bedwars but my teammates are somewhat competent

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what's up everybody welcome back to some more bed Wars today I'm gonna be solo queueing some doubles you're gonna attack or defend I will attack I have a three-digit teammates 144 how cool either way what I was trying to say is um so look Ewing's been a lot of fun lately just because even though I do lose more games which I hate taking final deaths i'ma get Emma get permis years and follow perma shears that's awesome that's more than just shears that aren't permanent I didn't know that was even in the game but hey you'll learn new things every day also they didn't even block up the other side of their base cool let me gap green is out of the game I got that teamwipe I totally deserve that so well queueing spent a lot of fun though just because I enjoy trying to 1v2 teams because there's nothing greater than being alone losing your bed and then having a sick clutch against some sweaty people and that that is why solo queueing is your 8 but at the same time losing is not so great I'm gonna go for yellow next sing as they took out blue bed somewhat quickly oh my why would you do that see down there now oh wait he died of fall damage because he tried to jump after me teammate no don't tell me we just lost our bed Oh God you got this teammate kill him I believe in you totally actually he did kill him nice you killed both of them what an absolute legend ok I need to go back and help out my teammate I think ok he's gonna drop down please go away alright he's gone let's head up I do have a TNT still so I think we'll be fine let me throw the Diamonds out so if I do die this team doesn't get them um teammate what are you doing that is pretty insane of you to do ok um do I have enough to make it over here uh yeah that should open up the bed I believe and it might also hit me ok we're fine this guy just took a lot of full damage ok I got one and I believe I got both there we go so both of them are gone we got some sharp let me get some iron armor and I'm gonna void just because I don't want to spend time healing if I void I'll just come back up full health and either way I wanted to go on - yellow team because they take out blue okay there's gonna be a yellow sitting this is the thing that sucks about this map is there's always those people that like to sit up of you and then drop down what a great player oh my god someone always just wants to sit above you take some fall damage and hopefully it destroy you okay here we go you're gone should be able to get some prot - at this base although I might mmm yeah I'm just gonna go to yellow because if I drop down then I have to spend a while building back up so let me speed bridge over I'll go from one island hopper to the other Island topper are both yellows still over at the space they are okay they don't have any prot so my sharp iron will like three tap them let's see are you just gonna leave no what are you planning on doing okay let me just hit you and then I can kill you and you um and then well I have enough time to break this bed I sure hope so I'm dumb I'm dumb I'm so stupid okay I have been trapped and I can't see where I am however I believe both aquas are right below me yes indeed I'm gonna throw a fireball behind you guys that didn't work I hit one of them in the head and it blew me up they don't have any time it upgrades can I just drop down and kill both of these guys probably hey what are you doing get you're supposed to die why don't you do that and also why do I have wood tools at my finger B they have obsidian no I hate obsidian okay um let's I'm gonna go middle get some M's maybe so I even need M's this team doesn't seem all that amazing goodbye what you didn't fall off that's not supposed to happen you're supposed to take Kb and also can someone explain why there's a gray guy in chat in tab here you see there's aqua right there's red who's kind Nalu v and what team is he on he's on the spectator team he says he's gonna end up winning all right my goal is to make kind Nalu v the winner of this game so I need to take out aqua and then I need to wait no aqua needs to break our bed we need to break their bed then we kill each other and then spectator wins I don't like making fun of my teammates I'd never do it but why did my teammate get Ironforge there's two teams left there's no point doing that either way I'm gonna bridge from middle to this diamond Jen and then I do have I think six M's in my inventory I don't know for sure but that should be enough to get like envisioned a diamond pick well I wouldn't spend the MS on the diamond pick I'd spent gold but either way operation protect keine lu5 is in place I'm in visitor also I'm trapped again I can't see anything teammate I see you over there come over here no my teammate got a bone is just say Linares Adam this is amazing all right teammate protect me okay I'm gonna dig in here nobody has any idea all right teammate just keep sending arrows Adam and we got this good job thank you teammate you have done a good work for me and now that I have a diamond this guy's solo dude my team those arrows did a lot of damage what here you should get this final kill okay come on over you deserve it GG what a good game that obvi I had an amazing teammate my teammate has a minecon cape that's very good this is promising I might have a second game in a row where I have a competent teammate that would be amazing I believe this is gonna be a sweaty game I saw quite a few different parties join but that's one of my favorite things about Scylla queueing bed taken out parties right I love it also this pink guy is going to not be in the game anymore goodbye and oh wait where's the other guy wait huh what the all right pink team is gone I believe Reds gonna be one of the sweaty teams and they're also right next to us so I'm just gonna try and head back and immediately go for red let me start bridging towards the diamond Jen I'll probably just come back with the diamonds to start because I want to get prot in a trap that will be very good what did my teammate defend with the classic cube defense using only wool but made just a cube the thing about this defense right is you know if you build it and someone ends up getting on top and you don't have any blocks they're just they're sitting on top like and you can't get them so why would you do that my teammate is speeding on over good job dude you're doing great work um luckily red has no clue that we're here I'll let you break the bed okay all right fine you'll let me break the bed oh wait no you're punching it down too why would you break that block uh I love you teammates you were gonna be best friends I can assure you all right um so time for a queen looks like a red took out both blues but one of the Reds died and there goes that team yellows on his way over well not anymore he's in the void but either way I'm gonna head on over to them I'm hoping that aqua fights yeah low and doesn't go to us cuz both me and my teammate are over here on our own no breeze at our base defending I think we'll be fine I'm just gonna build a way up and then I'm gonna drop at antiques north I mean normally I don't even have teens he I don't know why I have this but I do so let's go ahead and fall down because I'm bad break the bed please thank you and we're good okay why is there a yellow guy over here um I think I'll be fine right yeah okay he's gone so my team went middle and died to the other yellow so I'm gonna also never mind yellow died too aqua okay that's fine that means aquas middle and probably has a lot of emeralds I'm gonna head to aqua because I'm hoping that they don't have obsidian they have obsidian of course they do wait there's a chance I see he's still placing it can I can I uh yeah here you should just like get off the map maybe that would be preferred yes thank you don't place the obsidian and I think that's a game possibly good game boys that was close it was almost another team with obsidian teammate you did great work Gigi welcome back to the third round let's see if I can get a third teammate that's competent like my first two teammates weren't amazing by any means however they weren't competent enough to move around the map and swing a sword and that's pretty good for bed Wars my teammates gonna bridge middle this probably isn't great because White has already made it to the diamond Jen and now they're already heading back you see bridges like that don't do great things because now we have no way of getting out of our base you know and this is why we try and staircase maybe let me just try and go around to this person possibly yeah so my teammate just got sleeved can I hit both guys off I can okay at least they're gone I lost my TT which is unfortunate but at least I reset them and also there Thank You teammate for not running into the Jenny media leaks now I'm able to get another TNT just look out okay I'm gonna make it over to here okay we've made it out of our base successfully despite my teammates bridge that really held us back a lot one white player gone I saw these I saw this team run back with diamonds is there there's a chance to have a trap I got stuck in the block ouch go teammate yes nice distraction epic dead I have three diamonds now nice how did I get those how do they have three diamonds okay either way well that's probably my teammate that had three diamonds dyed to white giving them the three diamonds and then I killed the white team so I got the three diamonds back either way um I got one I got two I believe perfect yeah two final kills right there if you're running and someone gets that first hit on you and then you turn around it's so easy for them to combo you which is what happened to me there okay let's try and kill this person here okay they're dead thank goodness I think gray is gonna be the sweatiest team okay I'm gonna get the trap I'm over here at red which is right next to gray gray is the team I need to take out I see them over here can they just not are they gonna notice me they probably will they're not dumb yeah one of them does notice me okay let's try and kill this guy alright he's gone and there's another one at the diamond Jen here is he just gonna leave God dangit he's coming back I don't have a TNT so I can't do a whole lot I guess well I'm making him angry now Gray's angry for pink hey grey or I mean green I can see colors I'm gonna need those M's you only had one you had diamonds too though at least that's kind of worth it I'm gonna head back I need to get an invis to take out gray I can't do it otherwise all right we got prot - and iron forge and maniac miner no no no my teammate is a amazing oh thank you for the gap alai appreciate it well I have high hopes in my teammates seeing as I ran into our base and he started shooting at me even though I was one block away from him and his teammates he was shooting at me anyway Grey's been real sweaty and I've been trying to collect Em's and we've just been killing each other in middle for a while I'm just gonna side rush them and see if this will work out hopefully it will um I don't know where I should keep an eye on Greg there's a chance that they'll be bridging up next to me as well okay um I see no sign of gray but my teammates here throwing me blocks well we're gonna get grey bed thank goodness it's great gonna get our bed yep absolutely there okay things are bad um can I fight this guy I'd like to take someone V ones as opposed to a 2v1 they're gonna go middle okay well I should get gaps well it seems yellow did all the work for us yellow killed both graves I think right yeah that didn't mean yellow got lucky or yellow is actually really good at the game um let me see if I can break their bed though they have a minor fatigue traps so they uh at least know which trap to buy I'll keep trying to break my teammate is Oh God he's throwing fireballs out his own bed defense okay get off the map please how are you throwing more fireballs I'm on fire this is bad news I'm just gonna run you know I'm on fire it's a big bed defense and both people are back at their base get me n I'm on fire everything's bad I'm going to middle hopefully I can get some M's clutch this game out bad news yellow team is chasing me down what do i do I don't know what to do I'm gonna build up this is probably the best call right I don't know what else there's no other good call other than doing this he's sharing out from under me his goal is to uh spleef me this is bad okay you must go goodbye wait I didn't hit you off that's not as good okay he fell off I'm going middle one yellow one yellow person is still chillin over there actually I'll fight this guy come in coming over here because I can kill this guy then I can just go middle and spend time freely okay they also have so much prot Oh yikes okay hmm so someone's been collecting all the m's though what are the chances that this team has lots of obsidian because that is something I don't want to have happen to me they probably of obsidian honestly okay I am still getting chased I believe Am I yeah yellows right there okay let's go to red base I don't know hey y'all head over here okay you must go this is dangerous I don't wanna fight on a bridge when I don't have a bed uh yeah just stayed there I'm gonna drop down take a bit of fall damage that's fine what do I have in here fight me nerd Wow you're real cool you calling me a nerd okay he dropped or fine I think I was hitting with this fist for a little bit okay so I bought two pearls instead of inves this is because both Pink's are sorry both yellows are continually running from their base like they're just leaving immediately and neither them are there so I'm just going to wait for both of them to leave which I feel like is gonna happen right now yeah there's the other guy I'm gonna grab some more em as well I do this and then okay one of them fell in the void actually these what's gonna happen I'm going to buy prot four and you're gonna run over to me yes run over to me do it dang it I think he knows if this guy knows my strategy props to him but I was just going to pearl over to his base when he runs to me let's throw a fireball there no let's drink magic milk throw a fireball there throw a pearl over at his base I almost missed that pearl I'm so bad okay either way their bed is now gone one of them already hit the void and is out of the game so that's perfect thanks to my magic milk I'm guessing he thought that I had minor fatigue and I didn't he threw a pearl at me ah get out of here are we good we should be fine I have more health Gigi that was a nice little clutch they're kind of stressful at the end those yellows were not bad and also had so much gear thanks watching me so accused some doubles hopefully you all enjoy it I'll probably be doing this more in the future because it's kind of a lot of fun and thanks for watching like and sub bye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 718,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80
Id: V46A5IeepDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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