the luckiest tnt jump | hypixel bedwars

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what's up everybody it is I you cube gamer boy he bringing you more YouTube thanks for tuning into today's video could you ever guess that were playing bed Wars let's go ahead and make this first rush I haven't played in like a week maybe a week and a half so a little rusty here but hey we'll get right back into it it's like riding a bike you know you take it you take a break but you'll always remember how to do it I think this is the part of a video where most youtubers would be like hey I took a while off of youtube but you know at least I'll start uploading more now but I can't promise anything like okay you kidding me like I uploaded a video today because you're seeing this today so let's just focus on the here and now okay who knows what I'm uploading next time I'm uploading today okay this guy's gonna build up he does have TNT so we don't want him dropping any fat tnt's on our base see ya okay that was that was easy enough alright I ran back to get to buy that praten trap I guess it's time to start rushing other bases I think that's what we're supposed to do if you look in chat awkward disconnected probably because yellows above them with TNT and aqua realized I'm done I can't play this game anymore I'm out I lose just they admitted defeat it's fine it's all good now if aqua could just stay over there for a while I mean yellow if yellow could stay over there for a while that'll be real good I think they're going to as well yeah that's awesome so this is a bed I also I'm gonna have enough time to get some sharpness and are they gonna go to my base cuz if so I can just avoid I'm I have like wool and a stone sword is that are they coming to my base yeah there I'll just void okay so I have enough fur gaps don't sort and block so I'll gap up now wears yellow did he run back oh he went mid okay I guess that's fine it's fine that he went mid but it's not fine if he gets back to his base with em scuzz then in vis and and diamond swords and and scary things so as long as I can just kill him before he gets back to it actually I don't think he's even going to his base is going to green but why okay cool he didn't even have any M's on him what was he doing and oh wait okay this guy is aware of me I thought he was just gonna head back to his base hey that's a lot of diamonds for four full diamonds get out here wait where did I land ah okay at least we killed each other there which means heat into the diamonds so he still doesn't have sharp so we're we're still chillin very were very chill at this moment he's probably gonna head back to this balloon okay yeah I just want to stay above him as long as I can do that then I'm definitely not above him right now okay he dropped I can fight him though that's fine all right just send him right off the map help I ran out of blocks bad news boys ran out of blocks hopefully doesn't have a trap he doesn't we are good that was stupid of me okay we're fine we're fine I was running into the his bed defense meaning I couldn't sprint which was giving him like infinite hits but luckily I was able to combo once I got away from that block should i void is our point avoiding I put all my stuff away just in case I need to but I don't think I need to I'll just try and get over to red base I guess I should have bought blocks blocks are sometimes necessary in the bed war game but but not me for some reason like I had everything I needed to buy blocks and and upgrade my materials but for some reason I felt like putting everything away and just going with nothing um yes okay red is right there 1 2 3 4 5 is that enough it's not hey come back like I don't have enough blocks to get over to you so I'm gonna need some assistance man you good actually no I ran out of blocks and need help oh he's coming to kill me he doesn't want to wait for me to answer his question he just wants to kill ah ok cool wait that didn't help me at all he says oh ok no please yes I got a block ok this is so good that's one all right hopefully this thing flies over to me it did um - can I pick up this block no ok that's another one that should be enough I should have enough to get over there sweet we can act we can get to red actually we can only get to the diamond Jen then I'm gonna need more blocks to get up to his base where is your knock back for diamonds shy go spend them I don't really need to spend the Diamonds out but I do need to buy some block and also the stupid things that I'd put away in my under chest I can take back out why did I do that anyway alright well that's a good thing to buy with for how about maniac minor Ironforge the best materials I'm gonna use some clay because I've accidentally bought it so why not I'll just build up with it and smack wait that didn't help me at all I was hoping to block him off but that's not at all what happened I should be fine now what's he doing Oh is he he's out I don't know why he threw all his materials off when he did that it's like what is that gonna help he has minor fatigue I'm gonna back up why did he check his diamonds and everything he could've at least left it on the diamond Jen area cuz that way at least say he kills me he could go get it now if he kills me keke when he runs out there none of his materials will be there so there's nothing for him to do alright this guy's just block hitting and sitting next to a wall yeah all right I just have better gear than him we good don't hit me good I'm gonna gap one more time hopefully I don't think he has enough to buy anything no he doesn't because I recently took his gun there we go it's good to be back baby he's good to be back alright where you're on everyone's favorite Maps solace you could also call this map redhead smash like if you understand that joke also it's just a joke we love you if you have red hair and wear a green team I think he's still in his generator so we're gonna oh my god why didn't I break that bad what am i doing okay it's gone now we're fine it's all good no worries no worries we all good also I'm gonna die no I'm not blue you better look out Reds there no he's not looking out he's very not looking out the problem is I want to get oh wait why did he use his TNT he didn't need to he sure did though well I've no use being over there I haven't well I have it kid I was on purpose I was gonna say I I have a use being over there I just I don't have any way to get over there but I guess I have no use being over there now now that I jumped in the void ok let start making moves over to that base aqua which is on my other side took out whites meaning that eventually there'll be a threat to me I think they're gonna take some time to recover no maybe they're gonna fight pink which that's exactly I want that is exactly what I want another piece of good news that makes everyone smile red is also not doing anything so what if I just like break his bed while he's not looking you didn't make sure it changes spray or paint or whatever that is let's change it back it's a high pixel logo pink Kanako are still fighting if I was a smart boy I'd go back to my base and go to aqua first seeing as Ock was like the closest base to me however I ain't no smart boy so so we go in pink first and also Pink's right here can I fireball him off dang it I was hoping you'd run forward a little bit more buddy didn't run for it anymore so I have to kill musing my sword oh I obtained praten in a trap which is super exciting I'm gonna toss everything else awakes I don't think I need it and I guess I'll use red blocks just to try and confuse aqua right now he probably thinks I'm on yellow team but once I start placing red blocks he's gonna have no idea what team I'm on and it would be so confused that he won't play the game anymore that's the goal at least also what's he doing sitting in his base and how did I get to TN t--'s I don't think I bought these I think someone had them in their ender chest but what good is TNT in your ender chest why do you put it in your under chest I don't know there's one TNT there's another TNT Kate probably took a lot of TNT damage so I actually took a lot of teams he damages all right we're here on holo they named this map after my head someone saying gamer boy ad someone says mmhmm oh no oh no this isn't good oh no we got another gamer boy holy Frick someone wants screen e you're not supposed to target me this is why I plan other account that way and you don't you don't get the targets oh no oh I fell that's really bad I'm just gonna jump over to this guy's base are we gonna trade beds I think we are I think he's just gonna head over to my base which I guess that's fair I mean if he really wants to break my bed he can who knows well I got the prod and I got a stone sword I think that's good enough for now I also have a gap if I take it too much damage it's time to get some M's once I get em s I win I think it's solo mode so M zequals win this guy does have an iron sword but we are fine yeah like in doubles and fours if you get em s it's not a guaranteed win because again like a 2v1 is really difficult to win if both players are competent yellows mid so ok that was kind of scary I messed up all my block placements and we good though I ran well I think I'm just gonna go to yellow team um I guess I'll be stopped if they either die or void I won't be able to get over to him but I think I'll be ok get in their bed I think it looks like he a red considered going to my base it looks like but then red probably realized I didn't have a bed so they gave up let's see what should we do probably diamond armor iron sword gaps at least I can survive fights Hollow isn't really a map where you have to worry about getting hit off fireballs are still a problem because fireballs are always a problem I'm gonna start bridging towards mid I see both yellow and pink over at green base so I think they're about to fight they did very good alright cool yellow I got pink bed for me so I didn't have to do any other work which is always what I prefer I just want to collect some more diamonds cuz you know diamonds sharp prot everything's great because I already have diamond armor and an iron sword I don't think I'm gonna lose any PvP encounter unless I get hit off because I suck at pro clutching but as of right now I have a pearl and a full set of pots so if I lose a PvP encounter like on land not on a bridge then that's just kind of sad yellow is in mid so I want to head over to them Oh everyone's in mid hello this guy's gonna run or something got him there's one okay let's see what Pink's gonna do is pink gonna run over here let's do speed and jump got him that was actually really close he was blocked kidding and I was not and he actually got me down to one and half hearts but hey we got the win I think I'm in a rush I'll be this game cuz why not like why would I not rush obviou like like what else could I do take out teams like come on now should I rush great first nah ha now why would I do that we're playing insane dude we're going straight Bobby you know like I'm speed bridging to the abbey which doesn't make a whole lot of sense cuz I'm gonna get here and there's not even gonna be enough MS for a B I need to wait 50 more seconds so I don't know why I rushed this way oh no grace come to my base grace stop it please I just wanted some obsidian you don't need to come after me he fell good you listened he's like a actually you convinced me you're right I don't have to go after you alright let's throw a layer of wool over our bed I'm gonna build up and then and gray is also gonna build up are we gonna trade beds so we can trade beds if you want okay he just suicided which i think that's better for me than him I don't know for sure but like what if we just get past him is he gonna come back to his base he is cool let's fight close I guess I'll break his bed my plan to Raja B next game I will okay it will work just not at this moment this game this won't work cuz this guy tried to rush me and he's a Meany pants who rushes Eataly at the start of the game not me never never what I've never done that before oh no wait I think I lose my bed actually I'm most likely am I'm not this quick it looks like Ock was on his way over and I really can't get back to my base in time I'm trying so hard no I'm not even close said well aqua doesn't have a bed though so I think I can just end him here that's what you get man why'd you do it why you didn't have a bed what made you feel like I gotta take out pink I've really got pink angers me pink is the color of anger but I guess I'll collect my should I still buy ah be like I was playing why not I just I just buy I'll be blocked myself in with it or something I mean what else would I do with you I'll be actually probably just not buy it in the first place that's what else would I do with the a B okay yellow made it mid from their base it looks like from their base yeah okay um see you coming up he is I'm gonna jump down and hope he doesn't come after me I don't think he's coming after me no he's not all right let's go to yellow base and break their bed they're the only team that has a bed left so why not just break it why not see ya okay uh here's the play I'll buy a diamond sword because diamond swords are so good how about speed jump in vis as well I don't have a pearl so fireballs are a big problem for me but other than that I think we're fine let's find our M&E players Emma knees okay I found one I found an M&E going in vis oh he's running this isn't good because if he runs forever then I won't be able to catch him so so he better stop running and let me catch him okay oh wait this yes you came back to me thanks man like I didn't think he could hear me but uh maybe he could maybe my voice just echoes throughout the game maybe everybody in this game right now can hear me hello Bonnie blankie tank I'll be so cliff he said hey and chat like just just hi well he said I will lose so that's close enough to hi so it looks like he's at grey base right now our boy bonnie planky well i'll try and run over here and hope he doesn't fireball me okay he doesn't let's get some jump in viz chug the inves he's coming in okay chug the jump speed he doesn't know oh my god he's fired balling he's smart he knows how to play wait no he doesn't he know he absolutely doesn't I changed my mind what is he oh my god that was so planned he definitely meant to do that I can't do this we good let's move what's he doing this guy's just way too good at the game my boy Bonnie planky gate to gaps instead of one that's how good he is he's double good Gigi's that was the only explosives well not on Speedway I guess I'll rush I'll be another video I don't I don't feel like rushing out bad it's don't wanna Speedway is for speedy rush okay not not all be rush it's not called the Augie way if it was called I'll be way yeah I'd rush up I'll go for a TNT jump instead nice I'll get TNT jumping just like I suck at rushing ah be so so I guess to make up for uh for that I'll TNT jump probably miss but maybe not okay what are you doing you're building way too high man all right we're going for it we're so good we're so good let's do it got him God oh okay yeah okay now I know why people TNT jump it's not because it's good it's so satisfying when it happens okay gray got killed by red and also got their bed destroyed by red so I guess red is my first target here I'd like to pick up a few M's on the way over boom I got exactly a few also Reds gonna be ink over to me um do I have to fight this guy I do that's fine I think that's fine okay I hit him really far not just a little far really far away he doesn't have a trap um just cuz I don't want to lose my my precious medals that was a mistake I mean I guess it wasn't really a mistake because I still have my precious medals but he did get that first hit which then gave him a million hits after that that's just how combos work in bed Wars because you have nothing to break a combo with like you don't have eggs or snow balls or a fishing rod or a bow well I guess you can't have a bow why would I have a bow though like why would anyone have a bow let's kill red that's that's what I'm trying to get at here it's time for red to experience Megadeth just normal death Megadeth I think that's a band is it cool well I'm just gonna wait here read you want to go in oh my god he actually is gonna go in he's actually gonna go in he's insane he's insane he's helping me out thanks main and that almost still killed me how many times was I hit with that stone sword three times and I went down to one and half hearts I've been playing better words for three years and I still question why Sharp swords deal so much damage it's like when will I learned that they are powerful ok let's try my new strat I'm gonna bring him out to here I'm just gonna run past him ok he was lighting so many hits on me but it's gonna work it worked yes let's go I was trying to run past but he just like was not missing a single swing which kind of was good on his part but stupid on my part I should have swung back like once all right it worked where is yellow though Oh at their base ok well yellow you want to fight I have half health so you can probably win I don't have speed anymore either he's going not on my watch no he's doing it he's going he's not stopping this man is insane little does he know I'm right behind him he's gonna have to fight maybe he didn't think I was so close nice block clutch man that'll do it he says bad I'm so sorry dude I'm so sorry well that's gonna do it for this episode of bed Wars smash like and sub to me thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 561,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, challenge, bw, gamerboy80, gb, 80, gb80, minecraft, mc, leaderboard
Id: q_SREgW_824
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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