The Ultimate Guide To Improve Your English In 30 Days

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happy new year can you believe it's 2021 already man now this year you are going to achieve all of your goals but in order to achieve your english goals you must have a plan and that's what i'm gonna give you today a clear plan an easy to follow 30 day english study plan are you ready for it alright well i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in all right the first thing you need to do is get three journals a study notes journal an essay writing journal and a vocabulary journal when you are trying to achieve any goal the first thing you need to do is be organized so having these three journals is essential is very important for you as we learn about this 30-day plan so get your three journals ready now this 30-day plan what you need to do is pick four topics now you all know that i love organizing my thoughts i love teaching you how to organize your thoughts and part of organizing your thoughts for this 30-day plan is picking four topics now remember pick topics that you're actually interested in if you like cooking if you like sports if you like the news choose these topics topics you are actually interested in and these topics will be broken down based on this plan each week will have a different topic so pick your four topics now here we go let's get into the details so each week is broken down into seven days but you'll notice that day one says hard day two says relax day 3 says medium and then 4 5 6 and 7 have also different focuses now what happens is when you're studying you don't want to study at the same level every single day your brain is going to need a break this is why i created this 30 day study plan because it'll help you know when to go hard when to pull back and also when to relax so for example on the hard days day one focus on vocabulary memorization dictation writing and pronunciation and fluency now there are focuses for each day but i want to show you them in detail so here we go let's look at day one in a little bit more detail all right so each day you're going to focus for an hour that's another thing you want to make sure you set aside an hour for the next 30 days in order to follow this plan you need to have one hour set aside for english one hour out of 24 i know you can do it now i'm gonna tell you how to break that hour up so day one is the hard day right what you're going to do is you're going to spend 20 minutes on the vocabulary focused on learning 10 new words and sentences then 20 minutes on memorization and dictation focused on memorizing the definitions and repeating the sentences then you're going to spend 15 minutes focused on writing sentences and finally the last five minutes focused on reading your sentences now here we go a little bit more detail the vocabulary what you're going to do is find 10 vocabulary words related to your topic remember i said at the beginning each week is going to have a different topic but the topic must be something you're interested in so when you find 10 vocabulary words on day one related to your topic it's actually going to be easy for you why because you're already interested in the topic which means your brain will already have triggers and make connections to each of the vocabulary words now what you're going to do after you find the words you're going to write the definitions in your vocabulary journal this is why i said earlier that you need to have three journals for this 30-day study plan finally find one sentence for each word and write it in your vocabulary journal next we go to the memorization and dictation you're going to memorize the 10 dictionary sentences then you're going to time yourself to make sure you can memorize them in the 20 minutes now remember i said day one is hard you're going at it really hard and you're putting a lot of information into your brain don't worry stick with me because you are going to have a day where you relax but the first day you have to go hard and put lots of information in and also don't worry everything i'm teaching you is going to be available in a free pdf so don't worry as you're watching take notes but you'll also be able to get the free pdf i told you i want to help you this year i got you all right so after the memorization what you're going to do is go to the writing portion still on day one write one sentence for each of the vocabulary words in your vocabulary journal remember to follow the same pattern from the dictionary sentences and then choose only one or two words to replace now i've taught this this uh this habit or trick before you know when you're studying sometimes you're alone and you feel like hey i don't know if my sentences are correct or not a trick is find a sentence that's connected to the vocabulary already maybe it's in a dictionary or maybe it's online then what you should do is just change one word from the sentence and you'll have a perfect sentence so for example if i was learning the word emphasize let's say in the dictionary the word was used like this in a sentence she wanted to emphasize the lesson that's the correct sentence now i want to make my own sentence so i pick one word from that sentence and change it so instead of she wanted to emphasize the lesson i can say the teacher wanted to emphasize the lesson i just changed she and made it the teacher you want to do that so in your notebook you want to just change one word okay all right now the last part again for day one read out loud you're gonna read the sentences you wrote two times out loud man this is so important reading out loud your tongue needs practice all right so read out loud and make sure to be able to read all of them twice within two minutes again you're timing yourself this 30-day study plan trust me by the end of the 30 days your english whoa your english is going to be so good because you're going to push yourself starting this year off right all right so you want to make sure you're able to read all of them twice within two minutes so this is day number one now day two this is more of a relaxing day now again i told you it's gonna be hard then relax hard then relax it's kind of like when you exercise if you go hard one day you kind of relax the next day to give your muscles a break did the same thing when i was in high school i was a track runner i loved sports when i was in school and sometimes during training we had to go really hard well the next day we wouldn't go as hard it's the same thing for you as you're following this 30-day study plan the reason i created it for you so that you could know that ah teacher tiffany has me going hard but she's also going to give me a break all you have to do is follow the plan so here we go 45 minutes you're gonna listen or watch something on the topic that's right you're gonna relax if your topic is cooking find a cooking show whoa and just sit back and relax and enjoy what you're watching or if it's a podcast about cooking enjoy listening to it you're not taking any notes you're just enjoying what you're watching or listening to and the last 15 minutes of the hour you're going to spend reviewing the previous day now reviewing is so important you have to review what you learned but that 45 minute chunk is going to be spent just relaxing watching or listening to something so again day two a little bit more details find a youtube video drama movie or podcast about the topic now again i mentioned don't worry it came up just now you're gonna be able to download the free pdf so don't worry don't stress it's right in the description you can click the link and download the pdf that explains everything we're going over today all right so again don't stress just enjoy it and remember the importance of relaxing and just taking information end now reviewing during that 15 minute period review the previous day's words and definitions and also review the sentences you wrote for each of the words it's very important now moving to day three medium now i say medium because this one it's not a hard day but you're gonna have to give a little bit right you're gonna have to focus okay so for the first 30 minute period we're going to focus on comprehension and reading spend 30 minutes focused on improving your comprehension by reading and then the last 30 minutes you're going to spend 30 minutes focused on writing the important points so let's see it in more details okay find two articles about the topic again remember there are four weeks in this 30 week period 30 day period right the first week you're gonna focus on a certain topic so on day three find two articles related to that topic i mentioned cooking but again whatever topic you chose find two articles related to that topic and you're going to read them two times then if you have extra time read them again remember the first 30 minute period now the second 30 minute period what you're going to do is write down the five w's and the key point for each article in your study notes journal now you're seeing how the different journals are a part of this 30-day plan so write down the five w's in the key point and then write down 10 new vocabulary words from the articles in your vocabulary journal this is going to be very helpful as you move forward because what you're doing is you're creating this database for yourself related to a topic man it's going to help you so much so day three this is how you actually study now moving on to day number four this is a hard day you're gonna start with 25 minutes focused on repeating what you hear or see in a video which is speaking and dictation then the second 25 minute period is going to be focused on writing and memorization focused on writing and memorizing expressions and examples of your own and the final 10 minutes is focused on reviewing the sentences from day three so let's look at this in a little bit more detail all right speaking and dictation for example find a ted video on your topic other videos are also okay ted videos are just amazing because they also include the transcript underneath the videos but any video is okay as long as it's about your topic okay remember we're focused on the first 25 minute period find a video about your topic what you're going to do now is write three sentences from the talk in your study notes journal and finally practice saying them until you get the same pace as the speaker in the video and do this twice so for example you're watching this video right now right it's a lesson it's not about a certain topic it's really teaching you about english but you can hear me using lots of new words you follow my pace you would pause the video and repeat the last sentence i said and you do it until you can get the same pace that i'm using this is what you want to do during that first 25 minute period now as you move to the second 25 minute period the writing and memorization section what you're going to do is write three unknown expressions or idioms plus their definitions from the video in your study notes journal and then you're going to write your own examples for each again this is a hard day so you're seeing that it's very intense for this one hour period you are focused very hard on english again when there's a hard day there's also a relaxing day coming up so stay in there hang in there all right and finally for the last 10 minutes you're going to review the sentences and vocabulary from day three always going back and forth learning new things and reviewing what you learned previously so this is day number four now let's move on to day number five i told you i had you you're gonna have a day to relax don't worry so all you're gonna do on day five is spend 30 minutes focused on writing about your day this is something that's very useful don't worry about your grammar don't worry about making mistakes you're just writing about your day so how do you do this i did the same thing when i was studying korean it's really helpful so write about your day start from the morning then go to the afternoon and finally write about your evening again the study plan the link is in the description so don't worry finally write about your evening and use your essay writing journal once again this is a day where you're kind of relaxing whatever happened during that day write about it in your essay writing journal hey today i decided to go visit my friend or hey today i went to go eat some pizza it was delicious just talk about your day and be free don't worry don't stress this is one of the days where you're going to relax by just writing now we're going to move on to day six day six is a medium day it's broken down into 30-minute slots so first an english book spend 30 minutes focused on studying one lesson from an english book for the second 30 minutes spend 30 minutes focused on writing about the lesson you learn it's all about organizing your thoughts and being able to regurgitate or talk about what you learned so here we go day six english book choose one english book of your choice on grammar on expressions idioms vocabulary etc it doesn't matter study one lesson from the book or more if you have time and then make sure you understand the concepts well for example some of you have purchased my book how to make long sentences in english that book goes through and explains how to make longer sentences well you would choose one lesson from the lessons in that book and you would study them and make sure you understood excuse me study it and make sure you understand the concept being presented then you're going to move to the writing part use the concept you learned from the lesson in the book write about the topic for the week use your essay writing journal and then this is important because it helps you learn how to organize your thoughts and connect the things you learn again this 30-day study plan is not just about putting information in it's about putting information in that's already going to connect to what's in your mind because you chose a topic you're interested in putting it in connecting it and then bringing it back out which will help you be able to speak better in the future because you're organizing your thoughts so helpful all right so day six again very good practice for you now we move to day number seven take a break relax and simply enjoy your day this will give your brain a chance to let everything you learned over the past six days soak in that's right on this day you don't have to do anything just relax enjoy yourself you're going hard pulling back going hard pulling back going hard and then relaxing this is the pattern we're going to follow for the 30 day study plan so this is what happens this seven day cycle you're gonna repeat it over and over and over again week two same thing day eight to day fourteen week three day fifteen to day twenty one and day 22 today 28 being week 4 and then finally on day 29 30 and 31 you take a long break why this is how you accomplish something in 30 days this is the english study plan that will help you in a 31 day period for some months and 30 days in general it will help you achieve your english goals now remember i said that i have the pdf totally free for you that gives you all of the details i talked about today this study plan is going to help you start this year off right and accomplish and achieve all of your english goals and i'm so honored to be your teacher so click the link in the description to download it thank you so much for watching this lesson i am excited about 2021 we are going to accomplish a lot and i'm gonna help you reach all of your goals thank you so much for watching i hope to see you next week same place same time and the same teacher have a wonderful week and remember to speak english you know what time it is it's story time hey i said it story time okay guys so for today's story time this is the first story time of 2021 and what i want to do is tell you a quick story and also sing you a little song now when i was growing up my family we are very close and we really love spending time together when i was growing up i have an older sister she's five years older than me and we both love music we both really enjoy music but when we were growing up i was the beat boxer like like the beat boxer and i also was the one who did the rhythm or like who would create the beats and my sister would rap and sometimes sing so growing up you know i remember sometimes early in the morning i'd be sleeping in my bed and my sister would knock on the door come in and say tiff come on she'd have a song in her head or she'd have a wrap in her head and she'd break she'd go to my parents room knock on the door open it my parents would be laying in the bed and she said okay mommy and daddy we have a song for you she'd start singing or she'd start rapping and then i would just start doing the beat so i have so many good memories of my sister and i making songs together rapping making beats and i realize how much joy music can bring to a person's life so i wanted to start this year off honestly you know again i tell you a little bit about my sister and i how we used to bust into my parents room and sing songs or rap but i wanted to start this year off by singing you a song because last year many of you let me know that you have many goals um that it was challenging for you last year and you told me how hard english is and sometimes how discouraged you would get and i want to give you encouragement as we start this year off first letting you know for a fact that i believe in you that no matter what challenge comes your way i believe that you can accomplish all of your goals and speak english and i am going to be your teacher this year just like i was last year to help you get through everything every challenge and i'll produce lessons to help you so i have a little song one of my favorite songs some of you may know this song it's by whitney houston it's an older song and it's called count on me so i'll sing a verse and maybe a chorus or two just to let you know that you can count on me in 2021 i'm gonna be there for you as your teacher to help you reach all of your goals so i hope you enjoy this song here we go i gotta look at the lyrics okay here we go ah here we go i can see it's hurting you and i can feel your pain hard to see the sun shine through the rain i know sometimes it seems as if it's never gonna end but you'll get through it just don't give in because you can count on me through thick and thin a friendship that will never end when you are weak i will be strong helping you to carry on call on me i will be there don't be afraid please believe me when i say count on me i know sometimes it seems as if we're standing all alone but we'll get through it because love won't let us fall count on me through thick and thin a friendship that will never end when you are weak i will be strong helping you to carry on call on me i will be there don't be afraid please believe me when i say count on me all right guys i hope you enjoyed that song and i hope you know for a fact that you can count on me this year i'm going to work harder to help you achieve your goals have a wonderful day and a wonderful week and once again i'll see you back same time same place next week talk to you later
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 105,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teacher Tiffani, english study guide, english plan, english guide, how to improve english, how to improve english speaking, how to improve english fluency, how to improve english skills, how to improve skills in english, english speaking practice, english study plan, study plan english, learn english, english, improve your english in 30 days, the ultimate guide to improve your english in 30 days, how to study english in 2021, how to learn english, speak english fluently
Id: NacMkOzo2J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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