The Tooth Connection | TigerBelly 179

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Wait, why does Vince Vaugn hate Bobby?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AmberHarvest 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

yikes. I gotta watch these episodes with my finger on the skip button and skip whenever Khalyla goes on her negative pretentious rants.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/queefgerbil 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Anyone have the scoop on what Bobby's Bandcamp page is? I found one thats his name but not entirely sure its actually him. I'd like to follow him.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TakingItEasyy 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dude I'm having major Deja Vu with this episode, I feel like every line that comes through I heard a couple weeks ago, I have to keep checking I'm on the latest one. Guess I'm just nuts.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] that's a zebra guys guys this is one of our new ads it is a insurance comparison site mm-hmm when I was a kid I didn't have car insurance back in the day right now would bang up my my car I was always scared cuz I couldn't afford car insurance and you know so I just drove illegally that's what I do I used to do yeah but you guys um this is a great site dude it's like tell him about it it's basically like a kayak for auto insurance it's where you can compare different insurance companies and their prices and policies you know here's another thing that they don't um sell your information to out spam spammers right yeah they don't they don't tell more about a Gil Gil guys to get into go today and start saving at the zebra DICOM slash belly that's the zebra dot-com slash belly spelled th e ze b ra comm slash belly I actually checked it out at super ease of use i anyway 20 bucks raise the rift dough dams their fire there bro there's a fire my pants back I think that's her pee that's herpes bad no I want to talk about that too I want to talk about cuz you said something that offended me yesterday but I wanna bring that up to you said up into a point I'm not hip like I don't I don't absorb I didn't absorb so there's certain day and then I stopped absorbing what's relevant that's fine so let's go let's go 5 4 3 2 last stop welcome to another episode of tiger belly guys um we don't have a guest this is the first solo we've done in a very very long time and it so it almost feels um like we're all alone and because I'm when I walked into this room I didn't really know what to say to you guys I looked at George I'm like I looked at Gila brows I pass ok so I like to climb out what I'd rather no no I can I up oh no no let's let me reiterate or just really [ __ ] yeah you're really cocky right now when I walked in here I got I look I said looked at George and I went like that and I looked at Gilbert and it was like I think I just got the residual of you [ __ ] you George [ __ ] you George so you work so hard for us guys I feel so bad we truly need to address your Jerry Kushner but you do you have access you have access to the Oval Office but you shouldn't see you like always surprised yeah yeah so uh I shouldn't be if this was that if I was the president I'm gonna name you of course kalila would be Melania you you Gilbert would be you would be who else you would you be you would be Kelly in Callaway for sure yeah that's 100% your Kelly and George you're a Kushner I feel like you can spin anything yeah you could spin anything listen guys um I wasn't able to talk about this but you know you know they talk about twins right like a twin gets diarrhea let's see a twin lives in Boston Massachusetts we're doing science law yeah which was also referenced on the haunting of Hill House number the twins [Music] yeah wait I could beat him Wow if I suck the dick this is exactly if I was forced I was in prison and now there was a black dick in front of me okay and I had to sock it this is exactly my face it was my face if you like this no do it do it I'd be like making sounds stop what'd you do would you keep it be real though but be real about it yo man suck it okay but I use only teeth Chomp Chomp that's what you would do I go Chomp Chomp no you wouldn't use your teeth that you get hurt I just do it man all right anyway reacts you and make you [ __ ] bite the cop yeah let me say something though so um so twins right if ones that lives in Boston the other one lives in Jerusalem or wherever anywhere else getting good to Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco with Morocco right and and one of the twinning like he's stomach hurts yeah instantly has a little the deal diarrhea okay the other one his stomach hurts too from her uncle okay so they have a connection that way my brother and I have the same connection like a telepath and I never told you about this okay so when my brother and I were in Phoenix mm-hmm I swear to god this happened I lie a lot okay that's one of my character defects I exaggerate what did what the [ __ ] say wouldn't what is that was here that said that thing oh yeah Michael Bisbing where do you say Chinese proverb Chinese Chang Chong go what'd he say cheeky bastard ha this guy don't let the truth get in the way of a good story say it cuz he forgot it I didn't remember remember what a micro business a [ __ ] cheeky bastards Oh funny but this is the truth okay so I was so my parents house they live in they live in a place called Gilbert Arizona I'm gonna give you the straight name nothing you would stalk them but they live in a two-story brown standard track home track home more details about the house yeah track home sweetie I know what a track home is what's a track home what is a track home a track home is a neighborhood of houses they all look exactly the song look it up I'm pretty sure that's what that's like your average what is it like yeah tract housing tra CT they all look the same they all look the same multiple somewhere homes that are built on a tract of land yeah yeah so the illuminant all of Arizona then that's what I'm saying okay so you live in a tract home all the houses look the same oh you're right their house their house is abnormally hot like my dad can't sleep if he sees feels any cold so it's at 90 degrees that the that heater jeez so I had to cover the vents with like um duct tape I went to Walgreens oh my I got duct tape at the key leave the window oh it's it's a whole [ __ ] thing okay and my brother is in the room next to me okay and he for some reason his room is just the air is quality is very good so I'm sweating I'm sweating on my bed it's 5:00 in the morning and I'm sleeping you know wake up I opened my eyes and I said to myself I was in a subconscious thought I went into my subconscious and I started thinking about my own brain I don't know it was weird I just started going crazy more images were used it wasn't an image it was just thinking about my subconscious I I can't even really describe it but I was putting my hand over my head like this it was good no no like that maybe you were like stuck that was a stuck in a dream state or oh no no I was on the edge of the bed I was sweating and I was going losing my mind and I had a pace right and you and I looked at my clock it was like 5:30 in the morning and then eventually I laid down and I went back to sleep I woke up at like 4:00 in the afternoon exactly when my brother woke up and I look at my brother and my brother his eyes it looked like he had been crying Steve he goes Bob I go what he goes 5:30 in the morning I woke up my tooth what tooth is dying like what happened he goes if tooth ache at 5:30 in the morning in his room he was going through the same thing but he had a toothache that's like a [ __ ] connection bro it wasn't he like praying on his knee he was praying I was praying he was praying on his knees - same time at the same time we were praying so what is that coincidence you guys aren't twins what you guys are twins yeah but still we're close okay what don't challenge me [ __ ] hopefully you use the example of twins in Morocco and Boston I know I said [ __ ] your size but you're challenging me if I'm asking don't do that okay yeah we're not twins but because yeah like you and your sister deeply connected right and share these thoughts sentences every yeah right so I think my brother is Stephen I have the same thing and while he was going through his massive toothache right and then so we gave him a dentist right and then he texts me what the debate I guess they photographed his mouth I have the photo and microphone right he went I lit little I thought it was from National Geographic honest it was the mouth of a hyena that's what it looked like just the one tooth or no love though is that he texted me when he had a toothache and he's like kalaiy you know can you please make me a dentist appointment so I was like of course so I said Steve as soon as you got I'll make you a dentist appointment and he was like no no it has to be after this date right the show he had to he waited like two weeks till after his show performed with a massive toothache no but what he did though was this is when he which he [ __ ] up because when he went to the dentist they looked in his mouth and they go we gotta yank two teeth music why because the nerves are dead so he gets to the point were past the pain he goes to the pain of the root it's infected now he has to be on antibiotics because it's all like mold and whatever it might be black mold you know whatever we don't even know it right it's a mystery but it's like he's never flossed he dips he dips any brushes I don't know when I die because I don't in fact I've never seen him brush his teeth no I Lonnie says he does not he flosses now I'm just saying I've known him for 44 years I don't really I don't have a memory of him ever brush his teeth right now it's like went like I don't even remember like because him and I had the same bathroom what you you were in a good older brother you didn't teach him properly I don't give a [ __ ] about his teeth focused here right I don't even remember going to the bathroom brushing my own teeth and looking at my brother's tooth brushing going oh I don't want to mix toothbrushes never happened - yeah I only it was only one toothbrush you yeah and I would touch it it was always dry when I used it so he never used it damn I don't remember him ever brushing his teeth like that [ __ ] hyena not crazy yeah and my brother um he just has this thing he just has it he just doesn't cuz even that not weak and I'm like as soon as we get in town I'll make it upon his like no he can he'll just go through the pain of it I'm not crazy you know that tooth aches alright do they hurt real bad he preying on his knees it's fine yeah do tears in his eyes oh my god I know so now he just has no teeth they're just gone what they haven't pull them out yeah we have to pay for that we have to pay for that procedure tiger belly is yeah so we're gonna take a little hit donate donation no no we got we got some money saved for my brother's team what t fonts have fun for my patreon levels yeah yeah because a teeth I can't even I honestly like I I I love him so much that I just he's like having a son though it's like having a child you know I've you know if he's hungry I need to feed him you know if he's law you can't afford something I could get it you know he's just gonna be a part of you know my like in my mind everything that I have is a he's a part of that whole if I make money it's like it's like he's a part of that whole thing you know which is I think it's at Korean or it might just take the dude is up my horse or cor do you feel like maybe you've stunted him in a way oh yeah for sure I've enabled him to the point where he doesn't have to do anything what do you think if you didn't do but here's the thing though I think it's Korean because the oldest son in Korean culture is the responsible one so I wasn't responsible in the way that maybe normal older brothers were you know like in terms of like you had to do your homework or yeah with the show up on time do your job but I'm a fixer yeah I can't see well let's go to the hospital that happened watching I told you that already make me Korean cuz I take care of the both of you yeah yeah you're very creative my brother called me one day yeah how long ago was this I never said this this is a big thing he calls me one day and what's up he goes Bob okay he goes I can't see I know you can't see I can't see I mean when somebody your brother calls you to say that something like that the panic I go to his house he had clouds in his eyes or something yeah cataracts yeah so we had to go to a [ __ ] eye surgeon guy and and they had it like zapped his eyes you know but it was like weird what so funny just the calls that you get are so like terrifying you just don't get cataracts overnight like your vision slowly starts to kill you I don't even know I got a lot of sun exposure more prone to them but no he's been not seeing for a while I think that was just the point where it really says waits till he wakes to the very end like yeah like he'll wait before like if this happened if his [ __ ] fell out yeah or like you know he's like one of those guys where it's like hey pop my [ __ ] fell out that's what can't see and you like what happened hello sleepy I woke up I look on the ground I thought it was a coin I picked it up what you know or calamari I thought it was like a piece of calamari I picked up it's my anus we gotta get sold you put it in the freezer I'd probably say put the castle in the freezer I'd rush over put it in the plastic bag right we'll go to the hospital and I'd be like to the doctor can you sell this pack on what is it is it calamari no it's my brother's anus and then you have to sew it back on oh yeah like that's my brother takes it to that point but I love them you know yeah what are you gonna do you know but um you said something to me the other day that really offended me babe oh and she goes cuz you know she goes you know you think you're hip and cool but not well here bow thank you so much alright let's say this is a court of law you're the judge okay govern Bobbili yes so he says yeah and she goes you know you just you're not hip because at a certain date in your life you decided to not absorb what's relevant and cool he's circa ninety-eight friends circa 98 and anything after that right you know but what she doesn't seem to understand if she's wrong it's the reason that I brought it up is because my job as your lover and confidant and someone who cares deeply about you is to bring you back to earth you were going on a very nice narcissistic tirade about how cool you were and so I was like I don't I've got to put a stop today plaintiff would you like to well I have to say this okay I mean like he was what pacing around the room name-dropping pretty cool huh babe playing Scrabble and I was like I had to put a stop to this this is where it is the other day I was with her mom right and we were in what spelling Park Highland Park great place and we went to donut friend I went to this dumpling place across joy it was just a saturation of people that wanted to either meet me how saturation or two people there's no state the [ __ ] guy that owned the [ __ ] store the dumpling place Who am I not right yeah the owner of the [ __ ] dumpling that's one lady was like five people working at know the people at donut friend that's right yeah come on let's be real but can I just say these things she was looking for me yeah when people are like trying to take pictures with him yeah he's trying to scan the room to see if I'm looking yeah I need her he wants me to be impressed no no no that's what I know what bothers her my wing the wing so when she looks at me I want a wink at her yeah the chauffeur oh cool so would you do in this situation claw you're just avoiding eye contact yeah she completely does she runs away I go like I just know what's coming I know he's gonna tell me he's gonna be and my mom always is she's kind of you know yes Wow Bobby they really love it's very supportive like she like yes and the [ __ ] I'm already in the car is the best she's the best the best yeah yeah your baby I don't listen [ __ ] I don't do it right for my ego I do it because it's funny right I get it once no you don't look at me Gilbert alright just I said literally no hear me out I sort of copy what you do to people it's fun right cuz I look so when somebody like it can I get a photo then I'll look at my girlfriend go like that and it bothers her I do it for a laugh I don't do it there for anything else I don't give a [ __ ] right I don't give a [ __ ] people like this podcast I do it for them right we're family you know I've never turned down a photo you know yeah yeah I'm always cool about it so yes but anyway she says that I'm not you know but here's the thing though okay she doesn't realize that at every night I scroll through right a thousand bands on Bandcamp even even people that aren't signed you know or the indie stuff yeah and I try to listen to find something that's like interesting or what somebody like I'm really into like there's a little subdivision on bantam home recordings so people like just writing music in their bedroom as I think it's called bedroom recordings is the let's go off shoot you know there's different like little subgenres like dark ambient I was getting into write or drone drone yet do and in bad camp how many times do you have to listen to it - Oh before you have to pay [Laughter] what how many times can you listen to it before you have to start to pay I think like 10 times or something so then one day one day I was listen to this one guy just dude from Canada that he's not on iTunes or anything if what I'll do is I'll find somebody on Bandcamp and then I'll go to iTunes because I have that thing where I can just listen to you know whatever I want but sometimes they don't have they're just only on Bandcamp so then I'll go to there then not have them get their email and have to do some sort of PayPal thing yeah and then I'll send the money like ten dollars rich wallet rich wallet for the future in your pocket five times really good is amazing we're on sync you guys I don't know how many times to tell you guys you know it's my favorite wallet of all time I used to just brush stuff my credit cards into my pocket whatnot it's look at me give me give me give it to me write it perfectly fits you know I mean it's cut RFID protection it's slick every time I open it up look at you have cash every time I use it at a store or whatever they go what is that I go it's original and you don't have one you're a loser mmm right tell me about it guys don't be a loser and don't go to stores without one cuz then you're just loser so go to Ridgeway calm and use the promo code belly for 10% off your sleek front carry offered in carbon fiber titanium aluminum lifetime guarantee free shopping walk shopping and shipping worldwide five hundred thousand souls twenty five thousand five star Revere's shipping the shopping shopping shopping be the future and you can also talk like Bobby with Ridge Wallace yeah if you have any more products from rich well that they're going I do I have a backpack yeah rich wall waterproof duffel I'm real excited about we're getting that soon so yeah back to the show go ahead as he was pacing around the room basically sucking his own Cod okay I I had to tell him that you know he's not as cool as he thinks and the reason that I said that is because he was like really really really really really but I mean by my mean sucking his dick like he was really sucking his dick that day so I was like you don't even know like I can't share certain Joy's with him like he doesn't understand memes he doesn't understand like the meme structure how they work why they're funny I do I do how can I just say this I'm sorry you don't with your testimony not yet okay let the defendant and I can't like I like I can't share certain joys of like irony with him like I don't he doesn't know anything between 1998 and today like he doesn't know anything about mainstream anything so I can't joke he doesn't get like references but what I think are funny about like it late 90 stuff or early 2000 because I think that he just checked out of the pop culture from that date so like even about like the fire festival when I was trying to explain why it was so funny that when it when it did happen he had never heard of it before he's just so um he's very very in touch with a lot of things that are very cool and obscure but very out of touch with like more mainstream stuff that's I've always been like that though okay like today in the car and as we drove by a photo a poster of ariana grande mm-hmm okay now because of my obsession with the voice and auditioning shows singing talent I'm beginning to like now I have now my iPad playlists that I've made and one of them is called cheese so anything cheesy that I think is cheesy and I have all that [ __ ] Beyonce I have where I carry I have Whitney I have all that [ __ ] because growing up I just didn't care about people who could sing good I cared about more like you know Street you know like The Velvet Underground like kind of Street you know or art rock pretty much like the talking head you know things are looking weird you know so but now so we're driving by and I'm like how did she just get discovered asked her yeah she's a Disney girl whatever because she was married to Pete Davidson cuz I know Pete yeah and get engaged so what tell me what happened so I'm I'm asking cuz I want to get educated yeah I could just look at that poster and go [ __ ] her yeah I don't want her this I don't give a [ __ ] about her yeah I mean she's wearing a little [ __ ] bunny rabbit thing with a little beer that picking up that woman mask you know but I'm interested who's that you know tell me about Beyonce yeah I asked Beyonc babe that's how young yeah but you know what when I said Beyonc I said that's what I thought her name was for like nine years since you've been correcting me I at night I lay in bed and I go you practice I try to reprogram my mind so that I know that it's Beyonce instead of Beyonc okay and so when I was came back from Coachella I was like babe Destiny's Child was there she brought out Kelly and Michelle and he was like hey Michelle Obama I don't why would I care though right it's like it's just like not knowing who Michael Jordan is you know like they're so massive right like but I'll give you an can I just re I'm stone Court yes yes I'm gonna give you another example of why what so how I'm gonna definitely myself here so basically if I sometimes I go to an American an American citizen yeah and they're wearing an LA Rams Jersey uh-huh they'll go they'll go we're the Superbowl yeah Oh interesting so you know our tie Danny isn't really kill oh I'm sure he is I try to get involved right did pass interference on that double back whatever they say yeah I mean yeah he tracked back and the cheap ass and her friends was like look at the Rookie of the Year being really saved beyond yeah yeah he saved save the day play yeah in the fourth quarter Killian and a half time half time they had a talk and I'll listen to all that I'll go yes yeah right I try to be open to it right yeah but if I can go a you know Eric Cantona wow he was great right and they'd be like who's Eric Cantona oh one of the greatest French soccer players of the history of the world more people know him then what the [ __ ] your stupid ramps than you're talking about they don't know but I don't judge them from not knowing because they just don't know yeah right but they should but in my mind they should but they don't so my point is you can't know everything Clawd rebuttal you can't know everything of course not but as a comedian as somebody who's supposed to be a to have a running commentary on all things pop culture politics I think that you should be on the up and up about certain things like like who cardi B is so my act would be a cardi B while the bell-bottoms she was wearing at that disco jet the Disco jet was like so in fashion what's up what do you want me to do I think that this is social responsibility for you as like I don't have mastered to at least know a little thing a little about everything you're standing everyone and I'm not doing that I love you and this is a very I'm been having a very happy I'm having a very happy debate with you and I'm not I'm not honest or if I love you so much okay and you're doing your your points are so good and my points ago and we're just having a like a tired of you saying raise the roof and I'd like so that's the core that's the core I'm sitting back down now I find you to just be super like dad core yeah I'm dad core for sure but that's it yeah all right but I'm gonna say this though is that it's funny that you say things of this nature and with this type of energy that you're bringing to the table hmm because our podcast it's gaining followers not losing why is that because you've been around no because people listening they get it they get it they get everyone the chemistry everything right so you know I'm not gonna change I'm not gonna change because I but that core for sure I think I also have just one more gripe oh god here we go get it out I am just so thick and tired of your [ __ ] playlist it's just all white sad emo rich boys with [ __ ] three chords on a guitar it's always talking about being in a room and it's all the same they all sound the same and it's always just white sad rich boys singing I'll tell you why defendant could I tell you why defendant please okay thank you thank you so much all you relate to I'm an upper middle class white boy because I was raised in you know an area where it was just a bunch of white kids affair points and um when I graduated from high school I moved to La Jolla and I liked some punk like I liked math rock and the two bands I really liked well the number one band I liked was a band called Drive Like Jehu whoo I like them no doughnut shop don't shop that we ate it yes don't know friend one of the guys from Drive Like Jehu right owns it right and I bought a shirt that was like a drive like Jehu shirt yank crime but it was a donut friend you know they kind of combined to the two so I bought the shirt my point is is this so I in the early 90s because it would Nirvana and you know that Seattle thing was happening San Diego had a really good music scene and we had rocket from the Crypt and all these band I used to go to the casbah used to you know I had orange hair and I would go to the vintage clothing store and get you know Dickies and I find that genre of music to be amazing and I grew up on that too but then there was another thing that happened was I got really depressed and I discovered a band and if you and anyone want to know what I'm talking about and you're gonna hate it but it's I love sad core it's a it's a style of music it's depressing mm-hmm and the king of sad bored ban sad core Bands is one of my favorite bands of all times which is the red house painters from San Francisco a guy named Mark Kozelek was the lead singer he then was in a band called Sun Kil moon mm-hmm I liked something he did his own solo stuff and Mark kozlak I've seen you perform a bunch of times and you got me through a really hard time dude I really related to his sad white boy point of view I about love loss and about how being insecure about his body he would sing about like I feel a theory about my body and I want to you know kill myself kind of a vibe and I I know you're because you're a pretty Filipino girl like a little in flower I was always a meek sad little [ __ ] look it's fine that you listen to Red House Painters yeah it's not fine that you listen to 500 different bands like Red House Painters yes goddamn day and can I say this too if you want to listen to read how spammers great no no no the Red House Painters listen to the rollercoaster album all right it's the roller coaster album start from beginning to end if you like that then go into the other ones too but I love the rails manners okay and yes you're right I in my band camp there are things like sad core or slow core you know sometimes I get into some shoegazing kind of stuff I like shoegaze like I love my bloody valentine i love my bloody back okay but yes I have an obsession with really sad white music that's very entitled sounding it's okay that's I think that's my problem with it because this I'll hear a song about like you know why his parents didn't like buy his brand-new pair of shoes you know what I mean there's never a song it's like it's so sad core but the lyrics are so like shallow time like that's what you're crying about he sings about how he sings about how you know who's he Marko's like oh because I'm not referring to red house answers I'm referring to some of the other stuff you listen to where I'm like holy [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] first world problem bro enough personal problems you know that's the part of being in a modern age is that you and and and the key is to shake yourself off of it to be more connected to the world and to know what's going on you know with people's lives and you know you know but you know at the end of the day right they always say no matter what you have in your life right exterior things like a career or money or whatnot right is gonna fix you you know it's an inside job it's no matter where I met in the world I'm gonna be either with me with my issues mmm so I carry it around like a luggage so no matter what happens in my life I will always until it unless I deal with that okay so I get it I have first of all problems and I'd [ __ ] about things that I shouldn't [ __ ] about like oh my god the yogurt shops closed like I've said that before and it's look at her go you told me it was open yeah you could you were to map question you said it was open at Quest or whatever not now because what's the other Google Maps Google man ways yeah and then she say I don't know it just said it's open it's not I go with the water we know and I've done that and I admit to it you know but you know I'm a [ __ ] I think you should write your own sad Cora song about first world problems that would be C and that's why that would be I really love you too we should [ __ ] Europe now you're being positive right and you're getting your give me a creative outlet you could you could write songs about like the oh I why is there lint on my beanie do you know what I mean yeah you do a whole song about why that about my beanie you're really just you know you're trying to get to me right now alright so you get out of the shed I live with you I know what you cry about tell you what I've been I'll tell you the first few items that I complain about and this would be so embarrassing let's do it but I'm gonna do it okay I've complained about that definitely food definitely like I can see you know after the Comedy Store you know like the other night Fahim Anwar you know for him yeah he goes um let's get some DEET I got well there's not a lot of things open I go throw me some options he goes he threw me like he didn't know that many places that's open late mm-hm Co you want ramen there's a guess so we wanted to jujitsu Fujita the dip and Robin right and we sat there and I go can we get a get a ramen and then team goes is there pork in here it's all for I give it the broth everything it's pure fat pork that right right and I go yeah you think I can't eat pork like a why because he's an odd can't eat it I've never eaten that you can know cuz I'm not eating it I'll go yeah you are good they don't have anything else but that they do Suja has a vegetarian right so he got that they have a chicken chicken there's no they do eat the pork and then you wouldn't eat it and then it's spent life spent like an hour like oh you're angry about food yeah yeah why you know why won't you eat [ __ ] you eat the [ __ ] it's good the dip and ramen right but it's like my I don't know is that make any sense probably go write a song about it then the song yeah we don't know that's not what that's not a good first of all problem that's me just you know not knowing what what religion won't these Muslims eat oh yeah that's another first of all problem I don't know how often do get mad at your phone about stuff I don't get mad at my phone about anything what's another one babe is this food really that complain about mm-hmm no tell me another one be real be real we're in the court of law be real are you sure like are you sure is the Lindt what a joke yeah yeah try it and then if you throw something I don't want it out there then we'll just cut it off make sure it makes it make strong eye contact yeah so you know you want one of the things that I don't like particularly about the way you are is we go oh wait hold I since the presents I should do better no no you try okay okay we're doing an ad and then we'll talk about that yes Bobby we do have a sponsor and tell us about you guys do you want you on a little device for your PPE oh no or your Vivi you don't go to get a Pringles you don't go to print goals and do that thing that my brother and I did you go to you get yourself a really good pocket [ __ ] Yeah right if you're a woman you want a nice dildo you go to Adam and Eve go get the dildo you get six free movies for your viewing pleasures when you first sign up is that what it is yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna get anal beads for myself I'm straight I'm getting a butt plug therefore yep or to loosen a guy's I'm telling you right now dude go to enemies and they have a little a little a little - guys we have a valentine's offer so 50% off almost any item +10 free gifts one gift is free shipping at Adam and Eve dot-com the code is belly at checkout guys get into the show oh we love Adam and alum Adams but seriously I'll go back to the the first world problems I Bobby thinks that certain people should be treated better than certain people oh oh spaghetti oh not not gonna talk about it you can always defend yourself but you said to be honest so I always yeah but you're the way you said it it does raise a dead horse okay what you just said right oh god it sounds bad the way you saw that okay I'll try to make it nice I can try to justify what I'm saying okay so let me finish then no my point is this when we're in a restaurant and he doesn't get special no my point is this like if he has to wait like the other people come on let's honesty at all Oh another thing that I want to say go to my thing though no I don't know there's another thing I really want to I can i different the other one time we too lately he's been saying I really need to get help I really need you know to see a therapist I need to go to retreat I was like yes yes yes all of the above I support you and whatnot he was like I want to go to this particular Institute and I'm like yes I'll sign you up you know let me whatever I need to do for the papers right she's good yeah and then I'm like whoa he's really into this yeah yeah and then he was like do you know that Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry have been there also Justin Bieber is supposed to be headed there so yeah that's oh that's why I want to go and so I I I thought about this and I think that know your king even though he doesn't want to admit he wants to be the everyday man he doesn't want to rub you know he doesn't want to Hollywood schmooze there's a part of him that's a very Hollywood schmooze II and he wants he wants to be in that Club he wants to like just casually like be friends with Justin Bieber don't know why but defendant did you not want me to mention that that's fine I would try to defend myself and when his manager Abby was like this shit's expensive why would the [ __ ] would you pay for this place you know blah blah and he was like sure false never never happened and what's objection objection objection objection objection the head of blue that's not enough okay here's here's here's the deal here's the deal guys slip Kanaka now real okay and I will admit this I will admit to some things that I'm not I'm not proud of okay now sometimes when I'm at the Comedy Store and John Mayer says hello to me yeah that's cool yeah that's cool like no [ __ ] John Mayer just gave me a hug yeah right mm-hmm you know Chappelle the other day what took a selfie with me let's take a photo yeah yeah does that feel does that feel different than when like a fan wants to take a photo it feels a little different with you yeah if if somebody's some random guy like a valet yeah let's take a photo I love one oh yeah whatever I don't see no yeah I take a photo Chappelle asked for a photo I take a photo yeah are those two the same they feel different to me my point is is this is that with you here's what and we don't have to take this whole thing out but what I'm saying hey I believe in you you got here's that here's what I want to say he's got that you know what I've had arguments with kalila about how some people are more important to other people and this and that right so for instance I don't believe she doesn't believe that so it's gonna sound terrible but you know if a man if they found that you know if they found they found a man a regular man Antartica okay he was in a block of ice frozen right right and they did they saw him yeah the sauce right I'm with you buddy and they go who is this guy and they go he was John Smith yep what does he do no John John Etherington woozy he was just you know he was a coal miner from the 1800s sure he was frozen yeah is that different than finding a frozen body of Tom Hanks yeah so what's more important I would say in the history of time in history of the world in terms of like what people care about is it more interesting that it was just a coal miner who slipped and fell or if it was like Steve McQueen yeah I'll say I'll say it is more interesting right it's more and also more people would be bummed about it more people would be bummed about Steve McQueen oh my god that's worse let's see Steve McQueen it disappeared yeah right off the face of the planet one of the biggest actors of the early seventies right and then they found his frozen body or some random guy comparatively speaking John laughing Steve's that's Jonathan Cain Steve McQueen would be more of a thing it's more important that's not what I was saying we've had arguments like that but I have a question I'm just telling you I have a question for you then I have a question why every us new restaurant that we go to if the owner or someone in that place doesn't know who you are it automatically the dumplings aren't good like don't tell you guys I'll tell you yesterday okay yesterday we ordered a bunch of dumplings and he was like yeah they're all right are they good are they good and all of a sudden he later on the owner is strolls in and then he takes a picture with Bobby and then Bobby sits back down he was like oh my god these dumplings are so good it all said everything tastes good to him and he he I don't understand that how why why does maybe life tastes better when you're acknowledged maybe I'll maybe that's it well I guess you could say in a restaurant setting I guess it's part of the ambiance so you're like including all the senses of like oh it was nice customer service it was no here's the deal here's the deal and it you're back I'm back thank you well you're saying to me right now has wrong true and I'm getting on being an alum being able to see myself alright you know light that's ugly it's an ugly lie I think it's cute known as an ugly light and it makes me feel disabled oh and in in the light of the evidence shown before me it's either run hide or face it those are my options those are three options yeah I'm gonna face it mmm say congratulations thank you okay so from this day forth right get your [ __ ] smile off your face George I thought that's were to gouge your eyes out I walk out your [ __ ] eyes out through the glass thank you from this day for a face I am a changed man okay the dumplings are gonna be good as is hear what I'm saying yeah if the dumplings are fresh what do you smile at you flat face with long thinking about these dumplings I know I'm just thinking about it if the dumplings are fresh I'm gonna enjoy it okay a lot of my little things about what I'm saying and the things that I believe in or not believe in or just to cause a reaction to people mm-hmm okay to you too you know it's fun I will [ __ ] around I will say that all these things that I've mentioned about you yeah I think that you think that they're all defects it's actually the reasons why I'm in love with you I find you to be a [ __ ] like amusingly narcissistic I mean it is it is part of his charm because after when he does that I confront him about it and we have we cry laugh about it about what a classist he is it's so I'm not I love all those parts about you so I don't want you to change the draw music okay okay so I think we lost followers I do I really do believe oh wow because of just because I'm a piece of [ __ ] just makes me know I don't I think that's why people love you know I think to follow up followers and I'm gonna be a different man I'm gonna travel the earth don't be boring yeah I mean with just a [ __ ] pillow case we'll stick pillow case you know a book you know journal and a couple pieces of underwear alright and I'm gonna move on with my life I'll be that okay I've been also obsessed with Neil brain lately again yeah I know if I'm renewing your faithful finding and everyone anyone everyone watching to go to youtube alright it's one of the worst movies ever made you think that the room is bad you think that um what's his name uh what does their name without the keys the work I think Neil Breen is the next level and there's a scene look up the suicide scene it is one of the funniest worst acted ridiculous scenes ever seen in my life is that the one where the guy is taking the pills but there's no pills no yeah it's the same movie but in the earlier in the movie have you seen that scene mm-hm oh I gotta show you that scene have you seen that scene oh it is so good it's so bad I really like bad movies and I don't know if you guys know that so faithful findings I love samurai cop there was there's another movie that a Korean dude made in the night in 88 or 86 it's called Hawkeye 1986 it's about a Korean dude he's like a Mel Gibson II kind of a character and it's a really good movie but uh yeah I just feel so she full of shame right now yeah I am joshan no channeling my inner I share their restaurant thing I'm not gonna lie really yeah you don't have to do that to put myself out to my I get called out by city all the time she's like that because the [ __ ] guy was like laughing at your jokes you are that guy and I love you because what jokes are you pulling up the at the restaurant you'll know when you mate though in our laughs and they're like bring your free stuff even though the foods not that good it's good so you keep getting more free food or bad for you cuz in fact did you have to follow Chevy Chase the other day at The Comedy Store I'm trying to switch gears here sweetie I know I just feel bad about life care you can cut it out if you don't want people to know that about you that's ridiculous you [ __ ] sperm in a bad man yeah switch gears I guess mm-hmm anyway everyone's the same yeah ask me again babe yeah didn't you have to follow Chevy Chase at yeah I mean I walked in and Chevy Chase was sitting in Mitzi's old chair and I looked at him I got oh my god Chevy Chase and then I went to the cover but I got this champion chasing that what are you doing here they said he's going up you guys met before no no um I have to say that there's different sides there's different ways I feel about him because he you know I grew up with I mean he's one of the reasons why I want to be in the business is because as a kid I like loved Fletch I loved the vacation movies even European vacation even the Christmas vacation is so funny yeah I love Christmas vacation I love ya I love ya I loved um Caddyshack I loved a lot of the movies that he did I loved him on SNL and I'm a huge [ __ ] fan there are things about him that later in life that I know about him that has affected the way I perceive him but it's not a personal thing it's an account of things that I've had friends you know worked with him or you know where he's acted bizarrely in a bizarre fashion but I feel bad about that night because he was on stage and I mean he was doing this answer answer a question kind of thing where you ask me a question I'll answer which is cool he wants to get into stand-up and huh what a what a delightful way of you know getting into it go in front of a packed room was sold out and he walked up there and he was brave and he and he did did it right but I was at the cover booth a nose the sky's eating it and then I Lenore goes grab me and she goes coming out here and I she pulled me out and I go what's the matter she's like the cover booth that's his daughter so she was hearing and she heard me say that and so I was just like why I'd say that you know like I always opened my big mouth I like her too she's been working there for months I like her so much she's so cool and now I don't even know what to do do I say I'm so sorry for saying that no she probably thought the same thing no or was she was nervous for her dad and she's working there her dad's going off doing this question-answer thing she wants to fit in she's an actress herself so I just feel like I'm conflicted about the whole [ __ ] thing you know I think the next time I see her I go hey you know I don't know what to even say but maybe I should say something let me tell you something what Chevy Chase is a [ __ ] icon would probably the thickest skin of anybody around that's heavy chase do you think that if even worst-case and I'm pretty sure his daughter is she's and she's in the world of comedy she has equally thick skin just like you do just like a lot of comics do yeah I don't think it's a big deal at all she was probably like yeah he's eating it but no big deal yeah I know I know but it's it's it's um you know in life I have are is learned to just keep your [ __ ] mouth shut keep your mouth your opinions to yourself and I just don't learn those messages because I just keep talking and every time I open my [ __ ] mouth I burn bridges it's been the case of my whole life like I just will say something to the wrong guy and then they'll look at me and go you're just talking about my cousin or whatever you know I mean like yeah you know the whole reason why Vince Vaughn hates me is because of my big mouth the reason why every anyone that has a problem with me is because of my big mouth I just say [ __ ] and then I just freely without any and it's not a good character defect you know on that now the Today Show's just about how many problems I have you know I just you know III got to learn from these things you know Institute of Orlando Bloom no this Institute I'm gonna go do it's gonna I want to be a changed man there that's cool yeah I'm gonna go my concern about places like that is that you go for a week right on this retreat and they're very like they really try to get into your head and try to like pick apart things about your life that you're not content with and they try to kind of like piece it back together and maybe you can draw inspiration from it but what's scary is that when you're out there in the pretty [ __ ] Redwoods of California or whatever to me that's not real life are you able to take everything that they teach you there and apply it when you're living in the difficulties of our day-to-day which is in a smaller space yes because I'll tell you why people people say things to me all the time people that are you know that I respect and they say things to me either career decisions or how I'm living my life or up a bunch of things and some of it I take in and I go okay I'm with you there that is something that I can change about myself and the things that are a little more personal and things that I disagree with I don't take everything you know in I'm my own man on my own mind and I could understand that you know in some things like I'll give you an example um you know back in the day when I was in heavily into to 12-step groups and I was sober back when I was in my early 20s and I was talking to one of my sponsors about Mitzi shore and I had a resentment or whatever mm-hmm and he goes well what you got to do is you got to tell her your resentment you know that's in you know that's what we do as sober members of whatever whatever I got so you want me to go up to the mid seashore my boss that the lady that I partly talked to who's my father was all this power and comedy and tell her about my resentment toward her oh you're [ __ ] because that's what we do I go that's what you do that's you yes you do you know there are certain things in you know in life where you just kind of go it's like saying somebody that you know it is a an aide at the White House and Barack Obama doesn't say hi to that aid and that Braco and that aide that aid is like well I'm and so remember and my sponsor says I have to say something are you [ __ ] mind mr. president you let it go so like I'm not [ __ ] I know that in some circumstances you say it mhm and in some circumstances you that if you know if I was you know working at an insurance company maybe if I was working with a co-worker and they said something about my wife that I have a resentment and I was in so I was sober and my sponsor said hey um next you know please don't say that about my wife because it makes this is how I feel about it I get that but when it comes to like Mitzi shore or you know the president you don't say it you don't do it it's just it's just not done yeah ever right so I I think I'm able I can just go you know I I hear what you're saying but no or yeah that rings true and that's something that I can work on so if I go to an institution like that and they say well you should do this and should do that or like if they said you know I think you know doing a podcast isn't really that helpful to your life because you're saying a bunch of things you know and I'd be like no it's it's reinvented my career tiger bellies my family and I will not stop that's ridiculous right and that's ridicul case and my pal it'll stick a little stick so what I'm saying is is that yeah I think that if I go to a retreat I will take in the things that I feel like you know rings true to me and something that I can improve if they say you know your porn addiction is causing all these problems i 100% agree with you what do I do I mean well you know you need somebody you need to do this you need to do that I will do those things mm-hmm if it's gonna destroy me I'll do those things we think that you know your fear of rejection is keeping you from booking you know certain auditions that you're afraid to do and we think that you should welcome failure okay I'll do that if you think that that's gonna make my life better that's something doable we think that you should quit stand up now [ __ ] off I hear your [ __ ] mind [ __ ] you I would say that you white piece of [ __ ] by Orlando we Bobby we just said no and I would leave yeah yeah so yeah I think that you know there are things that you might even see things that are very complicated like you know you have to write things down how you feel about your dad journaling in journaling I would even do that you know because that seems like I'm feeling some sort of onion to get to some sort of root cause of something I'm all about journaling I think that you're everyone should still journal yeah just to check in with yourself every day you know yeah but um yeah I kind of want to do it because Oliver Hudson did it no Oliver so Hudson went to a place yeah over the Christmas break I'm gonna say where it was recently yeah yeah it came back he was a completely different dude and he looked at me we were in makeup and he goes you should do it I go really yeah and you know they do things were they going to room they make animal noises and stuff but yeah and I'll do those things you love those yeah I like yeah they a play day there's a day where they play like four games and stuff to get in touch with your inner child okay I'll do that what I'm gonna do it yeah play Jenga I saw a video video of you doing the Christmas snare you guys had it address and drag yeah you guys are so competitive you and your cell phone my brother not very clever on the same team Bobby and I and we lost we lost there's some cheating going on next time you do that that we need a real judge on the outside outside you know yeah an outsider yeah cuz I felt like the other team for sure they were cheating for sure the game is called Maria went to town yeah you guys should play it such a parlor game that Filipinos play a lot yeah but um said we're over an hour yeah but we got to cut all that stuff I'll know you you add you told me to say it babe yeah but you know you were gonna say what did you think I was gonna say instead I don't remember but I just remember it not being that I know when you said I was just like oh my god maybe I am shallow maybe you know maybe that maybe that is the reason why I do it did I wanted it it's a difficult thing that really even ponder because I've been doing it for so long that so what is the root of why do it Amy why I hate a lot of things about myself I know I'm just saying I'm just so many things I'm just dealing and I'm sure you hate a lot of things about me I'm just you know but you know the one thing that I'm not going to give up is this podcast and I'm not gonna stop doing it because um it really is the one thing in my life that's consistent and and fun to do and it's a it's something that I have control over and and I know it's going well because you know people that didn't want to be a part of it are not wanting to be a part of it and I say to those people no I did yeah I go I asked you two years ago to help us they're like they're like oh yeah we didn't think I was gonna pay yeah well it is a thing and now that we're about and we're sailing away have fun on shore okay so um so I know this is a boat that sailing is probably sinking right now because of my my mood but um give me a one helpful advice maybe that'll help me unhelpful advice with Bobby no but good afterwards kalila there got the kiss kiss dear tiger belly I'm a Korean girl and had some plastic surgery eyelids oh oh nose job chin implant my freshman year of college I'm now 32 I've never told my current boyfriend that I've had plastic surgery and I've been with him for two years now I feel like it's too late to tell him and I feel like he'll hate me because he always tells me that he hates girls that get plastic surgery what should I do I've never known him showed him any baby pictures because he would know immediately I feel like I about I have to hide a large part of my identity and history from him because it feels terrible Bobby do you hate girls with plastic surgery or should I should I come out clean to my man thanks love you all well you know what happened with to that Chinese man rumor that Chinese guy who had ugly babies married that woman where that woman had ugly babies and then left her because he found out that she had plastic surgery and that's why she has ugly babies so before it gets to that point you should say something and also and also at the same time it's like if you got it done you did it for a reason you probably look great you know and it's good for your self-esteem I don't mind that right what I don't want what I do mind is the lie deception deception you should you should just sit down with them and go listen this is what I did I'm I don't regret it I look good I'm proud of it you know own up to it and go if he doesn't want to be a part of your life because you had plastic surgery then what kind of man is that guy right but she is entitled to the her privacy as well sweetie she doesn't need it's her body her choices she doesn't need to let anybody know if she doesn't want to okay but the thing is if he's going to breed with her on the basis of a chin then he's a shitty guy you know what I mean if that's what if your entire decision of having children hinges on a chin yeah yeah I mean I don't think it does yeah but if you let's say let's say you and I you and I want to get pregnant you can't get pregnant and we go to the hospital and the doctor goes pulls me aside and goes you know that she's a man right yeah I don't believe the obvious I'm just making a pup you know I mean but let's see she said that right you know where my head I'm gonna be like yeah but I love her I think that's a big that's too big of a thing but that's different then I think it's it's it's a extreme version of what this is I think yeah that's a very extreme version but we're just talking about its chin it's not gonna get away her ability to reproduce that's fine but what I'm saying though it's still something that you hid from me right you're hiding it and I just would rather be honest with its if to me it's like if I if I looked at photos of you and you look like you know what if you look like me no look like I care George what's wrong here yeah you with George along here right and you look like that now I'd be like that's a big thing for me yeah also what did she want to know if you really loved her yeah I think that's a thing that if I if she told me that's one thing right I'd be like okay she's being honest I love her you know she's dealing with a guy who was outwardly said he hates chicks with plastic surgery look that's the dilemma you're in right help her through the door but it's must be unhelpful so yeah I mean yes you have to tell because then it's like if you didn't tell your partner like I didn't want to I don't have kids right ten years down the line you're like oh I don't have kids but you took this whole time told me you want to have kids well now we're 10 years in different than a [ __ ] chin and a nose you guys you straight-up hates girls at that plastic surgery right but then if if if this is what I would do I'm like okay this guy doesn't like it right but also this is my body this is I you know this is the choice that I made well before I knew him but I hear all my baby pictures if he looks at them and he doesn't question them then I'd everything's great scenario okay now if he asked me Wow like you super straight up like you you didn't have a chin and you look like your nose was fixed did you get a big yeah that's it and if he has a problem with it no business yeah he's a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] dear I mean you did it because you felt insecure about it whatever your reasons are they're valid your body whatever what I'm saying is you should not withhold baby pictures and so much of your life because you're worried about him dumping you because if he does dump you he's a piece of [ __ ] basically what I'm saying baby I mean that's what exactly what I'm saying I'm just saying that just just be about honesty it's like but he shouldn't sit him down and be like there's something I need to say that's a little too [ __ ] serious if you were let's say I was a girl we're dating yeah you were Jewish yeah and I said I was Jewish yeah but then later you found out I was a Muslim yeah would that be a thing I think that'd be I think for a lot of people that are Jewish but guys look at things like that right we're very physical like we're we're not gonna lie like come on we're physical attraction is a thing yeah it's a thing this is a guy's point of view I think also just don't lie to me but getting a nose job a shallow but that's your opinion George what if she's this is something that she was a you know really really bullied about this is something that people she's been really down about her whole life it's shallow to you but very meaningful to her cuz maybe it you know it made her less insecure brought her out of her shell all those reasons are reserved for her and not for you to ever make a judgement about those are her reasons and you should respect those who think you have a point I'm gonna go with you just do the opposite of what Orcs yeah I don't want I don't like what he said oh I was like the reason I'm saying this is because my mom had a nose job she doesn't let anybody else know but because she was late early on in her weightlifting career she was a weightlifter had a bad accident and the bar broke and you know she very quietly got a nose job to fix a very broken nose which was very insecure about for years and my dad's like yeah of course this is in the 80s or in the early 90s my mom had surgery too did you know her I yeah you couldn't see her pupil she was so cross-eyed that the pupil went into her [ __ ] face really yeah I don't know how they did it but they did something to fix it right yeah but she doesn't want anyone to know right and the same thing with my mom and it's all these reasons why but if I came out you know all cross-eyed that'd be weird I would be like what but I respect her decision to do with it made her very insecure for a very long time you're right Hayley what's her name we'll just say last name is Lee Lee I changed my mind [ __ ] them keep it your secret secrets yeah keep your secret who cares well um knows a pretty good tiger belly I thought there were a lot of comments people were kind of they loved the gas but they're like it's been people are counting that we haven't had a solo I feel like we've let them down we don't really go out with a bang babe no they're happy it trust me how do you know this is great there's a lot of things that I'd say about me that came out here that was real like I didn't it was ugly I feel like now I'm gonna be the enemy no you're not gonna be I'm gonna say this I'm gonna say this - hey sleepers I know you're listening I need help so you know it's very important you know I'm gonna show it splitting up together and um I know that a lot of people see the show and they go I'm barely on it which is true there's some episodes they leave me out of it but I have one coming out it's the Valentine's episode mm-hmm and I'm in the whole thing it's about my character I really need people to see it that specific one that's a big one February 12 yeah so look at your TV Guide or however you do it and please and I can't have your DVR right watch it live live and anyone listening you're doing me a big favor for the Valentine's episode of spilling up together watch it live okay I think it's a Tuesday before Valentine's so whatever date that is I think it might be the 12 yeah I would really much appreciate it it's great because they specifically don't do this but they specifically showed my episode tooth the president of Warner Brothers oh and he came up to me and he goes he kissed me on the hug me kiss me on the cheek and he said it was really funny the Asian guy no he's Peter Roth he's Peter Roth asian asian it's not a traditional asian name there's a Warner Brothers like CEO who is the Japanese dude maybe he's the president the television okay nevermind a man of all Warner Brothers is Asian I don't know what Asian guy before you're talking about bro anyway sorry you just put a fucked-up mood do it all thing yep no because I'm thinking of myself is he so check that out and I know it's so cold in here I don't know who put the air on butter off thank you Oh any shows for Bobbie kalila yes Bobby will be at the Irvine improv February 21st weekend I think oh wow okay so everybody please come out if you're in the LA area that would be awesome my voice might be there oh yeah that's right Michael Bisping might be there then you say yeah and also I'm gonna force George and Gilbert to be there with me okay win at the weekend of February 21st I believe yeah George we might even have some shirts okay maybe you guys should show up I also wanted to give a shout out on you well gobies trying to give a shout-out to to Bo can you close that door please George what's your shadow my shout out is to a girl named Nicole and her partner for I posted last week about a cat my sister found in her yard and she she's the sweetest he she is a sweetest cat ever and Nicole stepped up and said I'll foster and so the cat is still with her I mean you've met the cat okay cat listen listen this is this cat is the most special cat I've ever seen I really I almost in my head in my twisted mind I was like yeah I know I couldn't do it but at the end of the day it doesn't make any sense yeah but that's how special this cat this cat is so friendly so loving so cute he's a tabby he's a boy right I think it's a boy I think most tabby sir yeah yeah yeah but he's the best so um I already have a tabby white goo goo that's my tabby but yeah so I think that if we're still actively trying to find his owner we're putting up flyers but if no one claims them in in a week or so he'll probably be up for adoption so we also scan them for chipped and have a chip no chappie nobody's come forward it's the best cat ever okay but this cat's super super special super sweet so if you guys are interested if you live in the LA area send a DM to Gilbert message Gilbert all right I'm allergic to cats so this will be a screen for potential owners because I am NOT yeah thanks again to our Georgie shout outs to your cousin or anything Oh another girl I wanted to do a shout out who my cousin Juliana desperately wanted she made two cousin Jude my cousin my net my niece Juliana lives in Cebu and she she was promised two tickets to this [ __ ] I guess this show this concert that she would wanted to go to so she got all dressed up and it was 5 p.m. and she was supposed to meet my other niece and they were my other niece was supposed to have the two tickets for her oh so Juliana is ready to go and then her mom calls me and says the tickets fell through Juliana doesn't have tickets but lo and behold a tiger belly fan from Cebu Wow steps up to the plate and gives tickets to my niece for free they're not cheap tickets that's amazing and so I want to give a shout out to her handle is ISA please that's Issa PL EA se se ISA please so shout out to you and when we get to Cebu will will come say hi yeah we'll come see how sweet it's so sweet it's so nice of her so sweet thanks again to our sponsors the zebra Ridge wall and Adam and Eve start saving today with zebra at the zebra com / belly that's the zebra dot-com / belly began the new you're right with your slim sleek front carry want get 10% off with the at Ridge wallet calm and use the code belly and Adam you calm is offering 50% off almost any item plus 10 tantalizing free gifts for Valentine's Day so get those gifts and watch splitting up together cuz it's gonna go crazy so just so just use a hot cross remote okay cut across them across okay just use the opera coat belly at checkout George has a message for the hosts left Kingdom he wants us he wants us we want to thank you guys for getting us a top 40 of iTunes comedy charts so we just hit 5,000 so reviews for thanks to all of you guys and George where can we send packages 16:26 North Wilcox number one six one Hollywood California nine zero zero two eight baboom San Bobby kalila George or anyone dream water powder he needs it guys he's running out I don't have anything and thank you all to the real papaya super sleepers and premium episode subscribers on our patreon to be part of the exclusive tiger belly family go to a club where can we follow you you can find everything Bobby and Bobby Lee live George George underscore Campbell on Instagram everybody [Music] [Music]
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Views: 253,866
Rating: 4.7590361 out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, khalyla, gilbert galon, podcast, khalyla kuhn, tgrbly, all things comedy, steebee weebee, splitting up together, comedy, stand up, funny, hostful, orlando bloom, dentist, retreat, mangchi, asian parents, fame, a list, urban, meme, memes, reddit, hollywood, comedy store, resort, gossip, hollywood gossip, late night
Id: LAxsX-2xavM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 19sec (5059 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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