Beware Of The Prayer Request Dead File (July 11, 2021) | Jesse Duplantis

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hello ladies and gentlemen i'm jesse planters thank you for watching our youtube channel remember to like subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay up to date with all things going on right here at jess of the plant this ministry you'll enjoy it i'm telling you and you'll never get bored how many people brought your bibles or your ipads or your phones whatever you use for uh for the bible today and if you turn written to the book of james chapter 4. i want to get into something i want to answer a question today about some things that happen most people pray and prayer is the language of god and god said ask anything in my name he said he would do it but there are conditions and things to do to meet that particular prayer request and the title of this message is is beware of the prayer requests dead file ah and why would that you have a prayer request dead file maybe you never put enough postage on the the envelope oh or just maybe your address could not be read or maybe it was directed to the wrong office and i want to deal with this today the lord been dealing with me about this james chapter 4 i want to start reading just one verse in verse 3. he said you ask and you receive not see that's not supposed to be that should never happen you ask and you receive not because and he gives you the answer you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your lust so there's such a thing as bad prayers this is such a thing as a dead prayer file because you ask a miss and i want to deal with four different things how people ask amiss and i want you to write this down and give me some realm number one when prayer is thought as a a sort of a charm that is praying amiss write that down when prayer is thought as a sort of a charm that is praying amidst leave some room there cause we're gonna preach on that number two when prayer becomes merely a formal thing that's praying amiss when you're just saying it because you've been taught to say it it's formal let me say number one when prayer is thought as a sort of a charm that's praying amiss number two when prayer becomes merely a formal thing that's praying amiss number three when prayer is prayed to be seen of men or people that's praying or miss i want to put that leave some room between these things because i want to deal with some points on that let me go to number one again when prayers thought is a sort of a charm that's praying amiss when prayer becomes merely a formal thing that's praying amiss and when prayer is prayed to be seen of man or people that's praying a mess then number four i'm going to end it with this we must be full of the spirit of submission to god's will prayer is not for idle people write that down when we must be full of the spirit of submission to god's will see every prayer is an act of your submission to the will of god prayer is not for idle people some people just pray just to pray because the idol they have nothing else to do and they don't really have any flavor in the prayer they're just being homolytical hermeneutical philosophical theological or go to church on sunday because mama said you see what i'm saying it's just a normal thing you're doing on sunday that's the way it is i want to deal with that he said i want to read verse 3 of james 4 again you ask and receive not that should not be you should always receive because you ask amiss and why that you may consume it upon your love so number one when prayer is thought as a sort of a charm that's praying amiss you see vain repetitions may sound good or vain repetitions they sound good but they're no good because there's no meaning in it it's like memorizing something instead of learning something you ever noticed when you studied and crammed the mix to pass that final exam and the day you passed it you don't remember a thing you said after you studied see that was just trying to just get past the thing vain repetitions it sounds good but it has no meaning in it so write this down number one prayer is not to be selfish or for the satisfaction of corrupt appetites that's how you pray a mess prayer is not to be selfish or for the satisfaction of corrupt appetites you'd be surprised how many people have corrupt appetites in their prayer they're not praying so god can answer them they want people you can see the corruptness of the prayer and that's why it gets to the prayer dead file because god will not be moved by corrupt appetites see prayer is not to be selfish and a lot of time prayer is suffering in some people's minds or for the satisfaction of corrupt appetites you see you see you gotta remember when i was growing up they taught me to pray but it was very repetitious hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art among women blessed are the fruit of thy womb holy mary mother of god pray for our sinners now and at the hour of our death now i'm not i'm not against mary just vain repetition our father word in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come that will be done on earth this is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive our trespass we have those who trust how many operated that fast you see what i'm saying good prayer but no meaning just repetitious i don't you follow what i'm saying and why are you praying it so you can get out with three hail marys and three of our fathers how many have been catholic at least once okay you know what i'm talking about yeah how about the protestant way oh jesus help me lord help me oh let's go send some more as soon as you finish praying come up cry like a crazy walk out the church before you know it you had all kinds of sin again prayer is not to be selfish see that self is spread or for the satisfaction of corrupt appetites you see people want money there's nothing wrong with wanting money because you live in the economic world but what is it for what is the appetite saying is it corrupt have you ever drank spoiled milk he took a taste oh you know i mean it didn't take you long to figure out spit this out you see what i'm saying write this down to pray insincerely is a lack of faith earnestness or surrendering our being to god see that's praying on this to pray insincerely is a lack of faith or earnestness or surrendering our being to god see when you pray you must be in total submission and surrender to who god is because you're coming before a holy god and what did he say be ye holy for i am holy he said yes and you receive now maybe that's the reason why because you ask them this why consuming it on your own lust let me start over again when prayer is thought to be a sort of a charm you try to charm god that's praying amidst that's done through vain repetitions prayer is not to be selfish or for the satisfaction of corrupt appetites you know god don't mind you having a new car you can have a new house there's none of those kind of but wasn't it for to show off or to fulfill your dream to say look what the lord had done in my life can you believe this or i'll tell you one thing you could become like me i don't know if you'll get there don't shout me down see prayer is not to be selfish or for the satisfaction of corrupt appetites to pray insincerely is a lack of faith earnestness or surrendering our being to god that's why you asked god to forgive and ten minutes later you're committing the same sin again because it was an insincere prayer he had no faith in it there was no earnestness in it and for you know you're doing exactly the same thing because there's no submission to the prayer do you see that and that's why i want to answer that question because many people say i prayed but it didn't happen how did you pray what did you pray why did you pray say you got to know these things so you can understand how god functions and operates it's not the service of the lips it is the transformed of the mind or the transformation of the mind which god regards it's not the service of the lips it is the transformation of the mind be not conformed this world but you're transformed by the renewing of your mind you see so it's not the service of the lips it is the transformation of the mind which god regards now well god regards a transformed mind do you see that see when you pray like that you won't pray a miss a very few prayers i've ever prayed that i was not answered i don't mean that arrogantly or pridefully but when i went before holy god i went this morning before holy god i went up in the i have a chapel in my home and me and catherine asked catholics come on up i'm going to take holy communion it was a wonderful communion service that me and cathy had before the lord because it was prayed through a transformed mind a crucified body you see what i'm saying and it pleased the lord it wasn't a charm trying to get him to do something there was no corrupt appetite in it the prayer was full of faith full of earnestness total surrender to who he is and nothing we finished taking communion we just sat in there in his presence for a few minutes why instead of just say see you later jesus bye you see what i'm saying see but when you don't do these things that's praying a miss that's why sometimes you don't receive the prayer you believe in god for and you may really need that but it isn't you're trying to charm god have you had your kids try to charm you now you understand what i'm talking about i mean have you sometimes your kids are just coming and saying my mom i just love you and you just do anything but they you got some slick kids every once in a while they say if i tell her this or she'll do it you know see sometimes if kathy wants me to do something she charms me she'll say you know and i'll go here it comes it comes i know it's coming but that's all right i'm used to it she doesn't have any corrupt appetites but she wants everything i have she'll walk into my office and start looking around i'll say get out of here you're not taking nothing out this office this is my office leave it alone you know but that would look so much better over there close your eyes and you won't know it existed come on man help me out you're a bunch of wimps i know it happens to you too it happens to you too just looking number two when prayer becomes merely a formal thing that's praying a mist what does that mean it is possible to ask for wisdom not to glorify god but to exalt yourself to lift up your pride and importance see the pharisees were known for that that's praying a mist it is possible to ask for wisdom not to glorify god because the bible said if any man like with him let him ask of god but to exalt yourself to lift up your praise and importance so people can see how you pray yeah it's not to exalt god not to say oh lord you you're everything but to exalt yourself so people can see that i've seen that around i've seen that in a lot of ministers they want to be known not for the god that's in them but of their importance and they have that kind of error about them let me bless you with my presence you don't want none of that that's not that's not exalting god whatsoever at all it is possible to ask for wisdom not to glorify god but to exalt yourself to lift up your praise and importance there's a scripture in the bible saying stay small in your own eyes kathy's told me that many many times she said jesse you don't you don't realize who you are well yeah i know who i am i'm just at the planet that's it but i mean i don't think of myself as a big shot i don't think of myself as a global uh even though i am global in my ministry but a lady came up to me friday night on my birthday my friend asked me to marry him well i ain't gonna let him live in lust he wasn't doing that but i said i'm tired it's not so tight and then you can enjoy yourself you know what with the mother of the uh lady said to me oh god you are celebrity people were coming up to me like crazy this way who bridget can i touch you and one of my said i must have done something wrong because i i believe i caused you to see me instead of see the christ that's in me wasn't trying to be spiritual but i recognize how satan can get kind of slipping and go hey jess say you're such a celebrity i said i'm no celebrity at all i said out of 7.5 billion people i'm saved just like everyone else that give their life to the lord jesus christ see that's what i'm talking about it is possible to ask for wisdom not to glorify god i'm saying because many you're writing it over but to exalt yourself to lift up your praise and importance when i show people my home i asked them so i said they just love it they just can't get over it because it's a it's like a museum it's a collection of me and kathy's life i guess you could say that we've over all these years i buy a lot of artwork and different things and you know whatever and but it's not to show off i could care less about that you know in fact kathy said you never let me have a party in here i said well what what what we're going to celebrate you know what i'm trying to say that because and i understand and nothing wrong with that you know we can have a big christmas party i said yeah we probably could you know that's not the issue never think about it you know you just get so busy christmas is very busy for me you know especially ministers of the gospel it's a time boy i mean you know that you you got god on your mind and you just flowing with it you see so i realized that uh everything i want to do i don't want to exalt myself i want to glorify the god that's in me christ in you the hope of glory and when you understand that to lift up praise not of myself but to who he is i've had people say you you sound like you actually met jesus personally i have and so did you if you got born again and he's not in heaven he's living inside of you christ in you the hope of glory that's a wonderful thing so it is possible to ask for wisdom not to glorify god but to exalt yourself to lift up your pride and importance you see when you pray a miss things happen and i want you to write this point down never everybody say never never degrade god to fulfill some evil desire and think that he will grant it write that down that's very important we'll give you a good example for that never degrade god to fulfill some evil desire and think that he will grant it i never forget that here's the example that's a true story when i got out of the music business and and i came home uh i uh bought a little house it was called on 104 helya street that's something to have a preacher living on helya street you know and it was 910 910 square feet i was proud of it you know because we gave all our money away see god made a lot of money in my life but you know i wanted to be i thought you had to be poor to be saved i got saved so i gave that was five what's the problem watch this now i want to read the point again and you're not when i bite red tell you it's gonna blow your socks off never degrade god to fulfill your evil desire and think that he will grant it well me and kathy we saw no wrong in people we got born again we just love people you know i mean my god i thought everybody loved everybody i found out they don't especially in church church people church people fight more oh lord they get mad at each other quit leave walk out and go infect some other church don't shout me down when i'm preaching good well one of the head deacons came to our house i was honored that he would come to my house because i'm a baby christian i got my pampers on you know i'm feeling pretty good about myself me and kathy him and his wife came in had another couple with them i can't remember who they were but i remember him now he was mad at the pastor angry at him because he's the head deacon see he was deacon possessed you got that revelation but we don't know because we baby christians we just honored that the head deacon of the church would come and his wife and they said brother joshua that's how i talk brother joshua a lot of people really like you in the church that i should have picked up on but i didn't because he looked concerned about that and i don't know why because i might get a position when i without asking him or something and he said you know our pastor we don't really care for at all that kind of shocked me in cafe we just kind of what we weren't expecting that you know buddy what do you say and you know uh you know it makes me angry now watch this and so he said i want to pray for him so we all remember like that we took hands and this we prayed lord i asked you to kill this man am i telling the truth i pulled my hands away from him all of a sudden my baby my pampers went on i had a full-blown suit on there for a second i said you can get out of my house well i'm gonna tell you what i just said i said get the hell out of my house i could not believe that he said that's degrading god what it still bothers me when i think about it he was serious and the couple they said what we thought you would understand i said i do understand you're full of hatred and malice now you can get out of my house let me write the point here never degrade god to fulfill your evil desire i said i was an evil that's praying i miss he will desire and think that he will grant it like as if he thought would grant it if if he went pray with someone the two of you agree on earth and what he was mad about the pastor about i found out later was uh he thought that the pastor had too much power and i said what kind of power too many people love it he wanted to control isn't that something i'm telling you a truth i never forgot that long as i ever lived i felt like i wanted to go take a shower after he left to get that evil dirtiness off of me well the next sunday i saw him in the church he just looked at me and you know i wasn't quite sanctified but i had that look in my face like you want to dance with me you want somebody else see i can do a lot of things because i'm a baby christian i'll beat you with my rattle you know and i can't help myself when prayer becomes merely a formal thing that's praying amidst see he's degrading god and he literally thinks god's gonna answer it write this down prayer is no substitute for labor some people ship they're praying but they should be working well i lost a few of you right there prayer is no substitute for labor it's the benediction the blessing the effort of human endeavor if you want god to do some things it's usually mixed up with work you got to do something in life prayer is no substitute for labor like one man said i'm going into ministry i said the only way you're going can you lazy you don't want to work i said son if you're going full time man you ain't never seen work like you're going to do now no i mean you guys all you do is preach sunday morning sunday night with y'all got it made this guy was a complete idiot you understand what i'm saying prayer is no substitute for labor it's the benediction it's the blessing it's the effort of human endeavor or in other words wherever there's prayer there's work you get together and work with that prayer and produce it you understand what i'm saying how many times when hurricanes would come you know we locked this place up we put all kinds of different things to shutters and all that how many times you've seen me come now i don't have to do that i got people that can do that right i have whole maintenance people i got all that kind of stuff but i'm out there just like anybody else and i'm praying that that hurt can't go away i don't want nothing but you know what i got to have as much labor as anybody else yeah but you the ceo so what and how many times we've knocked out everything and we called somebody else and said do y'all need some help to uh to board up your house or bowl your windows up with you know we just believe in that kind of stuff i don't know if ron remembered this you weren't living way way back uh somewhere where down on off a river road way back there and we came in aboard your house i remember that ron couldn't get over there wow my god they're coming to help me border the house and they white maybe they don't know i'm black we didn't know he was black we just saw him as ron fortune still do we don't know what color you are in fact you never need to mention it because as far as we're concerned it don't exist it don't exist you are who are you a creation of god almighty the human race and you ought to be proud of it you should be proud but we went over there because i don't think ron knew how to do some of that stuff he had one particular window it was kind of hard to do was like a kitchen window we had to get something in there i see i remember those things but what we went over they did why well number one we love him and pierre the blessings of the lord we've been knowing them for many many years and number two they needed some help and you know god bless us for that he honored that see so let me say it again prayer is no substitute for labor it's the benediction the blessing the effort of human endeavor and you know sometimes it takes human endeavor to pray what have you ever prayed for somebody you don't like that takes a lot of human indefinite because you your unrenewed mind said oh jesus just hurt him once twice you can heal him later but just let him feel the pain jesus no you can't do that the bible says you got to love your enemies how you do that i tell people this i said he didn't say he'd make him your friend if the bible said when a man's ways please the lord he make it even his enemies to be at peace with him didn't say he was going to be your friend see sometimes you misunderstand that you try to make that person your friend and you they're going to give you trouble but they can be at peace with you there's some people in the parish i stay away from them they don't like me but they're at peace with me why they don't like me this the house the jet but i promise you if i called them today and said can i take you to dallas with me whoo yes prayer is no substitute for labor it's the benediction the blessing the effort of human endeavor so you got to beware the dead let a prayer file see what i'm saying that kind of thing now number three when prayer is prayed to be seen of men pharisees sadducees did that zealots did that too if your faith fails your prayer perishes write that down if your faith fails your prayer perishes the bible says let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall what reap if we what faith not see when your faith fails your prayer perishes it's just it don't even get to god i've seen people i never forget one time i've ever set them go to hospitals and pray for people because i'm not a pastor i'm traveling all the time that's pastoral duties do that but i decided i would go pray for this particular person you know uh i thought not of the lord to do it you know i didn't want to go so randy i decided to go you know so i just and i'm not good at hospital because they don't smell right they got all them smells i don't know what they're all made up of but smells man lord jesus and most people kind of sad in hospital you know and i'm not a sad person so i come walking down that and this whole bunch of people that had just come out the church we're walking out the man's room and as i was walking i could hear him pray and snore oh lord heal him lord heal him lord heal him no not never i mean they were praying pretty well you could hear through the door the door was closed so i was about from me to kathy where i am right now and finally and then the door started opening up and they went oh brother jesse we are so glad you came i said uh i was about ready i was baptized ain't no use to i wasted my time y'all show prayed and faith y'all y'all praying good they said this is these are the words because my god of god don't do something he's gonna die their faith failed their prayer perished right there ain't even got out the room they already said he's going to die the man did die all that praying was for nothing when i got in there he was so depressed it was unreal and they were shouting but they wasn't lifting him up you see what i'm saying they had that look on their face i don't forget one of my board of board members of justin the plan's mission went home to be with the lord and we believe everybody was believing for him to get better and all that kind of the doctor was mad so i come walking they said he said uh she said it was the lady that she said oh you uh uh you know this man real well i said yes he's on he's on the board of directors of my ministry she said would you let would you help me let him die i said what did you say would you help me let him they actually believe he's going to live he can't live i said well that's what you say i said i guess by you taking care of him i wish it had been somebody else because you certainly hadn't helped nothing you just want to go on to the next patient so let me help you go on to the next patient now watch this watch it she said he will not recognize you he's cancer he will not recognize you he's in a coma now see this red tie i had a beautiful red tie on but it had a little design in it so i walked up to his bed and he's like this i said kevin kevin kevin he opens his eye he looks at me goes nice tie nice nice tie i took it off i said it's yours it was amazing i walked back out and the ladies looking at me and i said didn't you go to the other patient because lady you need to get away from here you're so full of doubt and unbelief you can't even believe in the medicines that you give them to help him he don't need you i'll never forget that long zone she said he recognized you i said yes whose report shall you believe we shall believe the report of the lord oh i like that if your faith fails your prayer perishes write this down very few people pray intelligently our ignorance often betrays us into error very few people pray intelligently here's an honest this is a this is a very dumb prayer with no intelligence at all lord if it be your will where'd you learn that from church you don't know what the will of god is is it the will of god for you to be saved how do you know yeah the word says right right you mean you don't know the will of god if you want to know the will of god all of you right now watching all over the world as well as in this building is genes as the first two chapters in the book of genesis and the last two chapters in the book of revelation has four chapters between them four chapters is 1186 9 1186 chapters of kill and sting destroyed by an archer enemy called satan between them four chapters but ladies and gentlemen jesus is coming back oh is he coming back and we're going back to genesis chapter 1 genesis chapter 2 and the last two chapters in the book of revelation and man's going to walk in the cooler today with the lord that's the will of god for mankind go read those four first two chapters in the book of genesis last two chapters in the book of revelation that's what god wants for man it still does today is it will of god for you to be healed yes it's not the will of god for you to be sick he said if is there any sycamore uh is that well if there is call the elders of the church but we can't find them pray the prayer of what faith and the prayer of faith will what lift them up isn't that amazing my god very few people pray intelligently our ignorance often betrays us into error so a lot of times we're praying and we're praying in error and god can't answer that that's praying amiss how many times he said oh god give me some money what's it for i don't know you should know what you're praying for and what is to be used for in every area of your life spiritually physically or financially see so a lot of these prayers go to what i call the prayer dead file you see it's a dead file but and a lot of people don't believe in giving much well there's enough post the pope there's not enough posters on the envelope to make it to the to the office because the bible puts something in there called the law of sowing and reaper god put that in it that's just the way he does it he did it across the board come the given and come to the human race comes to everything so rape so read reap so so read everything that's how you got here what created the human race was sowing and reaping the reason you're here today your mother and father sold some seed they did they really did and you are the product of that sewing say what you want that's a fact and thank god that you were a product of that soy they got a good harvest at least i think they did you see what i'm saying so when you understand when you when very few people pray intelligently our ignorance often betrays us into error let me let me go a little bit deeper into that when i built this this this place that some people call it edifice uh david salstrom used to call it the campus i never forget that i wanted to build it debt-free and the reason why i knew i could build a debt free because god said it and the book of romans said oh no man anything but they love him did you have all the money to pay for all this no i only had maybe eight percent nobody knew that they didn't need to know but when i prayed i looked at the scriptures that count the cost before you build it i counted the cost i studied it i meditated on it i asked for the wisdom of god on what to do when to do it where to do it and how to do it i asked god what people would do such certain things who do we hire to do this in every area of it there's a story on everything in this place we built the debt free and under budget the architect said we couldn't do it our contractor said well it'll be a miracle well i believe in a miracle-working god that wasn't hard for me and the reason why i wasn't disturbed by it i didn't have doubt because i knew i couldn't do it so it's not i knew i couldn't but i knew i could do all things through christ so i put the through christ t-shirt on and i stared at that and we built it debt-free under budget people couldn't get over that people came from afar when we did our dedication to come and see this great site what did you do i prayed intelligently without any error in it there was a lot of things i wanted to do that i found out during the process of building this place that would not have worked because i'm not a contractor there's some things you can't do and some things you can do you see and when you understand that then i went before the lord and he he gave me specific instructions number one watch over my money i said yes sir he said there's an accounting coming number two take out the middleman so i thought oh okay i'll i'll i'll go straight to the source to the factory he said no i'm not talking about you or a person that's the middle man i'm talking about take you out if anybody asks you what you're building tell them you are not building anything nothing i am i don't know how many times that the devil wanted me to break that statement boy remember you're really building something nice i ain't building nothing what i ain't building anything nothing god's building this oh yeah i know that no you don't because you asked you said you said i was building it you don't know that i ain't building i can i build a dog house the dog will get wet the dog won't even go in the house if i build it i ain't building nothing god's doing it giving him glory oh it was amazing and you know i mean it could have been very simple say thank you for saying that you're really building something ah you got to be you got to be watching that devil can be slick he always does it with a little pride on it see you see what i'm saying hmm so very few people pray intelligent that's that's praying amiss our ignorance often betrays us into error right this time when you pray to be seen your prayer would be fatal if they were answered oh that's good remember the first part when prayer is prayed to be seen of men that's praying amiss when when you pray to be seen your prayer would be fatal to you if they were answered because it would cause your pride to be lifted what goes before pride ah it would be fatal when you pray to be seen so people can say look how you say heart prayer well how many times people run all over because if that guy prays for you you're going to get healed your faith is not in god your faith is not in the word yes you can honor the gift that's in that person but your faith is in that man or that woman and you shouldn't be doing that now go get if they may have a healing mission and a healing anointing that's not the issue but the faith to be healed is not in the person it is in god almighty and be careful this man has a gift or this woman has a gift if they don't begin to put themselves into it i remember they used to cast out devils all the time i don't know well i remember when i first started preaching but some of these preachers want to know who the devil was i wanted to know their names what's your name devil what street you live on in hell i thought what do you want to do with his name well you know jesus said what's your name say they're trying to but jesus not saying he said we are legion for we are many he wasn't telling you to go why why you want to know the devil's name anyway now the devil should know your name he said paul i know jesus i know but who are you he should know your name i never forget one time i was casting a devil like this was a big old bad devil and it was at the thibodeau convention center in thibodaux louisiana 4 000 people there and all of a sudden this guy just i mean he was on the floor through all the guys that were holding him down threw him off and he went like this i will kill you jesse i went you know my name he went oh boy i mean i grabbed that sucker we were rolling on the floor i was so excited he know my name and i was using the name of jesus that boy got delivered completely free and you know when demons are manifesting you can't get too much help from christians because they get scared they go oh lord jesus it was funny little boy got delivered i was so excited i said god the devil knows my name he said right that's good actually knows my name that's in your name i said that's right i said thank you lord so i've never you know i just come against devils in the name of jesus i've cast out devils without ever touching a person on an airplane one time i was on delta airlines i passed by this person this person went ah i just looked at and i went about maybe six six eight seats behind the lord said did you see that devil i said yes i did he said you're gonna let that devil being stay in that person i said yes i am that's exactly what i said i said god like as if he didn't know where i was i said god i i'm going i'm going to delta he said i know where you are i'm talking to you i said well god they would arrest me i can't get up and go do something like that he said well i didn't tell you you have to touch them rebuke the devil where you are sit in that city rebuke that devil oh okay you devil from hell i bind you jesus and i ain't growing up but i'm just a prayer the man next to me going i said come on get you in the name of jesus that person goes flight attendant went oh oh they come running then when they saw that they stopped and backed up a little bit person gets about the chef when he when he did i did too we met now wow i just can't that i said he's got a devil in him and he went oh a devil let's just get oh a demon a demon this little kid about four years old he said look over there mama a exorcism i was i was starting that the kid knew the word exorcism i couldn't believe that cast that devil out ah god you talk about quiet people well the captain wanted to speak to me i thought that's it that's a federal mandated flight which means he's in charge i go to jail if you do something on a plane you go to jail quick he said i need to talk to this man i thought oh god so he closed that curtain now if you have been to the front he looked at me says i heard you cast out a demon i said it's not my fault i said i went by and i was going to let the dev person stay possessed but the lord got all over my case about i don't even know who they are but i just had to do what the lord tell me i'm sorry he says man he says you know i'm charismatic myself i'd love to seen it i wish you to call me we could have done it together i thought oh thank you jesus here i'm not going to jail you know what i'm saying it was wonderful and you know when that person walked off that plane they said it was the most amazing thing they said i was inside and i was screaming as loud as i could but no one could hear me help me help me now how many people had prayed or missed over that individual because fear was in their eyes when they were praying and fear tolerated is faith contaminated are y'all enjoying this are you learning something see that's why some prayers are not answered see let me say that again when prayers is prayed to be seen of men that's praying a miss when you pray to be seen your prayers would be fatal if they were answered and then finally number four i want to get into this part we must be full of the spirit of submission to god's will why because prayer is not for idle people see when you know how to pray then you know how to receive write that down that'll help you when you know how to pray you know how to receive spiritually physically and financially which brings me to this point prayers must be accompanied with a trust and confidence in god's goodness now that's praying right prayers must be accompanied with a trust and confidence in god's goodness what does that mean i know in whom i have believed and i'm persuaded that he's able to keep what i commit to him against that day now buddy that's that's your prayer your faith with trust is accompanied by trust and confidence and just how good god is let me give you an example i i you know i've worked my birthdays i i preached my 70th birthday i said can't you ever do something can you i said well sometimes somebody very dear to me calls me and it happens to be on my birthday i'm going to do what i got to do you know i preached my 7th birthday i preached my 71st birthday i preached my 72nd birthday you know so what but when i got home jody said that i said uh uh joe's my daughter i said i can't uh um i said i got to go to odessa texas she said you always try to i said but i'll be back she said can we celebrate your birthday on saturday which was yesterday i said yeah she said well you want to eat that i won't buy you that i said pf change i like tf chains i like chinese food so she said okay so i got that now i said i was really looking forward to be with jody and meredith that's my granddaughter and kathy well but you see i no matter how i feel i act here now you can say what you want i'm gonna act healed even if i'm not feeling well well i got up yesterday morning i knew i was like we didn't get we didn't get to bed the way after one o'clock in the morning uh because we flew back from odessa and all kinds of stuff and i got up you ever get scratchy i mean i thought i feel scratchy i mean i did not feel good at all zero i didn't have fever not just just achy you have been like that sore i i you know i thought my god that devil trying to stop me from eating lunch with my dog no no no no so i come like she said dad how you feeling i said i'm not moved by i feel moved by what i believe she said well you don't look like you feel good i said well that's true in one sense i said but we're going to have a good time him and i appreciate you wanting to celebrate this birthday and i did and i didn't know what that but i didn't feel good at all i in the natural i didn't feel good at all i should have probably been home but you know i act ill by stripes you were here were were but i am sick i'm not dealing with you i am sick i'm dealing with you were healed see i got you i got to get you to look at your word heal like you're looking at your am sick which gets rid of your i'm sick with you were healed so i was looking at my word heel i wasn't looking at my am sick did you get that did you understand that all right when i got home and i want to thank all the people who sent me birthday cakes i mean i try to watch my way i had more cakes given to me and kathy said you just got to eat this you got to taste it just one bite so man i mean and the crespos they sent me a beautiful cake and uh we had a gambino's cake from one of my spiritual sons and my i mean i can't watch it and at the wedding at the wedding of don and mary kay wood it was a wonderful thing we went to the country club then uh at odessa to eat the dinner you know afterward and we're sitting there and i'm looking at my watch i said man i said don i apologize i said but i'm gonna have to leave we already had eight and i was gonna stay about maybe 50 minutes and then i had to get back see because i knew i had jody i wanted to go to you know anyway make a long slow short he said could you wait five more minutes i said yeah yeah sure so i'm talking to tommy barnett he's a great minister the guy all these great ministers they're all there and everything and everything they just and people are just coming up to what would you do this would you do that all kind of thing yeah sure you know whatever and all of a sudden i turned around and the orchestra started singing happy birthday playing happy birthday say ladies and gentlemen is jesse to planet his birthday and i thought kathy will you shut your mouth why do you got to tell everybody in the neighborhood and all this kind of stuff she does it to me like as if you hadn't seen me you saw me last week we have in the house good god you know but anyway thank you kat that's very kind of i appreciate that and they say and they brought me two cakes the cakes were this thick and there was a little boy uh he was the grandson of uh charles nieman and his little granddaughter she looked at me she from she she talked like i'm from el paso texas how old she was kathy's six seven eight she sticks to me she goes you know you talk funny you have an accent like as if she doesn't you know what i'm saying i said well thank you i appreciate that and i said now which one should i eat the chocolate one or the vanilla one and i looked at the little boy he goes chocolate i said would you like some he didn't say yes he just did it he could already taste it you know it was a it was a wonderful time it was just great so they all sent me happy birthday and the orchestra played it lord it was just such a blessing and uh it was wonderful i got back on the plane i'm flying and can't now watch that i've been doing all the work kathy going i think i'm gonna lay down and sleep i said okay kathy go ahead so she just laid it down then she said i took all my makeup off so i wouldn't stain the pillow thank you i never thought about her staining the pillow you know i didn't think nothing about that you know and so often she just went and said so i'm hitting buttons in that plane boy and it's going dark you know i mean i put down all the shades and everything so she could sleep you know and all that kind of stuff you know that's not important no it's not and i got to and i really got to thinking i'm the one working all day i'm the one working all day kathy i'm the one ought to be laying down and sleeping but anyway i'm not going over there i think i'm gonna go over here okay everybody wants to hear talk what's that now oh yes okay if you don't think i'm a blessed man i go to california and she's preaching see and i'm preaching both i mean we preaching boy i mean i'm just going at it and this opera singer sang happy birthday birthday to me in opera i mean whoa i mean powerful and then she she knows i love italy so she sang it in italian too and gave me a big cake huh beautiful cake i mean i just been blessed cake everywhere i haven't gained any weight i only took one bite but it was one of them i could i could have been like a child grab it in my hand but one tasted so good good god i'm about it you know it was just great but i said you know i should watch myself as much as i possibly can you know and kathy said oh it's your birthday eat as much as you want see that's what kathy does it's my birthday i'm gonna eat what i want she's what she wants and then i got a week of hell the next week why did you let me eat all that you say i know i just said well it's your birthday eat all you want can you blah i can hear on that scale going she's trying to slide it back i said no it goes forward kathy this way not this way we got one of them good scales let me get on to this export here real quickly glory to god we must be full of the spirit of submission to god's will prayer is not for idle people prayer must be accompanied with a trust and confidence in god's goodness and my last point the cultivation of the spirit of devotion is the way to contentment with our life when we pray the cultivation of the true spirit of devotion is the way to contentment with our life when we pray so without sounding prideful or arrogant i know how to pray and i don't pray or miss because i know how that happens i pray because the lord he honored me that i have the ability to come boldly to the throne of grace with a petition and supplication with thanksgiving now brenda and greg i pray for you every day i'll call your names before though you know how i pray lord greg got one of the greatest testimonies i've ever seen brenda both of them are great givers i want you to bless them financially and i want them to be so blessed that let their testimony scream and satan scream let it just get loud call your name every day oh yeah i do it hallelujah i do that i have a it's not repetitious i know what it is you see i know that i'm coming before a holy god when i walked out of that chapel this morning at my home we had finished uh a communion i walked into the lord said oh i knew i made him feel good that's about the best way i could say it for lack of a better way to say i don't know how to say how do you make god feel good you know but there's the only way i could say it in the natural in him i knew he was pleased because i understood the two immutable things i understood the blood covenant made me wear a red tie i went down i said what am i wear today i'm gonna wear that red tie and why because of that blood covenant oh i love the covenant that's why i put that scripture at the top of the church if you go outside you can see it my covenant will not break no alter the thing that goes out of my lips why did you go fly all the way to odessa texas and because it's your birthday and because i have a covenant with that man i've been preaching in his church almost 40 years plus we're great friends covenant agreement i'm there you see what i'm saying i told i always tell my friends if you need me i'm here i'm here you do what you have to do you do what you got to do you see what i'm saying and they do the same with me i mean i i one time kenneth copeland looked me in the eye tears in his eye he said just everything i got belonged to you i said i know it i know it thank you kevin he said you can have all the money i got you i'll do it in a second i said kenneth you can have all my money you can have everything i got i'll do it in a second see we understand covenant see when you understand covenant you don't pray a miss because the covenant is between you and god so tender trying to you know pull one over god for lack of a better way to say it you come before this holy god and say lord how can i please you more yeah and i've learned something when god gives you something just because you wanted it didn't mean you was lusting after it there's a vast difference between the two you may want a new car because you like that car but you're not lusting to see the last thing is that it's a strong word but you don't care what you got to do to get it and you don't care who you're hurt that's a lust it's like lusting for another woman and you're married you don't care if you hurt her it's not a sexual thing so you think it's a sexual thing it's much deeper than that it's way strong it's actually a spiritual thing but on the wrong side and you don't care who you hurt so it was very kind when cathy said that god put jesse on earth for me well i stood before a priest on june 6 1970 at 11 o'clock at holy rosary catholic church and i'll never forget it do you take this woman to be your lawful weather wife yes i do do you take this man you know the whole thing wasn't allowed to kiss the bride in the church then you know that no no no no no you don't that's the holy altar catholic church so we walked down the aisle because that's what this priest said you don't kiss until you get outside the church i said okay walked out and walked under the i call it a porch something bigger than a porch and i'm saying it's nice then i kissed the bride yeah well i i made a accommodated agreement and we laugh about that a lot of times you know i'll say when we're thinking about clues we never think of death ever at all because we got too much life in us you know we just got life not more bundley but we we had we had a friend you know he lost he we didn't lose his wife his wife isn't having his first wife and you know uh i never thought nothing about it you know but we would never talk about it but one day i got up this and i have beautiful pictures of kathy on the wall big pictures i'm talking uh six foot by five foot you know big pictures in my home okay okay i have a painting of kathy which i love everybody loves she don't like you know how women are you know they don't like you know but it's a beautiful baby this guy caught her perfectly you know anyway to make a long story short before i met kathy i was engaged to a girl i never knew kathy and if we got married it never said her name for 50 years well anyway i gotta i said you know kathy i said if you would go before i do she just kind of looked like we never talked that way i said uh i don't think i'd ever remarried now you don't know you know until you walk through that kind of stuff you know what i'm saying and thank god i have it because we're together i said but i don't think i will and kathy looks it i said you know even if i did i'd keep the your pictures on the wall i thought it was being nice you know some guys they get remarried they take all the way their first wife's pizza wait a minute that was your life excuse me i mean you're jealous of a picture i mean that's history kathy says that jesse i don't mind if you would remarry but if you bring that girl the one that you engaged you in this house i'll come back from heaven and beat your brains out she mentioned her name my way what do you know she's had that in the back of her mind for 50 years i said i promise you i i i i know no good i said why would you say such a thing she said because she had she had your heart and your heart belongs to me i said well you know she did have my heart but i mean that all went away you know i'm talking about we were kids i was 18. back then you got married a lot i married cathy she was 17 and i was 20. but a lot of my friends got married at 18 18 and 19 as soon as you get out of school and all that kind of stuff and we were all working we were men at 18 years old you had to work we could support a wife you know what i'm saying that kind of stuff i said well i don't think that's enough i am we'll just go to go in the rapture together glory to god hallelujah or if jesus terrorists will wear these bodies out until there's nothing left then i'll look at her and she'll look at me and we'll just throw these old bodies in the corner and let's get out of here and put on this new body yeah so don't pray or miss i think you learned something today you see did you enjoy it give jesus a handcraft for that
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 61,745
Rating: 4.903388 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, prayer
Id: CBXu_LrkpOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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