The Truth about Affairs | Marriage Today | Jimmy Evans

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our thoughts are were action stem from Jesus died on a hill called Golgotha and it means the place of a skull and it looks like a skull if you've ever been to Jerusalem it looks like a human skull the cross was stuck in top of a mine because Jesus came to set us free but remember Jesus said the truth will make you free and so the truth applied to our minds means that we're free people if your mind isn't free it really doesn't matter what else is because your mind is where your thoughts your actions come from and it's where the devil attacks us remember that Jesus was attacked by the devil in the wilderness and all the devil did was spoke lies and half-truths to him Abin Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden the first thing that the devil did was attack truth in their minds has God surely said it was a mental assault on their mind so we have to watch our minds and make sure that our minds are in the right place or the devil is going to have an opportunity and so adultery always happens in an atmosphere of darkness and deception always 100% of time there are always wrong thoughts in people's mind that precede the adultery whether it's just an emotional affair or a mental affair or physical affair there's always those things so we have to tell ourselves the truth first of all about ourselves the truth about ourselves and the truth is we are all tempted and at some point all of us could fail morally I could I could I don't could I will not tell myself the lie that I could because I could I'm happily married I have the most beautiful life in the world most wonderful wife in the world but I know I could if King David could I could you know he was one of the greatest men in the Bible a man after God's heart and he made a terrible mistake they cost so much pain and suffering that God ultimately redeemed but I just won't tell myself a lie that it couldn't happen to me because if I tell myself that it can't happen to me then I get sloppy I could act like I'm the exception and put myself in a circumstance where I could fail but when I tell myself it could happen to me it Sobers me up and it makes me understand I've got to be careful about what I do I've got to be careful about the environment that I'm and I've got to work on my marriage and keep my heart and mind pure so I think we just have teller but you know under the wrong set of circumstances just about any of us could do anything and so we need to be humble and truthful about that the second truth we need to tell ourselves is the truth about sin and this is the truth Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death and it is I wasn't born a preacher and before I got saved I was a very immoral person and I experienced a whole lot before I got saved and I'm telling you it was death the devil never delivers on a promise in all of his beautiful seductions are lies and they look great and they sound great and they feel great for that long and then the death sets in that's the only problem with those things a lot of times people tell themselves lies that lead to you know the act of adultery or the act of sin one of the lies is I deserve to be happy so many people today are saying that that that's not in the Bible that anyone deserves to be happy and in the Constitution of the United States is it says that we have the right to pursue happiness but it's not a guarantee but I want to tell you something about happiness and you really you need to remember this it's worth the ticket price are you getting in here today the full ticket price you can't be happy trying to be happy happiness cannot be frontally pursuit when Cain did not bring a good offering to the Lord and he got offended because of his brother Abel getting a blessing that he didn't get God followed him and God said this to Canaan Genesis chapter 4 if you do well Cain you will be a happy person if you do not do well sin is crouching at your door and its desire is to master you but you must master it if you do well Cain you'll be happy and so you go home today and you say you know I want to make myself happy I'm just going to eat anything I want to eat and it's all day long you eat anything you want to eat and what happens is those of us know who done that before the more you eat the more unhappy you become about how you feel and how you look but if you wake up tomorrow morning and you say you know something I need to discipline myself I don't feel like doing it but I'm going to work out I'm going to eat right and I'm going to take care of myself how many of you know the longer you do that to have you get about your life you'll feel better you'll your self-esteem will grow am i telling the truth and so our society they think if I just reach out and grab what I want I'm going to be happy but that actually is not what happens when you reach out and grab what you want a lot of times it will death sets in it robs your joy Jesus says in John 8:34 whoever sins is that commit or whoever commits sin is the slave of sin the longer you do it the more you're enslaved by that sin that's where I came from is out of a background of slavery to sin it's always like another man or woman will make me happy as a lot of times what people believe I married the wrong person so I deserve to start over that's what Canada I believed many years ago now we understand we didn't marry the wrong person we were just being lied to by the devil it will spice up my marriage a lot of people believe everyone will do it it will not spice up your marriage you it will destroy your marriage or at least significantly harm your marriage it will not do that this is proverbs chapter 5 where I ask you to turn beginning with verse 7 this is a warning from Solomon to young men who are considering adultery now then my sons listen to me do not turn aside what I say keep to a path far from her do not go near the door of her house lest you give your best strength to others in your years to one who is cruel bless strangers feast on your wealth and your toil and rich another man's house at the end of your life you will groan when your flesh and body are spent you will say how I hated discipline how my hearts burn correction I would not obey my teachers or listen to my instructors I have come to the brink of utter run in the midst of the whole assembly and there are some key phrases in there your best strength to others your years to the one who is cruel strangers feast on your well your toil will enrich another man's house 25 percent of men who commit adultery ruin their families financially your flesh and body will be spent the brink of utter run in the midst of the whole assembly and so you know Solomon is just telling a truth here about what what really happens when this happens now God is redemptive and when a person makes a mistake and they repent well God is a forgiving redeeming God and so it doesn't always go to this extent but this is this is the truth here about what can happen that you didn't plan on happening thank you for joining us experience the life-changing series the indestructible marriage on CD or dvd marriage today's latest book lifelong love affair is an essential tool couples can turn to again and again for inspiration and strength order your copy today follow your interest and get social by connecting with Jimmy and Karen and the ministry of marriage today on Twitter become a rock solid partner today and equip yourself with the tools you need for a successful marriage $14 $28 or $56 per month choose the partnership level that's right for you become a rock solid partner today you
Channel: MarriageToday
Views: 177,067
Rating: 4.9020915 out of 5
Keywords: marriage, divorce, affair, relationships, counseling, Christian, relationship help, Jimmy Evans, The Indestructible Marriage
Id: gN4SV08ZU0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2012
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