Baldur's Gate 3: Book of Thay Full Quest Line

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hi YouTube and welcome back uh my second video um Baldur's Gate and that's gonna Center entirely around the necromancy book of Faye uh for those that don't know I uh at the very end you get a spell that lets you summon six schools very very cool stuff uh you can scare the townsfolk you can use it to paralyze guards it's awesome um I will have time stamps in the description because it is a pretty long video but please let me know how the video goes I'm still trying to work on the editing so please in the comments below let me know if there's things that you think I could improve on or anything like that so sit back hope you enjoy and thanks for watching relax so to actually get the book of Fae you're gonna need to come over here to the blighted Village which is over this bridge uh you can go get there from the emerald Grove Waypoint and then just walk to the West uh you have a few options you can sneak into the camp you can walk around or you can do what I did and just walk kind of right in up to you there's in addition to the sneaking options you can also just fight this whole village if you wanted to you can kill all the goblins and then just kind of make it your own or you can do what I do here and kind of talk my way out of the combat itself um I do I am playing a paladin in this play through here so you'll actually have the option to uh or I have a high Charisma so uh there are in addition to that two kind of outcomes you can either spot the Goblins ahead of time or your party members can or you can just go in without noticing them that was that little check you saw maybe at the very beginning of this uh hysterian actually noticed um them so my dialogues might be a little bit different than yours but either way it will eventually lead to either a deception or persuasion check or intimidation check to kind of work your way through here so here I intimidated them got through and now I can just kind of freely walk around and not really worry up here you'll get the Waypoint and the building we actually need is right there to the left the double doors uh it's like this little in uh Straight Ahead the shabby wooden doors like it says there what you're going to want to do is actually just walk in to the doors and uh there should be a seller to the right you notice it um I'll hover over it in a second but uh it's kind of behind the bar a little bit to the right and what you'll do is you'll just go down into that seller the wooden hatch and this is where the actual book will be so there is quite a few things you can loot in here there's some potions and other knickknacks in here there's actually quite a few potions and some recipes but what you need is this lever it's typically hidden sometimes your characters won't notice it like mine did there but it'll be right behind those triple boxes just remove the first box click the latch and you'll actually move that sliding bookshelf case thing As you move forward here there's some wooden coffins you can loot these again they do have loot in them I'm hovering over those two specifically those two actually have skeletons in them so if you open them they'll try to fight you and try to release each other uh so if you want to fight more experience you can get them from there and then in the back this is actually the ornate mirror we actually need to go through in order to get the uh the book or book of they so you'll have a conversation here it'll ask you for your name you can deceive it intimidate it persuade it all these things again I intimidated it here it opens up uh do whatever you want you can probably even attack it I haven't tried but you could probably attack it to get in as well but in here again you can loot this this area but what's your the goal right of this video getting the book of they is you're going to walk over here and you'll get a rusted key and so it'll be on this shelf you'll grab that and then you're gonna walk back towards this rusted gate over here and it's actually behind this gate there are some traps right in front of it and there are some traps in there as well so if you have the ability you can use a a rogue or somebody to disarm these traps at the time of this recording I didn't have any uh trap disarm tools because I'm terrible but the key will open this gate and you can just pick it up it will start a a turnbase event once you're kind of done with this cutscene so just move your character out and you want to worry about the fire that kind of engulfs that area but and so now that we have the book we'll move on to the next part which is to go slay the Dark Art to go collect the dark amethyst to actually open the book and then you can start reading it and getting some of the benefits of the book itself so now that we have the book we're going to move over here to get the actual dark amethyst which is in this well right here which is right next to the teleporter and conveniently near our book as well so go down here and you'll typically have a little bit of dialogue options here but I've already done it I've already cleared all this out so when you get up here you'll actually have your first encounter with a few spiders there's like I think five maybe four they're not too terribly difficult they do teleport around so try to take out some of the webbing and then they'll have to kind of come down and deal with you but once you're done with that you'll move up into the actual spider matriarch layer which is where the boss fight is I've already killed it as you can see but uh she can be kind of a pain she does teleport around and tries to go to the various eggs to hatch them there's three in total so there's uh you can kind of see it off here to the right there's one that's still up right there and then there's some up there which she had hatch and then a final third one down there which she hatched which I killed all this um they're not two they have like four Health little ones and she has about 80. uh if you don't care about the loot uh that she drops which isn't that impressive it's just like a 10 increases poison damage so if you have a poison mode it can be kind of good but if you don't care about the loot you can actually just shove her off into a pit on any of the on the back or in the center you can use things like Thunder Wave or push or just uh the Thunder Arrow or whatever that is I've used that before to some like effect and she'll just kind of lob off and you just kill her you don't you don't really need the stuff she has because she actually doesn't have the gem the gem is actually down where I just highlighted it's on the ground over here and you'll just walk over and pick it up um the fight itself not too crazy a couple spiders but the big thing is there's a lot of poison damage that goes out so I'll be mindful of that if you have potions for poison resistance you might want to use it but yeah I think I got her in about three rounds so once you have both the book and the gem you will be able to combine them just open the book and it'll walk you through a bit of dialogue I have already done so that's why I have the gem in there currently um but just make sure whoever is reading it is the one you want to have the benefits of this book because you can only do it once so on this playthrough I actually have the Paladin doing it and going through these checks each class typically has a different DC they have to meet so some actually make it's easier for some so Shadow heart if you have her open the book or you have another if you're playing a cleric of char uh their final DC check instead of being a 20 is actually a 10. so it's actually a lot easier to pass the final skill check conversely bards Wizards and warlocks all have different skill check requirements but the general skill check requirement is 10 15 and 20. so this first one here you'll have to beat a 10 the next one being 15 and last one being a 20. you can use resistance and blessed so the Paladin in this case is using bless and then I have Shadow heart doing resistance gives you a 2d4 extra to your rolls uh these are all wisdom based checks but once you have uh I have gone through all these Pages that's when you get all of the effects that kind of go with this first stage of the necromancy book but like I said specific characters it is a bit easier you can give this to Gail he'll kind of eat the book he'll consume it uh I guess and then a Starion will also take it and we'll do what he does with it but yeah so once you have this you go through all three of the checks your character will open the book and be gifted The Forbidden Knowledge which is a buff you can actually see on your character and what it'll do is it will give you a plus one to all wisdom and uh saving throws and wisdom skill checks so very very powerful however the drawback to this book is if you fail uh you get a pretty substantial debuff so if you fail just one time uh it will give you a debuff called the Wisps of Madness which will make you roll all of your wisdom ability checks at disadvantage for 50 turns if you fail a second time with this book it's a permanent disadvantage uh bail full knowledge and that'll be forever so you can really mess up a character with this so be mindful of that um you can see all of the tags associated with it so you can go into notable features and see Forbidden Knowledge if you hover over wisdom you'll see your plus one from forbidden object there and the last spot is actually under tags itself so if you go to this spot you'll actually see it there that is now a tag for your character so pretty useful with that done we can uh continue the game for a little bit you're not going to need to worry about this book for a while uh it will sit there um on your open Quests for a little bit until you get to Baldur's Gate so uh just be mindful of that uh when you get to Baldur's Gate there is some individuals you'll need to talk to if you want to progress this further and kind of fully unlock the power of the book of they which I will cover next so now that we're in Baldur's Gate like I said progressed a little bit uh basilis gate in the lower City so you'll have to progress a little bit through Butler's gate you'll come down here to Phil Graves Mansion the South Side kind of near the docks there are three ways in the easiest by far is this one right here the main door basically it's the stone door you can break it down it is vulnerable to fire slashing and force damage or if you have a Bard or a rogue which you probably should you can just lock pick it it's a dc25 you can use guidance or anything else to help you kind of get there or by this point you should also have an abundant of lock picks so just have at it uh if you don't want to come in this way um that's fine there's another there's two more entrances you can kind of fly up to the top and go through the balcony the balcony will be the same check so it's still a 25 DC for sleight of hand but it is a little bit easier to kind of sneak in because no one can see you kind of come in here but the drawback is you will fight the zombies that are defending him um in his house uh he carrion himself will not be aggressive towards you but his minions will all as until you get to him the third and final option is to use uh Druid form and wild shape into a mouse or use the gaseous form spell to turn your Rogue into um a gas to come through this little hole in the wall here this is typically covered by these boxes and fish and whatnot so you'll have to move that out of the way but this will basically let you bypass that the inside still requires two doors of a dc-15 to lockpick so keep that in mind you will want to send your Rogue or somebody with stealth to unlock the doors if you are caught along the way here by the ghouls again they will attack and if you have just one person inside it can be kind of a mess so be careful with that um but I use the greater invisibility spell to basically just walk right through but like I said the best option by for me is just going through the main door just lock pick that dc25 and you'll just walk right in um and there's no combat you'll just basically have one open door to walk through and then you go talk to carrion and he will tell you about the Codex which uh will help you understand the uh The Playbook there are some uh like I said the ghouls that will kind of pop up here in a second uh there are I think three or four of them just be mindful that if you try to like move anything or do anything besides lock picking uh your character can actually lose greater invisibility and fail is like a stealth check so uh just be careful with that once you get here this is the other side of that stone wall there's a little lever right here so if you have your other team on the other outside waiting outside they can just walk right in like I said this door right here you just walk in and go talk to Mystic carrion and this will help you progress the rest of the book so here you're going to need to get through the dialogue and then you're gonna have to pay the carry-on about 1500 gold exactly 1500 on about uh exactly 1500 gold and then he will summon these spirits and you'll be able to go through a Charisma check of deception intimidation or persuasion again your pick whichever you're best at it doesn't really matter and then they will tell you about the Codex which is at the Sorceress sundry which is to the north which is where the final part of this book will be revealed all right so now we're at the final the home stretch uh at the Sorceress uh Sundries or Sundries which is just North of where we talked to the Mystic you're gonna come back here and basically back into the room and you're going to talk to the Tona tomonger she's going to tell you to whisper uh before this and then you'll select I'd like to talk about rare books and then obviously it's like the Codex and then you're going to ask her specifically about buying the the tomes she's going to be reluctant they'll get more Charisma options to basically convince her and what this will do is she will actually tell you where the Tome is located um it is basically in her office upstairs all you're going to need to do is walk up the stairs either one works and her office is on the left if you were coming from the main entrance um and uh you're just going to go inside there'll be a book on the bookshelf which I'll show you in the video again I use greater invisibility here just to get through this lock pick sequence and get through the door so I don't have to look for the keys when you go in directly to the right is that bookshelf I'm talking about there'll be a little book that is an interactable that'll be like uh yeah that class book right there you'll go in there and it'll open a portal down to the Vault if you regroup just before clicking on the portal you'll actually bring them in with you I did not get um my fighter there but that's okay uh in the back here you can get a button that'll open a door to another kind of section if you maybe have missed it but there's more loot in that room if you want to get it but where we're going for the book uh for the Codex excuse me is this way um you can't walk on these little things here it looks like they're you'd fall but you can walk across use your Rogue Bard whatever again to lock pick all these doors or just beat them down if you want to do that either one will work but then you're going to come to this uh kind of weird looking room it's kind of a bunch of traps in the next few rooms so be mindful of that uh you can disarm them all or you can just kind of walk past they don't do a whole lot of damage they look hit for like three or four but each of these doors um will be where we well the one on the left is one where we need to go but you have to go to the silver hand door to unlock it so once you go in the illusion door will bring you back to where you came from evocation will bring us where we want to go and ab duration will view the other one so when you go through the evocation door uh you'll be coming to another room just like this you'll get multiple options and vulnerability gate whatever you're looking for the door that says wish um and then you're going to click this lever again traps are going to go off kind of in the background I've just I just walked over everything and nothing really hurt me so then to get back out just click any of the doors and it'll bring you back to that main door in this video I'm just going to show you doing both of them um silver hand won't do and we'll just bring you back to uh or sorry silver hand is where we need to go and I'm going to show you how to unlock crosses krauss's room um but so yeah so you go back through and uh same same basic thing so the last one was uh wish this one is uh going to be silver is the door you're looking for uh one kind of useful tip I kind of found out if you pan your camera off to the side a little bit you'll actually see the room itself before the you know whatever before it materializes the other rooms won't have that so you can kind of cheese up by just kind of looking around if you wanted to same process as the last room just click the lever and go back and click any of the rims that you were in before and it'll bring you back to that starting area uh krauss's room uh pretty interesting it's got a lot of lore for um Gale if you want that and there's a really good spell in there that Gail can learn but for the sake of this video we're going to be going for phase so that's in here in this display case again same as before you can attack it it's vulnerable to fire slashing and force but me being The Bard I just lock pick everything so you can just lock pick it or like I show here you can use the fire once you have successfully or unsuccessfully in my case once you've successfully unlocked this uh this case you can then or what you'll do is you'll click on the Codex itself and it will give you you can read through it gives you some lower I'm not gonna obviously read it in this video but it'll give you some lore about the Codex and the pretty interesting stuff but the main thing that I'll do it'll allow you to click on the uh the book of they again to initiate another skill check again it's a 20 DC but you can use some of Shadow heart or any clerics abilities here uh Beacon of Hope is pretty good it'll give you advantage and you can use bless or whatever else it doesn't really matter but once you unlock that you will be done with this questline uh pretty long pretty interesting questline as far as Laura goes so if you you know just wanted to learn about it it's pretty interesting but I'm not going to be covering in depth on that in this video just wanted to kind of touch on how to get everything and where to go for all the pieces to the puzzle um but that's it now that you'll uh once you're done with this once you've read this portion you'll unlock a new spell and um you'll have a curse as well on you from the Codex but the curse is really easy I'll just use a uh remove curse spell which I will show at the end of this video to level three spell typically clerics will all have it but the spell you actually learn is like Macabre something uh dance Macabre Macabre yeah basically I'll summon six ghouls uh at once and you can control them all individually or you can just let them kind of swarm very very useful very uh cool spell each of their attacks has a chance to paralyze for two rounds so you can really kind if they get to go early enough they can really like mess up the battlefield and then they also have a really strong bite attack if the target is prone or paralyzed so very useful spell like I said here I'm just using the remove curse when you do remove the curse instead of having a negative to Constitution you'll actually get a 20 temporary hit point Boost from removing that curse so thanks for watching I really appreciate it if you enjoyed the video please let me know if there's any other things you want included or talked about by all means let me know in the comments below I'm interested in making more Baldur's Gate videos so if you're enjoying this content please let me know um there was one other thing I wanted to Showcase uh while we go into the outro uh that is I think a bug that's why I didn't really want to talk about it during the main video I think this will be patched but with the Forbidden Knowledge Tome you can actually later on in the game when you go to if you continue Shadow Hearts um storyline I don't want to get too deep into spoilers on this part uh when you get into her storyline there'll be a specific mirror a mirror of loss you may have seen one earlier in the game but you'll see one here at the near kind of near the end at Baldur's Gate it will ask you to give something up you can actually give up the Forbidden Knowledge which is that one wisdom save and all that good stuff and you will be able to get plus two in any ability so you give up the Forbidden Knowledge get plus two in Charisma strength whatever you want the trade-off is you're supposed to lose that Forbidden Knowledge effect however currently in the game you actually get to keep both so you'll get the Forbidden Knowledge you'll maintain that plus one to your wisdom and saves and checks and you'll get a plus to to whatever stats you want so I think it is broke so don't uh it may be patched out but as of now that does work you can do that otherwise the typical exchange is you give two from one stat to another stat so two strength for two Charisma two and for two wisdom whatever the case may be but with the Forbidden Knowledge you actually kind of can give that off to get to into another stat so pretty cool like I said it is a bug probably um so just be mindful of that but again thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed the video have a good one
Channel: BGP
Views: 18,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baulders Gate 3, Baulders, Gate, Thay, Quest, Guide, Book of Thay, Balders Gate, Balders Gate 3, Baldurs Gate, Baldurs Gate 3
Id: CqmBn9oGa0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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