We Took LARRAY & MANNY to Haunted Mansion (scary)

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so satanic colds used to come here you said apparently this is the most haunted place you're closer [Music] what's up guys it's sam and colby today welcome back to season three where we are going to be taking the youtubers on other exploring videos people that you guys have told us should come along and experience everything so today our first guests but we haven't even told them where we're going yet earth cafe i'm thinking in and out because i'm scared i'm like loki actually really scared we told them we were going to go to like a really chill nice you know we'll rent out a movie theater i can call him uber now [ __ ] yeah you said you wanted to do a little scarier right i mean that was mean that was her but it was like a joke an entire time yeah it's too late now the voice you have is already like a scary movie are you ready now yeah today uh we're gonna be going on a haunted trail in the middle of the forest you're to find the abandoned ruins of a mansion we're going to the forest how foresee are we talking like runyon canyon yeah we're not going to tell them anything more until we get the car because obviously they're about to [ __ ] out so we are one minute away how we feeling jesus christ no outlet there is no return guys somebody's behind us the closed park who's coming oh should i speed up a little bit so we already have a soccer slightly oh [ __ ] there's a gate right here okay why is that guy so pissed off should we just go also like the fog is a little freaky you know like the smell like the smoke is making it more that's small we didn't tell you guys one more thing we're doing a satanic ritual no see not me no you have the wrong one i believe in boys and spirits and you know exactly and i'm not doing it we got more content for y'all that's right we got podcasts we got live streams we got story time we got bloopers we got extra content that we don't post them on our main channel we got a whole lot of secret stupid stuff that we probably wouldn't post usually so go check it out this is all a huge upgrade to our old channel memberships program so if you want to join the explorer nation just click down below there's a whole video explaining how you get all this extra content but either way enjoy the rest of the video we made it to the park but the park's closed so we have to walk all the way up this mountain before we get to the place and pop a couple of fences so you guys down yeah yeah absolutely yeah so it might be a little bit illegal but nobody's no no no no no that word on this channel yeah never mind maybe the cop will come help us some of the satanic guy you are sam what so you can be brilliant you kind of bring energy into this we got the keys in the car so we're just gonna do it oh yeah and there's also zero service i don't know if we mentioned that they were smart enough to share the location but no one knows where we are i can't believe i like because we're spacing the light we can't see jack [ __ ] i'm walking backwards [ __ ] be good what the [ __ ] going on oh god please i'm gonna look like [ __ ] flashback mary who's that [Music] wait let's talk about that that had to have been a park ranger because he opened the gate and closed the gate you're like oh [ __ ] do you think he's waiting for us yeah but he saw us when he drove past yeah if he goes right we're going to go that way okay this way yeah put the camera down [Music] we're about to do a hike when it's like completely smoky out because of all the forest fires i heard like wrestling in the bushes you heard wrestling i just got stabbed in the ribs i can't jesus dude [Applause] [Laughter] i think they're regretting their decisions yeah a little bit a little bit i just don't know this is not what i do all right so if the the cops come manny you got this what do you need for us exactly i will do whatever you need oh damn he's gonna go hard for us i will take over the team for sure okay there were many fires here in the past but like the crazy part about this is it's like a haunted trail where you can literally hear like the screams of wailing people that were dying in the fires have you ever heard the clown videos by the way wait no stop well bring that up okay nice here why'd you just bring that up please like honestly the rest of the night the clowns are back you guys you guys don't understand handle it fred roberts he owned a mansion up here right after he died there was a giant forest fire which killed a lot of people up here and burned down his mansion he actually had a lot of religious like objects in his house he's a religious guy however over the last couple years there's a lot of satanic cults that come over here and steal all of his religious objects pissed off a lot of people hear that his spirit is still here yo do you guys believe in the paranormal at all well yeah i do i don't try to like go look mean for me like i'm very much into like if you're playing a ouija board [ __ ] will happen like i don't [ __ ] with that like i would never [ __ ] with that have you guys had any experiences or no no because we don't do that he doesn't try to provoke it no no we don't provoke it you know i invoke it no what what ah just kidding [ __ ] let's go in this parking this is a giant parking lot i just went up there there's a big white car like it looks like a ranger car oh really seriously really i swear the entrance to the trailhead is on the left side the car is on the right side so if we just hug this left side and go really quickly it might not get jumped okay let's go okay there's something down there there's something [ __ ] down there let's go let's go let's go some animal or some [ __ ] oh my god what do you think about all this dude this is legit taking me back to like a year ago we used to do this like weekly episodes we're like your testimonies yeah we haven't done this in a year let's go okay does anybody know how to fight fight if we do see someone down here they're trying to [ __ ] us up yeah but we can't see in front of us oh wait yeah we have flashlights we're dumbasses jesus christ now that we got flashlights like it was nice wait stop don't do that [ __ ] what what what lesson the water trickling oh it's just water okay i thought i thought i heard people screaming like where where did you not hear that no what the [ __ ] yeah oh my god i'm grateful i did it please don't just know this did you like google we probably should have done that's bear poop maybe it's not it just scared me i was already in my mind that looks like a really vicious chihuahua poop we've run into a lot of coyotes in the past before maybe we should have told them later [Laughter] thank god grizzly like you said you heard a scream in the background right it sounds like a either an animal or like a like a really high pitch like yeah what what's the loud pic what do you guys think stop dude every time someone just turns around it scares everybody you're making me hear things [ __ ] oh my god those things are cute thank you what the [ __ ] is that dude dude wait what the [ __ ] is that there was something back there [Music] [Music] that's that's a long one okay [ __ ] that oh wait here here's the other bridge like emotion changes every two seconds who felt the temperature change anybody or just me am i crazy i'm crazy we're sweating no as soon as we just walked like right here i just felt like it got warmer right now those girls are good so i'm just crazy yeah okay look at them i literally thought it like whoa link description for the [ __ ] [Applause] it's the wrestling apparently we're supposed to listen because this is what's been heard in the mountains before eerie voices closer to the mansion cold air pockets like cold i swear to god i felt it and if you hear if you start smelling smokiness it's because of like his old mansion or maybe the forest fires that's going on in california but most likely i hate it here i heard it i swear i heard it wait just keep [ __ ] just wait just one next one let's walk right here i was very just [Music] as i'm just saying like what if we have the camper guys he just showed up oh okay keep going just keep going dude he definitely hurt us oh my god oh my god right in front of him he's right what the hell are these guys doing i mean he seemed pretty cool we should ask him to tackle him there's just a random bathtub hey a with a haunted white cloth this is a trough a pig trough picture what the [ __ ] is that what what what what what happened what happened oh what happened what happened dude that scared me so big oh i have never seen this group move that fast where were we gonna go i was about to fall off the goddamn edge got a heart rate up let's go so these are stairs to nothing the side of that like house like this used to be a full-on neighborhood that lived up here until like everyone down and fred had the mansion fred was the cool ballast that had a mansion do you think the guy that we saw was fred why was he walking by himself in the dirt maybe he needed a long time with no flashlight yeah coming out sometimes people just end up in a dark place but how is he gonna get out you know because the gate's closed if that was his car that's a good question [Music] what the hell is that we gotta be getting close whoa oh that's a bridge let's go you guys is that where the child died in the movie oh i'm sorry wait can you see is that a yeah wait oh that's it that's it stop that's saying the house so that means we have to cross this first to get to it no that's pipes that is a weaver all right you go first and we'll stay here what am i gonna do over there without the camera i'll go first just kidding all right the guy with a broken back will go i don't know what you're going to hold on it's very straight and right are those iron poles wait let me jump on it dude no dude i cannot cross this darling see the accents that come out right there unless you do it don't go the wrong way if you can do it then manny can do it and if manny can do it wait manny your makeup looks good [ __ ] thank you oh my god can we get a montage this is the guy that broke his back like six months ago this is probably why i break that's what i'm saying he's the one that's like yeah let's do it wait sam i think you know mine don't do it why i don't like it right okay wait we should encourage him so he doesn't fall you got this sam you can do it honestly out of all of us you'll be the one that could do it well is someone going to follow me i'm going to be left alone without a flashlight and then my god um i mean you got it oh god i'm walking through a spider web i knocked it over it's on my face it's all good breathe do your kegels yes samuel you're really slaying queen house down booth's mom mom giving the girls what we need yes those are sublime i will see you on the other side you guys are coming over i believe in you which gay is going first oh three times [ __ ] see he knows you can do it we don't have to this is what we make you do when you come on our channel i don't like it never coming back [Laughter] i'm gonna stick to playing fortnite on zoom yeah okay that works right in the middle this is like oh yeah that's the hardest part wait [ __ ] you look thick though all right i'm gonna try to film and do it at the same time honestly that was kind of everything right there oh my god nice manny i'm actually the smallest i can literally just walk oh my god it moves me when you move [ __ ] guys i'm scared why do i come on my little channel oh my god why is it moving a lot more with you you're close you're closed [Music] [Applause] oh that was easy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we're taking bigger steps here boys i have a backpack waste a little bit more okay okay okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine yeah [ __ ] that tree [Music] i'm just kidding dude i took the time to turn wait there's actually a house daddy chill can you grab that [Music] oh yeah oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude look at that that's the biggest fighter i've ever seen in my life right and [ __ ] in front of us oh god now he's gonna be on that stick dude wait i need the light off oh [ __ ] dude i don't that's so big oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you can you can see it from over here dude are you kidding me wait yeah holy [ __ ] do you think this is the mansion itself or no i think this is the keller house well there's cameras where apparently well i don't know but like when i researched this place there was a lot of camera so i don't think we should hop the fence but yeah it looks like it could be the color people here [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yeah that's huge do you hear larry peeing right now yeah i think if we jump this like it's it's a national park so it's just like i think it's that thing cameras will be in the front and there might be a higher fence in the front because we're not supposed to come i'm just trying to think so should we go around or you want to hop over and look for us okay there we go this is this is your journey do you want flashlight oh yeah here you wanna take the camera i'm just gonna look for cameras then i'll be out in two seconds all right um cameras it might be a bluff see those signs right there say smile you're on camera i don't know if you can see that but i don't see any cameras around here unless they're in the [ __ ] trees this is definitely the uh the first house but there are signs on the front that says smiling on camera [Music] this is what happens when we challenge youtubers to go with us our 700 000 likes and we'll challenge another youtube videos who do you think has the boss yes comment down below we should probably go through fast just because there are signs hey that john was [ __ ] sick she said i will be jumping this fence darling this is so gross this is 20 years in the making right now now we're in a contest i see oh [ __ ] fireplace chimney i was gonna say i think this is a perfect place to do a satanic ritual what actually happens when there was sensors there and people are calling their way right now then we run back across that little bridge that's a little bit of i don't think anybody's been to the killer house like that before we went through the bag oh [ __ ] like lyric you can't even see like five feet [Music] let's not imagine ourselves with spiders on us right now just getting darker and darker yeah further and cold did you just feel a cold pocket i don't know i felt cold in that like one moment see what i'm saying that's what it was like part of the haunted like cold that's part of the haunted [ __ ] around here the hot pockets hot pockets i'm hungry we need hot pockets what's postmates i just got chills all over my body dude that's a huge one-size-fits-all no holy [ __ ] that's ginormous that's the biggest it's so big this is turning to the animal challenge in the video i watched i said it was just like up here to the left okay did you make something in this video [Applause] [Laughter] yes oh yeah all right quick update we might be lost but colby really thinks it's going straight to the left cave road road which means driveway oh was colby right sam you're pretty good at like gauging a mile right we've definitely gone over a mile really yeah 100 oh my god after all this time no one believed in colby you never believe in me i believe in you really did you guys both believe in him i did that's [ __ ] [Music] waterfall so we're there these are it's right here it's literally right here uh we're busy one second stunning you missed out on the whole thing dude come on oh [ __ ] all right it's right here guys wait okay it is tropical terrace robert's home burned in 1982. what's crazy about this i've never said this before it was burned early october it's like what mid october right now early early september so it means like it's around like the same season and dude there's fires right now everywhere jinkies okay apparently this is the most haunted place of it this is it so satanic cold seems to come here you said so we gotta find it but in the back of his uh house or maybe by the waterfall one of the two there's a handprint of fred roberts and so next to the fred roberts handprint there used to be a bunch of like religious items and that's where the satanic cults like did their rituals and then stole all the items and people say they can see fred walking around this area right here just keep your eyes peeled yeah dude the guy walking in the picture oh my god did you hear that oh they're in there it's squirrel yo it's a squirrel here [Laughter] immediately imagine there's like someone walking walking we see fred russell's so we need to say let's find a satanic cult that's the wrong one it's like for people to start walking up oh wait dude what oh [ __ ] dude these squirrels are you sure that's a squirrel i'm not busting should we go check on that huge that was so big larry you get larry's doing it larry's got some balls not tucked tonight we're way back here dude jesus take my wheel oh god look it's a whole [ __ ] complex damn this was all filled with water this was water right there this was a little pond this is a giant pool you guys see like the blue around all of it that's a pool wait really check it out oh wait yeah that is like a pool side so we had like a giant like resort up here pretty much [Music] wasn't one of the things that we were supposed to say is like if it smells really bad bad or burnt one of the two doesn't smell bad okay [ __ ] like bear [ __ ] dude are you sure there's no bear right there oh holy [ __ ] these big ass yellow spiders are gonna be the death of me there's so many little ones on the floor so watch out i heard that it sounds no they sound like a fire was lit i swear to god like you know what a fire like it was like and then you were right behind it and then there's the fireplace right there oh my god you guys i swear in this place i'm not kidding and it's all charred over there too from the fire in 1982. oh that's the littlest i've ever seen okay cool maybe fred was a tiny bit is that a stove for ants they're still part of this little pond thing damn like water a conductor for spiritual things it is indeed why do i know that i was gonna say i don't know why the [ __ ] do i know that i don't know i really don't it's one of those weird things you retain second oh dude this place was huge are you sure this was a kitchen or like some sort of back dungeon area where he killed all his children okay you know what we're gonna stop right there okay what the hell is that what oh dude that's weird that is strange i think i know what this is they had a bomb shelter because they built this like right during uh world war ii and so they're worried about like the japanese so look this might be their old mom damn those bombs at this store yeah or maybe it was a bigger oh yeah almost definitely it looks like a prison it was a bigger door but i think that's like the park no wonder what's it called the tropical terrace he literally made this like a hawaiian vacation spot is he trying to steal our brand nice area under surveillance surveillance 5 000 citation okay we're going to pretend we didn't see that we're not going past the fence dude there's the waterfall damn this goes far are you sure this is like not another trail it says area closed right there where right there oh my god oh these fighters are so big i'm so scared of them apparently when fred built this house oh my god it was a moth it's so big every two seconds [ __ ] the bug so apparently fred finished his house he went up to his waterfall and put his mark of um his handprint next to his wife's and that is where he put all like his religious items and that is apparently where the satanic cults come so do you think it's all the way up here well it's right next to wherever the mouth the waterfall is what that mouthful we gotta find a mouth so this must be oh wait there's the the mouth of it right yeah before it starts how the [ __ ] are we supposed to see a hamburger he made a plaque it'll look like it's meant to be there it's not like it's blending it so this is the mouth of the waterfall we couldn't find the hamper up there so we're just going to walk back down this path hopefully it's somewhere down here where the house is but which will slug we're going to try to find it it smells so bad right here or like it literally smells like something like this is melting off my makeup reset i don't think we're gonna be able to find that hand print man so we got better things to do rex best what are you all doing what are you doing nothing nothing nothing no oh my god do you guys do that yes [ __ ] i don't like this i'm going i'm out we have some candles and we have um that's cute from bath and body works i hope so no no no oh my god no no no no no no no no no let's take a vote who's all down for the satanic ritual why straight men don't deserve rights in the evp wait just you wanna for two seconds see if it is sure yeah why don't you what is that okay no let me see just real quick see my lighter broke what the letter broke no your trust me oh god that's going to suck the whole place on fire and you look so happy that you're broke darn that's what it is what are the odds like we're trying to do this like sean said it actually does break that's that was weird are you kidding me it's weird they manifested it they're like you know that's gonna be on a t-shirt stop what what what what is that gonna be on a shirt oh my god your nose is so good my nose yeah did you like a nose or something it's actually really nice madison beer good really and the little piercing actually goes i'm trying to get a hoop actually so we're sitting out here and like a haunted mansion just complimenting each other chilling and everything yeah got a bug bite no no you didn't you kept saying wait that looks like a [ __ ] spider right there where there is on your sauce was that what what i think there's this one again what i think there's a scream the high pitched noise did you not hear that they're already [ __ ] pacing out dude what what you did not hear that [Music] let's go let's go let's go it was that like high-pitched animal noise or whatever it was like [ __ ] dude dude i heard it three times what i think we should be good i don't know whatever the [ __ ] that was you guys all heard that right yeah honestly i don't know how you didn't hear that what were you paying attention i heard like wrestling i didn't hear like you said you heard a high-pitched thing yeah it was like a squeal yeah like i thought it was a girl at first and i was like wait it's probably like an animal or some [ __ ] let's talk as we walk out true we gotta get out of here what if we actually did like trip off something like oh my god oh my god we were all having a good time and now we're not i'm just saying like we're walking to a path where there's obviously gonna be like a gate to the main road like what if there's somebody waiting for us because like we tripped some sort of sensor true obviously there's only one way out that's what i'm saying we gotta be stealthy holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay let's go what the [ __ ] was that was that one of you pieces of [ __ ] i wouldn't have screamed like that that was you oh my god i hate you okay so now we got to get them back no just you wait for it [Music] but okay wait so how did he get out oh my god either because the gate's closed ghost mobile yeah we need one of those that's fine all right guys we are pretty close and there's the one other fence we gotta hop where there's like a ton of cars so that's the only time we could possibly get caught so as long as we can do that well we're gonna be out of here until we make a nice little run for it oh my god i'm mentally not doing well is it filming yes i found a hat we walked just like five miles just now and we're all sweaty hopefully you guys enjoyed that video hopefully you guys didn't i guess i loved it honestly i had so much fun yeah like i never thought i was gonna enjoy hanging out with you like this but like i did what what the [ __ ] is that not about the video you know my friends they don't go to like the [ __ ] hikes at night yeah yeah no totally so it was a weird thing so satanic people are just like not vibe like i look for all right cool something all right guys 150 000 likes we'll have them for a part two how about that it goes down i say two hundred thousand oh she said the price is high okay oh oh yeah oh yeah we have to so if you guys wanna see that make sure to give it a like comment down below anybody else you think it would be up for the challenge mr charles all right and on that note oh you guys see you guys next time wait this is season three guys we're just getting started with everything oh my god sorry all right and guys check out the merch that we're all wearing yes go buy it down below buy their merch and we'll see you guys next time another video adios [Music] oh
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 3,979,863
Rating: 4.9656739 out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, treasure hunting, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, sam colby, sam colby haunted, sam colby scary videos, larray scary, manny mua scary, exploring with sam and colby, larray and manny, sam colby larray, sam colby manny, abandoned mansion, haunted trail, sam and colby paranormal, exploring forest, sam and colby forest, xplr haunted, exploring haunted trail, exploring haunted mansion
Id: xI7Jf0lzX04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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