Picking 8 RANDOM players based on their freeplay mechanics

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[Music] i asked random fans to send me their clips then challenge an rlcs coach to see you could pick the best players and coach them against each other we had no idea what ranks the players were though so we'd have to assemble our team's base solely off of a one minute clip of them in free play here's how it works i got eight random participants from twitter and had to each send me a clip of them in free play without telling me their rank next i challenged rlcs coach verge to see which of the two of us could scout out and pick the best players for our teams then our chosen players would face off in a 1v1 match another 1v1 match and finally a 2v2 so this would be a best of three series would we be able to see who the best players were just from their free play mechanics would we have eight terrible bronze players or would some of them surprise us with their skill we had no idea what to expect heading into the draft we also had them change their names to the numbers one through eight to make it easier to keep track of who was who though that may have made it more complicated actually let's see how your scouting is is that part of your job i do help with the scouting you have done a little bit of uh talent research and i have done absolutely zero okay let's look at the eight players free play clips and then we'll pick teams here's player one this guy looks kind of like me as far as my mechanics i think a little turtle act like he's not trying he's he's being really safe like he's not trying all this stuff like i'm not sure what he's doing to be honest though he's trying to disguise his control because i saw a little bit of drift dribbles in there okay got a flippery set with his flip yeah see his control this guy seems really soft if i had to guess i would say he falls somewhere like champ three to grand champs that's that's probably where i'd guess too let's see let's check out two aftershock boy here or girl little wiggly on the start there wiggly okay okay angle though found the angle and found the net i don't think quite as good as one this is more like what i was expecting from everybody to be honest what are you trying to say this person has no mechanics this could be a champ with no mechanics or this could be a silver that's really good let's move on to three okay a little speedier on the kickoff yeah this seems it seems more similar to one oh good flip reset this looks like hop and stop this looks like exactly my level of mechanics sloppy flip reset on the attempt one from actually slightly better than me slightly better than me my music okay four out of five we got a lot of try hards in here you guys are real try hard some sweats some real sweats we got this this like justin fennec design classic yeah he's super sonic legend with that design oh he's got that double tap on the first try this person is really solid he's using air roll buttons we're gonna have some good games these are gonna be some good matchups see the hardest part though is we don't get any kind of game sense knowledge from this yeah it's only mechanics it's only mechanics here's five another another sweat i mean like i knew he was funny as soon as i saw they have a mark tracker oh yeah true i don't even think of that i mean i think some lower ranked players i'm sure they do but they're still sweaty lower ranked players yeah they're trying to try some more that's a much sloppier setup for the flip preset but he came out of it clean i feel like this guy is lower rank than his mechanics say i think this guy is one of those classic like he's he's cracked for being a diamond or something yeah because i feel like the consistency isn't quite there okay this guy yeah we don't need to see much more he cracked out of his mind a little jubilee like i love when high level players like this like it looks like their card bends like it looks like it it's like i can't really describe it but like every time they contact the ball it's solid here's seven [Music] okay this feels more like mid ranks already a little turbo flick in there okay i'm gonna write that down i feel like this is like platter diamond the problem is like we probably just saw like a 1900 or like an ssl so like even a mid champ is gonna look really bad next to a really high level player this is solid this could definitely be yeah this could be like a control this could be like a champ too last one the last so he opens with the turtle air dribble yeah no big deal and i'm gonna hit the musty oh yeah that was that was my first try by the way oh we weren't supposed to submit a freestyle montage i actually really like this because he's not revealing much oh he's getting it done he's stalled mechanics the mechanics are on point but has he ever hit one against the defender is the question ready to make our selections i am ready to make my selection i think we should do a coin toss i don't think i should just go first okay i'll let you call in there the the digital air heads you shall pick first six okay should i just take a gamble on the freestyler ah this is tough this is so tough yeah i'm just gonna go i'm gonna take four i think i'm gonna go with number number three okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna take a gamble on mr mechanical i'm gonna go with the freestyler i'm gonna go with eight okay then i am going to pick up one okay yeah that's that that's who i was between for me one and eight okay so i have two more picks you got two five or seven okay yeah i'm gonna go with five okay then i'm gonna go with seven okay and that gives you two that gives me two okay guys so on verge's team six three one and seven on my team four eight five and two yeah go team four eight five two our first battle is the 1v1 who would you like to present for your first 1v1 let's go one one is number one okay and i will meet number one with number five ah okay there they go i don't know if you guys saw my champion tag or anything [Music] oh no oh that's what i like to see man why did i choose ones as a game mode this is stupid it's looking real solid here oh not a big fan of that one though yes oh got a little aggressive there a little greedy a little too confident these guys are very solid pretty equally matched it looks like they've both at least played a little once a little bit ones here and there looks like or do you disagree with that do you think no i think i think they might actually dunk let's go five oh a little two paper stuff okay i'm feeling really good about five i think five might have been kind of a sleeper look at that turn like this oh can you read this no he's not oh my god wow i should be an rlcs coach i'm thinking that's okay that's how he's on this one got the dribble going well early flick let him know who the boss is oh so that's what i'm scared of the control out of the challenge oh he leaves it oh big punish opportunity i don't think he knew one had that much boost oh what a save perfect bounce here we go big play oh and the flick great recovery by five though but not quite enough he's making five get confident and then he's gonna get over confident see on purpose i think i think one was the overconfident one there no no no one missed a flick on purpose because we're still in it there's time he's in his head yeah i think one definitely doesn't play as much once yeah i agree these players are really good oh big flick you don't think it looks that powerful but the fact that it was so high makes it awkward yeah nice yeah you could tell one doesn't play as much one simply because when he's low on boost his instinct is to hit the ball away if you're a once player and you're low on boost your instinct is usually keeping the ball close interesting yeah a lot of fakes from one oh that's a big play oh what a shot five was the sleeper better than his free play footage yeah pinch score quite a pinch running out of time 50. just get the final one the pride goal you couldn't even get that team sunless number five five was a sleeper five great game for five close uh what is your rank five in ones to see three really yeah have you had gcn once yes okay i think one did not have a mic oh you do uh what did you think of your game well i was extremely nervous um didn't help what is your ranking ones i haven't been ranked in ones in a couple seasons doesn't play once knew it we called it okay for our next 1v1 i will put fourth my fighter i will choose eight okay i am going to go with three eight versus three ah yes i'm scared of that 2v2 so i feel like i really need to win this you have a very powerful player as your 2v2 carry let's go eight let's go three let's go eight okay so this is both our second picks the last one was our both our third pick oh oh no pepper in the net just peppering it [Music] oh he almost so he he missed the open net but almost scored the flip reset okay like we definitely that's a good oh what a bump ooh three wednesdays you should have out of this this time yeah you gotta account for the nerves here i know i would be nervous oh big win on that kickoff okay glenn money okay he's going for the footprint i think three plays a ton of ones why is that cause he went for a friend flip reset like an all or nothing oh what a double let's go nice patience everybody loves a patient player bad 50 let's go [Music] oh another big win on the kickoff this is another tied up opportunity i think this game here looks like between champ one and champ three it's hard to pinpoint really you don't think you've seen ones i think these guys could be juicing ones i mean oh big bump the recovery is just not possible let's go eight yeah that was a big bump just sent him he really did yeah they could be they really they could be gcm ones i could just be out of touch with the ranks i'm just so high i just like uh i don't know what it's like down there what a flick not respecting the speed that they can pick up with that flick yeah either he's a gc in ones or he played like six hours of free play today what he can do here oh big flick nice clicks he's gotta get wide now nice i like that shot i really love that shot one goal game here nice good peppering don't miss this one man what a shot i mean not what a shot that's pretty bad actually he almost missed keep the ball that's a good first touch no there's no way this goes in now yeah big save here we go breakaway opportunity seven seconds no pressure get back but now he's got eight on the right eight bounce triple not the shot he wanted you can still catch and score this a chance he did it i jinxed him that's on me that's on me i jigs my own players that's a nice shot from three i feel like three was playing nervous the whole game and it was closer than it was closer than it looked we're still in it not out yet three was playing with 140 ping we did not see that i didn't notice that either yeah honestly a really good game from both why don't you take the floor three one flighty point is interesting i feel scuffed on some 50s and i shouldn't have win for the flippery set that i didn't get it would have been sweet though wait so what is your ones rank uh i want to pick a c2 no way oh my god did eight have a mic eight are you there no risky is eight his one's rank is gc2 wow it's the nerves damn yes definitely okay it's time for the 2v2 both of us have a victory under our belts of our fighters so now it's time for the i guess you could call this the championship high breaker so we're gonna have for me four and two versus verge six and seven there's there's the ssl tag from uh six there we go as expected so six and four are gonna be the hard they're gonna be the carries here two and seven are gonna be the less experienced although that's a nice shot from seven seven i wrote down from my last pick that he was like diamond to champ yeah yeah i think i think you're totally right i think seeing them next to ssl big what a shot of six this is gonna be tough guys you got this though yeah he did get a reset very nice six is cracked but it was mine just off goes for the double what a clear six is too good man he's got that back he's got that read from inside the goal no problem nah i do see that four has a period in his name that is a good sign for me yeah that is sweaty i don't think he got that reset i don't think it mattered because i think six had it covered either way yep oh good shot seven uh four takes the opportunity and snipes it off of two oh two two unfortunately did not flip on his kickoff oh no okay two should shadow actually that was fine [Music] yeah i'm gonna crank the seat back a little bit now i'm certain i'm starting to see the it's not good i picked the wrong people on twitter so out of 2000 people these are the eight chosen ones oh yeah six is looking in my unprofessional opinion professional level this is actually rizzo coming out of retirement i think this guy's mechanics are better than races but rizzo's got that big brain it's hard to replace yeah rizzo uses up on his joystick to drive [Laughter] now rizzo is always ago 30 seconds left it's not looking very possible for teams no it's it's not looking good hey six yeah i don't think you can hear me i need some clips out of you big clip time there's the clip that's not a clip he's just so good at least we didn't get braziled team soundless that's some win in a way okay verge i guess you're a better um talent scout and coach than me yeah and i'm pretty good at calling a coin flip so that's true that was clutch because that got you six wait i want to know six what's your deal uh i don't know i don't know so what's your experience like what's your peak or like have you have you competed are you like on a team i'm not really on a team but i've been like 2k in twos and threes before okay so yeah we are approaching pro level at least mmr wise there actually i have a question for you how did you get that good like what's your main like mechanical practice i mean probably just free play having to have like 6 000 hours so watch a lot of verge videos probably uh what about my my number one pick what's your peak in threes i peaked at like 2 k a little bit over 2k oh really yeah okay so i feel really good i did pick up the best i was hoping i was going to get virgin's number one pick in ones because i'm a lot better i'm a lot better at ones than i am oh so you think that would have been a closer matchup to have their yeah yeah hopefully yeah that was fun thanks for playing everybody yeah it's fun thanks for having me almost all of you guys are cracked [Music] you
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 1,310,017
Rating: 4.9709516 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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