playing bedwars until my random teammate parties me

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what's up everybody welcome back to game reward video today we're playing bill battle just kidding I don't do anything but bed Wars here we are gonna be playing some bed Wars I'm already in a game okay great I'm with mr. T monster Vietnam so this is super cool I want a teammate please but you're but like I'm here like why are you saying that you want a teammate to your teammate well at least he got his wish don't say I never did anything for anyone so I just woke up from a nap I drank some caffeine to force myself to get a little energetic and I'm recording YouTube videos this is gonna be super fun that's why my voice sounds a little lower than normal it's morning voice it's game rody morning voice it's not morning though it's like 9 p.m. however it's morning cuz cuz nap and that is how my first horse of the day goes I fail it my teammates there though he did get a kill I mean to be fair he only had to deal like six damage to somebody and then he died my teammate had TNT too if only he got it down I've been so good I have no way through this defense I don't have tools or anything and this guys teleporting around uh hello ok maybe that's my Wi-Fi he's not even looking at me ok I need it ok no wait a minute hang on this is not good ok well that guy actually made a decent play jumping over me my teammates started bridging mid did he not see that we failed our first rush like I feel like we should be targeting these people don't come bid until it's done this guy's still teleporting all over again maybe it's my internet but the other people aren't teleporting all over so I don't think it is so hey this guy's low ground so he can hit me first but I did get the kill on him this guy's gonna teleport right past me well he's I got a couple of kills well my teammate still bridges mid this is so upsetting all right I have one way through this team and that is if I get a TNT it looks like recently my teammate decided to take all the generator and they're back this is bad news if I could get a kill on this guy real quick and then hopefully hope that his teammate does not also get over here I'm ok so far this is kind of a tough first a rush ok and hopefully I can not get hit off here ok we good and then I want this I'm just gonna go from the far side I can probably get it there we go ok took a few tries but I was able to I almost got a kill on that guy too I don't know why he turned around mid-fight maybe he's like yeah whatever I don't need to hit this guy anymore I'm I'm good I'm good and they are gonna rush this is good this is good news because we want them out of the game and this guy's still teleporting all over how low is this guy he's not half health now so he's still doing pretty good I took a lot of fall damage so I'm about the same health as him cool half heart well we got the first rush took way too much effort it's too early in the day normally I don't take naps because sure like taking the nap is good but waking up is so painful from a nap like normally it's not it's not so great like in the morning for me morning is like 6:00 p.m. but that's besides the point like waking up from a night's sleep it's not it's like bad but not too bad waking up from a nap oh my god I'd rather like take a bullet to both my feet then then wake up from a nap it's so bad I prefer to just die while taking the nap as opposed to wake up from the nap okay well we have sharp my teammate kill the guy who was inked it looks like and start moving in the next team which I guess is gonna be aqua just because they're they being annoying um can I make it to this diamond Jen that would be super cool not even close not even close I would just go to the diamond Jen and then go to aqua from there but I do kind of need some materials cuz I have zero I have a TNT that that's what all I give you some blocks and maybe closer to an iron armor yeah most iron armor alright let's start making moves I see one Onkel guys gonna chase me up here no he's not yes he is um that's fine honestly if he stays over there then I have a little bit of an advantage actually no neither aqua players even here is that okay that's him and got the bed and unfortunately was able to get the one tap on me at least my teammate put some stuff in the team chess so I can just take it out of there and use it myself I mean still he's kind of been a newa since by taking the Jen and just leaving me with the first rush alone but hey I was I was able to steal some materials from it and that that's what's important here um this guys coming up to fight us why oh wait I'm in a 2v1 right now I don't like this I died I think my teammates there to KO the last guy no no my teammates not dang it teammate I did so much I put him down to one and you actually wasn't on one he was on five but pretty much a one tap you know what I mean you know what I mean okay Oh get him don't worry you don't worry he gone and who we got we have green and yellow still fighting and then it looks like blue team as well who's over here is that diamond armor that is diamond armor okay well he's probably gonna go to our base if I'm being totally honest but don't worry my teammate found the void so he's gonna be at her base to defend right that's gotta be what it means I can probably get this bed here this is gonna be real close I have my nerf GG I can't do it good way yes I can I just had to kill that guy okay this is gonna take a while but I'll at least get the bed and I don't know where my oh wait yes this guy didn't go to my base you came back to his leg back please okay let's try this again where I don't like back on a bridge and then fall off this is a tough one v1 though because well I guess it's not tough I shouldn't say that but this guy a lot of gear go to red where's he at at this very moment in time because he could be going to our base in which case then this isn't good pumpkin boy 36 this guy has boy and then two numbers after his name meaning he's really really good so it is a little bit concerning I'll get prot and a trap I'll at least be able to know if he's about to break our bed let's get a diamond sword it's cuz diamond swords are cool oh no way my teammate did something he got a KO on the enemy on the blue guy in fact as well so that's super cool alright I'm pretty much stacked out of my mind I have prot 1 diamond armor sharp 1 diamond sword jump in speed so pretty much if I ever get low I can just jump boost away and then eat me up some gaps I have 5 gaps and my team had already made a bridge to yellow so we can just go ahead and use that good job teammates he died did green though did green kill my teammate at yellow base well what are you doing get out of here thought he could take some M's and make it back to his base absolutely not okay let's go take out some beds oh my god that's how my teammate died he died too mr. Bowman over here please don't shoot me please don't shoot me I'm helping you out here I'm taking out yellow unless you guys are cross teaming in which case that's illegal dude I'm gonna report you to the FBI the FDA the Food and Drug Administration I'm gonna report you to them I'm just gonna use these to go break another bed as opposed to get final kills because who cares about final killing yellow right it's like they'll die eventually they'll probably fall in the void or blow themselves up with team see who knows this is actually not so great you know boys hindsight is always 20/20 and in hindsight I really should have just jump boost it up and waited for blindness to end instead of getting jumped out of nowhere because if I was able to see that guy coming I could have like done something about it but I didn't see that guy coming so I just let myself get one tapped off the edge yes teammates shoot that bow do it you got this man just keep shooting I mean to be fair he did get a kill that's pretty cool you have any gold we do that's awesome let me get some pots let me get a magic milk fireball blocks all right I think I have everything I need let's start with jump in speed and then I'll drink the magic milk and then I will drink at the in viz and we should be all set unless I get bowed if I die if I get hit by a bow and then I'm not in busy anymore I'll be kind of sad but I think I'll be okay these guys have these guys had to trap last time which is why I wanted magic milk I didn't want to get exposed by the by the by the traps of these people so let's break that and then okay wait this guy does see me but I think I'll be okay yeah wait where's the where's the bed where am I I think they misplaced the bed defense and it totally threw me off there they're probably gonna run back into their base but I think my teammates are my singular teammate and I can take a 1v2 sorry to be too cool and I saw a lot of health rats they called me well actually what do we think he said rats does he like calling me a rat or is he saying like rats you know something along lines like shucks I can't believe I lost that man I hope I hope my teammate if I get one is gonna be decent because they we had a few parties here that all look really sweaty so this is gonna be it there's gonna be a mess of a game who did I get sang sang woke oh three huh yes this is good and we're going up against white team here oh yes I was just thinking that okay so here's my really my only way of winning is getting a TNT immediately and blocks taking out this first team all they're both coming Oh God teammate come on be present got him did I get him I didn't he block clutched okay so we're gonna trade beds here but I think we'll be okay I can't cuz I can get this bed I definitely can get this bed I put myself in a really bad spot all right I'm just gonna leave no I'm not okay we're fine we're fine we're fine so their bed is gone I'm super low yes okay I think this is okay I think I can clutch I just need em s I just took out GC MN they have matching names and they're both four letters which just will just scream sweat so I'm kind of glad it went that way I mean it would be better if I didn't lose my bed but then again I'm just gonna be on the run all game okay I'm I'm on my own well I'm not on my own I still have sang-mook god knows what he's gonna do he'll probably be in the void in a couple seconds I was thinking of trying to just run from that guy that I fought over there but I was kind of trapped and if I tried to run I'd get hit off you know so I was like stuck down here in the stupid spot so I can get pots now which is real good okay I'm gonna get prot and I'm actually gonna get he'll pool the reason I got he'll pool is it's not too bad here I can at least like run back to my base if I'm low and then I can heal up quickly using the regen there because that is what he opal does and thank you camera buddy for explaining what heal pool is but Gibble's not too bad if you don't have a bed when you have a bed he'll pools kind of stupid there's a yellow team I'm gonna I'm gonna jump in vis I think I'm gonna end this now and I'm gonna run to his base I don't I just don't want this guy to know that I drank a pot and ran he's gonna be confused and not know where I am this is good totally bamboozled I'm such a mastermind of tricking people and their beds gonna go I'm not gonna lose this I don't lose I've never lost these before yellow didn't have a bad I'm such an idiot remember when I said I was a mastermind okay well I'm gonna drink some speed and I think I want to fight this this yellow player somewhere around mid I don't know where he is though I just have quite a bit of gear and I'd like to take advantage of it now before he has a lot of gear I wish I had a fire box he's building up over there actually is he gonna go take out oh he is okay hang on uh hang on jump in vis I see yellow team is gonna try and take out pink which is perfect because now I can go and try and take out yellow and pink at the same time so this is this is a good moment this is a good moment for for Gamble eight and sorry I had to I'm sorry I know that like we're both here trying to take this team out but you're just the biggest threat all right and let's get out of here and they both blasted up which is good for me all right cool he's gone and then I just have to take a 1v1 against the sky which he has like no gear at all so if I lose this is mega embarrassing okay all that's left is one grey guy named bedrock I'm not too worried about losing I'm just gonna get a pearl speed potions or they might be better I'm just worried about getting fireballed off on my way back to mid cuz I don't know where this guy is man that sounded like I just said I don't know where the sky is that would be pretty scary if I didn't order this guy hey there's bedrock no don't do it no don't do it please bedrock my boy I'm sorry well that's a game against a bunch of sweats good times here here in bed war either way let's see who our teammate is this time infector OG name bro really okay least this guy isn't making that name in hopes that it's an OG name because I just make fun of people that like throw a bunch of suffixes and prefixes on all the words and then just hope it's an OG name oh my god well my teammates actually there so that's not too bad he got a TNT down but that's not gonna do anything they're just gonna toss him all over it okay well one guy's coming to our base I should be able to KO him though this guy all right well he's gone my teammate died a full damage dang it my team I was pretty close to getting it I think this is another pretty sweaty start they almost suicided me but they didn't I think I'd get the bed here got him perfect we just want to make sure that these people die before white team gets to us they are at the diamond generate now so we should hurry up here actually my teammate did mad work two and six okay I should be able to clean don't nobody have nobody got nobody yeah they did have a an iron sword but we all good we all good my teammate says nice thanks dawg my teammates actually pretty dang good even though I got the bed in both finals my teammate did so much work like as far as distracting he did this thing where he like built up a whole bunch and made it so they had to stay at their base super helpful then he did help take out white as well so that is so hey hey I actually got a pretty good that never happens but happened this time so I can't say never we do have one guy respawning he has a sharper wood but I should be fine cuz I have a stone so it's practically the same thing I'll buy some sharp which now gives me a pretty dang good sword I still don't have iron armor which I really do want well this game went really quick pink just took out gray so it's only pink left I just need to grab some gear and I should be able to go get them I can get iron armor sweet and I'll get a better pic and let's head over already have brought two as well as sharp and a traps I really don't need to buy anything with those diamonds I'll just save them for later I'm gonna start building up I guess I don't all my tomatoes are both pinks here I see one pink with diamond armor but they don't have prot which really isn't I mean diamond armor without prot is not that good of gear they have obsidian they have obsidian of course they do I'll just keep breaking it make sure it's full it is full I have similar gear to this person through the have diamond armor but my sharp stone as well as wrought iron is just as good I can kill them both they have aa B yes okay he's his obsidian so he sees I think my team is gonna go get a diamond pickaxe I'll just stay here and distract for now I don't I don't have a whole lot I need to do he's just gonna he's just gonna fly he's just gonna flow in the meantime you know the man chillin the man is chillin floating in the air and he gone can I get a gap real quick I'm just gonna leave that guy is he still floating yeah you know man chillin man chillin in the air although I think he's coming back to his base now is he no no he's still floating what am i doing umm I'm gonna break the blocks under him and then uh oh wait shoot that's my bed sorry teammate I should have let you oh wait no my teammates good what an absolute God and then at the floating man disconnected he invited me to his party it's an honor it's an honor dude I get to play with the greatest see ya I prefer to just make fun of my teammates but I can't this guy is legitimately pretty good he's giving me his gold here doing some iron I don't to make that first rush are we doing pro strats here oh yes he is K cool I'll get some more blocks AT&T let me follow you in I mean he does like to bridge which is cool it is a it is it's very safe to bridge high but it is kind of annoying because you don't really have to behind you well I'm just gonna try just watch all right I'm just gonna leave gonna go attack someone else I mean why try it when I can just get carried ok aquas gonna rush white which is cool I'm gonna go to aqua then and see how it works hey are you gonna drop on me he is I think no he's not cool I'll just fight this guy then and I should be able to get to their base this is gonna be close I don't know if I can actually get this bed oh shoot no okay yes we could what are you doing up there ah so good can I get an armor nope that'll be really cool if I could though okay last guy fell in the void does white team have a bed they do that guy's really low okay let's not let's not fail this that would really suck if I failed it okay we good this guy was trying to break his bed his own bed no am I gonna die I'm not I'm not wait what's this guy what's this guy enough to one-shot me my teammate says capital oMG I don't know what that was for I hope that was him being impressed by my tnt jump because I'm doing everything in my power to impress this guy I just want to make a friend dude and mister infector why did pink go get red bed that doesn't make sense I will fight this guy in a bridge if you want or we I guess we don't have to okay goodbye he had three diamonds is this enough for no we're deaf progress oh I only have ten blocks this is enough just enough to get to a base with ten blocks actually 11 I can use this white wall it is enough nice oh my god why'd you put the TNT down teens he jump it worked get out here got him I still can't sprint cuz I'm blinded okay we good and then I should be fine yes very good my teammate says Oh folks Faso fast I think that's how you say swaggity Bagga T and caveman I speak fluent caveman so we just have to take out pink team they don't have a bed i we just have to take him out but can we find them are we gonna lose our bed to them well ones on their way to our base uh I've void probably I kind of trust my teammate though to make it there in time and we have minor fatigue as well yeah we're super fine see ya that wasn't even close and last guys right here so hopefully I can take him out and if not I know my teammate Ken where's he goin always trying to get back to a base not gonna happen actually is probably gonna happen can I hope you eat and he's a bridge because I'm gonna use it to TNT jump okay no he's not going to but that is fine that was stupid of me I'd wasted some time there she's gonna get a diamond sword diamond armor what's he gonna do I don't know what he did just let himself die that's about all teammate says we this might be the last round but maybe not I don't know oh boy for however long I feel like it I I don't know or care thanks for the gold man I'm gonna go with just 48 blocks I think this is enough it should be enough especially if Grey's gonna start bridging as well because then I don't have to complete the bridge entirely all right and we're already there I have 18 blocks left should be enough again this guy's already bridging out and I think he fell in the void yet again so we we're all set we are all set with this first rush I'm just gonna jump down and get the TNT down at least I'll probably yeah I'm definitely to die but I think is Ken my team I get it no I didn't distract good enough let's try this again I'm gonna get some blocks and tools I like to spend my iron on tools right away cuz if I die that way I don't like lose anything because I keep my tools I'm just gonna let my teammates deal with it should I know I probably shouldn't cool and this is all good I should be fine alright he's gone and that guy fell on the void okay cool well I should get the bed I'm just gonna take my time here because last time I jumped down in hopes that I could just like suicide bomb them pretty much but I should be all good now they almost hit me that was kind of close but as long as I don't take five hearts of fall damage we all good okay we all good I'm just gonna go back and buy sharp it shouldn't help us out we'll need it eventually might as well do it now it'll help us ko gray team I guess it is also important that I hurry back up because if I don't get up there in time then chances are actually my teammate might be able to take out both dang it never mind if I don't get it up here in time then bad things happen I'm gonna get combo'd by both well now they have height advantage on us okay no I think they're just gonna run back no one fell in the void and I got the don't kill for it what did the other guy yo oh they must've been bridging away my team I can take it one be one my team it's not that bad if great team started pushing us like towards our base that could have gotten a little scary just because they were I mean the great team was pretty good but they didn't so we we were able to chill they tried to run in one fell on the void so white took out pink I'm gonna head over here I should be able to get white bed I don't even think that are at their base anymore no I think there were about aqua oh they don't even have a bridge to them okay well let's head over here I have five diamond so I can at least get some prot okay well there's a white team member I'm gonna head up here so it's gonna chase me down most likely I'm just gonna see if I can get to his base in time I'm gonna build up this is gonna be so much fall damage I'm going to lose my bed hang on I don't want to actually fight this guy right now because if I die yeah okay aqua got aqua aqua cross maps us really if it was white team like I'd kind of understand it was shocked Oni dyed to blue oh no my teammates are sorry it's okay I will I will clutch from me my teammate we have such a fat win streak oh and I think mine's too right now oh wait this guy's here waiting for me get out here yeah oh my god here eight emeralds for me thanks man what a guy what do you guy okay let's get to a base I need to get some gear how do I get to a base quickly I this is fine I think yeah since we went to mid or like close to mid I think och was like I guess I'll just go to this base cuz why not white follow you oh no white follow me Frick dude where they be oh that's a lot of that's more hang on okay well he can follow me now if he wants I have diamond armor headed a sharp iron sword oh they're both here Oh Frick yeah oh that that went a whole lot better than I was expecting okay I need a clutch for my teammate for my teammates although I also don't want to take too long because I don't my teammates await and that's that's just rude if I make my teammate wait okay I'm very stacked right now I have a really good gear sharp iron prod aiman I mean I have a bunch of gaps blue team you really oh he fireball Dwight I guess that's okay well does this guy want to fight because like because we can fight no one at white base uh shout blue go to white base they are not today I feel like this guy's waiting for someone is he waiting for his teammates I can invis out I just don't really feel like I should this guy probably has a fireball so I'm scared to go on a bridge but I could try and and bail out bail out of here where did that fiery ball come from okay I'm out see it I mean if that guy's gonna stand there and try and like camp me I could just leave I don't I mean I don't need to be here he's gonna build up that's fine see ya I'm just gonna keep going I guess I'll start running to white base again I have so much gear I'm not I'm not worried about dying to a 1v1 if they're both at their base it could get a little troublesome but again I'm not too worried here um well should I pearl on him oh wait I think the other white players there that's okay I was at least able to kill that guy I'm gonna risk it all I don't I don't think I need to I don't need to end this here I should be fine especially pas on fire I don't really take as much KB I do take a lot of damage apparently what I'm out probably should gap okay I'm not gonna die but I am kind of low and that is unfortunate what's gap again good thing I got nine gaps am i right I just like invest all my gold into gaps it's it's better than a bow in my opinion bows really never come in handy only when I have like so much gold I get a bow just just for fun but if I'm like if I ever need to sweat I always get gaps cuz I mean just being able to heal back to full after every fight is so important so we got one blue guy we have both whites nobody has a bed so I just need to start Kay owing people and we win I see white white team right here yeah they're gonna fireball me that's fine I'm gonna try again I'm gonna see if they fire ball again they are I'm just kind of hoping that they use all their fireballs now they probably have another one what do we think okay another one oh my goodness okay now I'm gonna in viz and they should be a little worried check it check it check and check it no I didn't get behind him that's that said that is said pearl oh no he blocked clutched I'm going down to get him I wasn't gonna let him escape the only worry now is if the other guy okay one way that mid I got to get up quick before he jumps down and crits me out okay we good that was kind of risky jumping now to get him but I didn't want him to survive on the on the wall if he comes back up he has a chance of killing me I jumped down after him we could have just ended it there and we did so all I have to do is take out this last guy just this just one more 1v1 and I think I'll be okay he is up here so I at least see him but have anything else I don't that is gonna be a lot of fall damage okay we didn't so many fireballs so many fireballs what are you doing what are you doing oh I I mean I can just go to a base I guess I think I will I don't know um I just have so much stuff I have a single block so if I get fireballed off here I'm kind of screwed gotta watch him for fireballs okay I should be okay I have so much stuff I'm almost a prot 3 I will get more gaps I went through all mine let's get out one pearl and even though pearl isn't super helpful I'll get a full set of pots as well again I feel like at this point the only reason I'm gonna die is if I is if I get fireballed off and I'm on that and I'm unable to block clutch on the side of a wall which I should be able to block on the side I'm gonna watch this guy and see if he goes in vis if he does then actually I'm just gonna go in vis now and chase after him and see what happens this guy might go in business well in which case we'll have an invisible but we'll find out here in a sec what's gonna happen um do I still see him I do I hit him I was hit too okay well now we're just Oh well that happened I was a little afraid of the fight but didn't need to be thank you speed potion and teammate says I think that's what that face means okay well do one more game with me and with me and my boy infector because I don't feel like ending our little party were having on him having to be clutched it's just not fair because like my teammate isn't someone who needs to be clutched I think he just got in a bad position when we lost our bed which happens to everyone it's happened to me many of times let's break this bed and see if we can win a 2v2 here hopefully cool that worked out super well and I was able to actually get a lot of iron from that so I have tools and more blocks my team is gonna try and diagonal god bridge or something okay well one pink is going to gray the other pink is placing way too much defense so there should be a nice little bed over here I don't think I'll die especially if this guy runs back into his base and just lets me have his bed Yatim oh wait I was running into a wall so I can't sprint okay cool he almost survived by going onto the other bridge we got some some prot okay looks like gray is actually building up there right there they're probably gonna drop on me well they don't have a bed well I can fight this guy who's still in his base I think I don't know what he's doing I just even have any diamonds he doesn't even diamonds what was he doing he's just browsing the catalogue you know what's to buy today what's on sale you have any specials oh I hate that question well this guy's gonna you you get him dog go go get pink bed you you will you will get this bed poor guy he had one goal in life and I was to break a bed just couldn't do it for a couple reasons I killed him and also there wasn't a bed there to begin with okay red team it's just it's pretty much just us left Wow okay so we have a wood and then n stone bed defense which sucks because my pickaxe can't really break end stone I'm gonna head back I think I don't have a singular diamond what if I do that and then that and I didn't get it off I have a little bit of time and we're gonna fireball and then we're gonna break it that works it works it works okay I'm gonna gap and see if this guy runs out to fight me on the bridge okay that guy's just given up and then can i how do I take knock-back in that direction I'll take it I'll take it the other guy was actually pretty good so I'm I don't know why he gave up so quickly and he actually had a chance of getting a kill on me the other guy not so much well we're left with a singular man's left who I don't know where he is last one at green okay cool thanks teammate for letting me know well let see if I can get over there in time but my teammate might actually take him out before I can even get over there oh wait this guy's at the diamond Jen go teammate nice job team it you did good work GG's and the guy that found the void says ahahahahaha he thought that was so funny that he slipped off the edge and lost the bed wars game well I didn't record one of my legendary outros so I guess this will be my outro thanks for watching like and sub bye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 917,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo queue, doubles, bedwars, gamerboy80, bw, gb, 80, gb80, minecraft, mc, hypixel, challenge, leaderboard
Id: dT8YW90TYdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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