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what's up my beautiful babes so there is so much [ __ ] on the internet on how you can grow your hair faster quicker easier like it's it's almost be honest with you it's all just people trying to sell their products to you and usually it works so I just wanted to come on here today and you know spill a little bit of tea or maybe a lot of tea I want to tell you guys what I believe will actually make your hair grow faster now this might not be exactly what you want to hear so if you don't want the truth then don't watch this video but if you do then girl stay tuned because you about to hear the truth hi me oh good oh good so if you're still with me and you want to hear the truth on how you can grow your hair faster then let's get it started okay the first thing I want to talk about is the fact that hair growth and how fast your hair grows and how much hair you have on your head is 90% genetics okay that's just the truth it's genetics a lot of people that don't take care of their body have nice hair and a lot of people do take care of their body don't have good hair it just sucks that's how life is I know it's stupid [ __ ] up what that's just life and I'm sorry but that's just how it is well listen there are ways that you can promote hair growth even if your jeans are like no girl we're not growing any more hair on your head okay and I'm sorry if that's too harsh but it's seriously the truth and nobody I feel like nobody online ever says that but it's the truth okay we're gonna start off by you know sifting through the bullsh if you will I just did a quick Google search on how you can grow your hair faster and I'm reading this article and you know one of the first things it's saying is to eat gummy vitamins you know those hair and gummy vitamins that are supposed to miracle e grow your hair by eating a candy this is bullsh why why does anybody believe this I'm sorry and I know probably a lot of you out there are eating these stupid candy and you think your hair is gonna grow from it I'm just gonna tell you now hair gummy vitamins are a placebo you only think your hair is growing faster because you're told that it's gonna grow faster from these vitamins in reality though it's not growing any faster it's just your imagination playing with you I promise I swear and I know I'm gonna get so many comments being like but I took these gummies in my hair groups one faster I like girl I can guarantee it's not a real thing and if it is I don't know anymore I don't know what life is anymore if that's a real thing and now I'm reading food that makes your hair grow faster eggs and milk so if you didn't already know I am vegan so this it makes me it just drives me a little bit crazy it also says um salmon pork and cooked liver makes your hair grow faster what what what I just have a really hard time that unhatched baby chickens and a baby cow growth hormone aka milk will make your hair grow faster okay there is just no way in my head after doing tons of research that milk and eggs will make your hair grow or it will make you healthy and bring on the hey you guys just leave those comments saying you know egg protein protein protein cookies milk protein just do a little research about it and you'll realize that you actually don't need very much protein in order to live a very healthy life you need very very little and you can get that from so many other thing that are natural but anyways so I'm done with that little rant but basically I was just saying that eggs and milk and pork and cook liver and salmon are not gonna help your hair grow it's just not it's awful to be honest and now I'm reading about how you know all these oils like coconut oil can help your hair grow and there is maybe a little bit of truth behind that it's not complete bullsh but there's definitely bullsh in what they're saying basically they're like you know the fatty acids and the vitamins will help nourish your hair basically yeah I mean they're gonna help your ends stay intact for longer and help your split ends not get worse and I think hair oils are great and I use it on all my clients and I love parallels I love hair products in general so it is gonna help your hair strand stay intact for longer well listen it's not gonna make your hair grow faster from this scalp the oil is not gonna go into your scalp and then into your bloodstream and then go back into your hair follicle and promote keratin growth like that's just not gonna happen we don't have that advanced of technology yet one day I'm really hoping we will because I do not want to go bald and I don't think I'm going to but I'd better not because I would not look good bald I do believe that hair oil will help your hair stay intact for longer which is gonna let it grow longer but it's not actually going to grow out of your scalp faster you feel and then of course we have you know cutting your hair will make your hair grow faster and again like I said with the oil it will help your end stay intact for longer if you have those split ends cut off because what happens is when a split end starts and you don't cut that off right away and make it up one end again it'll actually keep splitting up your hair shaft which will end up making your hair break off faster and will not allow your hair to grow super long so definitely a haircut I've seen great effects from doing a haircut and I've seen people that could never brother a hair long cut off their dead ends and it grows way longer but that's not doing anything internally in your body to help it grow that is just like cutting off a dead end they don't get worse all right so now let's talk about stimulating your head with brushes and you know gadgets that will get the blood flowing in your scalp and get your limp your lymphatic system moving I do believe that will help you a bit you know getting the blood moving and the lymphatic system moving is going to end up you know having a healthier scalp and promoting more blood flow which is gonna promote better hair growth but I you know I don't think it's like the cure-all I mean definitely do it if you want to grow your hair faster I think it's great but I don't think this is like a miracle you know they also say you know washing your hair with cold water will help it grow faster again this is it's gonna help your hair be healthier but you know this articles titled grow your hair faster more than one inch per month girl girl I see you Goldwater is not gonna help your hair grow faster than one inch in month that is not gonna happen it's just gonna make your hair healthier in general so now after we made all that [ __ ] out on the table and I'm sure a lot of you guys are angry with me let me now tell you guys what I truly believe will grow your hair faster and listen you do not have to agree with me of any of this you don't want to get mad at me about any of this listen we all have our own opinions and that is what's so beautiful about the world I believe that everything happening on the surface on your skin with hair growth is all because of what's happening inside of your body so if your insides your gut health is well then your hair is going to grow faster your skin is gonna look better your nails are gonna grow faster me personally and I know a lot of people are gonna disagree with me I believe that being vegan really helps with skin health and hair and now health and I have a lot of reasons for that I have struggled with my skin my entire life and I finally gotten hold on it in the past couple years that I've been vegan and it has helped me tremendously I mean tremendously and when it comes to my hair growth when I first began being vegan I noticed a humongous difference with how fast my hair grew and how healthy it was and how full it wasn't how shiny it was it was crazy and I could go on and on and on about how a being vegan will help your skin and your overall health and your hair growth and your nail growth but I don't want to bore you and there's plenty of videos out there explaining it better than I would but I truly believe eating a plant-based diet will effectively grow your hair so much faster than if you ate dairy and you know stay away from packaged food from junk food from sugars from energy drinks from coffee all of that stuff is gonna slow down hair growth okay definitely make sure you're drinking so much water I know that everybody always says this when it comes to hair growth drink a lot of water but literally nobody does it never be like why anything you're not growing girl are you drinking any water probably not and once you start drinking a lot of water your body will be so much more dependent on the water and you'll crave it so much more often I know this because I used to not drink any water like so gross I was like always nasty and dehydrated and like it was not a cute look and then I made a commitment to drinking a gallon of water a day girl I was peeing every 10 minutes it was a struggle but then you know your bladder ends up expanding and you can pull more water at a time so if that's your problem if that's your Excuse like I can't go to the bathroom too much I drink too much water like your your bladder will expand and it will adjust to that I also want to mention and drinking tea ginger tea all those any enemies he really and the herbal tea really is gonna be great for you and is gonna make the insides of your body healthy which is gonna promote hair growth exercise okay these are I know you're like basic things that people already know but I'm gonna tell you that if you're really committed to growing her faster or growing your hair back from it being lost from I don't know like old age or like cancer or whatever getting your body moving at least walking walking is great just make sure you're walking a lot get outside get some vitamin D honey so the greatest part about all these things I'm mentioning is that not only is it great figure a hair health but it's also great for your overall health and is really gonna affect your life in a positive way and make you feel so much better and girl that hair is gonna bow like Rapunzel okay and then we have you know some basic things you can do to help promote your hair to you know not fall off or break off while you're growing it out which is you know what I mentioned before with you know hair masks you can do hair masks those are awesome you can get a trim once in a while just to make sure your split ends aren't splitting up your hair using heat protector spray try to not use heat on your hair too often you know these are all obvious things but of course they are gonna help your hair stay intact and stay on your head for a longer period of time which is gonna eventually make it look like your hair is growing faster on your scalp but it's really just staying on your head for longer all these things that I mentioned I have done myself and has helped my hair growth dramatically faster so if you're seriously committed to growing your hair faster and healthier and thicker and shinier give these things a shot you know at least drink more water that'll help a lot I really hope you guys can take a thing or two away from this video and try it in your own life and then today's Instagram shoutout goes to Anisha this is her Instagram name and this is what she looks like and she says hey I love your channel on YouTube and I literally watch everything you do thank you you're so savage and I love it like you sly you're such a queen you're always behind your crown keeps lying thank you I want you to I've never done my hair and I really want to change what color or style do you think I should do okay this is gonna be the most predictable answer you guys know me you know how I like my blondes but seriously with your face shape your makeup the way you you know present yourself you would look just so good blonde platinum blonde I'm sorry you guys it's just it would just look so good on her like come on come on give tell me it would tell me would I loved your hair long I also think a bob would look dope on you but I think you should keep it long for now and go platinum blonde it'll look so so good on you please give it a shot and the fact that you have a virgin hair is amazing and that means your hair is gonna lift so perfectly amazing and bright and you're gonna have little problems with lightening it so girl you are the best candidate to go platinum blonde if you have virgin hair so you better do a girl and thank you guys so much for watching today don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you all next time peace
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,478,953
Rating: 4.7472134 out of 5
Keywords: THE TRUTH NO ONE TOLD YOU ON HOW YOU CAN GROW YOUR HAIR FASTER, brad mondo, hair, grow, hair growth, natural hair, fast, long hair, curly hair, how to, tips, growth, natural, science, healthy, free, alopecia, castor oil, how-to (website category), health, how to grow black hair, how to grow your hair, beauty, how to grow a beard, how to grow hair faster, grow hair fast, follicle, beards, facial hair, biology, shaving, hair loss, balding, hairdresser reacts, hairdresser, brad, mondo, hilarious
Id: 2xbO_6h5MwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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