Lemonade, Lemonide | TigerBelly 91

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[Music] gosh check it out check it out though oh thank god for because we have a dog this is crazy it needs a lot of exercise weenie exercises thank God for what wag walk way I walk my walk is in service we use I have the app on my phone and anytime my dog needs a walk I just you have two options either hit the ASAP button or you actually schedule a walk and a dog walker comes to your door and they take your dog out for either 30-minute walk or an hour deluxe walk and you can track them on a GPS and after the walk they send you a report card how your dog did did she wish she aggressively though it was she friends with your photos - yeah they get all that you know you get all that you [ __ ] dimwit what I love it because look we have you know what yeah you know what your eyebrows are very Romulan right now hey sir is it a couple you know pickle of me around a little oh great very Middle Eastern talk about wag walk now this is what bobbi and I use it for we have more animals and houses chaotic so when you want a little peace and quiet for birthday kisses yeah down there so we want to have peace and quiet we order a wag walk and we have an hour just through ourselves for birthday kisses yeah okay yeah and cats don't need it because they're just dumb they walk around the hardest harness so wag is a must-have for every dog owner give wagga try your life gets a little easier and your dog will be happier and healthier from the extra care download wag on iTunes or Google Play search for wag walking sign up for the NIH albums do know they got music oh yeah and you sign up before the end today then sign up before the end of today's show you'll get your first walk free why wait to make your life easier and your dog's life happier download wag and sign up today surreal though it's our food we use it almost every day five four three two one boom bump bump bump it up on put a bump pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom put up on the bumper the phone for the prom for the bump welcome to the park and I'll call you talk you would say quest rapping ride the pony don't be gay hey now yeah welcome to another episode of taiga Billy I'm gonna share some channel that we got my little deputy here kalila Gil and we got on this one right here tumbleweeds because I'm feeling so at home right now number we you know Mia we got right here is a little Berman a real vermin here hi I'm a very got a little bro and I got some good news guys what's that I don't have diabetes oh no I think I have it but no what no uh the good news is that the sitcom that I did the pilot got picked up as a series you know yeah yo-yo I can maybe talk about a little bit a win for Papa is a win for all who went for the team um Oliver Hudson is in it have we talked about this already yeah while he's on he's um in Nashville right that show that you like and he's also Kate Hudson's brother very he's a funny white dude handsome too Jenna Fischer is the coast lady a lady in it the office he's from the office really nice lady very shy about this and then I'm I'm all that it's a family show and I cannot act the way I do you know like you know I can't I even when I'm on the set or whatever I have to think this is coca-cola Harford you cannot say the things you want to say right now so I'm constantly walking around going don't say I know you see a Mexican guy that crap service but don't say what you you're going to say don't throw it oh there we go at him there's a black you know me and T a guy don't do leave it a couple of Asians there or thing Bobby don't do don't do Reverend body this is what I say I go good morning and they go good morning how are you pretty good bye and I go about my day it's constant editing your shirt sucker now yeah and I show up on the set you go and I go you went over her our house I do the lines or whatever and you do it and then you go getting your trailer you shut your [ __ ] mouth and then when they say you're good to go home I get my car and they say [ __ ] gup-c yourself yeah it to myself and because all that pent-up you know things so I don't I'm you know this is a job it's a family show and let's just do it what I have to do it yeah yeah I signed a thing contractually yeah yeah so Thursday night you know because you you go on deadline and variety of what got picked up and it had a first thing it had ABC's picks up that graph show picks up someone else all the shows shows three Connie recombinase and no and then the next article is American Idol is moving over is they're they're renewing that American Idol but they're moving from Fox to ABC put a squeeze on the company passenger so they're not going to pick up as many anime thought they would and they shot 12 11 or 12 comedy pilots and only three or four we're gonna get picked up now because of American Idol right that was the next article we wrote then you realize over at it's over right it's over and you go through your grieving process yeah because it's like they're impossible to [ __ ] get these things to get one is a miracle then to get on one that's going to go on is a doublet said winning two lotteries in a row and the third one staying on oh my god right so you know so Thursday night I went through a grieving process but then you know arm my agent called and said on Late Late Late Thursday night goes it's not over I go why because during the cook is because it's Warner Brothers that made it and they're just some sort of negotiation or whatever so we don't know yet agent 2 the next day I woke up still no news and I had to wait till 7:00 and then we found out it was a tough Friday how did you find out they called me my agent goes so my agent calls and then he goes I had some bad news I go what is it and he goes you know you know the shows good you know creativity creatively it's good but you know sometimes business can and then I can hear my manager in the background laugh and I knew that he was kidding around I almost fired him like I'm there but then but then you know the one thing I wanted to go do with the upfront and I wasn't invited he didn't get to go to the club guy I get through the club and I was talking about you can get to peek your head in once and God won't even let me even by the door you know they said nope we're going to only have Oliver and Jenna no extra and no extras and I'm like alright we'll see Lucy but so that's cool I guess you know right or no corporate it's corporate comedy but what am I gonna do you're a part of something right that's gonna pay your bills like last year you know what I knew when I Jeff Ross did one Jeff Ross did a pilot for I think CBS or ABC and he didn't network pilot yeah I did after all yeah Wow it was a 1 or 2 years ago and when he did it I'm like he's cool you know and I'm like oh even he's doing it I guess everyone wants to kind of get into foot wet you know I know it's not punk rock it's not fun it's not punk rock but you know you give what when you have lemonade you make lemonade lemonade lemonade know when you're making lemon when you would you get what I'm gonna wear you get lemonade you add cyanide when you get know what is it when you get lamb it just let me [ __ ] do it pump pump pump pump pump pump pump pump pump up yeah when you get lemons you make lemonade right Clairol's any lemonade yeah how much did you get an orange lemonade yeah so that's that and then uh yesterday was very a very peculiar day yeah full of ups and downs and I couldn't make sense of the way I felt yeah first because we were still holding our breath hoping that Bobby would get invited to the upfront in New York so we said okay let's go over to Melrose to Paul Smith and buy you a suit right we go over to Mel remind you hey everyone listening I don't have one you know how she never had I know how to do a tie but I don't know how to have fun he doesn't have a thing I never get invited in isn't cool so whatever like a wedding you any warrior with one wedding yet to come to oh yeah I mean I will raw denim pants numbers copper you mean you go to American Apparel get a button-up and you get one of them ties from over at American Carol identify dollars right and you look good but I'm like you know what I'm going to break down and buy a suit so we go to what Paul Paul Smith pink building on Melrose all that right so you have a thousand Japanese dudes in the front taking photos against the wall bloggers boys Asians yeah yeah a bunch of [ __ ] you know it was like the cat Pearl Harbor there if the reunion yeah and I walk in and I go oh they have really nice stuff here and you know I didn't ask how much it is they caught me in buy the pants oh I know a little [ __ ] gene you got a key identity so I go we don't get a jacket so you can think your jacket jacket light to me a jacket 150 journalist I got the top for me that's yelling the high sortie box yeah did you think of material yeah good call off it's not that much right and it looks okay but nothing fancy a shirt so I go to the front and he rings it up a thousand nerves and you know what he says to me because my card can't handle it give me your card yeah yeah oh no I can handle it but thank God but you're my back I was like just use me we might have because you know you know I had IRS problems yeah yeah a guy goes you can't spend a lot so I don't because he said that that he said that seven years ago so I don't really go buy things sure and if I buy things I'll get Comedy Store checks and I'll buy clothes with it but that's they don't know about it yeah the shadow money money now now to the world so then that happened okay only a tie-in and jacket and it was a thousand over $1000 what to do even if you think up pants oh my god mm yeah it's beautiful though I don't know if you say so here's no anymore yeah if you say so yeah but the guy was nice the guy was really nice no we we get out of the store we're like okay you know in our heads we think Bobby's going New York yeah that's what he wants right got the suit they're gonna alter it we'll pick it up on Monday and it will fly straight to New York right guys so we're like you know what yeah yeah high five months yeah we are we we that's how we felt we were on and then we gonna go to her store to get her a dress all right it was the whole thing yeah and so my dress was like 50 bucks yeah and goodwill and so you're like why don't we go eat a Connie and Ted's splurge and haven't expended me food yeah Unni we had a hold raisers you know I had a hell of it and so we're at that was the right to always stir bar that's sitting at their worst of all it's always at the oyster bar there's like if there are Mexicans there or Asians they generally kind of sometimes know me yeah they'll go hey yo man so that's what happened and he goes you run hide yeah here is fine you are you allergic to anything to me I don't know I realize right everybody everything everything right so go take these is their oyster Scott's shop yeah third kid one day no lemon lemon you know oyster in it I give one to her and we kept nice there and as soon as I swallowed it I had this burning sensation in my chest and I go it was like a shot of whiskey it was vodka Oh God he didn't he didn't let us know that they was actually long I thought it was alcoholic oyster shooters and I think they're supposed to tell you because it was calm you know he was a compliment from the chef take these oyster shooters but usually I can tell if it's an alcoholic one I didn't even really taste it but when we asked him of the kid was there oh no no no she does she does know because I guess I haven't drunk okay I've been sober for 15 years oh my god okay so I have been had it in my body but when I feel it you just know it instantly I just thought it was vinegar over the head right and I don't know you know and I got the reason why I knew was alcoholics I want to shoot heroin like that in there yeah oh my and so he turned I oh I turned we looked any guy goes yeah there's alcohol in there and I turned to Bobby and I turned pale like I don't know what to do in those situations I feel like is that a relapse I do we go to an a a meeting right now like I forget I don't know I know what we call your brother look like know anything I panicked I don't I want to always your sobriety it means a lot to me yeah so for you to have taken a shot of vodka in front of me oh my god what's frightening for me yeah because I don't know what's going to go from there I don't know if you're going to feel a buzz and then to ask the guy for 10 more shots and I can't control you so noises shots and lemonade Lee yeah lemonade is okay here's what it is though the reason why I know it's not a realize because it's an accident that's one thing but if I did this if I said if I didn't tell kalila there's alcohol and they looked at him and I go hey dude give me ten more of those right cuz I didn't taste the alcohol didn't taste it and I knew there was alcohol but like I wanted to sneak it in that's a relapse yeah I took it I go okay that's alcohol but then it's like I could feel in my body and it did feel good Wow there is a sense of this there's a sense when you drink alcohol when you haven't had it that warmth this is it just feels so good screaming at him call your sponsor now and all that stuff but I said it was fine yeah because I call your brother later that day because I was still feeling like I'm settled by it yeah I was like hey like just so you know um he accidently took or no Easter shot with alcohol and he was like oh that's not a relapse collide don't worry because I did that I guess Steve accidentally was fed like alcoholic some type of I know there was rum in a food or not drink but something something but it happened to you before yeah look so a couple years ago I was with jo koy and we were pitching a show together and it was a Asian variety show what yeah me jo koy and we're going to have like we pitch it like there's like oil slides and we're we're in like underwear and me and Chris D'Elia and iliza shlesinger or whatever we're sliding down doing games I just you know you play games with the audience yeah and it's two very Japanese you know me oh yeah where you have that thing you try to put the the hanging marshmallow whatever any of other bands in your face yeah that whole thing right and no one bought it but but we had to get together and our producer was a guy named Robert Morton Robert Morton um he produced the Letterman back in the 80s 20 years of it and in fact he was on a lot so he's a cool I mean I just was excited that Robert was doing our show and um he we were at Hugo's which is a restaurant and he had he had seen me do a vape vape pen with you know just tobacco I used to vape a lot and so he goes check out my new vape oh that's cool he's like you want to try it I go yeah yeah and he went to the bathroom so I just picked it up and I did it was marijuana oh [ __ ] Wyatt and then when he came back I started getting too high riah and I looked at it mother dude was a good partner this yeah that's what you use it for like why would you smoke tobacco out of that oh no that is a good point yeah very good boy yeah when I go I kind of call I call my sponsor he goes go home lay down you got a free hi and just it was an activist what about that time you accidentally took the whiskey I don't want it to call him out oh just do not name the person just like this is a [ __ ] up thing this one's [ __ ] up it was really [ __ ] up when I first got sober I was with a lot of people from Mad TV and a lot of their friends and this is actors and people that we know right now we were at a bar and I was three two year sober and one of the actors friends who's an actor good walk said Haley what do you want I'd go get me a diet coke please he knows I'm sober and he ordered a Jack and Coke and he gave it to me and I drank it and obviously you could feel the alcohol and to dis Jack coke and he laughs so [ __ ] up you know man and I was like no you know I don't want to see you want to you know what I mean again the next time I say it hit me in the [ __ ] I know that slap my arm as far as you can all three of you okay and I was livid but that's not [ __ ] funny like I could die you think sorry cuz you're so sensitive what he's like one of those guys right and I was driving down the street the other day and I saw him on a billboard for show and it always reminds me when I see him he's a nice guy yeah by someone to Bilbo I'm like remember I remember that yeah so television you took that shot yesterday after we took that a waster shot and I mean I guess I didn't want to admit to him but I guess I felt a buzz too and he felt the buzz and we were looking at each other because we're John and you're like sweet like this is so it's so weird that I always kind of superstitious and I'm kind of when something good happens I always think something bad is going to happen so I'm always very scared that oh god you know he the show got picked up now he's going to relapse and everything is gonna you know it's all downhill from here and then three minutes after he took the shot he got a phone call from his agent and who said you're not invited to New York so that you see gonna order another shot yeah yeah oh they got weird it got really weird what you just said right now though like when something good happens something Bad's gonna happen I don't feel that way because something that already happened which is I was born with his body but so whenever something good happens I call ready the best thing already happened it's good I wasn't warned with it know that what's talking is my anxiety that's an anxious mind somebody who just can't accept things for what they are there's got to be a price to pay somehow like who do I pay for this good time price is my life you know like getting molested and getting beat by my dad and all the things that happened and the struggles of me crawling this I'm gonna say this and then it's gonna sound [ __ ] arrogant but with good things like this happen I don't think oh I mean there is a part of me that's like unlucky oh cool but it's like it's not as if it happened randomly I was I mean I've been working at it for over 20 years now you deserve that sweetie yeah I feel like there's a part of me that's like you know what you're owed every once a while a cool job you know but I'm grateful don't get me wrong I am but I you know what was a better feeling than getting the show what running at a dead man a week before high that got me a bigger high and I said it reminded you like bumping into Eddie Murphy yeah it was Lacey bumping into Eddie Murphy um so so I got two good highs in last couple weeks Wow me including the vodka with the vodka - that's three good we high for me all three for you guys and I'm not going to get revenge on steve-o because he canceled on us today he didn't can't so it happened he rescheduled to Ariel 26 no we have soap work is so busy let me say something right now I understand I understand he is he there's a scheduling conflict he was a in the books for a month okay I love the guy he's a friend of mine he is a friend but we have to make a president that if you cancel you might not get on for another year man don't do that I'll tell you why because I have Jeff Ross that wants to do it now I've got so many people that want to do it so it's they have to keep the people have to get back in line Paulie every day is texting me Mencia wants to do it all these guys want to do it so feel Vaughn wanted to do I'm somebody it doesn't matter if we have space for Stevo to remind utilize you know we have oh my God we're not that big stuff making it out like we're just old castle on me we're not Marc Maron Oh Katie no don't [ __ ] do it I was excited Steve Bob he's on his way to the Philippines or even to probably work or do good things Manila kind of job I have in the building what he's going to tack himself to a palm tree and era day he's going to put dynamite in a coconut and like I mean run with it what's he gonna do there that could be a real thing I don't know probably go there people love him out there do you know what how big Stevo is in the Philippines jackass the log yeah huge on a dad I bet yeah they love that [ __ ] it's a universal success Stevo is a universal that way that's why he can reschedule and meet I need everyone to I'm sorry I take it back I just I was because I have some stories with him who that was I want I'm going to save them but I'm gonna say that I have some stories with him I know and I was excited about it that's all I get hurt but I can move on okay let's move on to your newest crush so - do we have to talk about it yes Bobby says Tony Thornburg is not his umbrella name Tony Tony if you're listening you're [ __ ] out bro he's number two now did I know you've been in LA a couple of times I mean really since I've announced that I have a crush on you no coffee nothing wow so you're out all right my new guy is you've heard of South Korea he's in the country she has a country dog okay yeah it was Harvey Bobby yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I got sold to dogs like Seoul Korea bro got Salto myself you know anyway do know do own so they have a new president right he's got a bodyguard oh that guy the bodyguard to do it's like he's got a man [ __ ] that means is that a dick but to me my eyes probably psychologically turned into a vagina oh but the balls turned to labia yeah eNOS is the Kinect thing I know I see vagina but then I'm like eating it and then all of a sudden it's a dick in my mouth well sir easy yeah man he's so I fitted together hit me hit me hit me did you I said yeah you want to min okay Youngjae joy that's a game John really yeah and did people take photos of him like half of this face around the corner of a room like people are like they don't give a [ __ ] about the president they're taking photos up there's a bodyguard and he is cute ass but he is kind of Steven uni-y a thicker model and more muscley probably very good with weapons think about a facet oh yeah he's a real-life assassin you know he's got to be really good with with you know martial arts or some type of like yeah but don't even that's distracting it's like if I there's a photo I saw where was him and another bodyguard with the president you know who I feel bad for the other bodyguard like he just said who was a tickle food once more like Maria because he looks like you know flat-faced [ __ ] like me you know but this other one is like I don't think that I know if I was the president I want my guys ugly oh for sure ugly huge I don't want anyone taking a photo of my bodyguard about me how was that would that be right like you see cameras I pointed to your left right and you're like oh my god it's not on me it's on to the nth don't your choice I wait to call on choices last name because in Korea and you say that that's worth a good Choi Jung Jae Choi Jung Jae yeah mix of Choi yeah like mrs. Renata Vega I mean if you're that good-looking how do you even like Jo song we is my favorite well Robbie take it back I take it back doing your urban voice oh yo dawg I take it back what I got so ya got although oh yeah is that racism no way when I do that no that guy we could I do it I do it though when I see my friends what kind of friends like if I see like if I see like Ian Edwards with like a rock yeah that's really awkward oh yeah me and they play along you obviously haven't seen the movie dear white people I know but I'm not white I know but if you get an example can I give you guys an example I know there are sponsors that I really love beachbody.com I do I do this isn't an ad here we're not speaking to a this episode but it's okay so one of the main guys he's the main guy on p90x and he does this hardcore one but just like military people right and it's a great workout but I always put it on mute and I just follow it because every time he sees a black guy he kind of does what you do what's up my brother and it makes me feel so awkward but you know why he's like Tony Horton yeah Tony Horton is your wife is he white white white weird okay and he looks at a guy who's like a light-skinned black guy and he he always draws parallels he's like oh this is a busses basketball players name from the warrior Golden State of course yeah there's a Steph Curry's brother right here and then he'll look at a light-skinned black woman but Michael Jackson what's up all of the workouts I do many ways I put them on mute because I can't it makes me feel weird I don't know what I hear when people are like oblivious to race in that way like when I'm at the spa and I run into Paulie it's so dreadful yeah cuz you got Chinese people and you'll do that good and I'll go do ships Paco because you know the croaks their cleanser you don't [ __ ] with you know they have wads of money there were glasses at night at 3:00 in the morning indoors you know I mean there's their foot not [ __ ] around yeah and so when he does that I have to go to chill because I just left Chinese people's ear it's like don't send the Chinese but like he does that and there's nothing I can do about it because you'll just stop you if I really get mad I'm afraid you know there are consequences mmm you know so I don't say anything without Howard Lee of me know a little bit yeah would it mean I think that you should have more like fiber in your being more moral fiber to stand up for Asians as a whole that's one [ __ ] person but if you say no to knowledge so you're good you're absolutely wrong about that I'll tell you why to ever talk about Missy and what she did with the Thai people know but the rest restaurant I can't even I can't believe I'm telling the story please but I'll just said okay I'll just walk around that Coco so umm hiram 8c said something to me that I was hurt my feelings and I went to my a sponsor at the time and I was 23 24 and I was going to meetings and in San Diego a lot and I walked it to him and I go yes she really said this and really hurt my feelings and he goes what we have to do is you have to write the steps about it right you have to write down why you're resentful do a column and then also approach her and tell you how you feel about it and how that you have a resentment and I go I'm not doing that that's a little accessories like no but you have to because I don't know I don't because that works anywhere else in the world except for her hmm she does she doesn't play by she she's one of those like when I went to the airport once with dice and he smoked inside the airport he literally lit up a cigarette inside the airport and I think you're not supposed to do that either what are you gonna do Ching put it out there discovery right have a good day all right just smoking you know like you don't they just they do what they want you know what you're in that sense you're right I guess if it was a different person if it wasn't Polly you would be like hey dude you can't say that to me but he really is incorrigible he is he cannot be change you can't be changed he is we is and I love him and he started my career yeah so call me Chinese everything right but what I'm saying though is is that if I walk up to Tony rock or whatever whoever it is right I go what's that you know after that just listen all right to me it's not as bad as a white person doing that George can you try it okay what's up Michael Jackson say that yo what's up Michael Jackson were weird it's weird when you try try but here's why I believe because we're on the same list as african-americans on the KKK list now you guys yeah pretty much all right so in their view we're all one thing although we're like ninth on the list yeah it probably goes wood-eating in the in terms of the KKK Jews is number one Jews are number one I think you really freaking America oh yeah oh Jews number one during a lot of lists very shortly sure yeah they're on a little outlets but um Jews African Americans third is probably not you know what a Muslim Middle Eastern I think their second religious yeah yeah I think that David Bell probably number two and then Africa number three before Latinos for sure Xuan and five there's not a lot I work you break up the Asians because I think they're okay with the lighter skinned Asian yeah oh I'm no they don't know the difference between an Indian and someone from the Middle East oh they don't yeah yeah so Indians are fifth and then we're probably six I mean the 38.7 know Filipinos every culinary leg we were basically black we're in we're basically black in Mexican we're a mix between but if there was a race war right now and minority is collectively outnumbered whites now right if you put yeah yeah do you do we do in all of America I think in - yeah in all of America dude in California whites are definitely the minority yeah California are they I mean just overall like they've they're not they don't make up the the majority it's okay if I listen but in a in a race war let's just suppose it's cut down the line fifty-fifty I'm joining a Mexican sir no but what I'm saying I think that white people would still win that war because they have access to weapons that we don't yet the government who's and they in America in America okay you know race war in America missions Albright and and we were just white people just were forced to be in war with minorities we would have crazy people I mean I would feel pretty good with art side we have the Latin gangs like MLK yeah yeah we still get the Bloods and Crips yeah we still got um we still got some good people yeah well I got to whatever they have they have Halliburton they have access they have military probably Rothschild what's Rothschild is the big banks yeah they have a lot of things in my gonna have so I think that would be a really bloody war ya know it's a word I don't want to see we also have a system set up to keep minority sounds so of course we'd lose we're already losing even without the war episode already a war because that's not a dog yo bro so that's down walk Oh God EFE son in urban and Asian dellwo know how old girl always yes but our vision everybody an hour beige invasion wrong wall and Lowell it was we hide a hide in urban area don't be difficult because we would that would not be that would be us from two hundred year war we would go guerrilla warfare guerrilla war for sure no uniforms you don't know where we're coming from well they know who we are by their faces but here's where I find interesting okay because you're saying if there was a race war I really do think we would at least recruit seventy five percent of the white people in America believe it or not no but less in the rule you can't recruit me because it just down the line George is adequately an alien a race for some reason came down and just put it in the minds of all wives like again yeah then you have to kill these minorities right so it's split down the middle there's no recruiting all right brainwash camp because then like we could just they would get the whites would get a bunch of fat white chicks to recruit black people also then yeah so and then we'd be like oh [ __ ] where the con yeah we're dead yeah so um Ryan was bait that's right yeah first you're headed she is like yo NATO where you going yeah man switching sides even each army in each state remains from the San Diego Chargers I like that name they try they try yellow greatness yeah awesome they got a live fat [ __ ] of it you know whatever and he's gone and then we would be able to get sugary drinks and tips steal the Mexicans ya know what's the Asian bait oh pretty dress nobody buggalo it here's fermented stuff yeah fermented no I'll tell you why we don't have a bed yeah because that remember that Japanese soldier who was in the Philippines for forty years he thought that the war was still going on yeah yeah or to store any live forty years he killed a bunch of Filipinos yeah and he refused to let the [ __ ] war died what well I don't know what this you didn't know that the war was over and he had been living I select a hermit in like hazel and I was just doing guerrilla warfare your head yeah by himself and then one day I think somebody convinced him that the war's over forty years later it was a little okay and he went back to bed yeah they let him go after the after is ah well yeah look um uh I don't not sure your stories I think I do okay while you guys are talking everything I need for my point I did not oh yeah well okay by half our country by yourself yeah yeah it was during warfare it's okay so maybe yeah I own I mean there's a good chance it's probably true George I have heard some version of this story but I don't know who that's just for the cameras accurate it sounds like a like Philippine version of an urban myth that like gets passed along because it's such a great story the Japanese down [ __ ] up or whatever what would I Google Google bodies that were Japanese all I put Japanese World War 2 Philippines no just put Japanese soldier cane block uh also he's his middle finger for every why do you use your system type thank you for the a primary fingers or one way uh here we go his name is Huell Huell nada icon jabiru inaudible all right it pro nada or here we go with an imperial japanese army intelligence officer who fought in world war ii and was a Japanese holdout who did not surrender in 1945 after anata spent 29 years no 29 years holding out in the Philippines his former commander traveled from Japan to personally issue orders relieving him from duty in 1974 I they take that long I don't know find him so anyway I wonder how long he's doing but it was a long time sweetie am i right yes you're right you're apologize I can apologize we're sorry you win this time sir yeah I know I did he's a handsome man though I don't know about handsome fun sweetie but did he end up killing people still you kill a couple of Filipinos Oh Mike and it took that long 29 years for Chiba Japan to be like hey let's go find that guy we also had to get up no I had to get the the Admiral his you saw his you know superior kid it had to be above him I wouldn't listen to listen to Laura we're not crazy free [ __ ] yeah so that's why in a race war I don't think Asians would surrender we just keep going I think we would if you fed me this right here which is a mango pineapple hybrid yeah oh that will date me in all day long you would only oh yeah just you you're you're a [ __ ] traitor right no I make a stealthy what would be your weird how dare you if they okay if George had my hunger you I swear you thickens motivate able guy eat yeah we could still eat like what's the true deep thing where it's like oh that's what's gonna trigger me to jump sides oh my god if you saw George walking the white flag and he thought here's the only way they could do what you on a beard okay you to the up Bobby and when I was fraud because minorities would take over la hey I think we would drive the white deer stronghold humming that's wrong for New York - so we're here it's like escape from New York it's barricaded and then the whites turned off the power and it can no longer play video games I see right okay which is connected my Wi-Fi I clean like you know so first the world that I defined clock I gotta play destiny so then I would probably go over you think you take that destiny knowledge on to the real world yeah just be like think about what's the next gun I can get yeah I don't think I can actually shoot a person if you thought George and the opposing line and you know for all that George has done for us would you be able to kill him ah yes yes I wouldn't do it only if he tried to kill me but I would try to talk it out yeah that's some Civil War [ __ ] there yeah I'd be like my job you know what I would do first get my pick up a partner payoff okay how about this how was there I don't mind out I find out so we're in LA I find that the whites have snuck into you know late at the canyon somewhere in the can where's kapenga canyons okay that's our what that's a white strong already yeah okay good night let me hit the stronghold to land right and my general said to me and my brother and Gilbert you guys have to like hunt them down psycho and we see George by the way who's our general a minority or it's a teller window okay that's a good choice I don't have yeah Laurie Lindo yeah Delroy Lindo tells us and then we go and we see George and he he's lost we have machine gun he's scavenging for barrage you know what would happen Steve would hog oh I know it Oh George the and are you some more videos are coming out now and then we have to shut the [ __ ] up see ya can he get back and I'd have to go up to him and go what's up man let's just play it out Hotel huh hey Bobby ageless how are you good I got like three wild blueberries here and I'll or whatever whatever - man wouldn't have even shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] I'm supposed to kill you and I'm going to let you go so I'm gonna turn around I would close my eyes I'm gonna count to 20 that's it yeah and you better be gone there is exactly oh yeah oh I'm running you would you run oh hell yeah but you know what I would say to you before that before Iran hey if the circumstances were different I Love You Man 1 2 3 even be running bangbang over shoots Jordan la that was for Jessica oh yeah that's nothing about that about ready for solitaire yeah it's also 2017 is ever going to happen never although I have been watching guides I don't like being a not being able to switch sides I have been watching The Handmaid's Tale on Hulu and it's making me feel some type of way there's a lot of rape or something wrong it's not really rape as much as okay so like basically climate change overpopulation and a lot of different things have have caused women to be infertile and a lot of men to be infertile as well so what they do is basically they kidnap or they arrest all the known fertile women yeah and they turned them into handmaids to basically have sex and procreate with the higher-ups in government so it's and then they make the women wear these like almost like Puritan like Quaker a little what about if I was a if I was a farmer I was a guy yeah and I was fertile also what do you mean no but you can't why not okay so it gets a little bit more complex once you watch more episodes because there are instances of that but they say this term and the show called under his eye they say that's how they greet each other under his eye because there's always someone watching that eye is always watching oh you cannot have sex with any before pleasure you can't have sex for pleasure like at all yeah you only have sex for procreation what if I just okay I'm a farmer yeah can I ask these questions yeah and I run into it you you're a handmaiden yeah would I know you from their past life or now yes you could I could yeah yeah Columbus call mm-hmm want me on the tree okay and if we get caught by an eye yeah we're dead what would you but they wouldn't kill with your lumber though I might for me why because it was I they're not going to kill me because they need my China and my ovaries and a uterus right but they'll they're going to kill you but they're going to cut off an arm because I don't procreate over the top of it like a jerk up I'll just rip off because it's like step outta line gouge and I and they're like oh we don't what about I anyway show me a titty and I go banditry and a jerk-off yeah you can't do that I can't do that either Oh we'd get killed I was watching you can trick it but but what we could do I doesn't let people jerk-off no but dangerous and what I do is we could in this world Canada's is a safe place Oh across the burger court another dude we made love last week we don't we we didn't kiss anywhere don't kiss anymore we just [ __ ] like rabbits is that normal we don't we do you haven't look at me I hate you oh yeah I know that you and you turn away you look away from him that's so chill do this like she'll tuck her like your neck fat neck and then like she'll look away from me like no because I'm much taller so if I'm on top he's okay if I'm on top straddling I had in here he's so short so if I'm like on top but kind of falling all right I have to do just so this right here make me late this is her head so this is my hand at the back of her head yeah and I'm like this you guys have to work out yeah I'm working out i'm 5-8 right I might have a long story about you I have a question do you guys still make out like spontaneously no never acts in the lips on there we kiss a lot but we just don't um no more [ __ ] it ok how important is making out because now I feel like maybe I'm missing out on what did you guys shot our dating shot off make out right where's that I'm making out often did you make me out well in a [ __ ] car I can't remember the last time we made out during sex all right without sex we don't make out all right Gilda was your love life life I want to talk about that sup friend we make out that's it you make out they make out a lot thing no no my mom say no no you really want okay with you having spell or kissing we're just friends that are getting to know each other Lisa would read great right now my brother and his girlfriend and their dog who's not house friend is driving to my parents house in Phoenix right now and it is I wish I was there yeah why because this dog has never [ __ ] outside oh yes why why parents the parents houses cars efficient is carpeted and it's a commute well like your mama is clean when you can't walk in with if you're not wearing socks yeah I have to wear socks and you go in which is German like that is like literally you just can't talk and he can't move really moved I can't really talk well but he'll still tell you to put your socks on yeah Wow tell me there's dog yeah Oh kissing I cannot wait such a cute dog and they've never met Aulani they're gonna love her they love her but I still was there with the dog oh my god is your mom went to get angry right away or like pull him aside no she'll I mean for three days she'll under it we have to enjoy it because if he doesn't my brother will die alone no yeah and I don't one of the dialogue no they're gonna have a great time there everything will be okay they have a yard the dog and poo and pee there no no that dog you'll take it for a walk it will run around and then it'll wait till it comes back inside to Vegas I know that we know we're happy and also it was the peel with the other let she was he was here what was a P like because he still has involved so I think he liked Piazza know what you P all I see is different yeah the territory P is a little stickier and like Marcia's like uh but I still a puppy it's only eight months old it'll be fine everything will be fine Bobby it'll be great okay so early earlier you mentioned escape from New York when you were talking about the race Wars yeah on our car ride home from lucky boy the other day we were talking about which movies we would want to remake from we would want to see be remade from the 80s because they're doing that a lot now right they're going to do with Akira they're going to do with just a bunch of things what would be your top three movies you would want to see remade the Warriors warriors for sure escape from New York who would you want to direct the Warriors first the warrior should be done by Jordan Peele maybe Jordan Jordan be great do it yeah Jordan could do it because he has the imagination for it uh I mean everything that I would want would be directed by Christopher Nolan that's true that you you see that new war movie we're moving on workout ready oh is that what it does I don't hurt I want to be the trailer oh my god oh my my heart pounds when you hear the what you saying you see anything from this guy Christopher Nolan you know you know it's like [ __ ] he every frame is a painting this [ __ ] right here dog that's why - because of North Asia yo do all day every day do that's my least favorite word of all what do why I hate it when people say it yeah at that herb Asian they've can't do it on the road done on the TV store middle do you know since he's gone this pilot he refuses to even so much as like get me orange juice he's like I'm a TV star now go get your own game yeah dono talk to me like that yeah in fact from now on don't lock eyes with me we're having sex you're not doing okay so what other movies Warriors that that all Highlander Highlander do you remember there can only be one I'm Sean Connery yah Connery and the are mr. lambreaux are we making it they are they're ready hello who they casted someone already know who is directing it I'll tell you right now oh that's gonna be great Highlanders what do you think about I think they should do Goonies 2017 but now girls older Goonies yes they're all older and making a comedy and don't cast the old people maybe put Brolin's to win it you couldn't put Corey Feldman is he in Goonies I think so the Corey Feldman teips he shouldn't be in this one okay so who's casting the remake of Highlander Island there is a chat so Liske he's the guy that had John with to the guys oh yeah yeah they gave it to him I love that new Blade Runner though all right doll that looks really ugly I want to look at the Goonies cast The Goonies yeah because I want to do cool Goonies but Goonies mm oh yeah course element isn't it Sean Austin still in it you could call the cast him have a drop from Josh Brolin yeah he's relevant right chunk we'd have to look at our skinniest we have to get some power no yeah let's do data Eric Stonestreet as chunk right data I would want but they're always they wouldn't give it to me I think they would give it to candy ken Jeong uh Martha Plimpton can still play her um great sloth they could put um what do you say nothing see what I'm doing yeah I'm editing I'm doing good things well we don't work a lot about race Wars and so I don't know what our what your third movie I said do me didn't list that you Disher the other ones that you gave me we said Logan's Run yeah but I don't know much about and it came from New York I said that already Soylent Green yeah but the Soylent Green is you know what the the you know what the twist of that is no I have never seen it so don't kill it from well no because it C is it's a famous long line that people say Soylent Green is people is the log line basically what it is I've never heard inside this [ __ ] universe no I've only heard of it because of the the drink but they have now yeah well I but in the movie they fed this food called Soylent Green and what they realize it's reprocessed humans and I said that's the switch at the end I think Charlton Heston's in it and he screams up so the greatest people oh the a punch yeah do you see that yes this woman who's trying to like sue I think is invited Coco because I guess she drank into she drank a little bit of a vitae Coco and it seemed like sick and mushy so she and she felt like she was a fighter Coco Coco now wide open over bar rihanna is the funny make sure it's better cause i don't want to like [ __ ] on a product anyways i'm pretty sure it was vitae cocoa so she wasn't a [ __ ] and she like vomited because it was disgusting Assoc like opened up the box of the vitamins oh and inside it it looked like a [ __ ] like bed squid can I just show you the picture please so funny that's yeah but the thing is is that like Fig Newtons it's guaranteed why there's 30% of its cockroach really not really percent but yeah that's a yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let me know coming to bed like they actually like harvest cockroach no way I'm going to look it up big Newton Ryan cool roaches Newton yeah yep Newton cockroach X have a lot of proteins to safest thing be that care get your egg Newtons with the promo code really okay Emmett we see coconut water squid I'm gonna look up something cheesecake penis skin in case this is um bugs right hairs and here you go learn the pig's fig paste is allowed to have up to 13 insect heads per 100 grams we allow what do you want Y in the ingredient but they're allowed to have it was difficult right whatever I put in it a little one is then they'll pass yeah 1914 cockroach heads only 30 yeah yeah 14 you got to put it on the ingredient yeah babe look at what that lady found inside her vitae Coco the only missing ball where they found all that inner vertical finish oh really good what the [ __ ] wait can you sue no I'm swear to God sort of camera that oh my god you can sue you have to write yeah pretty funny and you know vitae Coco's response is like oh that's just random spoilage gosh Oh a giant squid and a [ __ ] yeah kidding me it's crazy oh but I'm really sad about it because these things are made in the Philippines and another mommy gonna [ __ ] on the Rope yes that's why I'm not so fire that's normal but I mean that if you look up Philippines that should be the symbol also the mascot just put eyes on a little mouth also fig newtons are also manufactured in soap but this is one of my biggest pet peeves with people traveling people would travel but don't eat the street food because they like yeah that's not a genic okay or like people who like sea food prep and people aren't using gloves and they're like I can't eat that because he uses their hands like [ __ ] shut up like my dad I can't do that type of like a it's snobby little I only eat really clean [ __ ] like that's why when I was in India there's like this thing called Bonnie booty which is like little little like pastries that are hard with like water and like delicious stuffing item so I went to Juhu beach to have them since I didn't know about any other place I was sick for a month afterwards like you need it again well they like four months later I uh I was like I'm leaving for the US I'm kind of better at I'm getting me pani poni today before I get the night before I leave got home again sick for a full month of diary and completely deserved I'm so happy that you laugh finally my mom made me go to a doctor like yeah you need to go on some strong antibiotics for what everyone see that get something different was going to happen as a result now you just try to [ __ ] live your life no noise what's that old saying alright what a sanity is only the same thing over and over expecting different results well I was more gone Nietzsche you know whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger and it does not it just tears out your inside yeah over well if it's not always so because god I grew up in the Philippines and I generally think that my stomach is used to be a little stronger when I was living there when I came over here I started eating all this like super clean [ __ ] I guess so when I go back home I always get sick but all my family members back home they're all their stomachs are made of steel nothing gets them sick like nothing you know I eat even a little I accidentally swallow water from brushing my teeth over there [ __ ] it like I have diarrhea for two weeks but also I welcome diarrhea well since we talked about my brother with AH Lonnie going to my parents house the whole time since then I've been thinking about my parents and I've been kind of out of it Oh what their death I don't want them to die I'm not going to die I know but still like as soon as we started talking about it I tuned out and I haven't been adding anything I'm sorry I just got sad enough think about my grandparents yeah well why did we go there I went I'm just because I had to had nose come on get back to squid in coconut water it's too late it's too late now squid Vidak oh [ __ ] I can't do it Mina yeah what are you doing real my parents are old I know I just saw them yeah oh you get you just getting these little things in your head I can't shake it unhelpful advice was Bobby and Kyle they love each other they make how to make eye contact in this book my problem is that I feel like my girlfriend has given up on me trying to stay fit we are 21 years old and she is not fat but she is definitely chubby and has over the past few years been getting chubbier I try to stay in shape and work out regularly and when I invited her to come exercise she what she chooses not to I thought that our parents is only going downhill where's me because I'm in it for the long haul I've been making her when she eats unhealthy and occasionally take her on hikes but is there anything effective I can say or do to get her to change her habits I really love her and would hate to weaken our relationship if I lose attraction to her thank you guys Chris oh if you really love her dude like get off her back about it it's just let her do what she wants with her body it's like it's like saying they would Bobby if I want him to get healthy it's because I want him to be healthy not I don't if he could keep this big belly of his and not be diabetic and live a very long life I'd be like yeah keep the belly I don't care what you look like can you do that medically I mean I think there are some sicker people who are perfectly healthy but if you're saying you know you want her to change the way she looks I think you need to look into yourself more than look into her flaws like you have the growing up to do because it's inevitably people are never going to stay the same you're going to get older and when you look at like old couples you think I mean there's no way to look at like your wife who's like 80 and go yeah no but you go I love this woman she was she's been there was a long time and there's something deeper if she's your person dude it doesn't matter what shape she comes in she's your person and you might be imposing all this like health and exercise stuff that you're doing reading yeah created internet porn I mean give it your golf it's it's the same way like if I told him you know I'd leave him because he's gained you know ten pounds or 20 pounds getting chubbier and chubby Randall is everything wrong but if he got 600 pounds I'd be like brothers a problem like a TV show yeah I mean I I'm wiping your ass every day you can barely get out of bed that's the problem but if she's happy with yourself like how dare you tell her how to be if he likes the way she looks if she's all you can be there is if she's ready to be like babe I want to be healthy and I want to actually lose weight then you could be like yeah let's go a gym together but don't impose that [ __ ] on her if she's happy with herself you should be happy with who she is check yourself bro whoa no dude well I mean he's being honest it's an honest thing I asked myself the same question would I be with somebody who I started off like Brad Pitt and all of a sudden he's gained 80 pounds and I'm like [ __ ] like yeah it probably I would probably be less attracted to them sexually but if you think about it in a long haul he says he's in it for the long haul like you really stopped looking at your partner section so here's anyways it's just wait out the three years sorry babe I just don't look at you during sex anymore okay why he was a ghost yeah give your opinion to this guy he needs it Bobby I just think that it's I just said it is inevitably that she's not gonna stay sexy forever neither are you neither you do it or you do so you know yeah it she better be someone that you can talk to that you can [ __ ] just enjoy your silent moments whether you like I like my fatty over here hello we were watching a movie last night what's not to love you watch a movie and cuddle and it's nice to be there you know with the with your partner mm-hmm and that's good there's really no way to tell her either just sounds arrogant when you tell a 21 year old girl hey like how was you he's 21 I think all the [ __ ] probably around the same age that's uncalled for well you got to look good for them one look before 25 look good no I thought you were talking about there in the 40s no children no happy with her no no I don't know the faster no she you gotta get our leave leave her exactly yeah I would rather go listen you're 21 okay you should have been looking like that and there are other 21 year olds that I could be having so you better [ __ ] get on the [ __ ] pot or [ __ ] or something how dare you how dare are you know what he should do is if he knows he's losing attraction just to spare her just be like okay do it like I'm obviously going through a very superficial time in my life not superficial only watch you should look 21 yeah but what does 21 look like I'll show you a Google it what it was a lot you were the [ __ ] stutter 21 I know but that's why I do extra [ __ ] I've already been telling that all tough the whole time the whole time man I was born you know I didn't win a genetic lottery alright so maybe this girl didn't but what's it to her if she's what are you evaluating or in the first place if you were never yeah if it's a problem with you do it L is for the way you look everything's fine oh you know I'm just kidding well let you lover if it's not how close when it was energy to love we all know the answer it's just love guys it's love girl I mean for me my relationships would like my Christine right it wasn't the right fit and I think that's the key right it's a christina was young cute yeah she's cute whatever but I just with her when I just I feel things when I look at kalila still today sometimes it's not positive things your vitriol no it's like she just don't you know maybe like I feel these days you know and I go what you know but those things are healthy I believe they're not feeling the murderer they're doing is that what she just tries to jump done you know like that whole thing you know but it's like you need to feel like when I was she was what we went to the dog park today and she was walking in front of me and I was looking at I loved her legs and the way her legs look you know with the dog go legged I know but I like it it's like this visual sense of like ah you know you gotta have little moments like that where we had time now our 10 many shows yes Bobby will be but the hilarities Cleveland June 1st to the 3rd in Seattle June 8th through the 10th and in North Carolina June 22 the 21st go to Bobby Lee live.com I've just uploaded all I know I'm not I'm gonna have to cancel a lot of days not in June though I know but the dates I do have you got a call yeah because I might not do it for a while right okay yep yep yep but we'll always do this podcast yep always always okay well you bring breakup muscle do it thank God I think that you won't be on it though I would probably be okay if I would even though we can't look like that we can think about why would you say that what I thought would you see though you're talking about spreading your cheeks and I had memories of my ex all of a sudden I thought it was it you know right yeah yeah yeah makes it quiet then you can smell it quicker and know if it's bad or not yeah what it comes down to I like smelling my own farts I have to agree I think I like my own you know Brando yeah you're it's intriguing century if you're clipped your toenails and nails and smelled them yeah are you know so ah [ __ ] nothing kidding Oh time sometimes okay let's do this thing a announcements George no I don't have any like housekeeping today not oh no let's talk about the reminisce you guys do that without gonna pay you wanna okay come back for you wanna go keep on I really do have to go the bathroom I've been holding it for 40 minutes okay we'll leave you wanna until Bobby gets back I'm in a minute with kalila because Bobby's not coming back kalila let's start with the main event really quick UFC 211 in Dallas very big card steep [ __ ] chicken Junior dos Santos you picked correctly yes thank God steep a man nother level I switch it to JD s like right before the fight was like he looked good but that chin that's not to discount JD ssibility he's amazing and he's actually relatively young he's 33 I just don't think he has a chin anymore when was the first fight that got him that was I remember he was undefeated for a while yeah he can't only became he's been what do you lose - he came out a few times now I don't remember who he lost - Wow yeah I remember but uh yes deep a so I think steep a um I think Frankie Frankie Juan I did want yeah your daughter I just like the kid I think that he has like a good he would make for like a great he'll be al is a 24 24 yeah he's a long way to build or yeah who else did I pick oh by the way Demian Maia and uh or amaz Badal that was a Damon my again you better get that title shot yeah they're standing it but that wasn't the most exciting fight of the night but I appreciate Damon my I'm glad I chose him for the first time he actually came through who else I pay all the Henry sudo fight was called off quote-unquote injury right was that proven I have no idea I I really like watching Henry cejudo fight but I kind of like there's something about him that kind of puts me off or the fact that he like mrs. Wade there's something just something about him this personality is a bit much I know it's really an but it seems fake I'm like watching him an Ultimate Fighter what Benavidez it's like I didn't even watch that season look at Benavides you're like okay real person you look at Henry's like are you doing this for the cameras the way talks is very you can't fault him for that he's in a little yeah he did his show he did everyone puts off a different a persona a version of themselves and they're on TV and I totally get that and I respect that because I think party obby night kind of sort of do it a little bit sometimes sure everyone does yeah but there's something that puts me off about a lot of guys that like Miss Wade constantly like what's his name like do Bronx oh yeah Charlie Charles Oliveira yeah or like I really really like him but um Kevin Gosselin yeah he's not want to only I forget him I don't know why you going to meet and you're gonna hit a so talented like I do like him a lot of Jo he beats up guys bigger than him yeah but I also think is an element of Lake Michigan doing us or Johnny Hendrix same thing I see I hate him for that yeah and then same thing with Chris Eyeborg yeah but also we're sitting on the [ __ ] couch doing nothing while these guys go through you can we cut waiting every week renal earlier yeah I mean look in its Johnny Hendrix went to the [ __ ] hospital for like damn near renal failure so I mean I'm talking like I've never done the sport I've never thrown a kick in my life so props tell me if they don't make way Shawn to you guys nobody's what other fights uh yeah and your co-main event you wanna oh yeah JJ Clark Jude and Raj is a tough [ __ ] she just kept coming forward all five rounds and even throughout the very end she was she was swinging wildly but she was still coming forward that's the cool thing she kept going but after it's very strict interesting to me like first and second round is always when yo you can see yo wanna you know there were moments where you're like all what she it could go either way right because Jeff kind Raj is really a strong girl but after a while past like after the third round show we slipped on a clinic after that it's like she becomes a sniper all her shots land I mean like significant strikes it was like three hundred versus like forty that's crazy yeah shows the record right now and she's so fast you just don't even see it coming so she fights what who rose not my units next probably I just want to say I'm happy that she's one of those people that decided to move to different camp she's like look I'm champion but like I can still get better yeah but it's not even a it's not even sitting on her previous team or whatever it's kind of like look my fighters evolved fighters have like different needs you know and she changed management think she's a champion you know you smart which is but then you can you guys have guys like steep a who will not never leave the Conor will never leave yeah which works you know different things work for different people but I'm really interested to see rose fight you wanna next I think Rose is really creative and fun to watch and she's very slick and sneaky I understand that but it's so different like yeah she's gonna die I I'm with you wanna I'm with you I think that Rose will be attending when is submission I'm sorry you're not standing with her Roseville will be a champion someday I just don't think it'll be the first time she she meets the Alana from which other fight was there I think those are it Dre oh my god Eddie Alvarez fight ah yeah such a good fight - who do Dustin poi a was really good I might as you're finding your chance to get a name under your record because you guys are in Freddy I was rooting for Dustin because like he every time you fight the top ranked to point he always loses he wanted Connor he lost to Holloway I think he lost to Korean Zombie yeah just never get that one name fight yeah I thought this was it he was winning two rounds three or two to two hours how long have you been at um lightweight now I'll be three fights not been three or four fights wait he's in 155 right he used to be 144 all those other fights for 145 yeah ha I was 145 yeah oh that's right the 30 could be fought Connor yeah yeah so he appealed it but I don't maybe every match I guess yeah we can see it I mean he was going to be Eddie honestly but dude Eddie was really hanging on there he's Rocky alright uh god I love that though I thought the decision I don't know anything about being a referee either so I'm not going to [ __ ] on on Herb Dean but that was a little bit confusing so you're saying that they were saying that it would have been legal but Dallas didn't accept it hasn't adopted the new rules yet all I know is from obviously it's very different New York the two row the two rules are different all I know what herb was saying was he did not think there were three knees the first two I think Joe in Cormier saying that the first one was legal yes illegal illegal okay that's what they were saying on the broadcast yeah I think they got it wrong I I agreed with them oh that's illegal his hands on the ground but herb was saying he tells all the fighters the same thing every time for him when he's watching it by for a down hand yeah there has to be weight on it you have to you fall and you support yourself that's like okay down right yeah but if you're just putting your fingertips there he calls that playing the game yeah I'm not gonna allow me okay I playing the games yeah first two in herbes mind those are okay that's what I told the fighter they know that but as soon as that knee dropped yeah then the third one that knocked Dustin down or knocked him out basically that was illegal and that's when they stopped it yeah I guess a no contest was fair it just gave my little bit muddled they don't know because he also said Eddie's knee was unintentional because he that's a-that's on discretion of the referee had it was intentional it would be in a DQ we ruled it as that's right an intent yeah which is sucks I know people can pretend when they're losing to me someone yeah opponent and then you get a no contest set of a loss that's a mildly problem that's like how do you yeah that's a little too muddy for me I think there needs to be very very and if they're going to have fights in these cities these cities need to adopt universal rule have to see me like marijuana laws man like each states got to have the same [ __ ] rules because it confuses me it can it just it's controversial and it sucks because I really wanted to see all three of those rounds I wanted to see Eddie Alvarez make it like barely survived that round and hopefully you know caught my moment yeah it's great oh god what a shitty end to a great fight but yeah we wouldn't have done that would have made weight and we would have gone all three rounds we're fighters hey god I can't even make weight now if you paid me I can't keep away from just life as you get gaining it yeah making gains signal beacon Gaines y'all awesome not vegan George anything if you want your free walk don't forget to go to way download the way gap and sign up today for your first walk free because if you have a dog you need it alright make sure you follow us on Instagram at Tiger belly on the Twitter's as that Tiger belly and also email us any questions and the Tiger belly at gmail.com you can follow yeah you can follow kalila on social media at calamity k that's your kha L AM ity K boom and Georgia I you just got to try to find me who cares I playing that gave that online game no more just followed by your belly in reality George Maney social media star and help them out and check out the YouTube and everything else EB we D be always wanted to become a star George you sure look like one I don't need it it's the thing I don't have a big enough drive toward you look at me right now we'd rather be produced for a superstar famous superstar I always do the producing work as the thing so as far as a different story that we heard off mic huh she's been taking acting classes every week we're sorry Mike I don't know Mike know what you tell us when the mics aren't on oh no there's a their skills to a game yeah but as far as like what do I do if I wake up in the morning there's two things to do I'm going to do the producing things ever sir he does and then I'll write my standup maybe three days later your [ __ ] rock star at delegating though let me tell you the amount of emails I received from you is really impressive very impressive slowed down lately oh my god I was like Where's George because I have not received the same barrage of emails and I felt really like I kind of missed you oh okay that's now you're gonna get please no we're doing good we're doing good things are uh things are fairly are maybe okay did you think dating someone new is he knows how his computer anymore that was you right away you go to that yeah because I'm always like oh he probably spent the night over there and it is new girls please I think you should probably jerk him off when it is ah you know the a discord the usual usual big huge guys that's our show thanks for listening [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 178,411
Rating: 4.8179798 out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, khalyla, gilbert galon, podcast, khalyla kuhn, tgrbly, mma minute, ufc 210, race war, storytelling, korean bodyguard, urban bobby, 80s movie remakes, Birthday kisses, Wag, Wag walking
Id: W8p0IPKSh4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 3sec (4743 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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