CLUTCHING bedwars 4v4s (solo queue)

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what's up everybody welcome back to some more bed Wars right now I'm gonna be solo cueing some for befores on my Mane I'm on my Mane to hopefully get some sweaty games I don't know if I will but I'm just gonna be rushing with wool right away I'm praying that people don't put in stone town right away but it's a gamer time okay okay yellow who's here and ready to fight well apparently nobody this guy did whoa he's a ghost he's a magician or both I don't know oh my teammates here to take my final kills all right whatever I'm not I'm not upset actually yes I am hope they're doing the OL that block off the front strategy I don't think that's gonna work though although this guy does have some insane gear okay never mind got him and that guy's afk perfect I saw blue was rushing middle so I'm actually gonna hurry over to them right after this we're probably gonna be losing our bed I see red blocks there and I don't trust my team to actually kill anybody so I should be weary that we're about to lose our bed yeah there we go if I said I expected more I would be lying to all of you so but either way I have a pretty decent amount of gear so I'm just gonna be running around middle clicking Em's for a bit we have a an enemy oh I'm just gonna leave blue I think or it'll or I'll kill both little networks hey teammate what's up there's a guy hiding up there I don't really know what he's hiding from but he's doing a great job I just need you I want a couple more M's maybe get some jump with some speed and then I'll head into one of the bases okay another M spawned I'm gonna run in between everybody and see if I can collect it hey blue hey red hey everybody I'm just kidding I got the M I gotta get out thank you very much it's time to go and I'm free wait blue is on his way over blue you don't want to do this I'm just a lone final kill don't you want to go get the super cool beds yeah give up that's right it's like oh man I didn't bring any blocks blue is controlling middle right now holy cow well I don't really know what to do at this point so blue is kind of just covering their bridge with a bunch of other bridges and they're all at their base right now so I can't really go there but then when we look at red I don't know what they're building but it'll make it a little bit difficult to get in there with in vis I'm guessing they'll be able to see me placing blocks and they and one guy has a bow oh boy well we don't have a bed with my teammate did manage to buy golden forged thank goodness you know we have not we have no bed to cover we have really known it we're not even at our base we've been using yellow base but we have golden fortune now so it's worth it I've come to the realization this game that deal if anything is going to happen it's because I'm gonna have to do it because red is not gonna leave their base blue is kind of leaving their base a little but I guess I'm just gonna have to go and break the beds myself which that's not too big of a deal I mean it's not like I'm gonna come across any trouble as shown right here ouch he actually was able to hit me good for him where's the rest of her oh I see one blue oh wait there were only two blue players I don't know why I went for them but that's okay I got a head back middle I do have some more inves I'll use that okay I got two here out of blue that should be fine yep there we go come he had a lot of diamonds he had zero Oh perfect that's just what is the amount I wanted him to have anyway I have speed jumping inves so I'm gonna go ahead and uh oh it's an Alex skin with a bow this is not good boys we are in some deep doo-doo here don't shoot don't shoot oh he shot Oh God well I'm just gonna go in twos anyway I'm gonna assume he's gonna forget about me it is an Alex keen with the bow after all and they built a wall whoa that was frightening let's see does he know that I'm in vis probably after I place those blocks oh okay we should be fine and what is this bed defense nothing huge I'll drop in that's a three-bed game right there and I'll get a bunch of finals too here one down two down ha ha coffee 87 you had your chance you shot that bow like a madman now where's this last red guy last time I saw him he was over at the diamond Jen he must be at blue base now I've totally lost this red guy how did he get to our base what okay anyway I think yeah I have another in Dez's well so I will probably send him there and should be an easy game three beds eight finals with the clutch assuming he doesn't start chucking fireballs randomly at his bridge I should be fine yeah here he is yeah we have prot and sharp and he does not were you about to go in vis too nice teammate you did good work GG welcome back to round 2 I'm just gonna keep brushing with only wool because I figured taking out one base right away to at least owe someone on our team says all build as I'm already building unless they're gonna say I'll build a bed defense unfortunately they're not gonna be able to build this game then okay I should be able to get Red Bud here there we go thank you iron axe man Tier three tools are amazing honestly I couldn't highly recommend them more my teammates here okay wait how didn't that guy not hit me teammate you got a drop down you got a drop down and kill him I'm very low on health okay you need to do a you're low on health - that's alright as a team we'll kill them nope never mind I got one testicle right now I'm just clubbing people with my gold pick cuz it is better than a wooden sword a clean wooden sword that is the last red guy made it to middle somehow um I probably take him out before he goes for us oh well there goes my bed and this guy is so much gear I don't want to be here right now no thank you please leave me alone please and thank you who got our bed was it green it was okay well time for another clutch I do need some emeralds though and if red is in middle collecting all of them I don't know what uh what I'm supposed to do oh my teammates dying here in middle I should be able to kill him though now I'm really low though is it anyone around me there's a green guy there I'm worried about one of my teammates is there as well okay I have three M's this is enough to break well my teammate killed two people whoa I've never had a teammate that was able to kill a mine man before this is insane okay well I'm gonna go in Vizier although I might not even need it I see two greens over there trying to kill my teammate so that might be a ripped teammate I lost my teammate can run but either way I see a lot of Blues don't he hit me oh my god why I just lost my in vis but I'm gonna go in anyway cuz I should be able to break in here and get the bed okay and then as long as I can kill this guy here quick without losing much health that should be good I'm gonna hide and hope that this guy runs back because I want because I want to take another one v1 so as long as this guy can come right to me and then it'll be a 1v1 again yes indeed it works okay so it's just a 1v1 now um the last guy is probably in middle my jump was he's about to run outs there we go okay I've spotted the last player he's over at that base he's gonna probably try and throw a fireball behind me to hit me off the edge which to be fair that's worked a few times do I want to just go win on this guy I figure I might as well right I mean I have lots of fireballs and all the other works let me head up here yep he's he's panicking we got a panic err and throw that throw that wait he's gonna kill me because I misplaced my fireball nevermind got another clutch well after you throw a fireball it gives you slowness which was able to give them a little bit of a combo on me cheater GG for that one GG I'm here on invasion I only have two teammates this time instead of three um thanks to hypixel balancing stars if there's ever only 15 out of 16 people when the game starts you know it's gonna be me if I end up solo queueing that's that gets spent on a smaller team so not only do I have only two teammates I probably have the lowest stars in the game as well which to be fair that's just what I want you know less stars equals more skill I think I did the math one time okay at least I got one of the Reds wait my teammate came here with me what the heck gonna die from an iron sword no I'm not please be afk definitely afk GG wait what happened to our other teammates oh they fell in the void Oh are they responding I think so hopefully they defend our bed because nobody's done that yet time to go to blue okay you're gonna bridge or should I am no all right all bridge that's fine leave it to me okay I'm just gonna try and get above this base cuz as long as I can do that I should be able to break the bed there we go and then now I can just drop in from the top wait I can't break this bed thank you for being unaware oh stop stop some sets up no don't don't kill don't kill that's rude and not nice wait that's the same thing rude not nice okay anyway that's all blue I guess I'm going to green now green leave me alone okay I'm off green you just stay at blue that's the base that you belong at you know I'm off doing my own thing green is bridging out the dimension hey they left zero people at this base fan hey can tastic bedgown and you're gone now you're gone why were you afk what happened now you're playing the game just a second ago I saw you running over to blue base just swinging wait my teammate died teammate I will avenge you alright and we're missing a me tuber the Alex skin alright I mean super where yet time to end this game this is good this is good stuff where are you going you lead you reach build limit that could be an issue what are you doing now don't jump oh no uh it's tough being on isn't it okay oh yes I'm on my own boys the game started with 12 out of 16 and it turns out I was put on my own and yellow lost one player so okay I was just gonna ignore every team for the beat most for the most part because I figured I just need a stack up on gear before doing anything if I am all alone but it's yellow bridge had the same time engine that I bridge too so I kind of needed to take these guys out first I don't know if this is gonna help it all it might oh wait never mind not if there's a guy in there what is that dude I wanna have 400 ping if it means I can teleport around the map and ninja swipe people I will never understand what that guy just did with that ping it is Thanos over here though so hopefully we don't hear any snapping or I could be extremely dead that guy's pretty cool okay you need to leave me alone okay I should be fine unless they have an axe I don't think they have an axe okay now let's see if I can just crit some people outs I got one oh no he was so close I think yeah he was down to six all right so Thanos just got out of the hole that he was stuck in so he really didn't have any uh any health after I crit him out a bit I'm gonna quit by that oh I already have our armor now I just need to kill this guy very good um let me quick buy up some better tools maybe a few gaps a couple fireballs blocks and now I need to quick go ahead and rush the only team with a bed left I'm pretty sure Oh a green lost there but I'm pretty sure blues a party I'm pretty sure Green was as well they were fighting for a while but either way I need to go take out blue real quick all right I'm just gonna stay shifted here and hope everyone just runs right by me it worked man I am such a ninja fireball up and he just ran past me as well there should be a free bed then I think there's only one guy here no wait there's nobody here cool free bed got him and fireball no wait my fireballs never deal any knock back what you were supposed to go flying off the map get out here oh wait you didn't get out here okay we're fine okay well this should be pretty easy I have a bed these guys don't it's a 1v2 and I should be able to kill one see ya where's the other guy there he is he's like you're an buddy just come kill me oh wait he hasn't sharp iron and he's not bad at the game all right I got another hits I have more health in him right now he's gonna drop got him all right that was a pretty good game even though I was completely solo the entire time hopefully guys all enjoyed me playing some four befores on my own if you enjoyed smash like and sub thanks bye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 292,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedawrs, gamerboy80, minecraft, gb80
Id: Pkmko8kcE6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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