The Highest Aim In Life, Part 2 | Jesse Duplantis

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the bible says set your affection on things above now let me tell you something i have done that in my life i've set my affection on things above now because i've done that i'm a blessed man now people can't understand that i'm a blessed man everything i touch prospers that's the truth i'm serious i put my hands up now it takes a lot of work people think you're just gonna lay around and get something done they can work like you gotta work you work things and god gives you wisdom wisdom is the principal thing get wisdom get understanding you know i know and also listen to the holy spirit when you and when you're negotiating some things a lot of time i'll get in some little business deal or something or a little stock option thing and i think my god this thing is swaying this way i said what does the lord say about this he knows what's going to happen tomorrow i mean you know he's red barons like they say read barons you know no barons don't have a thing to do with it it's understanding that god is interested in your own business affairs he's interested in everything you're doing and if you will involve him in these things you'll be a success going somewhere to take place in everything that you do even to the point of buying a car i used to think i could buy a car and everyone i had i had to bring back bless god because of bugs until the lord said won't you ask me about that car i'll not forget that my lord the lord said when you go today to buy a car let me guide you to the one he said it you'll never have to bring it back except for its own oil changes it won't be one bug in it so i took the lord with me down to the lot and you think this is crazy but i walked in and that's when you go out there boy he come three salesmen you know first one to get to you you their customer he said can i help you today i said yes i've been son of the lord and i'm waiting on direction of which call the lord wants me to buy he went whoa i said so just stand here and pray a little bit and we'll find out which one boy hey guys are heathen from hell but he went sonny want to sell a car i'm telling that's ex that's not embellishing a story that's exactly how it happened now i said lord which one of these and i want the one i want was a burgundy one i thought i liked that one he said that ain't a good one he said go get that silver one over there i look i said we'll take that silver one and the lord said we're gonna pay this he went the lord is cutting a good deal here that's what he said i said well if you don't give it to you you're going to go to hell over this car are you going to disobey god oh no sir we don't want to disobey god here sold me that call for that money i never brought that car back for nothing other than the oil changes until my wife wrecked the car cathy wrecked that car kathy loves cds dates and those days you have those things kind of low she goes oh let's put this one in bam just hit this thing i called i said how bad is the call she's just not bad jesse the front end's gone but other than that it's all right i'll never forget when i brought the lord to that car lot that's serious i do that i haven't done it all the time and every time i hadn't done it i always had a problem and the lord said how come you didn't invite me i can tell when i disappoint god see because he's just as hungry and thirsty for my fellowship as i am for his i'm his kid you see what i'm trying to say this is the highest aim in life blessed are they which do hunger and thirst see god deals with us not so much according to our performance write this down this will help you this will help you tomorrow god does not deal with us or god deals with us not so much according to our performances but according to his promises you see i always thought that my performance is what made god smile no no it's his promise that makes him smile and if i walk in his promise instead of my performance i will fulfill his word in my life because if you really think about it who could satisfy god this is god here i don't care how good you are you'll never ever be able to come up to that level but if you walk in his promise instead of your performance that shows him you hungry and thirsty and he bestows upon you a flood of righteousness you see when you do the best you can god honestly but the best you can if you think in terms of a b c and d in terms of grades it might be a c it could be a d but it was the best you could in god's eyes there's an a plus but if you could do an a plus and you did a d oh unto you scribes and pharisees you see what i'm saying god these are that's not so much according to our performance but according to his promises his promises are prophecies do you know a promise of god is a prophetic utterance when it's falling from his lips do you know why i believe in healing so strong because it's not a promise to me it's a prophecy but jesus that saith the lord thy god by jesus stripes you were healed sound good to me do i need an interpreter for that no i got that see to me his promises are yea an amen but to me when they fall from his lips they are prophecies prophetic utterances coming from the very lips of god they shall come to pass god told me one time that long ago he said jesse my word shall not return unto me void boy i mean he was strong he said but it's very possible my word can return unto you void and i s it stopped me and i said why lord he said because you don't believe it like i do if you'll believe it like i do my promises to you will be prophecies prophetic utterance falling from the lips of jehovah and you will walk in that promise that's righteousness so lord when i read a promise in the bible i don't say lord let me have the prophet i hung in first lord that it returned from a promise to a prophecy so i'll get it as a prophetic utterance my god shall supply all my need according to his riches in christ jesus that's not a promise that is thus saith the lord thy god concerning jesse duplantis and all that his hand touches that i will bless him in the city and bless him in the field bless him going in and blessing going out i speak this prophetic utterance over this man glory all of a sudden it ain't a promise brother it's a prophecy i bow my head and receive that prophecy and walk in the light of that word i'm the righteousness of god if god be for me who can be against me no weapon from the gifts we're going to prosper whoo that's not a promise to me that's a prophetic utterance oh lord that's hunger and thirst i see it i can see it right now it's clicking all these promises are it's a thus saith the lord thy god man i love that because sometimes i my performances wasn't up to par see but i did the best i could and i wondered why god honored me he said because you're hungrier than thirst jesse you did wonderful oh really i didn't think i did too well no you received it as a prophecy instead of a promise and you walked in the line that's concerning your husband your husband's not saved it's his tough look he married you this is tough love if you deal with this that you got the promise of your family down to a thousand generations if you look across your family your kids and rebellious kids and say my god said thus saith the lord you're getting saved whether you like it or not in this statement now god doesn't break people's wills we know that but let me ain't nobody in their right mind want to go to hell god has a way of opening up their eyes and making them see things you never thought they could see and it'll work that's how i got saved that's how my wife got me saved let me tell you something i had preachers sometimes would tell me don't you are you disgusted in life no you know you're not having fun i'm having a blast myself i've had some say you know them drugs you're taking they're not they're not they don't give you any fun i said take a hit of this jack you see what i'm talking about that booze ain't no good for you well come on drink with me let me see how long you'll stay quiet i was having fun i tell you what i believe the bible when the preacher did the bible said sins pleasure he lied like a dog from the poop and said he wouldn't don't shout me down when i'm preaching good brother hagin said that i had fun son i was dying and going to hell but i was going with gusto i'm telling i don't tell young people oh it ain't fun i said you smoke dope you drank booze you're gonna have fun it's gonna kill you it's gonna destroy you not only in this life but in the life to come is it worth it but if you get jesus christ the hope of glory in life forget about quote uh what you've been taught in terms of religion when you walk boldly to the throne of grace one one second in the presence of god is far greater than any fun you'll ever have in a sin life yeah i used to like to dance i like to drink and then and i mean i was in the highs i took so many i took trips and never left my house i was constantly tripping somewhere if there was a party i found it i'll tell you i enjoyed it i used to like to boogie i didn't go home man i waited till daylight for go home so i could see where i was going i've put a qua a quarter in a parking meter and so drunks that i've gained an hour let's go i had a policeman in dallas texas stopped me grabbed this chalk line i was on the street pulled it literally he said walk that line i said not till you put a net under it man i ain't getting on no line i was drunk as a skunk he said where's your car i said the last time i saw it it was on the end of this key i don't know i was drunk i was when he used to have the dallas fort worth turnpike you used to call it that i had the texas public safety department stopped me i was standing by a fence watching a grass a cow eat grass stone out of my mind i had been smoking dope all night had a little dope in me man and the texas public officer come up then he looked at me he i went hey hey joy bear i said have you ever watched a cow eat grass he went son don't drive the car was i having fun yeah i was having fun until i came down and i was hurting inside and i was always trying to get this facade to not let me look at reality see so that's the reason for all that stuff because when the booze is in you and the drugs on you it make it tells you that you're something you're not especially cocaine cocaine and i could take a nose hit at a hundred yards don't act like you don't know about this you ex drug addicts you know what i'm talking about but you see the problem is you always come down the problem is you f you look in the mirror and the next morning you find out who you really are you have been deceived so you have to go take something else to bump you back up what you're actually looking for is god you want a high get the most high in your veins you'll never come down see that's what i'm talking about see man is searching for that that that high that ecstasy that's what they call it is a drug now called ecstasy a shot of the holy ghost to take care of that think about that see that's hungering and thirst for righteousness but you see when i stood before god and when i gave him my life i said this is why i got drunk i was looking for you this is why i took drugs i was trying to get that high i was trying to get that feeling that rush you ever had the holy ghost hit you you talk about a rush i mean you'll do stuff you never thought holy ghost hit my wife in england i had to go get her she jumped up just laughing all of a sudden he hit carolyn she took off she was riding the bicycle in her chair my god look i said no this is a rush and jerry was gone man jerry [Applause] bam i said my god everybody's tripping i turned around there's four or five people coming at me like this i thought oh jesus me and terry are the only ones that was sober he was trying to help everybody brother jerry laying on the floor and carolyn then ran around the earth three times on that bicycle kathy was jumping up i thought she's going to stop on jerry people running all over the place this is england ladies and gentlemen england don't do this england is stoic hello how you doing i'm telling you the power god what made it happen hunger and thirst brother they reached the high of almighty god that's what happened i watched this i saw this i was there brother copeland trying to preach the word god i seen him he would he'd give it a shot and the holy ghost had hit wow bam people following kenneth go get i looked at him he went he said psalms uh-huh psalms 1. it was amazing glory to god god was moving yeah that's what people were searching for and that's what the world's searching for see michael jordan coming well he got that long hang time he's up in the air you followed him slam that that that that's like that man you can get that god i'm talking you talk about hang time you can go around the world think about that that is when you take a promise turn it into a prophecy realize that god is speaking see when i read the word of god to me this is not a book in the beginning was the word the word was god and the word was with god this is jesus in written form there are some times i've done this oh lord people think oh he's got the bible on his chest no no i'm doing what john the revelator did oh jesus this is this is you see yeah that's what i'm talking about it's a book of his life inevitably listen to this statement then we'll close inevitably faith is lost when life's responsibilities slow us down to a quiet jog on an easy road see that's that's religion okay all right now we don't want to run today we're going to get on treadmill you can run real fast on the treadmill but you ain't going nowhere but you're running you're getting your religious exes how are you moving you're not going anywhere the scenery is not changing that's the only thing i hate about treadmills i got three of them in my office i have a little health club in my office that i use for my uh for my employees you know i tell them that y'all need to be in shape let's get out there and get this thing done you ought to see them it's the funniest thing i've seen in my life i like the dot the data processing girls getting there because they love that candy when they come for lunch all right come on they get in there and eat and i said okay to the gym to the gym to the gym to the gym jump or they come out sweating anybody got a snickers bar i need some energy they enjoy themselves look at that god listen to me fa inevitably faith is lost when life's responsibility slows us down to a quiet jog on the easy road the less strenuously we seek after righteousness the less strongly we believe in it say you're running but you're not going anywhere but you get out on that road and you do a 10k people say now people got to be crazy to go run 6.2 miles or 5k or a marathon now people think you are hurting when you finish but there is something about doing that ask oprah winfrey 40 years old out there running 26.2 miles at the 20-mile mark you'll sell your house for somebody to pick you up it's called the wall you hit a wall your body says i am dying right here but when you finish that or whatever race you made is the most amazing exhilarating feeling i did it i wanted to run the diamond head run in honolulu hawaii we were preaching i said bless god they got the iron man over there now i don't do that iron man that's swimming and riding the bicycle and run it i i said no no no but i like to do that diamond head run which mean anybody have been in honolulu here you've been to the diamond head crater you know how you got to run up that thing i mean you ever seen those the army do that the army runs it up every morning i don't know but i've been told oh they start and then full comp and they go up that full gear i think my god those guys in shape it's amazing so i said i'm gonna do this diamond head run and i looked around man i saw these old men around me man their skin hanging off i thought that's good what's their problem my hair may be white but at least well some i'm starting to sag a little bit but bless god i took off oh and i'm running glory to god we started going up we started down waikiki beach and we're running oh man all of a sudden you can tell when you start running up your muscles start saying oxygen oxygen oxygen your lungs say this is it jack that's all we got you hear yourself i saw you here and i'm running and i'm thinking you're not going to make it you're not going to make i said i bind you shut up [Applause] after a while i couldn't talk i said and this 73 year old man comes by me passes me and says come on young man you can make it i said if i could catch him i'd kill him but i can't catch him i'm trying to catch him god trip him lord he turns around come on he ran like this come on young man come on i said he don't know it but when i get close to him i'm gonna punch him is what i'm gonna do just fine come on get to the top come on long saying we're gonna die my heart's in look at your head it's white you're gonna die you're gonna die cannot shut up i'm hungry and thirsting for this come on i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna increase the speed come on man my skin's so loose it's slapping me in the face come on i passed this guy i said when you get to the top turn around i said that'll be very easy i got i made it to the top i turned around then gravity gravity i passed the old man this is a very tiring sermon i passed him going down [Applause] for what what did you get mr jesse a t-shirt i was so proud i warned the next day and said i ran a diamond head run i wanted to wear it at church tonight but they wouldn't let me how did you make it to the top i paced myself the whole key to finishing the race is pace now some people they fly out the blocks wow i ran them my pastor excuse me my pastor ran with an associate i didn't run with him he wanted to beat his associates so bad i said frank you want to beat him you don't beat him you're going to beat yourself pace yourself oh bless good i'm gonna beat my associate i'm the senior pastor okay frank boom out he took off doing about seven and a half minute mile oh after three miles she kicks in but old mitchell have to walk frank's legs like cement you can see it here come mitchell right by him pace is the key to complete the race god has set before you now don't try to run someone else's pace i want to run like brother hagin you might want to practice a little i want to run like brother copeland you better practice you better practice because what he says he's going to do he does and he always shapes himself up for whatever the challenge is you just don't go out there and run 6.2 miles you don't go out there and run a marathon i don't care if you've been running for 20 years and you've been running 10 miles you got to trade yourself for these things this is what jesus said bless the day which to hunger and thirst this is training pace yourself for they shall be full or they'll get the t-shirt for lack of a better term but that's simply the truth when you understand that if you believe in god how come i'm not getting it yet how come i'm not getting it yet you have it paced yourself how come some people back up and go by why they stop they haven't paced themselves they haven't looked at what they are but if you will every one of you people if you will do what god says you'll make it to the top you'll make it to the top it'll work for you you'll get more than a t-shirt you'll get a crown glory that god a blessing yeah say this and close again i always do my diamond head walk around every time i go i haven't only ran the diamond had run one time but every time i go i used to go up diamond head i preached twice a year in hawaii i fished 14 days i preached 11 times it was a lot of preaching going on but my staff came with me todd he's in the television truck and i don't know if roy is here or not but roy is a big guy he i said now look when y'all walk up diamond dangle this ain't no easy trip in fact we always tell people they're coming down they're going i said you didn't take the elevator they go hella there's no elevator later john you just see the shark work with the roy that ross said kathy said right you didn't take the elevator i mean brother sometimes you may have to stop going up but that's all right don't feel offended you start it it's amazing and i've walked with people and they have the grandest time when they get to the i said bring water they said why you can sell it for a hundred dollars a thimble but it's the prettiest sight in honolulu is the type of diamond head crater when you look down is that am i correct is that play it's beautiful and then you walk down and you just take your time yeah i'll say this though if you have a goal you think you have to end you're going through a tunnel oh jesus thank you you come out the tunnel you think you're on the top you turn around and there's 99 steps like this i'm not like this like this you look up and you say oh jesus people have prayed more there than any other spot in america one time i walked in this lady said brother jesse pray see this pray and get behind me and push me as you pray i'm helping this oh jesus i believe in god what i'm saying i'm believing god too ma'am i'm trying to help you up this thing kathy says help her jesse i said this woman pass out she gonna knock me down these stairs we made it to the top it was glorious it was wonderful blessed empowered to prosper that's what that means hunger and thirst i'm not going to drink out of empty religious cups anymore i am gonna drink out of the cup of the lord yes i am and i'm gonna get my full whether the church says i can i can't have it jesus said i could now i'm gonna submit myself to the church and i'm going to submit to our pastor don't misunderstand me because that's god's word but i'll tell you what i'm going where the word of god is preached i'm going where the word of god is allowed to flow i believe in the gifts of the spirit because everybody enjoys a gift once in a while i believe in the fruits of the spirit because everybody gets hungry once a while and i like to eat that i want everything god has for me but i don't want to leave a lineage of jesus terrorists and i go by the way of the grave like david that the only thing that could satisfy him or make him a man is some sin thing now the girl wasn't the problem she was on the command of the kings what i'm just saying is i want to leave a good lineage i want to leave good reputation so i decided to do something i watched the letters coming from this i've decided to go and send no more oh lord am i going to get some letters on this don't get mad at me hang on here before you judge me jesus said that before he died that you had the ability not to sin anymore if you just walk in the righteousness of god amen now how much more after you've come to the knowledge of jesus after the death burial resurrection and ascension but the holy ghost in you all you have to tell sin is no i refuse to do that today today i shall walk in the presence of god today i shall walk in the lord and what he wants now ladies and gentlemen i have sinned the bible said we've all sinned but it doesn't say we're all sinners does it now the church keeps saying you're nothing but a bunch of old sinners no i'm not i was a sinner i'm no longer sin anymore now you mean to tell me you went a whole day without sinning give you one better than that i went a whole week i did you got to be i did i know this is going to make people right honey you know i watched my mouth i started i got up in the morning with god i had lunch with him at 12 o'clock i ministered to him that night i watched myself and you know what i had more fun that week never had in my life why because i never once got a guilty feeling and i thought you know i could live like this all the time if i watch and pray but let's face it ladies and gentlemen most of us we start off but we get weary and well doing the bible says let us not be weary let us not be weary and that's exactly what we do we get weary in well-doing yeah and the lord's told me actually in that week he showed the defects in my life he said this is where your problem lies this is what causes you to sin against me because you see i was very very in tune with the lord i had hungered and third and you know that is the truth and you know what was that what right on the top of the line temper he said jesse you don't get angry you get mad when you get mad you sin yet jerry ate my lunch yesterday read last night reading that ephesians especially in the amplified because when i get mad and i let myself go it's not very pretty i sin i sin he said now you have to conquer this send life at the door and if i do as well and that's the hardest thing is to love people like robert that ain't not easy pray for those that despitefully use you okay lord we're gonna pray for him kill him jesus just get him out of here can't do that you want to you can't bless those that curse you oh lord lord help us you can't and that's where my sin comes in brother kennedy when i when i mess up that's my problem you know why it's my problem because i called it mine telling on myself i personalized it and called it my problem when i should have personalized and said my answer see you accept these things in your life i used to think it was my cajun heritage that tabasco sauce that mama putting in baby bottles that's inside of me no no no no it's the flesh it's exactly what it is my wife was here she'd be going amen it's the flesh that's the only time i mess up it starts out with not anger because anger you can be angry and sin not it's madness and then from that the dominoes start falling but the last one that follows is me oh god forgive me i have sinned he says i forgive you he said are we are we repenting today are we forgiving today jesse i said you got to get into the details of these situations he said are we forgiving today or are we repenting today what are we doing because if we're repenting then we're not going to talk about this no more repent means turn from go the other way but if we're forgiving today chances are by this afternoon we're going to be back here is that the truth that's simply the truth i've had the lord just tell me are we forgiving today he laughs when he goes oh home we're forgiving today all representing today i said well lord i'm meeting robert this afternoon we are forgiving right now we shall be familiar no i hope you understand what i'm saying you enjoyed it this morning give jesus a hand clap thanks for listening to this powerful message by jesse duplantis remember to hit like subscribe and the notification bell in order to be up to date with all things jesse duplantis ministries for more information visit our website at [Music] this media is copyrighted by jesse duplantis ministries for the private use of our audience any other use of this media or of 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Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 652
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Cathy Duplantis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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