Which of the Sidemen knows JJ the best?

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so obviously as one of the most popular sideline members what does ksi stand for you got a point for each word well you kind of fun yeah what is my favorite word beginning with N [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] gosh nappy hair that's that's two words that's wrong Nigeria 30 seconds you said what is my favorite universe [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] I'm kidding it's wrong it's no that's the very know all points okay would you go Simon Clement calm nice no point but nice name all seven people I've made a diss track on okay person you mention it's for that you should get okay so did you get one so I'm five seconds start from now I think Josh show well up over the Harry protect our wings of limited wings of redemption on your second channel true because I put wings on your second yes okay Harry Harry well technically so I put Joella you pointed your 1.4 re yeah point four point four good yeah point four that nobody point for Luke and Paul and a point for rock rock so I need to double check I know all of the lines one of your lines is just your fat alone could feed an Africa yeah yeah I what age did I lose my virginity oh you would got because I think it was I think it was how do you know I'm 26 [ __ ] has he been having sex for six years I know [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] so it was Stanley Burroughs second bro it's down to a secondary school who can bench more meal Ethan these days it wasn't me okay so this is we have two points name two of my celebrity crushes [Laughter] also hurry Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Megan Fox big party [ __ ] batty [ __ ] all right so it was Selena Gomez and during sex what is my safe why'd you have a consistent safe word every time I'm intrigued to see what you guys think it is [Laughter] what year did I upload my first youtube video on the KRG there BTW that is public so your main channel that's public yes [Music] [Music] [Music] how many people have actually featured with Oh I think I've got a good little beach okay so it makes people feature that doesn't feature all right I'm ready I'm ready all right I'll start with Simon on before okay Toby I went with three okay let's go play once and I love it okay five up to 1/3 in up make songs okay you're all wrong oh it's four five six seven eight yo Casey Veggies intro I sway the Dow P money oh yeah alright what's online that was featured on Baywatch [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] Michael it's not people [Music] we're all getting I let me start till jobs tow beam crash bandicoot's okay Simon add people okay meet for speed okay fly around crash bandicoot RJ you're all wrong quartz is cool you probably all should get at least one of them anyway what are point beat what - the final question what my two favorite rock bands I know one Josh knows one asked me for just one second one I'm like those you that don't know I'll give you a clue it's a color thank you actually I must be 232 bad I always do like blue just the color words a lot that's a clue okay okay [Music] next up we're going to do the Seidman see how well they know the Seidman yeah [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 7,409,300
Rating: 4.9501228 out of 5
Id: o-lXxp9Qh4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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