending I'll smack that guy and I'll just hit that away and I think I can probably get their bed here probably yeah they have walls the bottom layer I'm just gonna leave I don't know lose my tools you feel hey why are you in vestee mate he's like I'm ready I'm ready put me in coach okay that guy's drinking potions he's about to go into it and towards our base I'm gonna try and break red bed before they break ours because that would be a fair trade if that happens so let me just block up here and I guess we'll see oh this guy's like no help at all got him okay so I'm probably gonna lose my bed the good news here is red loss there's I need to die please kill me thank you if I need to die quick because I feel like red is gonna be at our base and I will be here to defend now I don't really trust my team at all to stop these boys jump at him Guzzi jump at him no towards them oh wait why is this guy here okay I think not okay blue is still above us okay did they drop they did Sweden and they're dead nice job teammates I don't know if the team did anything it looks like he kind of walked off on his own but you know what could job teammates okay blue beds gone I think someone was Team griefing them because their entire bed defense was gone I think it's the guy up there because he's not attacking me he's kind of just like cheering me on yeah I'm guessing that guy's a team grief I'll take it I'll take it we got one blue player left yeah and he's standing up there he's not doing anything it seems okay my teammate died to him he must be at his base hopefully hasn't been gearing up too much he's been kind of on his own for a while we've been fighting blue he he's a little bit lower on health which is good there's a silver fish get him silver fish he has a gold no but I think that's fine perfect hello ghullam are you giving me a victory hug let's go oh he's gone well I was gonna do it for better words today hopefully you enjoyed it if you did smash like in sub we'll see you next video goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 401,444
Rating: 4.9748311 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, leaderboard, challenge, gb80
Id: nAi1uNzWqEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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