Sunday Service at Covenant Church

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poreless pain or less pain so hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] well good morning church so good to see the family in the house of the lord today great to see everybody connecting we love all of you guys so much thank you to everybody that's watching online let's go before the lord in prayer we're going to have an awesome time in his presence we're going to give high praise to him and we're going to hear the word of god and be lifted up and be encouraged in our spirit father we thank you every hand up come on let's pray father we thank you for your presence that's in our lives first of all and it's in this place because where two or more are gathered you're in our midst and lord i thank you because you're in our midst you're here to touch people and reach them and change them today lord we ask your blessing upon everything that's done and we're gonna give some high praise to you come on let's get our praise on [Music] here we go [Music] thank you god you're awesome you almighty we love you lord [Music] hey let's worship god the altar is open he's coming on the clouds kings and kingdoms will bow down yes lord [Music] and every chain will break as broken hearts declare his praise for who can stop the lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] open up the gates [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's roaring with power every knee will bow [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] we worship you in this place nobody can stop you nobody like you you're awesome god we love you so much god i lift my hands my voice to worship you oh for who can stop the lord almighty who can stop the lord almighty nobody who can stop the lord almighty who can stop the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] our god is the lion [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you guys ready to praise the lord are you ready to get filled up with joy and peace hallelujah he's mighty in battle there is nobody greater there is nobody stronger can you give jesus a shout shout at home hallelujah here we [Music] worship you go we thank you lord god [Applause] [Music] i've seen many places and many faces i've come to know [Music] time i celebrated sweet drink i've tasted [Music] [Applause] than you jesus [Applause] motivation still comes from you even through the storm lord god hallelujah [Music] [Music] no greater peace [Music] [Applause] can you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with all my strength [Music] i am i lit you up [Music] [Applause] [Music] with all i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] if he's stronger be stronger [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah we thank you lord god we worship you jesus you are so worthy lord god you kept us lord god hallelujah in the midst of this storm lord god we still worship you jesus put those hands together we thank you jesus we love you jesus hallelujah we give you the highest praises [Music] and i still couldn't find [Applause] [Music] i still couldn't find nobody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if he's greater if he's stronger [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let it be higher [Music] we're gonna sing it again for jesus come on hey y'all excited to be in church you're excited we got a building to be in church and praise god let me hear you shout to the lord right now you ain't gonna find nobody like jesus go ahead sing it aint [Applause] [Music] [Applause] couldn't find nobody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus god is good god is good he's good he's good he's good he's good all the time bless your name lord hallelujah just lift up your hands he's good he's good he's good hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord let's give him a great shout on this place [Music] glory to god glory to god praise the lord hallelujah his father we thank you for the honor that we have to worship you in spirit and in truth lord we thank you that you're restoring your people lord we thank you that we're receiving all that you have for us today lord we're restoring hope we're restoring joy and peace and strength of the holy spirit lord we thank you that your presence is in this place empowering us and strengthening us lord to be the lights that you've called us to be in the places that you send each one of us lord has your blessing on all of our congregation that's here all the families everyone that's represented all of those that are watching online as well lord we thank you that we have the honor and the privilege just to know you and lord today we can come to a church that is that is standing hallelujah a church that is standing physically and also the body of christ the church here the family of god is standing strong hallelujah hallelujah give him a great shout today hallelujah all right okay uh put this down one more time sing it one more time and everybody if you want to dance a little bit you can come out and then we'll do a little preacher one more time one two three four come on on out [Music] get over here [Music] it's okay to move a little bit [Music] it's the jesus party all come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] i still couldn't find nobody [Applause] every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey hey hey hey hey [Music] come on [Music] he's worthy this morning [Music] but this is true [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if he's greatest [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift your head lift your hands up right there father thank you lord we call those things with me not as though they work as they are we know in whom we have believed that we are persuaded hey satan i get great pleasure in telling you we're going to dance on your head today hallelujah on our feet under our feet we decree and declare the word of the living god the greatest he was in us than he was in the world thank you lord in jesus give him one more great god bless you [Music] [Applause] all right y'all can be seated for just a minute or so hallelujah glory to god what a blessing you that are watching online or all the different live streaming we're here at covenant church we're still on generator power but i got a vision this morning i went to the back speaker room opened up the door and energy is right behind this building and that big generator that we bought many years ago that's been probably one of the greatest blessings it has been running night and day since august the 29th just kicking on just going glory to god and it can run this whole place you know and uh anyway make a long story short when i saw them i said oh because if and they got new polls and all kind of stuff if this thing hooks up well i think it'll hook up the schools and come into our minds so let's believe god that they say 29th to 23rd or 26th let's believe how about next how about this tuesday everywhere amen let's give them enough strength i know what you guys have i don't know if anybody's been watching them maybe have it on phone and doing this stuff we've been working 16 hour days ourselves you know y'all notice i've got a little tan it's called africa hots what it was praise god but god has been so good and gracious and uh you know we're just not here we just don't quit yeah now if you look over here i want you to get a little shot of this guy then we'll talk about here over here let me just let me walk this way here we had uh we already bobby and them they already didn't fix it we had bob and i don't know how many people we've had on this property and they cut that piece out it was wind-driven water that went in there we got this out so this was covered so that the wooden wet the pews and things they had to gut a couple of big rums there i was the first one to come in here when uh ida hit and you wouldn't believe what i saw by myself and he was going through all the fire alarms on and all that kind of stuff and i just looking around and said well devil you gave it your best shot but i'm still here i'm still here and uh and a lot of people didn't realize that we had to secure this place and what i mean by that is uh we had several of the they got up there and we found out the devil was trying to take the whole roof off and he pulled the screws out about that far i think it was so the other day if you seen people they were up there man putting all the screws down so we couldn't get let people come in here until last sunday you know and then we were still screwing screws and all kinds of stuff uh the the the children facility upstairs the last one they even even had hurricane shutters on it ripped it off busted the glass and turned that building so we got i mean ripped that thing we got and we're working on that got that it took out the steeple and a half of it anyway and uh we're gonna get up there and cover it and catch it i want that steeple back i said okay we'll get that steeple back i'll say i'll get a big old cross let's say hey devil you thought you won but you lost something like that but anyway uh we have been running nine into nothing 24 7 and uh god has been so good and gracious and we meet me and kathy stayed we believe in evacuation i want to make this announcement we you know we're not against evacuation by no means because jesus evacuated with uh his mama joseph and mary and you know to egypt make a long story short but i knew i would the lord said you know i'ma just say this and and uh you know i never have accepted that until the other day you know i've been traveling for 45 years and to make a long story short people introduced me especially the last 10 years we've got one of god's generals here i thought so i turned around and said who's here you know i never think of myself i'm just jesse the plans i don't care about any of that stuff and anyway when that thing was roaring and the lord said i want you to stay because generals don't leave you have to leave some troops now i'll tell you something i walked out of my house in the corner and it was 168 mile an hour gus 140 mile an hour sustained and i met the devil i met the prince of darkness he was about for me not kathy you know we were about for me to gather it was inside could you talk to him on the inside instead of the outside i walked out there boy it sounded like freight train i mean the trees were popping the ground popping blowing up i see them flying and everything i said a fight you want a fight you're going to get he was right there i said let me tell you something i know you can see me but i can see you too i said you think you're going to shut me down you you're living in a dream world and all of a sudden i saw it it began to slack off i said what's the matter you scared you want some more come on you want to dance you know i don't mean that pridefully but i was angry but it was righteous indignation is what it was you know and vex of those things and uh yeah we received some damage nowhere to what it could have been but we had three different buildings that had some damage and you know we have to do what's right we didn't we had to make sure the structure that this place is fine and all the other buildings and things of that nature so one day but we're moving man we we got stuff going and and and even at my own home we got people on top of the roof i said my god if the rapture come uh they gonna get there before i do lord jesus man i had i had bob at this moment diving in the pool to get shingles i'm telling you you wouldn't believe shingles i mean they look like whoo i mean they were just busting i mean just busting everything you could it was the most amazing thing i've ever seen and i've been on a lot of hurricane i remember at 14 13 or 14 hurricane betsy and that was bad right up the mississippi river but idaho was worse and stuff like that anyway we got into the eye wall i talked to several people new orleans had some damage but then when they got to metairie it was worse then if we got to kenneth it was worse than that anybody got the death strand is worse than that and they got the laplace it was really bad you know i'm saying those kind of things but you know what god is doing so many wonderful and glorious things go ahead and say and uh we just want you to know that throughout this whole thing before during and afterwards you've been on our hearts we've been praying for you and i know there are many you in here that suffered extreme damage and if you had i think they had said probably we know that 90 percent of our staff received some damage to their homes many of them severe some minor but they're all everybody's working through some things if you had damage to your house just let me see your hand i want to see everybody look at the people very few that said they did not just we're just always just pray for each other right now just extend your hand to this one thank you lord father we thank you for all these precious people here lord i thank you that you're more than enough lord no matter what comes against us we know that we could be strengthened by you and that you can you can bring things that others couldn't get lord we pray for favor for divine provision supernatural strength and lord we thank you you're for the peace of god that passed all understanding they'll just rule our hearts so we can hear clearly from you and act on that lord we ask you bless our people bless all those that are watching a lot as well that maybe couldn't be back yet lord we thank you that your peace resides in this house and because of that we can do anything through you in jesus name we pray i just wanted to do that as a congregation look at you in the face amen god is so good you know we have so much to be thankful for and i know all of us feel this way because our lives were spared this could have been so much worse in so many ways and we pray for our public officials we pray for all the people that are working so very hard and to get everything back to normal all the linemen all the law enforcement the state sewage sewage and water board lord bless them you don't realize how valuable the tall it is i think i do yes flushing them with pool water man i had people coming to my house say can i use some of your pool water and get taking buckets of pool water out i said yeah and then finally thank god for saint charles parish they got that on and uh that was a blessing we believe in god and just so many wonderful things but naturally you know when the devil you know he likes to talk and lies and things of that nature and it was said that i wouldn't community minded let me tell you something about my staff 90 of them live in this area and i mean i was doing everything i can i don't know of anybody else no no i mean mr bragg uh we took a hundred thousand dollars and bought and gave a hundred thousand dollars off of generators and things of that nation now they're all gone they're all gone i'm sorry you know i mean they went fast well why should if you don't think god was good the night before kathy said you know what people don't need some generations they just i said okay let's do this a hundred grand i said okay we'll cut a check tomorrow well i called a friend of mine a partner of mine and because he worried about me you know they're talking i won't say word that's a wrong word but concern concern yeah and uh anyway make a long story short he said man something's been staring at me man you know and they think how's your staff i said well everybody i know of i drove down on mine i mean it was like going in the jungle i mean you think it's beautiful now you would not believe what that looked like anybody know what i'm talking about you if you didn't leave it i mean it was rough buddy why is everywhere anyway make a long story short i just thought he said jesse something's on me man he said what are you doing and i don't like to tell people what i'm doing you know i just go on about my business you know finally he just and i said well i said we're going to get a bunch of generators and i see he said uh he said 100 000 to help you i said yeah boom as me as soon as me and kathy committed to it boom the hundred thousand dollars came in and so now people are going they're coming over here right now i want my generator well you should have been here earlier but that's all we can do i mean you know we try to do as much as we possibly can i mean i don't know man there's different things that we have done well what did happen you know we had uh some partners thank you again for all the partners that have been standing with us i know that you are praying we appreciate all of our partners we're we're just at the yes we're just at the beginning of this but already in fact i want to just give you a quick report we had 23 pallets of release supplies that came that began being distributed just by our congregation last sunday just seven days after the hurricane devastated our region and that was just two days after the national guard showed up on the next block can i interrupt you just for a second see what we did in katrina is we did what everybody other churches do people would drive through because we had staff that could help us we didn't have it we didn't have nothing just just a very few you should have seen them boy i mean roy and fritz and i mean we look we look like we were the hells angels man i mean sweating like a dog and but we couldn't do that we knew we would tie up all kind of traffic because people were standing in line when the uh national guard and all those people came in and then the the methodist church had i think they do one day a week or something like that so what we did we we learned by each storm see and this wonderful covenant church so we're giving you an update what's going on because you've probably heard some stuff we're not doing anything it's crazy we have we're already giving away two convoy of hope trucks full of stuff but you know how we did it the church grabbed it and went to the community we got the pictures people crying uh gayle was telling me something crying uh hugging there doing all that kind of stuff because we knew we gave that back there they were it was tied up and now we got another 18-wheeler truck full of stuff and they're gonna do it again 38 pallets because they didn't see us supplies they didn't see us with like with the line they think we ain't done nothing now the first thing we had to close the gate because you couldn't open it up because there was an oak tree across it i said if you touch my bronze divine servant i'm gonna beat your brains out there but he didn't so you don't touch that bronze you know what i i did that to the talking to the tree right yeah i'll talk to that tree praise god anyway to make long story short so for you that know what i'm talking about i mean we got more food and we've brought it out all over just as much if not more than a lot of people but see when you don't see it they think we're just sitting by doing nothing no we don't ever do nothing that's not there and we do so we're always doing something so now we got another 18-wheeler truck full and my god and i'm gonna just say this we had crews i mean i needed my maintenance department i got stuff hanging out like that but we sent them over there they we can't do it now because we got to fix this place gutting out houses topping roofs doing everything see nobody knows anything about that and i think some do but they ain't going to say nothing you know what i'm saying that kind of stuff all those different things that i'm sorry if i'm walking around here okay you can walk with me if you like praise god but anyway to give you an idea of what was going on we're about the father's business and i didn't wait and i'm paying this myself and what i mean by that we're not waiting on insurance with the insurance adjusters have been here and all that kind of stuff going on but we ain't got time to do that we had to have church i love what kathy said last sunday she said you got to walk but you got to take a step before you can walk she said we're going to have service and we and we had a wonderful time it was and i thought renee not knocked it out the park did you i mean it was just amazing and then and people said well i got people right now sleeping in my offices see y'all didn't know that did you i got people sleeping in my house they think we ain't doing that they were just sitting up here drinking a coke with crushed ice no you know and think that's not true we've done we're doing everything we know to do plus and the different things but i got to give you a miracle and then you can finish the end this no gas right now i also have offices at armstrong international airport that's all out my plane was on the tarmac i couldn't get it in because there's no there is no electricity okay i had uh ken and eli they were in dallas right or fort worth i said fly that baby home because i figured that that that that i would test the devil right there you know so anyway i'm driving over there on airline highway you know they got the racetrack there was cars from the racetrack all the way up the uh up to 310 uh up up there you know the the exit okay all right and that's it and then another one the next one is called pilot you might you know what i'm talking about so i didn't so i thought i'm gonna go over there but i said cathy come with me uh a quarter of the six you know nothing so we're just driving i want to go check to see if man we've got some electricity or something we can do something and the lord spoke to me he said pull in the pilot and i had about a little less than half a tank of gas i thought ain't nobody there lord there were some cars parked by the pumps i found out that people parked their cars so when it opens up in the morning they don't have to be in line so i drive up i watch this and i drive up me and katherine and and i turn around and this lady jumps out of her car and i kind of started me first she said you jested the planets aren't you i said yes ma'am she said man i watch you all the time i said is these gas is these pumps working yeah just phillip just fill up your truck fine i stood in line i drove in line or stood in line 15 seconds boom filled up the trunk lord give the lord that's a miracle when there's no gas you see what i'm saying no gas no water and all that kind of stuff kathy was with me and so these are some of the things that we were doing and in the midst of all just some of them and uh so i don't want to cut cathedral she's got all this kind of stuff she'll tell you in just a minute but it was so wonderful that covenant church took this all these supplies i'm talking a bunch of supplies and brought it out to different communities because let's face it they didn't just bring supplies they brought the love of jesus oh yes the caring of the lord right where they were because some people can't leave their homes and they were led by the holy spirit to the places that they went to and they sent me some some of them were able to send me pictures of handing i could tell is a young mother that needed diapers someone else that needed tarps and it was just touched warmed my heart to see the congregation being the hands and feet extended of jesus and we're gonna do that again this sunday back after the service we have our pastoral team that will be in place and a lot of our usher teams and people that will help us coordinate it we've moved it instead of the family room now we have it into the in the annex we're able to secure and place everything out there over 38 pallets with 28 different items available in the nx and we're going to do that after the service and those of you who can you can load up your vehicles yeah and just bring it out into the highways and the byways as the lord and take some for yourself too for yourself if you need something because this is what the partners wanted to do they wanted to help our church our congregation right knowing that our congregation would also help others in the area because y'all are so wonderful it was just so wonderful i mean i had a i i had a garbage cart i didn't realize how heavy shingles are there thousands i'm just putting them in the garbage can you know and i i couldn't i mean and i'm not bragging i ain't that i'm i'm a fairly strong man for my age 72 i could not move this this man come running across the street said you need some help i said you're the same age as me he said well maybe two of us together might get one wheel of this thing you know and was able to dump it and he would just start talking he said man he said i i said thank you for helping me he said i said you're doing all right he said uh i said he said yeah i'm doing all right people were mad because we had my generators don't get the lights on but if they look no more on the block there's some people had generated lights on too like as if we're showing off we're showing off we're trying to help people get people sleeping in there doing this at least they can have a little sleep in some air condition up but i'd get up i'd go to bed at 8 30 or 9 o'clock and i'm up at 12 30. all day you know thinking about the different things and so i want to thank all the partners who have helped us so graciously and all you people have thought we were not doing that and we worried it more than community-minded you think i mean this edifice today is 27 million dollars if you want to buy it don't shout me down when i'm preaching good say you're saying i'm a community minded well i've had it here since 1997 i put it in the community how come you didn't come so who's community minded here you know i invested all that for people out there now and you don't have to come if you don't want to but i just thought i'd say community of mine you and you've never seen anybody more community-minded than me and i want to tell you some of these russians that are closed i know them waitresses and waiters are hurting because because i'm blessed because i've been cooking kathy's been cooking can you believe this good god of mighty i mean it was just such a blessing of the lord she said i didn't know i had that kind of food in the freezer it was just really great and uh and we had just just a wonderful time i mean even though i'm not saying it's easy ain't nothing easy you know what i'm saying but you know what tough time don't laugh but tough people do and and when you think about the palates it's the the reason why we didn't do it like we did last year because we'd have caused more traffic james last year you're talking about during katrina in 2000 it seemed like it was live but anyway it would have caused all kind of trouble i know that i told us you'd have to they'd have to break it up because you couldn't you couldn't move and uh uh every time i drive over a line devils i'm gonna kill you i said next line he said i'm okay next line i just kept going i wasn't being foolish but i knew i had to get this place done and and get this thing in operation to keep it also for people that if you think i'm not i don't think about people before my staff left i paid them two or three days advance so they'd have some money on the road and all that kind of stuff give me a hand clap for that i didn't have to i didn't lay off one person i hadn't furloughed anybody you know how many people have been furloughed right now because their businesses are down don't shout me down when i'm preaching good see what i'm saying so you got to understand if you hear all these things they're just simply not true right and we have approximately uh roughly about maybe 100 families maybe a little less than that but that are affected by this place so we we we know that god is using this all the blessings that have come in we want to get them out the things that are back there just kind of can i read the list sure real quick so you'll know afterwards and i know the many of you god is going to use to touch people you may need some of this yourself we want you to bail yourself to it we have tarps tilex spray cleaner clorox wipes clorox liquid beach bleach hygiene kits lots of bottled water rice dry beans cans of spaghetti chili broccoli side dishes cans of pears cans of peaches applesauce black beans cans of black beans uh peanut butter what kind of peanut butter i don't know jesse if it's jif i want to have enough at your house you're not getting anything i love peanut butter okay you can have a jar i'll let you thank you i appreciate that just a small one cookies crackers clif bars cereal chips salsa facial tissues baby diapers some baby food not a lot but we have like two boxes so those of you that have babies will love that we do have bibles devotionals and ministry books also as well that are back there in the annex we're going to organize it so your vehicles can drive up to the door or maybe park closely and you'll be able to go and get what you want we have it's not really well organized it just came in it was a massive pack to the top 18 wheeler church excuse me truck brought here yesterday actually by kenneth copeland ministries for such a blessing to help us yeah kenneth to help all of you in fact i call them because they have a place that they're here we're hosting them on the property because they they came here right after the storm they've been going around to their partners and they're staying here on the property and and and being we're want to be a blessing are you all a little warm check these out i don't know it's a little warm yeah did you check on that record real quick i don't know maybe we lost the air conditioner or something go ahead but what i was saying was i called them i said look is this all of this for us our church because maybe this is for you to give out to your partners because i know you're going into the region and ministering to them also because they're staying here sleeping here but they're do they're uh doing that they said no this is all for for the covenant church and uh for y'all to help your people there so give them a great handclap we thank you i mean so we're doing this and uh when the insurance adjusters say well you know we're trying to get back there i said oh i'm not stopping i said we're moving on this i said i'm ahead of this game you know i think i this this place will be up and running and then we'll discuss what you you're going to do and what we're going to do you know when that time comes you know that's why it's good to be debt-free and to have a buffer and i have a buffer glory to god so everything that you see right now everything being paid is being paid by jessica prince ministries and jesse the planets i mean everything everything you see and god has been so good and gracious and and to god be the glory so we want to give you a little update and uh and so uh we we called the district attorney kathy was talking to the district attorney and i won't tell you i'm not gonna yeah i'm gonna quote him but i'm not gonna say which district attorney got all these the parish district attorney you got st charles district attorney we know them all and all them but this district attorney said we have some threats on facebook he said everybody on facebook is crazy i thought that was funny myself i said oh okay then i thought maybe i'm crazy i'm on facebook you know but anyway uh you know you hear all kinds of different things but what you heard is just simply not true we don't do those things but god has helped us and blessed us and we're able to beat a blessing wish we could do more i mean why not you know and uh you give me enough money i'll do it i know how to do that because i'm not tempted by money see i you know you put a million dollars in my hand i could use a million dollars extra today and they would be gone like that see what i'm saying but i mean that don't bother me i mean i don't say well i'm gonna just take me a piece no i don't i don't do that kind of stuff god's been good and gracious so that's a little update for all you people that made some comments and what's going on i heard that you know that jesse and said the catholic not being what is it what's the word they use a community minded we world-minded as well as community minds we're reaching people changing lives we have not stopped one iota everything is up and running if you don't think god is good that television department was not touched amen so we were able to get the word of god out another blessing so captain do you have anything else to say give pastor kathy a handclap what a blessing of the lord thank you so that's a little update and uh we're not going to challenge all kind of crazy things that people talk about i've had them they want interviews with me and i don't have time for that man you know what i'm saying i ain't got time for that silliness you know i'm just trying to reach people change lives as much as i possibly can and god is so good so thank you give jesus one more handclap thank you lord hallelujah if you've got your bibles i'd like you to turn with me to the book of second kings chapter four i want to do a little ministry today second kings chapter four i want to talk about a proclamation of the future a proclamation of the future uh everyone knows this story especially as ministers and it's about the schumannite woman and in second kings chapter four i believe verse 18 first this prophet comes let's start with verse eight and it fell on a day that elisha passed the shoonum where it was a great woman and she constrained him to eat bread and so it was that as often as he passed by he turned in there to eat bread verse 9. she said unto her husband behold now i perceive that this is a holy man of god which is passive by us continually let us make a little chamber i pray thee on the wall let us set for him there a bed a table a stool a candlestick it shall be when he cometh to us that he shall turn in there verse 11. it fell on the day that he came and he turned into the chamber and lay there and he said to go hazel his servant verse 12. call this shumanite and when he had called her she stood before him he said unto her watch it say now unto her behold thou has been careful or took care of us for all this care what is to be done for thee what shall i do for thee that's our theme this year what does that be spoken for to the king or to the captain of the host and she answered i dwell among my own people she ain't looking for nothing that's what makes a person great he called her a great woman he said what then is it be done for her and gazer answered fairly she has no child and her husband is old i feel sorry for the man he didn't have to say that did he you know but i mean in other words if a woman didn't have a child back then that was almost like a curse sad but true watch this and he said to her call her and when he had called her she stood in the door and he said about this season according to the time of life thou shalt embrace a son and she said name my lord thou man of god do not lie unto thy handmaid what you say what i mean i'm gonna have a baby don't lie to me he wouldn't verse seven things she conceived and bear the son at that season verse 18. when the child was grown it fell on the day that he was out to his father with the reapers and he said unto his father my head my head and he said to her let carry him to his mother you know what accident happened when he had taken him and brought him to his mother he sat on her knees till noon and then died good god something she always wanted lost it all verse 21 she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of god and shut the door upon him and went out notice she went to the place where elijah slept i understand that perfectly that's the anointing that's on him is than that the anointing of increases on me the anointing of healing is on me you ever saw me sad sick discouraged see it permeates it comes out watch this and she called under her husband and said uh give me a young man get me a donkey that i may run to the man of god and come again now the husband tries to stop it wherefore will you go today verse 23. it's neither new moon nor sabbat and she said it shall be well with a dead son a proclamation of the future she's not denying her son's dead she said it shall be well that's unheard of no matter what hurricane ida has done it shall be wealth whether it's spiritual physical financial didn't make any difference not moved by what i see she wasn't she removed but what she believed that's what made her great that's why god recorded her as a great woman so she goes and you keep going and i pray thee and i mean you go down to verse uh 26 run now i pray thee to meet her and say unto her is it well with thee this is elijah said that he said is it well with our husband is it well with the child and she answered twice it is well my god with the boy dead but she's saying what she wants instead of saying what she has you see she's saying what she wants that's the key to this thing say what you want when she came to the man of god verse 27 to the hill she caught him by the feet but gaha who's an idiot came near that's not in the bible that's just my interpretation came near the thruster away and the man of god said let her alone don't that sound like jesus with the lady with it would you rope the alabaster box and then verse 28 did i desire son of my lord did i not say do not deceive me hmm watch this how many times she's saying it is well or all is well ladies and gentlemen i want to make an announcement today no matter what this thing is done all is well in every area because as i preached last last sunday look for the opportunity in the crisis don't just look at the crisis what is the opportunity that will be afforded to you in the midst of the crisis so i want you to write this down to say it is well is one of the highest achievements of christian faith to say it is well is one of the highest achievements of christian faith i've had people trying to call me we had the internet's down hard to get phone calls and things of that nature and they asked me well jesse what can we do i say all is well what do you need see i don't need to tell you what i need if you've been praying and understanding and if you know who i am and you know what i believe because i have a track record of this for over 45 years see what i'm saying it's the highest achievement to say what you want see that's what people don't understand see they think you got to say what you have and that's why you have what you say but if you say what you want your want will come to pass in your life spiritually physically and financially when it's coming to death i mean i never forget greg peace lift your hand up great i mean they diagnosed him with real bad cancer and i never forget i walked up to craig and him and carrick wonderful people there it pastored david's that's when david was living david and i said do you want to live or do you want to die kind of hard to say that huh but you see he said i want to live i said then all is well because death and life's in the power of the tongue when brenda and greg told me to stop believing god i said all this was so every time i mentioned his name mention your name i would say all is well it is well and the devil said you're lying i said no you're going but what you see i'm going by what i believe that's what i mean by highest achievement of christian faith write this down your results in life depend upon yourself and your action your results in life depends upon yourself and your action you know anybody can talk this stuff but can you walk it you see what i'm saying now you know i'm the ceo of this mission but i had people tell me i'd be out there sweating pulling this and pulling that i mean i got busted cut hands and all i've been just doing everything anybody i said i'll do whatever it takes why because it depends on what i believe in myself and my action faith without works is dead are you tired yeah but i'm here you understand what i'm saying see that's what general's doing i'm not bragging on that because they say that about me i just say i'm just jesse the plan just call me jesse i would like to address you dr the planets i am a doctor of dominion i got three uh degrees that's not the issue no i said just call me jesse oh we can't do that i said i said what jesus called me he never called me reverend duplantis i never called him reverend christ i called him jesus he called me jesse pretty simple see so what i'm saying is your results in life depend upon yourself and in your action see so you got to put faith without works is dead you got to get out there and do what you have to do so when i did i'm not being foolish i wasn't when i walked out there to meet that devil i knew he wanted i i knew he was defying me but he wasn't def he thought he was defying me he was defying the christ in me all these people said bad things about me they hated me before the storm they hated me during the storm and they're hitting me at the storm i don't know why they hate me but you know what the lord said they don't hate you because they don't know you they don't know how to hate you because they don't know you he said if they he said jesse they hate me they will hate you what you hate is the christ that's in me you may not believe that but that's a fact standing for what's right standing no matter what see those things are going to happen but that that's water on the duck's back i just keep going because when i stand before god none of them people that hate me going to be standing and say this that they may be in another place i don't know that's up to god all i know he's going to say is well done thou good and faithful servant why because my results in life depend upon myself and my actions to that write this down faith springs from the production of your human temperament see faith springs from the production of your human temperament your temperament you've got to know how to handle things when everything's wrong you just can't go to pieces i mean i've walked into some of the most deadliest diseases they said you're going to die i said no i'm not now i'm not being stupid and foolish i said death and life's in the power of my tongue why the reason i knew i was not going to die is because god sent me there like he sent election to that humanitarian and i prayed for people and the doctors told me they're going to be dead in the next six hours i said no they're not they thought i was stupid i just prayed over and said all is well and they're still living today oh you hear what i'm saying but you got to have a temperament to handle those kind of things you see when everything's going wrong way you might have lost the sun or you've lost your home you've been sitting and sweating for 14 days hot 90 degrees just boiling you don't mind taking cold showers kathy had me in the swimming pool picking up shingles out the pool she thought that was funny faith springs from the production of your human temperament so your results in life depend upon yourself and your actions because so i decided temperament i called my good friend richard fisher i said how are you doing he said i mean everybody we holding the doors holding the windows i'm telling you like this is your door it sounds like people that say didn't it sound like trains you hear people talk about trains and tornadoes i mean it was something boy and i thought oh you are mad today he said now temperament will help you on those situations see write this down you must be a person of great thoughts practical faith and heroic patience you must be a person of great thoughts you got to believe in yourself and believe in the god that loves you that's great thoughts i love that and practical faith i mean i'm not stupid i know if their shingles are off you're going to get some leaks in the house so you know what me and kathy did we had 26 buckets going on in the attic with 140 mile an hour sustained wind outside 168 miles an hour and we caught 98 to 99 of the water so we got a little bit cosmetic stuff that we got to do inside the house thank you jesus i come i said cathy get me some buckets i didn't know you know she started throwing stuff up that woman came up with buckets like i ain't never seen she said don't use that bucket why why that's one for my taller okay i got that one leave that there you know and man we were just running going i mean just going to town because i was running up them 52 steps to get to my attic you thought about sucking wind and you know i'm 72 years old and i've been gone but the other day i just looked at myself i could say i got to sit this 72 honey down buddy i just gotta sit down for just a second i was down for maybe two minutes back up kathy said sit down i said i can't there's too much to be done. too much to be done i mean i'm taking this i'm taking stuff out of other people's yards i didn't have to do he said i'm not bragging on myself it has to be done you do what you have to do you must be a person of great thoughts so i thought i saw that stuff i said i'm gonna he don't know but i'm gonna help him taking that stuff out of that practical faith i know how faith works and i love heroic heroic patience who faces ain't easy but if if heroic and it's a blessing in other words when you have heroic patience it shuts down the barriers and you get you get your blessing a lot quicker you see because it's just amazing it's amazing what happens and and the hardest part for me was every time i try to talk to somebody from it breaking up you know it's just so hard you get half of what this and half of that and i mean it was just such a blessing but you see it was a proclamation of the future i was saying what this humanity said it is well all shall be well no matter what we do what we have to do write this down when you're earnest in pressing for the blessings when you're earnest and pressing for the blessings no obstacles will be allowed to stand in the way when you're earnest and pressing for the blessings no obstacles will be allowed to stand in the way let me give you the prime example we were renting stuff you got to understand these are tall buildings and ev i mean the devil bob am i right bob was dead i mean i don't know if rick said he's probably working right now salvo i mean is he here i don't know where's rick silva i don't know why i said sorrow every time we try to get something something get in between it you know we had the equipment truck won't deliver it weather truck we ain't got the truck this and that we had to get shingles baba said i'm going i'm going to houston to get them thank god for hatchet they're praising the lord man he said we could we you know we saw you're gonna get obstacles all the way but we kept pressing for the blessing so they kept asking me you want to go up there no the only way i'm gonna go up there one way i'm gonna see the top of this roof is in the rapture hey he's going up there glory to god good luck all of a sudden and bob is tired uh silva's thought we tied boy i mean we just running and man hatchikon said we got it and turned we turned bobby around in baton rouge huh come on back and man hit came and it just started going on going on it was just such a blessing of the lord working night and day i mean so what and you know gina i got to say something about gina you don't have time to eat look at this ida took off 15 pounds of me i'm telling you it's the craziest thing you've ever seen gina come walking in with a platter and i thought what you because you got to feed the people dip it up you got to feed them i mean you know i said what is that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches oh jesus with a cold glass of milk so but that's a temptation she said you want one no no but the more i thought i said i don't want to hurt her feelings so i went over there and i was very kind i said i'll take one more and i got one that's real soft thick you know what i mean and i cut it in half a catheter and and i ate the hair outside wait the whole thing and i thought see that was a blessing i enjoyed that i thought man i hadn't had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich probably in 15 20 years it was good glory to god hallelujah so the men that were working i just i told cathy go to winn-dixie get some cokes and i just go out there give them this and they were telling me god this man he just gives us stuff i said hey we got some food you want some of this oh really yeah yeah take it you know just just being a brought out some snacks one time remember all the chips and they couldn't believe it they're like well i'm a big shot no i'm a servant i'm community-minded i see people working and i got they need they thirsty you know things of that nature so when you're earnest and pressing for the blessing no obstacles will be allowed to stand in the way now i love this point coming up you must paint your future with the brightest hopes and stimulate your energy of enterprise you must paint your future with the brightest hopes and stimulate your energy of enterprise yeah so i began to paint this place all done i looked at my swimming pool sean which is daryl's roofs is their son i said man i need some help my god there was enough leaves i ain't never seen that many leaves in that pool so kathy saw me before sean got there i'm pulling out doing everything i said sean can you help me yeah i got it and i'm walking with sean i don't think he might miss i said sean you've been doing this for 10 years you ain't had a raise in 10 years have you he said no i'm fine but i said i didn't have let me give you a raise here but just be a blessing so he got that thing up and running we're just doing everything why because she would now we could use it you know we're using it for toilet water and now we're using it for other stuff and anything we could get a handle and finally you know then the water came then they say watch it you got to boil it i ain't boil one cup of water okay i said well how are you going to brush your teeth this way i'm not that bottle of water if you want to do it but you got to do what you got to do see so i just painted myself healthy when i walked in that's all this is hanging down i saw it the way it was before i said oh lord jesus watch how much you're going to pay satan oh you think you've got money not when i'm finished with you you ever heard of getting blood out of a turnip i'm gonna get blood out of satan you see what i'm saying oh yeah so you must paint your future with the brightest hopes stimulate your energy of enterprise now branches what keeps you up how do you do it this next point nothing lights the gloom or nothing lightens the gloom like a promise to hold on to nothing lightens the gloom like i promise to hold on to paul said i light affliction his butt for a moment oh this is just but for a moment that's it you understand so i hold on the promise of god that my god i don't know about your god but my god shall supply no weapon formed against me going to prosper it didn't say it wouldn't be formed bible said he wouldn't prosper now i don't want it to rain today i don't want to rain next week we got so much work we got to do but you know we're doing everything we know the fact i just got it this morning and i said lord i've done all i know to do he said now i can go to work in other words you did it i i had that you called it a test yourself do whatever but i had that promise of god i mean people say were you scared some people said oh i was not i don't mean that pridefully please glenn i wasn't scared at all nothing i knew i had an adversary me and him a fight you want fight you're gonna get here we go i walk the castle just to do it in the house no i'm gonna go meet that devil i'm gonna meet that devil face to face she was screaming at me but then window was like but i was in the corner i knew if i stepped out the corner boom he would kill me so i just stood right there i said you come on my territory well that blackness was right there this close to me and buddy we were i mean i was just quoting the promises of god quickening the anointing of the lord jesus christ and anyone else around me and god was so good see that's what lightens the bloom when you've got a promise you can hold on that's what paul said when everybody ready to cut his head off i fought a good fight i finished my course i kept the faith ladies and gentlemen i kept the faith i'm not bragging about i'm telling you because these promises if this wasn't real i'd get out of here you see what i'm saying what am i doing at 72 years old i should be in hawaii suffering for jesus no i'm about the father's business can't do that write this now this is where most of you people are today sometimes there are no words it's so devastating it's so overwhelming sometimes there are no words but there is a silence which is often more eloquent than speech sometimes you don't know what to say sometimes you don't it's kind of hard to express it but there's a silence which often often more eloquent than speech that's what that girl that schumer knight woman was saying she didn't know what to say all is well i can't say nothing else then when she got to the man of god i need help yeah i mean there's some people i could have called flew out of here but i knew god said if you leave he satan of the strongest place i said well another thing to go through but i'll go through it so i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i'll fear no evil no no no no no not bragging on myself not some big shot but i realized there was sometimes i didn't know what to say other than get me a bucket and uh man i tell you what i got in shape running up down them steps my feet hurt i couldn't believe it i said my feet never hurt my feet were hurting and i mean i even lost the toenail i just killed it i said if you can't stay up with me fall off boy i got to go you got to go on you got to go boy my god sometimes there are no words but there's a silence which often more eloquent than speech next point there is no immunity to trouble but in the darkest hour god can and will help there's no immunity to trouble she didn't want to lose her boy but in that darkest hour she knew god would help how you doing all is well it is well remember it is well it is well with my soul i want to follow him there is no immunity to trouble because we live in a troubled world but in the darkest hour god can and will help and i want to look at this and i want everybody's watching live stream climate change is not doing this we got fires and uh uh earthquakes terrible in california especially the fires hurricanes and in the gulf and in the atlantic northerners storms all kind of climate change is not doing this let me tell you look at me what's doing this is sin as it was in the days of noah so shall it be when the son of man shall come people have no morality anymore they don't care about nothing they look at the bible don't want to spit on nothing and let me tell you something what the sin does it's like satan if he is the product of sin it comes to steal to kill and destroy stole your shingles stole your door stole your house that's sin doing that you got churches that they won't say a word about sin you understand what i'm saying when you ought to live right and do right the reason why i'm here is because i have a hard time sinning i have to make myself i got to get in the flesh but i crucified his flesh and i won't say i'm going to be honest with you there's some people oh if i i didn't take the thought saying if i'd have said it then that thought would have been mine you see what i'm saying since causing it see what's happening here i mean god jesus is coming ladies and gentlemen and he's pushing the principalities and the powers of the air down further to the earth and they ra they're raging mad going crazy see but ladies and gentlemen look up your redemption draweth now that's a proclamation of the future right there that's a proclamation of the future you see yeah but how can you do this and this is my last point then i'll go over it if i went too fast i want you to write this down it's a long point every person is a stranger to their greatest strength you're a stranger to it their mightiest power i'm gonna go over it again until the test of a great responsibility a critical emergency or a supreme crisis in your life calls it out that's when you find out who you are every person is a stranger to their greatest strength their mightiest power until the test of a great responsibility a critical emergency or a supreme crisis in your life calls it out who man i have a great responsibility i have over a hundred families not including australia the world's still going on gathering i mean i i got to produce this there's no other choice well god does it but he uses me it's a supreme responsibility but it'll make a man out of you a faith man i ain't talking about strength he ain't talking about man up and all that kind of stupidness i'm talking about you find out who you are yes you see that's why you're still here daryl amen that's why you still here greg both greggs amen he talked about you talk about a supreme crisis who love it i like to watch greg and brenda i mean greg the uh he don't say nothing but brenda says it all she just take off shouting and hollering you know what i love about greg he just come walking around he don't say much he don't only ever talk brenda's just going 100 miles an hour which is good i like it and he says okay are we going to atlanta today just tell me what to do a great responsibility doing what you have to do hallelujah yeah but i mean i'm wild i'm tired could you not terror with me one hour i mean i'm sweating drops of blood here what i'm about ready to go through is the most awful thing or whatever but not my will but thine be done let me say it again every person is a stranger to their greatest strength their mightiest power until the test of a great responsibility a critical emergency or a supreme crisis in your life calls it out well i've been tested in a lot of ways i passed the test i've tested positive for faith [Music] as i preached a few a few months back got to fight the covet thing got doing it have you noticed doing this ain't nobody ever thought much about coping for people fighting for their lives right now we can't forget now you know what i'm saying yeah you know you see somebody need help you pick them up i had a person coming and said i ain't got no money for gas i got some how much you need oh my god i said no take it try to get some guy do what you got to do and i thought my people who didn't have it were sharing it you don't think people are stressed out for you people watching all over the world a man was killed for gasoline the other day for just going to get gas and i found out the whole situation i think richard was tough any guy said you're going you're going to shoot me boom he shot him and killed him if that's not sin and the devil i don't know what it is but that humanized woman said it is well she we're making a proclamation for the future or of the future i make a proclamation of this future i will not tire in my endeavors i will not quit i will complete my destiny and reach my destination i will pray for you if you hate me that's okay i don't hate you you can't hate me more than i love you that's gonna make you mad now but i'm telling you if he'd if if satan would have destroyed all this i'd have rebuilt it that's not the issue i noticed some people won't leave this community want me to leave this community they wanted jesus to leave too go away go away it's amazing that's all in the bible before it ever happens to anybody go away jesus just go away that's right god sent me here i had a friend of mine called and said well jess when you're moving i'll give you land build your whole ministry how much you want i got 1500 acres how much you want in a state that i like not that i dislike it no i don't but oh and i could hear that that was i could hear voices say go ahead and leave and then i can get them all to go to hell you stopping me leave go go i said thank you for the opportunity what an honor no haven't done all the stand stand therefore the day i leave this community the day i leave i will know without a shadow of doubt god would do it and i had a bunch of my staff said if you leave i'm leaving with you we're all moving with you that's pretty nice for us to have to say that you know no ain't no devil in hell gonna run me out of town and he ain't gonna run you out of town neither so we may sweat a little bit flush a toilet with pool water but in the midst of it all you get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that was a blessing that sounds crazy to you you know how much i like that kind of that was one of my favorite meals as a kid i didn't realize it was cheap food that's why we added so much you know so i'm gonna run over these points real quick and then and then we'll pray in just a minute i started off with saying to say it as well is one of the highest achievements of christian faith your results in life depend on yourself and your action faith springs from the production of your human temperament boy i can preach five hours right there you must be a person of great thoughts practical faith and heroic patience when you're earnest and present for the blessing no obstacles will be allowed to stand in the way you must paint your future with the brightest hopes and stimulate your energy of enterprise because all of you have creative ability in you i just added that i like this one nothing lightens the gloom like a promise to hold on to a perfect example a lot of affliction is but for a moment sometimes there are no words but there is a silence which is often more eloquent than speech there is no immunity to thought to trouble but in the darkest hour god can and will help every person is a stranger to their greatest strength their mightiest power until the test of a great responsibility a critical emergency or a supreme crisis in your life calls it out think about that you know it ain't easy to be a head of a ministry with the responsibility of over 100 families that ain't easy it's millions and millions without sounding privately error but what most ministries make in a year i have to have in two to three weeks or a month it's just the way it is but that's all right my daughter was concerned about me even kathy she said whoo jesse you banned this i said oh no i cast this upon the lord but i thank you hatchet for forgetting that stuff to me i know you were working for us i know everybody that was involved in all that kind of stuff and all i was doing is just doing everything i knew to do until finally i said this is it he said good now i can go to work you walk through the valley we do have gets enemies at life but we don't live in them we get up and shake the dust off and we shut our mouths and we walk forward to whatever god has sent us to and in the midst of all this stuff one of my biggest enemies became a friend i thought about the scripture if i be lifted up i would draw all men unto me i had a person wouldn't talk to me would look and spit i mean but today he said he couldn't believe what i did i said he needs something to drink he wants some he had nothing like that help it's just great it was it was wonderful so i walk over to him now he walks over to me i thought it took 10 years and a big hurricane to get this thing done now i could have not said a word to it you don't do that because he couldn't hate me more than i could love him you see what i'm saying do you understand so um i declare that we're up and running that we're going to get electricity before they say we will [Applause] boy and i can see the promises on the horizons i see an energy truck i want to speak in tongues [Laughter] oh yeah i mean you just call it in glory to god i say what i want now thank god for the generators but to you people that thought i should have opened this church thing had to be structurally sound and there were other places to go i don't mean that rudely i don't have you safe you see that's my responsibility as a ceo see what i'm saying it's my responsibility we don't have any children church right now but we're going to get that up and running until we're getting all that stuff we're just doing all we know to do as fast as we can and uh some people said well you want me to take out the talk no let people see what we're doing back here we're not playing games with this stuff so you'll see us running over here running over there running over here but that's all right all is well i am jesse duplantis and i approve this message give god a handclap for that just to teach you i did have one i did have to cry for some help though i'm not gonna lie i got renee sleeping in my house you know praise the lord i got pretty girl i called a pretty uh what what's your tamari she's sleeping in my house i got kathy it's hard three women against one man so i called laurie my friend i said i need some help say something was good man they were just going at me man and it sounded like we was having a party or something like that but i mean i'd say something all three of them i thought okay but it was actually fun to see them without makeup to smell them before they get there before the girl come and she goes i need a shower i almost said yes you do but i didn't say nothing i just kept going i've seen girls that used to have straight hair like mary mary going around i said well man mary got a fruit not you all look good makes you look young glory to god it was just fun in the midst of all there's so many wonderful things to think about you know so i just kept those wonderful pictures thank you for letting me speak to you today it's time to receive the morning tithe and offering give the lord a hand clap for that praise the lord now i don't know oh okay we got a miracle we got some mail our mail we found somebody got some mail [Applause] god gave us favor so we're hoping to get all of it tomorrow if again but we get it in sections but praise god it was so wonderful and uh they even somebody but i don't know if the u.s post office bought a generated they got a generator at the post office and people working in there to get that mail people being delivered male in the midst of all this craziness we ask you today to do your best we are reaching people changing lives one soul at a time i am financially footing all this until this year i don't know what this is going to do but i i think i found favor with their justice you know what they said we're independent of justice you know they talked to the to the syndicate you know what a syndicate is i said oh yeah i know what a syndicate is i used to work for the syndicate that's an idea no no i'm not insurance i said i understand he said but boy we're going to talk for you you we tell you to do something you do it immediately that's what you were sent here for he said now it's going to take some time i said for you but not for me i said i'm starting i ain't got time to wait on people i'm just going to go well suppose they don't pay you nothing then i'll pay at all right but you're going to have a church that you can come to amen amen i ask you to help me do the best you can if you're writing a can i can i use these things now kathy i don't know if we have internet or not okay if you uh uh if you'd like to give you can uh use paypal if you'd like or you can uh go to jdm website hit the donate button or you can text to give the amounts on the screen a recurring donation or one-time donation or you can go to online mobile app or if you're sitting right here you can just take the envelope behind your pew write a check and put it in there and god will honor you and bless you beyond your wildest dreams and i'm saying we're burning money like water you know but that's all right how can you burn water you know there's a way to burn water it's called steam think about that for a minute crazy you thought i was off my rocker there for a second but i asked you to do your best i sure could use the extra million dollars because i mean i just i'm just telling them order it move let's do this thing well suppose you don't get it back with insurance well so what this is god's house we're gonna keep it nice in every area so i ask you to do your best if you're writing a check out you're making out the covenant church you that are here and i usually wouldn't tell you not to send it in the mail today but you can now we start to get our mail it's such a blessing let me do it again you can go to the jdm website hit the select donate button and you can give that way or you can use the online mobile app or you can text to give a one-time donation or recurring one or you can use paypal whatever you use or if you just want to mail the check in you can do that to whichever is easiest for you we took all the money that came in last week and we've already put it to hurricane relief that's all gone you know different things of that nature yeah we we do what we say i understand what i'm saying and uh and different things i mean it's just happening everywhere and uh i thank god for the people that are helping us uh they don't question my uh that i will pay they just go do it and i'm going to tell you something just a few hours after the storm subsided i had people ready to what can we do what can we do you know i was at that point no words because i was seeing devastation i thought about you richard i said i wonder how rich he is down there you need to tell me lord jesus you know when you got to drive three-inch screws to keep the door from blowing in and they had a beautiful door frame you should have seen that no you don't want to see that you don't want to see any of that hallelujah and uh so i'm gonna ask you to do your best i'm asking you out there to help me to help other people would you just think about it if you can't that's fine just keep watching keep believing have you noticed this that we didn't stop the faith to facts we only re-ran once and we backed down the current again in the boardroom chats and all the other things that are going on it was just such a blessing i thank god for the staff we had to let people know where we were and we had because you know we have what we call first responder staff you just got to we got to get that thing up and running to keep it going you know and uh and i love when kathy said that we'll go ahead take we got to take a voice step before we can walk we got to have church and some couldn't come we understand that we're not telling we're not jumping on your case about it we just had to do something my good friend michael miele they had they had church white dove outside on the front porch and i like what elaine said the doves are still flying see that's a proclamation of the future do you understand what i'm saying so are you ready to give would you hold your offering up to the lord are you that are giving on there you can make if you're writing a check you make it out to jdm that's fine live streaming it will be a blessing once again to all those that we can i wish i could do it all [Music] but maybe one day i can father in jesus name thank you for restoring us [Music] thank you for giving us strength physical strength moral strength spiritual strength i thank you for it lord i ask you to bless each person now i'm not going to say 30 and i'm not going to say 60 i'm going to say 104. because you know lord they got some people out there that are struggling just as bad maybe not through a hurricane but a fire covered other sicknesses and diseases starvation god i ask you to help i asked you to come in my lifetime let us start all our eternal work together lord thank you for these wonderful dollars offerings that are coming in that people probably need but they're sowing that seed [Music] so they can receive a hundredfold harvest thank you father in jesus name we pray amen and amen ushers go ahead and receive this morning's offering thank you for giving we learned so many things doing this you learn things you never knew you could have i'm doing pretty good with that pool daryl you'd be you'd be proud of me i've learned some stuff my god and i had sean showed me a few things i said man lord jesus it was just amazing just you know little things in life in which you really appreciate you know that kind of stuff and uh just such a blessing of the lord kathy do you have the people that like would you come on up i i'd like to read this what a blessing of the lord man you all have seen what i call a little rene was doing she'd leave my house and go to her house work like a dog work like a dog treating up her plate and she said i'll be there i'll be back but i got to take a cold shower i told her i said yeah i said uh you got a hot shower at my house you know cause we got a big generator you know she said no i need a cold shower i just to cool off i mean it's been rough it's not been easy but she came in smelling good [Music] looking good hallelujah i bet your p.f chang's miss me i think they do and a cheesecake factory miss me zias miss me copeland's missed me mr bees miss me i believe there's some way to sin send in reverend duplantis he'll help me these are the states that are watching today alabama alaska arizona arkansas california colorado florida georgia hawaii excuse me hawaii idaho illinois indiana kansas kentucky louisiana maryland michigan minnesota mini mississippi missouri montana excuse me nebraska nevada new hampshire new jersey new mexico new york north carolina ohio oklahoma oregon pennsylvania south carolina south dakota tennessee texas virginia washington west virginia and wisconsin give jesus a handclap for that [Music] these are the countries australia armenia barbados brazil canada croatia costa rica france guam india italy kenya macedonia netherlands norway pakistan philippines qatar singapore south africa south korea trinidad and tobago united king kingdom and zambia give jesus a hand clap for that all over the world still reaching people changing lives ladies and gentlemen covenant churches open up for business chester plants ministries open up for business we're about the father's business to reach people change lives one soul at a time let me say it and i've said it many many times before if you've lost anything and you get an estimate multiply it times seven and don't take no until you get it and you'll find that opportunity in the midst of that crisis i know the beautiful place that glenn and linda built there in cocadry showed the pictures before and after you know what a before and after picture is you know like before i had you should have seen me when i was young i had a body but it's a before picture now this is an after you know but i mean in short it's all destroyed but rebuild it again it's just whatever you want to do just it didn't make any difference hallelujah god's word is so true so i thank all the people that have helped the people that are going to help or are helping and the people that are going to help spiritually physically and financially we therefore you'll never be a day without prayer kathy come on up here you're going to tell them how to get the different things that people need we ask you to take something neighbors friends you know be a good samaritan hallelujah and god's word will work and flow and it's just such an honor and it's just been a pleasure did you enjoy the sermon today it was more of a teaching and uh i i thank you from the bottom of my heart at some time i said how can i make this word thank you stronger i don't know how he said they get it i said i understand i i had a wonderful company today albert jesse we went through this thing somebody in the church you taught us how to pray you taught us how to believe you taught us how to come back i think i did a pretty good job what you think think i'm gonna make it i'll tell you what man you know you have i got to say that you got to have ingenuity rick and donald roman do this these two right there you would not believe they were there i mean right after the storm they didn't leave nothing no nothing but they had created some rainwater barrels or something for their garden i said how you cleaning up he said well i just stand and she pours a bucket of water on my head i wash up grain water and just and then i do hub and that's just how it works one of my staff was taking a bath in a number three tub you do what you got to do it's better than stinking that's why renee took a cold shower before she got to my house glory to god i mean just do what you have to do give a great handclap to pastor kathy as she speaks to me thank you jesse what a wonderful sunday so good to see everybody it's good to be together isn't it well we have a great blessing i just i know many of you uh have needs some of you may not but you know someone who does so please make your way i believe roy and some of the gentlemen are already there from the church organizing that be patient with us and we're not going to leave until you until the last car is gone we're gonna make sure you get uh an opportunity to load up i read the list of supplies earlier i won't do that i know that uh that god is gonna use you to bless so many people amen and just get ready for the blessing because it is more is true paul said remember the words of jesus that it is more blessed to give than to receive so expect to receive a blessing when you give out what god has brought into this house amen and people are going to be touched and we'll be able to be his hands and his feet extended y'all pray stand to your feet we're going to say our our blessing today as we go we'll put it up on the screens says the lord let's look at each other as we say this we're gonna declare the blessing of god this is the words of god to moses for the people and when we say this blessing is released and this is for everybody watching online as well the lord bless thee and keep thee the lord make his face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee the lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace god bless you amen amen [Music] this media is copyrighted by jesse duplantis ministries for the private use of our audience any other use of this media or of any pictures or accounts without jesse duplantis ministries consent is strictly prohibited you
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 12,739
Rating: 4.9602838 out of 5
Keywords: Covenant Church, Jesse Duplantis Ministries, JDM, New Orleans
Id: iqEt-3_DHg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 25sec (6145 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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