How to Treat Your Thinning Hair Holistically and Thicken it Without Surgery - Dr. Anthony Youn

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A few takes from this video:

-- This guy seems legitimate. Firstly, he addresses that the methods shown in the video only work for thinning hair, not exactly for miracle hair regrowth if you're already in the deeper stages of MPB, which is something hacks try to sell in order to "get their foot in the door" for treatment. Secondly, he sounds like he's not exactly for actual synthetic medications like Finesteride or Minoxidil, but he's not against them either, so with bringing up the oil paired with getting the proper nutrition, it sounds more sincere.

-- In the case of TE, he does say there's really no easy way to diagnose it and doesn't restrict this condition to a specific gender which I've seen on this sub way too man times (ex. "guys don't get TE"). The reason telogen effluvium is considered more prominent in women is because there are more cases of women visting their doctors for hair thinning and shedding more than guys who often don't recognize it or simply don't see it as a worrisome issue like most of us do here. With women usually making appointments for TE cases, there are naturally more case experiments involving woman for TE studies also. It's been proven multiple times through the years that mental stress makes you lose your hair that can be regained and not lost forever.

-- Other than the laser treatment which I'm still skeptical of, mainly since I don't personally know of anyone who has done it and it's rarely seen here with big results, none of the other tips on treating thin hair and/or regrowing it seem outlandish.

-- I checked reviews on this guy and they all seem positive with no issues. He's also made appearances on shows, has done multiple Q&As and interviews regarding his practice, and, after all...he is an MD that practices holistically similar to that of a DO, so he would likely know more than most people selling snake oil without a face to the brand. He doesn't really seem to have a reason to make videos as a professional doctor supplying false information that doesn't work.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/UA54745 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

He seems a sincere guy. Not promising any miracles to people with bald heads. However, I'm surprised he didn't mention derma rolling, which seems to help diffuse hair loss.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
thinning hair is a problem for millions of men and women across the United States and all over the world so today I'm going to show you how you can thicken your hair without going under the knife my name is dr. Anthony youn and I'm known as America's holistic plastic surgeon I help health-conscious women over 30 look and feel their best by teaching them a holistic approach to health and beauty and today we're gonna go over how you can thicken your hair without surgery these are proven techniques these work and you don't have to go into the knife to thicken your hair so the problem basically is that 320 million Americans have thinning hair and it's men it's women and this is a problem that affects so many of us especially as we get older in life well we don't have a solution for it for basically baldness if you are a gentleman and you've got a huge bald spot on your head none of these techniques unfortunately will work but if you're like most Americans who have thinning hair you've got hair that's a bit sparse that's a bit thin that's not as thick and lush as it should be you may have patchy areas where you don't have hair these things that I'm gonna show you today can definitely help you okay so if you've got an area that's pretty big and there's nothing there you're like Kojak or the rock then unfortunately you've got a if you want hair there you've got undergo surgery like hair transplants but for all of those of you who don't have that take a peek at what I've got here because it's gonna definitely help you so the first thing that you can do is distress so a lot of us we get we lose hair we have hair fall out when we're in periods of extreme stress and sometimes it's not necessarily even just let's say an event like somebody close to you dying or losing a job or a divorce sometimes it's just the chronic effects of just being in a high-stress job being in a stressful marriage having kids that can cause you to lose your hair and it's a it's this process that we call telogen effluvium and this happens to people and unfortunately you know there's no way to really diagnose it except just knowing that you are having a lot of stress in your life so this describes you that I would encourage you see a therapist meditate do yoga exercise do those things that can help you to de-stress get yourself out of that stressful job you know do what you need to to de-stress and you just may find that your hair actually gets thicker well nutritional supplements are a great way to improve thinning hair a lot of the causes of thinning hair especially that we see and a lot of my followers a lot of my patients who are women over the age of 30 and over the over the age of 40 can be nutritionally based so an iron deficiency vitamin D deficiencies those are pretty common causes of hair loss especially in people as they get older and so one thing that you can do is use a good nutritional supplement the one that I recommend really which is the one that's the newest most advanced supplement for hair out there is called neutrophil neutrophil comes in a formulation for men and it comes in a formulation for women and this contains a lot of different things from vitamins and minerals to biotin and basically everything that you need to help you to thicken your hair if what your issue comes down to nutrition and even if you're not sure it's great for your skin and for your hair so I would encourage you if you've got thinning hair take a look at nutria Folles you can buy it online we have it are at our online store at dr. Ewen we'll have a link on the caption for this video and like said they've got it for men and they've got it for women and the studies show that after about two to three months abuse that you can get thicker more luscious hair by taking it well the third thing is topical rosemary oil now what you're not going to find on my list of things that you can do to thicken your hair are prescription medications okay because there are other options for you other than putting yourself chronically on a prescription medication there was a study that compared topical rosemary oil to minoxidil which is a main ingredient in Rogaine and this study found it really compared head-to-head how rosemary oil topical rosemary oil applied to the scowl versus topical Rogaine or minoxidil the active ingredient of Rogaine and it found actually very similar equal results so applying topical rosemary oil which is completely natural to your scalp has the same effects as minoxidil but with one caveat it cause less skin irritation and itching than minoxidil so if you want to avoid the chemicals and the prescription products try topical rosemary oil try combining it with a nutritional supplement like nutria full and you're gonna be doing hopefully really really well as well as distressing well what's number four low light laser therapy now this started out is a bit of a joke way back in the day where you may have seen advertisements on late-night TV TV for this comb that had a laser attached to it that you would comb through your hair called the hair max laser comb and it was on different infomercials and some people poked fun at it well the crazy thing is that there are many many scientific studies in peer-reviewed journals that show that low light laser treatments like what is used with the hair max laser comb actually work they can actually thicken hair and we believe that this low light cold laser so it's not a laser that burns your skin or feels hot it's cold on your skin but this laser can actually cause the hair to go into a growth pattern okay and to go from a let's say telogen or a kind of quiet phase to go into a growth phase and so low light laser therapy great option these are same things you can still buy the hair max laser comb today they have now much more advanced versions over what they had before there's one that is made that's like a band over your head as well there's also baseball caps one called the laser cap that has if you take if you take it and you look inside of it you can actually see all these laser beams that you put on to your head and this stuff actually works so if you've tried the distressing if you've tried the neutrophil if you've tried the topical rosemary oil and it's not quite getting you there then I would recommend take that next step to low light laser treatments unlike the other ones this is going to be pretty expensive to get a good laser cap you're talking probably $500 ish but it's better than surgery well what if the low light laser therapy doesn't work what else can you try platelet-rich plasma so platelet-rich plasma or PRP basically is your own tissue where we basically draw your blood we spin it down remove the platelets which are chock-full of growth factors and that is actually injected into areas of your scalp and some for some guys even areas of their beard to grow hair studies are showing that it definitely works I know of a lot of doctors who are doing it I at this time and not doing it in my practice but I've heard from many of my many many of my colleagues who swear by and say that injecting PRP into the scalp works really well well this is a great regenerative therapy this is using your own your body's own regenerative mechanisms to actually make it younger and to help grow more hair so if those other options aren't working then PRP is definitely an option keep in mind that this is not permanent okay and most doctors recommend doing PRP at least twice a year sometimes more often so definitely you have to keep in mind that it's you're gonna be spending a good amount of money on this because it is a minimally invasive treatment and a doctor or a nurse typically has to do it but it definitely works so hopefully this has been helpful for you if you've got issues with hair us try those less invasive easier things first going up to the PRP if you have got areas of baldness then you want to consider going unfortunately with surgery and we'll do a video on that later if you've enjoyed this please subscribe check out these other videos coming right up
Channel: Anthony Youn, MD
Views: 2,111,532
Rating: 4.9197097 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Youn, Dr. Anthony Youn, Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, Youn Plastic Surgery, Detroit Plastic Surgeon, Detroit, Michigan, Plastic Surgery Before and After, Cosmetic Surgery Before and After, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Cosmetic Treatments, Thinning Hair Remedies, Thinning Hair Issues, How to Treat Thinning Hair, Hair Loss Tips, Hair Loss Problems, Fix Hair Loss, How to Thicken Hair, Get Thicker Hair
Id: J1HnRnX7-tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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