2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Seed Power to Cancel Failure (10:30 a.m.)

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if you got your Bibles let's go back to 2nd Kings chapter 4 as I told the people at the very beginning my first everyone today sessions I'm doing something that I have been writing in my partners and friends aisle ministry and I have to say it again that preaching should never supersede thought it should make you think because if you're thinking chances are you won't make a mistake as you turn into 2nd Kings chapter 4 a lot of times I walk around my office and it's just so funny that they all call me boss because Fritz Brown Fritz Olivia Hannah he's the one first he was my first employee other than Kathy but I mean her first employee and he called me boss and Kathy's not my employee is she well I ain't gonna give it too much revelation here because she use it phrase but I walk around and sometimes I go and partner kept all the partner care partners service and stuff and I don't say a word I just walk around and boy yeah you know when I walk in people look there's something wrong no and so the supervisor said the boss can we help you I said no she said what are you doing I said I'm listening to the sounds of thinking and she and she said what I said I'm listening to the sounds of thinking by that time I got all the partner care of people looking at me I stick as everybody's thinking nobody's making mistakes sounds of thinking is very loud and it's such a blessing so let me say it again preaching should never supersede thought it should make you think many years ago and repeating myself I preached a sermon called how not to fail in this life it's relevant today because failure is still going on in people's lives then I was about maybe 25 years ago about 20 years ago I preached on make no provisions for failure because many people make a provision for failure but then this year when I asked the Lord what would he have me to do concerning my assignment he said you want to come up where I'm at I said Lord that's what I strive for that he said failure is not an option so I don't even put an option of that in my life I've had many opportunities to fail I just don't take any and I'll have to agree with brother creflo I don't sin everyday I know a lot of people we hear that because millenniums that's just a lie baba said we've all sinned but we're not sinners so I'm in fact I don't have that on my mind I'm finished with the world when I got born again I was finished with the world I mean I mean finished with it you know because I was such a sinner people I wish I could see what I did but your ears couldn't bear it and the police had picked me up that's the fact but the Lord washed it away so I don't have any evidence against me or circumstantial evidence because we raised the way I was raised and you just do what you got to do and because nobody else is gonna help you and I preferred fear over love I'd rather people fear me than love me I mean that sound crazy because you can move people with fear but I like what brother Copeland said fear tolerates faith contaminated so I didn't have room for faith in my life at all because I was just raised to do what you got to do and when you shark and you're small and you know people push you but they only gonna push you once you see what I'm saying and then whatever and if you have no conscious so you can do anything that sounds crazy that it is crazy it's insane that's the insanity of Satan he thinks he's doing right by killing babies you don't think he's insane think about that and people think they're doing right by killing babies now that's insanity think about that I mean how many Billy Graham's have we killed how many Abraham Lincoln's how about Susan panthan how about how many of those my lord how about the Roosevelt how many Roosevelt's we've killed so you don't realize that God sent someone to be a blessing because see they all started out as a seed seized got great power they produce presidents think about that so think about that just for a minute let's go back again to second Kings chapter 4 dealing with failure not an option verse 1 again now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets and the Elijah saying thy servant my husband is dead they'll knowest that thy servant did fear the Lord and the creditor has come to take unto him my two sons to be bondsman I told you the first thing or the first session I did that this man worked for you I ship because in the second state and he likes just editor what shall I do for thee so when he asked her that that means he can handle anything whether it be spiritual physical or financial so why did that man leave his wife and debt that should not be because you see he was under a teaching but not receiving the teaching think about that now if God puts you in a place to learn something we should learn it not memorize it use when you memorize you memorized for that particular day once you take the test and then the next day they actually what you remember I came remember because you didn't learn it jesus never said memorizing me he said learn of me learn of me see then which means you got a church as a school where you learn of Christ now notice you said in lecture 7 verse 2 what shall I do for thee tell me what the heads in that house that's what I want to deal with in this session here now what's it most people don't they don't care they don't understand the value at what's in their hand what has done in the house she said thy handmaid hath not anything and I'll save a part of oil then he said go borrow the vessels abroad of all the neighbors even empty vessels empty vessels most ministries don't want empty vessels they won't something mental nothing wrong with that that's not the issue but if you want the God kind of blessed get you something empty so God can fill it because he not only feels that he overflows it think about that and then in verse 4 says with art coming thou shall shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons and shall pour out into all those vessels and thou shall set aside that which is full so no there's there's no fit there's no option for failure now we'll be dealing with tomorrow about how to shut that door some of you have missed God but and it was not your fault he just you left the door for people to come in and plant doubt while you were trying to live by faith and it might have been your best family member and they had this wonderful state but I tried that and it didn't work trying don't get nothing done those people that came forward last night to get sick they didn't try they did do you know how long some people had to walk to come from the top of those things all the way down you know how many times the devil said don't go don't go don't go but the anointing was so strong they just came and you know why because you will believe in for them so give yourself a hand clap you will bleed before people to be saved and be touched to be blessed be healed so he asked you what do you have so write this down if you don't mind a blessing always rest upon the seed of the righteous a blessing always rests upon this seed of the righteous notice that there is a blessing in the sea everything we do in life is done by sea the Bible said long as the earth remain is there is remaining right now seed time harvest time seed power everything it's all in you now I want you to understand something that blessing is on the sea what people wore or less don't look much at a seed they look more at the harvest there's two things you really should look at the seed and the soil the two S's seed and saw if they work together well will produce a harvest but to get a harvest it harbors don't come you have to work the harvest and I'll deal with that just a minute a blessing always rest upon the seed of the righteousness go with me to Philippians chapter 4 Galatians Ephesians Philippians chapter 4 and let me prove this point a blessing always rest upon the seed of the righteous this is Paul talking here in verse 15 I you Philippians know which also that in the beginning of the gospel when I departed from Macedonia no church community communicated with me as concerning giving in even but you only it's always to give honor to whom honor is due I always tell my partners thank you for what you've done what you're doing and what you're going to do I said the same thing and when I'm in my and when I'm when I'm with brothers mr. Copeland uh we just have such fun I said I thank you for what you've done I thank you what you're doing and I thank you what you're going to do and he says the same thing to us we have a great relationship see not long ago I was at Gerry and Carolyn's house and had a wonderful time I said thank y'all for inviting us and they did we just had a wonderful time just enjoy myself why because we were both of us were doing something and that's what he said here for even in Thessalonica you sent once and again into my necessity so he noticed that now watch this the point is the blessing always rests upon the seat of the righteous this is a righteous man talking not because I desire gift but I desire fruit that may abound to your account if you want to know somebody is righteous concerning your giving to them as if they're believing for you to be blessed instead of them be blessed not that our desire gift but I desire fruit that may abound to your account and I love this next step but I have all I understand that so do I and abound whoa that's even more than all and I am full now that's pressed down shaken together running over having received say that having received it's no use to plan a see did not expect the reception a receiving having received notice God always uses a person how do I know that Luke 6:38 giving it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shale who men or people given to your bosom having received from who aphrodite's the things which were sent from you an odour of a sweet smell a sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to God now you think was that's how you met his need no he said but my god the next verse shall supply how much how much how much whose need your need how it's done according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus what just how rich is Jesus and then somehow riches god I mean how can we figure out what he owns well Psalms 115 verse 16 that's what he owns he says the heavens even the heavens are the Lord's now let me show you what you own but the earth hath he given to the children of men now I will say something I won't get a hug later on it everybody in here ought to be filthy rich why why filthy rich is better than just rich because the church well said riches were filthy when they're not because if riches are filthy you don't want to go to heaven good that's a filthy place that's gold streets diamond Barrow Jasper onyx Ruby pearly gates Lord Jesus you oughta go to hell what you get trailer parks nothing wrong with trailers beat-up stuff I mean when are we gonna believe that Bob and read or act and just accept what we read now you don't fall in love with riches there's 1189 chapters in the Bible and I got a few of them talking about the riches of heaven but he was there to let you know Jesus said I mean Jesus one time was talking almost and he just throw this in my father's house of many what what makes a house a mansion what word big when's the last time you saw a mansion trailer ain't nothing wrong with a trailer I was raised up in trailers I'm trailer trash that was called trailer trash that's okay with me because mom and dad did the best they could you see what I'm saying and I don't look down on my mother and father would never do that because they fed me they gave me life my daddy almost took it back a couple of times but he said don't make me mad boy I'll kill you make another one look just like you he said that to a blessing always rest upon the seed and the righteous so now just how rich is God well we have two trillion galaxies we live in the Milky Way galaxy each one of them now the theoretical physicist that's hail Yared Harvard Yard Hartman Duke they say now we have at least 400 billion planet moons and stars in each one of these galaxies and the Milky Way galaxy is actually kind of small to some of the big ones that's what God owns that's right he's supplying you neither the universe is full of gold silver iron magnesium platinum all the things that you desire that is his that's why he got gold streets he got all that kind of stuff now we only can understand really and we think we know where the end of our solar system is but but the more that little forager that we released out which should have quit a long time ago but it just won't give up it just keep on going it's a nascent interstellar space we're not just cooking and sending back stuff and saying Maya we thought that was the end of it but it's this and this the the mind of God the creation of God is still creating and was so wonderful everything is done in order I mean and design as I told you the the Milky Way galaxy takes a hundred thousand light years to travel across it that's five point six seven trillion miles a year traveling at 186,000 miles a second 100,000 years just to get across our galaxy now the theoretical physicists say we have multiple universes we're trying to get through a wormhole Morgan Freeman John Sampson we try a lot of time we tease people say it's true didn't find out they have to retract it it wasn't because knowledge will help you see wisdom is the ability to use knowledge and when you have to understand so they keep researching and yet my god they'll say things that and believe what they can't see but the lot of them can't believe in God it's amazing they say this happened they said Pluto was a dead planet til somebody was at nine or ten years ago decided to prove if it was or not and sent a probe put their whole career on the line had I think twenty two minutes to find out because that thing was gonna pass the Pluto and they expected it be just a dead Rock and found out that it was living that there's volcanoes there's activity on it think God got stuff you never fought you see what I'm saying I kind of think of God and I don't take this wrong my granddaughter wants to know a lot about me she says how much money you got and way is it I wanna see it she's nine because I tell her I said Meredith everything grandfather mean he has belongs to you and your mama y'all are only heirs and she said well where is it now you know if I told her she couldn't understand that she could understand my language she understands English but she don't understand anything I would mean because she doesn't understand finance cuz she's got Barbie dolls on her mind and the American doll she loved them is that really called American duck whatever it is all I know they expensive but they're pretty and I like to bless her so write this down he asked this girl what's this what do you have in the house seed is the starting point for a miracle and a cancellation of failure if you don't want failure to be an option the seed starts the miracle to stop that why cuz seed has power everything is done by see do you see that when you see that that you know sooner than you activate seed time the fruits of believing produces its harvest what I'm saying is that seed is the starting point for a miracle and a cancellation of failure I've always been a giver even when I was a sinner I always have I always like to be a blessing to someone not to show off just be a blessing if I could you know in any way shape or form and just to be nice if I could possibly do that why not I mean you know the world's not an easy place to live in and living by faith can be very difficult because you got faith people tell you you can't live like that but yes you can't jesus said you can do all things now I take that literally I am a fundamentalist I have fun all the time what is the last time you saw me sick the press disappointed discouraged despondent have you ever seen me on television who you handle you should because I'm preaching the two point nine billion people in 14 different languages you know much money that is you don't want to know but you have you ever seen me look at the camera like you say won't you watch you do not and I'm not being arrogant about why because my god see that's the key right there my god I don't know who your God is but my god supplies how much that's all I need to say I stop at the word all because God is able to make all grace abound toward that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work he is dispersed abroad he has given to the poor his righteousness remaining forever now he was submitted to seed to the soil ministers bread for your food multiplies your seed so increases the fruits of your righteousness being enriched not just rich being enriched and all bouts of it it just gets bigger and bigger you know why because faith is expanding like the universe it's all in a capsule of faith and right now the universe light can't catch it it's expanding faster than the speed of light and my God we're twisting right now look and you came fili that's a good god as I told you that there there I mean that I mean that the galaxy good God and then the earth the planet is revolving at 140 miles actually 19 miles a second and it's traveling 66,000 miles an hour trying to get around the Sun call orbits you know even feel it that's a good gardius and he owns all that that's why I I went outside on Thomas and I was looking at you know I have a beautiful balcony on my home and things of that nature and and I I'm just out there I'm just looking in the lord suggests a no one own space whoever gets up here first oh Jesus whoever gets up here first how do I get up there satellites Kathy's always saying can we do something for you just in what you want and you tell you true George I that I have everything I want I think I mean you know I mean you know I I don't I don't I never tried to impress people what I have I just do what I want to do but then I found out them SpaceX people send gonna send people up cost $200 I said can't they do you have two hundred thousand dollars she said you know I got $200 I said I'd like to do that I want to get out from the bonds of the earth and look back now I am gonna jump on no plane Jerry Savelle like to jump out of plane I love Jerry but he crazy some people other köppen do that too old people jump out of planes look what you got to lose I'm giving him a hard time I was thinking I was thinking about George HW Bush in 90 years old jump out of a plane what if it don't work but you had 90 years I could not jump out of a plane I would have diarrhea I would feel sorry for the man holding me but it I'm gonna lie I don't have the guts to do that and brother Copeland Jerry not over I know me I love it they say they're growing older but they're not aging and that's true I don't have the guts to death but I can get in one of those rockets take me up I don't know up 200 over 100,000 feet and go in their face and kind of look around and come I can do that but I'm waiting till they fix them cut them in blowing up a little bit I told my staff that listen don't kill the Golden Goose for God's sake find out they call me the Golden Goose how about a ego why goose seed is the starting point for a miracle and a cancellation of failure George when you were doing the video that was a seed to fix all those things because God's places must always be kept up why he expects you to walk in newness of life and wear and tear ministry at all your you need to recreate it a newness of those buildings or build new ones tear them down do whatever I don't know what whatever it takes to make it look right not to show off so that when God comes God's very funny about things if you go reading the Old Testament when people went to the bathroom and their des that God said bring your shovel did you read that why so the Lord don't step in it that's in the Bible now that will make God mad that's in look at me when you think I'm funny I didn't write that most this room that's in the Bible can you imagine god I'm gonna kill all these Israeli the Bible is a funny book I can't believe I said that but it's that's in the book it's there see that's power when I was born when mom and dad got together through God and them created me now they were doing it wrong my mother held a secret all the way to the grave I didn't know this - a few years ago when my mom went home be with the Lord my sister who is now in heaven warning she said I want a copy of moms and dads marriage they said my dad was still living so she went to generate Louisiana where Paul Duplantis and Velma s they got married to get a copy of their marriage license she got it and she read it she went oh we mama I can't believe mom you did this celebrated her anniversary on my birthday July the 9th I mean we my birthday was also their anniversary wrong because the very certificate my sister calls me up she said she said Jessie you illegal I said what you've heard me say that you illegal illegal leave me she said mom and dad wasn't married when you was born I said Deborah it's not illegal it's illegitimate she said dad said illegal I never thought of it like that but my sister come up with some crazy stuff I said well if I'm the illegal my oldest brother is really illegal I knew that was a big fight between her and grandfather that you didn't mess with grandfather I know he buried people in the swamp oh ho you are you're armed and he told me somebody messing with you you do the same thing we don't fight this family you understand I'm six years old okay Ozzie wrote it on my fourth-grade teacher mr. cannon I thought I don't like him and grandfather said that what the Mississippi River for I came pretty close Sikma doggone and ripped the suit out he never came back to our house and I told him right to his face you better give me a beat that's crazy hunch I oughta say that in the fourth grade I got a beat why didn't she tell me I knew there must have been a big fight but my momma my grandfather you said your mother should have been my first son mama tough as a nail she had it rough I'm gonna talk to her when I get to heaven about that time I said why I get shamed now she got born again got saved but she but you know maybe she need to hear brother careful his message today we probably would have helped her you know what I'm trying to say now my daddy lied like a dog on that so I when I found I said daddy I heated married to another woman he didn't stay unmarried long boom he married a lady that I introduced him to he was married six weeks after my mom died look at that lady that's exactly what Kathy did did you see that let it go that's exactly Cassidy you should have been in that word ain't nobody smile it I had to marry him he asked me to marry him I thought the most important if God let mama see this I'm a dead man she'll kill me I did it he never met that one before his life I'm doing introducer I said daddy me and Wayne you and Mama were living together that's why that big fight the family now I've only got one still living I said I'm Barbara I want to know about that that's family business I said I'm part of the family you're not high enough on the totem pole for that that's what she said I'm your aunt that's family business between the brothers and the sisters and all I'm alone now she's the only one left I'm still trying to find out they won't she won't tell me they kept that boat I said I knew grandpa was my mom that's family business I said all right I said Wayne you know we're legal he said yeah Debra told me to he said but that didn't stop my mother me and mama you know why seed that didn't stop daddy from being daddy see it didn't cancel me it may have been a moral failure but I'm not the moral failure so why did they call me illegal why don't they say illegal parents or illegitimate parents not illegitimate children well he did marry my mom but misunderstanding because I had a brother and assistant now you know it but she kept that to the grave that scene had power so you're looking at a preacher preaching to thousands of people that's illegal but I'm under grace [Applause] and since sin don't have lord over me I don't have any issues well I lost the video right there free at last free at last thank God Almighty I'm free at last because I know what grace is not I know what love is done I know what faith is done and it's done so when you see that seed is the starting point for a miracle and a cancellation of failure I could see this power write this down see jump-starts our mind and creates tsunamis in the spiritual realm if you want the cause great blessing in God's kingdom and great terror in Satan's Kingdom it's done with your giving it's done the six seekers he's that's the only power he's got left did you know that you've been given the power of attorney to use the name of Jesus you know even our own medical technicians and great smart people if we give enough money to the Cancer Society we can get rid of cancer right no we need to be healed thank you that for a minute now I really believe in my person meant all the businessman I think somebody knows something but it's hard to turn away billions of dollars because people have fallen in love with money and you shouldn't do that because money don't love nothing money just is a thing that you use on the earth so when you understand that seed jump starts on starts our mind and creates ripples in the tsunamis in the spiritual room I mean that shakes up that shakes up Satan because the only power he's got I can prove that to you and I said this I believe it at the KCM staff when I appreciate that long ago when when Satan tempted Jesus he said if thou be the Son of God turned to stone in the bread and he said no no Jesus didn't give me his opinion Jesus just simply said what the word said see if you say what the word said you you can go home go to sleep and forget what you said because the words gonna stand if you always speak the truth you can forget what you said too because the truth is set you free so when you understand that see so what happens it he said know mentioned I live by bread alone what he was saying was I don't use the word of God for personal advantage why because I'm already advantaged by the Word of God now why say he said well that don't work he takes him up that he said you came to mind it huh you really came to mind I got a king let me show you a kingdom I'm gonna show you wealth like you never seen on this planet and all you got to do and if you read the amplifi another translation it will tell you he said all you gotta do is fall down to worship me one time it only takes once one time and all is yours what jesus said no even though I am Kingdom minded I would not associate with a wicked person even for the attainment of what I want when I do business I don't go to the heathen world it's hard some time to find the right person I ask people I get I get right in that face see what do you know about God because this is a God project I'm not dealing with your bidding this mind I'm dealing in what you got I'm gonna mix the anointing with this business but what do you know about God then you can find out real quick he said I will not associate myself with wicked people with the same of the good in that didn't work because Jesus kept quoting scripture too so then he said well look I'll take bit on a pentacle I'm a cold scripture tape then they said that your angels give you charge over you so once you just jump off what did Jesus say no first he was saying it is written it is written is written he gets to the last one he says he said now he turns logos into Rhema whoo he said you know I only worship God you asking me to worship you when you have to bow at God you see so number one he never used the word of God for personal advantages number two he never associated with people with wicked people even for the attainment of what he wanted and number three he never performed a godly act and a prideful spirit yes Heda jumped off that pinnacle dangerous would have caught him but see that's a prideful spirit doing that you got to watch people in the cast out devils years ago they asked the devil what's your name devil why you wouldn't know a name what street you live on in hell who cares what a Hellion is [Applause] that's not cursing that's a location well what were you asking all that why do you need to know the devil name I know what you thinking could Jesus he said we are legion we admit there's something Jesus did to produce a point not for you to do and he was dealing with everybody he preached it was lost as a goose in the fog he had not yet died resurrected and ascended that's why the teachings of Paul are so vitally important not they they better than Jesus Jesus couldn't really he only could go to a certain point because the dead spirit can't the natural man receiveth not the things of God because they foolishness none time that's why he said you got to go to Jerusalem and when he before you do that he he breathed on the my god salvation came into I go to Jerusalem be a dude with power and then then the Pauline revelations in the Petrine revelations and the Johnny Reb elations begin to come in all across the Bible why those were the deeper teachings of Jesus that he couldn't say to people who couldn't receive it's no use to preach something to people that they can't receive it's a waste of spiritual energy CC jump-starts our mind and creates ripples tsunamis in the spiritual realm that's what he's actually said what do you have nah I don't have much all I gots apart of all they don't mean to differ how much you got what do you have i'ma handle the got part if you just show me what you have or let me use what you have you see what I'm saying places are not done some very good investments in my life gozman very gracious to me but the greatest investment I've ever had Carolyn in my whole life has been my giving I've never G I've never had to return and I've had some pretty good returns I mean it's a very good Robin in the right place at the right time give God glory for the favor of God but the returns on my giving have been astronomical astronomical George I mean I'm not talking about 5% 8% 10% 20% I'm talking I'm talking two hundred three hundred four hundred five and then fold I got away from the times and got into the folds who Jesus and what a blessing that is and it all came from that see remember if she wouldn't have gave that pot of oil she wasn't all business right there it not only took care of the debt they were trying to sell her sons took care of her fight watch this all her life and my son's see people think if you have a million dollars you can retire let me tell you something it's gonna be hard to retire indeed you know years and years ago you could have done that I have a million dollars bragging about that but I tell you what you can't retire on that you gonna have to really watch yourself specially if you live long you you're gonna have to say Lord I can't be too healthy could the money gonna run out Wow look what things cost you don't say things cost a lot well how about two million you know what I used to think that was a ton of money am I right Jay I mean I was it is a lot of money since then me but not how long you gonna live well you know you could eat at McDonald's every day which is cheap and I love mac down I love cholesterol I love clothes I love fried chicken I like grease running down my cheek like that we're treating or last long you gonna be like the birds you just eat no you better eat some healthy stuff five million ah hold on our we can start yeah but you forgot the promise what okay five million anybody got five million dollars yeah okay watch it now I don't mean that pridefully listen to me but you forgot that you have to leave it inheritance for your children's children now you can do pretty well on five million but your kids are gonna have nothing by the time you finish especially if your wife like Louis Vuitton Chanel Shivaji it's gotta Christian Dior you ever seen an initial CD Kathy calls that Kathy Duplantis [Laughter] you know you gonna run right through me but no you need the number you're shooting away your children's children so you gotta at least have 15 million but wait that ain't enough because by the time your Gran's child grows up that five minutes links to what Jake but too because inflation everything that's going on things going up do you see what I'm saying so forget about the five million and start dealing with a hundredfold the hundredfold will take care of any inflation take care of everything and it's done you don't get that less you plant that seed that's what he was trying to tell this woman I'm not just gonna take care your problem I'm gonna take care of you and your kids boy that's a tsunami Satan goes power and all the money you receive is coming out of Satan's account because he's the thief he stole it I like what Cathy says my job is the bankrupt the devil better than me bankrupt him [Applause] but she can't mang Crupp me I'm believing that there's something now somebody go get mad about it there's some things George I can do that God won't let me do I got the ability I got the father he said that's not your job that's your partner's job that was one of the biggest mistakes I made would cover the church Kathy wanted the church I said listen Kathy I'm not a pastor and the Lord said I didn't ask you to pastor that's it good I mean I mean I could preach a pastoral sermon oh I can preach a Baptist sermon for God so loved the world the cause of salvation that He gave His only begotten Son the cost of salvation but who said we believe in him the condition of salvation should not perish but have everlasting life the consequence of salvation well you understand the cause the cost the condition in the consequence you understand salvation if you live into salvation as cheap yet as living it in sin then you live in as if it's cheap so it's homiletics I mean I'm talking that I can do that I can preach a Pentecostal message I even do preach a Church of garlic God prophesying Christ the Lord is it I can get back with you like you ain't never see you oughta watch me what I'm becoming American Indian I mean I tell you what son I can pray enough you name it I can do it I'm a preacher I don't mean that right I can do that I've become all things to all people and you know when I'm in a big white conference I'm walking like this you know what I'm saying my love but when I got to the Church of God a prophecy of Christ I booked my lean on what's over there see the black people kind of gotta give a little see you do that to a white man you go you don't know what a fist my bed tsunami Ripper Satan says why um he tucked his accountant what happened that a male jester the planets got it Kenneth Copeland gotta Jerry Savelle got a crappy little doll I got it Keith Moore gotta George pizza guy Wow we got to stop those guys you can't why cuz the earth belongs to me and since it does pay me you should have shouted death hey now what happens when the harvest car you ever get so happy about the Hobbit meat takes about Horace huh harvest time is a time of joy write it down all people up hose up wait I infused with the statement yet harvest time it's the type of joy and labor if I say labor and labor is the price of securing it everybody love harvest time who don't but son you better get ready to go to work you gonna work hard at harvest time because labor is the price of securing that thing God is not going to harvest your fields that's your job and the price to harvest that feel is labor I'm a generation that works we should be working that's why I love capitalism I'm not against poor people but when's the last time a poor man gave you a job so I want to help a poor person but I've learned something my rate of exchange for helping a poor person is dollar for dollar I'm not increasing but I'm doing I'm being obedient to God's Word how do I know that he that pity the poor lendeth to the Lord I shall repay so you give $100 to a poor person you get back $100 and you should do that don't sense that man but you still at zero what's the rate of exchange now what's the rate of exchange for that seed now that's mark 11:23 24 that's mark 4 that's all of it 30 60 100 fold go over to Deuteronomy 111 a thousand times let me make everybody that mounts been here a thousand times it's not as much as a hundred fold a thousand times there's a multiplication system 100 fold is beyond your mind now I'm gonna say this here when you understand the power of C power every one of you ladies when you were born you had two million eggs when you reach the age of puberty you had about anywhere from 350 to 400 thousand left how many kids you got why would God give a female child at birth two million eggs he sure doesn't waste because God's intention see we even if you do the medical part of a person's body cuz the Bible said you're wonderfully made it shows you what God wanted to do before the fall he wanted that I only populate heaven populate the universe because they have a child before the fall was just no pain bless God blessing you have the physical evidence right now in your body oh you ready for this we're going back to that because after the rapture the church you've eaten for seven years think about that brilliant said me ain't that great no fat just enjoying yourself and let me help all y'all you gonna have a different body than there was a millennium Kingdom people don't have you see because at the doing the Millikan there's no more rapture people gonna walk out of the Millennial Kingdom with Adam like body it's the same thing that Adam and Eve had and they're gonna have to eat of the Tree of Life and take the leaves for the healing of the nation but not you you gonna have a body like Jesus that you'll be able to walk between the molecules and the atoms that's why I walk people he went right that he just went like this through walls and you will eat not because you're hungry or to sustain your life cuz what's in this body you ready for this it is liquid God flowing in your liquid you'll be able to walk to see this is made up of atoms man this just this blouse your head is made up of atoms so this suit I saw Adam be able to get through him you know just God gave Jesus gave his little head he did it on perfect he couldn't knocked on the door let him open up he said I'm gonna just go through it and anybody studying my scripture they'll figure out something here that my body is gonna be their body we're gonna have the same kind with liquid god flowing in the veins for lack of a better way to say it you better go through the atoms beam me up Scottie come on Jesus you see man in his brain sometimes God allows some of these things to hit we think it's just science fiction but it's amazing now years ago what was science fiction is now living reality today now those people in the Millennial Kingdom they're gonna have to eat at the Tree of Life they don't have to have the leaves for the healing of the nation's oh and baby bears are coming what a bobble said maybe would be a hundred years old a baby that's all baby but when time does not exist and we start the population of the universe because we made in God's image a bunch of little looking like Jesus is running all over the place oh and we will be ruling and reigning it each and every one of you won't have a very high position beyond a prime minister it's gonna be a great day and it's sooner than you think see write this down seed is a tangible marker that helps release strong faith seed is a tangible marker that helps release a release strong faith see why because your spirit requires cultivation we cannot separate the material in the spiritual because it breeds spiritual air you see the reason why the soul is so important let me say it again some of you are writing it down seed is a tangible marker that helps release strong faith you see what I'm saying your spirit requires cultivation you cannot separate the material and the spiritual because it breeds spiritual air you know what seed time and harvest time does it promotes the system the stability of society when you give to Kenneth Copeland ministries you're promoting this stability of society it's showing people teaching people how not to get in if you get in trouble how to get out the do you see what I'm saying and when you understand it it promotes that stability that power so what God says that he says I am gonna I'm gonna flood the universe with you what is man that I have mindful of him the son of man that I visited in Genesis 1 let us make man Wow angels go what's a man he never seen a man we saw Sarah fence you know within six wings oh Lord cherubims wasn't powerful Archangel well Oh reg lanes is for lack of a better way to see it all these great creations but God had something on his map let's create ma'am what is man watch Satan when he was Lucifer saw our creation and it was okay till God says this I give you dominion over all the works of my hands or the Serpent's the works of God's hand the Chairman's the Archangels what was Satan he just met his boss he didn't like that he'd have been satisfied if God wouldn't have said that you have power over him when everything was perfect and when everything is wrong and in God's eyes I'm gonna say something that's gonna shock you and God's eye there is no option for failure so if you come up and say Lord I messed up for lack of a better way to said he would say why why when you had this power now I love you and grace of my home Claudia but you went through something you didn't have to go through and I somebody anger like this neither I know people suffered like crazy in that first century who man I know that well what makes you think you got a stuff like that God don't pay for the same real estate twice this generation I'll have a lot more power in spiritual things to change physical things they didn't have Matthew Mark Luke John acts Romans Corinthians they didn't have Genesis well they had they had that order and I was about it just a fire there were five books of Moses that's it look how much knowledge has been given to us you got to understand and people say well how did God in the midst of all that I wrote a while ago I want you to understand my god Jody brought it to my mind I went to Rome and I loved the ruins of Rome and in fact I want the what they call in think Subway's or something I guess but not a subway like New York company they had though they said beware of the pickpocketer now you see I know sin when I see it I know icon when I see it because I did another pickpocket people but uh I mean I could be a con you do what you got to do I used to tell people like that what do you want man we were running naughty but I'll never scam you could think of I could get you jewelry to up to a hair dryer so how'd you get that fell off the truck what fell off the truck one washing machine see you sell it for $119 this is way back when honey $20 I give it to you for $59 you got to pick it up yourself 14 years old I said in it normal to me my watch this when you understand when I but ready to say I'm walking I wanted it I went all the way up to Coliseum if you have been a room that that's amazing I thought God this was built before Jesus man look at this thing so I'm looking at it I'm looking at the architecture and Jodi says dad a lot of us were killed in here blood ran wrap it in here all to the lust of a man it was so lustful at the beginning of all that the Greeks did our everything in the nude if you do any study of history the world was consumed with which destroyed the Roman Empire guess what America is right now we're just close to the same thing my god and I thought of this and I have preached the thousands of people who lured by television billions you don't need to write this down I did I wrote this down there are times in the world is an auditorium where great preachers and teachers hold a crowd with the Word of God and what a blessing that is but other times the world is an amphitheater in which flowing blood speaks better words for God than eloquent tongues and when they were dying and Nero was killing them and burning up they were singing praises unto God now that's power you know who they were they were our seed that's why it says this you know you don't you don't step on the blood of Jesus and all those that have gone before us see the heaviest weight of this building is on this slab here they they're the foundation ladies and gentlemen at the foundation to church you the roof are you holding it all together like this but the roof goes up first because the less weight on you see what I'm saying and I know we are persecuted I know we suffer Fujita and and there are some places that that's happening but it shouldn't happen we should never have another Holocaust we should stop that Isis a long time ago that's politics doing that is it possible he wants so many people did all the power America has all the power Russia has and we can't stop that Syrian war when in peanuts are using our equipment when we have such phenomenal technology that we can watch people with a drone this size look like a bumble bee we got a drone you can't see Boulder coop before you know you don't know what hit you what's happening here that's man's inhumanity to man what about all those people that were killed in her Herzegovina whatever that way back on the Clinton administration they called it ethnic cleansing I thought we would never have that anymore you know what I personally believe then you ain't got to believe this they ought to take that movie Schindler's List and play it every year for every kid in every school never let you forget what man will do when he listens to the devil and then after they watch that move stand up and say this will never happen because if you make Jesus Christ Lord of the lot you'll save people blessed or help people reach out to people that would stop that stuff because children don't know they learned and taught by different things you see what I'm saying sometimes we got to look at ugly things and sometimes we got to fight I just preached the sermon to the church title sometime you got a dance I always it used that when somebody tried to mess with me I said you won't dance with me do you want some of this it was kind of a cocky way of saying it back back when I was a kid yeah you want to dance with me and then I got to looking I saw by Jesus sometime we got to dance Jesse sometimes we pray in it sometime to fight some time we got to go to war now I don't like war I don't think any general they said Douglas make off the love oh no he didn't anyone that's ever been in war does not love war I know General Patton he loved the wind was but he hated the war effort the war stuff that went on see what I'm saying the general eisenhower president he called it be careful the Pentagon that industrialized giant you see what I'm saying making things to destroy ourselves no seed is a tangible marker that helps to release strong faith so what I did was if we just let this seed flow out and work in God's Way guess what your barrels before spiritually physically and financially ladies and gentlemen listen to me if you got a ministry you should not have to think about the finances if you understand what I said last night what before I received that offer about Perpetual given I mean my god you produce the Ted Cruz is that correct God God be the glory right why said that was perpetual you produced your seed to the Senate good senator now watch this yeah yeah that's right good senator he may he may say something you disagree with that's what America's about scalding debate debates makes the such discussions decision makes choices but it all boils down to a decision eventually so what we have to do if Jesus Terry's is because of the seed that we are we need to produce great harvesters so they can produce seeds and on and on it's the it's the seed time harvest time long as the earth for me because we're going back to Genesis one I'll say this you've heard me say that on Clues if you want to know the will of God I mean you want to know the will of God for your life what's this Genesis chapter one Genesis chapter two and the last two chapters in the book of Revelation that's the will of God for man look at me look at me between them two it's eleventh from here to here is 1186 chapters of killing stealing and destroying by an archenemy called Satan has there been a war going on ladies and gentlemen but Jesus is going back to Genesis 1 Genesis 2 and the last two chapters in the book of Revelation and man's gonna walk in the cool of the day with God for eternity get the Lord a hand clap for that for eternity so I'm gonna make life as easy as I can for my daughter for my grandchild just like God is making life as easy as he can for me and he will do it for you not some of the time but all the time tomorrow I'm we closed with this and he tells them to shut the doors put this in your mind you can meditate it don't waste spiritual energy Harvard is too important to allow the doubts of others to affect you that's why I said you close the door those who object and create difficulties are generally those who do the least and give the least you never mind them you see what I'm saying so every time I've ever want to do something god there's always some preacher told me I couldn't do it know what he was saying was he couldn't do it now you think that's an arrogant statement no God didn't call him to do it so he can't do it but God called me to do it I can't fly plane I don't want to learn how to fly plane but I can buy a plane my pilots can fly that plane but they can't buy that plane I can buy the plane but I can't fly the plane but if we get together me and the pilots we can come to the southwest believers convention do you see what I'm saying when you understand that that's done by seed time harvesting remember the fruit of harvested labor so that's all right get your hands dirty go get your harvest and if people are helping you get your harvest here's a little hint leave some in the field what does that mean there's a scripture in the Bible it's in a book of the Bible that somebody left later a little his name was Bowie Lee leave us leave us something to eat when I took Cathy when I stood before that priest at Holy Rosary Catholic Church 11 o'clock a.m. I'll never forget it 1970 he looked at me said do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife I said yes sir well I actually said something kind of stupid I said as soon as you finish I'm planning on taking her he goes wait he had caught me he caught me drinking the holy wine in the back like the passed out man even oh god it is blessed as the issue is I was a healing people but I remember when we and we wasn't allowed to kiss each other in the church then took her I guess turn around walked out you kissed Kathy out on the steps that's how I was and Catholicism buried deep deep south Louisiana and I told her I said I will take care of you I don't have nothing we got 300 bucks to our name I said but I promise you I'll take care of you she said I'll always have your back I said if you're willing to work she suggested I'm willing to work I said I'm willing to work - I said Kathy we're gonna accomplish something I don't know exactly what it is yet I said but I tell you what every day I'll get up thinking about where and where I'm going and what I'm gonna do when I get there and you know we've been married 47 years [Applause] I have no idea how much money she spends cuz she can't break me Jerry and I did like to have a man like that I'm not braggin she can't why constantly solely she's spending something boom gods filling up my coffers you see what I'm saying that's that progression see and you know and actually I spend more money than her I just don't do it as often you know women like to shop me you know man like he'll get one hit me take a while oh he'll see something me like and then you know she says you gonna buy that I said yes I am man I wish I had that power I said you do that's not the issue I say remember cap what we said to each other we both work hard yeah and she still does Oh Lord you both of them now I mean you know we don't have days off that Minister comes home with us I'm constantly thinking of that not to be bigger and better so that I can't please the Lord Jesus Christ in my life so make no provisions for failure it's good but take it to the highest highest level that failure is not an option in your life anywhere and if there's been some failure let me help you forget it start the day you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 291,810
Rating: 4.7594614 out of 5
Keywords: jesse duplantis
Id: w91JfHI0qsw
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Length: 65min 54sec (3954 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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