The Experience Of Spiritual Thinking (February 7, 2021) | Jesse Duplantis

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hello ladies and gentlemen i'm jesse planters thank you for watching our youtube channel remember to like subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay up to date with all things going on right here at jess of the plant this ministry you'll enjoy it i'm telling you and you'll never get bored would you turn with me today to the book of first corinthians chapter two first corinthians chapter two i wanna start reading with verse six well excuse me verse five and then i'm gonna read verse six and i believe you're going to be blessed and i want to talk about something in just a minute before i tell you what the title of it is there's a statement that i say all the time that preaching should never supersede thought that it should make you think if you went to church and you walked out not thinking about something that ain't that good of a church or that sermon wasn't it but that preacher didn't have a thing to say even though he said something all right because the word of god is very progressive it's constantly creating and doing wonderful things let me say it again preaching should never supersede thought that you want to be so intellectual homolytic or hermeneutical philosophical that it supersedes the thought instead it should make you think now i believe in education don't misunderstand me i believe in all that but this is a living book actually this is a person in written form in the beginning was the word word was god the word was with god okay so i understand i want to talk this morning about the experience of spiritual thinking when everything's going wrong when everything's going right how are you thinking you see and i get to do that when i i preach this the catholic or pastor cathy usually when i'm uh i preach my theme and the different things and evangelistic things but here i do a little bit different things here uh because how what makes you think what you think well let me tell you the greatest in my mind in my opinion the greatest man ever drawn to the realm of christianity intellectually was the apostle paul saul of taurus i mean highly qualified in religion to the point he had power to kill religious people religion is a garden of weeds it's a theological wilderness it will destroy you more people have died over religion than any other thing in the world because you see it's man-made and not god-made jesus never made christianity man did that god made christ you see the difference here paul writing to the church at corinth and they really need this because this is a very sinful city corinth i'll give you a little idea i mean it had worldwide commerce it was a bustling hub it was but it had degraded culture idolatrous religions everything you could think of and yet paul founded a church there and he said he wrote letters to the church at corinth and things of that nature in first corinthians chapter 2 verse 5 paul writes to the to the corinthian church and now watch this now when he's writing to the corinthians church that's in his mind but in god's mind he's writing to covenant church he's writing to you right now you that are watching all over the world he's writing to you right now when i when i say this this goes to you it's like as if jesus was standing in your house and pronouncing these words he says that your faith verse 5 should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of god so why do you want to try to make people understand something that's totally they cannot understand and i'll get to that scripture that the wisdom men has nothing to do with your faith it's the wisdom of god if any man like wisdom let him ask of god not of mankind let me read that verse again that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of god verse 6 hobby we speak wisdom among them that are perfect the word perfect that means matured in other words you could speak some deeper things to these people yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to naught verse 7 but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery why is it a mystery i'll tell you in just a minute even the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the world unto our glory so he had this all rolled out ready to go before any of us were ever born now i want to go back to verse 12. let me go to verse 12. now we receive not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things everybody say things that are freely given to us of god you'd be surprised that many people don't know what's been given to them freely i'm going to say 98 of the church doesn't know it what's been freely given to which means you don't have to pay for it when it comes to financially he didn't ask you to pay for it he asked you to believe for it but if you don't know that you struggle with debt all your life when the bible said older men are nothing except to love him oh no man anything but they love him he said just to love him anything except love you cannot pay off the debt of love you see what i'm saying it really isn't a debt it's a gift so let me read that verse again right there now we're verse 12 now we receive not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given unto us which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth now this man could talk he was brilliant he wasn't against intellect watch this comparing spiritual things with spiritual most people never do that they compare spiritual things with physical or with natural things why don't you do that brother jesse verse 14. and i love this verse but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know didn't say believe he can't even know it neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned so to think as a christian you got to have an experience experience always comes before doctrine experience is always ahead of dogma or doctrine and out of that experience is developed a doctrine or a dogma you understand i want to talk today about the experience of spiritual thinking how to think when everything's going wrong and when everything's going right on either side of the curve it doesn't make any difference how do you think you can't do it with your natural mind the natural man receiving not the things of god because the foolishness of them neither can he know them because they're spiritually discerned so let me say all you critics you have no right to judge us because you're ignorant and he said you were dumb i just said you were ignorant the bible said be not ignorant the only one that can judge us is the saints and god told them to judge not but at least they understand where we're coming from because they're spiritual people you see the natural man received not the things of god because the foolishness unto him neither can he know them much less believe it but know that because they spiritually discern how can a spirit discern something that's spiritually dead amen do you see so i want to talk about the experience of spiritual thinking so in other words when you're being hit with something whether it's good or bad how do you think about this write this down i i want to do a little teaching this morning do not neglect your own spirituality you'd be surprised how many people do that they work their bodies out quite often but they don't work their spirit at all they go to church if they feel like it if it's convenient if it's raining too much they won't go the church don't leak he's seen they're neglecting spiritual things now they don't they don't neglect physical thing when they're hungry to eat if it's raining you still go to work you don't neglect any of that and you wonder why sometimes god is not doing what he said maybe your spirit's weak and your body is strong let me say it again do not neglect your own spirituality why because you are responsible for it what does it do your character depends upon it if you neglect your spirituality because that's your responsibility your character will not be very good because out of the heart or out of the spirit the mouth speaketh see your character it depends on there are a lot of wonderful great preachers that have the gifts of the spirit but their character does not match the gift that's why they mess around with women steal money and do things of that nature and they're going to pay a price for that you see what i'm saying let me say it again do not neglect your own spirituality because you are responsible for it your your character depends upon it because for see the reason why i am what i am is because i have not neglected my spiritual uh my spirituality because i'm responsible for jesse the plan is the spirit housed ingested the planets of soul crucified and jester the planets the body which creates my character that's why i'm not making a hit on women or stealing your money like the natural man says i am but he's just ignorant he or she because they cannot even understand this and know this you see what i'm saying because they spiritually discern and a dead spirit cannot discern anything spiritually i can prove that with satan he couldn't even recognize jesus you think he ought to recognize jesus but he died spiritually and then we saw him if thou be the son of god he don't know do you see that yes let me say it again do not neglect your own spirituality because you are responsible for it your character depends upon it now you see you should think all the time thinking is a good thing you've heard me say this one time i went into my partner they call it partner care partner service or whatever car and uh jessica milave was in there and she said they all call me boss here they say boss can i help you i said no i'm just listening to the sounds of thinking and she said what'd you say i said i'm listening to the sounds of thinking she may not remember this many years ago and she just looked at myself because whoever is not thinking is making mistakes i'm not talking about intellect here i'm thinking this is a spiritual ministry that works through intellect but the spirit is always first so christian thinking courts investigations write that down christian thinking courts investigations and it welcomes inquiry see that's the experience of spiritual things it welcomes inquire why did god do that that way wow that's something as i was walking toward ron while satan trying to kill him all i heard god said his blood pressure i commanded it to come up it was spiritual thinking i wasn't running oh i'm not bragging on that don't misunderstand me now if anybody believed in intellect the apostle paul did and he used it he said i am a roman synthetic which freaked them out but when it came to the things of god he called it a mystery because he knew he was dealing with unsaved people you see what i'm saying and you know i call hospitals mausoleums of unbelief thank god for hospital but go there in faith not in unbelief you see what i'm saying oh they'll bury you there or you hear what i'm saying so christian thinking courts investigation you need to be in you need to investigate these things and it welcomes inquiry why does god do what he does why does god believe in the hundredfold because he wants to why do you believe in the 104 but just because i want to because if i want to i shall have no wants the lord is my shepherd i shall not want someone to get mad at me if i walk in the hundredfold of norton it's not wanting nothing now for you to say i don't believe that that's your problem [Music] that's the problem you cannot you're trying to deal with intellect in this situation when this bible is not has anything to do with it has to do with spiritual things but yet you can study it in the intellect and be a doctor of divinity have a phd i have one i'm past having doubts that's as high as you get but when you understand that it's a spiritual book how would you define salvation you can't do it intellectually well i felt good well sometimes you don't feel good at all and you're still a christian something happened what happened an experience and from that experience a doctrine or dogma became an open to you so christian thinking courts investigation and it welcomes inquiry but just how do i understand all these people write this down to understand people who need more than a clear you need more than a clear head let me just say that again to understand people we need more than a clear head we need a sympathetic heart if you really want to understand somebody you got to understand the heart of a person a sympathetic heart not a clear head a lot of people have a lot of clear heads but they don't know but out of the abundance of the what the head no are the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh you need more than a clear head i know that guy no you don't because you don't know his heart that's right bob said well your treasure is where your heart is that's who you are you see that's spiritual thinking you thinking from the spirit to a transformed soul to a crucified body let me say that again to understand people we need more than a clear head we need a sympathetic heart so i'm sympathetic with all kinds of people the sinner as well as the christian i don't judge the sinner and i don't judge the christian because you see critics can't do that they think they can because they only can get you give you a natural stand point of view when the natural man receive and not the things of god do you see them that's why jesus said things they couldn't understand it so he had to tell stories and parables and put deep thought in those things so people could kind of get around the story a little bit then he looked at the boy said i'm gonna just tell you plainly they're gonna kill me but i'm gonna be back in three days not to the natural mind ain't nobody ever thought he's gonna raise from the dead how you know that nobody showed up they prepared oils for his body that's good they weren't believing he's gonna raise from the dead the intellect says that can't happen the natural man said we cannot receive that ah but there was some great there was something greater going on christ's faith was working even on the planet when he wasn't here because his words has declared in three days i will rise everybody heard it ain't nobody believed it but then jesus in the pit of hell said where you leave my soul in hell oh that's all it took god said no whoo man he'd come out of that bless god he was so nice he even folded the clothes that they wrapped him in me out i stomped it on the ground spit on it but not jesus and what did the angels say why you seek him he's not here he is risen to understand people we need more than a clear head we need a sympathetic heart there's a scripture about it blows me away i mean it's just so hard for me to understand because i'm a spirit man what was physically happening with over 500 people watching jesus levitate ascending into heaven the bible says and some doubted now how can you doubt if i start leveling and go straight out this church i see it but i don't believe it because you see that's intellect that's intellectual activity that's range and research that's induction and reason that's the natural man receive it not the things of god no you're supposed to be dead you come back down here go back dead no do you see my point so to understand people who need more than a clear head we need a sympathetic heart write this down the power to read human nature comes from morality actually the power to read human nature comes from moral qualities of morality moral qualities of insight sympathy and sensibility see a lot of times i know how to minister to people simply because of the moral qualities of insight of sympathy and sensibility see sometimes god tells me something about you but he didn't tell me to tell you what he said about you he just told me minister to this person so i know how to minister to you even though i could be easy for me just to tell you but you're not going to get that you have to be ministered to you say which means you got to put the butter on the bread so you can eat the bread you understand what i'm saying now i can just give you the butter if you give a baby a buddy look at he just bite it right you give him a slice of bread he'll bite it now you put it together becomes a sandwich you see what i'm saying the power to read human nature comes from moral quality or morality really comes from moral qualities of insight you you see things also sympathy you sympathize with that remember because it's the sympathetic heart that gets things done and sensibility for you know in whom you have you believe that a lot of people probably have told you when you first come here you go to that church that guy's taking all your money how come you still got something left how many you've heard that oh you're gonna take all your money how come you still got something left i must not be that good cause i ain't got all your money don't shout me down when i'm preaching see that's a critic that's a ignorant fool ignorant not dumb just flat ignorant and what he don't know is god liable to save him and he'd give me all his money and i don't want it that's not the issue i want it for god's kingdom personally me i don't need it do you understand where i'm i'm coming from here see that's spiritual thinking that means you got a spirit you think and there's some people you're not gonna like but because you're thinking spiritually out of the spirit you'll love them even though they may not understand that that's that moral qualities of insight that you have that sympathy and that sensibility you see what i'm saying so the apostle paul i mean he's wetting against reasoning and the bible's not against me the bible says come let us reason together there's a lot of things i tell god think about this come on just think about this he said jesse that's a good idea i said well yeah he said but it's not a god idea okay was that bad no i just told you it was not it's just not a guy it's a good idea but see good ideas people stay with good ideas just for a little bit god ideas people stay with forever god ideas are eternal good ideas come and go fulfill something and then you don't think about them anymore see so when you understand the power to read human nature comes from moral or morality from moral qualities of insight sympathy and sensibility so i know when i'm dealing with it i know when i'm dealing with someone that's ignorant the natural remember receive it and i think why do you want a jet why do you need a jet that's an ignorant man and you don't even know how to explain why you want to jet when you're ignorant you want me to prove that to you this week the head of the people are supposed to change the climate flies a private jet got caught well it really didn't get caught he had the plane before he became that now why are you flying a corporate jet and the carbon footprint he didn't know how to explain he go oh well i can't get on the ship and go across the ocean i need to i need to uh i need to get there to change the climate which means you're ruining the climate to change the climate see he can't even explain that because that's a natural man talking he should have said that why you have a why do you have a private jet because the lord gave it to me you got a problem one man say that's not your jet brother jesse that's god's jet i said no it's not it's mine it's mine he gave it to me oh i made some of y'all oh turn around and i'll pet the fur back down that's all right he gave it to me now i i use it for his glory i helped out roy holton yesterday they were in colorado he wasn't supposed to come home till today but mary must have been praying oh i sure would like to see roy come on roy well we worked that thing out kathy stayed a little long in her meeting and so roy was able to tear down everything boom i said we'll fly home with kathy and so he got in we have to spend another night do you see you understand what i'm saying see i can explain spiritual things to a certain point but then after may receive it not i'm not trying to make him receive it because the only thing he can go by is what he sees so i show him something then after a while he get irritated because he ain't got it and now he begins to step into something all of a sudden something wonderful begins to happen to him which brings me to this next point christianity is not a theory or a body of truth it is a personal relation it is an obedience it is a life a life of christ that's what it is christianity is not a theory or a body of truth like some people say what is it it is a personal relation a personal relationship call it what you want it is an obedience that it's obeyed in the sacrifice i love that it is a life it's actually life a life of christ born again that's what christianity is that's what christ in you the hope of glory amen not only or you have that relation you have his name in you the angels and everybody else have their name has the name of god on them the glory is on them the name of god and the glory of god is in you now you can't understand that if you're not spiritual that's why i meant to be born against something new something created took place when you got born again so christianity is not a theory or a body of truth it is a personal relation it is an obedience it's a life a life of christ so all i want to do is live for jesus in fact that's all i do that's why i do what i do you see i just i eat live and sleep the gospel constantly why you cannot know who christ is until you put yourself into his hands the reason why i knew what he was going to do with ron i put myself into his hands i said well i tried that and they died well maybe one of your legs is hanging between his fingers don't shout me down when i'm preaching good would you did you go over there in fear or did you go over there in faith let me tell you something about faith let me tell you something about fear peter was walking on the water in fear as long as he had his eyes on jesus didn't know he was until he got close to him when he took his eyes off of jesus he saw the wind's bar should boom he began beginning to sink it didn't think he began jesus grabbed him and said why'd you die you were this close boy see so it's very possible if you've got your eyes on jesus you can be full of fear and still walking on water until you do this when you take your eyes over jesus you won't sink like a brick do you see that that's why some things work and some things don't and let's talk to the other side maybe that spiritual person that's being attacked decides to go home and they didn't have time to tell you you can't believe it you can't prove it's true and i can't prove it's not so i'll say it i've seen people i've seen people talk faith but their actions were totally different from what they were saying i'm believing in my healing but i think what if god don't help me i ain't gonna make it you remind me that man lord i believe help my unbelief what did you say you just told me you believe now you're asking me to help you don't believe see you don't know what's happening in a person but you see you don't have some critic want to kind of judge that you see do you understand let me say this again so you'll get it you cannot know who christ is until you put yourself into his hands i've done that that's why i put that scripture out there my covenant will not break but no alter the thing that goes out of my lips i put myself into his hands when i built this building i put myself into his hands you can't pay for this cash but we did three banks said you can't do it but we did you're not going to make it by jesse but we did cover kova's going to shut you down we're still here we're doing better we've ever done in our lives do you understand what i'm saying why christ in us not christ on us not christ around us even though that's true christ in us his name's in us lord so when you understand that i walk in his hands put your hand in the hand of the man we'll steal the water there's some old people in here that's also home praise god good song doing it write this down christian doctrine must be translated into speech see that's what paul did he translated christian doctrine through his experience got to have the experience before you have the doctrine got to have the experience before it becomes dogma christian doctrine must be translated into speech experience always comes before doctrine why does it have to be translated into speech uh first corinthians chapter two verse one and i brethren when i came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of god verse 2 for i determine not to know anything among you save jesus christ in him crucified what he had put himself in god's hands now in his natural i was with you in weakness and fear and in much trembling and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but he'd come there to try to impress him but in demonstration of the spirit and the power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of god so you've got to learn to translate this into speech and if you'll learn to translate by stripes you will heal in the speech you're going to get healing for that individual because faith cometh by hearing not not just by saying a lot of people say things get nothing people that hear receive faith come by here let me say it again christianity is not a theory or a body excuse me you cannot know who christ is until you put yourself in his hands christian doctrine must be translated into speech in other words people need to know not just believe in what you believe you got to be able to speak it and you can only do that through a speaking spirit a life spirit are you all enjoying this see this is the experience of spiritual thinking now when god begins to speak and he intertwines different things that happen he'll tell you to do something in the middle of that the reason why i've paid off people's homes because i've translated this doctrine into speech reasons why i had no problem paying somebody's car off or paying someone's house off not because i'm bragging on it because i've translated my experience was given the show be given to your good measure press down shaking together running over it became a doctrine a dogma so i translated it into the speech where the lord spoke to me he translated that that that call in the speech and i answered that speech and made it very simple for somebody to do it um we went to eat uh copeland's the other day we're very nice man man probably my age look he was working in their heart that's a that's a hard job being a waiter and kathy likes that penthouse salad they call it a penny and so do i but i don't like field greens because they got clove and grass in there i seen that i played in the grass i played that before i ain't eating that so i like if you're gonna give me lettuce i don't want romaine i want iceberg lettuce i like iceberglets yes now that's just me you won't eat field greens just enjoy yourself like a horse you know do whatever you want i leave it to you me i'm on iceberg glass so the man comes back and says this uh they don't have no iceberg lettuce it's all out i said that's fine kathy said uh well you're i said no no no she's trying to get me to take something i don't want see the devil does that sometimes don't shout me down when i'm preaching i'm not that's not being critical she's trying to make no no no no no what part of this speech you don't understand no okay well fine you know we had something to drink in there and also he comes back with two salads he gives kathy her feel greens spring mix whatever you call it he said i knew there had to be iceberg lettuce in his whole restaurant so what he did this is the waiter he went in the back going through the refrigerator and found some iceberg lettuce and made me a salad see that's thinking uh so we ate and we enjoyed our salad and uh i think cathy ordered some fried chicken we split that this it was really nice normally we don't we got to watch ourselves on fried chicken but every once in a while we'll eat something it's nice now watch this let me read my point so you can understand christian doctrine must be translated into speech well i said he said do you want any dessert i said no sir we deserve less we you know we get not much on dessert we're desertless that's his hand i don't know what else to say you know no but everybody wants it no with me i said no no i don't eat dessert but i'll take a bite you know what well i paid the bill and i said there's a hundred dollars for you i gave him he goes uh he became speechless i said let me translate this for you you did a good job thank you i want to minister to you oh sir i don't know what to say i said because you're speechless but i already admit the lord said that man did you a nice thing i said he certainly did law and i'm going to bless him oh i tell you what he was just blessed but i had to develop speech for him to res he didn't know what to do with that first they go that's just too much well maybe to you but not to me i'm not bragging on that i'm just saying hey that's what the lord told me to do now i've done that i've walked in that experience many many times can i i'm going to tell you a little this uh brother kevin zadar is a lot more developed now than he when i first met him on tips he's a good tipper now and you know when i first he would tell people i don't have the faith adjusted to plant us remember you said that was hilarious in other words you're getting 10 bucks no and then ricky ricky ricky my brother-in-law you'll get shots of these guys i want somebody to see this ricky this is my brother-in-law i don't know if you can do it maybe because of the camera though rick and morty we would go eat inside the same place and people know me and know him he said i don't have jesse the plan this is faith but you ain't getting a 100 bucks he wanted to buy the meal but i mean you know in the meals expensive well done they've developed they they you know they developed not sure at all but it was so funny now man i mean kevin bless you and cathy will bless you your socks off of me it takes development they had to develop that speech the experience had to come before the doctrine came that's right now because my doctrine is so strong on tipping when i walk into a rest that i've been they go and it's full reverend this way this way reverend we have your table whatever we've been sitting here for 30 minutes reverend this way now you understand so you want to break it down make it something funny it was just such a blessing now kevin would beat me tipping he'll he'll go ahead of me and so we're ricky no no i want to do this i let me be a blessing you know something like that now kathy is the real quiet one kathy cathy say if you don't mind we'd like to buy you dinner and that is a lot of speech for cathy zeta that's about all you gonna get out of hud a whole meeting if you don't mind and kevin like he wants to interpret it i mean she wants to buy you dinner there but i got it kevin i got it that's the one way we have fun you know we not only the spiritual sons and daughters but we we're friends you know we just have we have fun we just enjoy each other we eat out the same plate kathy says god jesse that's not that's not very that's kind of rude no it tastes good i get to taste some of theirs they get the taste of my mind write this down this is getting better spiritual forces makes you competent to deal with spiritual issues spiritual forces make you competent to deal with spiritual issues as i said only the saint not the critic can judge religious truth seek of the spiritual forces producing spiritual issues spiritual forces make you competent to deal with spiritual issues see to understand the kingdom of god you must be in the kingdom to understand what's going on here you got to be in the kingdom how do you do that getting born again see so spiritual forces it makes you competent to deal with spiritual issues see that was when ron was being attacked in the service that was a spiritual issue and we used spiritual forces immediately uh peter didn't go oh god oh god no she commanded not suggested she commanded and demanded devil get your hands off my husband that was that spiritual force talking to that spiritual issue now what we didn't know maybe she didn't i did we didn't know that the last scripture you quoted wrong everybody stripes i'm healed then you're out they say we didn't know any of that until today at least i didn't know until today see so you still don't know what's going on until that person is able to speak to you and then when peter said that spiritual issue buddy that force commanded that issue then i heard it said just say pray she didn't say jesse come because she knows prayer destroys all distances between you and whatever you pray immediately i started walking why i was under command from her come on that's good two of us agree and then jessica you ran over and this i let you and then the whole church start praying spiritual force stood up that's spiritual thinking and took care of a spiritual a spiritual issue why are you called a spirit because you see you don't die unless the spirit lives we're dealing with his spirit we get his body taken care of the reason why the lord told me to make him laugh just you could see that his brain in his body it functioned his spirit was saying i'm back you see what i'm saying oh this is good so to understand the kingdom of god you got to be in the kingdom you just have to be in so you that want to criticize me because of my prosperity you just don't understand you you would criticize god if you went to heaven did i make you mad what are you going to do when you're walking on gold street i'll tell you one thing i don't understand why god got to have gold street when people on the planet are right down there starving why are they starving why did you ever ask that question we got enough food on this planet to feed every woman every man every boy and every girl but man's inhumanity to man is why people are starving if you don't have the money you die if you've got famine over here you got abundance over there all you gotta do is ship it over there and feed everybody not unless you got the money you can't get a vaccine if the government doesn't pay for it you think 100 million doses of that vaccine is free no somebody's paying for it why can't it be given i'll tell you why because they're not spiritual jesus laid hands on the sick and he said now uh your copay your co-pay the holy ghost insurance will cover 80 percent but your co-pay is 25 30 then what's the other thing that you use you have to pay so much of it your deductible deduct means you sucking something away from you i i i wrote this point because i love castles and architecture big plantation homes they call them estates i seen john d rockefeller estate uh on the hudson river um the guy that built all the ships commodore what was what's his name yeah the vanderbilts then i thought of us i was thinking about this yesterday i wrote this write this down we as christians are largely unexplored estates we as christians are largely unexplored estates which is our business to develop and raise our possibilities given to us by christ see you're an unexplored state yet there's possibility there that you have to make that come to pass let me say it again we as christians are largely unexplored estates which is our business to develop and raise our possibilities given to us by christ see god gave us these possibilities heal the sick raise the dead cast out devil well i just can't do that but see because you you're not you you're an unexplored estate when that's all that power is in you he's given you the measure not a measure or some measure the measure of faith now how much will you explore it isn't that a good point i sound smart don't i it just struck me i said that's us and the reason why you will see an estate so beautiful because somebody saw the possibilities people say when you come to my home that kathy knows how to decorate well she's explored that at my expense which is fine with me because i like what she does they say how do you get that to work how did you get why did you why did you put that plant there did you get this to go with that she explored it what possibility do you have you don't know because someone says you can't do that scripture it freely gives us all things verse 12 but you don't know it we as christians are larger unexplored estates which is our business to develop and raise our possibilities given to us by christ i was told i could never preach because my past was too big in their eyes than my future they knew me as a sinner that's a critic that's a dead spirit see all they saw was the dead stuff when i got born again now don't get crazy with this no all i'm going to do is i'm going to explore who i am which brings me to my last point your estate is worth exploring what a pity it would be to go through life ignorant of what is yours what a pity would it be to go all through your life ignorant of what is yours your estate is worth exploring just to the plans will never tell you you can't do something i tell all my spiritual sons and daughters am i right kevin when we talk and kevin and kathy been so kind they say boy i'm so glad you taught us this you thought of that well they've talked let me help y'all i'm gonna say it publicly you've taught me things too i listen you taught me things kathy i listen yeah i mean nobody knows everything you know and and it's just amazing see uh believe the unbelievable receive the impossible you've heard me say that because it's doable you'd like that part roy said i like the doable part well you had to explore it for me to build this i had to explore something i had never done before i had i always leased building sir you know you know played leases and renting you know and the lord said bill jdm campus that's what i got that word campus from david saustra he called it the campus i thought oh okay i never thought of it like that but that's fine that's probably better than what i thought i just thought of it as buildings see but he had he had he had a bigger understanding campus you see so i started using that and i told the lord well i don't know if i can do that he said because you have not explored it amen now explore your power in my name everything name bow said the name that's big isn't it you see so no don't never let anybody tell you you're not this and you not that you can't do this and you can't do that and who do they think they are a critic a saint that's become a critic instead of being a saint see what i'm saying you can't live in a uh you white privilege excuse my french what the hell is that andre is so poor we couldn't pay attention that's our pole we was i just didn't want to stay poor that's good and i know i know the definition of that and i noticed some people because of the color of their skin they just think they're better than anybody else which is simply not true because you cut them we all bleed red i earned everything i've ever made it didn't come easy i have been royally criticized by white people and black people for loving black people why you go to that white church you probably had some of that if you black well we don't think of it as a black church or white church we think of it as covenant church that's it we don't know you black we don't know you white we don't know you brown we don't know you read we we just know you we just know you and we glad we know you i never think of i go to dinner quite often with ron and peter i never think of oh god i got a black man and a white woman no i have round and peel fortune that's right i wouldn't mind having my name fortune that's a good name fortune praise god mine is do playing this do plan it planet boy you see what i'm saying that's a good name we never think of that i swear god is my witness and you know it must be very noticeable to people because our wonderful friend taffy dollar couldn't get over this church what's the word she used kathy she said uh you know what's the worst oh yeah she said y'all are so multicultural right this is not a black church or a white church or a red church or whatever you want to call it a korean church a spanish church you're all welcome this is your people and we're very proud of you and i look at all my partners oh i have all kinds of partners i have japanese i love them i can't understand a word they say it but i love it i have spanish latinos they talk to them in spanish because they listen to me in central america because all of it's in spanish so they think i can speak spanish when i can't because i pay for that 300 bucks a program for them to match my lips they match my lips they think i can speak it they come and they go they just pray they just now go yes i went to germany and i very some get to walk around and i brought people with me so because i couldn't understand that because we got we i said peel you know we got to order food we don't know how to artistry because she she's full-blown german she can speak german fluently and i'm walking down this wonderful cobbled street car it was like this man woke up and manila brother jesse and my god man they started speaking german and i'm going yes and they tapped me on the shoulder and said bye this is the huggman and i said how did they know me and kathy said in the language i understand stupid you're on worldwide television they see you all the time oh yeah yeah i forgot about that it's in german now when i go to italy they all understand how you do it he's part of the family he understands the life i do and the spaghetti and the meatballs and the lasagna and all that other great stuff multicultural i'll tell you this much if anybody made you feel bad we didn't know about it because of the color your skin we shut it down in a second we just love people you know why we're spiritual thinkers and brother will and we don't care what color skin nationality creed you are you're in trouble we're here before you it didn't make any difference can i say one more story and close i may have said this before when i was a kid we were told to work not asked every kid i knew when they got out of school they had to have a summer job how many men know what i'm talking about women i mean is that the truth just the way it is buddy find your job boy that's right now we didn't we didn't find every empty bottle on the side of the road and sent them in there for to get a deposit remember all the way i mean no i mean i fought raccoons over a coke bottle son that coke bottle belonged to me i'm trying to get get 10 cents for it or something like that just just the way it was you just had to get a job well i got a job at peyton building supplied berg louisiana which was a lumber company you might have heard me tell this story let me close with this watch it now i was taught by my mother to respect and honor people you say yes sir no sir yes ma'am and no man you may know that what color my mother was not prejudiced my grandpa my grandparents were a lot of my uncles were i don't mean that critically just the way it was but not mama mama said you will not say those words in my presence and she would shut down grandpa and shut down the uncles in the eyes if they said something you're saying that in front of my child well mama was tough and she was the matriarch of the family them too they knew it well i got a job that paid buildings a plan there was a man there named rb he was a black guy his job and my job was to two by fours two by sixes plywood what everything pull them out the bins stick them on the truck bring them to the site take them off the site lay them down neatly take it i mean and sweat like a missouri meal i mean it's the summer time you know uh uh you know during the summer rb now they didn't have what we call you didn't have all this stuff that people have today breaks what is that on your car yeah no breaks rain it don't rain it's going to work boy how many men know what i'm talking about right you sure just the way it is like one time i worked in an all field one time it's that right and i ran into what i called it uh the tool pusher shack that's the head guy he said where you going sir i said it's raining he said it don't rain at all phil well so we and thirsty they didn't have we had a water cooler with a dipper how many know what i'm talking about know what i mean by dipper hanging on the side of that water cooler that that thing you know had ice in there water all right no cups ain't nobody could afford a cup dipper rb goes they're sweating like a mule it's hot i'm right behind he takes the dipper and he drinks some he's about ready to throw it i said no no give me some something so he handed it to me so i finished drinking the rest of it he said i want some more how's he going so he drank half of that he said whoa i said give me now two we had a brain freeze you ever get that like a jesus that just hurt you ever had the breath hurt but we were so thirsty but it was two white guys saw us did that that we in this in the uh there they went see that and rb just looked and i just look you looked at me say you used the n word you're drinking on it i said what what and i said what did you say because i in my mind i had that dip in my hand and i'm going to put a dip in his head you better set the dipper down and corby grabbed me by the arm no no no no it's matter with a fool you know so we finished loading pulling stuff out we had to go on a job went on a job put the plywood down all that kind of stuff and we come back and mr pate who owned the place had a dog if he moved the dog move in other words he got up the dog got up he sat down the dog sat out that dog washed him all the time i loved that dog and mr fate loved that dog that dog loved mr faith so here come mr pate you always kind of walk like this and as that dog dog came kind of walking that dog just did everything mr fate did it just he'd come like this and uh he said hey guys how y'all doing he said hey arby jesse i really appreciate you guys loading them trucks and getting that stuff out with once but wasn't supposed to get it out to tomorrow but you guys y'all just knocked it out he said i'm excuse me this is louisiana so we don't think hell is a bad word he said it's hot as hell out here i said yeah and he's standing by that but he said uh y'all mind if i drink some of y'all water he's the boss it's his it's his cooler and dipper and everything so he reached and they grabbed him and he got a full dipper he drinks something he said hey rb you want something i'll be you go hey quiet robbie so aubrey drank some he said jesse you want some i said uh yes sir i drank some then he went he drinks a little guy all right and he looked at the dog and the dog going [Laughter] so it's kind of like a little hole in the ground he poured the rest of it now i dog he drank it too he said boy i saw his refreshing ain't it now he drank out the same cup yes yeah he ain't gonna tell that to the ball he walks by like that he sees those two white guys and he just looked at him he ain't smiling and you can see the dog that dog knew mr pete well we went to lunch we had a late lunch it was 2 30. by the time we go you know to get all that we come back those two white guys are no longer working mr bate fighter he came out they said guys i may have put you all in a bind i fired him two white guys well he said something else with them too you reckon and he said i hope y'all can get some other guy can y'all we can do it he said i will not have that in this company he said you two guys are the hardest working people i've ever had working for me he said i can't thank you enough for what you do and i'll be saying thanks a lot dale mr fate i said thanks a lot mr fate he said now jesse you know my daughter i saw you she'd ever do just know my daughter you understand i said i understand i've heard about you i said okay i think kathy knew her daughter his daughter sherry pate remember her went to school that's all i'm going to say about that never had a date never would neither because they're just something in somebody's voice i worked there the whole summer he said anytime you want to come work jesse you're welcome to come even in the winter you get out of school and you want to go to work here i'll pay you way more than the summer because here you're just a kid once if you come back out of our school i'll pay you a lot better or being worked for him for i don't know how many years became a good friend of mine you see water's water and thirst is thirsty you love people what i didn't realize what i was doing in a close was spiritual thinking instead of natural thinking i saw or be like god sorry an individual not a black man not a white man just a person that's sweating hot and both of us need some water did you enjoy it today give jesus hallelujah
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 116,811
Rating: 4.8977699 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Spiritual Thinking
Id: opvR-_SNtGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 16sec (3496 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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