becoming nearly unkillable in bedwars

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how's it going everybody welcome back to some more bed wars uh today i've had enough so i will be uh turning my cosmetics off thank you every actually let's take one last look at me with cosmetics i appreciate everyone who got these for me but but i can't deal with it anymore okay it's got to go so if you scroll all the way down i can just turn them off if there's enough anger in the comments section about me removing cosmetics then i'll bring them back but for now they gotta go you ever just want to not die well i'm guessing most of you in the comment section be like no i would like to die always however today we're going to be trying to not die and by doing that we will be rushing protection 4 in bed wars that'll be the first thing we go for other than taking out the very first team we're going to start off on waterfall for this i realized that rushing proud 4 could possibly be a good strategy depending on what map you're on so i feel like waterfall is a great one and i will show you how in just one second i need to take out the very first rush so if i don't do this then i lose my bed and then i mean there's a chance i still lose my bed even if i start rushing prop 4 but this will make it so i lose my bed less quick uh it seems as though they are not playing the game um get out here wait i broke the bed i broke the bed i swear i did i did i did i killed him which is good but he does bridge like a pro according to his name he just never had that opportunity to bridge because i was way too quick so from white based i'm just going to immediately go to the diamond gen to start off my diamond collecting adventure and then i just bridged mid from this diamond gen now from here you have easy access to so many dimensions so many being a total of four so if that's so many to you then so many pretty much what you do is you just bridge from mid to the diamond gen don't fight anyone you can just grab the diamonds and leave there's no reason to fight anybody then i'm gonna head this way too this is right by pink and gray because it looks like they haven't been to their diamond gen either so i can grab those and then i can go ahead and leave then assuming i have enough blocks which i should be able to make this jump i can make it back and i already have enough for grabbing these diamonds i have enough for prot 3 already okay scratch that i only have 11. um but i can grab pro 2 and sharp i feel like the only problem with this strat is the fact that everyone is going to see my wool at their diamond gen and then everyone's gonna get collectively very angry at me if they combine all their anger together it probably adds up to like 100 anger so um like i can keep grabbing diamonds i mean if i get pro 4 like i don't die so it's fine i mean even with prop 2 i'm just not dying to this person they were a final kill two i'll take it i'll take it but i can just grab the diamonds i mean i could easily go get blue bed seeing as they're not at their base and i have a path to them but why do that when i could get prop four so let me just continue uh just scavenging these diamond gens okay i now have enough for um prop 3 and then i'm halfway to prot 4. and i really haven't grabbed any emeralds this game i obviously could have done some of that but prop 4 iron is pretty dang good like if i get crit out with the sharp iron sword there's a decent chance i can still die in a decent amount of hits but i'll still be so incredibly tanky that i feel like even with a sharp one iron it'll be tough to kill me and i'm making my final dash back to my base for the prot4 i still don't have a bed defense which is fine i guess so i'm just going to go ahead and grab a prod 4 and heal pool here so the only way i die now i feel like is if i get hit off the edge um they could easily invis me i'm sure they grabbed m's i did not though okay well my bed's going to go 100 um hopefully they void voiding would be best case scenario for me um because again i have prop 4 so like i'm not gonna be dying here so they did fall on the void which is perfect um i have minor fatigue so i don't want to break their bed just yet but if i sit right here they have no prot and i have prop four as you can see they hit me like three times with their sharp wood sword and just zero damage just zero damage at all you're gonna smack me for a little bit honestly i'll let it happen okay i'll kill him like if i just kept gapping i would heal faster than he could deal damage to me proud 4 is so good and rushing that is so easy to rush now i'm going to be playing on the arguably best map to rush prop 4 on uh this is acropolis all the diamond gens are like right next to each other and easy to get to so i'm just gonna make my first rush hopefully take this guy out pretty quick then i'm gonna get middle um so last game i only had plot four iron and i was taking practically zero damage to a sharp wooden sword i'm just curious on what i'm gonna be dealing is or what people are gonna be dealing to me if i only use or if i use pratt for diamond armor because proud for diamond armor is gonna be just like miles better i think than prod for iron uh he's gonna buy a stone sword isn't he rip uh it's fine i can get a couple crits into him now he's on 10 and then i can just go back and kill him okay let's fight him here um i got behind him and a nice combo there okay let's get mid i think red who also broke a bed pretty quick into the game is going to be collecting diamonds i need to make sure he doesn't do that because my prop 4 needs to happen also uh i think i it was like six or seven minutes into the game last time with prop 4 which is insane um actually this guy may have not grabbed any uh diamonds no he didn't okay maybe it wasn't worth killing him cause now he's just mad at me for nothing what's this guy doing i don't know about this strat he's on almost full health why is he bridging up so high please don't do that okay well i'll smack him down um he took a lot of fall damage he did have a decent amount of gear on him let me go back and get pratt and sharp i feel like as far as teams go i'm in bad shape because i feel like yellow and red are both gonna be mad at me however if i am able to pull off a high level of prod prod four or even prop three might be fine i think everything will be fine because i won't die we'll have to get a time check because i don't know when i got prop 4 last game but i'd like to do it sooner i don't think that's going to happen since there's been a lot of people collecting resources i'm only at prot 1 at the moment which is i mean next to nothing i guess if you're comparing it to no prod it's like way better but in the grand scheme of things you're still gonna die very quick to a like sharp one iron sword i need to kill this yellow player um again i'm pretty sure he has well first off he's gonna build up again and i think i hit him to land no no he's gonna go e-chest everything dang it i really want the prod four but i can't do it if he's gonna fireball okay he's gonna fireball jump he's gonna die fall damage he is thanks for all that thank you thank you oh he was a final kill too that was so strange he was on like four hearts and he thought without a bed it was a good idea to fireball jump whatever whatever teach their own okay it looks like red's gonna come towards me i'm gonna quick buy diamond armor and i'm also gonna buy prot three so i'm pretty unkillable i'm still killable but once i hit up that prod 4 i should be all good let's see how much he has a sharp iron sword he only hit me twice and he did three hearts which is still a pretty good chunk of damage i really gotta get i only need six more diamonds and then i can grab that prod four and pretty much be unkillable because now i have diamond armor as well i am going to lose my bed aqua decided to rush from mid to me which that's expected aqua was across the map for me and i think i killed them once so they uh they really wanted some revenge i'm gonna go invis and head over to red base uh red's probably the bigger threat i'm not too threatened by aqua team they did break my bed but they've done i feel like nothing more than that so once i get red bed we should be all set yeah i also am not threatened by aqua at all because they said oh saw's white so first things first let me grab that prop 4 and then i'm going to grab a pearl as well this way if they do end up smacking me off the edge uh i can pearl to an island hopefully unless i miss and then aqua says sorry right after they kill red maybe this player is actually insane and i'm underestimating them they're just like apologizing after every kill let me run in here and see if they can no please don't hey stop okay let's see if they can do much damage to me hey hey knock it off knock it off he's trying to run not gonna happen not gonna happen dude unfortunately i had to use my pearl so now i feel like i'm gonna get pearl or fireballed off by aqua team we'll see we'll see i gotta get mid i just wanted red to smack me i wanted to see i had prob four diamond and i wanted to see because he had sharp iron sword i just wanted to test how much damage that would deal i don't think it would deal very much but something i'm actually gonna oh they still have a bed i can't track her them i want to find out where they are so they don't sneak up on me with a fireball okay never mind i'm not worried they said oof and then fell in the void so we're chilling we got our prod four there's really nothing else to buy with diamonds what which i get dragon buff that's a pretty good choice iron forge also a great choice uh traps that's super helpful seeing as i don't have a bed is there anything i don't think there is i mean haste maybe if they have obsidian but i doubt it if they have i'll be i'm gonna feel like such a fool so what's the likelihood he's about to fireball me pretty good it looks like he has no diamond upgrades please don't fireball me okay i think we're fine i guess i don't know now he's gonna run back i'm gonna guess that means he doesn't have a fireball if he had one he would have thrown it 100 this is a player that just spams fireballs if they have him should i fireball him off nah now we're playing we're gonna be friends for a little bit i think no fireballs versus no fireballs what's he gonna do oh is he gonna run out to me on the bridge i'll just leave i'll just leave then i don't have to fight oh he's coming he's coming over here oh he has no diamond upgrades at all oh i feel bad look i have a fireball be careful i smacked him in the face that's not what i meant to do it looks like he's trying to have a conversation he said hi i said hey he said lol dang you have good stuff i know i prot for rushed my only fear is getting hit off the edge but i'm just gonna pearl to his base and did i miss no i'm good okay well i don't want to break his bed yet is he gonna run out to me i hope he does what's he doing what hey i'm over here now see i don't think he realized right away whoops i don't have my pickaxe in the right slot either way i don't want to break his bed just yet so he has a clean wood sword he's dealing approximately one to half a heart of damage okay that was smart he was trying to get make it so i could get hit off the edge um i just i don't want him to leave oh come on let me block it off no stop okay here we go and now i can block off his entrance here okay cool let me gap i'll sit in his gen for a little just dealing no damage all proud 4 is so good and the fact that you can get this like six minutes into the game it's kind of op hey don't oh he's trying to break his own bed he wants a way out i'm getting kind of low i mean almost half health okay well i guess i'll end it there's not much more i want to test out hold on wait should i give him i don't want to die but also i kind of want to give him my sharp 1 iron sword and see if i can deal or see if he can deal enough damage to me should i do that here take it what are you doing here i'll come with i'll kill him with a golem i'm sure because he has no prot i'm sure a gulm will deal enough damage oh it gave him a way out oh no okay get over here okay gollum i thought you were supposed to help me you're supposed to be on my team and you end up just sending him up like lifting him here you're like here you go buddy i'll lift you away apparently even the iron golem felt bad for that last player of last game because the iron golem even tried to help out i'm gonna be playing on playground here for this round uh playground is another map where you could very easily get prod 4 or at least have easy access to all the diamond gens you could even argue that this map it's easier to have access to all the diamond gens than um than the other ones first things first is to take out green team it does look like they are making a little bit of a rush towards me i think they ran out of blocks which is perfect let's see if i could if i could smack him off the map i shouldn't have hit him because then he wouldn't have known i was here but it's fine everything works out i could put those in the shopkeeper but i want to blow him up okay so blue technically took out red however that doesn't really count since red wasn't in the game um on this map i don't think i care about losing my bed so i'm just to go ahead and grab all the diamonds if i can one nice thing about playground is you can also grab m's while you're doing this like on the other maps i was only well i guess acropolis you can grab m's too but on waterfall which is probably my favorite map to prop 4rush you don't get any m's unless you go to the top of mid which a lot of times i don't do because i'm only focusing on diamonds um i guess blue is fairly stacked actually and they're coming towards me i really don't want to die with all my gear at the moment so let me just head back to a base probably mine let's see are they planning on chasing i think they are which is gonna work out i i hope i really hope i'm going up let's see they are chasing so that sucks um you know what they can have my bed they can have my bed i'm gonna let them uh let's just grab some diamond armor and can i grab a sharp rot whoops i got hit a couple times but i think we're fine hello he didn't take very much damage somehow but i'm not too worried about losing my bed because again i'm just gonna prod for rush i'm gonna do nothing else the big brain play that that guy should have done is he should have tried to kill me first because if he just immediately ran to try and kill me he could he would have been able to he also would have been able to um get all my stuff and then also he would have been able to break my bed so if he killed me first that would have been game over for me luckily he didn't do that he went for my bed first which gave me plenty of time to go ahead and buy up the gear that i needed to get the kill okay so prop 3 obtained um i will be and i have four diamonds so as long as i am able to get 12 on this next round then i am all set for my prod 4 and then even though i don't have a bed i i should win this game no problem at all okay it looks like gray is concerned about their bed so they're running at me i don't care about i don't care about his bed i just want the diamonds and i'm leaving see ya no need no need to be worried about your bed i do not care unfortunately it looks like he's going to chase me why sir let me drink speed he might hit me a couple times actually only once but now i'm fast enough where he's not going to catch up does he have a kb stick i don't think so it looks like i think he's gonna lose his bed i'm gonna be honest i'm hoping aqua goes after him yep should we fight we'll do it i have a pearl but also i still don't want to fight next to an edge you feel good bye all right well there we go proud four just purchased it problems i have so much stuff i want to put in my hotbar i just don't have enough space uh they're fighting up there it looks like gray did win that fight but it's fine as long as i fight not near an edge unfortunately for playground everywhere is next to an edge but i do want to put a stop to this guy before it's too late so let me uh just see if i can smack him off did i me okay good he's off did he purl no we're good okay he is gone so don't need to worry about that guy i only have to worry about aqua which is great great news for me okay how about this he doesn't have very many diamond upgrades so i'm feeling confident i'm going to pearl to his base i don't want i don't want to break his bed yet hello sir i'm at your base are you coming back i've probed four diamond and i'm i think he has sharp so i kind of want to see how much damage he does to me i'm just going to sit back and relax for a little bit see if he comes down to me i'll grab another pearl while i'm at it because why not just in case i guess i'll drink speed invis and jump um and then i'll i'll go tnt the bridge so he can't leave he's right there i see yeah i just want this guy to escape you feel you feel let's drop a tnt i guess that there works i don't know just uh just to blow up the top ridge and i want to kill him just so he loses sharp iron and only gets he has a sharp iron he's dealing like one heart a hit to me oh my god this guy might leave the game i kind of want him to should i just kill him until he leaves i have so many gaps so i'm not worried at all he's dealing zero hearts of damage to me with my prod four okay um yeah i wonder if he's gonna leave i guess well i guess we'll wait for that because even if he rails me he's dealing his negative damage almost he's i'm healing faster than he kills me i'll blow up some pumpkins in his face just to rub it in just let it happen man just let it happen oh he's going in his under chest he's getting crafty what's he doing get out of here give me all your ender chest stuff if he if he goes in his under chest to take anything out i'm just gonna take it from him after i kill him oh man he reconnected then died oh he's back why did he disconnect reconnect that's my question he's just still trying to kill me okay well i'll go ahead and keep blocking this off so he can't get anywhere he says why he's mad he mad okay i think he's gone again he's not responding at least i'll go ahead and break his bed wait what just happened i'm so confused how did i just win the game nobody broke his bed so wait how i'm so confused how did that happen because when you leave in solo mode you're supposed to have about two minutes to re-log before you lose your bed so i'm very confused on how that happened he left and it just immediately won me the game but i think that's going to do it for this video that was only three rounds but they were kind of long because i was proud for rushing i feel like it's actually a pretty good strat if you're able to get there quick enough either way it worked out for me those games that's pretty cool make sure you smash like and sub we'll see in the next video goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 906,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, solo, doubles, protection
Id: W4VRRB131wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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