Afraid of Heights? DO NOT WATCH | Richie's Plank Experience
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Channel: GTLive
Views: 655,554
Rating: 4.9233589 out of 5
Keywords: richie's plank experience, vr, vive, richie's plank experience vr, richies plank experience, richie's plank experience jacksepticeye, reaction, htc, virtual reality, htc vive, htc vive gameplay, vr games, steamvr, richie's plank experience matpat, heights, scared, scare, scary, face your fears, facing your fears, fear of heights, playthrough, lets play, gtlive, gt live, matpat, matpat vive, game theory live, matpat gtlive, game theorists, game theory
Id: Gb6Uw3trfHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 25sec (3745 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2017
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Next week Film Theory:
LE is Equius?
If only there was a popular meme unrelated to Homestuck that also referenced "All the X"
Most people know about homestuck chances are you or a friend of yours has read homestuck. If you find out that you're hip friends at school are injecting their pot needles and reading homestuck you should contact your local minister. Know how to protect yourself, don't click links with the words "MSPA" in them, avoid all forms of grey bodypaint (off white is okay), if someone sends you one of those internet mails with all the b's replaces with 8's then forward the message to the FBI, they'll take it over from there. Remember, stay safe.
Careful... No one really likes Matpat here. If he did read Homestuck he may make a theory and, like the post said, make tons of annoying ten year olds join the fandom. shudder
I wish it he said he hasn't somewhere
What point in the video should I go to?
You sure you're not looking into this too hard?