tactical crossteaming in bedwars

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finger warm up i warmed him up bro i'm warm i mean the thing is in australia it's like never not warm so they're normally warmed up but like my abilities aren't i wasn't really talking about temperature i was talking about like you know before uh what's a reference you know before a piano play for you to warm up your fingers i'm sorry but what made you think that i would know about piano you might just seem like a pianist look i uh i am not musically inclined let me just say that i bet you are oh my god i almost jumped off on my own i'm just i'm just not like i would give you an example of me singing but i don't think you deserve that like you won't you you can you can be good at music and not be good at singing no but like that's probably something i'm the best at out of music oh singing nice i did i did percussion in in high school band pikachu yeah yo but i'm one of those people where i'm also really good at singing so like just you may never hear me sing but just know that if you did it would be really good well look all i'm saying is congratulations got by game of way 80. that kind of popped off yeah people were sharing it i said don't share it you have to just leave it here at the very end of sweaty saturday like 47 or something and and then people just started sharing oh i was like i was like this is only for people who make it to the end of the sweaty saturday and i'm not gonna lie that's not something i did yeah and no but nobody makes at the end of sweaty saturday not a single person at the end of the study and uh and were they all yours that i was in and the two that get that blundell were in awesome he really got me i mean he knows your nickname wait what team is that pink i better kill him pink yeah i've been going for them oh nice thanks i got him don't please don't oh i did it i did it no it's okay it happens my reputation you were the reason why it was gonna be good you're the reason we took out our first rush so what yep that was me i i closed my eyes like i blinked and they're just not here anymore they're not with us all right well one green is at the balloon coming back to you nice nick oh he's also pointing out that we're nicked they're they're doing really good out here oh he voided dude nice block glitches thanks i did my best you're actually right you opened the oh no i killed the first green and i somehow got four diamonds and nine emeralds oh yeah that was for me oh that's not good and then i died with other guys so now they still have those resources this is not so good don't worry uh it'll it'll be fine i don't even have iron armor no oh god and we have like no diamonds no diamonds there should be a enchantment that um decreases your knock back hmm no i don't think so because then that's just another way of not being able to tell anti-knockback right now we already have leg we have to decide whether it's the leg or anything now we have to decide if it's sheets or the enchantment don't knock me off please oh that's oh i block clutched i didn't i didn't actually i landed on your block clutch on like the side of the balloon or something i totally thought that i was dead and then also when i landed on a balloon or on a block that was placed down the balloon who are you white t i'm going to say gamerboy80 and sammy green wait where are you both greens are here i uh look i i all right i killed them both don't worry oh you died doing it oh okay okay yeah i thought you like start going started going left or something i'm like wait are you just off playing around no i'm i'm not here to stuff around game of thrones wait i'm i am absolutely here to win i'm gonna follow you though because actually i probably shouldn't because then they're gonna pass us yeah you don't don't know which i have zero blood but hang on they probably have hobby now don't they let's find out yeah yeah they have full lobby i killed a guy with a fireball somehow yeah nice i uh i'll take responsibility for the obsidian that's my phone so you collected the m's and then gave it delivered them to me literally two there thanks a lot it's like uber eats but you don't need it you like put it on your bed hmm uber bedroom sheets yeah oh there you go there you go dude that's that's awesome yeah i think we could go we can go pro with that where did he go right here okay well i have diamond picked you want to come on over or no yeah yeah i got one as well so just whoever's in the best position to do the break so wait how many blocks do you have 54 okay so what we could do is we could just both go try and kill them to start which should happen since they don't have any prod and then we just completely block up their their uh their bases oh yeah oh one once again all right yeah those draw let's drop let's drop we gotta smell oh i threw out my iron sword that's not a very good play by gamer avoiding oh he picked up my iron sword and it took away his wooden swords he was hitting with his fist it was a good play by gamer voidy this whole time oh my god he makes no mistakes oh okay everybody makes no mistakes meanwhile i let them unblock themselves from their base and attack both of us look you did it for just long enough i actually it was very it was a close call that's like the reverse of the um um perk in skywars where if you're like hitting someone with a fist you can like get their sword it's the you just did the exact opposite of that in bed wars i'm blocking leave it leave it to me block it oh my dude dude that was uncool i should have let you come get some content no no no no the the the myth the myths are not not false game of the 80 is the carry god oh you already you already lobby it's not as funny then i was spamming gg oh wait you're definitely one one one two yeah you're there all alone but i did turn off my my nick hider so now our names are matching oh that's perfect that is perfect oh well hi i thought i could help well i only have a wood pick so this thing gonna work out super well is it probably not but i wish you well wait ah was above them oh i died but i did kill both of them so come on aqua go go akka please oh he's trying to punch down the end stone he he's no help he's the worst crossing i've ever costumed with oh no he's oh my god he actually punched it down did he just punch an end stone block aqua literally i distracted white so incredibly good that aqua was able to sneak in and punch down endstone that's insane all right well now for helping me out i have to take him out of the game unfortunate yeah because otherwise you'll be accused for cross teaming or something along those lines true we can't have that happen cannot have that happen you don't want to get banned or even even worse lose youtube there's so much clay here i really want to lose my youtube rank for something really funny like not something that would make people feel like uh what a scummy youtuber but like something that would make everyone laugh like like if i got if i lost my youtube brain for fireballing one of my teammates off in like a randomly queued four before his party that would be funny that would be really funny team griefing is like not allowed and i've done it so many times i'm surprised it hasn't happened yet that's the thing it's probably my priority compared to like she doesn't stuff but let me let me kill these matching skins great timing i'm about to fight one if he doesn't keep running why was fighting one then they stopped i just two tapped him and he was on like more than half hell wait i'm actually gonna die oh god i didn't nice i was just playing around i shouldn't have played around so much die die oh is this team oh yeah you're insane do i have enough time do i yeah you do get your game you gotta attack i gotta tap a and b you know what no finish off oh yeah i see you okay i'm on the bridge i'm kind of just holding this i know i'm back at that bay nice home is where the heart is oh yeah you know white fell oh he has a stone sword now [Music] he's a block hitter doesn't matter well i'm gonna break white pad then they have matching crowns they're both kings apparently i think they took them from us slay king that should go on my soundboard i just slayed a king king slayer i feel like that's that sounds like an achievement of some sort and some that's got to be an achievement in some video game kingsley when he beat the final bosses what was that zach zach just point blank to fireball into my face and then and then left the game and popped oh wait there's only three people left what did you do that is this your fault um well i got pink i didn't get blue i don't know what happened to them i just got that bed now probably oh you did okay but like the the rest of the teams man they just all just vanished i took out aqua and white i think oh i see i did nothing in the meantime oh he was not expecting that he was not oh i am somehow alive look out behind you oh you're coming out to me [Music] hey you got him it was all in the grounds or whatever that was whatever that specific noise was i don't even i don't know what i would call that personally the tribal yell like if you had a few more people holding like torches and and also yelling that i'd think you're like trying to summon something you are the sami green bw that's right you know you can never have too many and you can refer to me as gamerboy twitch i love that so much dude i sent like images of all of our twitch names to it uh dm and it was like purple to steli and me all without oogy names like verified and it's just you with no profile picture gamer boy id twitch dude they're taking so much fall damage what are they doing all right now it's our time to shine it is this is where we go in and we really impress all of the viewers they're like wow all right wait how many tnts do you have zero anymore i'm down it's all of you well i'm not gonna get it oh you lied yeah i was lying i did get very fat comboed by both of them crap uh i can't split i'm i'm frozen am i gonna crash it looks like you're heading towards the gen so you're on your way like you're close i was on my way but well i'm gonna grab i'm gonna grab the gen oh see ya yeah you're gone okay um i think my whole basically is just crap in bed all right you just do your solo commentary thing one all right hey guys welcome back so what commentary episode how many videos have i uploaded let's find out this isn't gonna be my next upload though that's the thing so i'm gonna have to estimate this is episode 410 of bed wars all right so pink is killing white no wait other way around no pink pink pink what's up thank you oh man pink actually did something super smart i was going for white and they could have killed me but they decided to not kill me oh well white did though oh i like that i call that tactical crosstaining because they know that i'm going for white and they're like actually that kind of benefits me yeah hey welcome back thanks i made it oh my god and you spl oh that was perfect timing what a man if you were like one second later i probably wouldn't have split i haven't i would have gotten impatient all right i don't know how to not solo commentate you think it'd be the other way around where i'm like awkward if i'm sorry but like i'm like more awkward when i'm in it no honestly i think i feel the same more like i don't know i've just gotten used to solo commentaries and yeah how do you collab commentary yeah it becomes a lifestyle honestly well i think collabs are more like holding a conversation as opposed to commentary i wouldn't even call it commentary really true holding a conversation is pretty tough it is and then with a solo account you can just cut out when you start yeah yeah like i do every three seconds that's awesome i do my intro like six different times oh god hey good job putting you're doing well wait oh did you see me almost fall off i didn't notice it but i was and i was about to uh cross like a little gap but i was potting while i was crossing the gap so i almost just totally missed the jump oh no wait hang on i'm gonna kill this green guy just because he deserves it i don't know what he did to deserve it but i'm sure he's done something oh he's still alive that's all right i'll let him get the bed oh he placed the tnt for me thanks man everyone's here stop targeting oh we targeted the last team in the game that's my bed oh no jesus jesus wait what was that map that you said yeah gateway i feel like this is like the same man it's similar it definitely looks similar like uh aesthetically and it's gotta fasten as well i don't think it's like structurally the same hey i got a pick and an x so if you get shears then we'll have all the tools covered between us and then one of us will have the tool to break the bed all right what do they got oh they got endstone that leave it leave it to me leave it to me and my did you send him like 20 blocks don't question it what is your what is that who did it to both of them look i have a hypixel in the dms right now and i said hey could you give me knockback 2 on my sword oh he's like back that's not cool yeah because you hit him like 30 blocks probably hypixel doesn't respond to my dms i sent him a good i sent him good morning every morning and he never even tells me good morning back if hypixel is too high profile for you who is he not too high profiled for no good good youtubers oh true forgot about those i feel like they existed he's the type of person to be told good morning and he says thanks in response [Laughter] wait i want to do that to someone now that would someone says good morning just say thanks and so i would have been so impressive so i i generally jitter my left mouse button but if i'm placing blocks with my right mouse button i i butterfly i like mix it up okay i get um butterflying on your right because it does feel more comfortable than left yeah yeah but i don't know how you would even jitter though on on either like littering is just i can't aim with it sometimes i do butterfly on my left mouse button as well whenever i'm feeling spunky it's pixels multiple of them one man multiple pickles all right well he was alone oh you killed this or someone killed his teammate i was pink but blue i'm i mean sorry green uh really actually quite sweaty i'm not gonna lie this man actually knows what he's doing who's coming over to me is that you no it's not you i don't know man like i can kill him but he's like oh good at the game and it terrifies me wait wait do we have a trap um hopefully no now we do we have two actually okay thank you my voice is a man on his way no no i should be fine i should be able to get him okay so i should get green real quick yeah if you can all right well pink's probably pink's probably gonna want us too but i'll go after green to start i'll try oh yeah i'll make it quick wait i think pink's actually on his way yeah i can probably get pink he's on his way to me okay really wait yeah i'm a domino what oh no he did the diamond armor rush he learned he learned from me oh god what is that jelly cubes i got pink that's not what i'm supposed to do at all we're fine oh my god i got fireballed but i didn't die because i can't die they have full lobby green no why are you talking about your favorite music i've been i've been stalling here for a really long time where are you with the diamond pick i'm just here i'm here i was trying to figure out what's going on in the chat all right it took me a little bit all right oh he left okay cool oh yes you took way too long even they decided you took too long all right i'm gonna use cheers you get uh the action pick i i don't even think we're gonna need tools at all to be honest well let's find out one of them left looks like in chat so oh that's i think i'm to be coming in actually i still don't think we're going to need them no oh man the fundy skin got it off just in time the fondy skin that's right i keep up with my popular minecraft youtubers slash streamers impressive man these guys really don't look like they know what they're doing what is this i didn't blow clutch that they're building art oh what he pulled out a jitterbridge oh he saw me oh no the jitterbridge worked that's what people think of us oh god oh god oh god no okay okay everything's gonna be fine no sweat guess what not sweating i swear i'm not sweating i know it kind of sounds like that's not the case i'm not sweating i swear wait that's clay there was clay we were just talking wait when were we talking about is that last game literally yo we were like you know what no one uses clay and i mean look how it worked out for him they're gone exactly that's why where did gray go it went green i was running across this whole map looking for them they really just did not want to be near you they were just like i bet in their little teamspeak call they were just like you know what let's get as far away as possible this guy is dangerous we don't want him oh no they have prod and sharp i don't think i have those oh i got one somehow i just threw a fireball towards that direction i'm hoping i've hit someone it was a decent effort i i saw the fireball if that means you guys made it all the way back to your base or yellow base yeah it was yellow gg
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 285,212
Rating: 4.9712934 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, doubles, crossteam, sammygreen, bed wars
Id: N4kzzVQvQ28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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