Growing Up With Strict Parents [Part 3] (Parent Stories r/AskReddit)

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people who grew up with strict parents what was the most unreasonable rule my dad once heard my sister say fart and got really angry because it was not ladylike so he prohibited us using it instead we were to say noise that came from behind which made it even funnier to me on feyo noise that came from behind sounds like the little English translation of another languages word for fart I'm dying that's hilarious my now wife's parents wanted an itinerary of where we would be on every date she was 19 at the time but still living at home I thought they were asking in a more general way so I answered well we're headed to a show then probably dinner maybe a coffee after unacceptable' which show what time would we be physically inside the venue when did the show end which restaurant what time will you be eating which coffee shop I was just like it hasn't really thought that far ahead we'll let you know she can't leave till we know I just made some crap up seemed to placate them from that point on I would just rattle off some bulls and do whatever we wanted very weird people my first fell away I was an unwanted child that my parents decided to keep out of pity as I was always told growing up I wasn't allowed out of the house for anything other than school or family events I couldn't see friends ever wasn't allowed a phone until 16 which was only for emergencies and checking in when I got to school and when I left I would get beeped occasionally the worst was for a bit of poop not flushing everything had to be spotless my bed had to be made by 7:00 a.m. if I did something that didn't like I would never hear the end of how terrible I was finally when I was 17 I snapped when my mother hit me in the face with a rolling pin I pushed her against the bench and punched her in the face a few times my father came in hearing all the noise and charged at me we wrestled and tried hitting each other a bit until I got on top of him and grabbed a plate of the bench and smashed it on his head I got up and ran out of the house and went to a friend's house that was the last I ever saw them got on a bus and never went back they got my new cell phone number seven months after I left the moment she said it was her I told her I hope she and my father both die and to never contact me again and hung up it's been two years since that call and I've had people tell me they asked for my number address and stuff but the only people they know who know that stuff are people that know to some degree why I hate them my grandma had a no leaving the table until you eat your food rule pretty reasonable except she would prepare your plate often with more food than you wanted one time she made me a chicken salad sandwich but the chicken salad had turned she wouldn't let me leave she just sat across from me to make sure I didn't get up until I ate it this went on for hours until my mom got off work and picked me up it wasn't even that strict a house salt I think she liked control and this was one of the few areas where she could exercise it listening to non-christian music was punishable by being grounded for weeks I wasn't allowed to be in my room for an extended period of time except to go to bed at night also no naps my laptop was required to stay in the living room at all times when I started commuting to college because dorms were expensive I was required to report to my father and stepmothers room every day as soon as I came home and they would yell at me if I didn't come up without being told everyday texts must be responded to immediately my father threatened to report me as a missing person because he called me while I was on a shift that ended at 3:00 a.m. and didn't text him back until the next morning one time my stepmother asked for the full name race drug and crime history of the co-worker hasa house I was going to to play D&D it was only a one-off event but still super weird I'm sure there are more that I can't think of right now but I've been no contact with them for going on eight months now and so it's been a while since I interacted with their craziness no music allowed when cleaning the house because it would distract us also not allowed to do anything with friends on a Sunday because it was family day even though we never did anything as a family and just stayed shut in our rooms among other stupid nonsensical rules until I moved out at 17 I wasn't allowed to save fun because it's a swear word if I needed to talk about farts I had to call them fluffs my best friend and I would kill ourselves over how silly this was in 2006 now and as much as my parents are proud of me for my life accomplishments so far I know they are not proud of me for having a very extensive dirty vocabulary feels good to prove to them I can talk like a degenerate and be successful we had to wear a jacket if the weather was under a certain temperature even a single degree wouldn't sway my dad he kept a thermometer outside so he could check every morning on the other hand our health insurance sucked so there's that once I grabbed a jacket out of the hall closet sending everything else flying off the hangers and into a pile on the floor I was halfway through my mile long walk to school when he pulled up in his car his face red refusing to talk to me I thought something terrible had happened to my brother when we got back to the apartment he pointed at a hall closet after I cleaned up he refused to give me a late note school had already started or a ride once I saw him on campus at my high school looking for me over the tops of kids heads I turned around and made a beeline for the bathroom I have no idea what terrible transgression I committed that day left a jar of jelly open perhaps I wasn't allowed to wear the color red because nan said it was and I quote a color for W no red clothes red nail polish red lipstick jewelry soon as I finished high school I dyed my hair firetruck red kept it for nearly ten years as a Frick you too my nan it actually grew on her and she got really upset when I changed it she just had the wrong color it's really yellow also this only applies about 2,000 years ago locks on the fridge and pantry bars on the windows wasn't allowed to have a computer password not so much rules as paralyzing amounts of control I was never allowed out with my friends after school the weekends the holidays ex I stopped being invited out after a while and internet became my friend might explain why I prefer online company no deodorant it was considered a perfume and using perfumes was considered vain there were a whole bunch of other ridiculous rules but that was probably the most unusual dang not even the plain antiperspirant that's rough couldn't go to prom because dancing was the devil's activity go to cut loose having to ask permission for everything from having a snack to a glass of water to see something on TV sure some of it might be reasonable but because if applied to every single thing combined with very degrading comments now as an adult I struggle with figuring out what is normal when it comes to wanting things I don't know what's allowed and what's not without asking but asking a lot is awkward since other people just assume this combined with a fear or failure and rejection tends to make unfamiliar social situations awkward one of my high school friends wasn't allowed out in the evenings we were 16 so every Friday night he would go to bed early and then climb out of his bedroom window along a tiny ledge around the outside of the building and back through the window of the elevator lobby he lived on the 18th floor and did this for like a year until his parents found out Jesus that sounds dangerous as Frick it doesn't sound like much but being punished for every mistake want to know what doing that gets you it gets you a kid who is a very good liar a kid that is so afraid to try anything new he stays in his comfort zone since failure is punished instead of learned from and it gets you a kid who takes years to overcome the mental Stegall failure after they're out from under your house sold oh I wasn't allowed to have a doorknob on my bedroom door I wasn't allowed to speak to my stepdad ever for any reason and of course the infamous because I said so be home before sunset the Sun sets really early in my country and if it was an overcast day I could not tell every minute I was late was the day I was grounded I mentioned this in another post some time ago but I wasn't allowed to have guys call for me or come to the house ever even when I was a child in dating sex was the furthest thing from anyone's minds she thought it would make me turn out to be some little s unfortunately for her shielding me from all those boys just made me [ __ ] later on tons of them but the worst was about a year period when we had to address our parents as mother dear and father dear and our siblings as brother dear and sister dear my father was a sick butthole who just came up with that one day and strictly enforced it until he went on his next deployment luckily he forgot about it by the next time we saw him there were a lot of TV shows I wasn't allowed to watch mainly things like Pokemon because it obviously promotes evolution the big one though his I wasn't allowed to get my driver's license I had to learn how to operate a car and drive in case of emergencies but was not allowed to get my license there were extreme amounts of bitching and whining when I needed to be picked up late due to my after-school activities or be dropped off at a Saturday competition then I was the ungrateful one if I complained about them yelling at me for having to go to an event for a school activity they signed me up for that I didn't want to do in the first place funny thing is that Pokemon doesn't even get evolution right pokemon evolution is really metamorphosis or simply aging 16 year old me can I go to the coffee shop with some friends I'm done with all homework and I promise to be back by bedtime dad number you already went out once this week that was actually the last straw because he made the rule up on the spot and doubtlessly had every intention of enforcing it I snuck out my window and left home he found me a couple days later and it turned out after talking to his cop buddies that he couldn't have them arrest me unless I was found breaking laws I agreed to talk to him and my stepmother whereupon they told me I could either live by their rules or not live there again no brain fill me packed a couple bags of favorite clothes and got the eff out stepmother tried to boot myself 14 female and my bro 12 male out because she didn't want us living with her dad realized if that happened he would end up dealing with child services etc so he compromised as the female I was allowed to still be living in the house but had to remain in my bedroom unless asked to come out for dinner I had to ask to use the bathroom my door had to be open at all times and no phone allowed I was never allowed to be given cash so all of my stuff school bus tickets sanitary products et Cie were bought for me I often went without lunch as she wouldn't make it for us only her son and we weren't allowed in the kitchen a teacher at school worked this out pretty quick and started bringing me food each day my bro was not allowed in the house he lived in a van I mean a little work van around the side and had allocated shower and bathroom times he had to eat outside he thought it was cool one day when I was 15 the police came to my school and said I couldn't go home as my bro had done something to set her off and she had chased him up the street with a broom then come back in and trashed my room and the van with an axe that's not strict that's abusive not allowed to close the door of my room from my 15 to my 18 I remember when I was a teenager I went to a friend's house once to play some video games and felt strange the whole time but couldn't put my finger on why only when I was about to leave did I realize his bedroom had no door it had been taken completely off the hinges I knew his parents were hyper religious but that was nuts to me super safe great neighborhood I was a goody two-shoes rule follower I wasn't allowed to get dropped off at the mall with my friends without an adult when I was 13 among other things eventually the other girls stopped calling and inviting me places then my mom thought there was something wrong with me BC I didn't have any friends she'd get really mad at me and try to force me to invite kids over to our house to do dumb crap like play dolls no thanks when I was 22 I finally made a friend and was going to crash at her house in the city after seeing a late play she made my friend come in and meet her and asked her questions about where we were going and who would be there who was driving what their driving record was like humiliating I moved out two months later without telling anyone to a ghetto apartment that I couldn't afford on my PT retail paycheck went to metal bars every night until 2:00 a.m. and kept unsavory male company at my place in mom's parenting backfired a little bit reminds me of the time my friend who had just gotten her license was going to pick me up and we were going to go to the mall my mom was P she made my friend do a 20 minutes road test with her in the car before I was allowed to ride with her couldn't believe she was still friends with me after that no doors not even for the bathroom when I went to a friend's house for the first time I never got invited over a game since I crapped with the door open one there was only one correct way to put on socks - I had to take the same size bites off food every time nothing too small or too large three I had to put on my right foot shoe on first and never the other way around for every morning I had to greet my parents with a good morning and every night I was to say good night before going to bed five if I was going to eat a cookie I had to tilt my head back and bite at the cookie so that the crumbs would fall into my mouth six if I wanted to talk to my parents it had to be about current events even if I was just 11 years old take your pick from any of those as to which one was the craziest no friends allowed if a house no sitting in the living room my grandma died without anyone sitting in her living room during her wake funeral everyone who knew her could not sure comfortably in that room it was a freaky shrine so this was something I only really came to understand after I'd left home and gotten some perspective on my childhood but basically my sister and I were not permitted to ever be angry it wasn't that we weren't allowed to shout or raise our voices that was a given it wasn't that we weren't allowed to talk back or argue that was also a given it wasn't even about not getting violent or something there was no question of that it was that we were never supposed to display any signs of being angry being angry isn't nice and we were supposed to be nice little girls who only said did and thought nice things so it didn't matter how horribly I was being bullied or how staggeringly unfair something was or how cheated I felt about another unreasonable change of mind on my parents part I was never allowed to get angry and if I was angry I was not allowed to let that show in any way there would be enforced smiling being made to say thank you daddy for making sure I don't waste money on the thing you promised I'd be allowed to buy a whatever was necessary to make sure that out off the emotional autonomy and willfulness was absolutely stamped out off me it wasn't that we were taught to manage our anger and deal with issues in a more reasonable way we were just expected to repress it all and never mention it for anyone out there who might be wondering what the longer term life consequences of that might be rest assured that it involves a lot of very messy relationship problems and a lot of fairly harrowing therapy trying to learn how to experience and express anger for the first time in your late 20s is stupidly uncomfortable my parents literally this they be and complain yet I'm not allowed to when I'm near them even when it's not directed at them because me being angry means I'm acting stupid you have been visited by the lemon shibby like in three seconds or you will never have vitamin C again if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 101,888
Rating: 4.925776 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, strict, parent, parents, strict parents, unreasonable
Id: vdJq7KsuhP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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