The Worst Thing Your Helicopter Parents Did (Parents Stories r/AskReddit)

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children of helicopter parents what was the worst or most embarrassing thing they put you through but when I went away to college my parents would call me every day I went away to a fraternity weekend retreat during my freshman year whereas pledges weren't supposed to bring our phones I told my parents that I'm going away three days and not to call me on the day we were coming back the guy driving us got a call he then hands me his phone and tells me to call my parents it turns out that when my parent reach me for three days they came to my college and went around my dorm and half the campus asking everyone if they've seen their lost little boy I was 18 at the time on top of that since I was on their family cell phone plan they looked at all the numbers I had recently called and texted they proceeded to call everyone letting them know I'm lost and asking if they knew where I was this included girls that I had crushes on but barely knew random classmates and mild acquaintances when I got back to my worried parents waiting for me at my dorm I found my cell phone with a bunch of messages of people asking if I'm okay and letting me know my parents are looking for me for the next day everyone in five people I walked past would ask me if I talked to my parents because they were looking for me my grandmother once did something similar to my dad except he wasn't at a frat retreat he was on a training exercise in the Air Force when she couldn't get a hold of him she called the base commander's office then Washington DC he got some crazy work detail cleaning gum off the dumpster if I recall correctly as punishment for his mom being nuts my cousin had an interesting freshman year experience she was roomed with another girl with a helicopter mother the mother slept in this tiny dorm room with the daughter and my cousin for several weeks until she could convince the rat to kick the mother out I had a field trip when I was 10 years old that I was very excited to go to the morning of the field trip my grandma picks up a call from the school saying that the trip was canceled I was delighted at the fact that I could play games all day but disheartened at the fact that I missed out on my field trip next day comes and I go into class I remember her asking the professor when are we going on the field trip since it was canceled yesterday and the professor just looks at me with this puzzled face as if I was [ __ ] or something I end up finding out that my mom called my grandma and told her to act as if the school told my grandma and pretend that the school cancelled the trip apparently my mom was afraid of the school bus flipping over and combusting into flames while also there being a possibility of me being assaulted fire fire start assaulting the kids my dad followed me into jury duty when I was 21 because he didn't believe I could do it myself I insisted that he didn't come but he did anyways he was stopped by security guards outside the area and he threw a huge fat about not being able to accompany me most of the courtroom was confused and weirded out I didn't go to any school dance or sports event so yeah no problem nothing I was not allowed to go to the mall by myself when I was 19 years old my dad would follow me around like he'd walk about five feet behind me when I was 20 I said I was going to get a cell phone and got into a big fight with my parents because they didn't want me to have one I had been working since 15 and was going to pay for it myself etc I remember when I was 12 or so my mom little sister seven at a time and I went to Costco to do some shopping my dad showed up dressed as a clown he used to dress up for birthday parties followed me and my little sister around honking his clown horn in our ears yelling to all the guys that he was our dad he still shows up at my work and tells my coworker to tell me that my daddy is here to see me I'm 31 I think the last time I called him daddy was when I was seven eight nobody calls him daddy I work in an ER and I get sick and tired of helicopter parents bringing their offspring in for ridiculous reasons he got a nosebleed a week ago and a game today she's been having foot pain after pay etc the worst other parents that bring their over 18 y ou kids into the ER because they want them drug tested I love turning to the legal adults and asking do you consent to this the parent normally turns beet red and starts yelling at me about how they are the parent and they pay the insurance yadda yadda blah blah at which point I remind them that their precious child is now an adult and without their child's express consent I cannot perform any tests on them I've seen more than my fair share of light bulbs go off over the kids head and then flat-out refused all lab work I tell them all right you heard him I can't do anything this normally ends in a call to the hospital administrator that will then tell them the same thing I am also not allowed to give out any information over the phone as I cannot verify you are the legal guardian nor in the room without express permission it's fun to watch people's veins throb when they can't get their way my uncle hired a private investigator to follow my cousin to see if she had a boyfriend but she was 21 years old at the time when I was engaged to my now husband I was given many long lectures by my parents about how I couldn't lean my head on his shoulder or ever ever be alone with him because it were led him to have uncontrollable urges which would then led him to assault me and it would be my fault for working him up these lectures became daily and increased in absurdity plaid my husband was able to stick it out things are much better now that I live with him on the other side of the country my buddy had the worst helicopter mom we were going to college three hours away from his hometown and ended up at a random after by a party with people we made just at night his mom showed up no idea how she found us walked in and grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out of her car she then proceeded to drive him back to our hometown the next day she made him get a ride back to college with his former high school sweetheart he had recently broken up with she did all this because mom didn't approve of the breakup I wasn't allowed to hang out with girls when I was younger and one day I was at the school park with some of my friends and there were a couple girls there too my mom called me on the phone to ask who I was hanging out with I only mentioned my guy friends well apparently my mom was spying on me with binoculars the park was just a few blocks from my house as soon as she saw the girls she drove to the park got out and made a big scene about it in front of everyone and made me go home not me personally but I dated a guy in college who had the craziest helicopter parents as a 20 year old dude he was not allowed to leave his condo that they earned they lived about 30 minutes away and constantly called to make sure he was there he was literally expected to go directly from class to home every single day when we went out for dinner to the movies etc he had to use cash because his parents checked every single purchase on his bank statement and would question him about them he wasn't allowed to drive so he had to commute by bus to school every single day about 45 mins one time we went to a summer concert in downtown and his mom called him he ran out of the concert so he could find a quiet spot to talk to her and then was so scared he made us leave the concert the reason he put up with all this was because his parents were paying for everything the nice condo he lived in his tuition etc he had never worked a day in his life not sure what he's doing now but I'm pretty sure they still have that hold on him my mom would do random checks on my phone every couple days out of nowhere she'd ask for my phone and I'd have to hand it over my parents also didn't believe in dating they believed in courting because of that I felt the need to keep all my relationships secret one day she asked for my phone before I'd had the chance to delete any incriminating texts I knew there were some steamy messages on there from my so I handed it over knowing crap was about to hit the fan hard I went and sat down but I just couldn't handle it I got up and walked right out the door I was wearing my PJs still and hadn't put on shoes I ran for a while and then started walking didn't realize I was crying until I slowed down it took my parents about 20 minutes to find me but hey I ended up marrying the guy I was texting so I've got that going for me I was on leave from Iraq turn 21 during that time period and my parents still made me be home by midnight I was a goddamn combat veteran and I needed to be home by midnight holy crap yes I was home on leave after my Afghanistan deployment also 21 decided against my better judgment to stay at my parents instead of the hotel first night back I was out late getting fricked up with some old friends from high school and at nine my dad started blowing up my phone telling me to get home I just told him that home was Fort Huachuca AZ and I was on vacation one time I went to the mall with my friends which was very rare because I didn't often get to have friends obviously to get there my parents had to drop me off so they drove away but then an hour into our hangout session which consisted of walking around the mall and me telling her jokes it was fun my mom texts me and asks where I am I text her back and tell her I'm at the mall where she dropped me off she accused me of leaving and demanded I take a picture of where I am to prove I'm still there reluctantly I did confiding in my date about my narcissistic mother for the first time to anyone telling someone about it felt good until five minutes later she used the picture I sent her to find where I was and approached me this is when I discovered she never actually went home and was following me around them all the whole time watching what I was doing she told me we had to leave right now because she was worried I'd run away and grabbed me by my arm to take me away leaving my date there my parents had this freaking tracking device activated in my cell phone all throughout high school they knew exactly where I was that is until I'd leave the dang thing at the place where I told them I was going and go off wherever I wanted my mother once drove to my workplace after school when I was 17 to check and make sure I was actually working she then freaked out at me when I got home because she claimed I wasn't there when really she just didn't drive all the way in the parking lot to avoid being seen since she drives such a distinct car that was around her face off thinking I was on hardcore drugs and sleeping with the entire male population of my town I was an A+ student who worked every day after school plus weekends don't know when she thought I'd have time for all of that I've been through that phase my favorite example is the one day my dad went to my room and screamed at me telling me to give him the drugs and come clean because he smelled that I was smoking I was watching a movie and eating pizzas I was a fatty the neighbor's house was on fire my parents called my trade school when I was frickin 19 years old to make sure I was attending they didn't have a reason to suspect I wasn't going and they were the ones paying for it I moved out very soon after monitored my internet activity and brought up the P I watched at the dinner table in front of my younger siblings and a friend who was over for dinner and told me watching P would leave me morally depraved and difficult for anyone to love I was 13 don't watch it at the dinner table mate one of the more memorable experiences when I was a freshman my cousin was a senior and through him I made a lot of friends that were upperclassmen so at the end of the year I got invited to go to prom my parents made my date who was just a friend come over two weeks before prom and basically asked him every question imaginable if they got his phone number home number email the works he was super chill about it because my cousin had warned him beforehand when prom actually came around I wasn't allowed to ride in the limo with everyone else instead my mom drove me in her ugly-ass astro van that looked like the Mystery Machine and she had my siblings and cousins packed and there when we got to the venue she got off with me and asked an administrator if she could stay thank God he said no oh and I had a curfew 8:30 p.m. it was 7:00 when I got there your mom clearly thinks she is on a permanent escort mission I have loved to write since I was very young my mom had this weird obsession with going through my stuff and one day while I was going through her stuff I found a crap-ton of my writings she read all my stuff and saved it I felt incredibly violated I threw everything away which I deeply regret because I would have loved to read about my teen angst now that I'm going through my late 20s angst one night I decided to visit my boyfriend at his apartment for some TV time and cuddles I ended up restarting my phone and forgetting the turning it back on part while cuddling in front of the television I fall asleep at around midnight my mom calls and it goes straight to voicemail any logical person would just figure the phone died or just didn't have service very reasonable where I live not my mother she called the cops and tried to report to me missing which ended with the police asking how long I had been gone she responded with about eight hours and they tell her to wait until morning at this point it is about 1:00 a.m. and I am still asleep we both are fast forward about two hours and my mother's called and woken up all of my friends hunting for me with no luck she calls my best friend and she tells her that I am at my boyfriend's apartment my mother now knows that I am safe and not missing this is not enough for her though she ends up coming to the apartment after pestering best friend enough for the location my best friend doesn't know the exact apartment so she just told her the complex name and went back to bed I woke up at almost 4:00 in the morning to my mother banging on the door yelling personna blah anxious open the freaking door I run thinking something is wrong and fling opened the door to find her red metaphorical steam is pouring from her ears she yells for me to get in my truck and get home now the next day when I went to visit my boyfriend and apologized profusely for what my mother has done I discover that my mom had banged on every single door until she found the right one I was 18 at the time it didn't take much longer before my relationship ended my parents weren't helicopter parents I said it was mainly my dad who was really strict only about movies for example when I was in high school I asked if I could go to them movies with my friends it was a GI Joe movie that I wasn't super into but it was mainly to just do something fun my dad said he wouldn't let me go unless I wrote a paper on the movie after I watched it about its redeeming qualities and Christian principles GI Joe is a bad [ __ ] praise Jesus mom read in my diary that I had lost my virginity to my bf all the time she called my school's principal to tell him that he had assaulted me I am still a teenager so I'm still putting up with my parents helicopter habits my parents were furious when they found out I had watched the Hunger Games at a friend's house same thing happens whenever I watch a movie rated PG or above and they are not there to fast-forward through the kissing scenes and mild cursing they don't allow me to spend money without telling them first I once bought a pack of gum without telling them it wasn't pretty long story short I got my phone taken away for a week after being chewed out for a solid hour my dad has software on my phone that tells him whatever I do on the internet this includes texting and calling he'll probably see this but I don't care I'd better stop typing now they might catch me my parents used to email all my teachers on a daily basis to make sure I turned in all of my assignments on time most of my childhood is a fog but I have memories of being in and out of doctors offices all the time growing up they often had me on multiple prescriptions the doctors never really spoke to me they'd speak to my parents and then I would take whatever pills or undergo whatever treatment I was instructed this continued until I was 18 I still to this day have never been told what was up and I have no access to any medical records I'm 39 now and perfectly healthy with no ailments or health conditions that I am aware of you have been visited by the baptists dojo of good old times comment drink well duh go to get infinite purpose if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 114,346
Rating: 4.9142499 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, helicopter parents, parents, parents stories, embarrassing, children, kids, parent
Id: d0bD1q1Hwu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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